[vtk-developers] Preventing conflicts in the new workflow

Aashish Chaudhary aashish.chaudhary at kitware.com
Thu Oct 14 21:50:57 EDT 2010

On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 9:34 PM, David Doria <daviddoria at gmail.com> wrote:

> A situation came up on the users list today which sparked a
> hypothetical question. There was a small issue with a function that
> two people agreed should be fixed. I have a topic branch that happens
> to deal with that function, so I was planning on adding the fix to the
> existing topic. If I hadn't mentioned that I was doing that, person B
> may have made their own topic branch just for this fix and merged it
> with master. Then when I go to merge my topic when it is finished,
> there would likely be a conflict.
> Sure, this will happen when you merge to master via stage.  I guess this
case is hard to avoid unless you announce to the mailing list that you are
going to deal with the issue.

But once you get the conflict its not too bad to resolve it. I guess you are
going to  do something like this:

git checkout master
git pull origin master
git merge your_branch
---- resolve conflicts here .
create a new branch your_branch_resolved_conflicts
stage this new branch
merge this new branch

With the old "push directly to master" system, you would pull the
> latest version (the cvs mindset), then make changes to that. So, as
> long as person A and person B don't do this at physically the same
> time there won't be a problem. With the new system, person B would
> have to know about the branch that person A is working on in order to
> check if the fix has already been applied there. Once there are more
> than a handful of topic branches, keeping track of who is working on
> what will be tricky.
> Sorry if this is unclear, but is there a solution to this? Or is it
> even actually a problem?
> communicating is the best thing to avoid something like this.

> Thanks,
> David
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| Aashish Chaudhary
| R&D Engineer
| Kitware Inc.
| www.kitware.com
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