[vtk-developers] Problem with vtkAppendPolyData
kenji.fujii at noe.co.jp
Wed Jan 12 21:30:47 EST 2011
I'll send python code and binary data to the vtk-users list.
Please wait.
I don't know similar problem had appeared recently.
Sorry for my repetition of question.
> David,
> Thanks for your reply.
> I corrected the code according to the content of the link.
> The code is as follows.
> #------------------------------------------------------------
> append = vtk.vtkAppendPolyData()
> append.AddInputConnection(polyData1.GetProducerPort())
> append.AddInputConnection(polyData2.GetProducerPort())
> append.AddInputConnection(polyData3.GetProducerPort())
> append.Update()
> cleanFilter = vtk.vtkCleanPolyData()
> cleanFilter.SetInputConnection(append.GetOutputPort())
> cleanFilter.Update()
> print cleanFilter.GetOutput().GetNumberOfPoints()
> #------------------------------------------------------------
> But it did'nt work...The number of points that AppendPolyData has is still
> zero.
> For your information, I confirm that 3 PolyData could have points and
> scalars accurately as well.
> For example,
> polyData1.GetNumberOfPoints() = non zero positive value.
Could you send us some compilable code that demonstrates your problem?
And if you are trying to combine three vtp files, please also include
the files (if they are large, upload them somewhere and send a link).
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class internals). This question is better suited to the vtk-users
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