[vtkusers] GLX errors

Ashok Kumar ashok at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Fri Apr 4 12:45:19 EST 2003

Hi everyone!,

I am new to vtk.  I have compiled VTK-4.2.1 without the MangledMesa 
option for Linux Redhat 7.3.  Whenever I run a rendering program 
including the Tutorial programs distributed with vtk I keep on getting 
the following error:

vtk Cone.tcl
X Error of failed request: GLXBadRenderRequest
 Major opcode of failed request: 129 (GLX)
 Minor opcode of failed request : 1 (X_GLXRender)
 Serial number of failed request: 77
 Current serial number in output stream: 78

I wrote a simple image reader and renderer which reads a 3d image and 
displays one of its slices.  This works 50% of the time and then again I 
get the same "GLX" errors.

I would really appreciate it if someone could help mw figure out the 
source of the errors.



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