[vtkusers] Combination Volume plot

mark.ostroot at lickenbrocktech.com mark.ostroot at lickenbrocktech.com
Thu Apr 12 10:05:57 EDT 2018

Hi Sankhesh,
Thanks for your help, I think the vtkMultiVolume is exactly what I need. I'm trying to overlay my volumes on top of each other so I think that first option will not work. 
--------- Original Message --------- Subject: Re: [vtkusers] Combination Volume plot
From: "Sankhesh Jhaveri" <sankhesh.jhaveri at kitware.com>
Date: 4/11/18 11:55 am
To: mark.ostroot at lickenbrocktech.com
Cc: vtkusers at vtk.org

   Hi Mark,
 A couple of ways come to mind -
  You could create a single vtkImageData with multiple scalar components in the array and set vtkVolumeProperty::SetIndependentComponents(true). When passing the color and opacity functions, you'd have to specify the component the respective function belongs to. I am not positive, but I believe some areas of the code might be restricting this 4 components. Note that this method would work as long as the volumes are not overlapping in physical space. We recently added support for a multiple overlapping volumes in the GPU volume mapper via vtkMultiVolume. See TestGPURayCastMultiVolumeOverlapping for an example. 

 Hope this helps.

  On Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 2:38 PM <mark.ostroot at lickenbrocktech.com> wrote:
I am currently working on an application to take 1 Volume and apply different color maps to different opacity functions in a combined view. Essentially I am taking my data and applying different opacity functions to it in order to bring our different materials within the volume. Ideally I want to create a combination volume with each of these other volumes with different color maps applied to each sub volume in the combination volume. I'm uncertain of how to create a combination volume with a bunch of different color maps inside of it, though I have the different opacity functions and individual color maps working. I'm using VTK 8.0 and QT 5.10.
I appreciate any Ideas or guidance anyone has.
Thank you for your time,
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