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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0010433ParaViewFeaturepublic2010-03-17 20:582016-08-12 09:58
ReporterAlan Scott 
Assigned ToKitware Robot 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target Version5.1Fixed in Version 
Summary0010433: Generate cell volume filter
DescriptionUsers have requested the ability to get at the volume of cells. One of the primary uses of this is to calculate density - density = mass (an input var) / cell volume. This needs to work correctly for strange size cells, such as cells around a cylinder.

Please create a filter that generates and returns cell volume.
TagsNo tags attached.
Topic Name
Typeincorrect functionality
Attached Filespng file icon DerivedQuantitiesPanel.png [^] (61,549 bytes) 2011-03-01 11:25

child of 0011586closedKitware Robot integralVolume filter 

Alan Scott (manager)
2010-12-08 15:49

Ask me for volume formulas if desired. We have a group that works on these formulas.
Alan Scott (manager)
2011-02-07 12:42

From an e-mail from Berk: (This sounds like a very good way to go.)

What about this:

We add a filter calculate "Calculate Derived Quantities". This can be a replacement for calculator in the long term. On the GUI of this filter, there is a drop-down menu with all of the functions it supports. So if you want to calculate the volume, you do
- apply "Calculate Derived Quantities"
- choose volume from the drop-down menu
   * this would add "volume()" in the entry box
- apply

The only reason I am trying to steer us this way is that it would make everyone's life easier to be able to calculate derived quantities in the same filter. So if you need density, you can:

- apply "Calculate Derived Quantities"
- choose volume from the drop-down menu
   * this would add "volume()" in the entry box
- edit the entry box to say mass / volume() (assuming that there is an array called mass)
- apply

We can also do a drop-down that has all the array names if needed.

If we had a separate filter for volume, to calculate mass, you'd have to create an additional calculator filter. I am trying to minimize the number of filters people have to create to do something very common.

What do you think?
Alan Scott (manager)
2011-02-07 12:44

Changing to high priority, since this functionality that is really needed.
Utkarsh Ayachit (administrator)
2011-03-01 11:26

Added a panel mockup. If that looks good, we can go ahead with this one.
Alan Scott (manager)
2011-05-06 22:00

panel looks ok. I would rather have specific variable names, but this should be used rarely enough that this is OK.
Alan Scott (manager)
2015-01-15 11:13
edited on: 2015-01-15 11:59

Lets implement this functionality in the normal GUI calculator. Although this can be done in the Python Calculator, the commands are not trivial or intuitive, and many users don't know Python or use the Python Calculator.

This can be done in the Python Calculator, as follows:

Python Calculator.
Array Association: Cell Data
Expression: volume(inputs[0])
Array Name: Cell Volume

Utkarsh Ayachit (administrator)
2015-07-01 08:42


I am not sure how this could be implemented in the normal GUI calculator. How does the user identify which array is the "mass" array. Or do you want to add "cell-volume" as a available operations?

Another options, we simply add a new filter named "Cell Volume" that computes cell volume. Then one can apply the calculator to pick the mass and volume arrays to perform the operation? Internally, the "Cell Volume" filter can use Python Calculator.
Utkarsh Ayachit (administrator)
2015-07-01 08:44
edited on: 2015-07-01 08:44

Moved to customer review to get feedback. Alan, move back to backlog/todo with your comments please. Thanks!

Alan Scott (manager)
2015-09-02 21:23

I changed my mind. Lets do this as presented by Utkarsh. Basically, do it as easily as possible, lets get users using it. If they then want to copy this functionality to an easier tool, we will deal with it then.
Alan Scott (manager)
2015-09-02 21:23

Moving to 4.5.. 4.4 is already out of the barn, and I don't want it messed up.
Alan Scott (manager)
2015-10-16 15:05

With help from Cory and Utkarsh, here are my notes on python ways to get volume:

Python Calculator:

Expression: volume(inputs[0])
Array Association: Cell Data
Result: cellVolume

Programmable filter:

Output Data Set Type: Same as Input (default)

In the Script entry block, type in the following:

from vtk.numpy_interface import algorithms as algs

volume = algs.volume(inputs[0])
output.CellData.append(cellVolume, volume)
David C. Lonie (developer)
2016-03-03 11:16

Removed my assignment, as this is not an issue I'm currently funded to work on.
Kitware Robot (administrator)
2016-08-12 09:58

Resolving issue as `moved`.

This issue tracker is no longer used. Further discussion of this issue may take place in the current ParaView Issues page linked in the banner at the top of this page.

 Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-03-17 20:58 Alan Scott New Issue
2010-09-01 11:31 Utkarsh Ayachit Target Version 4.0 => 3.10.shortlist
2010-12-08 15:49 Alan Scott Note Added: 0023818
2010-12-08 15:54 Alan Scott Relationship added child of 0011586
2011-02-07 12:42 Alan Scott Note Added: 0025315
2011-02-07 12:44 Alan Scott Note Added: 0025316
2011-02-07 12:44 Alan Scott Priority normal => high
2011-03-01 11:25 Utkarsh Ayachit Target Version 3.10.shortlist => 3.10.1
2011-03-01 11:25 Utkarsh Ayachit File Added: DerivedQuantitiesPanel.png
2011-03-01 11:26 Utkarsh Ayachit Note Added: 0025613
2011-03-31 11:24 Utkarsh Ayachit Target Version 3.10.1 => 3.12
2011-05-06 22:00 Alan Scott Note Added: 0026455
2011-06-16 13:10 Zack Galbreath Category Feature Request => Feature
2011-09-01 10:56 Utkarsh Ayachit Project => Sandia
2011-09-02 12:31 Utkarsh Ayachit Assigned To => Sankhesh Jhaveri
2011-09-02 12:35 Utkarsh Ayachit Status backlog => todo
2012-05-31 10:23 Utkarsh Ayachit Status todo => backlog
2015-01-15 11:13 Alan Scott Note Added: 0034084
2015-01-15 11:59 Alan Scott Note Edited: 0034084
2015-01-15 12:00 Alan Scott Type => incorrect functionality
2015-01-15 12:00 Alan Scott Target Version => 4.4
2015-07-01 08:42 Utkarsh Ayachit Note Added: 0034640
2015-07-01 08:44 Utkarsh Ayachit Note Added: 0034641
2015-07-01 08:44 Utkarsh Ayachit Status backlog => customer review
2015-07-01 08:44 Utkarsh Ayachit Resolution open => suspended
2015-07-01 08:44 Utkarsh Ayachit Assigned To Sankhesh Jhaveri => David C. Lonie
2015-07-01 08:44 Utkarsh Ayachit Note Edited: 0034641
2015-09-02 21:23 Alan Scott Note Added: 0035147
2015-09-02 21:23 Alan Scott Note Added: 0035148
2015-09-02 21:24 Alan Scott Status customer review => todo
2015-09-02 21:24 Alan Scott Target Version 4.4 => 4.5
2015-09-11 16:44 Utkarsh Ayachit Target Version 4.5 => 5.1
2015-10-16 15:05 Alan Scott Note Added: 0035304
2016-03-03 11:13 Utkarsh Ayachit Status todo => backlog
2016-03-03 11:15 David C. Lonie Assigned To David C. Lonie =>
2016-03-03 11:16 David C. Lonie Note Added: 0035820
2016-08-12 09:58 Kitware Robot Note Added: 0037796
2016-08-12 09:58 Kitware Robot Status backlog => closed
2016-08-12 09:58 Kitware Robot Resolution suspended => moved
2016-08-12 09:58 Kitware Robot Assigned To => Kitware Robot

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