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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0012760ParaView(No Category)public2011-12-02 08:552012-02-08 17:24
ReporterJan Brezina 
Assigned ToUtkarsh Ayachit 
PriorityhighSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version3.12 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0012760: Paraview crash when saving screenshot.
Description1)start paraview
2)File-> Save Screenshot ... any file image format -> crash, no image saved

This issue appears for versions:
3.10.1 and 3.12.0 64bit Linux,
previous versions (in particular ParaView-3.8.1-Linux-x86_64) are OK

Linux 2.6.35-28-generic 0000049-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 1 14:39:03 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux

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Utkarsh Ayachit (administrator)
2012-01-13 17:33

Was this built from source or binaries downloaded from

Also try disbaling "Use Offscreen Rendering for screenshots" from Edit |Settings dialog (Render View page).
Alan Scott (manager)
2012-02-06 21:34

Works fine for me.
Remote server, Linux, master.
Jan Brezina (reporter)
2012-02-07 06:14

> Was this built from source or binaries downloaded from

I have tried only downloaded binary packages.

> Also try disbaling "Use Offscreen Rendering for screenshots" from Edit |Settings
> dialog (Render View page).

Great, turning this off makes saving of screenshots to work.
Thank you, this solve my problem.

However, why it crash with offscreen rendering? If I understand it well, this option force software rendering using Mesa library. I assume that you provide your own mesa library in binary package. Maybe there can be a compatibility problem with Mesa installed in my system.
.. Just guessing what can be wrong and have no idea how to confirm it.
Utkarsh Ayachit (administrator)
2012-02-08 17:24

Closing bugs sitting in "customer review" for a long time.

 Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-12-02 08:55 Jan Brezina New Issue
2012-01-13 17:33 Utkarsh Ayachit Note Added: 0027941
2012-01-30 12:53 Utkarsh Ayachit Status backlog => gatekeeper review
2012-01-30 12:53 Utkarsh Ayachit Resolution open => fixed
2012-01-30 12:53 Utkarsh Ayachit Assigned To => Utkarsh Ayachit
2012-02-03 15:23 Utkarsh Ayachit Status gatekeeper review => customer review
2012-02-06 21:34 Alan Scott Note Added: 0028068
2012-02-07 06:14 Jan Brezina Note Added: 0028071
2012-02-08 17:24 Utkarsh Ayachit Status customer review => closed
2012-02-08 17:24 Utkarsh Ayachit Note Added: 0028135

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