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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0013963ParaView(No Category)public2013-03-22 19:562016-08-12 09:59
ReporterAlan Scott 
Assigned ToSebastien Jourdain 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Versiongit-master 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0013963: Please add normal lights to ParaView
DescriptionWe really need to add normal lights (i.e., user controllable point lights, with varying specular, diffuse and ambient light) to ParaView. A user has requested the ability to add additional lights, with a reasonably easy way of controlling them. This ability exists in competing packages.

I am posting an image of can.exo with three lights using a competing product. First light is from the front, second is from the right, and third is from the far left. Lights are extremely easy to move - just grab with the mouse and drag around. Colors and intensity are trivial to set.

TagsNo tags attached.
Topic Name
Attached Filespng file icon screenshot.png [^] (116,333 bytes) 2013-03-22 19:56


Sebastien Jourdain (manager)
2013-07-12 10:36

The work is currently on stage in the branch 13963_add_light_management but will require some cleanup in helper proxy management...

commit 815a175bfd33d5efaa8748396c61be82956622de
Author: Sebastien Jourdain <>
Date: Tue Jul 2 14:47:48 2013 -0400

    Add Light settings for ParaView
    Some code need to be revisited once the helper proxy and XML state saving
    will be cleaned up.
    Change-Id: I60bbd2a3a764a8779de7dd60411476ac61a1335b
Kitware Robot (administrator)
2016-08-12 09:59

Resolving issue as `moved`.

This issue tracker is no longer used. Further discussion of this issue may take place in the current ParaView Issues page linked in the banner at the top of this page.

 Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-03-22 19:56 Alan Scott New Issue
2013-03-22 19:56 Alan Scott File Added: screenshot.png
2013-05-01 13:55 Nikhil Shetty Assigned To => Nikhil Shetty
2013-06-05 16:37 Nikhil Shetty Assigned To Nikhil Shetty =>
2013-07-01 11:29 Utkarsh Ayachit Assigned To => Sebastien Jourdain
2013-07-01 12:46 Sebastien Jourdain Status backlog => todo
2013-07-01 12:46 Sebastien Jourdain Status todo => active development
2013-07-12 10:36 Sebastien Jourdain Note Added: 0031127
2013-07-12 10:37 Sebastien Jourdain Status active development => todo
2016-08-12 09:59 Kitware Robot Note Added: 0038370
2016-08-12 09:59 Kitware Robot Status todo => closed
2016-08-12 09:59 Kitware Robot Resolution open => moved

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