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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0010631ParaViewFeaturepublic2010-04-28 03:502010-05-04 19:27
ReporterAurĂ©lien Marsan 
Assigned ToUtkarsh Ayachit 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version3.8 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0010631: Paraview Calculator doesn't assume FieldData
DescriptionIn a MultiBlockDataSet, FieldData can be use in order to define constant value by block. (as the rotationnal speed)
When calculating other data (as Absolute Speed), we need to use this constants.

It would be great if the calculator could assume the values stored in the FieldData.
TagsNo tags attached.
Topic Name
Attached Files

duplicate of 0005626closedKyle Lutz Make array calculator operate on field data 

Alan Scott (manager)
2010-05-04 19:27


 Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-04-28 03:50 Aurélien Marsan New Issue
2010-04-29 08:17 Utkarsh Ayachit Relationship added duplicate of 0005626
2010-04-29 08:17 Utkarsh Ayachit Duplicate ID 0 => 5626
2010-04-29 08:17 Utkarsh Ayachit Status backlog => @80@
2010-04-29 08:17 Utkarsh Ayachit Resolution open => duplicate
2010-04-29 08:17 Utkarsh Ayachit Assigned To => Utkarsh Ayachit
2010-05-04 19:27 Alan Scott Note Added: 0020569
2010-05-04 19:27 Alan Scott Status @80@ => closed
2011-06-16 13:10 Zack Galbreath Category Feature Request => Feature

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