Beginning Filters Python

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ParaView filters

This usecase shows a user how to use filters to modify the display of data.

All filter examples assume that the user starts with a new model. To start over, go to the menu item Edit → Delete All, and then re-open your data.

Data is opened by going to File → Open. Example data files can be found on the ParaView web page at

Clip filter

<source lang="python"> >>> from paraview.simple import * >>> reader = ExodusIIReader(FileName=".../can.ex2") >>> Show(reader) >>> Render() </source>

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

<source lang="python"> >>> clipFilter = Clip(reader) >>> Hide(reader) >>> Show(clipFilter) >>> Render() </source>

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

<source lang="python">

  1. get camera

>>> camera = GetActiveCamera() >>> camera.GetPosition()

  1. figure out where you are

>>> camera.SetPosition(4.156,4.0,-36.29) >>> camera.Elevation(30) >>> camera.GetPosition() (4.1560389876787056, 19.261366923548998, -32.200729057625857) >>> camera.SetPosition(4.15603, 30, -35) >>> Render() </source>

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

<source lang="python">

  1. we can see what's going on a little better

>>> clipFilter.UseValueAsOffset = 1 >>> clipFilter.Value = 5 >>> Render() </source>

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

<source lang="python">

  1. let's change the orientation of the clip filter

>>> clipFilter.ClipType.Normal [1.0, 0.0, 0.0] >>> clipFilter.ClipType.Origin [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

  1. reset the offset value of the clip to 0

>>> clipFilter.Value = 0 >>> clipFilter.ClipType.Normal = [0,0,1] >>> Render() </source>

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

<source lang="python"> >>> clipFilter.Value = -3 >>> Render() </source>

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

<source lang="python"> >>> clipFilter.InsideOut = 1 >>> Render() </source>

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

Slice filter

Getting the camera on this one can be right since the slices are invisible from certain angles. <source lang="python"> >>> from paraview.simple import * >>> reader = ExodusIIReader(FileName=".../Data/can.ex2") >>> sliceFilter = Slice(reader) >>> Show(sliceFilter) >>> Render() >>> camera = GetActiveCamera() >>> camera.Elevation(30) >>> camera.SetPosition(-51.3152,4.987,-9.64218) >>> Render() </source> SliceFilterPython1.png <source lang="python"> >>> sliceFilter.SliceType.Normal [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]

  1. the origin of the slice needs to be moved to see slices in the Y-plane

>>> sliceFilter.SliceType.Origin = [2.5,5,0] >>> sliceFilter.SliceType.Normal = [0,1,0] >>> Render() </source> SliceFilterPython2.png <source lang="python"> >>> sliceFilter.SliceType.Normal = [0,0,1] >>> Render() </source> SliceFilterPython3.png <source lang="python">

>>> sliceFilter.SliceType.Normal = [0,1,0] >>> sliceFilter.SliceOffsetValues [] >>> sliceFilter.SliceOffsetValues = [-4,-3.11,-2.22,-1.33,-0.44,0.44,1.33,2.22,3.11,4] >>> Render()

</source> SliceFilterPython4.png

Glyph filter

<source lang="python"> >>> from paraview.simple import * >>> reader = ExodusIIReader(FileName=".../Data/can.ex2") >>> Show(reader) >>> camera = GetActiveCamera() >>> camera.SetPosition(0,5,-45) >>> camera.Elevation(30)

  1. Change the can to be wireframe so we can see the glyphs

>>> dp1 = GetDisplayProperties(reader) >>> dp1.Representation = 'Wireframe'

>>> glyphFilter = Glyph(reader)

  1. We won't see much if we don't move forward in the animation a little bit

>>> tsteps = reader.TimestepValues >>> view = GetActiveView() >>> view.ViewTime = tsteps[20]

>>> glyphFilter.Vectors ['POINTS', 'DISPL']

  1. Set the glyphs to use the acceleration vectors and adjust scale factor

>>> glyphFilter.Vectors = 'ACCL' >>> glyphFilter.SetScaleFactor 1.0 >>> glyphFilter.SetScaleFactor = 0.0000002 </source> GlyphFilterPython1.png <source lang="python">

  1. Set the glyphs to use the velocity vectors and adjust scale factor

>>> glyphFilter.Vectors = 'VEL' >>> glyphFilter.SetScaleFactor = 3e-4

  1. Let's add some color

>>> dp2 = GetDisplayProperties(glyphFilter) >>> glyphFilter.PointData[:] [Array: PedigreeNodeId, Array: DISPL, Array: VEL, Array: ACCL, Array: GlobalNodeId, Array: GlyphVector]

  1. We'll color by velocity so use that array.

>>> vel = glyphFilter.PointData[2] >>> vel.GetName() 'VEL' >>> vel.GetRange() (-2479.9521484375, 1312.5040283203125) >>> dp2.LookupTable = MakeBlueToRedLT(-2479.9521,1312.5) >>> dp2.ColorAttributeType = 'POINT_DATA' >>> dp2.ColorArrayName = 'VEL' >>> Render()

</source> GlyphFilterPython2.png

Threshold filter

<source lang="python"> >>> from paraview.simple import * >>> reader = ExodusIIReader(FileName=".../Data/disk_out_ref.ex2") >>> Show(reader) >>> dp1 = GetDisplayProperties(reader) >>> dp1.Representation = 'Wireframe' >>> camera = GetActiveCamera() >>> camera.Elevation(-60) >>> thresholdFilter = Threshold(reader) >>> thresholdFilter.Scalars ['POINTS', 'GlobalNodeId'] >>> thresholdFilter.Scalars = 'Temp' >>> Show(thresholdFilter) >>> thresholdFilter.ThresholdRange [0.0, 0.0] >>> thresholdFilter.ThresholdRange = [398.55,913.15] >>> Render() </source> ThresholdFilterPython1.png <source lang="python"> >>> dp2 = GetDisplayProperties(thresholdFilter) >>> thresholdFilter.PointData[:] [Array: GlobalNodeId, Array: PedigreeNodeId, Array: Temp, Array: V, Array: Pres, Array: AsH3, Array: GaMe3, Array: CH4, Array: H2] >>> temp = thresholdFilter.PointData[2] >>> temp.GetRange() (400.46258544921875, 846.694091796875) >>> dp2.LookupTable = MakeBlueToRedLT(400.4625,846.6909) >>> dp2.ColorAttributeType = 'POINT_DATA' >>> dp2.ColorArrayName = 'Temp' >>> Render()

</source> ThresholdFilterPython2.png <source lang="python">

  1. set the lower threshold to 500

>>> thresholdFilter.ThresholdRange[0] = 500 >>> Render() </source> ThresholdFilterPython3.png <source lang="python"> >>> dp1.LookupTable = MakeBlueToRedLT(400.462,84609) >>> dp1.ColorAttributeType = 'POINT_DATA' >>> dp1.ColorArrayname = 'Temp' >>> Render() </source> ThresholdFilterPython4.png

Contour filter

<source lang="python">

>>> from paraview.simple import * >>> reader = ExodusIIReader(FileName = ".../Data/disk_out_ref.ex2") >>> contourFilter = Contour(reader) >>> contourFilter.ContourBy = 'Temp' >>> contourFilter.Isosurfaces [] >>> contourFilter.Isosurfaces = [400] >>> camera = GetActiveCamera() >>> camera.Elevation(-90)

>>> dp2 = GetDisplayProperties(contourFilter) >>> contourFilter.PointData[:] [Array: Temp, Array: V, Array: Pres, Array: AsH3, Array: GaMe3, Array: CH4, Array: H2] >>> temp = contourFilter.PointData[0] >>> temp.GetRange() (399.99999999999994, 400.00000000000006) >>> dp2.LookupTable = MakeBlueToRedLT(399.999,400) >>> dp2.ColorAttributeType = 'POINT_DATA' >>> dp2.ColorArrayName = 'Temp' >>> Render()

</source> ContourFilterPython1.png <source lang="python">

>>> pres = contourFilter.PointData[2] >>> pres.GetRange() (0.0074376024368978605, 0.02845284189526591) >>> dp2.LookupTable = MakeBlueToRedLT(0.007437602,0.02845284) >>> dp2.ColorArrayName = 'Pres'

</source> ContourFilterPython2.png <source lang="python">

>>> dp1 = GetDisplayProperties(reader) >>> dp1.Representation = 'Wireframe' >>> dp1.LookupTable = dp2.LookupTable >>> dp1.ColorAttributeType = 'POINT_DATA' >>> dp1.ColorArrayName = 'Pres' >>> Show(reader)

>>> camera.Dolly(0.5) >>> Render() <paraview.servermanager.RenderView object at 0x14c8ed0> >>> camera.Elevation(-30) >>> Render()

</source> ContourFilterPython3.png

Clip to Scalar filter

<source lang="python"> >>> from paraview.simple import * >>> reader = ExodusIIReader(FileName=".../Data/disk_out_ref.ex2") >>> clipFilter = Clip(reader) >>> clipFilter.ClipType = 'Scalar'

>>> clipFilter.Scalars = 'Temp' >>> clipFilter.Value = 400 >>> Show(clipFilter) >>> camera = GetActiveCamera() >>> camera.Elevation(-90) >>> Render()

</source> ClipScalarFilterPython1.png <source lang="python">

>>> clipFilter2 = Clip(clipFilter) >>> Show(clipFilter2) >>> Hide(clipFilter)

>>> camera.SetPosition(-39,0,1.46) >>> camera.Roll(90)

</source> ClipScalarFilterPython2.png <source lang="python">

>>> dp1 = GetDisplayProperties(reader) >>> dp2 = GetDisplayProperties(clipFilter2) >>> clipFilter2.PointData[:] [Array: Temp, Array: V, Array: Pres, Array: AsH3, Array: GaMe3, Array: CH4, Array: H2] >>> temp = clipFilter2.PointData[0] >>> temp.GetRange() (399.99999999999994, 913.1500244140625) >>> dp2.LookupTable = MakeBlueToRedLT(400,913.15) >>> dp2.ColorAttributeType = 'POINT_DATA' >>> dp2.ColorArrayName = 'Temp' >>> Hide(reader) >>> Render()

</source> ClipScalarFilterPython3.png <source lang="python">

>>> dp1.Representation = 'Volume' >>> temp.GetRange() (399.99999999999994, 913.1500244140625) >>> dp1.LookupTable = dp2.LookupTable >>> dp1.ColorAttributeType = 'POINT_DATA' >>> dp1.ColorArrayName = 'Temp' >>> Render()

</source> ClipScalarFilterPython4.png

Cell to Point/ Point to Cell filters

These filters are used to convert a data set from being cell data to being point data and vice versa. This is sometimes useful if a filter requires one type of data, and a user only has the other type of data. An example would be using can.exo. You cannot get a contour of EQPS directly, since EQPS is cell data and contour only works on points. Use filter Cell Data to Point Data first, then call contour.

Stream Tracer

<source lang="python">

>>> from paraview.simple import * >>> reader = ExodusIIReader(FileName=".../Data/disk_out_ref.ex2") >>> streamTracer = StreamTracer(reader) >>> streamTracer.Vectors = 'V' >>> streamTracer.SeedType.NumberOfPoints = 100 >>> streamTracer.SeedType.Radius = 1.15 >>> streamTracer.SetPropertyWithName('Max.Propagation',20.1599) >>> Show(streamTracer) >>> camera = GetActiveCamera() >>> camera.Elevation(-45) >>> camera.Dolly(0.4) >>> dp1 = GetDisplayProperties(streamTracer) >>> streamTracer.PointData[:] [Array: Temp, Array: V, Array: Pres, Array: AsH3, Array: GaMe3, Array: CH4, Array: H2, Array: IntegrationTime, Array: Vorticity, Array: Rotation, Array: AngularVelocity, Array: Normals] >>> pres = streamTracer.PointData[2] >>> dp1.LookupTable = MakeBlueToRedLT(pres.GetRange()[0],pres.GetRange()[1]) >>> dp1.ColorAttributeType = 'POINT_DATA' >>> dp1.ColorArrayName = 'Pres'

>>> Render()

</source> StreamTracerFilterPython1.png

Calculator filter

Coming soon.


Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.