Beginning Pictures and Movies
This usecase shows a user how to add pictures and movies to PowerPoint slides.
Save Screenshot
- Start ParaView.
- File → Open. We will use the data can.exo for this usecase.
- Click Apply.
- Rotate and position the object.
- File → Save Screenshot.
- Save only selected view will save either the whole window, or the selected view.
- Change the size of the output files. Note that ParaView can save files that are significantly larger than the current view. This is done in off screen memory.
- Leave image quality as is.
- Override Color Palette allows a user to change the background color - for instance, to white.
- Stereo mode allows a user to save stereo images.
- OK
- Save your images as .png or .jpg. .png is a cleaner format, but .jpg's may be smaller.
- Name and save the file. OK
In PowerPoint, add a new slide. Next, click Insert→ Picture→ From File…, and pick up the file that we saved in the previous paragraph. You can move the file anywhere you want by holding the left mouse button and dragging. You can resize the picture by grabbing one of the corners and dragging the picture smaller. The following picture is from a PowerPoint slide.
Save Animation (make a movie)
- Start ParaView.
- File → Open. We will use the data can.exo for this usecase.
- Click Apply.
- Rotate and position the object.
- File → Save Animation.
- Leave Frane Rate and No. of Frames alone.
- Change the size of the output files. Note that ParaView can save files that are significantly larger than the current view. This is done in off screen memory.
- Set timestep range.
- Stereo mode allows a user to save stereo images.
- OK
- Save your movie. A great option is to save your images as .png or .jpg, and then post process them into .avi or .mov files. This way, you have your movies and the individual frames. .png is a cleaner format, but .jpg's may be smaller.
- Name and save the file. OK
In PowerPoint, add a new slide. Next, click “Insert/ Movies and Sounds/ Movie from File. Browse to the location of your movie, select your file and click OK. Decide if you want the slide show to be Automatic, or when clicked. Finally, remember that this file is NOT inserted into the PowerPoint slide. You will want this file to be on the computer – in the same location – as it was when you selected it.
A few notes on file formats for movies. You can make .avi files directly on Windows, Linux or Mac. If you are trying to make movies on Linux or Mac, or are making movies for a powerwall, use format .png or .jpg. Then, if you want .avi files for use with PowerPoint, convert these movies to .avi format as needed. One option is to use enve, which is available when downloading EnSight. Windows reads .avi files well, both using and not using PowerPoint. Linux is able to display either format if the correct video player is installed. One option is mplayer. mplayer is installed from .rpm files, which can be found on the net.
Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-mission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC., a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA-0003525.