Animation View
Animation View is used to set up animations in ParaView. It's is accessible through View | Animation View. This article describes this view and how to use it to create simple animations.
The Animation View is intended to be a replacement for the Animation Inspector in ParaView 3.0. The Animation Inspector will be deprecated in future versions.
User Interface
Figure 1 shows the the animation view. It is a standard dockable widget. There are three major portions to this panel:
Animate Parameters
One of the simplest animation set up is where the user wants to change a parameter on a filter or source through the course of the animation. Consider the simplest case, we have a sphere source and we want to create an animation where the radius of the sphere goes from 0.1 to 1. Say the sphere source we want to animate is called "Sphere1" in the pipeline browser. Now to add an animation track to animate the radius of this sphere, select the Sphere1 in the Object combo-box and then select Radius in the Parameter combo-box. Then hit theError creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination to add the animation track for Sphere1's Radius. Once the track is added it will be shown in the Animated Parameters section. Now, we need to change the radius value to go from 0.1 to 1. So, simply double click on the track, the Animation Keyframes editor dialog will pop-up (Figure 2). ParaView tries to initialize new animation tracks with some default values, hence this track has been initialized to animate the raduis from 0 to 0.5. To change any parameter, simply double-click on any column and enter the new values.
ParaView's animation engine is key-frame based. Hence one can add more than two keyframes, change the interpolation function for the value between two keyframes etc. using this dialog. Double-clicking on the Interpolation column will show the available interpolation functions for the given parameter type. Note that there's no interpolation function for the last key-frame since interpolation is defined between two keyframes. To remove an animation track, simply hit theError creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination next to that animation track.
Animate Opacity/VisibilitySimilar to animating any filter/source paramters, it is possible to animate the opacity or visibility of the object in all the views that it's shown. In the Parameter combo simply choose Opacity or Visibility when adding the animation track. |
Time in ParaView
Before we delve any further into the world of animation, we need to understand time as ParaView implements it.
There are three types of times in ParaView:
- Animation Time:
- This is the time that changes as an animation is played.
- The VCR buttons in the toolbar, moving the time cursor on the animation view changes this animation time.
- The time-toolbar (Figure 3) shows the animation time.
- Reader Time:
- Certain file formats support associating time with datasets eg. exodus, XML VTK formats etc. This is referred to as a the reader time.
- The information tab shows the timesteps provided by any reader/data source (Figure 4).
- Note that when multiple sources provide time, ParaView assumes that they are all in the same time units.
- Application (TimeKeeper) Time
- This refers to the application wide time. This is the time value that ParaView requests from the readers/sources for showing data in any of the views.
- By default, this is linked with the animation time i.e. it's same as the animation time. However that can be changed by using the TimeKeeper-Time animation track on the Animation View. Double click on the track to pop-up the key-frames editor dialog which allows for setting this to a constant time value (useful in making animations where the data time should not change) or add explicit keyframes (Figure 5).
Animate through data timesteps