vtkCommunicator Class Reference

#include <vtkCommunicator.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkCommunicator:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for vtkCommunicator:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Used to send/receive messages in a multiprocess environment.

This is an abstact class which contains functionality for sending and receiving inter-process messages. It contains methods for marshaling an object into a string (currently used by the MPI communicator but not the shared memory communicator).

Communication between systems with different vtkIdTypes is not supported. All machines have to have the same vtkIdType.
See also:
vtkCommunicator (Tests)

Definition at line 48 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

Public Types

enum  Tags {
enum  StandardOperations {
typedef vtkObject Superclass

Public Member Functions

virtual const char * GetClassName ()
virtual int IsA (const char *type)
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
virtual void SetNumberOfProcesses (int num)
virtual int GetNumberOfProcesses ()
virtual int GetLocalProcessId ()
int Send (vtkDataObject *data, int remoteHandle, int tag)
int Send (vtkDataArray *data, int remoteHandle, int tag)
virtual int SendVoidArray (const void *data, vtkIdType length, int type, int remoteHandle, int tag)=0
int Send (const int *data, vtkIdType length, int remoteHandle, int tag)
int Send (const unsigned long *data, vtkIdType length, int remoteHandle, int tag)
int Send (const unsigned char *data, vtkIdType length, int remoteHandle, int tag)
int Send (const char *data, vtkIdType length, int remoteHandle, int tag)
int Send (const float *data, vtkIdType length, int remoteHandle, int tag)
int Send (const double *data, vtkIdType length, int remoteHandle, int tag)
int Receive (vtkDataObject *data, int remoteHandle, int tag)
vtkDataObjectReceiveDataObject (int remoteHandle, int tag)
int Receive (vtkDataArray *data, int remoteHandle, int tag)
virtual int ReceiveVoidArray (void *data, vtkIdType length, int type, int remoteHandle, int tag)=0
int Receive (int *data, vtkIdType length, int remoteHandle, int tag)
int Receive (unsigned long *data, vtkIdType length, int remoteHandle, int tag)
int Receive (unsigned char *data, vtkIdType length, int remoteHandle, int tag)
int Receive (char *data, vtkIdType length, int remoteHandle, int tag)
int Receive (float *data, vtkIdType length, int remoteHandle, int tag)
int Receive (double *data, vtkIdType length, int remoteHandle, int tag)
virtual void Barrier ()
int Broadcast (int *data, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
int Broadcast (unsigned long *data, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
int Broadcast (unsigned char *data, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
int Broadcast (char *data, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
int Broadcast (float *data, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
int Broadcast (double *data, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
int Broadcast (vtkDataObject *data, int srcProcessId)
int Broadcast (vtkDataArray *data, int srcProcessId)
int Gather (const int *sendBuffer, int *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int destProcessId)
int Gather (const unsigned long *sendBuffer, unsigned long *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int destProcessId)
int Gather (const unsigned char *sendBuffer, unsigned char *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int destProcessId)
int Gather (const char *sendBuffer, char *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int destProcessId)
int Gather (const float *sendBuffer, float *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int destProcessId)
int Gather (const double *sendBuffer, double *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int destProcessId)
int Gather (vtkDataArray *sendBuffer, vtkDataArray *recvBuffer, int destProcessId)
int GatherV (const int *sendBuffer, int *recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType *recvLengths, vtkIdType *offsets, int destProcessId)
int GatherV (const unsigned long *sendBuffer, unsigned long *recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType *recvLengths, vtkIdType *offsets, int destProcessId)
int GatherV (const unsigned char *sendBuffer, unsigned char *recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType *recvLengths, vtkIdType *offsets, int destProcessId)
int GatherV (const char *sendBuffer, char *recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType *recvLengths, vtkIdType *offsets, int destProcessId)
int GatherV (const float *sendBuffer, float *recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType *recvLengths, vtkIdType *offsets, int destProcessId)
int GatherV (const double *sendBuffer, double *recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType *recvLengths, vtkIdType *offsets, int destProcessId)
int Scatter (const int *sendBuffer, int *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
int Scatter (const unsigned long *sendBuffer, unsigned long *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
int Scatter (const unsigned char *sendBuffer, unsigned char *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
int Scatter (const char *sendBuffer, char *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
int Scatter (const float *sendBuffer, float *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
int Scatter (const double *sendBuffer, double *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
int Scatter (vtkDataArray *sendBuffer, vtkDataArray *recvBuffer, int srcProcessId)
int ScatterV (const int *sendBuffer, int *recvBuffer, vtkIdType *sendLengths, vtkIdType *offsets, vtkIdType recvLength, int srcProcessId)
int ScatterV (const unsigned long *sendBuffer, unsigned long *recvBuffer, vtkIdType *sendLengths, vtkIdType *offsets, vtkIdType recvLength, int srcProcessId)
int ScatterV (const unsigned char *sendBuffer, unsigned char *recvBuffer, vtkIdType *sendLengths, vtkIdType *offsets, vtkIdType recvLength, int srcProcessId)
int ScatterV (const char *sendBuffer, char *recvBuffer, vtkIdType *sendLengths, vtkIdType *offsets, vtkIdType recvLength, int srcProcessId)
int ScatterV (const float *sendBuffer, float *recvBuffer, vtkIdType *sendLengths, vtkIdType *offsets, vtkIdType recvLength, int srcProcessId)
int ScatterV (const double *sendBuffer, double *recvBuffer, vtkIdType *sendLengths, vtkIdType *offsets, vtkIdType recvLength, int srcProcessId)
int AllGather (const int *sendBuffer, int *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length)
int AllGather (const unsigned long *sendBuffer, unsigned long *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length)
int AllGather (const unsigned char *sendBuffer, unsigned char *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length)
int AllGather (const char *sendBuffer, char *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length)
int AllGather (const float *sendBuffer, float *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length)
int AllGather (const double *sendBuffer, double *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length)
int AllGather (vtkDataArray *sendBuffer, vtkDataArray *recvBuffer)
int AllGatherV (const int *sendBuffer, int *recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType *recvLengths, vtkIdType *offsets)
int AllGatherV (const unsigned long *sendBuffer, unsigned long *recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType *recvLengths, vtkIdType *offsets)
int AllGatherV (const unsigned char *sendBuffer, unsigned char *recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType *recvLengths, vtkIdType *offsets)
int AllGatherV (const char *sendBuffer, char *recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType *recvLengths, vtkIdType *offsets)
int AllGatherV (const float *sendBuffer, float *recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType *recvLengths, vtkIdType *offsets)
int AllGatherV (const double *sendBuffer, double *recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType *recvLengths, vtkIdType *offsets)
int Reduce (const int *sendBuffer, int *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int operation, int destProcessId)
int Reduce (const unsigned long *sendBuffer, unsigned long *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int operation, int destProcessId)
int Reduce (const unsigned char *sendBuffer, unsigned char *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int operation, int destProcessId)
int Reduce (const char *sendBuffer, char *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int operation, int destProcessId)
int Reduce (const float *sendBuffer, float *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int operation, int destProcessId)
int Reduce (const double *sendBuffer, double *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int operation, int destProcessId)
int Reduce (vtkDataArray *sendBuffer, vtkDataArray *recvBuffer, int operation, int destProcessId)
int Reduce (const int *sendBuffer, int *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, Operation *operation, int destProcessId)
int Reduce (const unsigned long *sendBuffer, unsigned long *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, Operation *operation, int destProcessId)
int Reduce (const unsigned char *sendBuffer, unsigned char *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, Operation *operation, int destProcessId)
int Reduce (const char *sendBuffer, char *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, Operation *operation, int destProcessId)
int Reduce (const float *sendBuffer, float *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, Operation *operation, int destProcessId)
int Reduce (const double *sendBuffer, double *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, Operation *operation, int destProcessId)
int Reduce (vtkDataArray *sendBuffer, vtkDataArray *recvBuffer, Operation *operation, int destProcessId)
int AllReduce (const int *sendBuffer, int *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int operation)
int AllReduce (const unsigned long *sendBuffer, unsigned long *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int operation)
int AllReduce (const unsigned char *sendBuffer, unsigned char *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int operation)
int AllReduce (const char *sendBuffer, char *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int operation)
int AllReduce (const float *sendBuffer, float *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int operation)
int AllReduce (const double *sendBuffer, double *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int operation)
int AllReduce (vtkDataArray *sendBuffer, vtkDataArray *recvBuffer, int operation)
int AllReduce (const int *sendBuffer, int *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, Operation *operation)
int AllReduce (const unsigned long *sendBuffer, unsigned long *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, Operation *operation)
int AllReduce (const unsigned char *sendBuffer, unsigned char *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, Operation *operation)
int AllReduce (const char *sendBuffer, char *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, Operation *operation)
int AllReduce (const float *sendBuffer, float *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, Operation *operation)
int AllReduce (const double *sendBuffer, double *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, Operation *operation)
int AllReduce (vtkDataArray *sendBuffer, vtkDataArray *recvBuffer, Operation *operation)
virtual int BroadcastVoidArray (void *data, vtkIdType length, int type, int srcProcessId)
virtual int GatherVoidArray (const void *sendBuffer, void *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int type, int destProcessId)
virtual int GatherVVoidArray (const void *sendBuffer, void *recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType *recvLengths, vtkIdType *offsets, int type, int destProcessId)
virtual int ScatterVoidArray (const void *sendBuffer, void *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int type, int srcProcessId)
virtual int ScatterVVoidArray (const void *sendBuffer, void *recvBuffer, vtkIdType *sendLengths, vtkIdType *offsets, vtkIdType recvLength, int type, int srcProcessId)
virtual int AllGatherVoidArray (const void *sendBuffer, void *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int type)
virtual int AllGatherVVoidArray (const void *sendBuffer, void *recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType *recvLengths, vtkIdType *offsets, int type)
virtual int ReduceVoidArray (const void *sendBuffer, void *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int type, int operation, int destProcessId)
virtual int ReduceVoidArray (const void *sendBuffer, void *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int type, Operation *operation, int destProcessId)
virtual int AllReduceVoidArray (const void *sendBuffer, void *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int type, int operation)
virtual int AllReduceVoidArray (const void *sendBuffer, void *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int type, Operation *operation)
virtual int ComputeGlobalBounds (int processorId, int numProcesses, vtkBoundingBox *bounds, int *rightHasBounds=0, int *leftHasBounds=0, int hasBoundsTag=288402, int localBoundsTag=288403, int globalBoundsTag=288404)

Static Public Member Functions

static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkCommunicatorSafeDownCast (vtkObject *o)
static void SetUseCopy (int useCopy)
static int GetParentProcessor (int pid)
static int GetLeftChildProcessor (int pid)
static int MarshalDataObject (vtkDataObject *object, vtkCharArray *buffer)
static int UnMarshalDataObject (vtkCharArray *buffer, vtkDataObject *object)

Protected Member Functions

int WriteDataArray (vtkDataArray *object)
int ReadDataArray (vtkDataArray *object)
 vtkCommunicator ()
 ~vtkCommunicator ()
int SendElementalDataObject (vtkDataObject *data, int remoteHandle, int tag)
int SendMultiBlockDataSet (vtkMultiBlockDataSet *data, int remoteHandle, int tag)
int SendTemporalDataSet (vtkTemporalDataSet *data, int remoteHandle, int tag)
int ReceiveDataObject (vtkDataObject *data, int remoteHandle, int tag, int type=-1)
int ReceiveElementalDataObject (vtkDataObject *data, int remoteHandle, int tag)
int ReceiveMultiBlockDataSet (vtkMultiBlockDataSet *data, int remoteHandle, int tag)
int ReceiveTemporalDataSet (vtkTemporalDataSet *data, int remoteHandle, int tag)

Protected Attributes

int MaximumNumberOfProcesses
int NumberOfProcesses
int LocalProcessId

Static Protected Attributes

static int UseCopy


class  Operation

Member Typedef Documentation

Reimplemented from vtkObject.

Reimplemented in vtkDummyCommunicator, vtkMPICommunicator, vtkSocketCommunicator, and vtkSubCommunicator.

Definition at line 53 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Definition at line 71 of file vtkCommunicator.h.


Definition at line 82 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

vtkCommunicator::vtkCommunicator (  )  [protected]

vtkCommunicator::~vtkCommunicator (  )  [protected]

Member Function Documentation

virtual const char* vtkCommunicator::GetClassName (  )  [virtual]

static int vtkCommunicator::IsTypeOf ( const char *  name  )  [static]

Return 1 if this class type is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. Returns 0 otherwise. This method works in combination with vtkTypeRevisionMacro found in vtkSetGet.h.

Reimplemented from vtkObject.

Reimplemented in vtkDummyCommunicator, vtkMPICommunicator, vtkSocketCommunicator, and vtkSubCommunicator.

virtual int vtkCommunicator::IsA ( const char *  name  )  [virtual]

Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. Returns 0 otherwise. This method works in combination with vtkTypeRevisionMacro found in vtkSetGet.h.

Reimplemented from vtkObject.

Reimplemented in vtkDummyCommunicator, vtkMPICommunicator, vtkSocketCommunicator, and vtkSubCommunicator.

static vtkCommunicator* vtkCommunicator::SafeDownCast ( vtkObject o  )  [static]

void vtkCommunicator::PrintSelf ( ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent 
) [virtual]

Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. Typically not called by the user (use Print() instead) but used in the hierarchical print process to combine the output of several classes.

Reimplemented from vtkObject.

Reimplemented in vtkDummyCommunicator, vtkMPICommunicator, vtkSocketCommunicator, and vtkSubCommunicator.

virtual void vtkCommunicator::SetNumberOfProcesses ( int  num  )  [virtual]

Set the number of processes you will be using. This defaults to the maximum number available. If you set this to a value higher than the default, you will get an error.

Reimplemented in vtkSocketCommunicator.

virtual int vtkCommunicator::GetNumberOfProcesses (  )  [virtual]

Set the number of processes you will be using. This defaults to the maximum number available. If you set this to a value higher than the default, you will get an error.

virtual int vtkCommunicator::GetLocalProcessId (  )  [virtual]

Tells you which process [0, NumProcess) you are in.

int vtkCommunicator::Send ( vtkDataObject data,
int  remoteHandle,
int  tag 

This method sends a data object to a destination. Tag eliminates ambiguity and is used to match sends to receives.

int vtkCommunicator::Send ( vtkDataArray data,
int  remoteHandle,
int  tag 

This method sends a data array to a destination. Tag eliminates ambiguity and is used to match sends to receives.

virtual int vtkCommunicator::SendVoidArray ( const void *  data,
vtkIdType  length,
int  type,
int  remoteHandle,
int  tag 
) [pure virtual]

Subclasses have to supply this method to send various arrays of data. The type arg is one of the VTK type constants recognized by the vtkTemplateMacro (VTK_FLOAT, VTK_INT, etc.). length is measured in number of values (as opposed to number of bytes).

Implemented in vtkDummyCommunicator, vtkMPICommunicator, vtkSocketCommunicator, and vtkSubCommunicator.

int vtkCommunicator::Send ( const int *  data,
vtkIdType  length,
int  remoteHandle,
int  tag 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for sending data arrays.

Definition at line 143 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Send ( const unsigned long *  data,
vtkIdType  length,
int  remoteHandle,
int  tag 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for sending data arrays.

Definition at line 146 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Send ( const unsigned char *  data,
vtkIdType  length,
int  remoteHandle,
int  tag 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for sending data arrays.

Definition at line 150 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Send ( const char *  data,
vtkIdType  length,
int  remoteHandle,
int  tag 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for sending data arrays.

Definition at line 154 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Send ( const float *  data,
vtkIdType  length,
int  remoteHandle,
int  tag 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for sending data arrays.

Definition at line 157 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Send ( const double *  data,
vtkIdType  length,
int  remoteHandle,
int  tag 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for sending data arrays.

Definition at line 160 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Receive ( vtkDataObject data,
int  remoteHandle,
int  tag 

This method receives a data object from a corresponding send. It blocks until the receive is finished.

vtkDataObject* vtkCommunicator::ReceiveDataObject ( int  remoteHandle,
int  tag 

The caller does not have to know the data type before this call is made. It returns the newly created object.

int vtkCommunicator::Receive ( vtkDataArray data,
int  remoteHandle,
int  tag 

This method receives a data array from a corresponding send. It blocks until the receive is finished.

virtual int vtkCommunicator::ReceiveVoidArray ( void *  data,
vtkIdType  length,
int  type,
int  remoteHandle,
int  tag 
) [pure virtual]

Subclasses have to supply this method to receive various arrays of data. The type arg is one of the VTK type constants recognized by the vtkTemplateMacro (VTK_FLOAT, VTK_INT, etc.). length is measured in number of values (as opposed to number of bytes).

Implemented in vtkDummyCommunicator, vtkMPICommunicator, vtkSocketCommunicator, and vtkSubCommunicator.

int vtkCommunicator::Receive ( int *  data,
vtkIdType  length,
int  remoteHandle,
int  tag 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 194 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Receive ( unsigned long *  data,
vtkIdType  length,
int  remoteHandle,
int  tag 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 197 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Receive ( unsigned char *  data,
vtkIdType  length,
int  remoteHandle,
int  tag 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 201 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Receive ( char *  data,
vtkIdType  length,
int  remoteHandle,
int  tag 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 205 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Receive ( float *  data,
vtkIdType  length,
int  remoteHandle,
int  tag 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 208 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Receive ( double *  data,
vtkIdType  length,
int  remoteHandle,
int  tag 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 211 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

virtual void vtkCommunicator::Barrier (  )  [virtual]

Will block the processes until all other processes reach the Barrier function.

Reimplemented in vtkMPICommunicator, and vtkSocketCommunicator.

int vtkCommunicator::Broadcast ( int *  data,
vtkIdType  length,
int  srcProcessId 
) [inline]

Broadcast sends the array in the process with id srcProcessId to all of the other processes. All processes must call these method with the same arguments in order for it to complete.

Definition at line 231 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Broadcast ( unsigned long *  data,
vtkIdType  length,
int  srcProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 234 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Broadcast ( unsigned char *  data,
vtkIdType  length,
int  srcProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 237 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Broadcast ( char *  data,
vtkIdType  length,
int  srcProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 240 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Broadcast ( float *  data,
vtkIdType  length,
int  srcProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 243 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Broadcast ( double *  data,
vtkIdType  length,
int  srcProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 246 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Broadcast ( vtkDataObject data,
int  srcProcessId 

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

int vtkCommunicator::Broadcast ( vtkDataArray data,
int  srcProcessId 

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

int vtkCommunicator::Gather ( const int *  sendBuffer,
int *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
int  destProcessId 
) [inline]

Gather collects arrays in the process with id destProcessId. Each process (including the destination) sends the contents of its send buffer to the destination process. The destination process receives the messages and stores them in rank order. The length argument (which must be the same on all processes) is the length of the sendBuffers. The recvBuffer (on te destination process) must be of length length*numProcesses. Gather is the inverse operation of Scatter.

Definition at line 267 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Gather ( const unsigned long *  sendBuffer,
unsigned long *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
int  destProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 272 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Gather ( const unsigned char *  sendBuffer,
unsigned char *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
int  destProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 277 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Gather ( const char *  sendBuffer,
char *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
int  destProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 282 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Gather ( const float *  sendBuffer,
float *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
int  destProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 287 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Gather ( const double *  sendBuffer,
double *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
int  destProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 292 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Gather ( vtkDataArray sendBuffer,
vtkDataArray recvBuffer,
int  destProcessId 

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

int vtkCommunicator::GatherV ( const int *  sendBuffer,
int *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  sendLength,
vtkIdType recvLengths,
vtkIdType offsets,
int  destProcessId 
) [inline]

GatherV is the vector variant of Gather. It extends the functionality of Gather by allowing a varying count of data from each process. GatherV collects arrays in the process with id destProcessId. Each process (including the destination) sends the contents of its send buffer to the destination process. The destination process receives the messages and stores them in rank order. The sendLength argument defines how much the local process sends to destProcessId and recvLengths is an array containing the amount destProcessId receives from each process, in rank order.

Definition at line 319 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::GatherV ( const unsigned long *  sendBuffer,
unsigned long *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  sendLength,
vtkIdType recvLengths,
vtkIdType offsets,
int  destProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 326 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::GatherV ( const unsigned char *  sendBuffer,
unsigned char *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  sendLength,
vtkIdType recvLengths,
vtkIdType offsets,
int  destProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 333 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::GatherV ( const char *  sendBuffer,
char *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  sendLength,
vtkIdType recvLengths,
vtkIdType offsets,
int  destProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 340 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::GatherV ( const float *  sendBuffer,
float *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  sendLength,
vtkIdType recvLengths,
vtkIdType offsets,
int  destProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 347 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::GatherV ( const double *  sendBuffer,
double *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  sendLength,
vtkIdType recvLengths,
vtkIdType offsets,
int  destProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 354 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Scatter ( const int *  sendBuffer,
int *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
int  srcProcessId 
) [inline]

Scatter takes an array in the process with id srcProcessId and distributes it. Each process (including the source) receives a portion of the send buffer. Process 0 receives the first length values, process 1 receives the second length values, and so on. Scatter is the inverse operation of Gather.

Definition at line 378 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Scatter ( const unsigned long *  sendBuffer,
unsigned long *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
int  srcProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 383 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Scatter ( const unsigned char *  sendBuffer,
unsigned char *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
int  srcProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 388 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Scatter ( const char *  sendBuffer,
char *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
int  srcProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 393 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Scatter ( const float *  sendBuffer,
float *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
int  srcProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 398 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Scatter ( const double *  sendBuffer,
double *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
int  srcProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 403 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Scatter ( vtkDataArray sendBuffer,
vtkDataArray recvBuffer,
int  srcProcessId 

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

int vtkCommunicator::ScatterV ( const int *  sendBuffer,
int *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType sendLengths,
vtkIdType offsets,
vtkIdType  recvLength,
int  srcProcessId 
) [inline]

ScatterV is the vector variant of Scatter. It extends the functionality of Scatter by allowing a varying count of data to each process. ScatterV takes an array in the process with id srcProcessId and distributes it. Each process (including the source) receives a portion of the send buffer defined by the sendLengths and offsets arrays.

Definition at line 426 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::ScatterV ( const unsigned long *  sendBuffer,
unsigned long *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType sendLengths,
vtkIdType offsets,
vtkIdType  recvLength,
int  srcProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 433 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::ScatterV ( const unsigned char *  sendBuffer,
unsigned char *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType sendLengths,
vtkIdType offsets,
vtkIdType  recvLength,
int  srcProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 440 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::ScatterV ( const char *  sendBuffer,
char *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType sendLengths,
vtkIdType offsets,
vtkIdType  recvLength,
int  srcProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 447 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::ScatterV ( const float *  sendBuffer,
float *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType sendLengths,
vtkIdType offsets,
vtkIdType  recvLength,
int  srcProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 454 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::ScatterV ( const double *  sendBuffer,
double *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType sendLengths,
vtkIdType offsets,
vtkIdType  recvLength,
int  srcProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 461 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::AllGather ( const int *  sendBuffer,
int *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length 
) [inline]

Same as gather except that the result ends up on all processes.

Definition at line 481 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::AllGather ( const unsigned long *  sendBuffer,
unsigned long *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 484 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::AllGather ( const unsigned char *  sendBuffer,
unsigned char *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 489 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::AllGather ( const char *  sendBuffer,
char *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 494 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::AllGather ( const float *  sendBuffer,
float *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 497 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::AllGather ( const double *  sendBuffer,
double *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 500 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::AllGather ( vtkDataArray sendBuffer,
vtkDataArray recvBuffer 

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

int vtkCommunicator::AllGatherV ( const int *  sendBuffer,
int *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  sendLength,
vtkIdType recvLengths,
vtkIdType offsets 
) [inline]

Same as GatherV except that the result is placed in all processes.

Definition at line 516 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::AllGatherV ( const unsigned long *  sendBuffer,
unsigned long *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  sendLength,
vtkIdType recvLengths,
vtkIdType offsets 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 523 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::AllGatherV ( const unsigned char *  sendBuffer,
unsigned char *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  sendLength,
vtkIdType recvLengths,
vtkIdType offsets 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 530 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::AllGatherV ( const char *  sendBuffer,
char *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  sendLength,
vtkIdType recvLengths,
vtkIdType offsets 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 537 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::AllGatherV ( const float *  sendBuffer,
float *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  sendLength,
vtkIdType recvLengths,
vtkIdType offsets 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 544 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::AllGatherV ( const double *  sendBuffer,
double *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  sendLength,
vtkIdType recvLengths,
vtkIdType offsets 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 551 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Reduce ( const int *  sendBuffer,
int *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
int  operation,
int  destProcessId 
) [inline]

Reduce an array to the given destination process. This version of Reduce takes an identifier defined in the vtkCommunicator::StandardOperations enum to define the operation.

Definition at line 573 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Reduce ( const unsigned long *  sendBuffer,
unsigned long *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
int  operation,
int  destProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 578 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Reduce ( const unsigned char *  sendBuffer,
unsigned char *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
int  operation,
int  destProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 583 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Reduce ( const char *  sendBuffer,
char *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
int  operation,
int  destProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 588 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Reduce ( const float *  sendBuffer,
float *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
int  operation,
int  destProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 593 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Reduce ( const double *  sendBuffer,
double *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
int  operation,
int  destProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 598 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Reduce ( vtkDataArray sendBuffer,
vtkDataArray recvBuffer,
int  operation,
int  destProcessId 

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

int vtkCommunicator::Reduce ( const int *  sendBuffer,
int *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
Operation operation,
int  destProcessId 
) [inline]

Reduce an array to the given destination process. This version of Reduce takes a custom operation as a subclass of vtkCommunicator::Operation.

Definition at line 618 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Reduce ( const unsigned long *  sendBuffer,
unsigned long *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
Operation operation,
int  destProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 623 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Reduce ( const unsigned char *  sendBuffer,
unsigned char *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
Operation operation,
int  destProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 628 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Reduce ( const char *  sendBuffer,
char *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
Operation operation,
int  destProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 633 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Reduce ( const float *  sendBuffer,
float *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
Operation operation,
int  destProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 638 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Reduce ( const double *  sendBuffer,
double *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
Operation operation,
int  destProcessId 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 643 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::Reduce ( vtkDataArray sendBuffer,
vtkDataArray recvBuffer,
Operation operation,
int  destProcessId 

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

int vtkCommunicator::AllReduce ( const int *  sendBuffer,
int *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
int  operation 
) [inline]

Same as Reduce except that the result is placed in all of the processes.

Definition at line 662 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::AllReduce ( const unsigned long *  sendBuffer,
unsigned long *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
int  operation 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 667 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::AllReduce ( const unsigned char *  sendBuffer,
unsigned char *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
int  operation 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 672 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::AllReduce ( const char *  sendBuffer,
char *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
int  operation 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 677 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::AllReduce ( const float *  sendBuffer,
float *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
int  operation 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 682 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::AllReduce ( const double *  sendBuffer,
double *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
int  operation 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 687 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::AllReduce ( vtkDataArray sendBuffer,
vtkDataArray recvBuffer,
int  operation 

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

int vtkCommunicator::AllReduce ( const int *  sendBuffer,
int *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
Operation operation 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 702 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::AllReduce ( const unsigned long *  sendBuffer,
unsigned long *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
Operation operation 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 707 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::AllReduce ( const unsigned char *  sendBuffer,
unsigned char *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
Operation operation 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 712 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::AllReduce ( const char *  sendBuffer,
char *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
Operation operation 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 717 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::AllReduce ( const float *  sendBuffer,
float *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
Operation operation 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 722 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::AllReduce ( const double *  sendBuffer,
double *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
Operation operation 
) [inline]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Definition at line 727 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::AllReduce ( vtkDataArray sendBuffer,
vtkDataArray recvBuffer,
Operation operation 

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

virtual int vtkCommunicator::BroadcastVoidArray ( void *  data,
vtkIdType  length,
int  type,
int  srcProcessId 
) [virtual]

Subclasses should reimplement these if they have a more efficient implementation.

Reimplemented in vtkMPICommunicator, and vtkSocketCommunicator.

virtual int vtkCommunicator::GatherVoidArray ( const void *  sendBuffer,
void *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
int  type,
int  destProcessId 
) [virtual]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Reimplemented in vtkMPICommunicator, and vtkSocketCommunicator.

virtual int vtkCommunicator::GatherVVoidArray ( const void *  sendBuffer,
void *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  sendLength,
vtkIdType recvLengths,
vtkIdType offsets,
int  type,
int  destProcessId 
) [virtual]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Reimplemented in vtkMPICommunicator, and vtkSocketCommunicator.

virtual int vtkCommunicator::ScatterVoidArray ( const void *  sendBuffer,
void *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
int  type,
int  srcProcessId 
) [virtual]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Reimplemented in vtkMPICommunicator, and vtkSocketCommunicator.

virtual int vtkCommunicator::ScatterVVoidArray ( const void *  sendBuffer,
void *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType sendLengths,
vtkIdType offsets,
vtkIdType  recvLength,
int  type,
int  srcProcessId 
) [virtual]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Reimplemented in vtkMPICommunicator, and vtkSocketCommunicator.

virtual int vtkCommunicator::AllGatherVoidArray ( const void *  sendBuffer,
void *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
int  type 
) [virtual]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Reimplemented in vtkMPICommunicator, and vtkSocketCommunicator.

virtual int vtkCommunicator::AllGatherVVoidArray ( const void *  sendBuffer,
void *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  sendLength,
vtkIdType recvLengths,
vtkIdType offsets,
int  type 
) [virtual]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Reimplemented in vtkMPICommunicator, and vtkSocketCommunicator.

virtual int vtkCommunicator::ReduceVoidArray ( const void *  sendBuffer,
void *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
int  type,
int  operation,
int  destProcessId 
) [virtual]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Reimplemented in vtkMPICommunicator, and vtkSocketCommunicator.

virtual int vtkCommunicator::ReduceVoidArray ( const void *  sendBuffer,
void *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
int  type,
Operation operation,
int  destProcessId 
) [virtual]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Reimplemented in vtkMPICommunicator, and vtkSocketCommunicator.

virtual int vtkCommunicator::AllReduceVoidArray ( const void *  sendBuffer,
void *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
int  type,
int  operation 
) [virtual]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Reimplemented in vtkMPICommunicator, and vtkSocketCommunicator.

virtual int vtkCommunicator::AllReduceVoidArray ( const void *  sendBuffer,
void *  recvBuffer,
vtkIdType  length,
int  type,
Operation operation 
) [virtual]

Convenience methods for receiving data arrays.

Reimplemented in vtkMPICommunicator, and vtkSocketCommunicator.

static void vtkCommunicator::SetUseCopy ( int  useCopy  )  [static]

virtual int vtkCommunicator::ComputeGlobalBounds ( int  processorId,
int  numProcesses,
vtkBoundingBox bounds,
int *  rightHasBounds = 0,
int *  leftHasBounds = 0,
int  hasBoundsTag = 288402,
int  localBoundsTag = 288403,
int  globalBoundsTag = 288404 
) [virtual]

Determine the global bounds for a set of processes. BBox is initially set (outside of the call to the local bounds of the process and will be modified to be the global bounds - this default implementation views the processors as a heap tree with the root being processId = 0 If either rightHasBounds or leftHasBounds is not 0 then the corresponding int will be set to 1 if the right/left processor has bounds else it will be set to 0 The last three arguements are the tags to be used when performing the operation

static int vtkCommunicator::GetParentProcessor ( int  pid  )  [static]

Some helper functions when dealing with heap tree - based algorthims

  • we don't need a function for getting the right processor since it is 1 + theLeftProcessor

static int vtkCommunicator::GetLeftChildProcessor ( int  pid  )  [static]

Some helper functions when dealing with heap tree - based algorthims

  • we don't need a function for getting the right processor since it is 1 + theLeftProcessor

static int vtkCommunicator::MarshalDataObject ( vtkDataObject object,
vtkCharArray buffer 
) [static]

Convert a data object into a string that can be transmitted and vice versa. Returns 1 for success and 0 for failure. WARNING: This will only work for types that have a vtkDataWriter class.

static int vtkCommunicator::UnMarshalDataObject ( vtkCharArray buffer,
vtkDataObject object 
) [static]

Convert a data object into a string that can be transmitted and vice versa. Returns 1 for success and 0 for failure. WARNING: This will only work for types that have a vtkDataWriter class.

int vtkCommunicator::WriteDataArray ( vtkDataArray object  )  [protected]

int vtkCommunicator::ReadDataArray ( vtkDataArray object  )  [protected]

int vtkCommunicator::SendElementalDataObject ( vtkDataObject data,
int  remoteHandle,
int  tag 
) [protected]

int vtkCommunicator::SendMultiBlockDataSet ( vtkMultiBlockDataSet data,
int  remoteHandle,
int  tag 
) [protected]

int vtkCommunicator::SendTemporalDataSet ( vtkTemporalDataSet data,
int  remoteHandle,
int  tag 
) [protected]

int vtkCommunicator::ReceiveDataObject ( vtkDataObject data,
int  remoteHandle,
int  tag,
int  type = -1 
) [protected]

int vtkCommunicator::ReceiveElementalDataObject ( vtkDataObject data,
int  remoteHandle,
int  tag 
) [protected]

int vtkCommunicator::ReceiveMultiBlockDataSet ( vtkMultiBlockDataSet data,
int  remoteHandle,
int  tag 
) [protected]

int vtkCommunicator::ReceiveTemporalDataSet ( vtkTemporalDataSet data,
int  remoteHandle,
int  tag 
) [protected]

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 834 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

Definition at line 835 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

Definition at line 837 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

int vtkCommunicator::UseCopy [static, protected]

Definition at line 839 of file vtkCommunicator.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Sat Dec 27 13:20:26 2008 for VTK by  doxygen 1.5.6