vtkImplicitSelectionLoop Class Reference

#include <vtkImplicitSelectionLoop.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkImplicitSelectionLoop:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for vtkImplicitSelectionLoop:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

implicit function for a selection loop

vtkImplicitSelectionLoop computes the implicit function value and function gradient for a irregular, cylinder-like object whose cross section is defined by a set of points forming a loop. The loop need not be convex nor its points coplanar. However, the loop must be non-self-intersecting when projected onto the plane defined by the accumulated cross product around the loop (i.e., the axis of the loop). (Alternatively, you can specify the normal to use.)

The following procedure is used to compute the implicit function value for a point x. Each point of the loop is first projected onto the plane defined by the loop normal. This forms a polygon. Then, to evaluate the implicit function value, inside/outside tests are used to determine if x is inside the polygon, and the distance to the loop boundary is computed (negative values are inside the loop).

One example application of this implicit function class is to draw a loop on the surface of a mesh, and use the loop to clip or extract cells from within the loop. Remember, the selection loop is "infinite" in length, you can use a plane (in boolean combination) to cap the extent of the selection loop. Another trick is to use a connectivity filter to extract the closest region to a given point (i.e., one of the points used to define the selection loop).

See also:
vtkImplicitFunction vtkImplicitBoolean vtkExtractGeometry vtkClipPolyData vtkConnectivityFilter vtkPolyDataConnectivityFilter
vtkImplicitSelectionLoop (Tests)

Definition at line 58 of file vtkImplicitSelectionLoop.h.

typedef vtkImplicitFunction Superclass
virtual const char * GetClassName ()
virtual int IsA (const char *type)
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkImplicitSelectionLoopSafeDownCast (vtkObject *o)

Public Member Functions

void EvaluateGradient (double x[3], double n[3])
unsigned long GetMTime ()
double EvaluateFunction (double x[3])
double EvaluateFunction (double x, double y, double z)
virtual void SetLoop (vtkPoints *)
virtual vtkPointsGetLoop ()
virtual void SetAutomaticNormalGeneration (int)
virtual int GetAutomaticNormalGeneration ()
virtual void AutomaticNormalGenerationOn ()
virtual void AutomaticNormalGenerationOff ()
virtual void SetNormal (double, double, double)
virtual void SetNormal (double[3])
virtual double * GetNormal ()
virtual void GetNormal (double data[3])

Static Public Member Functions

static vtkImplicitSelectionLoopNew ()

Protected Member Functions

 vtkImplicitSelectionLoop ()
 ~vtkImplicitSelectionLoop ()

Protected Attributes

double Normal [3]
int AutomaticNormalGeneration

Member Typedef Documentation

Standard VTK methods for printing and type information.

Reimplemented from vtkImplicitFunction.

Definition at line 63 of file vtkImplicitSelectionLoop.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

vtkImplicitSelectionLoop::vtkImplicitSelectionLoop (  )  [protected]

vtkImplicitSelectionLoop::~vtkImplicitSelectionLoop (  )  [protected]

Member Function Documentation

virtual const char* vtkImplicitSelectionLoop::GetClassName (  )  [virtual]

Standard VTK methods for printing and type information.

Reimplemented from vtkImplicitFunction.

static int vtkImplicitSelectionLoop::IsTypeOf ( const char *  type  )  [static]

Standard VTK methods for printing and type information.

Reimplemented from vtkImplicitFunction.

virtual int vtkImplicitSelectionLoop::IsA ( const char *  type  )  [virtual]

Standard VTK methods for printing and type information.

Reimplemented from vtkImplicitFunction.

static vtkImplicitSelectionLoop* vtkImplicitSelectionLoop::SafeDownCast ( vtkObject o  )  [static]

Standard VTK methods for printing and type information.

Reimplemented from vtkImplicitFunction.

void vtkImplicitSelectionLoop::PrintSelf ( ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent 
) [virtual]

Standard VTK methods for printing and type information.

Reimplemented from vtkImplicitFunction.

static vtkImplicitSelectionLoop* vtkImplicitSelectionLoop::New (  )  [static]

Instantiate object with no initial loop.

Reimplemented from vtkObject.

double vtkImplicitSelectionLoop::EvaluateFunction ( double  x[3]  )  [virtual]

Evaluate selection loop returning a signed distance.

Implements vtkImplicitFunction.

double vtkImplicitSelectionLoop::EvaluateFunction ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z 
) [inline]

Evaluate selection loop returning a signed distance.

Reimplemented from vtkImplicitFunction.

Definition at line 73 of file vtkImplicitSelectionLoop.h.

void vtkImplicitSelectionLoop::EvaluateGradient ( double  x[3],
double  n[3] 
) [virtual]

Evaluate selection loop returning the gradient.

Implements vtkImplicitFunction.

virtual void vtkImplicitSelectionLoop::SetLoop ( vtkPoints  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the array of point coordinates defining the loop. There must be at least three points used to define a loop.

virtual vtkPoints* vtkImplicitSelectionLoop::GetLoop (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the array of point coordinates defining the loop. There must be at least three points used to define a loop.

virtual void vtkImplicitSelectionLoop::SetAutomaticNormalGeneration ( int   )  [virtual]

Turn on/off automatic normal generation. By default, the normal is computed from the accumulated cross product of the edges. You can also specify the normal to use.

virtual int vtkImplicitSelectionLoop::GetAutomaticNormalGeneration (  )  [virtual]

Turn on/off automatic normal generation. By default, the normal is computed from the accumulated cross product of the edges. You can also specify the normal to use.

virtual void vtkImplicitSelectionLoop::AutomaticNormalGenerationOn (  )  [virtual]

Turn on/off automatic normal generation. By default, the normal is computed from the accumulated cross product of the edges. You can also specify the normal to use.

virtual void vtkImplicitSelectionLoop::AutomaticNormalGenerationOff (  )  [virtual]

Turn on/off automatic normal generation. By default, the normal is computed from the accumulated cross product of the edges. You can also specify the normal to use.

virtual void vtkImplicitSelectionLoop::SetNormal ( double  ,
double  ,
) [virtual]

Set / get the normal used to determine whether a point is inside or outside the selection loop.

virtual void vtkImplicitSelectionLoop::SetNormal ( double  [3]  )  [virtual]

Set / get the normal used to determine whether a point is inside or outside the selection loop.

virtual double* vtkImplicitSelectionLoop::GetNormal (  )  [virtual]

Set / get the normal used to determine whether a point is inside or outside the selection loop.

virtual void vtkImplicitSelectionLoop::GetNormal ( double  data[3]  )  [virtual]

Set / get the normal used to determine whether a point is inside or outside the selection loop.

unsigned long vtkImplicitSelectionLoop::GetMTime (  )  [virtual]

Overload GetMTime() because we depend on the Loop

Reimplemented from vtkImplicitFunction.

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 110 of file vtkImplicitSelectionLoop.h.

double vtkImplicitSelectionLoop::Normal[3] [protected]

Definition at line 111 of file vtkImplicitSelectionLoop.h.

Definition at line 112 of file vtkImplicitSelectionLoop.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Wed Jun 3 19:12:18 2009 for VTK by  doxygen 1.5.6