vtkWidgetSet Class Reference

#include <vtkWidgetSet.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkWidgetSet:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for vtkWidgetSet:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Synchronize a collection on vtkWidgets drawn on different renderwindows using the Callback - Dispatch Action mechanism.

The class synchronizes a set of vtkAbstractWidget(s). Widgets typically invoke "Actions" that drive the geometry/behaviour of their representations in response to interactor events. Interactor interactions on a render window are mapped into "Callbacks" by the widget, from which "Actions" are dispatched to the entire set. This architecture allows us to tie widgets existing in different render windows together. For instance a HandleWidget might exist on the sagittal view. Moving it around should update the representations of the corresponding handle widget that lies on the axial and coronal and volume views as well.

User API:
A user would use this class as follows.
 vtkWidgetSet *set = vtkWidgetSet::New();
 vtkParallelopipedWidget *w1 = vtkParallelopipedWidget::New();
 vtkParallelopipedWidget *w2 = vtkParallelopipedWidget::New();
 vtkParallelopipedWidget *w3 = vtkParallelopipedWidget::New();
The motivation for this class is really to provide a usable API to tie together multiple widgets of the same kind. To enable this, subclasses of vtkAbstractWidget, must be written as follows: They will generally have callback methods mapped to some user interaction such as:
                         vtkEvent::NoModifier, 0, 0, NULL, 
                         this, vtkPaintbrushWidget::BeginDrawCallback);
The callback invoked when the left button is pressed looks like:
 void vtkPaintbrushWidget::BeginDrawCallback(vtkAbstractWidget *w)
   vtkPaintbrushWidget *self = vtkPaintbrushWidget::SafeDownCast(w);
   self->WidgetSet->DispatchAction(self, &vtkPaintbrushWidget::BeginDrawAction);
The actual code for handling the drawing is written in the BeginDrawAction method.
 void vtkPaintbrushWidget::BeginDrawAction( vtkPaintbrushWidget *dispatcher)
 // Do stuff to draw... 
 // Here dispatcher is the widget that was interacted with, the one that
 // dispatched an action to all the other widgets in its group. You may, if
 // necessary find it helpful to get parameters from it.
 //   For instance for a ResizeAction:
 //     if (this != dispatcher)
 //       {
 //       double *newsize = dispatcher->GetRepresentation()->GetSize();
 //       this->WidgetRep->SetSize(newsize);
 //       }
 //     else
 //       {
 //       this->WidgetRep->IncrementSizeByDelta();
 //       }
Actions are always dispatched first to the activeWidget, the one calling the set, and then to the other widgets in the set.

Definition at line 111 of file vtkWidgetSet.h.

typedef vtkObject Superclass
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkWidgetSetSafeDownCast (vtkObject *o)
virtual const char * GetClassName ()
virtual int IsA (const char *type)
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
template<class TWidget>
void DispatchAction (TWidget *caller, typename ActionFunction< TWidget >::TActionFunctionPointer action)
 vtkWidgetSet ()
 ~vtkWidgetSet ()

Public Types

typedef vtkstd::vector
< vtkAbstractWidget * > 

Public Member Functions

void AddWidget (vtkAbstractWidget *)
void RemoveWidget (vtkAbstractWidget *)
unsigned int GetNumberOfWidgets ()
vtkAbstractWidgetGetNthWidget (unsigned int)
virtual void SetEnabled (int)
virtual void EnabledOn ()
virtual void EnabledOff ()

Static Public Member Functions

static vtkWidgetSetNew ()

Public Attributes

WidgetContainerType Widget

Member Typedef Documentation

Standard methods for a VTK class.

Reimplemented from vtkObject.

Definition at line 119 of file vtkWidgetSet.h.

Definition at line 144 of file vtkWidgetSet.h.

typedef WidgetContainerType::iterator vtkWidgetSet::WidgetIteratorType

Definition at line 145 of file vtkWidgetSet.h.

typedef WidgetContainerType::const_iterator vtkWidgetSet::WidgetConstIteratorType

Definition at line 146 of file vtkWidgetSet.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

vtkWidgetSet::vtkWidgetSet (  )  [protected]

Dispatch an "Action" to every widget in this set. This is meant to be invoked from a "Callback" in a widget.

vtkWidgetSet::~vtkWidgetSet (  )  [protected]

Dispatch an "Action" to every widget in this set. This is meant to be invoked from a "Callback" in a widget.

Member Function Documentation

static vtkWidgetSet* vtkWidgetSet::New (  )  [static]

Instantiate this class.

Reimplemented from vtkObject.

virtual const char* vtkWidgetSet::GetClassName (  )  [virtual]

Standard methods for a VTK class.

Reimplemented from vtkObject.

static int vtkWidgetSet::IsTypeOf ( const char *  type  )  [static]

Standard methods for a VTK class.

Reimplemented from vtkObject.

virtual int vtkWidgetSet::IsA ( const char *  type  )  [virtual]

Standard methods for a VTK class.

Reimplemented from vtkObject.

static vtkWidgetSet* vtkWidgetSet::SafeDownCast ( vtkObject o  )  [static]

Standard methods for a VTK class.

Reimplemented from vtkObject.

void vtkWidgetSet::PrintSelf ( ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent 
) [virtual]

Standard methods for a VTK class.

Reimplemented from vtkObject.

virtual void vtkWidgetSet::SetEnabled ( int   )  [virtual]

Method for activiating and deactiviating all widgets in the group.

virtual void vtkWidgetSet::EnabledOn (  )  [virtual]

Method for activiating and deactiviating all widgets in the group.

virtual void vtkWidgetSet::EnabledOff (  )  [virtual]

Method for activiating and deactiviating all widgets in the group.

void vtkWidgetSet::AddWidget ( vtkAbstractWidget  ) 

Add a widget to the set.

void vtkWidgetSet::RemoveWidget ( vtkAbstractWidget  ) 

Remove a widget from the set

unsigned int vtkWidgetSet::GetNumberOfWidgets (  ) 

Get number of widgets in the set.

vtkAbstractWidget* vtkWidgetSet::GetNthWidget ( unsigned  int  ) 

Get the Nth widget in the set.

template<class TWidget>
void vtkWidgetSet::DispatchAction ( TWidget *  caller,
typename ActionFunction< TWidget >::TActionFunctionPointer  action 
) [inline]

Dispatch an "Action" to every widget in this set. This is meant to be invoked from a "Callback" in a widget.

Definition at line 153 of file vtkWidgetSet.h.

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 147 of file vtkWidgetSet.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Wed Jun 3 19:46:09 2009 for VTK by  doxygen 1.5.6