vtkXYPlotActor Class Reference

#include <vtkXYPlotActor.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkXYPlotActor:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for vtkXYPlotActor:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

generate an x-y plot from input dataset(s) or field data

vtkXYPlotActor creates an x-y plot of data from one or more input data sets or field data. The class plots dataset scalar values (y-axis) against the points (x-axis). The x-axis values are generated by taking the point ids, computing a cumulative arc length, or a normalized arc length. More than one input data set can be specified to generate multiple plots. Alternatively, if field data is supplied as input, the class plots one component against another. (The user must specify which component to use as the x-axis and which for the y-axis.)

To use this class to plot dataset(s), you must specify one or more input datasets containing scalar and point data. You'll probably also want to invoke a method to control how the point coordinates are converted into x values (by default point ids are used).

To use this class to plot field data, you must specify one or more input data objects with its associated field data. You'll also want to specify which component to use as the x-axis and which to use as the y-axis. Note that when plotting field data, the x and y values are used directly (i.e., there are no options to normalize the components).

Once you've set up the plot, you'll want to position it. The PositionCoordinate defines the lower-left location of the x-y plot (specified in normalized viewport coordinates) and the Position2Coordinate define the upper-right corner. (Note: the Position2Coordinate is relative to PositionCoordinate, so you can move the vtkXYPlotActor around the viewport by setting just the PositionCoordinate.) The combination of the two position coordinates specifies a rectangle in which the plot will lie.

Optional features include the ability to specify axes labels, label format and plot title. You can also manually specify the x and y plot ranges (by default they are computed automatically). The Border instance variable is used to create space between the boundary of the plot window (specified by PositionCoordinate and Position2Coordinate) and the plot itself.

The font property of the plot title can be modified through the TitleTextProperty attribute. The font property of the axes titles and labels can be modified through the AxisTitleTextProperty and AxisLabelTextProperty attributes. You may also use the GetXAxisActor2D or GetYAxisActor2D methods to access each individual axis actor to modify their font properties. In the same way, the GetLegendBoxActor method can be used to access the legend box actor to modify its font properties.

There are several advanced features as well. You can assign per curve properties (such as color and a plot symbol). (Note that each input dataset and/or data object creates a single curve.) Another option is to add a plot legend that graphically indicates the correspondance between the curve, curve symbols, and the data source. You can also exchange the x and y axes if you prefer you plot orientation that way.

If you are interested in plotting something other than scalar data, you can use the vtk data shuffling filters (e.g., vtkAttributeDataToFieldDataFilter and vtkFieldDataToAttributeDataFilter) to convert the data into scalar data and/or points.
See also:
vtkActor2D vtkTextMapper vtkScalarBarActor vtkAxisActor2D vtkCubeAxesActor2D vtkAttributeDataToFieldDataFilter vtkFieldDataToAttributeDataFilter vtkTextProperty
vtkXYPlotActor (Examples)
vtkXYPlotActor (Tests)

Definition at line 116 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Public Types

enum  Alignment {
  AlignLeft = 0x1, AlignRight = 0x2, AlignHCenter = 0x4, AlignTop = 0x10,
  AlignBottom = 0x20, AlignVCenter = 0x40, AlignAxisLeft = 0x100, AlignAxisRight = 0x200,
  AlignAxisHCenter = 0x400, AlignAxisTop = 0x1000, AlignAxisBottom = 0x2000, AlignAxisVCenter = 0x4000
typedef vtkActor2D Superclass

Public Member Functions

virtual const char * GetClassName ()
virtual int IsA (const char *type)
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
void RemoveAllInputs ()
vtkDataSetCollectionGetInputList ()
void AddDataObjectInput (vtkDataObject *in)
void RemoveDataObjectInput (vtkDataObject *in)
void SetPlotColor (int i, double r, double g, double b)
void SetPlotColor (int i, const double color[3])
double * GetPlotColor (int i)
void SetPlotSymbol (int i, vtkPolyData *input)
vtkPolyDataGetPlotSymbol (int i)
void SetPlotLabel (int i, const char *label)
const char * GetPlotLabel (int i)
virtual int GetPlotCurvePoints ()
virtual void SetPlotCurvePoints (int)
virtual void PlotCurvePointsOn ()
virtual void PlotCurvePointsOff ()
virtual int GetPlotCurveLines ()
virtual void SetPlotCurveLines (int)
virtual void PlotCurveLinesOn ()
virtual void PlotCurveLinesOff ()
void SetPlotLines (int i, int)
int GetPlotLines (int i)
void SetPlotPoints (int i, int)
int GetPlotPoints (int i)
void ViewportToPlotCoordinate (vtkViewport *viewport, double &u, double &v)
void PlotToViewportCoordinate (vtkViewport *viewport, double &u, double &v)
int IsInPlot (vtkViewport *viewport, double u, double v)
vtkProperty2DGetChartBoxProperty ()
unsigned long GetMTime ()
void PrintAsCSV (ostream &os)
virtual int HasTranslucentPolygonalGeometry ()
void AddInput (vtkDataSet *in, const char *arrayName, int component)
void AddInput (vtkDataSet *in)
void RemoveInput (vtkDataSet *in, const char *arrayName, int component)
void RemoveInput (vtkDataSet *in)
void SetPointComponent (int i, int comp)
int GetPointComponent (int i)
virtual void SetXValues (int)
virtual int GetXValues ()
void SetXValuesToIndex ()
void SetXValuesToArcLength ()
void SetXValuesToNormalizedArcLength ()
void SetXValuesToValue ()
const char * GetXValuesAsString ()
vtkDataObjectCollectionGetDataObjectInputList ()
virtual void SetDataObjectPlotMode (int)
virtual int GetDataObjectPlotMode ()
void SetDataObjectPlotModeToRows ()
void SetDataObjectPlotModeToColumns ()
const char * GetDataObjectPlotModeAsString ()
void SetDataObjectXComponent (int i, int comp)
int GetDataObjectXComponent (int i)
void SetDataObjectYComponent (int i, int comp)
int GetDataObjectYComponent (int i)
virtual void SetExchangeAxes (int)
virtual int GetExchangeAxes ()
virtual void ExchangeAxesOn ()
virtual void ExchangeAxesOff ()
virtual void SetReverseXAxis (int)
virtual int GetReverseXAxis ()
virtual void ReverseXAxisOn ()
virtual void ReverseXAxisOff ()
virtual void SetReverseYAxis (int)
virtual int GetReverseYAxis ()
virtual void ReverseYAxisOn ()
virtual void ReverseYAxisOff ()
virtual vtkLegendBoxActorGetLegendActor ()
virtual vtkGlyphSource2DGetGlyphSource ()
virtual void SetTitle (const char *)
virtual char * GetTitle ()
virtual void SetXTitle (const char *)
virtual char * GetXTitle ()
virtual void SetYTitle (const char *)
virtual char * GetYTitle ()
vtkAxisActor2DGetXAxisActor2D ()
vtkAxisActor2DGetYAxisActor2D ()
virtual void SetXRange (double, double)
void SetXRange (double[2])
virtual double * GetXRange ()
virtual void GetXRange (double data[2])
virtual void SetYRange (double, double)
void SetYRange (double[2])
virtual double * GetYRange ()
virtual void GetYRange (double data[2])
void SetPlotRange (double xmin, double ymin, double xmax, double ymax)
virtual void SetNumberOfXLabels (int)
virtual int GetNumberOfXLabels ()
virtual void SetNumberOfYLabels (int)
virtual int GetNumberOfYLabels ()
void SetNumberOfLabels (int num)
void SetAdjustXLabels (int adjust)
virtual int GetAdjustXLabels ()
void SetAdjustYLabels (int adjust)
virtual int GetAdjustYLabels ()
void SetXTitlePosition (double position)
double GetXTitlePosition ()
void SetYTitlePosition (double position)
double GetYTitlePosition ()
void SetNumberOfXMinorTicks (int num)
int GetNumberOfXMinorTicks ()
void SetNumberOfYMinorTicks (int num)
int GetNumberOfYMinorTicks ()
virtual void SetLegend (int)
virtual int GetLegend ()
virtual void LegendOn ()
virtual void LegendOff ()
virtual void SetTitlePosition (double, double)
void SetTitlePosition (double[2])
virtual double * GetTitlePosition ()
virtual void GetTitlePosition (double &, double &)
virtual void GetTitlePosition (double[2])
virtual void SetAdjustTitlePosition (int)
virtual int GetAdjustTitlePosition ()
virtual void AdjustTitlePositionOn ()
virtual void AdjustTitlePositionOff ()
virtual void SetAdjustTitlePositionMode (int)
virtual int GetAdjustTitlePositionMode ()
virtual void SetLegendPosition (double, double)
void SetLegendPosition (double[2])
virtual double * GetLegendPosition ()
virtual void GetLegendPosition (double &, double &)
virtual void GetLegendPosition (double[2])
virtual void SetLegendPosition2 (double, double)
void SetLegendPosition2 (double[2])
virtual double * GetLegendPosition2 ()
virtual void GetLegendPosition2 (double &, double &)
virtual void GetLegendPosition2 (double[2])
virtual void SetTitleTextProperty (vtkTextProperty *p)
virtual vtkTextPropertyGetTitleTextProperty ()
virtual void SetAxisTitleTextProperty (vtkTextProperty *p)
virtual vtkTextPropertyGetAxisTitleTextProperty ()
virtual void SetAxisLabelTextProperty (vtkTextProperty *p)
virtual vtkTextPropertyGetAxisLabelTextProperty ()
virtual void SetLogx (int)
virtual int GetLogx ()
virtual void LogxOn ()
virtual void LogxOff ()
virtual void SetLabelFormat (const char *_arg)
const char * GetLabelFormat ()
virtual void SetXLabelFormat (const char *_arg)
virtual char * GetXLabelFormat ()
virtual void SetYLabelFormat (const char *_arg)
virtual char * GetYLabelFormat ()
virtual void SetBorder (int)
virtual int GetBorder ()
virtual int GetPlotPoints ()
virtual void SetPlotPoints (int)
virtual void PlotPointsOn ()
virtual void PlotPointsOff ()
virtual int GetPlotLines ()
virtual void SetPlotLines (int)
virtual void PlotLinesOn ()
virtual void PlotLinesOff ()
virtual void SetGlyphSize (double)
virtual double GetGlyphSize ()
void ViewportToPlotCoordinate (vtkViewport *viewport)
virtual void SetPlotCoordinate (double, double)
void SetPlotCoordinate (double[2])
virtual double * GetPlotCoordinate ()
virtual void GetPlotCoordinate (double &, double &)
virtual void GetPlotCoordinate (double[2])
void PlotToViewportCoordinate (vtkViewport *viewport)
virtual void SetViewportCoordinate (double, double)
void SetViewportCoordinate (double[2])
virtual double * GetViewportCoordinate ()
virtual void GetViewportCoordinate (double &, double &)
virtual void GetViewportCoordinate (double[2])
virtual void SetChartBox (int)
virtual int GetChartBox ()
virtual void ChartBoxOn ()
virtual void ChartBoxOff ()
virtual void SetChartBorder (int)
virtual int GetChartBorder ()
virtual void ChartBorderOn ()
virtual void ChartBorderOff ()
virtual void SetShowReferenceXLine (int)
virtual int GetShowReferenceXLine ()
virtual void ShowReferenceXLineOn ()
virtual void ShowReferenceXLineOff ()
virtual void SetReferenceXValue (double)
virtual double GetReferenceXValue ()
virtual void SetShowReferenceYLine (int)
virtual int GetShowReferenceYLine ()
virtual void ShowReferenceYLineOn ()
virtual void ShowReferenceYLineOff ()
virtual void SetReferenceYValue (double)
virtual double GetReferenceYValue ()
int RenderOpaqueGeometry (vtkViewport *)
int RenderOverlay (vtkViewport *)
virtual int RenderTranslucentPolygonalGeometry (vtkViewport *)
void ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *)

Static Public Member Functions

static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkXYPlotActorSafeDownCast (vtkObject *o)
static vtkXYPlotActorNew ()

Protected Member Functions

 vtkXYPlotActor ()
 ~vtkXYPlotActor ()
void InitializeEntries ()
void ComputeXRange (double range[2], double *lengths)
void ComputeYRange (double range[2])
void ComputeDORange (double xrange[2], double yrange[2], double *lengths)
virtual void CreatePlotData (int *pos, int *pos2, double xRange[2], double yRange[2], double *norms, int numDS, int numDO)
void PlaceAxes (vtkViewport *viewport, int *size, int pos[2], int pos2[2])
void GenerateClipPlanes (int *pos, int *pos2)
double ComputeGlyphScale (int i, int *pos, int *pos2)
void ClipPlotData (int *pos, int *pos2, vtkPolyData *pd)
double * TransformPoint (int pos[2], int pos2[2], double x[3], double xNew[3])

Protected Attributes

char ** SelectedInputScalars
char * Title
char * XTitle
char * YTitle
int XValues
int NumberOfXLabels
int NumberOfYLabels
int Logx
char * XLabelFormat
char * YLabelFormat
double XRange [2]
double YRange [2]
double XComputedRange [2]
double YComputedRange [2]
int Border
int PlotLines
int PlotPoints
int PlotCurveLines
int PlotCurvePoints
int ExchangeAxes
int ReverseXAxis
int ReverseYAxis
int AdjustXLabels
int AdjustYLabels
int AdjustTitlePosition
double TitlePosition [2]
int AdjustTitlePositionMode
double ViewportCoordinate [2]
double PlotCoordinate [2]
int DataObjectPlotMode
int NumberOfInputs
vtkPolyData ** PlotData
vtkGlyph2D ** PlotGlyph
vtkAppendPolyData ** PlotAppend
vtkPolyDataMapper2D ** PlotMapper
vtkActor2D ** PlotActor
int Legend
double LegendPosition [2]
double LegendPosition2 [2]
double GlyphSize
int ChartBox
int ChartBorder
int ShowReferenceXLine
int ShowReferenceYLine
double ReferenceXValue
double ReferenceYValue
int CachedSize [2]
vtkTimeStamp BuildTime

Member Typedef Documentation

Reimplemented from vtkActor2D.

Definition at line 119 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Definition at line 407 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

vtkXYPlotActor::vtkXYPlotActor (  )  [protected]

vtkXYPlotActor::~vtkXYPlotActor (  )  [protected]

Member Function Documentation

virtual const char* vtkXYPlotActor::GetClassName (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from vtkActor2D.

static int vtkXYPlotActor::IsTypeOf ( const char *  name  )  [static]

Return 1 if this class type is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. Returns 0 otherwise. This method works in combination with vtkTypeMacro found in vtkSetGet.h.

Reimplemented from vtkActor2D.

virtual int vtkXYPlotActor::IsA ( const char *  name  )  [virtual]

Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. Returns 0 otherwise. This method works in combination with vtkTypeMacro found in vtkSetGet.h.

Reimplemented from vtkActor2D.

static vtkXYPlotActor* vtkXYPlotActor::SafeDownCast ( vtkObject o  )  [static]

Reimplemented from vtkActor2D.

void vtkXYPlotActor::PrintSelf ( ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent 
) [virtual]

Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. Typically not called by the user (use Print() instead) but used in the hierarchical print process to combine the output of several classes.

Reimplemented from vtkActor2D.

static vtkXYPlotActor* vtkXYPlotActor::New (  )  [static]

Instantiate object with autorange computation; bold, italic, and shadows on; arial font family; the number of labels set to 5 for the x and y axes; a label format of "%-#6.3g"; and x coordinates computed from point ids.

Reimplemented from vtkActor2D.

void vtkXYPlotActor::AddInput ( vtkDataSet in,
const char *  arrayName,
int  component 

Add a dataset to the list of data to append. The array name specifies which point array to plot. The array must be a vtkDataArray subclass, i.e. a numeric array. If the array name is NULL, then the default scalars are used. The array can have multiple components, but only the first component is ploted.

void vtkXYPlotActor::AddInput ( vtkDataSet in  )  [inline]

Add a dataset to the list of data to append. The array name specifies which point array to plot. The array must be a vtkDataArray subclass, i.e. a numeric array. If the array name is NULL, then the default scalars are used. The array can have multiple components, but only the first component is ploted.

Definition at line 140 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

void vtkXYPlotActor::RemoveInput ( vtkDataSet in,
const char *  arrayName,
int  component 

Remove a dataset from the list of data to append.

void vtkXYPlotActor::RemoveInput ( vtkDataSet in  )  [inline]

Remove a dataset from the list of data to append.

Definition at line 146 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

void vtkXYPlotActor::RemoveAllInputs (  ) 

This removes all of the data set inputs, but does not change the data object inputs.

vtkDataSetCollection* vtkXYPlotActor::GetInputList (  )  [inline]

Return the list of inputs to this filter.

Definition at line 154 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

void vtkXYPlotActor::SetPointComponent ( int  i,
int  comp 

If plotting points by value, which component to use to determine the value. This sets a value per each input dataset (i.e., the ith dataset).

int vtkXYPlotActor::GetPointComponent ( int  i  ) 

If plotting points by value, which component to use to determine the value. This sets a value per each input dataset (i.e., the ith dataset).

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetXValues ( int   )  [virtual]

Specify how the independent (x) variable is computed from the points. The independent variable can be the scalar/point index (i.e., point id), the accumulated arc length along the points, the normalized arc length, or by component value. If plotting datasets (e.g., points), the value that is used is specified by the PointComponent ivar. (Note: these methods also control how field data is plotted. Field data is usually plotted by value or index, if plotting length 1-dimensional length measures are used.)

virtual int vtkXYPlotActor::GetXValues (  )  [virtual]

Specify how the independent (x) variable is computed from the points. The independent variable can be the scalar/point index (i.e., point id), the accumulated arc length along the points, the normalized arc length, or by component value. If plotting datasets (e.g., points), the value that is used is specified by the PointComponent ivar. (Note: these methods also control how field data is plotted. Field data is usually plotted by value or index, if plotting length 1-dimensional length measures are used.)

void vtkXYPlotActor::SetXValuesToIndex (  )  [inline]

Specify how the independent (x) variable is computed from the points. The independent variable can be the scalar/point index (i.e., point id), the accumulated arc length along the points, the normalized arc length, or by component value. If plotting datasets (e.g., points), the value that is used is specified by the PointComponent ivar. (Note: these methods also control how field data is plotted. Field data is usually plotted by value or index, if plotting length 1-dimensional length measures are used.)

Definition at line 176 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

void vtkXYPlotActor::SetXValuesToArcLength (  )  [inline]

Specify how the independent (x) variable is computed from the points. The independent variable can be the scalar/point index (i.e., point id), the accumulated arc length along the points, the normalized arc length, or by component value. If plotting datasets (e.g., points), the value that is used is specified by the PointComponent ivar. (Note: these methods also control how field data is plotted. Field data is usually plotted by value or index, if plotting length 1-dimensional length measures are used.)

Definition at line 177 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

void vtkXYPlotActor::SetXValuesToNormalizedArcLength (  )  [inline]

Specify how the independent (x) variable is computed from the points. The independent variable can be the scalar/point index (i.e., point id), the accumulated arc length along the points, the normalized arc length, or by component value. If plotting datasets (e.g., points), the value that is used is specified by the PointComponent ivar. (Note: these methods also control how field data is plotted. Field data is usually plotted by value or index, if plotting length 1-dimensional length measures are used.)

Definition at line 178 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

void vtkXYPlotActor::SetXValuesToValue (  )  [inline]

Specify how the independent (x) variable is computed from the points. The independent variable can be the scalar/point index (i.e., point id), the accumulated arc length along the points, the normalized arc length, or by component value. If plotting datasets (e.g., points), the value that is used is specified by the PointComponent ivar. (Note: these methods also control how field data is plotted. Field data is usually plotted by value or index, if plotting length 1-dimensional length measures are used.)

Definition at line 180 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

const char* vtkXYPlotActor::GetXValuesAsString (  ) 

Specify how the independent (x) variable is computed from the points. The independent variable can be the scalar/point index (i.e., point id), the accumulated arc length along the points, the normalized arc length, or by component value. If plotting datasets (e.g., points), the value that is used is specified by the PointComponent ivar. (Note: these methods also control how field data is plotted. Field data is usually plotted by value or index, if plotting length 1-dimensional length measures are used.)

void vtkXYPlotActor::AddDataObjectInput ( vtkDataObject in  ) 

Add a dataset to the list of data to append.

void vtkXYPlotActor::RemoveDataObjectInput ( vtkDataObject in  ) 

Remove a dataset from the list of data to append.

vtkDataObjectCollection* vtkXYPlotActor::GetDataObjectInputList (  )  [inline]

Return the list of inputs to this filter.

Definition at line 197 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetDataObjectPlotMode ( int   )  [virtual]

Indicate whether to plot rows or columns. If plotting rows, then the dependent variables is taken from a specified row, versus rows (y).

virtual int vtkXYPlotActor::GetDataObjectPlotMode (  )  [virtual]

Indicate whether to plot rows or columns. If plotting rows, then the dependent variables is taken from a specified row, versus rows (y).

void vtkXYPlotActor::SetDataObjectPlotModeToRows (  )  [inline]

Indicate whether to plot rows or columns. If plotting rows, then the dependent variables is taken from a specified row, versus rows (y).

Definition at line 206 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

void vtkXYPlotActor::SetDataObjectPlotModeToColumns (  )  [inline]

Indicate whether to plot rows or columns. If plotting rows, then the dependent variables is taken from a specified row, versus rows (y).

Definition at line 208 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

const char* vtkXYPlotActor::GetDataObjectPlotModeAsString (  ) 

Indicate whether to plot rows or columns. If plotting rows, then the dependent variables is taken from a specified row, versus rows (y).

void vtkXYPlotActor::SetDataObjectXComponent ( int  i,
int  comp 

Specify which component of the input data object to use as the independent variable for the ith input data object. (This ivar is ignored if plotting the index.) Note that the value is interpreted differently depending on DataObjectPlotMode. If the mode is Rows, then the value of DataObjectXComponent is the row number; otherwise it's the column number.

int vtkXYPlotActor::GetDataObjectXComponent ( int  i  ) 

Specify which component of the input data object to use as the independent variable for the ith input data object. (This ivar is ignored if plotting the index.) Note that the value is interpreted differently depending on DataObjectPlotMode. If the mode is Rows, then the value of DataObjectXComponent is the row number; otherwise it's the column number.

void vtkXYPlotActor::SetDataObjectYComponent ( int  i,
int  comp 

Specify which component of the input data object to use as the dependent variable for the ith input data object. (This ivar is ignored if plotting the index.) Note that the value is interpreted differently depending on DataObjectPlotMode. If the mode is Rows, then the value of DataObjectYComponent is the row number; otherwise it's the column number.

int vtkXYPlotActor::GetDataObjectYComponent ( int  i  ) 

Specify which component of the input data object to use as the dependent variable for the ith input data object. (This ivar is ignored if plotting the index.) Note that the value is interpreted differently depending on DataObjectPlotMode. If the mode is Rows, then the value of DataObjectYComponent is the row number; otherwise it's the column number.

void vtkXYPlotActor::SetPlotColor ( int  i,
double  r,
double  g,
double  b 

void vtkXYPlotActor::SetPlotColor ( int  i,
const double  color[3] 
) [inline]

Definition at line 242 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

double* vtkXYPlotActor::GetPlotColor ( int  i  ) 

void vtkXYPlotActor::SetPlotSymbol ( int  i,
vtkPolyData input 

vtkPolyData* vtkXYPlotActor::GetPlotSymbol ( int  i  ) 

void vtkXYPlotActor::SetPlotLabel ( int  i,
const char *  label 

const char* vtkXYPlotActor::GetPlotLabel ( int  i  ) 

virtual int vtkXYPlotActor::GetPlotCurvePoints (  )  [virtual]

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetPlotCurvePoints ( int   )  [virtual]

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::PlotCurvePointsOn (  )  [virtual]

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::PlotCurvePointsOff (  )  [virtual]

virtual int vtkXYPlotActor::GetPlotCurveLines (  )  [virtual]

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetPlotCurveLines ( int   )  [virtual]

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::PlotCurveLinesOn (  )  [virtual]

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::PlotCurveLinesOff (  )  [virtual]

void vtkXYPlotActor::SetPlotLines ( int  i,

int vtkXYPlotActor::GetPlotLines ( int  i  ) 

void vtkXYPlotActor::SetPlotPoints ( int  i,

int vtkXYPlotActor::GetPlotPoints ( int  i  ) 

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetExchangeAxes ( int   )  [virtual]

Enable/Disable exchange of the x-y axes (i.e., what was x becomes y, and vice-versa). Exchanging axes affects the labeling as well.

virtual int vtkXYPlotActor::GetExchangeAxes (  )  [virtual]

Enable/Disable exchange of the x-y axes (i.e., what was x becomes y, and vice-versa). Exchanging axes affects the labeling as well.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::ExchangeAxesOn (  )  [virtual]

Enable/Disable exchange of the x-y axes (i.e., what was x becomes y, and vice-versa). Exchanging axes affects the labeling as well.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::ExchangeAxesOff (  )  [virtual]

Enable/Disable exchange of the x-y axes (i.e., what was x becomes y, and vice-versa). Exchanging axes affects the labeling as well.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetReverseXAxis ( int   )  [virtual]

Normally the x-axis is plotted from minimum to maximum. Setting this instance variable causes the x-axis to be plotted from maximum to minimum. Note that boolean always applies to the x-axis even if ExchangeAxes is set.

virtual int vtkXYPlotActor::GetReverseXAxis (  )  [virtual]

Normally the x-axis is plotted from minimum to maximum. Setting this instance variable causes the x-axis to be plotted from maximum to minimum. Note that boolean always applies to the x-axis even if ExchangeAxes is set.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::ReverseXAxisOn (  )  [virtual]

Normally the x-axis is plotted from minimum to maximum. Setting this instance variable causes the x-axis to be plotted from maximum to minimum. Note that boolean always applies to the x-axis even if ExchangeAxes is set.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::ReverseXAxisOff (  )  [virtual]

Normally the x-axis is plotted from minimum to maximum. Setting this instance variable causes the x-axis to be plotted from maximum to minimum. Note that boolean always applies to the x-axis even if ExchangeAxes is set.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetReverseYAxis ( int   )  [virtual]

Normally the y-axis is plotted from minimum to maximum. Setting this instance variable causes the y-axis to be plotted from maximum to minimum. Note that boolean always applies to the y-axis even if ExchangeAxes is set.

virtual int vtkXYPlotActor::GetReverseYAxis (  )  [virtual]

Normally the y-axis is plotted from minimum to maximum. Setting this instance variable causes the y-axis to be plotted from maximum to minimum. Note that boolean always applies to the y-axis even if ExchangeAxes is set.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::ReverseYAxisOn (  )  [virtual]

Normally the y-axis is plotted from minimum to maximum. Setting this instance variable causes the y-axis to be plotted from maximum to minimum. Note that boolean always applies to the y-axis even if ExchangeAxes is set.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::ReverseYAxisOff (  )  [virtual]

Normally the y-axis is plotted from minimum to maximum. Setting this instance variable causes the y-axis to be plotted from maximum to minimum. Note that boolean always applies to the y-axis even if ExchangeAxes is set.

virtual vtkLegendBoxActor* vtkXYPlotActor::GetLegendActor (  )  [virtual]

Retrieve handles to the legend box and glyph source. This is useful if you would like to change the default behavior of the legend box or glyph source. For example, the default glyph can be changed from a line to a vertex plus line, etc.)

virtual vtkGlyphSource2D* vtkXYPlotActor::GetGlyphSource (  )  [virtual]

Retrieve handles to the legend box and glyph source. This is useful if you would like to change the default behavior of the legend box or glyph source. For example, the default glyph can be changed from a line to a vertex plus line, etc.)

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetTitle ( const char *   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the title of the x-y plot, and the title along the x and y axes.

virtual char* vtkXYPlotActor::GetTitle (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the title of the x-y plot, and the title along the x and y axes.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetXTitle ( const char *   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the title of the x-y plot, and the title along the x and y axes.

virtual char* vtkXYPlotActor::GetXTitle (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the title of the x-y plot, and the title along the x and y axes.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetYTitle ( const char *   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the title of the x-y plot, and the title along the x and y axes.

virtual char* vtkXYPlotActor::GetYTitle (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the title of the x-y plot, and the title along the x and y axes.

vtkAxisActor2D* vtkXYPlotActor::GetXAxisActor2D (  )  [inline]

Retrieve handles to the X and Y axis (so that you can set their text properties for example)

Definition at line 319 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

vtkAxisActor2D* vtkXYPlotActor::GetYAxisActor2D (  )  [inline]

Retrieve handles to the X and Y axis (so that you can set their text properties for example)

Definition at line 321 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetXRange ( double  ,
) [virtual]

Set the plot range (range of independent and dependent variables) to plot. Data outside of the range will be clipped. If the plot range of either the x or y variables is set to (v1,v2), where v1 == v2, then the range will be computed automatically. Note that the x-range values should be consistent with the way the independent variable is created (via INDEX, DISTANCE, or ARC_LENGTH).

void vtkXYPlotActor::SetXRange ( double  [2]  ) 

Set the plot range (range of independent and dependent variables) to plot. Data outside of the range will be clipped. If the plot range of either the x or y variables is set to (v1,v2), where v1 == v2, then the range will be computed automatically. Note that the x-range values should be consistent with the way the independent variable is created (via INDEX, DISTANCE, or ARC_LENGTH).

virtual double* vtkXYPlotActor::GetXRange (  )  [virtual]

Set the plot range (range of independent and dependent variables) to plot. Data outside of the range will be clipped. If the plot range of either the x or y variables is set to (v1,v2), where v1 == v2, then the range will be computed automatically. Note that the x-range values should be consistent with the way the independent variable is created (via INDEX, DISTANCE, or ARC_LENGTH).

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::GetXRange ( double  data[2]  )  [virtual]

Set the plot range (range of independent and dependent variables) to plot. Data outside of the range will be clipped. If the plot range of either the x or y variables is set to (v1,v2), where v1 == v2, then the range will be computed automatically. Note that the x-range values should be consistent with the way the independent variable is created (via INDEX, DISTANCE, or ARC_LENGTH).

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetYRange ( double  ,
) [virtual]

Set the plot range (range of independent and dependent variables) to plot. Data outside of the range will be clipped. If the plot range of either the x or y variables is set to (v1,v2), where v1 == v2, then the range will be computed automatically. Note that the x-range values should be consistent with the way the independent variable is created (via INDEX, DISTANCE, or ARC_LENGTH).

void vtkXYPlotActor::SetYRange ( double  [2]  ) 

Set the plot range (range of independent and dependent variables) to plot. Data outside of the range will be clipped. If the plot range of either the x or y variables is set to (v1,v2), where v1 == v2, then the range will be computed automatically. Note that the x-range values should be consistent with the way the independent variable is created (via INDEX, DISTANCE, or ARC_LENGTH).

virtual double* vtkXYPlotActor::GetYRange (  )  [virtual]

Set the plot range (range of independent and dependent variables) to plot. Data outside of the range will be clipped. If the plot range of either the x or y variables is set to (v1,v2), where v1 == v2, then the range will be computed automatically. Note that the x-range values should be consistent with the way the independent variable is created (via INDEX, DISTANCE, or ARC_LENGTH).

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::GetYRange ( double  data[2]  )  [virtual]

Set the plot range (range of independent and dependent variables) to plot. Data outside of the range will be clipped. If the plot range of either the x or y variables is set to (v1,v2), where v1 == v2, then the range will be computed automatically. Note that the x-range values should be consistent with the way the independent variable is created (via INDEX, DISTANCE, or ARC_LENGTH).

void vtkXYPlotActor::SetPlotRange ( double  xmin,
double  ymin,
double  xmax,
double  ymax 
) [inline]

Set the plot range (range of independent and dependent variables) to plot. Data outside of the range will be clipped. If the plot range of either the x or y variables is set to (v1,v2), where v1 == v2, then the range will be computed automatically. Note that the x-range values should be consistent with the way the independent variable is created (via INDEX, DISTANCE, or ARC_LENGTH).

Definition at line 336 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetNumberOfXLabels ( int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the number of annotation labels to show along the x and y axes. This values is a suggestion: the number of labels may vary depending on the particulars of the data. The convenience method SetNumberOfLables() sets the number of x and y labels to the same value.

virtual int vtkXYPlotActor::GetNumberOfXLabels (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the number of annotation labels to show along the x and y axes. This values is a suggestion: the number of labels may vary depending on the particulars of the data. The convenience method SetNumberOfLables() sets the number of x and y labels to the same value.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetNumberOfYLabels ( int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the number of annotation labels to show along the x and y axes. This values is a suggestion: the number of labels may vary depending on the particulars of the data. The convenience method SetNumberOfLables() sets the number of x and y labels to the same value.

virtual int vtkXYPlotActor::GetNumberOfYLabels (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the number of annotation labels to show along the x and y axes. This values is a suggestion: the number of labels may vary depending on the particulars of the data. The convenience method SetNumberOfLables() sets the number of x and y labels to the same value.

void vtkXYPlotActor::SetNumberOfLabels ( int  num  )  [inline]

Set/Get the number of annotation labels to show along the x and y axes. This values is a suggestion: the number of labels may vary depending on the particulars of the data. The convenience method SetNumberOfLables() sets the number of x and y labels to the same value.

Definition at line 350 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

void vtkXYPlotActor::SetAdjustXLabels ( int  adjust  ) 

Set/Get the flag that controls whether the labels and ticks are adjusted for "nice" numerical values to make it easier to read the labels. The adjustment is based in the Range instance variable. Call GetAdjustedRange and GetAdjustedNumberOfLabels to get the adjusted range and number of labels.

virtual int vtkXYPlotActor::GetAdjustXLabels (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the flag that controls whether the labels and ticks are adjusted for "nice" numerical values to make it easier to read the labels. The adjustment is based in the Range instance variable. Call GetAdjustedRange and GetAdjustedNumberOfLabels to get the adjusted range and number of labels.

void vtkXYPlotActor::SetAdjustYLabels ( int  adjust  ) 

Set/Get the flag that controls whether the labels and ticks are adjusted for "nice" numerical values to make it easier to read the labels. The adjustment is based in the Range instance variable. Call GetAdjustedRange and GetAdjustedNumberOfLabels to get the adjusted range and number of labels.

virtual int vtkXYPlotActor::GetAdjustYLabels (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the flag that controls whether the labels and ticks are adjusted for "nice" numerical values to make it easier to read the labels. The adjustment is based in the Range instance variable. Call GetAdjustedRange and GetAdjustedNumberOfLabels to get the adjusted range and number of labels.

void vtkXYPlotActor::SetXTitlePosition ( double  position  ) 

Set/Get the position of the title of X or Y axis.

double vtkXYPlotActor::GetXTitlePosition (  ) 

Set/Get the position of the title of X or Y axis.

void vtkXYPlotActor::SetYTitlePosition ( double  position  ) 

Set/Get the position of the title of X or Y axis.

double vtkXYPlotActor::GetYTitlePosition (  ) 

Set/Get the position of the title of X or Y axis.

void vtkXYPlotActor::SetNumberOfXMinorTicks ( int  num  ) 

Set/Get the number of minor ticks in X or Y.

int vtkXYPlotActor::GetNumberOfXMinorTicks (  ) 

Set/Get the number of minor ticks in X or Y.

void vtkXYPlotActor::SetNumberOfYMinorTicks ( int  num  ) 

Set/Get the number of minor ticks in X or Y.

int vtkXYPlotActor::GetNumberOfYMinorTicks (  ) 

Set/Get the number of minor ticks in X or Y.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetLegend ( int   )  [virtual]

Enable/Disable the creation of a legend. If on, the legend labels will be created automatically unless the per plot legend symbol has been set.

virtual int vtkXYPlotActor::GetLegend (  )  [virtual]

Enable/Disable the creation of a legend. If on, the legend labels will be created automatically unless the per plot legend symbol has been set.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::LegendOn (  )  [virtual]

Enable/Disable the creation of a legend. If on, the legend labels will be created automatically unless the per plot legend symbol has been set.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::LegendOff (  )  [virtual]

Enable/Disable the creation of a legend. If on, the legend labels will be created automatically unless the per plot legend symbol has been set.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetTitlePosition ( double  ,
) [virtual]

Set/Get the position of the title. This has no effect if AdjustTitlePosition is true.

void vtkXYPlotActor::SetTitlePosition ( double  [2]  ) 

Set/Get the position of the title. This has no effect if AdjustTitlePosition is true.

virtual double* vtkXYPlotActor::GetTitlePosition (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the position of the title. This has no effect if AdjustTitlePosition is true.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::GetTitlePosition ( double &  ,
double &   
) [virtual]

Set/Get the position of the title. This has no effect if AdjustTitlePosition is true.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::GetTitlePosition ( double  [2]  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the position of the title. This has no effect if AdjustTitlePosition is true.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetAdjustTitlePosition ( int   )  [virtual]

If true, the xyplot actor will adjust the position of the title automatically to be upper-middle. Default is true.

virtual int vtkXYPlotActor::GetAdjustTitlePosition (  )  [virtual]

If true, the xyplot actor will adjust the position of the title automatically to be upper-middle. Default is true.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::AdjustTitlePositionOn (  )  [virtual]

If true, the xyplot actor will adjust the position of the title automatically to be upper-middle. Default is true.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::AdjustTitlePositionOff (  )  [virtual]

If true, the xyplot actor will adjust the position of the title automatically to be upper-middle. Default is true.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetAdjustTitlePositionMode ( int   )  [virtual]

If AdjustTitlePosition is truem, the xyplot actor will adjust the position of the title automatically depending on the given mode, the mode is a combination of the Alignment flags. by default: vtkXYPlotActor::AlignHCenter | vtkXYPlotActor::Top | vtkXYPlotActor::AlignAxisVCenter

virtual int vtkXYPlotActor::GetAdjustTitlePositionMode (  )  [virtual]

If AdjustTitlePosition is truem, the xyplot actor will adjust the position of the title automatically depending on the given mode, the mode is a combination of the Alignment flags. by default: vtkXYPlotActor::AlignHCenter | vtkXYPlotActor::Top | vtkXYPlotActor::AlignAxisVCenter

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetLegendPosition ( double  ,
) [virtual]

Use these methods to control the position of the legend. The variables LegendPosition and LegendPosition2 define the lower-left and upper-right position of the legend. The coordinates are expressed as normalized values with respect to the rectangle defined by PositionCoordinate and Position2Coordinate. Note that LegendPosition2 is relative to LegendPosition.

void vtkXYPlotActor::SetLegendPosition ( double  [2]  ) 

Use these methods to control the position of the legend. The variables LegendPosition and LegendPosition2 define the lower-left and upper-right position of the legend. The coordinates are expressed as normalized values with respect to the rectangle defined by PositionCoordinate and Position2Coordinate. Note that LegendPosition2 is relative to LegendPosition.

virtual double* vtkXYPlotActor::GetLegendPosition (  )  [virtual]

Use these methods to control the position of the legend. The variables LegendPosition and LegendPosition2 define the lower-left and upper-right position of the legend. The coordinates are expressed as normalized values with respect to the rectangle defined by PositionCoordinate and Position2Coordinate. Note that LegendPosition2 is relative to LegendPosition.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::GetLegendPosition ( double &  ,
double &   
) [virtual]

Use these methods to control the position of the legend. The variables LegendPosition and LegendPosition2 define the lower-left and upper-right position of the legend. The coordinates are expressed as normalized values with respect to the rectangle defined by PositionCoordinate and Position2Coordinate. Note that LegendPosition2 is relative to LegendPosition.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::GetLegendPosition ( double  [2]  )  [virtual]

Use these methods to control the position of the legend. The variables LegendPosition and LegendPosition2 define the lower-left and upper-right position of the legend. The coordinates are expressed as normalized values with respect to the rectangle defined by PositionCoordinate and Position2Coordinate. Note that LegendPosition2 is relative to LegendPosition.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetLegendPosition2 ( double  ,
) [virtual]

Use these methods to control the position of the legend. The variables LegendPosition and LegendPosition2 define the lower-left and upper-right position of the legend. The coordinates are expressed as normalized values with respect to the rectangle defined by PositionCoordinate and Position2Coordinate. Note that LegendPosition2 is relative to LegendPosition.

void vtkXYPlotActor::SetLegendPosition2 ( double  [2]  ) 

Use these methods to control the position of the legend. The variables LegendPosition and LegendPosition2 define the lower-left and upper-right position of the legend. The coordinates are expressed as normalized values with respect to the rectangle defined by PositionCoordinate and Position2Coordinate. Note that LegendPosition2 is relative to LegendPosition.

virtual double* vtkXYPlotActor::GetLegendPosition2 (  )  [virtual]

Use these methods to control the position of the legend. The variables LegendPosition and LegendPosition2 define the lower-left and upper-right position of the legend. The coordinates are expressed as normalized values with respect to the rectangle defined by PositionCoordinate and Position2Coordinate. Note that LegendPosition2 is relative to LegendPosition.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::GetLegendPosition2 ( double &  ,
double &   
) [virtual]

Use these methods to control the position of the legend. The variables LegendPosition and LegendPosition2 define the lower-left and upper-right position of the legend. The coordinates are expressed as normalized values with respect to the rectangle defined by PositionCoordinate and Position2Coordinate. Note that LegendPosition2 is relative to LegendPosition.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::GetLegendPosition2 ( double  [2]  )  [virtual]

Use these methods to control the position of the legend. The variables LegendPosition and LegendPosition2 define the lower-left and upper-right position of the legend. The coordinates are expressed as normalized values with respect to the rectangle defined by PositionCoordinate and Position2Coordinate. Note that LegendPosition2 is relative to LegendPosition.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetTitleTextProperty ( vtkTextProperty p  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the title text property.

virtual vtkTextProperty* vtkXYPlotActor::GetTitleTextProperty (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the title text property.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetAxisTitleTextProperty ( vtkTextProperty p  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the title text property of all axes. Note that each axis can be controlled individually through the GetX/YAxisActor2D() methods.

virtual vtkTextProperty* vtkXYPlotActor::GetAxisTitleTextProperty (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the title text property of all axes. Note that each axis can be controlled individually through the GetX/YAxisActor2D() methods.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetAxisLabelTextProperty ( vtkTextProperty p  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the labels text property of all axes. Note that each axis can be controlled individually through the GetX/YAxisActor2D() methods.

virtual vtkTextProperty* vtkXYPlotActor::GetAxisLabelTextProperty (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the labels text property of all axes. Note that each axis can be controlled individually through the GetX/YAxisActor2D() methods.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetLogx ( int   )  [virtual]

Enable/Disable plotting of Log of x-values.

virtual int vtkXYPlotActor::GetLogx (  )  [virtual]

Enable/Disable plotting of Log of x-values.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::LogxOn (  )  [virtual]

Enable/Disable plotting of Log of x-values.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::LogxOff (  )  [virtual]

Enable/Disable plotting of Log of x-values.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetLabelFormat ( const char *  _arg  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the format with which to print the labels . This sets both X and Y label formats. GetLabelFormat() returns X label format.

const char* vtkXYPlotActor::GetLabelFormat (  )  [inline]

Set/Get the format with which to print the labels . This sets both X and Y label formats. GetLabelFormat() returns X label format.

Definition at line 476 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetXLabelFormat ( const char *  _arg  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the format with which to print the X label.

virtual char* vtkXYPlotActor::GetXLabelFormat (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the format with which to print the X label.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetYLabelFormat ( const char *  _arg  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the format with which to print the Y label.

virtual char* vtkXYPlotActor::GetYLabelFormat (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the format with which to print the Y label.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetBorder ( int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the spacing between the plot window and the plot. The value is specified in pixels.

virtual int vtkXYPlotActor::GetBorder (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the spacing between the plot window and the plot. The value is specified in pixels.

virtual int vtkXYPlotActor::GetPlotPoints (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get whether the points are rendered. The point size can be set in the property object. This is a global flag which affects the plot only if per curve symbols are not defined.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetPlotPoints ( int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get whether the points are rendered. The point size can be set in the property object. This is a global flag which affects the plot only if per curve symbols are not defined.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::PlotPointsOn (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get whether the points are rendered. The point size can be set in the property object. This is a global flag which affects the plot only if per curve symbols are not defined.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::PlotPointsOff (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get whether the points are rendered. The point size can be set in the property object. This is a global flag which affects the plot only if per curve symbols are not defined.

virtual int vtkXYPlotActor::GetPlotLines (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get whether the lines are rendered. The line width can be set in the property object.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetPlotLines ( int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get whether the lines are rendered. The line width can be set in the property object.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::PlotLinesOn (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get whether the lines are rendered. The line width can be set in the property object.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::PlotLinesOff (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get whether the lines are rendered. The line width can be set in the property object.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetGlyphSize ( double   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the factor that controls how big glyphs are in the plot. The number is expressed as a fraction of the length of the diagonal of the plot bounding box.

virtual double vtkXYPlotActor::GetGlyphSize (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the factor that controls how big glyphs are in the plot. The number is expressed as a fraction of the length of the diagonal of the plot bounding box.

void vtkXYPlotActor::ViewportToPlotCoordinate ( vtkViewport viewport,
double &  u,
double &  v 

Given a position within the viewport used by the plot, return the the plot coordinates (XAxis value, YAxis value)

void vtkXYPlotActor::ViewportToPlotCoordinate ( vtkViewport viewport  ) 

An alternate form of ViewportToPlotCoordinate() above. This method inputs the viewport coordinate pair (defined by the ivar ViewportCoordinate)and then stores them in the ivar PlotCoordinate.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetPlotCoordinate ( double  ,
) [virtual]

An alternate form of ViewportToPlotCoordinate() above. This method inputs the viewport coordinate pair (defined by the ivar ViewportCoordinate)and then stores them in the ivar PlotCoordinate.

void vtkXYPlotActor::SetPlotCoordinate ( double  [2]  ) 

An alternate form of ViewportToPlotCoordinate() above. This method inputs the viewport coordinate pair (defined by the ivar ViewportCoordinate)and then stores them in the ivar PlotCoordinate.

virtual double* vtkXYPlotActor::GetPlotCoordinate (  )  [virtual]

An alternate form of ViewportToPlotCoordinate() above. This method inputs the viewport coordinate pair (defined by the ivar ViewportCoordinate)and then stores them in the ivar PlotCoordinate.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::GetPlotCoordinate ( double &  ,
double &   
) [virtual]

An alternate form of ViewportToPlotCoordinate() above. This method inputs the viewport coordinate pair (defined by the ivar ViewportCoordinate)and then stores them in the ivar PlotCoordinate.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::GetPlotCoordinate ( double  [2]  )  [virtual]

An alternate form of ViewportToPlotCoordinate() above. This method inputs the viewport coordinate pair (defined by the ivar ViewportCoordinate)and then stores them in the ivar PlotCoordinate.

void vtkXYPlotActor::PlotToViewportCoordinate ( vtkViewport viewport,
double &  u,
double &  v 

Given a plot coordinate, return the viewpoint position

void vtkXYPlotActor::PlotToViewportCoordinate ( vtkViewport viewport  ) 

An alternate form of PlotToViewportCoordinate() above. This method inputs the plot coordinate pair (defined in the ivar PlotCoordinate) and then stores them in the ivar ViewportCoordinate. (This method can be wrapped.)

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetViewportCoordinate ( double  ,
) [virtual]

An alternate form of PlotToViewportCoordinate() above. This method inputs the plot coordinate pair (defined in the ivar PlotCoordinate) and then stores them in the ivar ViewportCoordinate. (This method can be wrapped.)

void vtkXYPlotActor::SetViewportCoordinate ( double  [2]  ) 

An alternate form of PlotToViewportCoordinate() above. This method inputs the plot coordinate pair (defined in the ivar PlotCoordinate) and then stores them in the ivar ViewportCoordinate. (This method can be wrapped.)

virtual double* vtkXYPlotActor::GetViewportCoordinate (  )  [virtual]

An alternate form of PlotToViewportCoordinate() above. This method inputs the plot coordinate pair (defined in the ivar PlotCoordinate) and then stores them in the ivar ViewportCoordinate. (This method can be wrapped.)

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::GetViewportCoordinate ( double &  ,
double &   
) [virtual]

An alternate form of PlotToViewportCoordinate() above. This method inputs the plot coordinate pair (defined in the ivar PlotCoordinate) and then stores them in the ivar ViewportCoordinate. (This method can be wrapped.)

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::GetViewportCoordinate ( double  [2]  )  [virtual]

An alternate form of PlotToViewportCoordinate() above. This method inputs the plot coordinate pair (defined in the ivar PlotCoordinate) and then stores them in the ivar ViewportCoordinate. (This method can be wrapped.)

int vtkXYPlotActor::IsInPlot ( vtkViewport viewport,
double  u,
double  v 

Is the specified viewport position within the plot area (as opposed to the region used by the plot plus the labels)?

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetChartBox ( int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the flag that controls whether a box will be drawn/filled corresponding to the chart box.

virtual int vtkXYPlotActor::GetChartBox (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the flag that controls whether a box will be drawn/filled corresponding to the chart box.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::ChartBoxOn (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the flag that controls whether a box will be drawn/filled corresponding to the chart box.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::ChartBoxOff (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the flag that controls whether a box will be drawn/filled corresponding to the chart box.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetChartBorder ( int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the flag that controls whether a box will be drawn/filled corresponding to the legend box.

virtual int vtkXYPlotActor::GetChartBorder (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the flag that controls whether a box will be drawn/filled corresponding to the legend box.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::ChartBorderOn (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the flag that controls whether a box will be drawn/filled corresponding to the legend box.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::ChartBorderOff (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the flag that controls whether a box will be drawn/filled corresponding to the legend box.

vtkProperty2D* vtkXYPlotActor::GetChartBoxProperty (  )  [inline]

Get the box vtkProperty2D.

Definition at line 573 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetShowReferenceXLine ( int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get if the X reference line is visible. hidden by default

virtual int vtkXYPlotActor::GetShowReferenceXLine (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get if the X reference line is visible. hidden by default

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::ShowReferenceXLineOn (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get if the X reference line is visible. hidden by default

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::ShowReferenceXLineOff (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get if the X reference line is visible. hidden by default

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetReferenceXValue ( double   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the value for the X reference line

virtual double vtkXYPlotActor::GetReferenceXValue (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the value for the X reference line

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetShowReferenceYLine ( int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get if the Y reference line is visible. hidden by default

virtual int vtkXYPlotActor::GetShowReferenceYLine (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get if the Y reference line is visible. hidden by default

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::ShowReferenceYLineOn (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get if the Y reference line is visible. hidden by default

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::ShowReferenceYLineOff (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get if the Y reference line is visible. hidden by default

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::SetReferenceYValue ( double   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the value for the Y reference line

virtual double vtkXYPlotActor::GetReferenceYValue (  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the value for the Y reference line

unsigned long vtkXYPlotActor::GetMTime (  )  [virtual]

Take into account the modified time of internal helper classes.

Reimplemented from vtkActor2D.

void vtkXYPlotActor::PrintAsCSV ( ostream &  os  ) 

Write the XY Ploat Actor as a CSV (comma separated value) representation.

int vtkXYPlotActor::RenderOpaqueGeometry ( vtkViewport  )  [virtual]


Reimplemented from vtkActor2D.

int vtkXYPlotActor::RenderOverlay ( vtkViewport  )  [virtual]


Reimplemented from vtkActor2D.

virtual int vtkXYPlotActor::RenderTranslucentPolygonalGeometry ( vtkViewport  )  [inline, virtual]


Reimplemented from vtkActor2D.

Definition at line 614 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

virtual int vtkXYPlotActor::HasTranslucentPolygonalGeometry (  )  [virtual]

Does this prop have some translucent polygonal geometry?

Reimplemented from vtkActor2D.

void vtkXYPlotActor::ReleaseGraphicsResources ( vtkWindow  )  [virtual]

Release any graphics resources that are being consumed by this actor. The parameter window could be used to determine which graphic resources to release.

Reimplemented from vtkActor2D.

void vtkXYPlotActor::InitializeEntries (  )  [protected]

void vtkXYPlotActor::ComputeXRange ( double  range[2],
double *  lengths 
) [protected]

void vtkXYPlotActor::ComputeYRange ( double  range[2]  )  [protected]

void vtkXYPlotActor::ComputeDORange ( double  xrange[2],
double  yrange[2],
double *  lengths 
) [protected]

virtual void vtkXYPlotActor::CreatePlotData ( int *  pos,
int *  pos2,
double  xRange[2],
double  yRange[2],
double *  norms,
int  numDS,
int  numDO 
) [protected, virtual]

void vtkXYPlotActor::PlaceAxes ( vtkViewport viewport,
int *  size,
int  pos[2],
int  pos2[2] 
) [protected]

void vtkXYPlotActor::GenerateClipPlanes ( int *  pos,
int *  pos2 
) [protected]

double vtkXYPlotActor::ComputeGlyphScale ( int  i,
int *  pos,
int *  pos2 
) [protected]

void vtkXYPlotActor::ClipPlotData ( int *  pos,
int *  pos2,
vtkPolyData pd 
) [protected]

double* vtkXYPlotActor::TransformPoint ( int  pos[2],
int  pos2[2],
double  x[3],
double  xNew[3] 
) [protected]

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 632 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 633 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 634 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 635 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

char* vtkXYPlotActor::Title [protected]

Definition at line 636 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

char* vtkXYPlotActor::XTitle [protected]

Definition at line 637 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

char* vtkXYPlotActor::YTitle [protected]

Definition at line 638 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

int vtkXYPlotActor::XValues [protected]

Definition at line 639 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 640 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 641 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

int vtkXYPlotActor::Logx [protected]

Definition at line 642 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

char* vtkXYPlotActor::XLabelFormat [protected]

Definition at line 643 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

char* vtkXYPlotActor::YLabelFormat [protected]

Definition at line 644 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

double vtkXYPlotActor::XRange[2] [protected]

Definition at line 645 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

double vtkXYPlotActor::YRange[2] [protected]

Definition at line 646 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

double vtkXYPlotActor::XComputedRange[2] [protected]

Definition at line 647 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

double vtkXYPlotActor::YComputedRange[2] [protected]

Definition at line 648 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

int vtkXYPlotActor::Border [protected]

Definition at line 649 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

int vtkXYPlotActor::PlotLines [protected]

Definition at line 650 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

int vtkXYPlotActor::PlotPoints [protected]

Definition at line 651 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 652 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 653 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 654 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 655 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 656 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 657 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 658 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 659 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

double vtkXYPlotActor::TitlePosition[2] [protected]

Definition at line 660 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 661 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 663 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 664 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 665 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 667 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 668 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 670 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 671 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

double vtkXYPlotActor::ViewportCoordinate[2] [protected]

Definition at line 673 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

double vtkXYPlotActor::PlotCoordinate[2] [protected]

Definition at line 674 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 677 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 678 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 679 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 680 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 681 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 686 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 687 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 688 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 689 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 690 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 691 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

int vtkXYPlotActor::Legend [protected]

Definition at line 696 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

double vtkXYPlotActor::LegendPosition[2] [protected]

Definition at line 697 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

double vtkXYPlotActor::LegendPosition2[2] [protected]

Definition at line 698 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 699 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 700 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 701 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

double vtkXYPlotActor::GlyphSize [protected]

Definition at line 702 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

int vtkXYPlotActor::ChartBox [protected]

Definition at line 705 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 706 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 707 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 708 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

int vtkXYPlotActor::ChartBorder [protected]

Definition at line 709 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 710 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 711 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 712 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 715 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 716 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

double vtkXYPlotActor::ReferenceXValue [protected]

Definition at line 717 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

double vtkXYPlotActor::ReferenceYValue [protected]

Definition at line 718 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 720 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 721 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 722 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

int vtkXYPlotActor::CachedSize[2] [protected]

Definition at line 725 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

Definition at line 726 of file vtkXYPlotActor.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Wed Aug 24 12:23:54 2011 for VTK by  doxygen 1.5.6