dox/Common/vtkByteSwap.h File Reference

#include "vtkObject.h"

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class  vtkByteSwap
 perform machine dependent byte swapping More...



Define Documentation

#define VTK_BYTE_SWAP_DECL (  ) 


static void SwapLE(T* p);                                                     \
  static void SwapBE(T* p);                                                     \
  static void SwapLERange(T* p, vtkIdType num);                                 \
  static void SwapBERange(T* p, vtkIdType num);                                 \
  static bool SwapLERangeWrite(const T* p, vtkIdType num, FILE* file);          \
  static bool SwapBERangeWrite(const T* p, vtkIdType num, FILE* file);          \
  static void SwapLERangeWrite(const T* p, vtkIdType num, ostream* os);         \
  static void SwapBERangeWrite(const T* p, vtkIdType num, ostream* os)
Type-safe swap signatures to swap for storage in either Little Endian or Big Endian format. Swapping is performed according to the true size of the type given.

Definition at line 42 of file vtkByteSwap.h.

Generated on Wed Aug 24 11:18:12 2011 for VTK by  doxygen 1.5.6