dox/Infovis/vtkBoostGraphAdapter.h File Reference

#include "vtkAbstractArray.h"
#include "vtkDirectedGraph.h"
#include "vtkDistributedGraphHelper.h"
#include "vtkDataObject.h"
#include "vtkDataArray.h"
#include "vtkDoubleArray.h"
#include "vtkFloatArray.h"
#include "vtkIdTypeArray.h"
#include "vtkInformation.h"
#include "vtkIntArray.h"
#include "vtkMutableDirectedGraph.h"
#include "vtkMutableUndirectedGraph.h"
#include "vtkTree.h"
#include "vtkUndirectedGraph.h"
#include "vtkVariant.h"
#include <boost/version.hpp>
#include <vtksys/stl/utility>
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/properties.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/vector_property_map.hpp>

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namespace  boost


struct  boost::property_traits< vtkDataArray * >
struct  boost::property_traits< vtkAbstractArray * >
class  boost::vtk_vertex_iterator
class  boost::vtk_edge_iterator
class  boost::vtk_out_edge_pointer_iterator
class  boost::vtk_in_edge_pointer_iterator
struct  boost::vtkGraph_traversal_category
struct  boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >
struct  boost::vertex_property_type< vtkGraph * >
struct  boost::edge_property_type< vtkGraph * >
struct  boost::vertex_bundle_type< vtkGraph * >
struct  boost::edge_bundle_type< vtkGraph * >
struct  boost::graph_traits< vtkDirectedGraph * >
struct  boost::graph_traits< const vtkDirectedGraph * >
struct  boost::graph_traits< vtkDirectedGraph *const >
struct  boost::vertex_property_type< vtkDirectedGraph * >
struct  boost::vertex_property_type< vtkDirectedGraph *const >
struct  boost::edge_property_type< vtkDirectedGraph * >
struct  boost::edge_property_type< vtkDirectedGraph *const >
struct  boost::vertex_bundle_type< vtkDirectedGraph * >
struct  boost::vertex_bundle_type< vtkDirectedGraph *const >
struct  boost::edge_bundle_type< vtkDirectedGraph * >
struct  boost::edge_bundle_type< vtkDirectedGraph *const >
struct  boost::graph_traits< vtkTree * >
struct  boost::graph_traits< const vtkTree * >
struct  boost::graph_traits< vtkTree *const >
struct  boost::graph_traits< vtkUndirectedGraph * >
struct  boost::graph_traits< const vtkUndirectedGraph * >
struct  boost::graph_traits< vtkUndirectedGraph *const >
struct  boost::vertex_property_type< vtkUndirectedGraph * >
struct  boost::vertex_property_type< vtkUndirectedGraph *const >
struct  boost::edge_property_type< vtkUndirectedGraph * >
struct  boost::edge_property_type< vtkUndirectedGraph *const >
struct  boost::vertex_bundle_type< vtkUndirectedGraph * >
struct  boost::vertex_bundle_type< vtkUndirectedGraph *const >
struct  boost::edge_bundle_type< vtkUndirectedGraph * >
struct  boost::edge_bundle_type< vtkUndirectedGraph *const >
struct  boost::graph_traits< vtkMutableDirectedGraph * >
struct  boost::graph_traits< const vtkMutableDirectedGraph * >
struct  boost::graph_traits< vtkMutableDirectedGraph *const >
struct  boost::vertex_property_type< vtkMutableDirectedGraph * >
struct  boost::vertex_property_type< vtkMutableDirectedGraph *const >
struct  boost::edge_property_type< vtkMutableDirectedGraph * >
struct  boost::edge_property_type< vtkMutableDirectedGraph *const >
struct  boost::vertex_bundle_type< vtkMutableDirectedGraph * >
struct  boost::vertex_bundle_type< vtkMutableDirectedGraph *const >
struct  boost::edge_bundle_type< vtkMutableDirectedGraph * >
struct  boost::edge_bundle_type< vtkMutableDirectedGraph *const >
struct  boost::graph_traits< vtkMutableUndirectedGraph * >
struct  boost::graph_traits< const vtkMutableUndirectedGraph * >
struct  boost::graph_traits< vtkMutableUndirectedGraph *const >
struct  boost::vertex_property_type< vtkMutableUndirectedGraph * >
struct  boost::vertex_property_type< vtkMutableUndirectedGraph *const >
struct  boost::edge_property_type< vtkMutableUndirectedGraph * >
struct  boost::edge_property_type< vtkMutableUndirectedGraph *const >
struct  boost::vertex_bundle_type< vtkMutableUndirectedGraph * >
struct  boost::vertex_bundle_type< vtkMutableUndirectedGraph *const >
struct  boost::edge_bundle_type< vtkMutableUndirectedGraph * >
struct  boost::edge_bundle_type< vtkMutableUndirectedGraph *const >
class  boost::vertex_property< vtkGraph * >
class  boost::edge_property< vtkGraph * >
struct  boost::vtkGraphEdgeMap
struct  boost::property_traits< vtkGraphEdgeMap >
class  boost::vtkGraphEdgePropertyMapHelper< PMap >
struct  boost::vtkGraphIndexMap
struct  boost::property_traits< vtkGraphIndexMap >
class  boost::vtkGraphPropertyMapMultiplier< PMap >
struct  boost::property_map< vtkGraph *, vertex_index_t >
struct  boost::property_map< vtkDirectedGraph *, vertex_index_t >
struct  boost::property_map< vtkUndirectedGraph *, vertex_index_t >
struct  boost::property_map< vtkGraph *, edge_index_t >
struct  boost::property_map< vtkDirectedGraph *, edge_index_t >
struct  boost::property_map< vtkUndirectedGraph *, edge_index_t >
struct  boost::property_map< vtkDirectedGraph *const, vertex_index_t >
struct  boost::property_map< vtkUndirectedGraph *const, vertex_index_t >
struct  boost::property_map< vtkDirectedGraph *const, edge_index_t >
struct  boost::property_map< vtkUndirectedGraph *const, edge_index_t >


#define vtkPropertyMapMacro(T, V)


 boost::vtkPropertyMapMacro (vtkIntArray, int) vtkPropertyMapMacro(vtkIdTypeArray
vtkIdType boost::vtkPropertyMapMacro (vtkDoubleArray, double) vtkPropertyMapMacro(vtkFloatArray
double boost::get (vtkDataArray *const &arr, vtkIdType key)
void boost::put (vtkDataArray *arr, vtkIdType key, const double &value)
vtkVariant boost::get (vtkAbstractArray *const &arr, vtkIdType key)
void boost::put (vtkAbstractArray *arr, vtkIdType key, const vtkVariant &value)
bool boost::has_no_edges (vtkGraph *g)
void boost::remove_edge (graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::edge_descriptor e, vtkGraph *g)
boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >
source (boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::edge_descriptor e, vtkGraph *)
boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >
target (boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::edge_descriptor e, vtkGraph *)
< boost::graph_traits
< vtkGraph * >
boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >
::vertex_iterator > 
vertices (vtkGraph *g)
< boost::graph_traits
< vtkGraph * >::edge_iterator,
boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >
::edge_iterator > 
edges (vtkGraph *g)
< boost::graph_traits
< vtkGraph * >
boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >
::out_edge_iterator > 
out_edges (boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::vertex_descriptor u, vtkGraph *g)
< boost::graph_traits
< vtkGraph * >
boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >
::in_edge_iterator > 
in_edges (boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::vertex_descriptor u, vtkGraph *g)
< boost::graph_traits
< vtkGraph * >
boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >
::adjacency_iterator > 
adjacent_vertices (boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::vertex_descriptor u, vtkGraph *g)
boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >
num_vertices (vtkGraph *g)
boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >
num_edges (vtkGraph *g)
boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >
out_degree (boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::vertex_descriptor u, vtkGraph *g)
< vtkDirectedGraph * >
in_degree (boost::graph_traits< vtkDirectedGraph * >::vertex_descriptor u, vtkDirectedGraph *g)
boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >
degree (boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::vertex_descriptor u, vtkGraph *g)
< vtkMutableDirectedGraph * >
add_vertex (vtkMutableDirectedGraph *g)
< boost::graph_traits
< vtkMutableDirectedGraph * >
::edge_descriptor, bool > 
add_edge (boost::graph_traits< vtkMutableDirectedGraph * >::vertex_descriptor u, boost::graph_traits< vtkMutableDirectedGraph * >::vertex_descriptor v, vtkMutableDirectedGraph *g)
< vtkMutableUndirectedGraph * >
add_vertex (vtkMutableUndirectedGraph *g)
< boost::graph_traits
< vtkMutableUndirectedGraph * >
::edge_descriptor, bool > 
add_edge (boost::graph_traits< vtkMutableUndirectedGraph * >::vertex_descriptor u, boost::graph_traits< vtkMutableUndirectedGraph * >::vertex_descriptor v, vtkMutableUndirectedGraph *g)
< vtkGraphEdgeMap >::reference 
boost::get (vtkGraphEdgeMap vtkNotUsed(arr), property_traits< vtkGraphEdgeMap >::key_type key)
template<typename PMap>
property_traits< PMap >::reference boost::get (vtkGraphEdgePropertyMapHelper< PMap > helper, vtkEdgeType key)
template<typename PMap>
void boost::put (vtkGraphEdgePropertyMapHelper< PMap > helper, vtkEdgeType key, const typename property_traits< PMap >::value_type &value)
< vtkGraphIndexMap >
boost::get (vtkGraphIndexMap vtkNotUsed(arr), property_traits< vtkGraphIndexMap >::key_type key)
template<typename PMap>
property_traits< PMap >::reference boost::get (vtkGraphPropertyMapMultiplier< PMap > multi, const typename property_traits< PMap >::key_type key)
template<typename PMap>
void boost::put (vtkGraphPropertyMapMultiplier< PMap > multi, const typename property_traits< PMap >::key_type key, const typename property_traits< PMap >::value_type &value)
vtkGraphIndexMap boost::get (vertex_index_t, vtkGraph *)
vtkGraphIndexMap boost::get (edge_index_t, vtkGraph *)

Define Documentation

#define vtkPropertyMapMacro ( T,


template <>                                           \
  struct property_traits<T*>                            \
    {                                                   \
    typedef V value_type;                               \
    typedef V reference;                                \
    typedef vtkIdType key_type;                         \
    typedef read_write_property_map_tag category;       \
    };                                                  \
  inline property_traits<T*>::reference                 \
  get(                                                  \
    T* const & arr,                                     \
    property_traits<T*>::key_type key)                  \
  {                                                     \
    return arr->GetValue(key);                          \
  }                                                     \
  inline void                                           \
  put(                                                  \
    T* arr,                                             \
    property_traits<T*>::key_type key,                  \
    const property_traits<T*>::value_type & value)      \
  {                                                     \
    arr->InsertValue(key, value);                       \

Definition at line 60 of file vtkBoostGraphAdapter.h.

Function Documentation

boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph* >::vertex_descriptor source ( boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::edge_descriptor  e,
) [inline]

Definition at line 815 of file vtkBoostGraphAdapter.h.

boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph* >::vertex_descriptor target ( boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::edge_descriptor  e,
) [inline]

Definition at line 822 of file vtkBoostGraphAdapter.h.

vtksys_stl::pair< boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph* >::vertex_iterator, boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph* >::vertex_iterator > vertices ( vtkGraph g  )  [inline]

Definition at line 831 of file vtkBoostGraphAdapter.h.

vtksys_stl::pair< boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph* >::edge_iterator, boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph* >::edge_iterator > edges ( vtkGraph g  )  [inline]

Definition at line 849 of file vtkBoostGraphAdapter.h.

vtksys_stl::pair< boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph* >::out_edge_iterator, boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph* >::out_edge_iterator > out_edges ( boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::vertex_descriptor  u,
vtkGraph g 
) [inline]

Definition at line 858 of file vtkBoostGraphAdapter.h.

vtksys_stl::pair< boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph* >::in_edge_iterator, boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph* >::in_edge_iterator > in_edges ( boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::vertex_descriptor  u,
vtkGraph g 
) [inline]

Definition at line 870 of file vtkBoostGraphAdapter.h.

vtksys_stl::pair< boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph* >::adjacency_iterator, boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph* >::adjacency_iterator > adjacent_vertices ( boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::vertex_descriptor  u,
vtkGraph g 
) [inline]

Definition at line 882 of file vtkBoostGraphAdapter.h.

boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph* >::vertices_size_type num_vertices ( vtkGraph g  )  [inline]

Definition at line 893 of file vtkBoostGraphAdapter.h.

boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph* >::edges_size_type num_edges ( vtkGraph g  )  [inline]

Definition at line 899 of file vtkBoostGraphAdapter.h.

boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph* >::degree_size_type out_degree ( boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::vertex_descriptor  u,
vtkGraph g 
) [inline]

Definition at line 905 of file vtkBoostGraphAdapter.h.

boost::graph_traits< vtkDirectedGraph* >::degree_size_type in_degree ( boost::graph_traits< vtkDirectedGraph * >::vertex_descriptor  u,
vtkDirectedGraph g 
) [inline]

Definition at line 913 of file vtkBoostGraphAdapter.h.

boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph* >::degree_size_type degree ( boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::vertex_descriptor  u,
vtkGraph g 
) [inline]

Definition at line 921 of file vtkBoostGraphAdapter.h.

boost::graph_traits< vtkMutableDirectedGraph* >::vertex_descriptor add_vertex ( vtkMutableDirectedGraph g  )  [inline]

Definition at line 929 of file vtkBoostGraphAdapter.h.

vtksys_stl::pair< boost::graph_traits< vtkMutableDirectedGraph* >::edge_descriptor, bool> add_edge ( boost::graph_traits< vtkMutableDirectedGraph * >::vertex_descriptor  u,
boost::graph_traits< vtkMutableDirectedGraph * >::vertex_descriptor  v,
vtkMutableDirectedGraph g 
) [inline]

Definition at line 937 of file vtkBoostGraphAdapter.h.

boost::graph_traits< vtkMutableUndirectedGraph* >::vertex_descriptor add_vertex ( vtkMutableUndirectedGraph g  )  [inline]

Definition at line 947 of file vtkBoostGraphAdapter.h.

vtksys_stl::pair< boost::graph_traits< vtkMutableUndirectedGraph* >::edge_descriptor, bool> add_edge ( boost::graph_traits< vtkMutableUndirectedGraph * >::vertex_descriptor  u,
boost::graph_traits< vtkMutableUndirectedGraph * >::vertex_descriptor  v,
vtkMutableUndirectedGraph g 
) [inline]

Definition at line 955 of file vtkBoostGraphAdapter.h.

Generated on Wed Aug 24 11:22:01 2011 for VTK by  doxygen 1.5.6