performs common math operations More...
#include <vtkMath.h>
Public Types | |
typedef vtkObject | Superclass |
Public Member Functions | |
virtual int | IsA (const char *type) |
vtkMath * | NewInstance () const |
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static vtkMath * | New () |
static int | IsTypeOf (const char *type) |
static vtkMath * | SafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o) |
static double | Pi () |
static double | DoublePi () |
static double | DoubleTwoPi () |
static int | Floor (double x) |
static int | Ceil (double x) |
static int | CeilLog2 (vtkTypeUInt64 x) |
static bool | IsPowerOfTwo (vtkTypeUInt64 x) |
static int | NearestPowerOfTwo (int x) |
static vtkTypeInt64 | Factorial (int N) |
static vtkTypeInt64 | Binomial (int m, int n) |
static int * | BeginCombination (int m, int n) |
static int | NextCombination (int m, int n, int *combination) |
static void | FreeCombination (int *combination) |
static void | RandomSeed (int s) |
static int | GetSeed () |
static double | Random () |
static double | Random (double min, double max) |
static double | Gaussian () |
static double | Gaussian (double mean, double std) |
static void | Cross (const float x[3], const float y[3], float z[3]) |
static void | Cross (const double x[3], const double y[3], double z[3]) |
static float | Normalize (float x[3]) |
static double | Normalize (double x[3]) |
static float | Distance2BetweenPoints (const float x[3], const float y[3]) |
static double | Distance2BetweenPoints (const double x[3], const double y[3]) |
static double | GaussianAmplitude (const double variance, const double distanceFromMean) |
static double | GaussianAmplitude (const double mean, const double variance, const double position) |
static double | GaussianWeight (const double variance, const double distanceFromMean) |
static double | GaussianWeight (const double mean, const double variance, const double position) |
static float | Normalize2D (float x[2]) |
static double | Normalize2D (double x[2]) |
static int | SolveLinearSystem (double **A, double *x, int size) |
static int | InvertMatrix (double **A, double **AI, int size) |
static int | LUFactorLinearSystem (double **A, int *index, int size) |
static double | EstimateMatrixCondition (double **A, int size) |
static int | ExtentIsWithinOtherExtent (int extent1[6], int extent2[6]) |
static int | BoundsIsWithinOtherBounds (double bounds1[6], double bounds2[6], double delta[3]) |
static int | PointIsWithinBounds (double point[3], double bounds[6], double delta[3]) |
static double | Solve3PointCircle (const double p1[3], const double p2[3], const double p3[3], double center[3]) |
static double | Inf () |
static double | NegInf () |
static double | Nan () |
static int | IsInf (double x) |
static int | IsNan (double x) |
static bool | IsFinite (double x) |
static float | RadiansFromDegrees (float degrees) |
static double | RadiansFromDegrees (double degrees) |
static float | DegreesFromRadians (float radians) |
static double | DegreesFromRadians (double radians) |
static int | Round (float f) |
static int | Round (double f) |
static void | Add (const float a[3], const float b[3], float c[3]) |
static void | Add (const double a[3], const double b[3], double c[3]) |
static void | Subtract (const float a[3], const float b[3], float c[3]) |
static void | Subtract (const double a[3], const double b[3], double c[3]) |
static void | MultiplyScalar (float a[3], float s) |
static void | MultiplyScalar2D (float a[2], float s) |
static void | MultiplyScalar (double a[3], double s) |
static void | MultiplyScalar2D (double a[2], double s) |
static float | Dot (const float x[3], const float y[3]) |
static double | Dot (const double x[3], const double y[3]) |
static void | Outer (const float x[3], const float y[3], float A[3][3]) |
static void | Outer (const double x[3], const double y[3], double A[3][3]) |
static float | Norm (const float *x, int n) |
static double | Norm (const double *x, int n) |
static float | Norm (const float x[3]) |
static double | Norm (const double x[3]) |
static void | Perpendiculars (const double x[3], double y[3], double z[3], double theta) |
static void | Perpendiculars (const float x[3], float y[3], float z[3], double theta) |
static bool | ProjectVector (const float a[3], const float b[3], float projection[3]) |
static bool | ProjectVector (const double a[3], const double b[3], double projection[3]) |
static bool | ProjectVector2D (const float a[2], const float b[2], float projection[2]) |
static bool | ProjectVector2D (const double a[2], const double b[2], double projection[2]) |
static float | Dot2D (const float x[2], const float y[2]) |
static double | Dot2D (const double x[2], const double y[2]) |
static void | Outer2D (const float x[2], const float y[2], float A[2][2]) |
static void | Outer2D (const double x[2], const double y[2], double A[2][2]) |
static float | Norm2D (const float x[2]) |
static double | Norm2D (const double x[2]) |
static float | Determinant2x2 (const float c1[2], const float c2[2]) |
static double | Determinant2x2 (double a, double b, double c, double d) |
static double | Determinant2x2 (const double c1[2], const double c2[2]) |
static void | LUFactor3x3 (float A[3][3], int index[3]) |
static void | LUFactor3x3 (double A[3][3], int index[3]) |
static void | LUSolve3x3 (const float A[3][3], const int index[3], float x[3]) |
static void | LUSolve3x3 (const double A[3][3], const int index[3], double x[3]) |
static void | LinearSolve3x3 (const float A[3][3], const float x[3], float y[3]) |
static void | LinearSolve3x3 (const double A[3][3], const double x[3], double y[3]) |
static void | Multiply3x3 (const float A[3][3], const float in[3], float out[3]) |
static void | Multiply3x3 (const double A[3][3], const double in[3], double out[3]) |
static void | Multiply3x3 (const float A[3][3], const float B[3][3], float C[3][3]) |
static void | Multiply3x3 (const double A[3][3], const double B[3][3], double C[3][3]) |
static void | MultiplyMatrix (const double **A, const double **B, unsigned int rowA, unsigned int colA, unsigned int rowB, unsigned int colB, double **C) |
static void | Transpose3x3 (const float A[3][3], float AT[3][3]) |
static void | Transpose3x3 (const double A[3][3], double AT[3][3]) |
static void | Invert3x3 (const float A[3][3], float AI[3][3]) |
static void | Invert3x3 (const double A[3][3], double AI[3][3]) |
static void | Identity3x3 (float A[3][3]) |
static void | Identity3x3 (double A[3][3]) |
static double | Determinant3x3 (float A[3][3]) |
static double | Determinant3x3 (double A[3][3]) |
static float | Determinant3x3 (const float c1[3], const float c2[3], const float c3[3]) |
static double | Determinant3x3 (const double c1[3], const double c2[3], const double c3[3]) |
static double | Determinant3x3 (double a1, double a2, double a3, double b1, double b2, double b3, double c1, double c2, double c3) |
static void | QuaternionToMatrix3x3 (const float quat[4], float A[3][3]) |
static void | QuaternionToMatrix3x3 (const double quat[4], double A[3][3]) |
static void | Matrix3x3ToQuaternion (const float A[3][3], float quat[4]) |
static void | Matrix3x3ToQuaternion (const double A[3][3], double quat[4]) |
static void | MultiplyQuaternion (const float q1[4], const float q2[4], float q[4]) |
static void | MultiplyQuaternion (const double q1[4], const double q2[4], double q[4]) |
static void | Orthogonalize3x3 (const float A[3][3], float B[3][3]) |
static void | Orthogonalize3x3 (const double A[3][3], double B[3][3]) |
static void | Diagonalize3x3 (const float A[3][3], float w[3], float V[3][3]) |
static void | Diagonalize3x3 (const double A[3][3], double w[3], double V[3][3]) |
static void | SingularValueDecomposition3x3 (const float A[3][3], float U[3][3], float w[3], float VT[3][3]) |
static void | SingularValueDecomposition3x3 (const double A[3][3], double U[3][3], double w[3], double VT[3][3]) |
static int | InvertMatrix (double **A, double **AI, int size, int *tmp1Size, double *tmp2Size) |
static int | LUFactorLinearSystem (double **A, int *index, int size, double *tmpSize) |
static void | LUSolveLinearSystem (double **A, int *index, double *x, int size) |
static int | Jacobi (float **a, float *w, float **v) |
static int | Jacobi (double **a, double *w, double **v) |
static int | JacobiN (float **a, int n, float *w, float **v) |
static int | JacobiN (double **a, int n, double *w, double **v) |
static int | SolveHomogeneousLeastSquares (int numberOfSamples, double **xt, int xOrder, double **mt) |
static int | SolveLeastSquares (int numberOfSamples, double **xt, int xOrder, double **yt, int yOrder, double **mt, int checkHomogeneous=1) |
static void | RGBToHSV (const float rgb[3], float hsv[3]) |
static void | RGBToHSV (float r, float g, float b, float *h, float *s, float *v) |
static double * | RGBToHSV (const double rgb[3]) |
static double * | RGBToHSV (double r, double g, double b) |
static void | RGBToHSV (const double rgb[3], double hsv[3]) |
static void | RGBToHSV (double r, double g, double b, double *h, double *s, double *v) |
static void | HSVToRGB (const float hsv[3], float rgb[3]) |
static void | HSVToRGB (float h, float s, float v, float *r, float *g, float *b) |
static double * | HSVToRGB (const double hsv[3]) |
static double * | HSVToRGB (double h, double s, double v) |
static void | HSVToRGB (const double hsv[3], double rgb[3]) |
static void | HSVToRGB (double h, double s, double v, double *r, double *g, double *b) |
static void | LabToXYZ (const double lab[3], double xyz[3]) |
static void | LabToXYZ (double L, double a, double b, double *x, double *y, double *z) |
static double * | LabToXYZ (const double lab[3]) |
static void | XYZToLab (const double xyz[3], double lab[3]) |
static void | XYZToLab (double x, double y, double z, double *L, double *a, double *b) |
static double * | XYZToLab (const double xyz[3]) |
static void | XYZToRGB (const double xyz[3], double rgb[3]) |
static void | XYZToRGB (double x, double y, double z, double *r, double *g, double *b) |
static double * | XYZToRGB (const double xyz[3]) |
static void | RGBToXYZ (const double rgb[3], double xyz[3]) |
static void | RGBToXYZ (double r, double g, double b, double *x, double *y, double *z) |
static double * | RGBToXYZ (const double rgb[3]) |
static void | RGBToLab (const double rgb[3], double lab[3]) |
static void | RGBToLab (double red, double green, double blue, double *L, double *a, double *b) |
static double * | RGBToLab (const double rgb[3]) |
static void | LabToRGB (const double lab[3], double rgb[3]) |
static void | LabToRGB (double L, double a, double b, double *red, double *green, double *blue) |
static double * | LabToRGB (const double lab[3]) |
static void | UninitializeBounds (double bounds[6]) |
static int | AreBoundsInitialized (double bounds[6]) |
static void | ClampValue (double *value, const double range[2]) |
static void | ClampValue (double value, const double range[2], double *clamped_value) |
static void | ClampValues (double *values, int nb_values, const double range[2]) |
static void | ClampValues (const double *values, int nb_values, const double range[2], double *clamped_values) |
static double | ClampAndNormalizeValue (double value, const double range[2]) |
static int | GetScalarTypeFittingRange (double range_min, double range_max, double scale=1.0, double shift=0.0) |
static int | GetAdjustedScalarRange (vtkDataArray *array, int comp, double range[2]) |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual vtkObjectBase * | NewInstanceInternal () const |
vtkMath () | |
~vtkMath () | |
Static Protected Attributes | |
static vtkMathInternal | Internal |
performs common math operations
vtkMath provides methods to perform common math operations. These include providing constants such as Pi; conversion from degrees to radians; vector operations such as dot and cross products and vector norm; matrix determinant for 2x2 and 3x3 matrices; univariate polynomial solvers; and for random number generation (for backward compatibility only).
typedef vtkObject vtkMath::Superclass |
vtkMath::vtkMath | ( | ) | [inline, protected] |
vtkMath::~vtkMath | ( | ) | [inline, protected] |
static vtkMath* vtkMath::New | ( | ) | [static] |
Create an object with Debug turned off, modified time initialized to zero, and reference counting on.
Reimplemented from vtkObject.
static int vtkMath::IsTypeOf | ( | const char * | name | ) | [static] |
Return 1 if this class type is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. Returns 0 otherwise. This method works in combination with vtkTypeMacro found in vtkSetGet.h.
Reimplemented from vtkObject.
virtual int vtkMath::IsA | ( | const char * | name | ) | [virtual] |
Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. Returns 0 otherwise. This method works in combination with vtkTypeMacro found in vtkSetGet.h.
Reimplemented from vtkObject.
static vtkMath* vtkMath::SafeDownCast | ( | vtkObjectBase * | o | ) | [static] |
Reimplemented from vtkObject.
virtual vtkObjectBase* vtkMath::NewInstanceInternal | ( | ) | const [protected, virtual] |
Reimplemented from vtkObject.
vtkMath* vtkMath::NewInstance | ( | ) | const |
Reimplemented from vtkObject.
void vtkMath::PrintSelf | ( | ostream & | os, |
vtkIndent | indent | ||
) | [virtual] |
static double vtkMath::Pi | ( | ) | [inline, static] |
static double vtkMath::DoublePi | ( | ) | [static] |
Deprecated. Use vtkMath::Pi() instead.
static double vtkMath::DoubleTwoPi | ( | ) | [static] |
Deprecated. Use 2.0 * vtkMath::Pi() instead.
float vtkMath::RadiansFromDegrees | ( | float | degrees | ) | [inline, static] |
double vtkMath::RadiansFromDegrees | ( | double | degrees | ) | [inline, static] |
float vtkMath::DegreesFromRadians | ( | float | radians | ) | [inline, static] |
double vtkMath::DegreesFromRadians | ( | double | radians | ) | [inline, static] |
static int vtkMath::Round | ( | float | f | ) | [inline, static] |
static int vtkMath::Round | ( | double | f | ) | [inline, static] |
int vtkMath::Floor | ( | double | x | ) | [inline, static] |
int vtkMath::Ceil | ( | double | x | ) | [inline, static] |
static int vtkMath::CeilLog2 | ( | vtkTypeUInt64 | x | ) | [static] |
Gives the exponent of the lowest power of two not less than x. Or in mathspeak, return the smallest "i" for which 2^i >= x. If x is zero, then the return value will be zero.
bool vtkMath::IsPowerOfTwo | ( | vtkTypeUInt64 | x | ) | [inline, static] |
int vtkMath::NearestPowerOfTwo | ( | int | x | ) | [inline, static] |
vtkTypeInt64 vtkMath::Factorial | ( | int | N | ) | [inline, static] |
static vtkTypeInt64 vtkMath::Binomial | ( | int | m, |
int | n | ||
) | [static] |
The number of combinations of n objects from a pool of m objects (m>n). This is commonly known as "m choose n" and sometimes denoted or
static int* vtkMath::BeginCombination | ( | int | m, |
int | n | ||
) | [static] |
Start iterating over "m choose n" objects. This function returns an array of n integers, each from 0 to m-1. These integers represent the n items chosen from the set [0,m[. You are responsible for calling vtkMath::FreeCombination() once the iterator is no longer needed. Warning: this gets large very quickly, especially when n nears m/2! (Hint: think of Pascal's triangle.)
static int vtkMath::NextCombination | ( | int | m, |
int | n, | ||
int * | combination | ||
) | [static] |
Given m, n, and a valid combination of n integers in the range [0,m[, this function alters the integers into the next combination in a sequence of all combinations of n items from a pool of m. If the combination is the last item in the sequence on input, then combination is unaltered and 0 is returned. Otherwise, 1 is returned and combination is updated.
static void vtkMath::FreeCombination | ( | int * | combination | ) | [static] |
Free the "iterator" array created by vtkMath::BeginCombination.
static void vtkMath::RandomSeed | ( | int | s | ) | [static] |
Initialize seed value. NOTE: Random() has the bad property that the first random number returned after RandomSeed() is called is proportional to the seed value! To help solve this, call RandomSeed() a few times inside seed. This doesn't ruin the repeatability of Random(). DON'T USE Random(), RandomSeed(), GetSeed(), Gaussian() THIS IS STATIC SO THIS IS PRONE TO ERRORS (SPECIALLY FOR REGRESSION TESTS) THIS IS HERE FOR BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY ONLY. Instead, for a sequence of random numbers with a uniform distribution create a vtkMinimalStandardRandomSequence object. For a sequence of random numbers with a gaussian/normal distribution create a vtkBoxMuellerRandomSequence object.
static int vtkMath::GetSeed | ( | ) | [static] |
Return the current seed used by the random number generator. DON'T USE Random(), RandomSeed(), GetSeed(), Gaussian() THIS IS STATIC SO THIS IS PRONE TO ERRORS (SPECIALLY FOR REGRESSION TESTS) THIS IS HERE FOR BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY ONLY. Instead, for a sequence of random numbers with a uniform distribution create a vtkMinimalStandardRandomSequence object. For a sequence of random numbers with a gaussian/normal distribution create a vtkBoxMuellerRandomSequence object.
static double vtkMath::Random | ( | ) | [static] |
Generate pseudo-random numbers distributed according to the uniform distribution between 0.0 and 1.0. This is used to provide portability across different systems. DON'T USE Random(), RandomSeed(), GetSeed(), Gaussian() THIS IS STATIC SO THIS IS PRONE TO ERRORS (SPECIALLY FOR REGRESSION TESTS) THIS IS HERE FOR BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY ONLY. Instead, for a sequence of random numbers with a uniform distribution create a vtkMinimalStandardRandomSequence object. For a sequence of random numbers with a gaussian/normal distribution create a vtkBoxMuellerRandomSequence object.
static double vtkMath::Random | ( | double | min, |
double | max | ||
) | [static] |
Generate pseudo-random numbers distributed according to the uniform distribution between min and max. DON'T USE Random(), RandomSeed(), GetSeed(), Gaussian() THIS IS STATIC SO THIS IS PRONE TO ERRORS (SPECIALLY FOR REGRESSION TESTS) THIS IS HERE FOR BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY ONLY. Instead, for a sequence of random numbers with a uniform distribution create a vtkMinimalStandardRandomSequence object. For a sequence of random numbers with a gaussian/normal distribution create a vtkBoxMuellerRandomSequence object.
static double vtkMath::Gaussian | ( | ) | [static] |
Generate pseudo-random numbers distributed according to the standard normal distribution. DON'T USE Random(), RandomSeed(), GetSeed(), Gaussian() THIS IS STATIC SO THIS IS PRONE TO ERRORS (SPECIALLY FOR REGRESSION TESTS) THIS IS HERE FOR BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY ONLY. Instead, for a sequence of random numbers with a uniform distribution create a vtkMinimalStandardRandomSequence object. For a sequence of random numbers with a gaussian/normal distribution create a vtkBoxMuellerRandomSequence object.
static double vtkMath::Gaussian | ( | double | mean, |
double | std | ||
) | [static] |
Generate pseudo-random numbers distributed according to the Gaussian distribution with mean mean and standard deviation std. DON'T USE Random(), RandomSeed(), GetSeed(), Gaussian() THIS IS STATIC SO THIS IS PRONE TO ERRORS (SPECIALLY FOR REGRESSION TESTS) THIS IS HERE FOR BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY ONLY. Instead, for a sequence of random numbers with a uniform distribution create a vtkMinimalStandardRandomSequence object. For a sequence of random numbers with a gaussian/normal distribution create a vtkBoxMuellerRandomSequence object.
static void vtkMath::Add | ( | const float | a[3], |
const float | b[3], | ||
float | c[3] | ||
) | [inline, static] |
static void vtkMath::Add | ( | const double | a[3], |
const double | b[3], | ||
double | c[3] | ||
) | [inline, static] |
static void vtkMath::Subtract | ( | const float | a[3], |
const float | b[3], | ||
float | c[3] | ||
) | [inline, static] |
static void vtkMath::Subtract | ( | const double | a[3], |
const double | b[3], | ||
double | c[3] | ||
) | [inline, static] |
static void vtkMath::MultiplyScalar | ( | float | a[3], |
float | s | ||
) | [inline, static] |
static void vtkMath::MultiplyScalar2D | ( | float | a[2], |
float | s | ||
) | [inline, static] |
static void vtkMath::MultiplyScalar | ( | double | a[3], |
double | s | ||
) | [inline, static] |
static void vtkMath::MultiplyScalar2D | ( | double | a[2], |
double | s | ||
) | [inline, static] |
static float vtkMath::Dot | ( | const float | x[3], |
const float | y[3] | ||
) | [inline, static] |
static double vtkMath::Dot | ( | const double | x[3], |
const double | y[3] | ||
) | [inline, static] |
static void vtkMath::Outer | ( | const float | x[3], |
const float | y[3], | ||
float | A[3][3] | ||
) | [inline, static] |
static void vtkMath::Outer | ( | const double | x[3], |
const double | y[3], | ||
double | A[3][3] | ||
) | [inline, static] |
void vtkMath::Cross | ( | const float | x[3], |
const float | y[3], | ||
float | z[3] | ||
) | [inline, static] |
void vtkMath::Cross | ( | const double | x[3], |
const double | y[3], | ||
double | z[3] | ||
) | [inline, static] |
static float vtkMath::Norm | ( | const float * | x, |
int | n | ||
) | [static] |
Compute the norm of n-vector. x is the vector, n is its length.
static double vtkMath::Norm | ( | const double * | x, |
int | n | ||
) | [static] |
Compute the norm of n-vector. x is the vector, n is its length.
static float vtkMath::Norm | ( | const float | x[3] | ) | [inline, static] |
static double vtkMath::Norm | ( | const double | x[3] | ) | [inline, static] |
float vtkMath::Normalize | ( | float | x[3] | ) | [inline, static] |
double vtkMath::Normalize | ( | double | x[3] | ) | [inline, static] |
static void vtkMath::Perpendiculars | ( | const double | x[3], |
double | y[3], | ||
double | z[3], | ||
double | theta | ||
) | [static] |
Given a unit vector x, find two unit vectors y and z such that x cross y = z (i.e. the vectors are perpendicular to each other). There is an infinite number of such vectors, specify an angle theta to choose one set. If you want only one perpendicular vector, specify NULL for z.
static void vtkMath::Perpendiculars | ( | const float | x[3], |
float | y[3], | ||
float | z[3], | ||
double | theta | ||
) | [static] |
Given a unit vector x, find two unit vectors y and z such that x cross y = z (i.e. the vectors are perpendicular to each other). There is an infinite number of such vectors, specify an angle theta to choose one set. If you want only one perpendicular vector, specify NULL for z.
static bool vtkMath::ProjectVector | ( | const float | a[3], |
const float | b[3], | ||
float | projection[3] | ||
) | [static] |
Compute the projection of vector a on vector b and return it in projection[3]. If b is a zero vector, the function returns false and 'projection' is invalid. Otherwise, it returns true.
static bool vtkMath::ProjectVector | ( | const double | a[3], |
const double | b[3], | ||
double | projection[3] | ||
) | [static] |
Compute the projection of vector a on vector b and return it in projection[3]. If b is a zero vector, the function returns false and 'projection' is invalid. Otherwise, it returns true.
static bool vtkMath::ProjectVector2D | ( | const float | a[2], |
const float | b[2], | ||
float | projection[2] | ||
) | [static] |
Compute the projection of 2D vector 'a' on 2D vector 'b' and returns the result in projection[2]. If b is a zero vector, the function returns false and 'projection' is invalid. Otherwise, it returns true.
static bool vtkMath::ProjectVector2D | ( | const double | a[2], |
const double | b[2], | ||
double | projection[2] | ||
) | [static] |
Compute the projection of 2D vector 'a' on 2D vector 'b' and returns the result in projection[2]. If b is a zero vector, the function returns false and 'projection' is invalid. Otherwise, it returns true.
float vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints | ( | const float | x[3], |
const float | y[3] | ||
) | [inline, static] |
double vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints | ( | const double | x[3], |
const double | y[3] | ||
) | [inline, static] |
static double vtkMath::GaussianAmplitude | ( | const double | variance, |
const double | distanceFromMean | ||
) | [static] |
Compute the amplitude of a Gaussian function with mean=0 and specified variance. That is, 1./(sqrt(2 Pi * variance)) * exp(-distanceFromMean^2/(2.*variance)).
static double vtkMath::GaussianAmplitude | ( | const double | mean, |
const double | variance, | ||
const double | position | ||
) | [static] |
Compute the amplitude of a Gaussian function with specified mean and variance. That is, 1./(sqrt(2 Pi * variance)) * exp(-(position - mean)^2/(2.*variance)).
static double vtkMath::GaussianWeight | ( | const double | variance, |
const double | distanceFromMean | ||
) | [static] |
Compute the amplitude of an unnormalized Gaussian function with mean=0 and specified variance. That is, exp(-distanceFromMean^2/(2.*variance)). When distanceFromMean = 0, this function returns 1.
static double vtkMath::GaussianWeight | ( | const double | mean, |
const double | variance, | ||
const double | position | ||
) | [static] |
Compute the amplitude of an unnormalized Gaussian function with specified mean and variance. That is, exp(-(position - mean)^2/(2.*variance)). When the distance from 'position' to 'mean' is 0, this function returns 1.
static float vtkMath::Dot2D | ( | const float | x[2], |
const float | y[2] | ||
) | [inline, static] |
static double vtkMath::Dot2D | ( | const double | x[2], |
const double | y[2] | ||
) | [inline, static] |
static void vtkMath::Outer2D | ( | const float | x[2], |
const float | y[2], | ||
float | A[2][2] | ||
) | [inline, static] |
static void vtkMath::Outer2D | ( | const double | x[2], |
const double | y[2], | ||
double | A[2][2] | ||
) | [inline, static] |
static float vtkMath::Norm2D | ( | const float | x[2] | ) | [inline, static] |
static double vtkMath::Norm2D | ( | const double | x[2] | ) | [inline, static] |
static float vtkMath::Normalize2D | ( | float | x[2] | ) | [static] |
Normalize (in place) a 2-vector. Returns norm of vector.
static double vtkMath::Normalize2D | ( | double | x[2] | ) | [static] |
Normalize (in place) a 2-vector. Returns norm of vector. (double-precision version).
static float vtkMath::Determinant2x2 | ( | const float | c1[2], |
const float | c2[2] | ||
) | [inline, static] |
static double vtkMath::Determinant2x2 | ( | const double | c1[2], |
const double | c2[2] | ||
) | [inline, static] |
static void vtkMath::LUFactor3x3 | ( | float | A[3][3], |
int | index[3] | ||
) | [static] |
LU Factorization of a 3x3 matrix.
static void vtkMath::LUFactor3x3 | ( | double | A[3][3], |
int | index[3] | ||
) | [static] |
LU Factorization of a 3x3 matrix.
static void vtkMath::LUSolve3x3 | ( | const float | A[3][3], |
const int | index[3], | ||
float | x[3] | ||
) | [static] |
LU back substitution for a 3x3 matrix.
static void vtkMath::LUSolve3x3 | ( | const double | A[3][3], |
const int | index[3], | ||
double | x[3] | ||
) | [static] |
LU back substitution for a 3x3 matrix.
static void vtkMath::LinearSolve3x3 | ( | const float | A[3][3], |
const float | x[3], | ||
float | y[3] | ||
) | [static] |
Solve Ay = x for y and place the result in y. The matrix A is destroyed in the process.
static void vtkMath::LinearSolve3x3 | ( | const double | A[3][3], |
const double | x[3], | ||
double | y[3] | ||
) | [static] |
Solve Ay = x for y and place the result in y. The matrix A is destroyed in the process.
static void vtkMath::Multiply3x3 | ( | const float | A[3][3], |
const float | in[3], | ||
float | out[3] | ||
) | [static] |
Multiply a vector by a 3x3 matrix. The result is placed in out.
static void vtkMath::Multiply3x3 | ( | const double | A[3][3], |
const double | in[3], | ||
double | out[3] | ||
) | [static] |
Multiply a vector by a 3x3 matrix. The result is placed in out.
static void vtkMath::Multiply3x3 | ( | const float | A[3][3], |
const float | B[3][3], | ||
float | C[3][3] | ||
) | [static] |
Multiply one 3x3 matrix by another according to C = AB.
static void vtkMath::Multiply3x3 | ( | const double | A[3][3], |
const double | B[3][3], | ||
double | C[3][3] | ||
) | [static] |
Multiply one 3x3 matrix by another according to C = AB.
static void vtkMath::MultiplyMatrix | ( | const double ** | A, |
const double ** | B, | ||
unsigned int | rowA, | ||
unsigned int | colA, | ||
unsigned int | rowB, | ||
unsigned int | colB, | ||
double ** | C | ||
) | [static] |
General matrix multiplication. You must allocate output storage. colA == rowB and matrix C is rowA x colB
static void vtkMath::Transpose3x3 | ( | const float | A[3][3], |
float | AT[3][3] | ||
) | [static] |
Transpose a 3x3 matrix. The input matrix is A. The output is stored in AT.
static void vtkMath::Transpose3x3 | ( | const double | A[3][3], |
double | AT[3][3] | ||
) | [static] |
Transpose a 3x3 matrix. The input matrix is A. The output is stored in AT.
static void vtkMath::Invert3x3 | ( | const float | A[3][3], |
float | AI[3][3] | ||
) | [static] |
Invert a 3x3 matrix. The input matrix is A. The output is stored in AI.
static void vtkMath::Invert3x3 | ( | const double | A[3][3], |
double | AI[3][3] | ||
) | [static] |
Invert a 3x3 matrix. The input matrix is A. The output is stored in AI.
static void vtkMath::Identity3x3 | ( | float | A[3][3] | ) | [static] |
Set A to the identity matrix.
static void vtkMath::Identity3x3 | ( | double | A[3][3] | ) | [static] |
Set A to the identity matrix.
double vtkMath::Determinant3x3 | ( | float | A[3][3] | ) | [inline, static] |
double vtkMath::Determinant3x3 | ( | double | A[3][3] | ) | [inline, static] |
float vtkMath::Determinant3x3 | ( | const float | c1[3], |
const float | c2[3], | ||
const float | c3[3] | ||
) | [inline, static] |
double vtkMath::Determinant3x3 | ( | const double | c1[3], |
const double | c2[3], | ||
const double | c3[3] | ||
) | [inline, static] |
static void vtkMath::QuaternionToMatrix3x3 | ( | const float | quat[4], |
float | A[3][3] | ||
) | [static] |
Convert a quaternion to a 3x3 rotation matrix. The quaternion does not have to be normalized beforehand. The quaternion must be in the form [w, x, y, z].
static void vtkMath::QuaternionToMatrix3x3 | ( | const double | quat[4], |
double | A[3][3] | ||
) | [static] |
Convert a quaternion to a 3x3 rotation matrix. The quaternion does not have to be normalized beforehand. The quaternion must be in the form [w, x, y, z].
static void vtkMath::Matrix3x3ToQuaternion | ( | const float | A[3][3], |
float | quat[4] | ||
) | [static] |
Convert a 3x3 matrix into a quaternion. This will provide the best possible answer even if the matrix is not a pure rotation matrix. The quaternion is in the form [w, x, y, z]. The method used is that of B.K.P. Horn.
static void vtkMath::Matrix3x3ToQuaternion | ( | const double | A[3][3], |
double | quat[4] | ||
) | [static] |
Convert a 3x3 matrix into a quaternion. This will provide the best possible answer even if the matrix is not a pure rotation matrix. The quaternion is in the form [w, x, y, z]. The method used is that of B.K.P. Horn.
static void vtkMath::MultiplyQuaternion | ( | const float | q1[4], |
const float | q2[4], | ||
float | q[4] | ||
) | [static] |
Multiply two quaternions. This is used to concatenate rotations. Quaternions are in the form [w, x, y, z].
static void vtkMath::MultiplyQuaternion | ( | const double | q1[4], |
const double | q2[4], | ||
double | q[4] | ||
) | [static] |
Multiply two quaternions. This is used to concatenate rotations. Quaternions are in the form [w, x, y, z].
static void vtkMath::Orthogonalize3x3 | ( | const float | A[3][3], |
float | B[3][3] | ||
) | [static] |
Orthogonalize a 3x3 matrix and put the result in B. If matrix A has a negative determinant, then B will be a rotation plus a flip i.e. it will have a determinant of -1.
static void vtkMath::Orthogonalize3x3 | ( | const double | A[3][3], |
double | B[3][3] | ||
) | [static] |
Orthogonalize a 3x3 matrix and put the result in B. If matrix A has a negative determinant, then B will be a rotation plus a flip i.e. it will have a determinant of -1.
static void vtkMath::Diagonalize3x3 | ( | const float | A[3][3], |
float | w[3], | ||
float | V[3][3] | ||
) | [static] |
Diagonalize a symmetric 3x3 matrix and return the eigenvalues in w and the eigenvectors in the columns of V. The matrix V will have a positive determinant, and the three eigenvectors will be aligned as closely as possible with the x, y, and z axes.
static void vtkMath::Diagonalize3x3 | ( | const double | A[3][3], |
double | w[3], | ||
double | V[3][3] | ||
) | [static] |
Diagonalize a symmetric 3x3 matrix and return the eigenvalues in w and the eigenvectors in the columns of V. The matrix V will have a positive determinant, and the three eigenvectors will be aligned as closely as possible with the x, y, and z axes.
static void vtkMath::SingularValueDecomposition3x3 | ( | const float | A[3][3], |
float | U[3][3], | ||
float | w[3], | ||
float | VT[3][3] | ||
) | [static] |
Perform singular value decomposition on a 3x3 matrix. This is not done using a conventional SVD algorithm, instead it is done using Orthogonalize3x3 and Diagonalize3x3. Both output matrices U and VT will have positive determinants, and the w values will be arranged such that the three rows of VT are aligned as closely as possible with the x, y, and z axes respectively. If the determinant of A is negative, then the three w values will be negative.
static void vtkMath::SingularValueDecomposition3x3 | ( | const double | A[3][3], |
double | U[3][3], | ||
double | w[3], | ||
double | VT[3][3] | ||
) | [static] |
Perform singular value decomposition on a 3x3 matrix. This is not done using a conventional SVD algorithm, instead it is done using Orthogonalize3x3 and Diagonalize3x3. Both output matrices U and VT will have positive determinants, and the w values will be arranged such that the three rows of VT are aligned as closely as possible with the x, y, and z axes respectively. If the determinant of A is negative, then the three w values will be negative.
static int vtkMath::SolveLinearSystem | ( | double ** | A, |
double * | x, | ||
int | size | ||
) | [static] |
Solve linear equations Ax = b using Crout's method. Input is square matrix A and load vector x. Solution x is written over load vector. The dimension of the matrix is specified in size. If error is found, method returns a 0.
static int vtkMath::InvertMatrix | ( | double ** | A, |
double ** | AI, | ||
int | size | ||
) | [static] |
Invert input square matrix A into matrix AI. Note that A is modified during the inversion. The size variable is the dimension of the matrix. Returns 0 if inverse not computed.
static int vtkMath::InvertMatrix | ( | double ** | A, |
double ** | AI, | ||
int | size, | ||
int * | tmp1Size, | ||
double * | tmp2Size | ||
) | [static] |
Thread safe version of InvertMatrix method. Working memory arrays tmp1SIze and tmp2Size of length size must be passed in.
static int vtkMath::LUFactorLinearSystem | ( | double ** | A, |
int * | index, | ||
int | size | ||
) | [static] |
Factor linear equations Ax = b using LU decomposition A = LU where L is lower triangular matrix and U is upper triangular matrix. Input is square matrix A, integer array of pivot indices index[0->n-1], and size of square matrix n. Output factorization LU is in matrix A. If error is found, method returns 0.
static int vtkMath::LUFactorLinearSystem | ( | double ** | A, |
int * | index, | ||
int | size, | ||
double * | tmpSize | ||
) | [static] |
Thread safe version of LUFactorLinearSystem method. Working memory array tmpSize of length size must be passed in.
static void vtkMath::LUSolveLinearSystem | ( | double ** | A, |
int * | index, | ||
double * | x, | ||
int | size | ||
) | [static] |
Solve linear equations Ax = b using LU decomposition A = LU where L is lower triangular matrix and U is upper triangular matrix. Input is factored matrix A=LU, integer array of pivot indices index[0->n-1], load vector x[0->n-1], and size of square matrix n. Note that A=LU and index[] are generated from method LUFactorLinearSystem). Also, solution vector is written directly over input load vector.
static double vtkMath::EstimateMatrixCondition | ( | double ** | A, |
int | size | ||
) | [static] |
Estimate the condition number of a LU factored matrix. Used to judge the accuracy of the solution. The matrix A must have been previously factored using the method LUFactorLinearSystem. The condition number is the ratio of the infinity matrix norm (i.e., maximum value of matrix component) divided by the minimum diagonal value. (This works for triangular matrices only: see Conte and de Boor, Elementary Numerical Analysis.)
static int vtkMath::Jacobi | ( | float ** | a, |
float * | w, | ||
float ** | v | ||
) | [static] |
Jacobi iteration for the solution of eigenvectors/eigenvalues of a 3x3 real symmetric matrix. Square 3x3 matrix a; output eigenvalues in w; and output eigenvectors in v. Resulting eigenvalues/vectors are sorted in decreasing order; eigenvectors are normalized.
static int vtkMath::Jacobi | ( | double ** | a, |
double * | w, | ||
double ** | v | ||
) | [static] |
Jacobi iteration for the solution of eigenvectors/eigenvalues of a 3x3 real symmetric matrix. Square 3x3 matrix a; output eigenvalues in w; and output eigenvectors in v. Resulting eigenvalues/vectors are sorted in decreasing order; eigenvectors are normalized.
JacobiN iteration for the solution of eigenvectors/eigenvalues of a nxn real symmetric matrix. Square nxn matrix a; size of matrix in n; output eigenvalues in w; and output eigenvectors in v. Resulting eigenvalues/vectors are sorted in decreasing order; eigenvectors are normalized. w and v need to be allocated previously
JacobiN iteration for the solution of eigenvectors/eigenvalues of a nxn real symmetric matrix. Square nxn matrix a; size of matrix in n; output eigenvalues in w; and output eigenvectors in v. Resulting eigenvalues/vectors are sorted in decreasing order; eigenvectors are normalized. w and v need to be allocated previously
static int vtkMath::SolveHomogeneousLeastSquares | ( | int | numberOfSamples, |
double ** | xt, | ||
int | xOrder, | ||
double ** | mt | ||
) | [static] |
Solves for the least squares best fit matrix for the homogeneous equation X'M' = 0'. Uses the method described on pages 40-41 of Computer Vision by Forsyth and Ponce, which is that the solution is the eigenvector associated with the minimum eigenvalue of T(X)X, where T(X) is the transpose of X. The inputs and output are transposed matrices. Dimensions: X' is numberOfSamples by xOrder, M' dimension is xOrder by yOrder. M' should be pre-allocated. All matrices are row major. The resultant matrix M' should be pre-multiplied to X' to get 0', or transposed and then post multiplied to X to get 0
static int vtkMath::SolveLeastSquares | ( | int | numberOfSamples, |
double ** | xt, | ||
int | xOrder, | ||
double ** | yt, | ||
int | yOrder, | ||
double ** | mt, | ||
int | checkHomogeneous = 1 |
) | [static] |
Solves for the least squares best fit matrix for the equation X'M' = Y'. Uses pseudoinverse to get the ordinary least squares. The inputs and output are transposed matrices. Dimensions: X' is numberOfSamples by xOrder, Y' is numberOfSamples by yOrder, M' dimension is xOrder by yOrder. M' should be pre-allocated. All matrices are row major. The resultant matrix M' should be pre-multiplied to X' to get Y', or transposed and then post multiplied to X to get Y By default, this method checks for the homogeneous condition where Y==0, and if so, invokes SolveHomogeneousLeastSquares. For better performance when the system is known not to be homogeneous, invoke with checkHomogeneous=0.
static void vtkMath::RGBToHSV | ( | const float | rgb[3], |
float | hsv[3] | ||
) | [inline, static] |
static void vtkMath::RGBToHSV | ( | float | r, |
float | g, | ||
float | b, | ||
float * | h, | ||
float * | s, | ||
float * | v | ||
) | [static] |
Convert color in RGB format (Red, Green, Blue) to HSV format (Hue, Saturation, Value). The input color is not modified. The input RGB must be float values in the range [0,1]. The output ranges are hue [0, 1], saturation [0, 1], and value [0, 1].
static double* vtkMath::RGBToHSV | ( | const double | rgb[3] | ) | [static] |
Convert color in RGB format (Red, Green, Blue) to HSV format (Hue, Saturation, Value). The input color is not modified. The input RGB must be float values in the range [0,1]. The output ranges are hue [0, 1], saturation [0, 1], and value [0, 1].
static double* vtkMath::RGBToHSV | ( | double | r, |
double | g, | ||
double | b | ||
) | [static] |
Convert color in RGB format (Red, Green, Blue) to HSV format (Hue, Saturation, Value). The input color is not modified. The input RGB must be float values in the range [0,1]. The output ranges are hue [0, 1], saturation [0, 1], and value [0, 1].
static void vtkMath::RGBToHSV | ( | const double | rgb[3], |
double | hsv[3] | ||
) | [inline, static] |
static void vtkMath::RGBToHSV | ( | double | r, |
double | g, | ||
double | b, | ||
double * | h, | ||
double * | s, | ||
double * | v | ||
) | [static] |
Convert color in RGB format (Red, Green, Blue) to HSV format (Hue, Saturation, Value). The input color is not modified. The input RGB must be float values in the range [0,1]. The output ranges are hue [0, 1], saturation [0, 1], and value [0, 1].
static void vtkMath::HSVToRGB | ( | const float | hsv[3], |
float | rgb[3] | ||
) | [inline, static] |
static void vtkMath::HSVToRGB | ( | float | h, |
float | s, | ||
float | v, | ||
float * | r, | ||
float * | g, | ||
float * | b | ||
) | [static] |
Convert color in HSV format (Hue, Saturation, Value) to RGB format (Red, Green, Blue). The input color is not modified. The input 'hsv' must be float values in the range [0,1]. The elements of each component of the output 'rgb' are in the range [0, 1].
static double* vtkMath::HSVToRGB | ( | const double | hsv[3] | ) | [static] |
Convert color in HSV format (Hue, Saturation, Value) to RGB format (Red, Green, Blue). The input color is not modified. The input 'hsv' must be float values in the range [0,1]. The elements of each component of the output 'rgb' are in the range [0, 1].
static double* vtkMath::HSVToRGB | ( | double | h, |
double | s, | ||
double | v | ||
) | [static] |
Convert color in HSV format (Hue, Saturation, Value) to RGB format (Red, Green, Blue). The input color is not modified. The input 'hsv' must be float values in the range [0,1]. The elements of each component of the output 'rgb' are in the range [0, 1].
static void vtkMath::HSVToRGB | ( | const double | hsv[3], |
double | rgb[3] | ||
) | [inline, static] |
static void vtkMath::HSVToRGB | ( | double | h, |
double | s, | ||
double | v, | ||
double * | r, | ||
double * | g, | ||
double * | b | ||
) | [static] |
Convert color in HSV format (Hue, Saturation, Value) to RGB format (Red, Green, Blue). The input color is not modified. The input 'hsv' must be float values in the range [0,1]. The elements of each component of the output 'rgb' are in the range [0, 1].
static void vtkMath::LabToXYZ | ( | const double | lab[3], |
double | xyz[3] | ||
) | [inline, static] |
static void vtkMath::LabToXYZ | ( | double | L, |
double | a, | ||
double | b, | ||
double * | x, | ||
double * | y, | ||
double * | z | ||
) | [static] |
Convert color from the CIE-L*ab system to CIE XYZ.
static double* vtkMath::LabToXYZ | ( | const double | lab[3] | ) | [static] |
Convert color from the CIE-L*ab system to CIE XYZ.
static void vtkMath::XYZToLab | ( | const double | xyz[3], |
double | lab[3] | ||
) | [inline, static] |
static void vtkMath::XYZToLab | ( | double | x, |
double | y, | ||
double | z, | ||
double * | L, | ||
double * | a, | ||
double * | b | ||
) | [static] |
Convert Color from the CIE XYZ system to CIE-L*ab.
static double* vtkMath::XYZToLab | ( | const double | xyz[3] | ) | [static] |
Convert Color from the CIE XYZ system to CIE-L*ab.
static void vtkMath::XYZToRGB | ( | const double | xyz[3], |
double | rgb[3] | ||
) | [inline, static] |
static void vtkMath::XYZToRGB | ( | double | x, |
double | y, | ||
double | z, | ||
double * | r, | ||
double * | g, | ||
double * | b | ||
) | [static] |
Convert color from the CIE XYZ system to RGB.
static double* vtkMath::XYZToRGB | ( | const double | xyz[3] | ) | [static] |
Convert color from the CIE XYZ system to RGB.
static void vtkMath::RGBToXYZ | ( | const double | rgb[3], |
double | xyz[3] | ||
) | [inline, static] |
static void vtkMath::RGBToXYZ | ( | double | r, |
double | g, | ||
double | b, | ||
double * | x, | ||
double * | y, | ||
double * | z | ||
) | [static] |
Convert color from the RGB system to CIE XYZ.
static double* vtkMath::RGBToXYZ | ( | const double | rgb[3] | ) | [static] |
Convert color from the RGB system to CIE XYZ.
static void vtkMath::RGBToLab | ( | const double | rgb[3], |
double | lab[3] | ||
) | [inline, static] |
static void vtkMath::RGBToLab | ( | double | red, |
double | green, | ||
double | blue, | ||
double * | L, | ||
double * | a, | ||
double * | b | ||
) | [static] |
Convert color from the RGB system to CIE-L*ab. The input RGB must be values in the range [0,1]. The output ranges of 'L' is [0, 100]. The output range of 'a' and 'b' are approximately [-110, 110].
static double* vtkMath::RGBToLab | ( | const double | rgb[3] | ) | [static] |
Convert color from the RGB system to CIE-L*ab. The input RGB must be values in the range [0,1]. The output ranges of 'L' is [0, 100]. The output range of 'a' and 'b' are approximately [-110, 110].
static void vtkMath::LabToRGB | ( | const double | lab[3], |
double | rgb[3] | ||
) | [inline, static] |
static void vtkMath::LabToRGB | ( | double | L, |
double | a, | ||
double | b, | ||
double * | red, | ||
double * | green, | ||
double * | blue | ||
) | [static] |
Convert color from the CIE-L*ab system to RGB.
static double* vtkMath::LabToRGB | ( | const double | lab[3] | ) | [static] |
Convert color from the CIE-L*ab system to RGB.
static void vtkMath::UninitializeBounds | ( | double | bounds[6] | ) | [inline, static] |
static int vtkMath::AreBoundsInitialized | ( | double | bounds[6] | ) | [inline, static] |
void vtkMath::ClampValue | ( | double * | value, |
const double | range[2] | ||
) | [inline, static] |
void vtkMath::ClampValue | ( | double | value, |
const double | range[2], | ||
double * | clamped_value | ||
) | [inline, static] |
static void vtkMath::ClampValues | ( | double * | values, |
int | nb_values, | ||
const double | range[2] | ||
) | [static] |
Clamp some values against a range The method without 'clamped_values' will perform in-place clamping.
static void vtkMath::ClampValues | ( | const double * | values, |
int | nb_values, | ||
const double | range[2], | ||
double * | clamped_values | ||
) | [static] |
Clamp some values against a range The method without 'clamped_values' will perform in-place clamping.
double vtkMath::ClampAndNormalizeValue | ( | double | value, |
const double | range[2] | ||
) | [inline, static] |
static int vtkMath::GetScalarTypeFittingRange | ( | double | range_min, |
double | range_max, | ||
double | scale = 1.0 , |
double | shift = 0.0 |
) | [static] |
Return the scalar type that is most likely to have enough precision to store a given range of data once it has been scaled and shifted (i.e. [range_min * scale + shift, range_max * scale + shift]. If any one of the parameters is not an integer number (decimal part != 0), the search will default to float types only (float or double) Return -1 on error or no scalar type found.
static int vtkMath::GetAdjustedScalarRange | ( | vtkDataArray * | array, |
int | comp, | ||
double | range[2] | ||
) | [static] |
Get a vtkDataArray's scalar range for a given component. If the vtkDataArray's data type is unsigned char (VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR) the range is adjusted to the whole data type range [0, 255.0]. Same goes for unsigned short (VTK_UNSIGNED_SHORT) but the upper bound is also adjusted down to 4095.0 if was between ]255, 4095.0]. Return 1 on success, 0 otherwise.
static int vtkMath::ExtentIsWithinOtherExtent | ( | int | extent1[6], |
int | extent2[6] | ||
) | [static] |
Return true if first 3D extent is within second 3D extent Extent is x-min, x-max, y-min, y-max, z-min, z-max
static int vtkMath::BoundsIsWithinOtherBounds | ( | double | bounds1[6], |
double | bounds2[6], | ||
double | delta[3] | ||
) | [static] |
Return true if first 3D bounds is within the second 3D bounds Bounds is x-min, x-max, y-min, y-max, z-min, z-max Delta is the error margin along each axis (usually a small number)
static int vtkMath::PointIsWithinBounds | ( | double | point[3], |
double | bounds[6], | ||
double | delta[3] | ||
) | [static] |
Return true if point is within the given 3D bounds Bounds is x-min, x-max, y-min, y-max, z-min, z-max Delta is the error margin along each axis (usually a small number)
static double vtkMath::Solve3PointCircle | ( | const double | p1[3], |
const double | p2[3], | ||
const double | p3[3], | ||
double | center[3] | ||
) | [static] |
In Euclidean space, there is a unique circle passing through any given three non-collinear points P1, P2, and P3. Using Cartesian coordinates to represent these points as spatial vectors, it is possible to use the dot product and cross product to calculate the radius and center of the circle. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circumcircle and more specifically the section Barycentric coordinates from cross- and dot-products
static double vtkMath::Inf | ( | ) | [static] |
Special IEEE-754 number used to represent positive infinity.
static double vtkMath::NegInf | ( | ) | [static] |
Special IEEE-754 number used to represent negative infinity.
static double vtkMath::Nan | ( | ) | [static] |
Special IEEE-754 number used to represent Not-A-Number (Nan).
static int vtkMath::IsInf | ( | double | x | ) | [static] |
Test if a number is equal to the special floating point value infinity.
static int vtkMath::IsNan | ( | double | x | ) | [static] |
Test if a number is equal to the special floating point value Not-A-Number (Nan).
static bool vtkMath::IsFinite | ( | double | x | ) | [static] |
Test if a number has finite value i.e. it is normal, subnormal or zero, but not infinite or Nan.
vtkMathInternal vtkMath::Internal [static, protected] |