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vtkExodusIIReader Class Reference

Read exodus 2 files .ex2. More...

#include <vtkExodusIIReader.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkExodusIIReader:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for vtkExodusIIReader:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Types


Public Member Functions

virtual int IsA (const char *type)
vtkExodusIIReaderNewInstance () const
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
int CanReadFile (const char *fname)
virtual unsigned long GetMTime ()
virtual unsigned long GetMetadataMTime ()
virtual void SetGenerateGlobalElementIdArray (int g)
int GetGenerateGlobalElementIdArray ()
virtual void GenerateGlobalElementIdArrayOn ()
virtual void GenerateGlobalElementIdArrayOff ()
virtual void SetGenerateGlobalNodeIdArray (int g)
int GetGenerateGlobalNodeIdArray ()
virtual void GenerateGlobalNodeIdArrayOn ()
virtual void GenerateGlobalNodeIdArrayOff ()
virtual void SetGenerateImplicitElementIdArray (int g)
int GetGenerateImplicitElementIdArray ()
virtual void GenerateImplicitElementIdArrayOn ()
virtual void GenerateImplicitElementIdArrayOff ()
virtual void SetGenerateImplicitNodeIdArray (int g)
int GetGenerateImplicitNodeIdArray ()
virtual void GenerateImplicitNodeIdArrayOn ()
virtual void GenerateImplicitNodeIdArrayOff ()
virtual void SetGenerateFileIdArray (int f)
int GetGenerateFileIdArray ()
virtual void GenerateFileIdArrayOn ()
virtual void GenerateFileIdArrayOff ()
virtual void SetFileId (int f)
int GetFileId ()
int GetNumberOfNodesInFile ()
int GetNumberOfEdgesInFile ()
int GetNumberOfFacesInFile ()
int GetNumberOfElementsInFile ()
int GetObjectTypeFromName (const char *name)
const char * GetObjectTypeName (int)
int GetNumberOfNodes ()
int GetNumberOfObjects (int objectType)
int GetNumberOfEntriesInObject (int objectType, int objectIndex)
int GetObjectId (int objectType, int objectIndex)
const char * GetObjectName (int objectType, int objectIndex)
int GetObjectIndex (int objectType, const char *objectName)
int GetObjectIndex (int objectType, int id)
int GetObjectStatus (int objectType, int objectIndex)
int GetObjectStatus (int objectType, const char *objectName)
void SetObjectStatus (int objectType, int objectIndex, int status)
void SetObjectStatus (int objectType, const char *objectName, int status)
virtual vtkIdType GetTotalNumberOfNodes ()
virtual vtkIdType GetTotalNumberOfEdges ()
virtual vtkIdType GetTotalNumberOfFaces ()
virtual vtkIdType GetTotalNumberOfElements ()
virtual int GetDisplayType ()
virtual void SetDisplayType (int type)
virtual void ExodusModelMetadataOn ()
virtual void ExodusModelMetadataOff ()
virtual void SetExodusModelMetadata (int)
virtual int GetExodusModelMetadata ()
virtual void SetPackExodusModelOntoOutput (int)
virtual int GetPackExodusModelOntoOutput ()
virtual void PackExodusModelOntoOutputOn ()
virtual void PackExodusModelOntoOutputOff ()
int IsValidVariable (const char *type, const char *name)
int GetVariableID (const char *type, const char *name)
void SetAllArrayStatus (int otype, int status)
int GetTimeSeriesData (int ID, const char *vName, const char *vType, vtkFloatArray *result)
int GetNumberOfEdgeBlockArrays ()
const char * GetEdgeBlockArrayName (int index)
int GetEdgeBlockArrayStatus (const char *name)
void SetEdgeBlockArrayStatus (const char *name, int flag)
int GetNumberOfFaceBlockArrays ()
const char * GetFaceBlockArrayName (int index)
int GetFaceBlockArrayStatus (const char *name)
void SetFaceBlockArrayStatus (const char *name, int flag)
int GetNumberOfElementBlockArrays ()
const char * GetElementBlockArrayName (int index)
int GetElementBlockArrayStatus (const char *name)
void SetElementBlockArrayStatus (const char *name, int flag)
int GetNumberOfGlobalResultArrays ()
const char * GetGlobalResultArrayName (int index)
int GetGlobalResultArrayStatus (const char *name)
void SetGlobalResultArrayStatus (const char *name, int flag)
int GetNumberOfPointResultArrays ()
const char * GetPointResultArrayName (int index)
int GetPointResultArrayStatus (const char *name)
void SetPointResultArrayStatus (const char *name, int flag)
int GetNumberOfEdgeResultArrays ()
const char * GetEdgeResultArrayName (int index)
int GetEdgeResultArrayStatus (const char *name)
void SetEdgeResultArrayStatus (const char *name, int flag)
int GetNumberOfFaceResultArrays ()
const char * GetFaceResultArrayName (int index)
int GetFaceResultArrayStatus (const char *name)
void SetFaceResultArrayStatus (const char *name, int flag)
int GetNumberOfElementResultArrays ()
const char * GetElementResultArrayName (int index)
int GetElementResultArrayStatus (const char *name)
void SetElementResultArrayStatus (const char *name, int flag)
int GetNumberOfNodeMapArrays ()
const char * GetNodeMapArrayName (int index)
int GetNodeMapArrayStatus (const char *name)
void SetNodeMapArrayStatus (const char *name, int flag)
int GetNumberOfEdgeMapArrays ()
const char * GetEdgeMapArrayName (int index)
int GetEdgeMapArrayStatus (const char *name)
void SetEdgeMapArrayStatus (const char *name, int flag)
int GetNumberOfFaceMapArrays ()
const char * GetFaceMapArrayName (int index)
int GetFaceMapArrayStatus (const char *name)
void SetFaceMapArrayStatus (const char *name, int flag)
int GetNumberOfElementMapArrays ()
const char * GetElementMapArrayName (int index)
int GetElementMapArrayStatus (const char *name)
void SetElementMapArrayStatus (const char *name, int flag)
int GetNumberOfNodeSetArrays ()
const char * GetNodeSetArrayName (int index)
int GetNodeSetArrayStatus (const char *name)
void SetNodeSetArrayStatus (const char *name, int flag)
int GetNumberOfSideSetArrays ()
const char * GetSideSetArrayName (int index)
int GetSideSetArrayStatus (const char *name)
void SetSideSetArrayStatus (const char *name, int flag)
int GetNumberOfEdgeSetArrays ()
const char * GetEdgeSetArrayName (int index)
int GetEdgeSetArrayStatus (const char *name)
void SetEdgeSetArrayStatus (const char *name, int flag)
int GetNumberOfFaceSetArrays ()
const char * GetFaceSetArrayName (int index)
int GetFaceSetArrayStatus (const char *name)
void SetFaceSetArrayStatus (const char *name, int flag)
int GetNumberOfElementSetArrays ()
const char * GetElementSetArrayName (int index)
int GetElementSetArrayStatus (const char *name)
void SetElementSetArrayStatus (const char *name, int flag)
int GetNumberOfNodeSetResultArrays ()
const char * GetNodeSetResultArrayName (int index)
int GetNodeSetResultArrayStatus (const char *name)
void SetNodeSetResultArrayStatus (const char *name, int flag)
int GetNumberOfSideSetResultArrays ()
const char * GetSideSetResultArrayName (int index)
int GetSideSetResultArrayStatus (const char *name)
void SetSideSetResultArrayStatus (const char *name, int flag)
int GetNumberOfEdgeSetResultArrays ()
const char * GetEdgeSetResultArrayName (int index)
int GetEdgeSetResultArrayStatus (const char *name)
void SetEdgeSetResultArrayStatus (const char *name, int flag)
int GetNumberOfFaceSetResultArrays ()
const char * GetFaceSetResultArrayName (int index)
int GetFaceSetResultArrayStatus (const char *name)
void SetFaceSetResultArrayStatus (const char *name, int flag)
int GetNumberOfElementSetResultArrays ()
const char * GetElementSetResultArrayName (int index)
int GetElementSetResultArrayStatus (const char *name)
void SetElementSetResultArrayStatus (const char *name, int flag)
void Reset ()
void ResetSettings ()
void ResetCache ()
void SetCacheSize (double CacheSize)
double GetCacheSize ()
virtual void UpdateTimeInformation ()
virtual void Dump ()
vtkGraphGetSIL ()
virtual void SetFileName (const char *fname)
virtual char * GetFileName ()
virtual void SetXMLFileName (const char *fname)
virtual char * GetXMLFileName ()
virtual void SetTimeStep (int)
virtual int GetTimeStep ()
void SetModeShape (int val)
virtual intGetTimeStepRange ()
virtual void GetTimeStepRange (int &, int &)
virtual void GetTimeStepRange (int[2])
virtual void SetTimeStepRange (int, int)
void SetTimeStepRange (int[2])
virtual void SetApplyDisplacements (int d)
int GetApplyDisplacements ()
virtual void ApplyDisplacementsOn ()
virtual void ApplyDisplacementsOff ()
virtual void SetDisplacementMagnitude (float s)
float GetDisplacementMagnitude ()
virtual void SetHasModeShapes (int ms)
int GetHasModeShapes ()
virtual void HasModeShapesOn ()
virtual void HasModeShapesOff ()
virtual void SetModeShapeTime (double phase)
double GetModeShapeTime ()
virtual void SetAnimateModeShapes (int flag)
int GetAnimateModeShapes ()
virtual void AnimateModeShapesOn ()
virtual void AnimateModeShapesOff ()
const char * GetTitle ()
int GetDimensionality ()
int GetNumberOfTimeSteps ()
int GetNumberOfObjectArrays (int objectType)
const char * GetObjectArrayName (int objectType, int arrayIndex)
int GetObjectArrayIndex (int objectType, const char *arrayName)
int GetNumberOfObjectArrayComponents (int objectType, int arrayIndex)
int GetObjectArrayStatus (int objectType, int arrayIndex)
int GetObjectArrayStatus (int objectType, const char *arrayName)
void SetObjectArrayStatus (int objectType, int arrayIndex, int status)
void SetObjectArrayStatus (int objectType, const char *arrayName, int status)
int GetNumberOfObjectAttributes (int objectType, int objectIndex)
const char * GetObjectAttributeName (int objectType, int objectIndex, int attribIndex)
int GetObjectAttributeIndex (int objectType, int objectIndex, const char *attribName)
int GetObjectAttributeStatus (int objectType, int objectIndex, int attribIndex)
int GetObjectAttributeStatus (int objectType, int objectIndex, const char *attribName)
void SetObjectAttributeStatus (int objectType, int objectIndex, int attribIndex, int status)
void SetObjectAttributeStatus (int objectType, int objectIndex, const char *attribName, int status)
int GetNumberOfPartArrays ()
const char * GetPartArrayName (int arrayIdx)
int GetPartArrayID (const char *name)
const char * GetPartBlockInfo (int arrayIdx)
void SetPartArrayStatus (int index, int flag)
void SetPartArrayStatus (const char *, int flag)
int GetPartArrayStatus (int index)
int GetPartArrayStatus (const char *)
int GetNumberOfMaterialArrays ()
const char * GetMaterialArrayName (int arrayIdx)
int GetMaterialArrayID (const char *name)
void SetMaterialArrayStatus (int index, int flag)
void SetMaterialArrayStatus (const char *, int flag)
int GetMaterialArrayStatus (int index)
int GetMaterialArrayStatus (const char *)
int GetNumberOfAssemblyArrays ()
const char * GetAssemblyArrayName (int arrayIdx)
int GetAssemblyArrayID (const char *name)
void SetAssemblyArrayStatus (int index, int flag)
void SetAssemblyArrayStatus (const char *, int flag)
int GetAssemblyArrayStatus (int index)
int GetAssemblyArrayStatus (const char *)
int GetNumberOfHierarchyArrays ()
const char * GetHierarchyArrayName (int arrayIdx)
void SetHierarchyArrayStatus (int index, int flag)
void SetHierarchyArrayStatus (const char *, int flag)
int GetHierarchyArrayStatus (int index)
int GetHierarchyArrayStatus (const char *)
virtual vtkExodusModelGetExodusModel ()
void SetFastPathObjectType (const char *type)
void SetFastPathIdType (const char *type)
void SetFastPathObjectId (vtkIdType id)
void SetSqueezePoints (bool sp)
bool GetSqueezePoints ()
virtual int GetSILUpdateStamp ()
virtual bool GetProducedFastPathOutput ()

Static Public Member Functions

static vtkExodusIIReaderNew ()
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkExodusIIReaderSafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o)
static const char * GetGlobalFaceIdArrayName ()
static const char * GetPedigreeFaceIdArrayName ()
static int GetGlobalFaceID (vtkDataSet *data, int localID)
static int GetGlobalFaceID (vtkDataSet *data, int localID, int searchType)
static const char * GetImplicitFaceIdArrayName ()
static const char * GetGlobalEdgeIdArrayName ()
static const char * GetPedigreeEdgeIdArrayName ()
static int GetGlobalEdgeID (vtkDataSet *data, int localID)
static int GetGlobalEdgeID (vtkDataSet *data, int localID, int searchType)
static const char * GetImplicitEdgeIdArrayName ()
static const char * GetSideSetSourceElementIdArrayName ()
static const char * GetSideSetSourceElementSideArrayName ()
static const char * GetGlobalNodeIdArrayName ()
static const char * GetPedigreeNodeIdArrayName ()
static int GetGlobalNodeID (vtkDataSet *data, int localID)
static int GetGlobalNodeID (vtkDataSet *data, int localID, int searchType)
static const char * GetImplicitNodeIdArrayName ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual vtkObjectBaseNewInstanceInternal () const
 vtkExodusIIReader ()
 ~vtkExodusIIReader ()
virtual void NewExodusModel ()
virtual void SetMetadata (vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate *)
virtual vtkExodusIIReaderPrivateGetMetadata ()
bool FindXMLFile ()
void GetAllTimes (vtkInformationVector *)
void AdvertiseTimeSteps (vtkInformation *outputInfo)
virtual void SetExodusModel (vtkExodusModel *em)
int ProcessRequest (vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *)
int RequestInformation (vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *)
int RequestData (vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *)

Static Protected Member Functions

static int GetIDHelper (const char *arrayName, vtkDataSet *data, int localID, int searchType)
static int GetGlobalID (const char *arrayName, vtkDataSet *data, int localID, int searchType)

Protected Attributes

char * FileName
char * XMLFileName
int TimeStep
int TimeStepRange [2]
vtkTimeStamp FileNameMTime
vtkTimeStamp XMLFileNameMTime
int DisplayType
int PackExodusModelOntoOutput
int ExodusModelMetadata
int SILUpdateStamp
bool ProducedFastPathOutput
static const char * GetObjectIdArrayName ()
virtual void SetGenerateObjectIdCellArray (int g)
int GetGenerateObjectIdCellArray ()
virtual void GenerateObjectIdCellArrayOn ()
virtual void GenerateObjectIdCellArrayOff ()
enum  {
  ID_NOT_FOUND = -234121312
enum  ObjectType {
  EDGE_SET = 7, FACE_SET = 9, SIDE_SET = 3, ELEM_SET = 10,
  NODE_MAP = 5, EDGE_MAP = 11, FACE_MAP = 12, ELEM_MAP = 4,
  GLOBAL = 13, NODAL = 14, ASSEMBLY = 60, PART = 61,
static const char * GetGlobalElementIdArrayName ()
static const char * GetPedigreeElementIdArrayName ()
static int GetGlobalElementID (vtkDataSet *data, int localID)
static int GetGlobalElementID (vtkDataSet *data, int localID, int searchType)
static const char * GetImplicitElementIdArrayName ()

Detailed Description

Read exodus 2 files .ex2.

vtkExodusIIReader is a unstructured grid source object that reads ExodusII files. Most of the meta data associated with the file is loaded when UpdateInformation is called. This includes information like Title, number of blocks, number and names of arrays. This data can be retrieved from methods in this reader. Separate arrays that are meant to be a single vector, are combined internally for convenience. To be combined, the array names have to be identical except for a trailing X,Y and Z (or x,y,z). By default cell and point arrays are not loaded. However, the user can flag arrays to load with the methods "SetPointArrayStatus" and "SetCellArrayStatus". The reader DOES NOT respond to piece requests

vtkExodusIIReader (Tests)

Definition at line 56 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Reimplemented from vtkMultiBlockDataSetAlgorithm.

Reimplemented in vtkPExodusIIReader.

Definition at line 60 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Extra cell data array that can be generated. By default, this array is off. The value of the array is the integer global id of the cell. The name of the array is returned by GetGlobalElementIdArrayName() ***NOTE*** No more "unique" global ID. Instead we have an arbitrary number of maps.


Definition at line 155 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Extra cell data array that can be generated. By default, this array is off. The value of the array is the integer global id of the cell. The name of the array is returned by GetGlobalElementIdArrayName() ***NOTE*** No more "unique" global ID. Instead we have an arbitrary number of maps.


Exodus II Quality Assurance (QA) string metadata.


Exodus II Information Records string metadata.


global data across timesteps


nodal data across timesteps


element data across timesteps


connectivity assembled from all blocks+sets to be loaded


raw element block connectivity for elements (not edges/faces)


raw element block connectivity for faces (references face blocks)


raw element block connectivity for edges (references edge blocks)


raw face block connectivity (references nodes)


raw edge block connectivity (references nodes)


element set connectivity


side set connectivity


face set connectivity


edge set connectivity


node set connectivity


raw nodal coordinates (not the "squeezed" version)


object id (old BlockId) array


the implicit global index of each element given by exodus


the implicit global index of each node given by exodus


element id array extracted for a particular block (yes, this is a bad name)


nodal id array extracted for a particular block (yes, this is a bad name)


element id map (old-style elem_num_map or first new-style elem map) array


nodal id map (old-style node_num_map or first new-style node map) array


the integer map use to "squeeze" coordinates and nodal arrays/maps


an element block attribute array (time-constant scalar per element)


a face block attribute array (time-constant scalar per element)


an edge block attribute array (time-constant scalar per element)


face id map (old-style face_num_map or first new-style face map) array


edge id map (old-style edge_num_map or first new-style edge map) array


polyhedra per-entity count ex_get_block returns the sum for polyhedra

Definition at line 163 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Member Function Documentation

Create an object with Debug turned off, modified time initialized to zero, and reference counting on.

Reimplemented from vtkMultiBlockDataSetAlgorithm.

Reimplemented in vtkPExodusIIReader.

static int vtkExodusIIReader::IsTypeOf ( const char *  name) [static]

Return 1 if this class type is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. Returns 0 otherwise. This method works in combination with vtkTypeMacro found in vtkSetGet.h.

Reimplemented from vtkMultiBlockDataSetAlgorithm.

Reimplemented in vtkPExodusIIReader.

virtual int vtkExodusIIReader::IsA ( const char *  name) [virtual]

Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. Returns 0 otherwise. This method works in combination with vtkTypeMacro found in vtkSetGet.h.

Reimplemented from vtkMultiBlockDataSetAlgorithm.

Reimplemented in vtkPExodusIIReader.

Reimplemented from vtkMultiBlockDataSetAlgorithm.

Reimplemented in vtkPExodusIIReader.

virtual vtkObjectBase* vtkExodusIIReader::NewInstanceInternal ( ) const [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from vtkMultiBlockDataSetAlgorithm.

Reimplemented in vtkPExodusIIReader.

Reimplemented from vtkMultiBlockDataSetAlgorithm.

Reimplemented in vtkPExodusIIReader.

void vtkExodusIIReader::PrintSelf ( ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent 
) [virtual]

Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. Typically not called by the user (use Print() instead) but used in the hierarchical print process to combine the output of several classes.

Reimplemented from vtkMultiBlockDataSetAlgorithm.

Reimplemented in vtkPExodusIIReader.

int vtkExodusIIReader::CanReadFile ( const char *  fname)

Determine if the file can be readed with this reader.

virtual unsigned long vtkExodusIIReader::GetMTime ( ) [virtual]

Return the object's MTime. This is overridden to include the timestamp of its internal class.

Reimplemented from vtkObject.

virtual unsigned long vtkExodusIIReader::GetMetadataMTime ( ) [virtual]

Return the MTime of the internal data structure. This is really only intended for use by vtkPExodusIIReader in order to determine if the filename is newer than the metadata.

virtual void vtkExodusIIReader::SetFileName ( const char *  fname) [virtual]

Specify file name of the Exodus file.

Reimplemented in vtkPExodusIIReader.

virtual char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetFileName ( ) [virtual]

Specify file name of the Exodus file.

virtual void vtkExodusIIReader::SetXMLFileName ( const char *  fname) [virtual]

Specify file name of the xml file.

virtual char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetXMLFileName ( ) [virtual]

Specify file name of the xml file.

virtual void vtkExodusIIReader::SetTimeStep ( int  ) [virtual]

Which TimeStep to read.

virtual int vtkExodusIIReader::GetTimeStep ( ) [virtual]

Which TimeStep to read.

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetModeShape ( int  val) [inline]

Convenience method to set the mode-shape which is same as this->SetTimeStep(val-1);

Definition at line 98 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

virtual int* vtkExodusIIReader::GetTimeStepRange ( ) [virtual]

Returns the available range of valid integer time steps.

virtual void vtkExodusIIReader::GetTimeStepRange ( int ,
) [virtual]

Returns the available range of valid integer time steps.

virtual void vtkExodusIIReader::GetTimeStepRange ( int  [2]) [virtual]

Returns the available range of valid integer time steps.

virtual void vtkExodusIIReader::SetTimeStepRange ( int  ,
) [virtual]

Returns the available range of valid integer time steps.

Returns the available range of valid integer time steps.

Extra cell data array that can be generated. By default, this array is ON. The value of the array is the integer id found in the exodus file. The name of the array is returned by GetBlockIdArrayName(). For cells representing elements from an Exodus element block, this is set to the element block ID. For cells representing edges from an Exodus edge block, this is the edge block ID. Similarly, this is the face block ID for cells representing faces from an Exodus face block. The same holds for cells representing entries of node, edge, face, side, and element sets.

Extra cell data array that can be generated. By default, this array is ON. The value of the array is the integer id found in the exodus file. The name of the array is returned by GetBlockIdArrayName(). For cells representing elements from an Exodus element block, this is set to the element block ID. For cells representing edges from an Exodus edge block, this is the edge block ID. Similarly, this is the face block ID for cells representing faces from an Exodus face block. The same holds for cells representing entries of node, edge, face, side, and element sets.

Extra cell data array that can be generated. By default, this array is ON. The value of the array is the integer id found in the exodus file. The name of the array is returned by GetBlockIdArrayName(). For cells representing elements from an Exodus element block, this is set to the element block ID. For cells representing edges from an Exodus edge block, this is the edge block ID. Similarly, this is the face block ID for cells representing faces from an Exodus face block. The same holds for cells representing entries of node, edge, face, side, and element sets.

Extra cell data array that can be generated. By default, this array is ON. The value of the array is the integer id found in the exodus file. The name of the array is returned by GetBlockIdArrayName(). For cells representing elements from an Exodus element block, this is set to the element block ID. For cells representing edges from an Exodus edge block, this is the edge block ID. Similarly, this is the face block ID for cells representing faces from an Exodus face block. The same holds for cells representing entries of node, edge, face, side, and element sets.

static const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetObjectIdArrayName ( ) [inline, static]

Extra cell data array that can be generated. By default, this array is ON. The value of the array is the integer id found in the exodus file. The name of the array is returned by GetBlockIdArrayName(). For cells representing elements from an Exodus element block, this is set to the element block ID. For cells representing edges from an Exodus edge block, this is the edge block ID. Similarly, this is the face block ID for cells representing faces from an Exodus face block. The same holds for cells representing entries of node, edge, face, side, and element sets.

Definition at line 123 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

virtual void vtkExodusIIReader::SetGenerateFileIdArray ( int  f) [virtual]
virtual void vtkExodusIIReader::GenerateFileIdArrayOn ( ) [virtual]
virtual void vtkExodusIIReader::GenerateFileIdArrayOff ( ) [virtual]
virtual void vtkExodusIIReader::SetFileId ( int  f) [virtual]
static const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetGlobalElementIdArrayName ( ) [inline, static]

Extra cell data array that can be generated. By default, this array is off. The value of the array is the integer global id of the cell. The name of the array is returned by GetGlobalElementIdArrayName() ***NOTE*** No more "unique" global ID. Instead we have an arbitrary number of maps.

Definition at line 218 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

static const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetPedigreeElementIdArrayName ( ) [inline, static]

Extra cell data array that can be generated. By default, this array is off. The value of the array is the integer global id of the cell. The name of the array is returned by GetGlobalElementIdArrayName() ***NOTE*** No more "unique" global ID. Instead we have an arbitrary number of maps.

Definition at line 219 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

static int vtkExodusIIReader::GetGlobalElementID ( vtkDataSet data,
int  localID 
) [static]

Extra cell data array that can be generated. By default, this array is off. The value of the array is the integer global id of the cell. The name of the array is returned by GetGlobalElementIdArrayName() ***NOTE*** No more "unique" global ID. Instead we have an arbitrary number of maps.

static int vtkExodusIIReader::GetGlobalElementID ( vtkDataSet data,
int  localID,
int  searchType 
) [static]

Extra cell data array that can be generated. By default, this array is off. The value of the array is the integer global id of the cell. The name of the array is returned by GetGlobalElementIdArrayName() ***NOTE*** No more "unique" global ID. Instead we have an arbitrary number of maps.

static const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetImplicitElementIdArrayName ( ) [inline, static]

Extra cell data array that can be generated. By default, this array is off. The value of the array is the integer global id of the cell. The name of the array is returned by GetGlobalElementIdArrayName() ***NOTE*** No more "unique" global ID. Instead we have an arbitrary number of maps.

Definition at line 223 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

static const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetGlobalFaceIdArrayName ( ) [inline, static]

Definition at line 226 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

static const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetPedigreeFaceIdArrayName ( ) [inline, static]

Definition at line 227 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

static int vtkExodusIIReader::GetGlobalFaceID ( vtkDataSet data,
int  localID 
) [static]
static int vtkExodusIIReader::GetGlobalFaceID ( vtkDataSet data,
int  localID,
int  searchType 
) [static]
static const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetImplicitFaceIdArrayName ( ) [inline, static]

Definition at line 231 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

static const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetGlobalEdgeIdArrayName ( ) [inline, static]

Definition at line 233 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

static const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetPedigreeEdgeIdArrayName ( ) [inline, static]

Definition at line 234 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

static int vtkExodusIIReader::GetGlobalEdgeID ( vtkDataSet data,
int  localID 
) [static]
static int vtkExodusIIReader::GetGlobalEdgeID ( vtkDataSet data,
int  localID,
int  searchType 
) [static]
static const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetImplicitEdgeIdArrayName ( ) [inline, static]

Definition at line 238 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

static const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetGlobalNodeIdArrayName ( ) [inline, static]

Extra point data array that can be generated. By default, this array is ON. The value of the array is the integer id of the node. The id is relative to the entire data set. The name of the array is returned by GlobalNodeIdArrayName().

Definition at line 245 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

static const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetPedigreeNodeIdArrayName ( ) [inline, static]

Extra point data array that can be generated. By default, this array is ON. The value of the array is the integer id of the node. The id is relative to the entire data set. The name of the array is returned by GlobalNodeIdArrayName().

Definition at line 246 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

static int vtkExodusIIReader::GetGlobalNodeID ( vtkDataSet data,
int  localID 
) [static]

Extra point data array that can be generated. By default, this array is ON. The value of the array is the integer id of the node. The id is relative to the entire data set. The name of the array is returned by GlobalNodeIdArrayName().

static int vtkExodusIIReader::GetGlobalNodeID ( vtkDataSet data,
int  localID,
int  searchType 
) [static]

Extra point data array that can be generated. By default, this array is ON. The value of the array is the integer id of the node. The id is relative to the entire data set. The name of the array is returned by GlobalNodeIdArrayName().

static const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetImplicitNodeIdArrayName ( ) [inline, static]

Extra point data array that can be generated. By default, this array is ON. The value of the array is the integer id of the node. The id is relative to the entire data set. The name of the array is returned by GlobalNodeIdArrayName().

Definition at line 250 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

static const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetSideSetSourceElementIdArrayName ( ) [inline, static]

Get the name of the array that stores the mapping from side set cells back to the global id of the elements they bound.

Definition at line 255 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

static const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetSideSetSourceElementSideArrayName ( ) [inline, static]

Get the name of the array that stores the mapping from side set cells back to the canonical side of the elements they bound.

Definition at line 259 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

virtual void vtkExodusIIReader::SetApplyDisplacements ( int  d) [virtual]

Geometric locations can include displacements. By default, this is ON. The nodal positions are 'displaced' by the standard exodus displacment vector. If displacements are turned 'off', the user can explicitly add them by applying a warp filter.

Geometric locations can include displacements. By default, this is ON. The nodal positions are 'displaced' by the standard exodus displacment vector. If displacements are turned 'off', the user can explicitly add them by applying a warp filter.

virtual void vtkExodusIIReader::ApplyDisplacementsOn ( ) [virtual]

Geometric locations can include displacements. By default, this is ON. The nodal positions are 'displaced' by the standard exodus displacment vector. If displacements are turned 'off', the user can explicitly add them by applying a warp filter.

virtual void vtkExodusIIReader::ApplyDisplacementsOff ( ) [virtual]

Geometric locations can include displacements. By default, this is ON. The nodal positions are 'displaced' by the standard exodus displacment vector. If displacements are turned 'off', the user can explicitly add them by applying a warp filter.

virtual void vtkExodusIIReader::SetDisplacementMagnitude ( float  s) [virtual]

Geometric locations can include displacements. By default, this is ON. The nodal positions are 'displaced' by the standard exodus displacment vector. If displacements are turned 'off', the user can explicitly add them by applying a warp filter.

Geometric locations can include displacements. By default, this is ON. The nodal positions are 'displaced' by the standard exodus displacment vector. If displacements are turned 'off', the user can explicitly add them by applying a warp filter.

virtual void vtkExodusIIReader::SetHasModeShapes ( int  ms) [virtual]

Set/Get whether the Exodus sequence number corresponds to time steps or mode shapes. By default, HasModeShapes is false unless two time values in the Exodus file are identical, in which case it is true.

Set/Get whether the Exodus sequence number corresponds to time steps or mode shapes. By default, HasModeShapes is false unless two time values in the Exodus file are identical, in which case it is true.

virtual void vtkExodusIIReader::HasModeShapesOn ( ) [virtual]

Set/Get whether the Exodus sequence number corresponds to time steps or mode shapes. By default, HasModeShapes is false unless two time values in the Exodus file are identical, in which case it is true.

virtual void vtkExodusIIReader::HasModeShapesOff ( ) [virtual]

Set/Get whether the Exodus sequence number corresponds to time steps or mode shapes. By default, HasModeShapes is false unless two time values in the Exodus file are identical, in which case it is true.

virtual void vtkExodusIIReader::SetModeShapeTime ( double  phase) [virtual]

Set/Get the time used to animate mode shapes. This is a number between 0 and 1 that is used to scale the DisplacementMagnitude in a sinusoidal pattern. Specifically, the displacement vector for each vertex is scaled by $ \mathrm{DisplacementMagnitude} cos( 2\pi \mathrm{ModeShapeTime} ) $ before it is added to the vertex coordinates.

Set/Get the time used to animate mode shapes. This is a number between 0 and 1 that is used to scale the DisplacementMagnitude in a sinusoidal pattern. Specifically, the displacement vector for each vertex is scaled by $ \mathrm{DisplacementMagnitude} cos( 2\pi \mathrm{ModeShapeTime} ) $ before it is added to the vertex coordinates.

virtual void vtkExodusIIReader::SetAnimateModeShapes ( int  flag) [virtual]

If this flag is on (the default) and HasModeShapes is also on, then this reader will report a continuous time range [0,1] and animate the displacements in a periodic sinusoid. If this flag is off and HasModeShapes is on, this reader ignores time. This flag has no effect if HasModeShapes is off.

If this flag is on (the default) and HasModeShapes is also on, then this reader will report a continuous time range [0,1] and animate the displacements in a periodic sinusoid. If this flag is off and HasModeShapes is on, this reader ignores time. This flag has no effect if HasModeShapes is off.

virtual void vtkExodusIIReader::AnimateModeShapesOn ( ) [virtual]

If this flag is on (the default) and HasModeShapes is also on, then this reader will report a continuous time range [0,1] and animate the displacements in a periodic sinusoid. If this flag is off and HasModeShapes is on, this reader ignores time. This flag has no effect if HasModeShapes is off.

virtual void vtkExodusIIReader::AnimateModeShapesOff ( ) [virtual]

If this flag is on (the default) and HasModeShapes is also on, then this reader will report a continuous time range [0,1] and animate the displacements in a periodic sinusoid. If this flag is off and HasModeShapes is on, this reader ignores time. This flag has no effect if HasModeShapes is off.

const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetTitle ( )

Access to meta data generated by UpdateInformation.

Access to meta data generated by UpdateInformation.

Access to meta data generated by UpdateInformation.

int vtkExodusIIReader::GetNumberOfEntriesInObject ( int  objectType,
int  objectIndex 
int vtkExodusIIReader::GetObjectId ( int  objectType,
int  objectIndex 
const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetObjectName ( int  objectType,
int  objectIndex 
int vtkExodusIIReader::GetObjectIndex ( int  objectType,
const char *  objectName 
int vtkExodusIIReader::GetObjectIndex ( int  objectType,
int  id 
int vtkExodusIIReader::GetObjectStatus ( int  objectType,
int  objectIndex 
int vtkExodusIIReader::GetObjectStatus ( int  objectType,
const char *  objectName 
) [inline]

Definition at line 326 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetObjectStatus ( int  objectType,
int  objectIndex,
int  status 
void vtkExodusIIReader::SetObjectStatus ( int  objectType,
const char *  objectName,
int  status 

By default arrays are not loaded. These methods allow the user to select which arrays they want to load. You can get information about the arrays by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetPointArrayName ... (Developer Note) This meta data is all accessed through vtkExodusMetadata

const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetObjectArrayName ( int  objectType,
int  arrayIndex 

By default arrays are not loaded. These methods allow the user to select which arrays they want to load. You can get information about the arrays by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetPointArrayName ... (Developer Note) This meta data is all accessed through vtkExodusMetadata

int vtkExodusIIReader::GetObjectArrayIndex ( int  objectType,
const char *  arrayName 

By default arrays are not loaded. These methods allow the user to select which arrays they want to load. You can get information about the arrays by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetPointArrayName ... (Developer Note) This meta data is all accessed through vtkExodusMetadata

By default arrays are not loaded. These methods allow the user to select which arrays they want to load. You can get information about the arrays by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetPointArrayName ... (Developer Note) This meta data is all accessed through vtkExodusMetadata

int vtkExodusIIReader::GetObjectArrayStatus ( int  objectType,
int  arrayIndex 

By default arrays are not loaded. These methods allow the user to select which arrays they want to load. You can get information about the arrays by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetPointArrayName ... (Developer Note) This meta data is all accessed through vtkExodusMetadata

int vtkExodusIIReader::GetObjectArrayStatus ( int  objectType,
const char *  arrayName 
) [inline]

By default arrays are not loaded. These methods allow the user to select which arrays they want to load. You can get information about the arrays by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetPointArrayName ... (Developer Note) This meta data is all accessed through vtkExodusMetadata

Definition at line 342 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetObjectArrayStatus ( int  objectType,
int  arrayIndex,
int  status 

By default arrays are not loaded. These methods allow the user to select which arrays they want to load. You can get information about the arrays by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetPointArrayName ... (Developer Note) This meta data is all accessed through vtkExodusMetadata

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetObjectArrayStatus ( int  objectType,
const char *  arrayName,
int  status 

By default arrays are not loaded. These methods allow the user to select which arrays they want to load. You can get information about the arrays by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetPointArrayName ... (Developer Note) This meta data is all accessed through vtkExodusMetadata

int vtkExodusIIReader::GetNumberOfObjectAttributes ( int  objectType,
int  objectIndex 

By default attributes are not loaded. These methods allow the user to select which attributes they want to load. You can get information about the attributes by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetObjectAttributeName ... (Developer Note) This meta data is all accessed through vtkExodusMetadata

const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetObjectAttributeName ( int  objectType,
int  objectIndex,
int  attribIndex 

By default attributes are not loaded. These methods allow the user to select which attributes they want to load. You can get information about the attributes by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetObjectAttributeName ... (Developer Note) This meta data is all accessed through vtkExodusMetadata

int vtkExodusIIReader::GetObjectAttributeIndex ( int  objectType,
int  objectIndex,
const char *  attribName 

By default attributes are not loaded. These methods allow the user to select which attributes they want to load. You can get information about the attributes by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetObjectAttributeName ... (Developer Note) This meta data is all accessed through vtkExodusMetadata

int vtkExodusIIReader::GetObjectAttributeStatus ( int  objectType,
int  objectIndex,
int  attribIndex 

By default attributes are not loaded. These methods allow the user to select which attributes they want to load. You can get information about the attributes by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetObjectAttributeName ... (Developer Note) This meta data is all accessed through vtkExodusMetadata

int vtkExodusIIReader::GetObjectAttributeStatus ( int  objectType,
int  objectIndex,
const char *  attribName 
) [inline]

By default attributes are not loaded. These methods allow the user to select which attributes they want to load. You can get information about the attributes by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetObjectAttributeName ... (Developer Note) This meta data is all accessed through vtkExodusMetadata

Definition at line 358 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetObjectAttributeStatus ( int  objectType,
int  objectIndex,
int  attribIndex,
int  status 

By default attributes are not loaded. These methods allow the user to select which attributes they want to load. You can get information about the attributes by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetObjectAttributeName ... (Developer Note) This meta data is all accessed through vtkExodusMetadata

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetObjectAttributeStatus ( int  objectType,
int  objectIndex,
const char *  attribName,
int  status 
) [inline]

By default attributes are not loaded. These methods allow the user to select which attributes they want to load. You can get information about the attributes by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetObjectAttributeName ... (Developer Note) This meta data is all accessed through vtkExodusMetadata

Definition at line 362 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Reimplemented in vtkPExodusIIReader.

Reimplemented in vtkPExodusIIReader.

By default all parts are loaded. These methods allow the user to select which parts they want to load. You can get information about the parts by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetPartArrayName ...

const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetPartArrayName ( int  arrayIdx)

By default all parts are loaded. These methods allow the user to select which parts they want to load. You can get information about the parts by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetPartArrayName ...

int vtkExodusIIReader::GetPartArrayID ( const char *  name)

By default all parts are loaded. These methods allow the user to select which parts they want to load. You can get information about the parts by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetPartArrayName ...

const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetPartBlockInfo ( int  arrayIdx)

By default all parts are loaded. These methods allow the user to select which parts they want to load. You can get information about the parts by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetPartArrayName ...

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetPartArrayStatus ( int  index,
int  flag 

By default all parts are loaded. These methods allow the user to select which parts they want to load. You can get information about the parts by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetPartArrayName ...

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetPartArrayStatus ( const char *  ,
int  flag 

By default all parts are loaded. These methods allow the user to select which parts they want to load. You can get information about the parts by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetPartArrayName ...

By default all parts are loaded. These methods allow the user to select which parts they want to load. You can get information about the parts by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetPartArrayName ...

By default all parts are loaded. These methods allow the user to select which parts they want to load. You can get information about the parts by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetPartArrayName ...

By default all materials are loaded. These methods allow the user to select which materials they want to load. You can get information about the materials by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetMaterialArrayName ...

const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetMaterialArrayName ( int  arrayIdx)

By default all materials are loaded. These methods allow the user to select which materials they want to load. You can get information about the materials by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetMaterialArrayName ...

By default all materials are loaded. These methods allow the user to select which materials they want to load. You can get information about the materials by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetMaterialArrayName ...

By default all materials are loaded. These methods allow the user to select which materials they want to load. You can get information about the materials by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetMaterialArrayName ...

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetMaterialArrayStatus ( const char *  ,
int  flag 

By default all materials are loaded. These methods allow the user to select which materials they want to load. You can get information about the materials by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetMaterialArrayName ...

By default all materials are loaded. These methods allow the user to select which materials they want to load. You can get information about the materials by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetMaterialArrayName ...

By default all materials are loaded. These methods allow the user to select which materials they want to load. You can get information about the materials by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetMaterialArrayName ...

By default all assemblies are loaded. These methods allow the user to select which assemblies they want to load. You can get information about the assemblies by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetAssemblyArrayName ...

const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetAssemblyArrayName ( int  arrayIdx)

By default all assemblies are loaded. These methods allow the user to select which assemblies they want to load. You can get information about the assemblies by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetAssemblyArrayName ...

By default all assemblies are loaded. These methods allow the user to select which assemblies they want to load. You can get information about the assemblies by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetAssemblyArrayName ...

By default all assemblies are loaded. These methods allow the user to select which assemblies they want to load. You can get information about the assemblies by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetAssemblyArrayName ...

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetAssemblyArrayStatus ( const char *  ,
int  flag 

By default all assemblies are loaded. These methods allow the user to select which assemblies they want to load. You can get information about the assemblies by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetAssemblyArrayName ...

By default all assemblies are loaded. These methods allow the user to select which assemblies they want to load. You can get information about the assemblies by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetAssemblyArrayName ...

By default all assemblies are loaded. These methods allow the user to select which assemblies they want to load. You can get information about the assemblies by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetAssemblyArrayName ...

By default all hierarchy entries are loaded. These methods allow the user to select which hierarchy entries they want to load. You can get information about the hierarchy entries by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetHierarchyArrayName ... these methods do not call functions in metaData. They call functions on the ExodusXMLParser since it seemed silly to duplicate all the information

const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetHierarchyArrayName ( int  arrayIdx)

By default all hierarchy entries are loaded. These methods allow the user to select which hierarchy entries they want to load. You can get information about the hierarchy entries by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetHierarchyArrayName ... these methods do not call functions in metaData. They call functions on the ExodusXMLParser since it seemed silly to duplicate all the information

By default all hierarchy entries are loaded. These methods allow the user to select which hierarchy entries they want to load. You can get information about the hierarchy entries by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetHierarchyArrayName ... these methods do not call functions in metaData. They call functions on the ExodusXMLParser since it seemed silly to duplicate all the information

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetHierarchyArrayStatus ( const char *  ,
int  flag 

By default all hierarchy entries are loaded. These methods allow the user to select which hierarchy entries they want to load. You can get information about the hierarchy entries by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetHierarchyArrayName ... these methods do not call functions in metaData. They call functions on the ExodusXMLParser since it seemed silly to duplicate all the information

By default all hierarchy entries are loaded. These methods allow the user to select which hierarchy entries they want to load. You can get information about the hierarchy entries by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetHierarchyArrayName ... these methods do not call functions in metaData. They call functions on the ExodusXMLParser since it seemed silly to duplicate all the information

By default all hierarchy entries are loaded. These methods allow the user to select which hierarchy entries they want to load. You can get information about the hierarchy entries by first caling UpdateInformation, and using GetHierarchyArrayName ... these methods do not call functions in metaData. They call functions on the ExodusXMLParser since it seemed silly to duplicate all the information

virtual int vtkExodusIIReader::GetDisplayType ( ) [virtual]
virtual void vtkExodusIIReader::SetDisplayType ( int  type) [virtual]
virtual void vtkExodusIIReader::ExodusModelMetadataOn ( ) [virtual]

There is a great deal of model information lost when an Exodus II file is read in to a vtkMultiBlockDataSet. Turn this option ON if you want this metadata to be read in to a vtkExodusModel object. The default is OFF.

virtual void vtkExodusIIReader::ExodusModelMetadataOff ( ) [virtual]
virtual void vtkExodusIIReader::SetExodusModelMetadata ( int  ) [virtual]

Returns the object which encapsulates the model metadata.

By default, the ExodusModel metadata (if requested with ExodusModelMetadataOn()) is also encoded into field arrays and attached to the output unstructured grid. Set this OFF if you don't want this to happen. (The vtkExodusIIWriter and the vtkEnSightWriter can unpack this metadata from the field arrays and use it when writing out Exodus or EnSight files.)

int vtkExodusIIReader::IsValidVariable ( const char *  type,
const char *  name 

return boolean indicating whether the type,name is a valid variable

int vtkExodusIIReader::GetVariableID ( const char *  type,
const char *  name 

Return the id of the type,name variable

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetAllArrayStatus ( int  otype,
int  status 
int vtkExodusIIReader::GetTimeSeriesData ( int  ID,
const char *  vName,
const char *  vType,
vtkFloatArray result 

Definition at line 478 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetEdgeBlockArrayName ( int  index) [inline]

Definition at line 480 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

int vtkExodusIIReader::GetEdgeBlockArrayStatus ( const char *  name) [inline]

Definition at line 482 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetEdgeBlockArrayStatus ( const char *  name,
int  flag 
) [inline]

Definition at line 484 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Definition at line 487 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetFaceBlockArrayName ( int  index) [inline]

Definition at line 489 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

int vtkExodusIIReader::GetFaceBlockArrayStatus ( const char *  name) [inline]

Definition at line 491 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetFaceBlockArrayStatus ( const char *  name,
int  flag 
) [inline]

Definition at line 493 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Definition at line 496 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetElementBlockArrayName ( int  index) [inline]

Definition at line 498 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

int vtkExodusIIReader::GetElementBlockArrayStatus ( const char *  name) [inline]

Definition at line 500 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetElementBlockArrayStatus ( const char *  name,
int  flag 
) [inline]

Definition at line 502 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Definition at line 505 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetGlobalResultArrayName ( int  index) [inline]

Definition at line 507 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

int vtkExodusIIReader::GetGlobalResultArrayStatus ( const char *  name) [inline]

Definition at line 509 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetGlobalResultArrayStatus ( const char *  name,
int  flag 
) [inline]

Definition at line 511 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Definition at line 514 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetPointResultArrayName ( int  index) [inline]

Definition at line 516 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

int vtkExodusIIReader::GetPointResultArrayStatus ( const char *  name) [inline]

Definition at line 518 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetPointResultArrayStatus ( const char *  name,
int  flag 
) [inline]

Definition at line 520 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Definition at line 523 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetEdgeResultArrayName ( int  index) [inline]

Definition at line 525 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

int vtkExodusIIReader::GetEdgeResultArrayStatus ( const char *  name) [inline]

Definition at line 527 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetEdgeResultArrayStatus ( const char *  name,
int  flag 
) [inline]

Definition at line 529 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Definition at line 532 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetFaceResultArrayName ( int  index) [inline]

Definition at line 534 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

int vtkExodusIIReader::GetFaceResultArrayStatus ( const char *  name) [inline]

Definition at line 536 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetFaceResultArrayStatus ( const char *  name,
int  flag 
) [inline]

Definition at line 538 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Definition at line 541 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetElementResultArrayName ( int  index) [inline]

Definition at line 543 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

int vtkExodusIIReader::GetElementResultArrayStatus ( const char *  name) [inline]

Definition at line 545 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetElementResultArrayStatus ( const char *  name,
int  flag 
) [inline]

Definition at line 547 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Definition at line 551 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetNodeMapArrayName ( int  index) [inline]

Definition at line 553 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

int vtkExodusIIReader::GetNodeMapArrayStatus ( const char *  name) [inline]

Definition at line 555 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetNodeMapArrayStatus ( const char *  name,
int  flag 
) [inline]

Definition at line 557 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Definition at line 560 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetEdgeMapArrayName ( int  index) [inline]

Definition at line 562 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

int vtkExodusIIReader::GetEdgeMapArrayStatus ( const char *  name) [inline]

Definition at line 564 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetEdgeMapArrayStatus ( const char *  name,
int  flag 
) [inline]

Definition at line 566 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Definition at line 569 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetFaceMapArrayName ( int  index) [inline]

Definition at line 571 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

int vtkExodusIIReader::GetFaceMapArrayStatus ( const char *  name) [inline]

Definition at line 573 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetFaceMapArrayStatus ( const char *  name,
int  flag 
) [inline]

Definition at line 575 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Definition at line 578 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetElementMapArrayName ( int  index) [inline]

Definition at line 580 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

int vtkExodusIIReader::GetElementMapArrayStatus ( const char *  name) [inline]

Definition at line 582 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetElementMapArrayStatus ( const char *  name,
int  flag 
) [inline]

Definition at line 584 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Definition at line 587 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetNodeSetArrayName ( int  index) [inline]

Definition at line 589 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

int vtkExodusIIReader::GetNodeSetArrayStatus ( const char *  name) [inline]

Definition at line 591 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetNodeSetArrayStatus ( const char *  name,
int  flag 
) [inline]

Definition at line 593 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Definition at line 596 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetSideSetArrayName ( int  index) [inline]

Definition at line 598 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

int vtkExodusIIReader::GetSideSetArrayStatus ( const char *  name) [inline]

Definition at line 600 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetSideSetArrayStatus ( const char *  name,
int  flag 
) [inline]

Definition at line 602 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Definition at line 605 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetEdgeSetArrayName ( int  index) [inline]

Definition at line 607 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

int vtkExodusIIReader::GetEdgeSetArrayStatus ( const char *  name) [inline]

Definition at line 609 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetEdgeSetArrayStatus ( const char *  name,
int  flag 
) [inline]

Definition at line 611 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Definition at line 614 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetFaceSetArrayName ( int  index) [inline]

Definition at line 616 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

int vtkExodusIIReader::GetFaceSetArrayStatus ( const char *  name) [inline]

Definition at line 618 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetFaceSetArrayStatus ( const char *  name,
int  flag 
) [inline]

Definition at line 620 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Definition at line 623 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetElementSetArrayName ( int  index) [inline]

Definition at line 625 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

int vtkExodusIIReader::GetElementSetArrayStatus ( const char *  name) [inline]

Definition at line 627 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetElementSetArrayStatus ( const char *  name,
int  flag 
) [inline]

Definition at line 629 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Definition at line 633 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetNodeSetResultArrayName ( int  index) [inline]

Definition at line 635 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

int vtkExodusIIReader::GetNodeSetResultArrayStatus ( const char *  name) [inline]

Definition at line 637 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetNodeSetResultArrayStatus ( const char *  name,
int  flag 
) [inline]

Definition at line 639 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Definition at line 642 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetSideSetResultArrayName ( int  index) [inline]

Definition at line 644 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

int vtkExodusIIReader::GetSideSetResultArrayStatus ( const char *  name) [inline]

Definition at line 646 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetSideSetResultArrayStatus ( const char *  name,
int  flag 
) [inline]

Definition at line 648 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Definition at line 651 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetEdgeSetResultArrayName ( int  index) [inline]

Definition at line 653 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

int vtkExodusIIReader::GetEdgeSetResultArrayStatus ( const char *  name) [inline]

Definition at line 655 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetEdgeSetResultArrayStatus ( const char *  name,
int  flag 
) [inline]

Definition at line 657 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Definition at line 660 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetFaceSetResultArrayName ( int  index) [inline]

Definition at line 662 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

int vtkExodusIIReader::GetFaceSetResultArrayStatus ( const char *  name) [inline]

Definition at line 664 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetFaceSetResultArrayStatus ( const char *  name,
int  flag 
) [inline]

Definition at line 666 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Definition at line 669 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

const char* vtkExodusIIReader::GetElementSetResultArrayName ( int  index) [inline]

Definition at line 671 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

int vtkExodusIIReader::GetElementSetResultArrayStatus ( const char *  name) [inline]

Definition at line 673 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetElementSetResultArrayStatus ( const char *  name,
int  flag 
) [inline]

Definition at line 675 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetFastPathObjectType ( const char *  type)


Fast path

The following are set using the fast-path keys found in vtkPExodusIIReader's input information. Fast-path keys are meant to be used by an filter that works with temporal data. Rather than re-executing the pipeline for each timestep, since the exodus reader, as part of its API, contains a faster way to read temporal data, algorithms may use these keys to request temporal data. See also: vtkExtractArraysOverTime.

Set the fast-path keys. All three must be set for the fast-path option to work. Possible argument values: "POINT","CELL","EDGE","FACE"

void vtkExodusIIReader::SetFastPathIdType ( const char *  type)

Possible argument values: "INDEX","GLOBAL" "GLOBAL" means the id refers to a global id "INDEX" means the id refers to an index into the VTK array


Fast path

The following are set using the fast-path keys found in vtkPExodusIIReader's input information. Fast-path keys are meant to be used by an filter that works with temporal data. Rather than re-executing the pipeline for each timestep, since the exodus reader, as part of its API, contains a faster way to read temporal data, algorithms may use these keys to request temporal data. See also: vtkExtractArraysOverTime.

Set the fast-path keys. All three must be set for the fast-path option to work. Possible argument values: "POINT","CELL","EDGE","FACE"

Reset the user-specified parameters and flush internal arrays so that the reader state is just as it was after the reader was instantiated. It doesn't make sense to let users reset only the internal state; both the settings and the state are changed by this call.

Reset the user-specified parameters to their default values. The only settings not affected are the filename and/or pattern because these have no default. Resetting the settings but not the state allows users to keep the active cache but return to initial array selections, etc.

Clears out the cache entries.

Set the size of the cache in MiB.

Get the size of the cache in MiB.

Should the reader output only points used by elements in the output mesh, or all the points. Outputting all the points is much faster since the point array can be read straight from disk and the mesh connectivity need not be altered. Squeezing the points down to the minimum set needed to produce the output mesh is useful for glyphing and other point-based operations. On large parallel datasets, loading all the points implies loading all the points on all processes and performing subsequent filtering on a much larger set. By default, SqueezePoints is true for backwards compatibility.

Should the reader output only points used by elements in the output mesh, or all the points. Outputting all the points is much faster since the point array can be read straight from disk and the mesh connectivity need not be altered. Squeezing the points down to the minimum set needed to produce the output mesh is useful for glyphing and other point-based operations. On large parallel datasets, loading all the points implies loading all the points on all processes and performing subsequent filtering on a much larger set. By default, SqueezePoints is true for backwards compatibility.

virtual void vtkExodusIIReader::UpdateTimeInformation ( ) [virtual]

Re-reads time information from the exodus file and updates TimeStepRange accordingly.

Reimplemented in vtkPExodusIIReader.

virtual void vtkExodusIIReader::Dump ( ) [virtual]

SIL describes organization of/relationships between classifications eg. blocks/materials/hierarchies.

Every time the SIL is updated a this will return a different value.

HACK: Used by vtkPExodusIIReader to tell is the reader produced a valid fast path output.

virtual void vtkExodusIIReader::NewExodusModel ( ) [protected, virtual]

Reset or create an ExodusModel and turn on arrays that must be present for the ExodusIIWriter

static int vtkExodusIIReader::GetIDHelper ( const char *  arrayName,
vtkDataSet data,
int  localID,
int  searchType 
) [static, protected]
static int vtkExodusIIReader::GetGlobalID ( const char *  arrayName,
vtkDataSet data,
int  localID,
int  searchType 
) [static, protected]
virtual void vtkExodusIIReader::SetMetadata ( vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate ) [protected, virtual]
virtual vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate* vtkExodusIIReader::GetMetadata ( ) [protected, virtual]
bool vtkExodusIIReader::FindXMLFile ( ) [protected]

Returns true if XMLFileName has already been set. Otherwise, look for the XML metadata file in the same directory as the data file(s) using the following possible file names: DATA_FILE_NAME.xml DATA_FILE_NAME.dart artifact.dta Return true if found, false otherwise

void vtkExodusIIReader::AdvertiseTimeSteps ( vtkInformation outputInfo) [protected]

Populates the TIME_STEPS and TIME_RANGE keys based on file metadata.

virtual void vtkExodusIIReader::SetExodusModel ( vtkExodusModel em) [protected, virtual]
int vtkExodusIIReader::ProcessRequest ( vtkInformation request,
vtkInformationVector **  inputVector,
vtkInformationVector outputVector 
) [protected, virtual]

see vtkAlgorithm for details

Reimplemented from vtkMultiBlockDataSetAlgorithm.

This is called by the superclass. This is the method you should override.

Reimplemented from vtkMultiBlockDataSetAlgorithm.

Reimplemented in vtkPExodusIIReader.

This is called by the superclass. This is the method you should override.

Reimplemented from vtkMultiBlockDataSetAlgorithm.

Reimplemented in vtkPExodusIIReader.

Member Data Documentation

char* vtkExodusIIReader::FileName [protected]

Definition at line 798 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

char* vtkExodusIIReader::XMLFileName [protected]

Definition at line 799 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Definition at line 800 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Definition at line 801 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Definition at line 802 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Definition at line 803 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Definition at line 810 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Definition at line 813 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Definition at line 815 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Definition at line 816 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Definition at line 817 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Definition at line 819 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

Definition at line 820 of file vtkExodusIIReader.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: