Public Types | Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes
vtkStructuredGridConnectivity Class Reference

#include <vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkStructuredGridConnectivity:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for vtkStructuredGridConnectivity:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef vtkAbstractGridConnectivity Superclass

Public Member Functions

virtual int IsA (const char *type)
vtkStructuredGridConnectivityNewInstance () const
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
virtual void SetNumberOfGrids (const unsigned int N)
void GetGridExtent (const int gridID, int extent[6])
void SetGhostedGridExtent (const int gridID, int ext[6])
void GetGhostedGridExtent (const int gridID, int ext[6])
virtual void ComputeNeighbors ()
vtkStructuredNeighbor GetGridNeighbor (const int gridID, const int nei)
vtkIdListGetNeighbors (const int gridID, int *extents)
virtual void CreateGhostLayers (const int N=1)
virtual void SetWholeExtent (int, int, int, int, int, int)
virtual void SetWholeExtent (int[6])
virtual intGetWholeExtent ()
virtual void GetWholeExtent (int &, int &, int &, int &, int &, int &)
virtual void GetWholeExtent (int[6])
virtual int GetDataDimension ()
virtual void RegisterGrid (const int gridID, int extents[6], vtkUnsignedCharArray *nodesGhostArray, vtkUnsignedCharArray *cellGhostArray, vtkPointData *pointData, vtkCellData *cellData, vtkPoints *gridNodes)
int GetNumberOfNeighbors (const int gridID)
void FillGhostArrays (const int gridID, vtkUnsignedCharArray *nodesArray, vtkUnsignedCharArray *cellsArray)

Static Public Member Functions

New ()
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
SafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o)

Protected Member Functions

virtual vtkObjectBaseNewInstanceInternal () const
 vtkStructuredGridConnectivity ()
virtual ~vtkStructuredGridConnectivity ()
int Cardinality (int S[2])
void GetRealExtent (const int gridID, int GridExtent[6], int RealExtent[6])
bool IsNodeOnBoundary (const int i, const int j, const int k)
int IntervalOverlap (int A[2], int B[2], int overlap[2])
int DoPartialOverlap (int s[2], int S[2], int overlap[2])
void EstablishNeighbors (const int i, const int j)
void AcquireDataDescription ()
bool HasBlockConnection (const int gridID, const int blockDirection)
void RemoveBlockConnection (const int gridID, const int blockDirection)
void AddBlockConnection (const int gridID, const int blockDirection)
void ClearBlockConnections (const int gridID)
int GetNumberOfConnectingBlockFaces (const int gridID)
void SetBlockTopology (const int gridID)
void CreateGhostedExtent (const int gridID, const int N)
void CreateGhostedMaskArrays (const int gridID)
void InitializeGhostData (const int gridID)
void AllocatePointData (vtkPointData *RPD, const int N, vtkPointData *PD)
void AllocateCellData (vtkCellData *RCD, const int N, vtkCellData *CD)
void TransferRegisteredDataToGhostedData (const int gridID)
void ComputeNeighborSendAndRcvExtent (const int gridID, const int N)
virtual void TransferGhostDataFromNeighbors (const int gridID)
int GetNeighborIndex (const int gridIdx, const int NeighborGridIdx)
void PrintExtent (int extent[6])
bool InBounds (const int idx, const int Lo, const int Hi)
bool StrictlyInsideBounds (const int idx, const int Lo, const int Hi)
bool IsSubset (int A[2], int B[2])
int GetNumberOfNodesPerCell (const int dim)
void FillNodesGhostArray (const int gridID, const int dataDescription, int GridExtent[6], int RealExtent[6], vtkUnsignedCharArray *nodeArray)
void FillCellsGhostArray (const int dataDescription, const int numNodesPerCell, int dims[3], int CellExtent[6], vtkUnsignedCharArray *nodesArray, vtkUnsignedCharArray *cellsArray)
void SearchNeighbors (const int gridID, const int i, const int j, const int k, vtkIdList *neiList)
void MarkNodeProperty (const int gridID, const int i, const int j, const int k, int ext[6], int RealExtent[6], unsigned char &pfield)
void MarkCellProperty (unsigned char &pfield, unsigned char *nodeGhostFields, const int numNodes)
bool IsGhostNode (int GridExtent[6], int RealExtent[6], const int i, const int j, const int k)
bool IsNodeOnBoundaryOfExtent (const int i, const int j, const int k, int ext[6])
bool IsNodeOnSharedBoundary (const int gridID, int RealExtent[6], const int i, const int j, const int k)
bool IsNodeInterior (const int i, const int j, const int k, int GridExtent[6])
bool IsNodeWithinExtent (const int i, const int j, const int k, int GridExtent[6])
void SetNeighbors (const int i, const int j, int i2jOrientation[3], int j2iOrientation[3], int overlapExtent[6])
void DetermineNeighborOrientation (const int idx, int A[2], int B[2], int overlap[2], int orient[3])
void DetectNeighbors (const int i, const int j, int ex1[6], int ex2[6], int orientation[3], int ndim)
int PartialOverlap (int A[2], const int CofA, int B[2], const int CofB, int overlap[2])
void GetIJKBlockOrientation (const int i, const int j, const int k, int ext[6], int orientation[3])
int Get1DOrientation (const int idx, const int ExtentLo, const int ExtentHi, const int OnLo, const int OnHi, const int NotOnBoundary)
void GetGhostedExtent (int *ghostedExtent, int GridExtent[6], const int minIdx, const int maxIdx, const int N)
void TransferLocalNeighborData (const int gridID, const vtkStructuredNeighbor &Neighor)
void CopyCoordinates (vtkPoints *source, vtkIdType sourceIdx, vtkPoints *target, vtkIdType targetIdx)
void CopyFieldData (vtkFieldData *source, vtkIdType sourceIdx, vtkFieldData *target, vtkIdType targetIdx)

Protected Attributes

int DataDimension
int DataDescription
int WholeExtent [6]
std::vector< intGridExtents
std::vector< intGhostedExtents
std::vector< unsigned char > BlockTopology
std::vector< std::vector
< vtkStructuredNeighbor > > 
std::map< std::pair< int, int >
, int

Detailed Description

vtkStructuredGridConnectivity is a concrete instance of vtkObject that implements functionality for computing the neighboring topology within a single partitioned structured grid dataset. This class implementation does not have any support for distributed data. For the parallel implementation see vtkPStructuredGridConnectivity.

See also:
vtkGhostArray vtkPStructuredGridConnectivity
vtkStructuredGridConnectivity (Tests)

Definition at line 59 of file vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Reimplemented from vtkAbstractGridConnectivity.

Reimplemented in vtkPStructuredGridConnectivity.

Definition at line 64 of file vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Member Function Documentation

Create an object with Debug turned off, modified time initialized to zero, and reference counting on.

Reimplemented from vtkObject.

Reimplemented in vtkPStructuredGridConnectivity.

static int vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::IsTypeOf ( const char *  name) [static]

Return 1 if this class type is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. Returns 0 otherwise. This method works in combination with vtkTypeMacro found in vtkSetGet.h.

Reimplemented from vtkAbstractGridConnectivity.

Reimplemented in vtkPStructuredGridConnectivity.

virtual int vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::IsA ( const char *  name) [virtual]

Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. Returns 0 otherwise. This method works in combination with vtkTypeMacro found in vtkSetGet.h.

Reimplemented from vtkAbstractGridConnectivity.

Reimplemented in vtkPStructuredGridConnectivity.

Reimplemented from vtkAbstractGridConnectivity.

Reimplemented in vtkPStructuredGridConnectivity.

virtual vtkObjectBase* vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::NewInstanceInternal ( ) const [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from vtkAbstractGridConnectivity.

Reimplemented in vtkPStructuredGridConnectivity.

Reimplemented from vtkAbstractGridConnectivity.

Reimplemented in vtkPStructuredGridConnectivity.

void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::PrintSelf ( ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent 
) [virtual]

Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. Typically not called by the user (use Print() instead) but used in the hierarchical print process to combine the output of several classes.

Reimplemented from vtkAbstractGridConnectivity.

Reimplemented in vtkPStructuredGridConnectivity.

virtual void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::SetWholeExtent ( int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
) [virtual]

Set/Get the whole extent of the grid

virtual void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::SetWholeExtent ( int  [6]) [virtual]

Set/Get the whole extent of the grid

Set/Get the whole extent of the grid

virtual void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::GetWholeExtent ( int ,
int ,
int ,
int ,
int ,
) [virtual]

Set/Get the whole extent of the grid

virtual void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::GetWholeExtent ( int  [6]) [virtual]

Set/Get the whole extent of the grid

Returns the data dimension based on the whole extent

void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::SetNumberOfGrids ( const unsigned int  N) [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the total number of domains distributed among processors

Implements vtkAbstractGridConnectivity.

Reimplemented in vtkPStructuredGridConnectivity.

Definition at line 959 of file vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h.

virtual void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::RegisterGrid ( const int  gridID,
int  extents[6],
vtkUnsignedCharArray nodesGhostArray,
vtkUnsignedCharArray cellGhostArray,
vtkPointData pointData,
vtkCellData cellData,
vtkPoints gridNodes 
) [virtual]

Registers the current grid corresponding to the grid ID by its global extent w.r.t. the whole extent.

Reimplemented in vtkPStructuredGridConnectivity.

void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::GetGridExtent ( const int  gridID,
int  extent[6] 
) [inline]

Returns the grid extent of the grid corresponding to the given grid ID.

Definition at line 614 of file vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h.

void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::SetGhostedGridExtent ( const int  gridID,
int  ext[6] 
) [inline]

Sets the ghosted grid extent for the grid corresponding to the given grid ID to the given extent.

Definition at line 599 of file vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h.

void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::GetGhostedGridExtent ( const int  gridID,
int  ext[6] 
) [inline]

Returns the ghosted grid extent for the block corresponding the

Definition at line 626 of file vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h.

Computes neighboring information

Implements vtkAbstractGridConnectivity.

Reimplemented in vtkPStructuredGridConnectivity.

Returns the number of neighbors for the grid corresponding to the given grid ID.

Definition at line 109 of file vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h.

Returns the neighbor corresponding to the index nei for the grid with the given (global) grid ID.

vtkIdList* vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::GetNeighbors ( const int  gridID,
int extents 

Returns the list of neighboring blocks for the given grid and the corresponding overlapping extents are filled in the 1-D flat array strided by 6. NOTE: the flat array extents must be pre-allocated.

void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::FillGhostArrays ( const int  gridID,
vtkUnsignedCharArray nodesArray,
vtkUnsignedCharArray cellsArray 
) [virtual]

Filles the mesh property arrays, nodes and cells, for the grid corresponding to the given grid ID. NOTE: this method assumes that ComputeNeighbors() has been called.

Implements vtkAbstractGridConnectivity.

virtual void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::CreateGhostLayers ( const int  N = 1) [virtual]

Creates ghost layers.

Implements vtkAbstractGridConnectivity.

Reimplemented in vtkPStructuredGridConnectivity.

bool vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::InBounds ( const int  idx,
const int  Lo,
const int  Hi 
) [inline, protected]

Returns true iff Lo <= idx <= Hi, otherwise false.

Definition at line 141 of file vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h.

bool vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::StrictlyInsideBounds ( const int  idx,
const int  Lo,
const int  Hi 
) [inline, protected]

Returns true iff Lo < idx < Hi, otherwise false.

Definition at line 147 of file vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h.

bool vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::IsSubset ( int  A[2],
int  B[2] 
) [inline, protected]

Returns true iff A is a subset of B, otherwise false.

Definition at line 153 of file vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h.

int vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::Cardinality ( int  S[2]) [inline, protected]

Returns the cardinality of a range S.

Definition at line 159 of file vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h.

Returns the number of nodes per cell according to the given dimension.

Definition at line 164 of file vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h.

void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::FillNodesGhostArray ( const int  gridID,
const int  dataDescription,
int  GridExtent[6],
int  RealExtent[6],
vtkUnsignedCharArray nodeArray 
) [protected]

Fills the the ghost array for the nodes

void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::FillCellsGhostArray ( const int  dataDescription,
const int  numNodesPerCell,
int  dims[3],
int  CellExtent[6],
vtkUnsignedCharArray nodesArray,
vtkUnsignedCharArray cellsArray 
) [protected]

Fills the ghost array for the grid cells

void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::SearchNeighbors ( const int  gridID,
const int  i,
const int  j,
const int  k,
vtkIdList neiList 
) [protected]

Given a point (i,j,k) belonging to the grid corresponding to the given gridID, this method searches for the grids that this point is neighboring with.

void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::MarkNodeProperty ( const int  gridID,
const int  i,
const int  j,
const int  k,
int  ext[6],
int  RealExtent[6],
unsigned char &  pfield 
) [protected]

Marks the node properties with the node with the given global i,j,k grid coordinates w.r.t. to the grid defined by the given extent ext.

void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::MarkCellProperty ( unsigned char &  pfield,
unsigned char *  nodeGhostFields,
const int  numNodes 
) [protected]

Marks the cell property for the cell composed by the nodes with the given ghost fields.

void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::GetRealExtent ( const int  gridID,
int  GridExtent[6],
int  RealExtent[6] 
) [protected]

Given a grid extent, this method computes the RealExtent.

bool vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::IsGhostNode ( int  GridExtent[6],
int  RealExtent[6],
const int  i,
const int  j,
const int  k 
) [protected]

Checks if the node corresponding to the given global i,j,k coordinates is a ghost node or not.

bool vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::IsNodeOnBoundaryOfExtent ( const int  i,
const int  j,
const int  k,
int  ext[6] 
) [inline, protected]

Checks if the node corresponding to the given global i,j,k coordinates is on the boundary of the given extent.

Definition at line 647 of file vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h.

bool vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::IsNodeOnSharedBoundary ( const int  gridID,
int  RealExtent[6],
const int  i,
const int  j,
const int  k 
) [protected]

Checks if the node corresponding to the given global i,j,k coordinates is on the shared boundary, i.e., a partition interface. NOTE: A node on a shared boundary, may also be on a real boundary.

bool vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::IsNodeOnBoundary ( const int  i,
const int  j,
const int  k 
) [protected]

Checks if the node corresponding to the given global i,j,k coordinates touches the real boundaries of the domain given the whole extent.

bool vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::IsNodeInterior ( const int  i,
const int  j,
const int  k,
int  GridExtent[6] 
) [inline, protected]

Checks if the node, corresponding to the given global i,j,k coordinates is within the interior of the given global grid extent.

Definition at line 715 of file vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h.

bool vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::IsNodeWithinExtent ( const int  i,
const int  j,
const int  k,
int  GridExtent[6] 
) [inline, protected]

Checks if the node corresponding to the given global i,j,k coordinates is within the given extent, inclusive of the extent bounds.

Definition at line 271 of file vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h.

void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::SetNeighbors ( const int  i,
const int  j,
int  i2jOrientation[3],
int  j2iOrientation[3],
int  overlapExtent[6] 
) [protected]

Creates a neighbor from i-to-j and from j-to-i.

void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::DetermineNeighborOrientation ( const int  idx,
int  A[2],
int  B[2],
int  overlap[2],
int  orient[3] 
) [inline, protected]

Given two overlapping extents A,B and the corresponding overlap extent this method computes A's relative neighboring orientation w.r.t to its neighbor, B. The resulting orientation is stored in an integer 3-tuple that holds the orientation of A relative to B alone each axis, i, j, k. See vtkStructuredNeighbor::NeighborOrientation for a list of valid orientation values.

Definition at line 780 of file vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h.

void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::DetectNeighbors ( const int  i,
const int  j,
int  ex1[6],
int  ex2[6],
int  orientation[3],
int  ndim 
) [protected]

Detects if the two extents, ex1 and ex2, corresponding to the grids with grid IDs i,j respectively, are neighbors, i.e, they either share a corner, an edge or a plane in 3-D.

int vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::IntervalOverlap ( int  A[2],
int  B[2],
int  overlap[2] 
) [protected]

Checks if the intervals A,B overlap. The intersection of A,B is returned in the overlap array and a return code is used to indicate the type of overlap. The return values are defined as follows: VTK_NO_OVERLAP 0 VTK_NODE_OVERLAP 1 VTK_EDGE_OVERLAP 2 VTK_PARTIAL_OVERLAP 3

int vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::DoPartialOverlap ( int  s[2],
int  S[2],
int  overlap[2] 
) [protected]

Checks if the internals s,S partially overlap where |s| < |S|. The intersection of s,S is stored in the supplied overlap array and a return code is used to indicate the type of overlap. The return values are defined as follows: VTK_NO_OVERLAP 0 VTK_NODE_OVERLAP 1 VTK_PARTIAL_OVERLAP 3

int vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::PartialOverlap ( int  A[2],
const int  CofA,
int  B[2],
const int  CofB,
int  overlap[2] 
) [protected]

Checks if the intervals A,B partially overlap. The region of partial overlap is returned in the provided overlap array and a return code is used to indicate whether there is partial overlap or not. The return values are defined as follows: VTK_NO_OVERLAP 0 VTK_NODE_OVERLAP 1 VTK_PARTIAL_OVERLAP 3

void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::EstablishNeighbors ( const int  i,
const int  j 
) [protected]

Establishes the neighboring information between the two grids corresponding to grid ids "i" and "j" with i < j.

Based on the user-supplied WholeExtent, this method determines the topology of the structured domain, e.g., VTK_XYZ_GRID, VTK_XY_PLANE, etc.

bool vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::HasBlockConnection ( const int  gridID,
const int  blockDirection 
) [inline, protected]

Checks if the block corresponding to the given grid ID has a block adjacent to it in the given block direction. NOTE: The block direction is essentially one of the 6 faces of the block defined as follows:

  • FRONT = 0 (+k diretion)
  • BACK = 1 (-k direction)
  • RIGHT = 2 (+i direction)
  • LEFT = 3 (-i direction)
  • TOP = 4 (+j direction)
  • BOTTOM = 5 (-j direction)

Definition at line 874 of file vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h.

void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::RemoveBlockConnection ( const int  gridID,
const int  blockDirection 
) [inline, protected]

Removes a block connection along the given direction for the block corresponding to the given gridID. NOTE: The block direction is essentially one of the 6 faces of the block defined as follows:

  • FRONT = 0 (+k diretion)
  • BACK = 1 (-k direction)
  • RIGHT = 2 (+i direction)
  • LEFT = 3 (-i direction)
  • TOP = 4 (+j direction)
  • BOTTOM = 5 (-j direction)

Definition at line 893 of file vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h.

void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::AddBlockConnection ( const int  gridID,
const int  blockDirection 
) [inline, protected]

Adds a block connection along the given direction for the block corresponding to the given gridID. NOTE: The block direction is essentially one of the 6 faces of the block defined as follows:

  • FRONT = 0 (+k diretion)
  • BACK = 1 (-k direction)
  • RIGHT = 2 (+i direction)
  • LEFT = 3 (-i direction)
  • TOP = 4 (+j direction)
  • BOTTOM = 5 (-j direction)

Definition at line 908 of file vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h.

void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::ClearBlockConnections ( const int  gridID) [inline, protected]

Clears all block connections for the block corresponding to the given grid ID.

Definition at line 922 of file vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h.

Returns the number of faces of the block corresponding to the given grid ID that are adjacent to at least one other block. Note, this is not the total number of neighbors for the block. This method simply checks how many out of the 6 block faces have connections. Thus, the return value has an upper-bound of 6.

Definition at line 937 of file vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h.

void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::SetBlockTopology ( const int  gridID) [protected]

Sets the block topology connections for the grid corresponding to gridID.

void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::GetIJKBlockOrientation ( const int  i,
const int  j,
const int  k,
int  ext[6],
int  orientation[3] 
) [protected]

Given i-j-k coordinates and the grid defined by tis extent, ext, this method determines IJK orientation with respect to the block boundaries, i.e., the 6 block faces. If the node is not on a boundary, then orientation[i] = BlockFace::NOT_ON_BLOCK_FACE for all i in [0,2].

int vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::Get1DOrientation ( const int  idx,
const int  ExtentLo,
const int  ExtentHi,
const int  OnLo,
const int  OnHi,
const int  NotOnBoundary 
) [inline, protected]

A helper method that computes the 1-D i-j-k orientation to facilitate the implementation of GetNodeBlockOrientation.

Definition at line 858 of file vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h.

void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::CreateGhostedExtent ( const int  gridID,
const int  N 
) [protected]

Creates the ghosted extent of the grid corresponding to the given gridID.

void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::GetGhostedExtent ( int ghostedExtent,
int  GridExtent[6],
const int  minIdx,
const int  maxIdx,
const int  N 
) [inline, protected]

Gets the ghosted extent from the given grid extent along the dimension given by minIdx and maxIdx. This method is a helper method for the implementation of CreateGhostedExtent.

Definition at line 579 of file vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h.

void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::CreateGhostedMaskArrays ( const int  gridID) [protected]

This method creates the ghosted mask arrays, i.e., the NodeGhostArrays and the CellGhostArrays for the grid corresponding to the given gridID.

void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::InitializeGhostData ( const int  gridID) [protected]

This method initializes the ghost data according to the computed ghosted grid extent for the grid with the given grid ID. Specifically, PointData, CellData and grid coordinates are allocated for the ghosted grid accordingly.

void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::AllocatePointData ( vtkPointData RPD,
const int  N,
vtkPointData PD 
) [protected]

Adds/creates all the arrays in the reference grid point data, RPD, to the user-supplied point data instance, PD, where the number of points is given by N.

void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::AllocateCellData ( vtkCellData RCD,
const int  N,
vtkCellData CD 
) [protected]

Adds/creates all the arrays in the reference grid cell data, RCD, to the user-supplied cell data instance, CD, where the number of cells is given by N.

This method transfers the registered grid data to the corresponding ghosted grid data.

void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::ComputeNeighborSendAndRcvExtent ( const int  gridID,
const int  N 
) [protected]

This method computes, the send and rcv extents for each neighbor of each grid.

virtual void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::TransferGhostDataFromNeighbors ( const int  gridID) [protected, virtual]

This method transfers the fields (point data and cell data) to the ghost extents from the neighboring grids of the grid corresponding to the given gridID.

Reimplemented in vtkPStructuredGridConnectivity.

void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::TransferLocalNeighborData ( const int  gridID,
const vtkStructuredNeighbor Neighor 
) [protected]

This method transfers the fields

void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::CopyCoordinates ( vtkPoints source,
vtkIdType  sourceIdx,
vtkPoints target,
vtkIdType  targetIdx 
) [protected]

Copies the coordinates from the source points to the target points.

void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::CopyFieldData ( vtkFieldData source,
vtkIdType  sourceIdx,
vtkFieldData target,
vtkIdType  targetIdx 
) [protected]

Loops through all arrays in the source and for each array, it copies the tuples from sourceIdx to the target at targetIdx. This method assumes that the source and target have a one-to-one array correspondance, that is array i in the source corresponds to array i in the target.

int vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::GetNeighborIndex ( const int  gridIdx,
const int  NeighborGridIdx 
) [inline, protected]

Given a global grid ID and the neighbor grid ID, this method returns the neighbor index w.r.t. the Neighbors list of the grid with grid ID gridIdx.

Definition at line 560 of file vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h.

void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::PrintExtent ( int  extent[6]) [protected]

Prints the extent, used for debugging

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 538 of file vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h.

Definition at line 539 of file vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h.

Definition at line 540 of file vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h.

std::vector< int > vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::GridExtents [protected]

Definition at line 543 of file vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h.

Definition at line 544 of file vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h.

std::vector< unsigned char > vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::BlockTopology [protected]

Definition at line 545 of file vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h.

std::vector< std::vector<vtkStructuredNeighbor> > vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::Neighbors [protected]

Definition at line 546 of file vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h.

Definition at line 547 of file vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: