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/Users/kitware/Dashboards/MyTests/VTK_BLD_Release_docs/Utilities/Doxygen/dox/Common/DataModel/vtkCellIterator.h File Reference
#include "vtkCommonDataModelModule.h"
#include "vtkObject.h"
#include "vtkNew.h"
#include "vtkIdList.h"
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class  vtkCellIterator
 Efficient cell iterator for vtkDataSet topologies. More...


#define vtkCellIterator_h


it GetCell (cell)
it Delete ()
~The example above pulls in
bits of information as needed
to filter out cells that aren
t relevent The least expensive
lookups are performed 
first (cell type, then point ids, then points/full cell) to prevent wasted cycles fetching unnecessary data.Also note that at the end of the loop


vtkIdListpointIds = it->GetPointIds()
vtkPointspoints = it->GetPoints()
vtkGenericCellcell = ...
~The example above pulls in
bits of information as needed
to filter out cells that aren
t relevent The least expensive
lookups are performed the
iterator must be deleted as
these iterators are vtkObject
subclasses par 

Define Documentation

Function Documentation

it GetCell ( cell  )
it Delete ( )
~ The example above pulls in bits of information as needed to filter out cells that aren t relevent The least expensive lookups are performed first ( cell  type,
then point  ids,
then points/full  cell 

Variable Documentation

vtkIdList* pointIds = it->GetPointIds()

Definition at line 42 of file vtkCellIterator.h.

vtkPoints* points = it->GetPoints()

Definition at line 46 of file vtkCellIterator.h.

Definition at line 49 of file vtkCellIterator.h.

~ The example above pulls in bits of information as needed to filter out cells that aren t relevent The least expensive lookups are performed the iterator must be deleted as these iterators are vtkObject subclasses par Tests

Definition at line 75 of file vtkCellIterator.h.