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vtkOpenGLState Class Reference

Raw OpenGL State. More...

#include <vtkOpenGLState.h>

Collaboration diagram for vtkOpenGLState:

Public Member Functions

 vtkOpenGLState (vtkOpenGLRenderWindow *context)
 ~vtkOpenGLState ()
void Update ()
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)

Public Attributes

vtkOpenGLFixePipelineState FixedPipeline
GLfloat CurrentColor [4]
GLfloat CurrentIndex
GLfloat CurrentNormal [3]
GLfloat CurrentRasterPosition [4]
GLfloat CurrentRasterDistance
GLfloat CurrentRasterColor [4]
GLfloat CurrentRasterIndex
GLboolean CurrentRasterPositionValid
GLboolean EdgeFlag
GLfloat CurrentSecondaryColor [4]
GLfloat CurrentFogCoordinate [3]
GLfloat CurrentRasterSecondaryColor [4]
GLboolean VertexArrayEnabled
GLint VertexArraySize
GLint VertexArrayType
GLint VertexArrayStride
GLvoid * VertexArrayPointer
GLboolean NormalArrayEnabled
GLint NormalArrayType
GLint NormalArrayStride
GLvoid * NormalArrayPointer
GLboolean ColorArrayEnabled
GLint ColorArraySize
GLint ColorArrayType
GLint ColorArrayStride
GLvoid * ColorArrayPointer
GLboolean IndexArrayEnabled
GLint IndexArrayType
GLint IndexArrayStride
GLvoid * IndexArrayPointer
GLboolean TextureCoordArrayEnabled
GLint TextureCoordArraySize
GLint TextureCoordArrayType
GLint TextureCoordArrayStride
GLvoid * TextureCoordArrayPointer
GLboolean EdgeFlagArray
GLint EdgeFlagArrayStride
GLvoid * EdgeFlagArrayPointer
GLenum ClientActiveTexture
GLboolean FogCoordinateArrayEnabled
GLint FogCoordinateArrayType
GLint FogCoordinateArrayStride
GLvoid * FogCoordinateArrayPointer
GLboolean SecondaryColorArrayEnabled
GLint SecondaryColorArraySize
GLint SecondaryColorArrayType
GLint SecondaryColorArrayStride
GLvoid * SecondaryColorArrayPointer
GLint ArrayBufferBinding
GLint VertexArrayBufferBinding
GLint NormalArrayBufferBinding
GLint ColorArrayBufferBinding
GLint IndexArrayBufferBinding
GLint TextureCoordArrayBufferBinding
GLint EdgeFlagArrayBufferBinding
GLint SecondaryColorArrayBufferBinding
GLint FogCoordArrayBufferBinding
GLint ElementArrayBufferBinding
GLboolean VertexAttribArrayEnabled
GLint VertexAttribArraySize
GLint VertexAttribArrayStride
GLint VertexAttribArrayType
GLboolean VertexAttribArrayNormalized
GLvoid * VertexAttribArrayPointer
GLint VertexAttribArrayBufferBinding
GLint BufferSize
GLint BufferUsage
GLint BufferAccess
GLboolean BufferMapped
GLvoid * BufferMapPointer
GLfloat ModelViewMatrix [16]
GLint ModelViewStackDepth
GLfloat ProjectionMatrix [16]
GLint ProjectionStackDepth
GLint MaxTextureCoords
std::vector< vtkOpenGLTextureCoordinateProcessingUnit > * TCPU
GLint MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits
std::vector< vtkOpenGLTextureImageUnit > * TIU
GLint Viewport [4]
GLfloat DepthRange [2]
GLint MatrixMode
GLboolean Normalize
std::vector< vtkOpenGLClipPlaneState > * ClipPlanes
GLfloat ColorMatrix [16]
GLint ColorMatrixStackDepth
GLfloat FogColor [4]
GLfloat FogIndex
GLfloat FogDensity
GLfloat FogStart
GLfloat FogEnd
GLint FogMode
GLint ShadeModel
GLint FogCoordinateSource
GLboolean ColorMaterialEnabled
GLint ColorMaterialParameter
GLint ColorMaterialFace
vtkOpenGLMaterialState FrontMaterial
vtkOpenGLMaterialState BackMaterial
GLfloat LightModelAmbient [4]
GLboolean LightModelLocalViewer
GLboolean LightModelTwoSide
std::vector< vtkOpenGLLightState > * Lights
GLint lightModelColorControl
GLfloat PointSize
GLboolean PointSmoothEnabled
GLfloat LineWidth
GLboolean LineSmoothEnabled
GLint LineStipplePattern
GLint LineStippleRepeat
GLboolean LineStippleEnabled
GLboolean CullFaceEnabled
GLint CullFaceMode
GLint FrontFace
GLboolean PolygonSmoothEnabled
GLint PolygonMode [2]
GLfloat PolygonOffsetFactor
GLfloat PolygonOffsetUnits
GLboolean PolygonOffsetPointEnabled
GLboolean PolygonOffsetLineEnabled
GLboolean PolygonOffsetFillEnabled
GLint PolygonStipple
GLboolean PolygonStippleEnabled
GLfloat PointSizeMin
GLfloat PointSizeMax
GLfloat PointFadeThresholdSize
GLfloat PointDistanceAttenuation
GLboolean PointSpriteEnabled
GLint PointSpriteCoordOrigin
GLboolean MultiSampleEnabled
GLboolean SampleAlphaToCoverageEnabled
GLboolean SampleAlphaToOneEnabled
GLboolean SampleCoverageEnabled
GLfloat SampleCoverageValue
GLboolean SampleCoverageInvert
GLint TextureEnvMode
GLfloat TextureEnvColor
GLenum ActiveTexture
GLfloat TextureLODBias
GLboolean ScissorTestEnabled
GLint ScissorBox [4]
GLboolean AlphaTestEnabled
GLint AlphaTestFunc
GLfloat AlphaTestRef
GLboolean StencilTestEnabled
GLint StencilFunc
GLint StencilValueMask
GLint StencilRef
GLint StencilFail
GLint StencilPassDepthFail
GLint StencilPassDepthPass
GLint StencilBackFunc
GLint StencilBackValueMask
GLint StencilBackRef
GLint StencilBackFail
GLint StencilBackPassDepthFail
GLint StencilBackPassDepthPass
GLboolean DepthTestEnabled
GLint DepthFunc
GLboolean BlendEnabled
GLint BlendSrc
GLint BlendDst
GLint BlendEquation
GLfloat BlendColor [4]
GLint BlendSrcRGB
GLint BlendSrcAlpha
GLint BlendDstRGB
GLint BlendDstAlpha
GLint BlendEquationRGB
GLint BlendEquationAlpha
GLboolean DitherEnabled
GLboolean IndexLogicOpEnabled
GLboolean ColorLogicOpEnabled
GLint LogicOpMode
GLint MaxDrawBuffers
std::vector< GLint > * DrawBuffers
GLint IndexWriteMask
GLboolean ColorWriteMask [4]
GLboolean DepthWriteMask
GLuint StencilWriteMask
GLfloat ColorClearValue [4]
GLfloat IndexClearValue
GLfloat DepthClearValue
GLint StencilClearValue
GLfloat AccumClearValue [4]
GLuint StencilBackWriteMask
GLint DrawBuffer0
GLint DrawBuffer1
GLint DrawBuffer3
vtkOpenGLPixelControl Unpack
vtkOpenGLPixelControl Pack
GLboolean MapColor
GLboolean MapStencil
GLint IndexShift
GLint IndexOffset
vtkOpenGLComponentTransform RedTransform
vtkOpenGLComponentTransform GreenTransform
vtkOpenGLComponentTransform BlueTransform
vtkOpenGLComponentTransform AlphaTransform
vtkOpenGLComponentTransform DepthTransform
GLfloat ZoomX
GLfloat ZoomY
vtkOpenGLIndexPixelMapState PixelMapColorIndexToColorIndex
vtkOpenGLIndexPixelMapState PixelMapStencilIndexToStencilIndex
vtkOpenGLRGBAPixelMapState PixelMapColorIndexToRed
vtkOpenGLRGBAPixelMapState PixelMapColorIndexToGreen
vtkOpenGLRGBAPixelMapState PixelMapColorIndexToBlue
vtkOpenGLRGBAPixelMapState PixelMapColorIndexToAlpha
vtkOpenGLRGBAPixelMapState PixelMapRedToRed
vtkOpenGLRGBAPixelMapState PixelMapGreenToGreen
vtkOpenGLRGBAPixelMapState PixelMapBlueToBlue
vtkOpenGLRGBAPixelMapState PixelMapAlphaToAlpha
GLenum PixelPackBufferBinding
GLenum PixelUnpackBufferBinding
vtkOpenGLBufferObjectState PixelPackBufferObject
vtkOpenGLBufferObjectState PixelUnpackBufferObject
GLboolean ColorTableEnabled
GLboolean PostConvolutionColorTableEnabled
GLboolean PostColorMatricColorTableEnabled
GLint ReadBuffer
GLuint CurrentProgram
GLboolean VertexProgramTwoSideEnabled
GLfloat CurrentVertexAttrib [16][4]
GLboolean VertexProgramPointSizeEnabled
GLint PerpectiveCorrectionHint
GLint PointSmoothHint
GLint LineSmoothHint
GLint PolygonSmoothHint
GLint FogHint
GLint TextureCompressionHint
GLint GenerateMipMapHint
GLint FragmentShaderDerivativeHint
GLint MaxLights
GLint MaxClipPlanes
GLint MaxModelViewStackDepth
GLint MaxProjectionStackDepth
GLint MaxTextureStackDepth
GLint SubpixelBits
GLint MaxTextureSize
GLint MaxPixelMapTable
GLint MaxNameStackDepth
GLint MaxListNesting
GLint MaxEvalOrder
GLint MaxViewportDims
GLint MaxAttribStackDepth
GLint MaxClientAttribStackDepth
GLint AuxBuffers
GLboolean RGBAMode
GLboolean IndexMode
GLboolean DoubleBuffer
GLboolean Stereo
GLint MaxColorAttachments
GLfloat PointSizeRange [2]
GLfloat PointSizeGranularity
GLfloat LineWidthRange [2]
GLfloat LineWidthGranularity
GLint RedBits
GLint GreenBits
GLint BlueBits
GLint AlphaBits
GLint IndexBits
GLint DepthBits
GLint StencilBits
GLint AccumRedBits
GLint AccumGreenBits
GLint AccumBlueBits
GLint AccumAlphaBits
GLint Max3DTextureSize
GLfloat AliasedPointSizeRange [2]
GLfloat AliasedLineWidthRange [2]
GLint MaxElementsIndices
GLint MaxElementsVertices
GLint MaxColorMatrixStackDepth
GLint MaxConvolutionWidth [3]
GLint MaxConvolutionHeight [2]
GLint MaxCubeMapTextureSize
GLint MaxTextureUnits
GLint CompressedTextureFormats
GLint NumCompressedTextureFormats
GLint SampleBuffers
GLint Samples
GLfloat MaxTextureLODBias
GLint QueryCounterBits
GLubyte * Extensions
GLubyte * Renderer
GLubyte * ShadingLanguageVersion
GLubyte * Vendor
GLubyte * Version
GLint MaxVertexAttribs
GLint MaxVertexUniformComponents
GLint MaxVaryingFloats
GLint MaxVertexTextureImageUnits
GLint MaxTextureImageUnits
GLint MaxFragmentUniformComponents
GLint ListBase
GLint ListIndex
GLint ListMode
GLint AttribStackDepth
GLint ClientAtribStackDepth
GLint NameStackDepth
GLint RenderMode
GLvoid * SelectionBufferPointer
GLint SelectionBufferSize
GLvoid * FeedbackBufferPointer
GLint FeedbackBufferSize
GLint FeedbackBufferType
GLenum ErrorCode
GLint CurrentQuery
GLint FrameBufferBinding
GLint Read

Protected Member Functions

void UpdateCurrentProgram ()
void UpdateShader (size_t i)
void ColorBufferToStream (ostream &os, GLint colorBuffer)
const char * ErrorCodeToString ()
const char * BlendFuncToString (GLint blendFunc)
const char * BlendEquationToString (GLint blendEquation)
const char * LogicOpModeToString ()
const char * ListModeToString ()
const char * BooleanToString (GLint booleanValue)
const char * ShadeModelToString ()
const char * CullFaceModeToString ()
const char * FrontFaceToString ()
const char * PolygonModeToString (GLint polygonMode)
const char * AlphaTestFuncToString ()
const char * DepthFuncToString ()
const char * RenderModeToString ()
const char * MatrixModeToString ()
const char * ValueToString (GLint value, int valueTable[], const char *stringTable[], int tableSize)
void PrintMatrix (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent, GLfloat matrix[16])

Protected Attributes


Detailed Description

Raw OpenGL State.

A vtkOpenGLState object can record the OpenGL state from OpenGL query calls. The only purpose of this class is debugging. It is useful when there is no available OpenGL debugging tool of if the existing OpenGL debugging tools cannot work in special configurations.

The typical usage, is to dump the state in a file at different points of an algorithm. To use it, create an instance of vtkOpenGLState by passing it a valid OpenGL context (a vtkOpenGLRenderWindow), call Update(), call PrintSelf() on a ofstream. Debugging consists then to perform a diff between output text files.

Not all the OpenGL state is covered yet.

Definition at line 358 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

vtkOpenGLState::vtkOpenGLState ( vtkOpenGLRenderWindow context)
vtkOpenGLState::~vtkOpenGLState ( )

Member Function Documentation

void vtkOpenGLState::Update ( )
void vtkOpenGLState::PrintSelf ( ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent 
void vtkOpenGLState::UpdateCurrentProgram ( )
void vtkOpenGLState::UpdateShader ( size_t  i)
void vtkOpenGLState::ColorBufferToStream ( ostream &  os,
GLint  colorBuffer 
const char* vtkOpenGLState::ErrorCodeToString ( )
const char* vtkOpenGLState::BlendFuncToString ( GLint  blendFunc)
const char* vtkOpenGLState::BlendEquationToString ( GLint  blendEquation)
const char* vtkOpenGLState::LogicOpModeToString ( )
const char* vtkOpenGLState::ListModeToString ( )
const char* vtkOpenGLState::BooleanToString ( GLint  booleanValue)
const char* vtkOpenGLState::ShadeModelToString ( )
const char* vtkOpenGLState::CullFaceModeToString ( )
const char* vtkOpenGLState::FrontFaceToString ( )
const char* vtkOpenGLState::PolygonModeToString ( GLint  polygonMode)
const char* vtkOpenGLState::AlphaTestFuncToString ( )
const char* vtkOpenGLState::DepthFuncToString ( )
const char* vtkOpenGLState::RenderModeToString ( )
const char* vtkOpenGLState::MatrixModeToString ( )
const char* vtkOpenGLState::ValueToString ( GLint  value,
int  valueTable[],
const char *  stringTable[],
int  tableSize 
void vtkOpenGLState::PrintMatrix ( ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent,
GLfloat  matrix[16] 

Member Data Documentation

vtkOpenGLFixePipelineState vtkOpenGLState::FixedPipeline

Definition at line 376 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::CurrentColor[4]

Definition at line 382 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::CurrentIndex

Definition at line 383 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::CurrentNormal[3]

Definition at line 385 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::CurrentRasterPosition[4]

Definition at line 387 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::CurrentRasterDistance

Definition at line 388 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::CurrentRasterColor[4]

Definition at line 389 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::CurrentRasterIndex

Definition at line 390 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::CurrentRasterPositionValid

Definition at line 392 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::EdgeFlag

Definition at line 393 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::CurrentSecondaryColor[4]

Definition at line 396 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::CurrentFogCoordinate[3]

Definition at line 397 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::CurrentRasterSecondaryColor[4]

Definition at line 400 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::VertexArrayEnabled

Definition at line 405 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::VertexArraySize

Definition at line 406 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::VertexArrayType

Definition at line 407 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::VertexArrayStride

Definition at line 408 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLvoid* vtkOpenGLState::VertexArrayPointer

Definition at line 409 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::NormalArrayEnabled

Definition at line 411 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::NormalArrayType

Definition at line 412 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::NormalArrayStride

Definition at line 413 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLvoid* vtkOpenGLState::NormalArrayPointer

Definition at line 414 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::ColorArrayEnabled

Definition at line 416 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::ColorArraySize

Definition at line 417 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::ColorArrayType

Definition at line 418 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::ColorArrayStride

Definition at line 419 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLvoid* vtkOpenGLState::ColorArrayPointer

Definition at line 420 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::IndexArrayEnabled

Definition at line 422 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::IndexArrayType

Definition at line 423 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::IndexArrayStride

Definition at line 424 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLvoid* vtkOpenGLState::IndexArrayPointer

Definition at line 425 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::TextureCoordArrayEnabled

Definition at line 427 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::TextureCoordArraySize

Definition at line 428 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::TextureCoordArrayType

Definition at line 429 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::TextureCoordArrayStride

Definition at line 430 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLvoid* vtkOpenGLState::TextureCoordArrayPointer

Definition at line 431 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::EdgeFlagArray

Definition at line 433 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::EdgeFlagArrayStride

Definition at line 434 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLvoid* vtkOpenGLState::EdgeFlagArrayPointer

Definition at line 435 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLenum vtkOpenGLState::ClientActiveTexture

Definition at line 438 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::FogCoordinateArrayEnabled

Definition at line 441 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::FogCoordinateArrayType

Definition at line 442 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::FogCoordinateArrayStride

Definition at line 443 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLvoid* vtkOpenGLState::FogCoordinateArrayPointer

Definition at line 444 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::SecondaryColorArrayEnabled

Definition at line 446 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::SecondaryColorArraySize

Definition at line 447 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::SecondaryColorArrayType

Definition at line 448 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::SecondaryColorArrayStride

Definition at line 449 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLvoid* vtkOpenGLState::SecondaryColorArrayPointer

Definition at line 450 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::ArrayBufferBinding

Definition at line 453 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::VertexArrayBufferBinding

Definition at line 454 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::NormalArrayBufferBinding

Definition at line 455 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::ColorArrayBufferBinding

Definition at line 456 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::IndexArrayBufferBinding

Definition at line 457 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::TextureCoordArrayBufferBinding

Definition at line 458 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::EdgeFlagArrayBufferBinding

Definition at line 459 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::SecondaryColorArrayBufferBinding

Definition at line 460 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::FogCoordArrayBufferBinding

Definition at line 461 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::ElementArrayBufferBinding

Definition at line 462 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::VertexAttribArrayEnabled

Definition at line 465 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::VertexAttribArraySize

Definition at line 466 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::VertexAttribArrayStride

Definition at line 467 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::VertexAttribArrayType

Definition at line 468 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::VertexAttribArrayNormalized

Definition at line 469 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLvoid* vtkOpenGLState::VertexAttribArrayPointer

Definition at line 470 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::VertexAttribArrayBufferBinding

Definition at line 473 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::BufferSize

Definition at line 476 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::BufferUsage

Definition at line 477 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::BufferAccess

Definition at line 478 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::BufferMapped

Definition at line 479 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLvoid* vtkOpenGLState::BufferMapPointer

Definition at line 480 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::ModelViewMatrix[16]

Definition at line 484 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::ModelViewStackDepth

Definition at line 485 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::ProjectionMatrix[16]

Definition at line 487 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::ProjectionStackDepth

Definition at line 488 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::MaxTextureCoords

Definition at line 491 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

std::vector<vtkOpenGLTextureCoordinateProcessingUnit>* vtkOpenGLState::TCPU

Definition at line 492 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits

Definition at line 495 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

std::vector<vtkOpenGLTextureImageUnit>* vtkOpenGLState::TIU

Definition at line 496 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::Viewport[4]

Definition at line 498 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::DepthRange[2]

Definition at line 499 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::MatrixMode

Definition at line 501 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::Normalize

Definition at line 502 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

std::vector<vtkOpenGLClipPlaneState>* vtkOpenGLState::ClipPlanes

Definition at line 504 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::ColorMatrix[16]

Definition at line 507 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::ColorMatrixStackDepth

Definition at line 508 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::FogColor[4]

Definition at line 512 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::FogIndex

Definition at line 513 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::FogDensity

Definition at line 514 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::FogStart

Definition at line 515 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::FogEnd

Definition at line 516 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::FogMode

Definition at line 517 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::ShadeModel

Definition at line 519 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::FogCoordinateSource

Definition at line 522 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::ColorMaterialEnabled

Definition at line 525 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::ColorMaterialParameter

Definition at line 526 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::ColorMaterialFace

Definition at line 527 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

vtkOpenGLMaterialState vtkOpenGLState::FrontMaterial

Definition at line 528 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

vtkOpenGLMaterialState vtkOpenGLState::BackMaterial

Definition at line 529 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::LightModelAmbient[4]

Definition at line 531 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::LightModelLocalViewer

Definition at line 532 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::LightModelTwoSide

Definition at line 533 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

std::vector<vtkOpenGLLightState>* vtkOpenGLState::Lights

Definition at line 535 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::lightModelColorControl

Definition at line 538 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::PointSize

Definition at line 541 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::PointSmoothEnabled

Definition at line 542 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::LineWidth

Definition at line 544 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::LineSmoothEnabled

Definition at line 545 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::LineStipplePattern

Definition at line 546 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::LineStippleRepeat

Definition at line 547 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::LineStippleEnabled

Definition at line 548 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::CullFaceEnabled

Definition at line 550 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::CullFaceMode

Definition at line 551 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::FrontFace

Definition at line 552 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::PolygonSmoothEnabled

Definition at line 553 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::PolygonMode[2]

Definition at line 554 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::PolygonOffsetFactor

Definition at line 555 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::PolygonOffsetUnits

Definition at line 556 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::PolygonOffsetPointEnabled

Definition at line 557 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::PolygonOffsetLineEnabled

Definition at line 558 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::PolygonOffsetFillEnabled

Definition at line 559 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::PolygonStipple

Definition at line 560 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::PolygonStippleEnabled

Definition at line 561 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::PointSizeMin

Definition at line 564 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::PointSizeMax

Definition at line 565 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::PointFadeThresholdSize

Definition at line 566 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::PointDistanceAttenuation

Definition at line 567 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::PointSpriteEnabled

Definition at line 570 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::PointSpriteCoordOrigin

Definition at line 571 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::MultiSampleEnabled

Definition at line 574 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::SampleAlphaToCoverageEnabled

Definition at line 575 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::SampleAlphaToOneEnabled

Definition at line 576 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::SampleCoverageEnabled

Definition at line 577 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::SampleCoverageValue

Definition at line 578 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::SampleCoverageInvert

Definition at line 579 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::TextureEnvMode

Definition at line 586 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::TextureEnvColor

Definition at line 587 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLenum vtkOpenGLState::ActiveTexture

Definition at line 590 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::TextureLODBias

Definition at line 593 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::ScissorTestEnabled

Definition at line 597 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::ScissorBox[4]

Definition at line 598 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::AlphaTestEnabled

Definition at line 600 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::AlphaTestFunc

Definition at line 601 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::AlphaTestRef

Definition at line 602 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::StencilTestEnabled

Definition at line 604 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::StencilFunc

Definition at line 605 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::StencilValueMask

Definition at line 606 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::StencilRef

Definition at line 607 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::StencilFail

Definition at line 608 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::StencilPassDepthFail

Definition at line 609 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::StencilPassDepthPass

Definition at line 610 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::StencilBackFunc

Definition at line 613 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::StencilBackValueMask

Definition at line 614 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::StencilBackRef

Definition at line 615 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::StencilBackFail

Definition at line 616 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::StencilBackPassDepthFail

Definition at line 617 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::StencilBackPassDepthPass

Definition at line 618 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::DepthTestEnabled

Definition at line 620 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::DepthFunc

Definition at line 621 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::BlendEnabled

Definition at line 623 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::BlendSrc

Definition at line 624 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::BlendDst

Definition at line 625 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::BlendEquation

Definition at line 628 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::BlendColor[4]

Definition at line 629 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::BlendSrcRGB

Definition at line 632 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::BlendSrcAlpha

Definition at line 633 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::BlendDstRGB

Definition at line 634 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::BlendDstAlpha

Definition at line 635 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::BlendEquationRGB

Definition at line 638 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::BlendEquationAlpha

Definition at line 639 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::DitherEnabled

Definition at line 641 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::IndexLogicOpEnabled

Definition at line 643 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::ColorLogicOpEnabled

Definition at line 644 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::LogicOpMode

Definition at line 645 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::MaxDrawBuffers

Definition at line 650 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

std::vector<GLint>* vtkOpenGLState::DrawBuffers

Definition at line 651 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::IndexWriteMask

Definition at line 653 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::ColorWriteMask[4]

Definition at line 654 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::DepthWriteMask

Definition at line 655 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLuint vtkOpenGLState::StencilWriteMask

Definition at line 656 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::ColorClearValue[4]

Definition at line 657 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::IndexClearValue

Definition at line 658 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::DepthClearValue

Definition at line 659 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::StencilClearValue

Definition at line 660 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::AccumClearValue[4]

Definition at line 661 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLuint vtkOpenGLState::StencilBackWriteMask

Definition at line 664 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::DrawBuffer0

Definition at line 667 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::DrawBuffer1

Definition at line 668 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::DrawBuffer3

Definition at line 669 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

vtkOpenGLPixelControl vtkOpenGLState::Unpack

Definition at line 673 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

vtkOpenGLPixelControl vtkOpenGLState::Pack

Definition at line 674 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::MapColor

Definition at line 676 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::MapStencil

Definition at line 677 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::IndexShift

Definition at line 678 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::IndexOffset

Definition at line 679 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

vtkOpenGLComponentTransform vtkOpenGLState::RedTransform

Definition at line 681 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

vtkOpenGLComponentTransform vtkOpenGLState::GreenTransform

Definition at line 682 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

vtkOpenGLComponentTransform vtkOpenGLState::BlueTransform

Definition at line 683 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

vtkOpenGLComponentTransform vtkOpenGLState::AlphaTransform

Definition at line 684 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

vtkOpenGLComponentTransform vtkOpenGLState::DepthTransform

Definition at line 685 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::ZoomX

Definition at line 687 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::ZoomY

Definition at line 688 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

vtkOpenGLIndexPixelMapState vtkOpenGLState::PixelMapColorIndexToColorIndex

Definition at line 691 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

vtkOpenGLIndexPixelMapState vtkOpenGLState::PixelMapStencilIndexToStencilIndex

Definition at line 692 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

vtkOpenGLRGBAPixelMapState vtkOpenGLState::PixelMapColorIndexToRed

Definition at line 693 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

vtkOpenGLRGBAPixelMapState vtkOpenGLState::PixelMapColorIndexToGreen

Definition at line 694 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

vtkOpenGLRGBAPixelMapState vtkOpenGLState::PixelMapColorIndexToBlue

Definition at line 695 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

vtkOpenGLRGBAPixelMapState vtkOpenGLState::PixelMapColorIndexToAlpha

Definition at line 696 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

vtkOpenGLRGBAPixelMapState vtkOpenGLState::PixelMapRedToRed

Definition at line 697 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

vtkOpenGLRGBAPixelMapState vtkOpenGLState::PixelMapGreenToGreen

Definition at line 698 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

vtkOpenGLRGBAPixelMapState vtkOpenGLState::PixelMapBlueToBlue

Definition at line 699 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

vtkOpenGLRGBAPixelMapState vtkOpenGLState::PixelMapAlphaToAlpha

Definition at line 700 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLenum vtkOpenGLState::PixelPackBufferBinding

Definition at line 703 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLenum vtkOpenGLState::PixelUnpackBufferBinding

Definition at line 704 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

vtkOpenGLBufferObjectState vtkOpenGLState::PixelPackBufferObject

Definition at line 707 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

vtkOpenGLBufferObjectState vtkOpenGLState::PixelUnpackBufferObject

Definition at line 709 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::ColorTableEnabled

Definition at line 712 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::PostConvolutionColorTableEnabled

Definition at line 713 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::PostColorMatricColorTableEnabled

Definition at line 714 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::ReadBuffer

Definition at line 719 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

vtkOpenGLProgramState* vtkOpenGLState::CurrentProgramState

Definition at line 725 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLuint vtkOpenGLState::CurrentProgram

Definition at line 737 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::VertexProgramTwoSideEnabled

Definition at line 752 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::CurrentVertexAttrib[16][4]

Definition at line 753 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::VertexProgramPointSizeEnabled

Definition at line 754 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::PerpectiveCorrectionHint

Definition at line 757 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::PointSmoothHint

Definition at line 758 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::LineSmoothHint

Definition at line 759 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::PolygonSmoothHint

Definition at line 760 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::FogHint

Definition at line 761 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::TextureCompressionHint

Definition at line 763 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::GenerateMipMapHint

Definition at line 765 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::FragmentShaderDerivativeHint

Definition at line 767 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::MaxLights

Definition at line 773 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::MaxClipPlanes

Definition at line 774 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::MaxModelViewStackDepth

Definition at line 775 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::MaxProjectionStackDepth

Definition at line 776 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::MaxTextureStackDepth

Definition at line 777 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::SubpixelBits

Definition at line 778 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::MaxTextureSize

Definition at line 779 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::MaxPixelMapTable

Definition at line 780 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::MaxNameStackDepth

Definition at line 781 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::MaxListNesting

Definition at line 782 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::MaxEvalOrder

Definition at line 783 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::MaxViewportDims

Definition at line 784 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::MaxAttribStackDepth

Definition at line 785 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::MaxClientAttribStackDepth

Definition at line 786 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::AuxBuffers

Definition at line 789 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::RGBAMode

Definition at line 790 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::IndexMode

Definition at line 791 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::DoubleBuffer

Definition at line 792 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLboolean vtkOpenGLState::Stereo

Definition at line 793 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::MaxColorAttachments

Definition at line 796 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::PointSizeRange[2]

Definition at line 800 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::PointSizeGranularity

Definition at line 801 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::LineWidthRange[2]

Definition at line 802 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::LineWidthGranularity

Definition at line 803 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::RedBits

Definition at line 806 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::GreenBits

Definition at line 807 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::BlueBits

Definition at line 808 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::AlphaBits

Definition at line 809 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::IndexBits

Definition at line 810 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::DepthBits

Definition at line 812 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::StencilBits

Definition at line 813 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::AccumRedBits

Definition at line 815 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::AccumGreenBits

Definition at line 816 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::AccumBlueBits

Definition at line 817 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::AccumAlphaBits

Definition at line 818 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::Max3DTextureSize

Definition at line 821 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::AliasedPointSizeRange[2]

Definition at line 822 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::AliasedLineWidthRange[2]

Definition at line 823 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::MaxElementsIndices

Definition at line 824 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::MaxElementsVertices

Definition at line 825 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::MaxColorMatrixStackDepth

Definition at line 829 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::MaxConvolutionWidth[3]

Definition at line 830 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::MaxConvolutionHeight[2]

Definition at line 831 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::MaxCubeMapTextureSize

Definition at line 834 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::MaxTextureUnits

Definition at line 835 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::CompressedTextureFormats

Definition at line 836 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::NumCompressedTextureFormats

Definition at line 837 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::SampleBuffers

Definition at line 840 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::Samples

Definition at line 841 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLfloat vtkOpenGLState::MaxTextureLODBias

Definition at line 844 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::QueryCounterBits

Definition at line 847 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLubyte* vtkOpenGLState::Extensions

Definition at line 850 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLubyte* vtkOpenGLState::Renderer

Definition at line 851 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLubyte* vtkOpenGLState::ShadingLanguageVersion

Definition at line 852 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLubyte* vtkOpenGLState::Vendor

Definition at line 853 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLubyte* vtkOpenGLState::Version

Definition at line 854 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::MaxVertexAttribs

Definition at line 855 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::MaxVertexUniformComponents

Definition at line 856 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::MaxVaryingFloats

Definition at line 857 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::MaxVertexTextureImageUnits

Definition at line 858 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::MaxTextureImageUnits

Definition at line 859 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::MaxFragmentUniformComponents

Definition at line 860 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::ListBase

Definition at line 865 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::ListIndex

Definition at line 866 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::ListMode

Definition at line 867 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::AttribStackDepth

Definition at line 871 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::ClientAtribStackDepth

Definition at line 872 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::NameStackDepth

Definition at line 873 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::RenderMode

Definition at line 875 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLvoid* vtkOpenGLState::SelectionBufferPointer

Definition at line 878 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::SelectionBufferSize

Definition at line 879 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLvoid* vtkOpenGLState::FeedbackBufferPointer

Definition at line 882 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::FeedbackBufferSize

Definition at line 883 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::FeedbackBufferType

Definition at line 884 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLenum vtkOpenGLState::ErrorCode

Definition at line 887 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::CurrentQuery

Definition at line 890 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::FrameBufferBinding

Definition at line 893 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

GLint vtkOpenGLState::Read

Definition at line 894 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

vtkOpenGLRenderWindow* vtkOpenGLState::Context

Definition at line 925 of file vtkOpenGLState.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: