24 #ifndef vtkHyperOctreeClipCutPointsGrabber_h
25 #define vtkHyperOctreeClipCutPointsGrabber_h
30 class vtkHyperOctreeIdSet;
virtual void InsertPoint(vtkIdType ptId, double pt[3], double pcoords[3], int ijk[3])=0
An object used by filters to store points computed on face or edge of an hyperoctant. It is an abstract class. vtkClipHyperOctree and vtkHyperOctreeCutter use vtkHyperOctreeClipCutPointsGrabber vtkHyperOctreeContourFilter use an internal one: vtkHyperOctreeContourFilterPointsGrabber.
helper class to generate triangulations
A concrete implementation of vtkHyperOctreePointsGrabber used by vtkClipHyperOctree and vtkHyperOctre...
vtkOrderedTriangulator * Triangulator
vtkHyperOctreeIdSet * IdSet
a simple class to control print indentation
virtual void SetDimension(int dim)=0
a cell that represents an n-sided polygon
virtual void InitPointInsertion()=0
virtual void InsertPoint2D(double pt[3], int ijk[3])=0
virtual void InsertPointWithMerge(vtkIdType ptId, double pt[3], double pcoords[3], int ijk[3])=0
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)