133 void operator=(
const vtkTree&);
vtkIdType GetNumberOfChildren(vtkIdType v)
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
Iterates through adjacent vertices in a graph.
static vtkDirectedAcyclicGraph * New()
dynamic, self-adjusting array of vtkIdType
virtual void GetAdjacentVertices(vtkIdType v, vtkAdjacentVertexIterator *it)
Base class for graph data types.
virtual bool IsStructureValid(vtkGraph *g)
a simple class to control print indentation
static vtkDirectedAcyclicGraph * GetData(vtkInformation *info)
void GetChildren(vtkIdType v, vtkAdjacentVertexIterator *it)
A rooted tree data structure.
A rooted tree data structure.
virtual int GetDataObjectType()
virtual vtkIdType GetOutDegree(vtkIdType v)