81 #ifndef vtkVolumeTextureMapper3D_h
82 #define vtkVolumeTextureMapper3D_h
104 vtkSetMacro( SampleDistance,
float );
105 vtkGetMacro( SampleDistance,
float );
110 vtkGetVectorMacro( VolumeDimensions,
int, 3 );
115 vtkGetVectorMacro( VolumeSpacing,
float, 3 );
130 vtkGetMacro( NumberOfPolygons,
int );
135 vtkGetMacro( ActualSampleDistance,
float );
164 vtkSetClampMacro( PreferredRenderMethod,
171 vtkGetMacro(PreferredRenderMethod,
181 vtkSetMacro(UseCompressedTexture,
182 vtkGetMacro(UseCompressedTexture,
199 int VolumeDimensions[3];
200 float VolumeSpacing[3];
216 unsigned char ColorLookup[65536*4];
217 unsigned char AlphaLookup[65536];
218 float TempArray1[3*4096];
219 float TempArray2[4096];
224 unsigned char DiffuseLookup[65536*4];
225 unsigned char SpecularLookup[65536*4];
249 int vtkNotUsed(components))
represents a volume (data & properties) in a rendered scene
Abstract class for a volume mapper.
volume render with 3D texture mapping
bool SupportsNonPowerOfTwoTextures
vtkPiecewiseFunction * SavedScalarOpacityFunction
Defines a 1D piecewise function.
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
vtkColorTransferFunction * SavedRGBFunction
record modification and/or execution time
virtual int IsRenderSupported(vtkVolumeProperty *, vtkRenderer *vtkNotUsed(r))
vtkImageData * SavedParametersInput
vtkTimeStamp SavedParametersMTime
abstract specification for renderers
virtual void Render(vtkRenderer *, vtkVolume *)
void SetPreferredMethodToFragmentProgram()
vtkPiecewiseFunction * SavedGradientOpacityFunction
a simple class to control print indentation
topologically and geometrically regular array of data
int PreferredRenderMethod
float SavedSampleDistance
float ActualSampleDistance
represents the common properties for rendering a volume.
vtkPiecewiseFunction * SavedGrayFunction
vtkTimeStamp SavedTextureMTime
Defines a transfer function for mapping a property to an RGB color value.
float * IntersectionBuffer
vtkImageData * SavedTextureInput
virtual int IsTextureSizeSupported(int vtkNotUsed(size)[3], int vtkNotUsed(components))
bool UseCompressedTexture
static vtkAlgorithm * New()
void SetPreferredMethodToNVidia()
float SavedScalarOpacityDistance