This is the complete list of members for vtkMath, including all inherited members.
Add(const float a[3], const float b[3], float c[3]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Add(const double a[3], const double b[3], double c[3]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
AddObserver(unsigned long event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f) | vtkObject | |
AddObserver(const char *event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f) | vtkObject | |
AddObserver(unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(), float priority=0.0f) | vtkObject | inline |
AddObserver(unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f) | vtkObject | inline |
AddObserver(unsigned long event, U observer, bool(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f) | vtkObject | inline |
AngleBetweenVectors(const double v1[3], const double v2[3]) | vtkMath | static |
AreBoundsInitialized(double bounds[6]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
BeginCombination(int m, int n) | vtkMath | static |
Binomial(int m, int n) | vtkMath | static |
BoundsIsWithinOtherBounds(double bounds1[6], double bounds2[6], double delta[3]) | vtkMath | static |
BreakOnError() | vtkObject | static |
Ceil(double x) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
CeilLog2(vtkTypeUInt64 x) | vtkMath | static |
ClampAndNormalizeValue(double value, const double range[2]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
ClampValue(double *value, const double range[2]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
ClampValue(double value, const double range[2], double *clamped_value) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
ClampValues(double *values, int nb_values, const double range[2]) | vtkMath | static |
ClampValues(const double *values, int nb_values, const double range[2], double *clamped_values) | vtkMath | static |
CollectRevisions(ostream &) | vtkObjectBase | inlineprotectedvirtual |
Cross(const float x[3], const float y[3], float z[3]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Cross(const double x[3], const double y[3], double z[3]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Debug | vtkObject | protected |
DebugOff() | vtkObject | virtual |
DebugOn() | vtkObject | virtual |
DegreesFromRadians(float radians) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
DegreesFromRadians(double radians) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Delete() | vtkObjectBase | virtual |
Determinant2x2(const float c1[2], const float c2[2]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Determinant2x2(double a, double b, double c, double d) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Determinant2x2(const double c1[2], const double c2[2]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Determinant3x3(float A[3][3]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Determinant3x3(double A[3][3]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Determinant3x3(const float c1[3], const float c2[3], const float c3[3]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Determinant3x3(const double c1[3], const double c2[3], const double c3[3]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Determinant3x3(double a1, double a2, double a3, double b1, double b2, double b3, double c1, double c2, double c3) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Diagonalize3x3(const float A[3][3], float w[3], float V[3][3]) | vtkMath | static |
Diagonalize3x3(const double A[3][3], double w[3], double V[3][3]) | vtkMath | static |
Distance2BetweenPoints(const float x[3], const float y[3]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Distance2BetweenPoints(const double x[3], const double y[3]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Dot(const float x[3], const float y[3]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Dot(const double x[3], const double y[3]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Dot2D(const float x[2], const float y[2]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Dot2D(const double x[2], const double y[2]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
EstimateMatrixCondition(double **A, int size) | vtkMath | static |
ExtentIsWithinOtherExtent(int extent1[6], int extent2[6]) | vtkMath | static |
Factorial(int N) | vtkMath | static |
FastDelete() | vtkObjectBase | virtual |
Floor(double x) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
FreeCombination(int *combination) | vtkMath | static |
Gaussian() | vtkMath | static |
Gaussian(double mean, double std) | vtkMath | static |
GaussianAmplitude(const double variance, const double distanceFromMean) | vtkMath | static |
GaussianAmplitude(const double mean, const double variance, const double position) | vtkMath | static |
GaussianWeight(const double variance, const double distanceFromMean) | vtkMath | static |
GaussianWeight(const double mean, const double variance, const double position) | vtkMath | static |
GetAdjustedScalarRange(vtkDataArray *array, int comp, double range[2]) | vtkMath | static |
GetClassName() const | vtkObjectBase | |
GetCommand(unsigned long tag) | vtkObject | |
GetDebug() | vtkObject | |
GetGlobalWarningDisplay() | vtkObject | static |
GetMTime() | vtkObject | virtual |
GetReferenceCount() | vtkObjectBase | inline |
GetScalarTypeFittingRange(double range_min, double range_max, double scale=1.0, double shift=0.0) | vtkMath | static |
GetSeed() | vtkMath | static |
GlobalWarningDisplayOff() | vtkObject | inlinestatic |
GlobalWarningDisplayOn() | vtkObject | inlinestatic |
HasObserver(unsigned long event, vtkCommand *) | vtkObject | |
HasObserver(const char *event, vtkCommand *) | vtkObject | |
HasObserver(unsigned long event) | vtkObject | |
HasObserver(const char *event) | vtkObject | |
HSVToRGB(const float hsv[3], float rgb[3]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
HSVToRGB(float h, float s, float v, float *r, float *g, float *b) | vtkMath | static |
HSVToRGB(const double hsv[3]) | vtkMath | static |
HSVToRGB(double h, double s, double v) | vtkMath | static |
HSVToRGB(const double hsv[3], double rgb[3]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
HSVToRGB(double h, double s, double v, double *r, double *g, double *b) | vtkMath | static |
Identity3x3(float A[3][3]) | vtkMath | static |
Identity3x3(double A[3][3]) | vtkMath | static |
Inf() | vtkMath | static |
Internal | vtkMath | protectedstatic |
InternalGrabFocus(vtkCommand *mouseEvents, vtkCommand *keypressEvents=NULL) | vtkObject | protected |
InternalReleaseFocus() | vtkObject | protected |
Invert3x3(const float A[3][3], float AI[3][3]) | vtkMath | static |
Invert3x3(const double A[3][3], double AI[3][3]) | vtkMath | static |
InvertMatrix(double **A, double **AI, int size) | vtkMath | static |
InvertMatrix(double **A, double **AI, int size, int *tmp1Size, double *tmp2Size) | vtkMath | static |
InvokeEvent(unsigned long event, void *callData) | vtkObject | |
InvokeEvent(const char *event, void *callData) | vtkObject | |
InvokeEvent(unsigned long event) | vtkObject | inline |
InvokeEvent(const char *event) | vtkObject | inline |
IsA(const char *type) | vtkMath | virtual |
IsFinite(double x) | vtkMath | static |
IsInf(double x) | vtkMath | static |
IsNan(double x) | vtkMath | static |
IsPowerOfTwo(vtkTypeUInt64 x) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
IsTypeOf(const char *type) | vtkMath | static |
Jacobi(float **a, float *w, float **v) | vtkMath | static |
Jacobi(double **a, double *w, double **v) | vtkMath | static |
JacobiN(float **a, int n, float *w, float **v) | vtkMath | static |
JacobiN(double **a, int n, double *w, double **v) | vtkMath | static |
LabToRGB(const double lab[3], double rgb[3]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
LabToRGB(double L, double a, double b, double *red, double *green, double *blue) | vtkMath | static |
LabToRGB(const double lab[3]) | vtkMath | static |
LabToXYZ(const double lab[3], double xyz[3]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
LabToXYZ(double L, double a, double b, double *x, double *y, double *z) | vtkMath | static |
LabToXYZ(const double lab[3]) | vtkMath | static |
LinearSolve3x3(const float A[3][3], const float x[3], float y[3]) | vtkMath | static |
LinearSolve3x3(const double A[3][3], const double x[3], double y[3]) | vtkMath | static |
LUFactor3x3(float A[3][3], int index[3]) | vtkMath | static |
LUFactor3x3(double A[3][3], int index[3]) | vtkMath | static |
LUFactorLinearSystem(double **A, int *index, int size) | vtkMath | static |
LUFactorLinearSystem(double **A, int *index, int size, double *tmpSize) | vtkMath | static |
LUSolve3x3(const float A[3][3], const int index[3], float x[3]) | vtkMath | static |
LUSolve3x3(const double A[3][3], const int index[3], double x[3]) | vtkMath | static |
LUSolveLinearSystem(double **A, int *index, double *x, int size) | vtkMath | static |
Matrix3x3ToQuaternion(const float A[3][3], float quat[4]) | vtkMath | static |
Matrix3x3ToQuaternion(const double A[3][3], double quat[4]) | vtkMath | static |
Max(const T &a, const T &b) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Min(const T &a, const T &b) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Modified() | vtkObject | virtual |
MTime | vtkObject | protected |
Multiply3x3(const float A[3][3], const float in[3], float out[3]) | vtkMath | static |
Multiply3x3(const double A[3][3], const double in[3], double out[3]) | vtkMath | static |
Multiply3x3(const float A[3][3], const float B[3][3], float C[3][3]) | vtkMath | static |
Multiply3x3(const double A[3][3], const double B[3][3], double C[3][3]) | vtkMath | static |
MultiplyMatrix(double **A, double **B, unsigned int rowA, unsigned int colA, unsigned int rowB, unsigned int colB, double **C) | vtkMath | static |
MultiplyQuaternion(const float q1[4], const float q2[4], float q[4]) | vtkMath | static |
MultiplyQuaternion(const double q1[4], const double q2[4], double q[4]) | vtkMath | static |
MultiplyScalar(float a[3], float s) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
MultiplyScalar(double a[3], double s) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
MultiplyScalar2D(float a[2], float s) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
MultiplyScalar2D(double a[2], double s) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Nan() | vtkMath | static |
NearestPowerOfTwo(int x) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
NegInf() | vtkMath | static |
New() | vtkMath | static |
NewInstance() const | vtkMath | |
NewInstanceInternal() const | vtkMath | protectedvirtual |
NextCombination(int m, int n, int *combination) | vtkMath | static |
Norm(const float *x, int n) | vtkMath | static |
Norm(const double *x, int n) | vtkMath | static |
Norm(const float x[3]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Norm(const double x[3]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Norm2D(const float x[2]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Norm2D(const double x[2]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Normalize(float x[3]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Normalize(double x[3]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Normalize2D(float x[2]) | vtkMath | static |
Normalize2D(double x[2]) | vtkMath | static |
vtkObjectBase::operator=(const vtkObjectBase &) | vtkObjectBase | inlineprotected |
Orthogonalize3x3(const float A[3][3], float B[3][3]) | vtkMath | static |
Orthogonalize3x3(const double A[3][3], double B[3][3]) | vtkMath | static |
Outer(const float x[3], const float y[3], float A[3][3]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Outer(const double x[3], const double y[3], double A[3][3]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Outer2D(const float x[2], const float y[2], float A[2][2]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Outer2D(const double x[2], const double y[2], double A[2][2]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Perpendiculars(const double x[3], double y[3], double z[3], double theta) | vtkMath | static |
Perpendiculars(const float x[3], float y[3], float z[3], double theta) | vtkMath | static |
Pi() | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
PointIsWithinBounds(double point[3], double bounds[6], double delta[3]) | vtkMath | static |
Print(ostream &os) | vtkObjectBase | |
PrintHeader(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) | vtkObjectBase | virtual |
PrintRevisions(ostream &) | vtkObjectBase | inline |
PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) | vtkMath | virtual |
PrintTrailer(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) | vtkObjectBase | virtual |
ProjectVector(const float a[3], const float b[3], float projection[3]) | vtkMath | static |
ProjectVector(const double a[3], const double b[3], double projection[3]) | vtkMath | static |
ProjectVector2D(const float a[2], const float b[2], float projection[2]) | vtkMath | static |
ProjectVector2D(const double a[2], const double b[2], double projection[2]) | vtkMath | static |
QuaternionToMatrix3x3(const float quat[4], float A[3][3]) | vtkMath | static |
QuaternionToMatrix3x3(const double quat[4], double A[3][3]) | vtkMath | static |
RadiansFromDegrees(float degrees) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
RadiansFromDegrees(double degrees) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Random() | vtkMath | static |
Random(double min, double max) | vtkMath | static |
RandomSeed(int s) | vtkMath | static |
ReferenceCount | vtkObjectBase | protected |
Register(vtkObjectBase *o) | vtkObjectBase | virtual |
RegisterInternal(vtkObjectBase *, int check) | vtkObject | protectedvirtual |
RemoveAllObservers() | vtkObject | |
RemoveObserver(vtkCommand *) | vtkObject | |
RemoveObserver(unsigned long tag) | vtkObject | |
RemoveObservers(unsigned long event, vtkCommand *) | vtkObject | |
RemoveObservers(const char *event, vtkCommand *) | vtkObject | |
RemoveObservers(unsigned long event) | vtkObject | |
RemoveObservers(const char *event) | vtkObject | |
ReportReferences(vtkGarbageCollector *) | vtkObjectBase | protectedvirtual |
RGBToHSV(const float rgb[3], float hsv[3]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
RGBToHSV(float r, float g, float b, float *h, float *s, float *v) | vtkMath | static |
RGBToHSV(const double rgb[3]) | vtkMath | static |
RGBToHSV(double r, double g, double b) | vtkMath | static |
RGBToHSV(const double rgb[3], double hsv[3]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
RGBToHSV(double r, double g, double b, double *h, double *s, double *v) | vtkMath | static |
RGBToLab(const double rgb[3], double lab[3]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
RGBToLab(double red, double green, double blue, double *L, double *a, double *b) | vtkMath | static |
RGBToLab(const double rgb[3]) | vtkMath | static |
RGBToXYZ(const double rgb[3], double xyz[3]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
RGBToXYZ(double r, double g, double b, double *x, double *y, double *z) | vtkMath | static |
RGBToXYZ(const double rgb[3]) | vtkMath | static |
Round(float f) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Round(double f) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
SafeDownCast(vtkObjectBase *o) | vtkMath | static |
SetDebug(bool debugFlag) | vtkObject | |
SetGlobalWarningDisplay(int val) | vtkObject | static |
SetReferenceCount(int) | vtkObjectBase | |
SingularValueDecomposition3x3(const float A[3][3], float U[3][3], float w[3], float VT[3][3]) | vtkMath | static |
SingularValueDecomposition3x3(const double A[3][3], double U[3][3], double w[3], double VT[3][3]) | vtkMath | static |
Solve3PointCircle(const double p1[3], const double p2[3], const double p3[3], double center[3]) | vtkMath | static |
SolveHomogeneousLeastSquares(int numberOfSamples, double **xt, int xOrder, double **mt) | vtkMath | static |
SolveLeastSquares(int numberOfSamples, double **xt, int xOrder, double **yt, int yOrder, double **mt, int checkHomogeneous=1) | vtkMath | static |
SolveLinearSystem(double **A, double *x, int size) | vtkMath | static |
SubjectHelper | vtkObject | protected |
Subtract(const float a[3], const float b[3], float c[3]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Subtract(const double a[3], const double b[3], double c[3]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
Superclass typedef | vtkMath | |
Transpose3x3(const float A[3][3], float AT[3][3]) | vtkMath | static |
Transpose3x3(const double A[3][3], double AT[3][3]) | vtkMath | static |
UninitializeBounds(double bounds[6]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
UnRegister(vtkObjectBase *o) | vtkObjectBase | virtual |
UnRegisterInternal(vtkObjectBase *, int check) | vtkObject | protectedvirtual |
vtkMath() | vtkMath | inlineprotected |
vtkObject() | vtkObject | protected |
vtkObjectBase() | vtkObjectBase | protected |
vtkObjectBase(const vtkObjectBase &) | vtkObjectBase | inlineprotected |
WeakPointers | vtkObjectBase | protected |
XYZToLab(const double xyz[3], double lab[3]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
XYZToLab(double x, double y, double z, double *L, double *a, double *b) | vtkMath | static |
XYZToLab(const double xyz[3]) | vtkMath | static |
XYZToRGB(const double xyz[3], double rgb[3]) | vtkMath | inlinestatic |
XYZToRGB(double x, double y, double z, double *r, double *g, double *b) | vtkMath | static |
XYZToRGB(const double xyz[3]) | vtkMath | static |
~vtkMath() | vtkMath | inlineprotected |
~vtkObject() | vtkObject | protectedvirtual |
~vtkObjectBase() | vtkObjectBase | protectedvirtual |