Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567891011]
 C_ClassInfoClassInfo is for classes, structs, unions, and namespaces
 C_FileInfoFileInfo is for header files
 C_FunctionInfoFunctionInfo is for functions and methods
 C_HierarchyEntryThis file contains utility functions for loading and parsing a VTK hierarchy file
 C_HierarchyInfoAll the entries from a hierarchy file
 C_ItemInfoItemInfo just contains an index
 C_MacroInfoStruct to describe a preprocessor symbol
 C_MergeInfoThis file contains utility functions for merging together the methods for a class with those inherited from all superclasses
 C_OptionInfoVtkParseMain.h provides argument parsing for the wrapper executables
 C_PreprocessInfoContains all symbols defined thus far (including those defined in any included header files)
 C_StringCacheStringCache provides a simple way of allocating strings centrally
 C_StringTokenizerA struct for going through a string one token at a time
 C_TemplateInfoTemplateInfo holds template definitions
 C_UsingInfoUsingInfo is for using directives
 C_ValueInfoValueInfo is for typedefs, constants, variables, function parameters, and return values
 CActionFunction< TWidget >
 CvtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::ArrayInfoTypeA struct to hold information about time-varying arrays
 Cdetail::AtomicOps< size >
 Cdetail::AtomicOps< 4 >
 Cdetail::AtomicOps< 8 >
 CvtkTextureImageCache< Key >::CacheData
 Cvtk::atomic::detail::CompileTimeCheck< bool >
 Cvtk::atomic::detail::CompileTimeCheck< std::numeric_limits< T >::is_specialized &&std::numeric_limits< T >::is_integer &&(sizeof(T)==4||sizeof(T)==8)>
 Cvtk::atomic::detail::CompileTimeCheck< std::numeric_limits< vtkIdType >::is_specialized &&std::numeric_limits< vtkIdType >::is_integer &&(sizeof(vtkIdType)==4||sizeof(vtkIdType)==8)>
 Cvtk::atomic::detail::CompileTimeCheck< std::numeric_limits< vtkTypeInt32 >::is_specialized &&std::numeric_limits< vtkTypeInt32 >::is_integer &&(sizeof(vtkTypeInt32)==4||sizeof(vtkTypeInt32)==8)>
 Cvtk::atomic::detail::CompileTimeCheck< true >
 CvtkDispatcherCommon::DynamicCaster< To, From >
 Cboost::edge_bundle_type< vtkGraph * >
 Cboost::edge_property< vtkGraph * >
 Cboost::edge_property_type< vtkGraph * >
 CvtkDispatcherPrivate::Functor< R, Parm1 >
 CvtkDoubleDispatcherPrivate::Functor< R, Parm1, Parm2 >
 CvtkDispatcherPrivate::FunctorDispatcherHelper< BaseLhs, SomeLhs, RT, CastLhs, Fun >
 CvtkDoubleDispatcherPrivate::FunctorDoubleDispatcherHelper< BaseLhs, BaseRhs, SomeLhs, SomeRhs, RT, CastLhs, CastRhs, Fun >
 CvtkDispatcherPrivate::FunctorImpl< R, P1 >
 CvtkDoubleDispatcherPrivate::FunctorImpl< R, P1, P2 >
 CvtkDispatcherPrivate::FunctorRefDispatcherHelper< BaseLhs, SomeLhs, RT, CastLhs, Fun >
 CvtkDoubleDispatcherPrivate::FunctorRefDispatcherHelper< BaseLhs, BaseRhs, SomeLhs, SomeRhs, RT, CastLhs, CastRhs, Fun >
 Cboost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >
 Cboost::hash< vtkEdgeType >
 Cvtk::atomic::detail::IntegralType< T >
 Cvtk::atomic::detail::IntegralType< vtkIdType >
 Cvtk::atomic::detail::IntegralType< vtkTypeInt32 >
 CvtkSMPThreadLocal< T >::iterator
 CvtkSMPThreadLocalObject< T >::iterator
 CvtkDenseArray< T >::MemoryBlock
 CvtkPiston::minmax_pair< T >
 Cnifti_1_headerData structure defining the fields in the nifti1 header. This binary header should be found at the beginning of a valid NIFTI-1 header file
 Cnifti_2_headerData structure defining the fields in the nifti2 header. This binary header should be found at the beginning of a valid NIFTI-2 header file
 CvtkMultiThreshold::NormKeyA class with comparison operator used to index input array norms used in threshold rules
 CvtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::ObjectInfoTypeA struct to hold information about Exodus objects (blocks, sets, maps)
 COffsetsManagerHelper class due to PIMPL excess
 Cboost::graph::parallel::process_group_type< vtkGraph * >
 Cboost::property_map< vtkGraph *, edge_global_t >
 Cboost::property_map< vtkGraph *, edge_index_t >
 Cboost::property_map< vtkGraph *, vertex_global_t >
 Cboost::property_map< vtkGraph *, vertex_index_t >
 Cboost::property_map< vtkGraph *, vertex_local_t >
 Cboost::property_map< vtkGraph *, vertex_owner_t >
 Cboost::property_traits< typename >
 Cboost::property_traits< vtkAbstractArray * >
 Cboost::property_traits< vtkDataArray * >
 Cboost::property_traits< vtkEdgeGlobalMap >
 Cboost::property_traits< vtkGraphEdgeMap >
 Cboost::property_traits< vtkGraphIndexMap >
 Cboost::property_traits< vtkVertexGlobalMap >
 Cboost::property_traits< vtkVertexLocalMap >
 Cboost::property_traits< vtkVertexOwnerMap >
 CvtkMultiThreshold::SetA base class for representing threshold sets
 CTextPropertyKey< StringType >
 Cboost::vertex_bundle_type< vtkGraph * >
 Cboost::vertex_property< vtkGraph * >
 Cboost::vertex_property_type< vtkGraph * >
 Cvtk2DHistogramItem2D histogram item
 CvtkABIManage macros for exporting symbols in the binary interface
 CvtkADIOSDirTreeA directory tree structure holding ADIOS data
 CvtkAMRBoxEncloses a rectangular region of voxel like cells
 CvtkArrayCoordinatesStores coordinate into an N-way array
 CvtkArrayExtentsStores the number of dimensions and valid coordinate ranges along each dimension for vtkArray
 CvtkArrayExtentsListStores a collection of vtkArrayExtents objects
 CvtkArrayIteratorIncludesCentralize array iterator type includes required when using the vtkArrayIteratorTemplateMacro
 CvtkArrayPrintPrint arrays in different formats
 CvtkArrayRangeStores a half-open range of array coordinates
 CvtkArraySortControls sorting of sparse array coordinates
 CvtkArrayWeightsStores a collection of weighting factors
 CvtkAtomConvenience proxy for vtkMolecule
 CvtkAtomic< T * >
 CvtkAtomic< void * >
 CvtkBlockDistributionA helper class that manages a block distribution of N elements of data
 CvtkBondConvenience proxy for vtkMolecule
 CvtkBoundingBoxFast Simple Class for dealing with 3D bounds
 CvtkBreakPointUtility function to debug with gdb and MPI
 CvtkBridgeExportManage Windows system differences
 CvtkDispatcherCommon::vtkCaster< To, From >
 CvtkCellTypeDefine types of cells
 CvtkChart2DHistogramChart for 2D histograms
 CvtkChartSelectionHelperHelper functions for making selections in charts
 CvtkCocoaMacOSXSDKCompatibilityCompatibility header
 CvtkColorTemplated type for storage of colors
 CvtkCommonInformationKeyManagerManages key types in vtkCommon
 CvtkComputeQuartilesExtract quartiles and extremum values of all columns of a table or all fields of a dataset
 CvtkContextKeyEventData structure to represent key events
 CvtkContextMouseEventData structure to represent mouse events
 CvtkContourHelperA utility class used by various contour filters
 CvtkCPExodusIIElementBlockUses an Exodus II element block as a vtkMappedUnstructuredGrid's implementation
 CvtkDataArrayDispatcher< DefaultFunctorType, ReturnType >Dispatch to functor vtkDataArrayType
 CvtkDataArrayDispatcherPointer< T >
 CvtkDataArrayIteratorMacroA macro for obtaining iterators to vtkDataArray data when the array implementation and type are unknown
 CvtkDataArrayTemplateHelpersNon-templated implementations for vtkDataArrayTemplate
 CvtkDataArrayTemplateLookup< T >
 CvtkDataArrayTemplateLookup< Scalar >
 CvtkDebugLeaksManagerManages the vtkDebugLeaks singleton
 CvtkDescriptiveStatisticsGnuA class for univariate descriptive statistics using R to calculate p-values
 CvtkDijkstraGraphInternalsHelper class due to PIMPL excess
 CvtkDispatcher< BaseLhs, ReturnType, CastingPolicy >Dispatch to functor based on a pointer type
 CvtkDistributedEdgePropertyMapType< DataArray >
 CvtkDistributedVertexPropertyMapType< DataArray >
 CvtkDoubleDispatcher< BaseLhs, BaseRhs, ReturnType, CastingPolicy >Dispatch to functor based on two pointer types
 CvtkErrorCodeSuperclass for error codes
 CvtkExodusIIReaderVariableCheckAbstract base class for glomming arrays of variable names
 CvtkFilteringInformationKeyManagerManages key types in vtkFiltering
 CvtkFixedSizeHandleRepresentationA marker that has the same size in pixels
 CvtkFloatingPointExceptionsDeal with floating-point exceptions
 CvtkGarbageCollectorManagerManages the vtkGarbageCollector singleton
 CvtkgluPickMatrixImplement selected glu functionality
 CvtkGPUInfoListArrayInternal class vtkGPUInfoList
 Cboost::vtkGraphEdgePropertyMapHelper< PMap >
 Cboost::vtkGraphPropertyMapMultiplier< PMap >
 CvtkImageBSplineInternalsBSpline code from P. Thevenaz
 CvtkImageIterator< DType >Simple image iterator
 CvtkImageStencilIterator< DType >Image region iterator
 CvtkIndentSimple class to control print indentation
 CvtkInformationInternalsInternal structure for vtkInformation
 CvtkInterpolatorInternalsInternals for vtkImageInterpolator
 CvtkIOStreamInclude C++ iostreams as used by VTK
 CvtkIOStreamFwdForward-declare C++ iostreams as used by VTK
 CvtkLargeIntegerClass for arbitrarily large ints
 CvtkLegacyReaderVersionVersion number for legacy readers/writers
 CvtkMathUtilitiesTemplated utility math functions intended for internal use in tests etc
 CvtkMPIPixelTT< T >
 CvtkMultiProcessStreamStream used to pass data across processes using vtkMultiProcessController
 CvtkNew< T >Allocate and hold a VTK object
 CvtkNew< vtkAbstractInteractionDevice >
 CvtkNew< vtkAbstractRenderDevice >
 CvtkNew< vtkAxis >
 CvtkNew< vtkBlueObeliskData >
 CvtkNew< vtkBrush >
 CvtkNew< vtkCallbackCommand >
 CvtkNew< vtkCamera >
 CvtkNew< vtkCategoryLegend >
 CvtkNew< vtkColorLegend >
 CvtkNew< vtkContext2D >
 CvtkNew< vtkContext3D >
 CvtkNew< vtkContextClip >
 CvtkNew< vtkContextTransform >
 CvtkNew< vtkDataSetCollection >
 CvtkNew< vtkFloatArray >
 CvtkNew< vtkGenericCell >
 CvtkNew< vtkGlyph3DMapper >
 CvtkNew< vtkGraphLayout >
 CvtkNew< vtkIdList >
 CvtkNew< vtkImageData >
 CvtkNew< vtkIncrementalForceLayout >
 CvtkNew< vtkLookupTable >
 CvtkNew< vtkMultiBlockDataSet >
 CvtkNew< vtkOpenGLSphereMapper >
 CvtkNew< vtkOpenGLStickMapper >
 CvtkNew< vtkPen >
 CvtkNew< vtkPeriodicTable >
 CvtkNew< vtkPlaneCollection >
 CvtkNew< vtkPlotGrid >
 CvtkNew< vtkPlotLine >
 CvtkNew< vtkPointData >
 CvtkNew< vtkPoints >
 CvtkNew< vtkPoints2D >
 CvtkNew< vtkPolyData >
 CvtkNew< vtkPolyDataMapper >
 CvtkNew< vtkPolyDataMapper2D >
 CvtkNew< vtkPruneTreeFilter >
 CvtkNew< vtkStringArray >
 CvtkNew< vtkTextProperty >
 CvtkNew< vtkTexture >
 CvtkNew< vtkTooltipItem >
 CvtkNew< vtkTransform >
 CvtkNew< vtkTrivialProducer >
 CvtkNew< vtkUnsignedCharArray >
 CvtkNew< vtkUnsignedShortArray >
 CvtkNew< vtkVariantArray >
 CvtkObjectBaseAbstract base class for most VTK objects
 CvtkODBCInternalsSimple class to hide ODBC structures
 CvtkOpenGL2ContextDevice2DPrivatePrivate class with storage and utility functions for the vtkOpenGLContextDevice2D
 CvtkOpenGLExtensionManagerInterface class for querying and using OpenGL extensions
 CvtkOpenGLGL2PSHelperHelper functionality for GL2PS exporting
 CvtkOpenGLStateRaw OpenGL State
 CvtkOStreamWrapperWrapper for C++ ostream. Internal VTK use only
 CvtkPBGLGraphAdapterAdapter to the Parallel Boost Graph Library (http://www.osl.iu.edu/research/pbgl)
 CvtkPistonDataWranglingMiscellaneous conversion code
 CvtkPistonMinMaxComputes scalar range on GPU for mapper
 CvtkPistonReferenceLower level handle on GPU resident data
 CvtkPKMeansStatisitcsA class for parallel k means clustering
 CvtkPostgreSQLDatabasePrivateInternal details of a connection to a PostgreSQL database
 CvtkPOutlineFilterInternalsCreate wireframe outline (or corners) for arbitrary data set
 CvtkPythonOverloadCreated in June 2010 by David Gobbi, originally in vtkPythonUtil
 CvtkQtSQLDatabaseMaintains a connection to an sql database
 CvtkQtSQLQueryQuery class associated with vtkQtSQLDatabase
 CvtkSynchronizedRenderers::vtkRawImageVtkRawImage can be used to make it easier to deal with images for compositing/communicating over client-server etc
 CvtkRayCastStructuresStructure definitions for ray casting
 CvtkRenderStateContext in which a vtkRenderPass will render
 CvtkScalarBarActorInternalInternal state for the scalar bar actor shared with subclasses
 CvtkScalarBarBoxA structure to represent pixel coordinates for text or swatch bounds
 CvtkSimpleCriticalSectionCritical section locking class
 CvtkSmartPointerBaseNon-templated superclass for vtkSmartPointer
 CvtkSMPMergePolyDataHelperUtility class for merging poly data in parallel This class is designed as a utility class to help merging of poly data generated by filters that generate multiple polydata outputs and the associated locators. It requires that the filter uses vtkSMPMergePoints which creates a number of necessary data structures
 CvtkSMPThreadLocal< T >A simple thread local implementation for sequential operations
 CvtkSMPThreadLocal< T * >
 CvtkSMPThreadLocal< unsigned char >
 CvtkSMPThreadLocal< vtkProgressObserver * >
 CvtkSMPThreadLocalObject< T >Thread local storage for VTK objects
 CvtkSMPThreadLocalObject< vtkProgressObserver >
 CvtkSMPToolsA set of parallel (multi-threaded) utility functions
 Cvtk::detail::smp::vtkSMPTools_FunctorInternal< Functor, Init >
 Cvtk::detail::smp::vtkSMPTools_FunctorInternal< Functor, false >
 Cvtk::detail::smp::vtkSMPTools_FunctorInternal< Functor, true >
 Cvtk::detail::smp::vtkSMPTools_Has_Initialize< T >
 Cvtk::detail::smp::vtkSMPTools_Has_Initialize_const< T >
 Cvtk::detail::smp::vtkSMPTools_Lookup_For< Functor >
 Cvtk::detail::smp::vtkSMPTools_Lookup_For< Functor const >
 CvtkStaticCellLinksTemplate< TIds >Object represents upward pointers from points to list of cells using each point (template implementation)
 CvtkStaticCellLinksTemplate< vtkIdType >
 CvtkSystemIncludesTransition VTK to ANSI C++, centralize inclusion of system files
 CvtkTDxMotionEventInfoStore motion information from a 3DConnexion input device
 CvtkTemplateAliasMacroDispatch a scalar processing template
 CvtkTestingObjectFactoryObject overrides used during testing
 CvtkTestUtilitiesUtility functions used for regression testing
 CvtkTextureImageCache< Key >
 CvtkTextureImageCache< TextPropertyKey >
 CvtkTimeSourceCreates a simple time varying data set
 CvtkTimeStampRecord modification and/or execution time
 CvtkTkImageViewerWidgetTk Widget for viewing vtk images
 CvtkTkRenderWidgetTk Widget for vtk renderering
 CvtkTryDowncastHelper1< TargetT, FunctorT >
 CvtkTryDowncastHelper2< TargetT, FunctorT >
 CvtkTryDowncastHelper3< TargetT, FunctorT >
 CvtkTuple< T, Size >Templated base type for containers of constant size
 CvtkTuple< double, 3 >
 CvtkTuple< double, 4 >
 CvtkTuple< double, Size >
 CvtkTuple< float, 3 >
 CvtkTuple< float, 4 >
 CvtkTuple< float, Size >
 CvtkTuple< int, 2 >
 CvtkTuple< int, 4 >
 CvtkTuple< int, Size >
 CvtkTuple< T, 3 >
 CvtkTuple< T, 4 >
 CvtkTuple< unsigned char, 3 >
 CvtkTuple< unsigned char, 4 >
 CvtkTuple< vtkAxis *, 4 >
 CvtkTypedDataArrayIterator< Scalar >STL-style random access iterator for vtkTypedDataArrays
 CvtkTypeTraits< T >Template defining traits of native types used by VTK
 CvtkucfloatOpenGL vertex buffer object
 CvtkUnicodeStringString class that stores Unicode text
 CvtkVariantA atomic type representing the union of many types
 CvtkVariantBoostSerializationSerialization support for vtkVariant and vtkVariantArray using the Boost.Serialization library
 CvtkWeakPointerBaseNon-templated superclass for vtkWeakPointer
 CvtkWin32HeaderManage Windows system differences
 CvtkWin32OpenGL2RenderWindowOpenGL rendering window
 CvtkXdmf3DataSetDataset level translation between xdmf3 and vtk
 CvtkXdmf3HeavyDataHandlerInternal helper for vtkXdmf3Reader
 CvtkXdmf3LightDataHandlerInternal helper for vtkXdmf3Reader
 CvtkXdmf3SILBuilderHelper to allow block selection
 CvtkXMLReaderVersionVersion number for legacy readers/writers