35 #ifndef vtkAndroidRenderWindowInteractor_h
36 #define vtkAndroidRenderWindowInteractor_h
78 static void SetClassExitMethod(
void (*f)(
void *),
void *arg);
79 static void SetClassExitMethodArgDelete(
void (*f)(
void *));
87 { this->AndroidApplication = app; };
90 void HandleKeyEvent(
bool down,
int nChar,
int metaState,
int nRepCnt);
94 void HandleMotionEvent(
int actionType,
int actionId,
int numPtrs,
95 int *xPtr,
int *yPtr,
int *idPtr,
int metaState);
101 void HandleCommand(int32_t cmd);
102 int32_t HandleInput(AInputEvent* event);
121 static void (*ClassExitMethod)(
void *);
122 static void (*ClassExitMethodArgDelete)(
void *);
virtual char * GetKeySym()
virtual int InternalDestroyTimer(int platformTimerId)
implements Win32 specific functions required by vtkRenderWindowInteractor.
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
virtual int InternalCreateTimer(int timerId, int timerType, unsigned long duration)
const char ** KeyCodeToKeySymTable
virtual void SetAndroidApplication(struct android_app *app)
virtual void Initialize()
static vtkRenderWindowInteractor * New()
platform-independent render window interaction including picking and frame rate control.
a simple class to control print indentation
virtual void ExitCallback()
virtual void StartEventLoop()
virtual void TerminateApp(void)
struct android_app * AndroidApplication
static void * ClassExitMethodArg