36 #ifndef vtkAssignCoordinates_h
37 #define vtkAssignCoordinates_h
52 vtkSetStringMacro(XCoordArrayName);
53 vtkGetStringMacro(XCoordArrayName);
58 vtkSetStringMacro(YCoordArrayName);
59 vtkGetStringMacro(YCoordArrayName);
64 vtkSetStringMacro(ZCoordArrayName);
65 vtkGetStringMacro(ZCoordArrayName);
70 vtkSetMacro(Jitter,
82 char* XCoordArrayName;
83 char* YCoordArrayName;
84 char* ZCoordArrayName;
a simple class to control print indentation
Given two(or three) arrays take the values in those arrays and simply assign them to the coordinates ...