70 virtual void CopyStructure(
vtkDataSet *ds) = 0;
78 virtual vtkIdType GetNumberOfPoints() = 0;
86 virtual double *GetPoint(
vtkIdType ptId) = 0;
91 virtual void GetPoint(
vtkIdType id,
double x[3]);
114 virtual void GetCellBounds(
vtkIdType cellId,
double bounds[6]);
119 virtual int GetCellType(
vtkIdType cellId) = 0;
157 xyz[0] = x; xyz[1] = y; xyz[2] = z;
158 return this->FindPoint (xyz);
160 virtual vtkIdType FindPoint(
double x[3]) = 0;
173 double tol2,
int& subId,
double pcoords[3],
174 double *weights) = 0;
185 double tol2,
int& subId,
double pcoords[3],
186 double *weights) = 0;
197 double tol2,
int& subId,
double pcoords[3],
215 virtual void Squeeze();
219 virtual void ComputeBounds();
228 void GetBounds(
double bounds[6]);
235 void GetCenter(
double center[3]);
253 virtual void GetScalarRange(
double range[2]);
262 double *GetScalarRange();
267 virtual int GetMaxCellSize() = 0;
303 int CheckAttributes();
311 this->GenerateGhostArray(zeroExt,
313 virtual void GenerateGhostArray(
int zeroExt[6],
bool cellOnly);
335 bool HasAnyGhostCells();
337 bool HasAnyGhostPoints();
360 void UpdatePointGhostArrayCache();
369 void UpdateCellGhostArrayCache();
381 virtual void ComputeScalarRange();
395 double ScalarRange[2];
415 static void OnDataModified(
416 vtkObject*
unsigned long eid,
void* clientdata,
void *calldata);
420 friend class vtkImageAlgorithmToDataSetFriendship;
430 x[0] = pt[0]; x[1] = pt[1]; x[2] = pt[2];
bool CellGhostArrayCached
static vtkDataObject * GetData(vtkInformation *info)
virtual void GenerateGhostArray(int zeroExt[6])
virtual vtkFieldData * GetAttributesAsFieldData(int type)
vtkUnsignedCharArray * CellGhostArray
abstract base class for most VTK objects
represent and manipulate point attribute data
abstract class to specify dataset behavior
record modification and/or execution time
represent and manipulate cell attribute data
unsigned long int GetMTime()
vtkCellData * GetCellData()
virtual void Initialize()
virtual bool HasAnyBlankCells()
provides thread-safe access to cells
vtkTimeStamp ScalarRangeComputeTime
vtkPointData * GetPointData()
abstract class to specify cell behavior
supports function callbacks
a simple class to control print indentation
virtual bool HasAnyBlankPoints()
list of point or cell ids
vtkUnsignedCharArray * PointGhostArray
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
virtual unsigned long GetActualMemorySize()
dynamic, self-adjusting array of unsigned char
virtual vtkIdType GetNumberOfElements(int type)
boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::vertex_descriptor source(boost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >::edge_descriptor e, vtkGraph *)
Efficient cell iterator for vtkDataSet topologies.
virtual double * GetPoint(vtkIdType ptId)=0
vtkCallbackCommand * DataObserver
general representation of visualization data
vtkIdType FindPoint(double x, double y, double z)
object provides direct access to cells in vtkCellArray and type information
bool PointGhostArrayCached
virtual void DeepCopy(vtkDataObject *src)
virtual void ShallowCopy(vtkDataObject *src)
represent and manipulate fields of data