Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #ifndef vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate_h
2 #define vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate_h
4 // Do not include this file directly. It is only for use
5 // from inside the ExodusII reader and its descendants.
7 #include "vtkToolkits.h" // make sure VTK_USE_PARALLEL is properly set
8 #include "vtkExodusIICache.h"
9 #include "vtksys/RegularExpression.hxx"
11 #include <map>
12 #include <vector>
14 #include "vtk_exodusII.h"
15 #include "vtkIOExodusModule.h" // For export macro
23 {
24 public:
25  static vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate* New();
26  void PrintData( ostream& os, vtkIndent indent );
28  //virtual void Modified();
31  int OpenFile( const char* filename );
34  int CloseFile();
37  int RequestInformation();
41  { return this->SIL; }
44  int RequestData( vtkIdType timeStep, vtkMultiBlockDataSet* output );
50  int SetUpEmptyGrid( vtkMultiBlockDataSet* output );
63  void Reset();
69  void ResetSettings();
72  void ResetCache();
75  void SetCacheSize(double size);
78  vtkGetMacro(CacheSize, double);
84  int GetNumberOfTimeSteps() { return (int) this->Times.size(); }
89  vtkGetMacro(SqueezePoints,int);
93  void SetSqueezePoints( int sp );
97  vtkBooleanMacro(SqueezePoints,int);
100  int GetNumberOfNodes();
106  int GetNumberOfObjectsOfType( int otype );
118  int GetNumberOfObjectArraysOfType( int otype );
124  const char* GetObjectName( int otype, int i );
130  int GetObjectId( int otype, int i );
138  int GetObjectSize( int otype, int i );
144  int GetObjectStatus( int otype, int i );
151  int GetUnsortedObjectStatus( int otype, int i );
157  void SetObjectStatus( int otype, int i, int stat );
164  void SetUnsortedObjectStatus( int otype, int i, int stat );
170  const char* GetObjectArrayName( int otype, int i );
176  int GetNumberOfObjectArrayComponents( int otype, int i );
182  int GetObjectArrayStatus( int otype, int i );
188  void SetObjectArrayStatus( int otype, int i, int stat );
196  int GetNumberOfObjectAttributes( int objectType, int objectIndex );
197  const char* GetObjectAttributeName( int objectType,
198  int objectIndex,
199  int attributeIndex );
200  int GetObjectAttributeIndex( int objectType,
201  int objectIndex,
202  const char* attribName );
203  int GetObjectAttributeStatus( int objectType,
204  int objectIndex,
205  int attribIndex );
206  void SetObjectAttributeStatus( int objectType,
207  int objectIndex,
208  int attribIndex, int status );
211  vtkGetMacro(GenerateObjectIdArray,int);
212  vtkSetMacro(GenerateObjectIdArray,int);
213  static const char* GetObjectIdArrayName() { return "ObjectId"; }
215  vtkSetMacro(GenerateGlobalElementIdArray,int);
216  vtkGetMacro(GenerateGlobalElementIdArray,int);
217  static const char* GetGlobalElementIdArrayName() { return "GlobalElementId"; }
219  vtkSetMacro(GenerateGlobalNodeIdArray,int);
220  vtkGetMacro(GenerateGlobalNodeIdArray,int);
221  static const char* GetGlobalNodeIdArrayName() { return "GlobalNodeId"; }
223  vtkSetMacro(GenerateImplicitElementIdArray,int);
224  vtkGetMacro(GenerateImplicitElementIdArray,int);
225  static const char* GetImplicitElementIdArrayName() { return "ImplicitElementId"; }
227  vtkSetMacro(GenerateImplicitNodeIdArray,int);
228  vtkGetMacro(GenerateImplicitNodeIdArray,int);
229  static const char* GetImplicitNodeIdArrayName() { return "ImplicitNodeId"; }
234  vtkSetMacro(GenerateFileIdArray,int);
235  vtkGetMacro(GenerateFileIdArray,int);
236  static const char* GetFileIdArrayName() { return "FileId"; }
239  vtkSetMacro(FileId,int);
240  vtkGetMacro(FileId,int);
242  static const char *GetGlobalVariableValuesArrayName()
243  { return "GlobalVariableValues"; }
244  static const char *GetGlobalVariableNamesArrayName()
245  { return "GlobalVariableNames"; }
247  virtual void SetApplyDisplacements( int d );
248  vtkGetMacro(ApplyDisplacements,int);
250  virtual void SetDisplacementMagnitude( double s );
251  vtkGetMacro(DisplacementMagnitude,double);
253  vtkSetMacro(HasModeShapes,int);
254  vtkGetMacro(HasModeShapes,int);
256  vtkSetMacro(ModeShapeTime,double);
257  vtkGetMacro(ModeShapeTime,double);
259  vtkSetMacro(AnimateModeShapes, int);
260  vtkGetMacro(AnimateModeShapes, int);
262  vtkDataArray* FindDisplacementVectors( int timeStep );
264  const struct ex_init_params* GetModelParams() const
265  { return &this->ModelParameters; }
279  int GlomType;
284  int Source;
286  int Status;
289  std::vector<vtkStdString> OriginalNames;
292  std::vector<int> OriginalIndices;
301  std::vector<int> ObjectTruth;
303  void Reset();
304  };
309  int Size;
311  int Status;
313  int Id;
316  };
320  };
331  std::map<vtkIdType,vtkIdType> PointMap;
336  std::map<vtkIdType,vtkIdType> ReversePointMap;
344  BlockSetInfoType(){this->CachedConnectivity=0;}
345  BlockSetInfoType(const BlockSetInfoType& block);
346  ~BlockSetInfoType();
347  BlockSetInfoType& operator=(const BlockSetInfoType& block);
348  };
352  vtkStdString OriginalName; // useful to reset the name if XML metadata is invalid.
354  // number of boundaries per entry
355  // The index is the dimensionality of the entry. 0=node, 1=edge, 2=face
356  int BdsPerEntry[3];
358  std::vector<vtkStdString> AttributeNames;
359  std::vector<int> AttributeStatus;
360  // VTK cell type (a function of TypeName and BdsPerEntry...)
361  int CellType;
362  // Number of points per cell as used by VTK
363  // -- not what's in the file (i.e., BdsPerEntry[0] >= PointsPerCell)
365  };
368  struct PartInfoType : public ObjectInfoType {
369  std::vector<int> BlockIndices;
370  };
372  std::vector<int> BlockIndices;
373  };
375  std::vector<int> BlockIndices;
376  };
379  struct SetInfoType : public BlockSetInfoType {
380  int DistFact; // Number of distribution factors
381  // (for the entire block, not per array or entry)
382  };
386  enum GlomTypes {
387  Scalar=0,
388  Vector2=1,
389  Vector3=2,
390  SymmetricTensor=3,
391  // (order xx, yy, zz, xy, yz, zx)
392  IntegrationPoint=4
393  };
397  Result=0,
398  // (that vary over time)
399  Attribute=1,
400  // (constants over time)
401  Map=2,
402  Generated=3
403  };
408  friend class vtkExodusIIReader;
409  friend class vtkPExodusIIReader;
411  virtual void SetParser( vtkExodusIIReaderParser* );
412  vtkGetObjectMacro(Parser,vtkExodusIIReaderParser);
414  // BUG #15632: This method allows vtkPExodusIIReader to pass time information
415  // from one spatial file to another and avoiding have to read it for each of
416  // the files.
417  void SetTimesOverrides(const std::vector<double>& times)
418  {
419  this->Times = times;
420  this->SkipUpdateTimeInformation = true;
421  }
423  // Because Parts, Materials, and assemblies are not stored as arrays,
424  // but rather as maps to the element blocks they make up,
425  // we cannot use the Get|SetObject__() methods directly.
427  int GetNumberOfParts();
428  const char* GetPartName(int idx);
429  const char* GetPartBlockInfo(int idx);
430  int GetPartStatus(int idx);
432  void SetPartStatus(int idx, int on);
433  void SetPartStatus(vtkStdString name, int flag);
435  int GetNumberOfMaterials();
436  const char* GetMaterialName(int idx);
437  int GetMaterialStatus(int idx);
439  void SetMaterialStatus(int idx, int on);
440  void SetMaterialStatus(vtkStdString name, int flag);
442  int GetNumberOfAssemblies();
443  const char* GetAssemblyName(int idx);
444  int GetAssemblyStatus(int idx);
446  void SetAssemblyStatus(int idx, int on);
447  void SetAssemblyStatus(vtkStdString name, int flag);
450  {this->FastPathObjectType = type;};
451  void SetFastPathObjectId(vtkIdType id){this->FastPathObjectId = id;};
452  vtkSetStringMacro(FastPathIdType);
454  bool IsXMLMetadataValid();
463  void GetInitialObjectStatus( int otype, ObjectInfoType *info );
472  void GetInitialObjectArrayStatus( int otype, ArrayInfoType *info );
480  void SetInitialObjectStatus( int otype, const char *name, int stat );
487  void SetInitialObjectArrayStatus( int otype, const char *name, int stat );
489  int UpdateTimeInformation();
493 protected:
498  void BuildSIL();
502  int VerifyIntegrationPointGlom( int nn,
503  char** np,
504  vtksys::RegularExpression& re,
506  vtkStdString& ele );
509  void GlomArrayNames( int i,
510  int num_obj,
511  int num_vars,
512  char** var_names,
513  int* truth_tab );
534  int otyp, int oidx, int conntypidx, BlockSetInfoType* bsinfop,
535  vtkUnstructuredGrid* output );
542  int AssembleOutputPoints( vtkIdType timeStep,
543  BlockSetInfoType* bsinfop, vtkUnstructuredGrid* output );
547  int AssembleOutputPointArrays( vtkIdType timeStep,
548  BlockSetInfoType* bsinfop, vtkUnstructuredGrid* output );
552  int AssembleOutputCellArrays( vtkIdType timeStep,
553  int otyp, int oidx, BlockSetInfoType* bsinfop, vtkUnstructuredGrid* output );
559  int otyp, int oidx, vtkUnstructuredGrid* output );
562  int otyp, int oidx, BlockSetInfoType* bsinfop, vtkUnstructuredGrid* output );
569  int AssembleOutputPointMaps( vtkIdType timeStep,
570  BlockSetInfoType* bsinfop, vtkUnstructuredGrid* output );
571  int AssembleOutputCellMaps( vtkIdType timeStep,
572  int otyp, int oidx, BlockSetInfoType* bsinfop, vtkUnstructuredGrid* output );
579  BlockInfoType* binfo,
580  vtkIntArray* facesPerCell,
581  vtkIntArray* pointsPerFace,
582  vtkIntArray* exoCellConn,
583  vtkIntArray* exoFaceConn);
586  void InsertBlockCells(
587  int otyp, int obj, int conn_type, int timeStep, BlockInfoType* binfop );
590  void InsertSetCells(
591  int otyp, int obj, int conn_type, int timeStep, SetInfoType* sinfop );
594  void AddPointArray(
595  vtkDataArray* src, BlockSetInfoType* bsinfop, vtkUnstructuredGrid* output );
598  void InsertSetNodeCopies(
599  vtkIntArray* refs, int otyp, int obj, SetInfoType* sinfo );
602  void InsertSetCellCopies(
603  vtkIntArray* refs, int otyp, int obj, SetInfoType* sinfo );
606  void InsertSetSides(
607  vtkIntArray* refs, int otyp, int obj, SetInfoType* sinfo );
620  int GetConnTypeIndexFromConnType( int ctyp );
626  int GetObjectTypeIndexFromObjectType( int otyp );
633  int GetNumberOfObjectsAtTypeIndex( int typeIndex );
642  ObjectInfoType* GetObjectInfo( int typeIndex, int objectIndex );
650  ObjectInfoType* GetSortedObjectInfo( int objectType, int objectIndex );
658  ObjectInfoType* GetUnsortedObjectInfo( int objectType, int objectIndex );
664  int GetBlockIndexFromFileGlobalId( int otyp, int refId );
670  BlockInfoType* GetBlockFromFileGlobalId( int otyp, int refId );
675  vtkIdType GetSqueezePointId( BlockSetInfoType* bsinfop, int i );
678  void DetermineVtkCellType( BlockInfoType& binfo );
683  ArrayInfoType* FindArrayInfoByName( int otyp, const char* name );
688  int IsObjectTypeBlock( int otyp );
689  int IsObjectTypeSet( int otyp );
690  int IsObjectTypeMap( int otyp );
695  int GetObjectTypeFromMapType( int mtyp );
696  int GetMapTypeFromObjectType( int otyp );
697  int GetTemporalTypeFromObjectType( int otyp );
702  int GetSetTypeFromSetConnType( int sctyp );
707  int GetBlockConnTypeFromBlockType( int btyp );
714  void RemoveBeginningAndTrailingSpaces( int len, char **names );
722  std::map<int,std::vector<BlockInfoType> > BlockInfo;
726  std::map<int,std::vector<SetInfoType> > SetInfo;
732  std::map<int,std::vector<MapInfoType> > MapInfo;
734  std::vector<PartInfoType> PartInfo;
735  std::vector<MaterialInfoType> MaterialInfo;
736  std::vector<AssemblyInfoType> AssemblyInfo;
742  std::map<int,std::vector<int> > SortedObjectIndices;
744  // defined on that type.
745  std::map<int,std::vector<ArrayInfoType> > ArrayInfo;
751  std::map<int,std::vector<ArrayInfoType> > InitialArrayInfo;
757  std::map<int,std::vector<ObjectInfoType> > InitialObjectInfo;
769  int Exoid;
772  struct ex_init_params ModelParameters;
775  std::vector<double> Times;
794  int FileId;
798  //
800  double CacheSize;
832 private:
833  vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate( const vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate& ); // Not implemented.
834  void operator = ( const vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate& ); // Not implemented.
835 };
837 #endif // vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate_h
838 // VTK-HeaderTest-Exclude: vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate.h
std::map< int, std::vector< ArrayInfoType > > ArrayInfo
Maps an object type (EX_ELEM_BLOCK, EX_NODE_SET, ...) to a list of arrays.
void InsertSetCells(int otyp, int obj, int conn_type, int timeStep, SetInfoType *sinfop)
Insert cells from a specified set into a mesh.
Wrapper around std::string to keep symbols short.
Definition: vtkStdString.h:46
std::vector< int > OriginalIndices
The index of each component of the array as ordered by the Exodus file.
std::vector< MaterialInfoType > MaterialInfo
std::map< vtkIdType, vtkIdType > ReversePointMap
A map from nodal ids in the output mesh to those in an Exodus file.
int Components
The number of components in the array.
static const char * GetObjectIdArrayName()
vtkMutableDirectedGraph * SIL
const char * GetAssemblyName(int idx)
void SetFastPathObjectType(vtkExodusIIReader::ObjectType type)
const char * GetPartName(int idx)
abstract base class for most VTK objects
Definition: vtkObject.h:61
A struct to hold information about Exodus objects (blocks, sets, maps)
std::map< int, std::vector< BlockInfoType > > BlockInfo
Maps a block type (EX_ELEM_BLOCK, EX_FACE_BLOCK, ...) to a list of blocks of that type...
void InsertSetSides(vtkIntArray *refs, int otyp, int obj, SetInfoType *sinfo)
Insert cells referenced by a side set.
void SetFastPathObjectId(vtkIdType id)
int GetNumberOfTimeSteps()
Return the number of time steps in the open file.
void GetInitialObjectStatus(int otype, ObjectInfoType *info)
For a given object type, looks for an object in the collection of initial objects of the same name...
void PrepareGeneratedArrayInfo()
Add generated array information to array info lists.
int GetMapTypeFromObjectType(int otyp)
int AssembleOutputPoints(vtkIdType timeStep, BlockSetInfoType *bsinfop, vtkUnstructuredGrid *output)
Fill the output grid's point coordinates array.
int GetObjectTypeFromMapType(int mtyp)
Given a map type (NODE_MAP, EDGE_MAP, ...) return the associated object type (NODAL, EDGE_BLOCK, ...) or vice-versa.
int GetNumberOfObjectsAtTypeIndex(int typeIndex)
Return the number of objects of the given type.
record modification and/or execution time
Definition: vtkTimeStamp.h:34
std::vector< int > ObjectTruth
A map describing which objects the variable is defined on.
A struct to hold information about Exodus maps.
void SetTimesOverrides(const std::vector< double > &times)
BlockInfoType * GetBlockFromFileGlobalId(int otyp, int refId)
Get the block containing the entity referenced by the specified file-global ID.
vtkExodusIIReader * Parent
Pointer to owning reader...
void RemoveBeginningAndTrailingSpaces(int len, char **names)
Function to trim space from names retrieved with ex_get_var_names.
void DetermineVtkCellType(BlockInfoType &binfo)
Determine the VTK cell type for a given edge/face/element block.
int AssembleOutputPointArrays(vtkIdType timeStep, BlockSetInfoType *bsinfop, vtkUnstructuredGrid *output)
Add the requested arrays to the output grid's point data.
void ClearConnectivityCaches()
Delete any cached connectivity information (for all blocks and sets)
int vtkIdType
Definition: vtkType.h:247
This class holds metadata for an Exodus file.
vtkUnstructuredGrid * CachedConnectivity
Cached cell connectivity arrays for mesh.
vtkMutableDirectedGraph * GetSIL()
Returns the SIL. This valid only after BuildSIL() has been called.
void GlomArrayNames(int i, int num_obj, int num_vars, char **var_names, int *truth_tab)
Aggregate Exodus array names into VTK arrays with multiple components.
int GetBlockConnTypeFromBlockType(int btyp)
Given a block type (EDGE_BLOCK, ...), return the associated block connectivity type (EDGE_BLOCK_CONN...
std::map< int, std::vector< ObjectInfoType > > InitialObjectInfo
Maps an object type (EX_ELEM_BLOCK, EX_NODE_SET, ...) to a list of objects defined on that type...
std::map< int, std::vector< int > > SortedObjectIndices
Maps an object type to vector of indices that reorder objects of that type by their IDs...
static const char * GetGlobalVariableValuesArrayName()
double CacheSize
The size of the cache in MiB.
vtkTimeStamp InformationTimeStamp
Time stamp from last time we were in RequestInformation.
void GetInitialObjectArrayStatus(int otype, ArrayInfoType *info)
For a given array type, looks for an object in the collection of initial objects of the same name...
int Source
The source of the array (Result or Attribute)
dynamic, self-adjusting array of int
Definition: vtkIntArray.h:49
int AssembleOutputProceduralArrays(vtkIdType timeStep, int otyp, int oidx, vtkUnstructuredGrid *output)
Add procedurally generated arrays to an output mesh.
ObjectInfoType * GetObjectInfo(int typeIndex, int objectIndex)
Return a pointer to the ObjectInfo of the specified type and index.
int AssembleOutputGlobalArrays(vtkIdType timeStep, int otyp, int oidx, BlockSetInfoType *bsinfop, vtkUnstructuredGrid *output)
Add mesh-global field data such as QA records to the output mesh.
void BuildSIL()
Build SIL. This must be called only after RequestInformation().
static const char * GetFileIdArrayName()
int StorageType
Storage type of array (a type that can be passed to vtkDataArray::Create())
double ModeShapeTime
The time value.
std::vector< AssemblyInfoType > AssemblyInfo
vtkStdString Name
The name of the array.
a simple class to control print indentation
Definition: vtkIndent.h:38
float ExodusVersion
The version of Exodus that wrote the currently open file (or a negative number otherwise).
Read Exodus II files (.exii)
int GetSetTypeFromSetConnType(int sctyp)
Given a set connectivity type (NODE_SET_CONN, ...), return the associated object type (NODE_SET...
std::map< vtkIdType, vtkIdType > PointMap
A map from nodal IDs in an Exodus file to nodal IDs in the output mesh.
Tags to indicate how single-component Exodus arrays are glommed (aggregated) into multi-component VTK...
dataset represents arbitrary combinations of all possible cell types
vtkIdType FileOffset
Id (1-based) of first entry in file-local list across all blocks in file.
abstract superclass for arrays of numeric data
Definition: vtkDataArray.h:54
static const char * GetGlobalElementIdArrayName()
void SetAssemblyStatus(int idx, int on)
const struct ex_init_params * GetModelParams() const
An editable directed graph.
int IsObjectTypeBlock(int otyp)
Does the specified object type match? Avoid using these...
int GetPartStatus(int idx)
vtkExodusIIReader::ObjectType FastPathObjectType
int Status
Whether or not the array should be loaded by RequestData.
int GetMaterialStatus(int idx)
vtkIdType GetSqueezePointId(BlockSetInfoType *bsinfop, int i)
Find or create a new SqueezePoint ID (unique sequential list of points referenced by cells in blocks/...
virtual void SetParser(vtkExodusIIReaderParser *)
int IsObjectTypeSet(int otyp)
A struct to hold information about Exodus blocks.
void InsertSetCellCopies(vtkIntArray *refs, int otyp, int obj, SetInfoType *sinfo)
Insert cells referenced by an edge, face, or element set.
int VerifyIntegrationPointGlom(int nn, char **np, vtksys::RegularExpression &re, vtkStdString &field, vtkStdString &ele)
Returns true when order and text of names are consistent with integration points. ...
int Id
User-assigned identification number.
int AssembleOutputPointMaps(vtkIdType timeStep, BlockSetInfoType *bsinfop, vtkUnstructuredGrid *output)
Add maps to an output mesh.
int GetAssemblyStatus(int idx)
A struct to hold information about Exodus blocks or sets (they have some members in common) ...
static const char * GetImplicitElementIdArrayName()
internal parser used by vtkExodusIIReader.
std::map< int, std::vector< ArrayInfoType > > InitialArrayInfo
Maps an object type (EX_ELEM_BLOCK, EX_NODE_SET, ...) to a list of arrays defined on that type...
int AssembleOutputCellArrays(vtkIdType timeStep, int otyp, int oidx, BlockSetInfoType *bsinfop, vtkUnstructuredGrid *output)
Add the requested arrays to the output grid's cell data.
Read exodus 2 files .ex2.
std::vector< vtkStdString > OriginalNames
The name of each component of the array as defined by the Exodus file.
vtkExodusIICache * Cache
A least-recently-used cache to hold raw arrays.
void SetInitialObjectArrayStatus(int otype, const char *name, int stat)
For a given array type, creates and stores an ArrayInfoType object using the given name and status...
ObjectInfoType * GetUnsortedObjectInfo(int objectType, int objectIndex)
Return a pointer to the ObjectInfo of the specified type and index, but using indices sorted by objec...
int GetTemporalTypeFromObjectType(int otyp)
int GetConnTypeIndexFromConnType(int ctyp)
Return the index of an object type (in a private list of all object types).
Composite dataset that organizes datasets into blocks.
static const char * GetGlobalNodeIdArrayName()
void SetPartStatus(int idx, int on)
std::map< int, std::vector< MapInfoType > > MapInfo
Maps a map type (EX_ELEM_MAP, ..., EX_NODE_MAP) to a list of maps of that type.
int Status
Should the reader load this block?
A struct to hold information about Exodus sets.
static const char * GetImplicitNodeIdArrayName()
ObjectInfoType * GetSortedObjectInfo(int objectType, int objectIndex)
Return a pointer to the ObjectInfo of the specified type and index, but using indices sorted by objec...
A struct to hold information about Exodus blocks.
vtkDataArray * GetCacheOrRead(vtkExodusIICacheKey)
Return an array for the specified cache key.
int GetObjectTypeIndexFromObjectType(int otyp)
Return the index of an object type (in a private list of all object types).
static vtkObject * New()
std::map< int, std::vector< SetInfoType > > SetInfo
Maps a set type (EX_ELEM_SET, ..., EX_NODE_SET) to a list of sets of that type.
int AppWordSize
These aren't the variables you're looking for.
int AssembleOutputCellMaps(vtkIdType timeStep, int otyp, int oidx, BlockSetInfoType *bsinfop, vtkUnstructuredGrid *output)
void AddPointArray(vtkDataArray *src, BlockSetInfoType *bsinfop, vtkUnstructuredGrid *output)
Add a point array to an output grid's point data, squeezing if necessary.
int SqueezePoints
Should the reader output only points used by elements in the output mesh, or all the points...
Tags to indicate the source of values for an array.
int Exoid
The handle of the currently open file.
const char * GetPartBlockInfo(int idx)
std::vector< double > Times
A list of time steps for which results variables are stored.
vtkIdType NextSqueezePoint
The next vtk ID to use for a connectivity entry when point squeezing is on and no point ID exists...
int Size
Number of entries in this block.
int IsObjectTypeMap(int otyp)
std::vector< PartInfoType > PartInfo
vtkExodusIIReaderParser * Parser
ArrayInfoType * FindArrayInfoByName(int otyp, const char *name)
Find an ArrayInfo object for a specific object type using the name as a key.
void InsertBlockCells(int otyp, int obj, int conn_type, int timeStep, BlockInfoType *binfop)
Insert cells from a specified block into a mesh.
void SetMaterialStatus(int idx, int on)
A struct to hold information about time-varying arrays.
int AssembleOutputConnectivity(vtkIdType timeStep, int otyp, int oidx, int conntypidx, BlockSetInfoType *bsinfop, vtkUnstructuredGrid *output)
Read connectivity information and populate an unstructured grid with cells corresponding to a single ...
int GetBlockIndexFromFileGlobalId(int otyp, int refId)
Get the index of the block containing the entity referenced by the specified file-global ID...
BlockSetInfoType & operator=(const BlockSetInfoType &block)
int GlomType
The type of "glomming" performed.
static const char * GetGlobalVariableNamesArrayName()
void SetInitialObjectStatus(int otype, const char *name, int stat)
For a given object type, creates and stores an ObjectInfoType object using the given name and status...
int AssembleArraysOverTime(vtkMultiBlockDataSet *output)
Add fast-path time-varying data to field data of an output block or set.
const char * GetMaterialName(int idx)
void InsertBlockPolyhedra(BlockInfoType *binfo, vtkIntArray *facesPerCell, vtkIntArray *pointsPerFace, vtkIntArray *exoCellConn, vtkIntArray *exoFaceConn)
Insert polyhedral cells (called from InsertBlockCells when a block is polyhedra)
void InsertSetNodeCopies(vtkIntArray *refs, int otyp, int obj, SetInfoType *sinfo)
Insert cells referenced by a node set.