Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //=============================================================================
2 //
3 // Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
4 // All rights reserved.
5 // See LICENSE.txt for details.
6 //
7 // This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
8 // the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
9 // PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
10 //
11 // Copyright 2012 Sandia Corporation.
12 // Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation,
13 // the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
14 //
15 //=============================================================================
17 #ifndef vtkToDax_Contour_h
18 #define vtkToDax_Contour_h
20 #include "vtkDispatcher.h"
21 #include "vtkPolyData.h"
31 #include <dax/cont/DispatcherGenerateInterpolatedCells.h>
32 #include <dax/cont/DispatcherMapCell.h>
33 #include <dax/worklet/MarchingCubes.h>
34 #include <dax/worklet/MarchingTetrahedra.h>
36 namespace
37 {
38 template <typename T> struct MarchingCubesOuputType
39 {
40  typedef dax::CellTagTriangle type;
41 };
43 }
45 namespace vtkToDax
46 {
48 template<int B>
49 struct DoContour
50 {
51  template<class InGridType,
52  class OutGridType,
53  typename ValueType,
54  class Container1,
55  class Adapter>
56  int operator()(const InGridType &,
57  vtkDataSet *,
58  OutGridType &,
59  vtkPolyData *,
60  ValueType,
61  const dax::cont::ArrayHandle<ValueType,Container1,Adapter> &,
62  bool)
63  {
64  vtkGenericWarningMacro(
65  << "Not calling Dax, GridType-CellType combination not supported");
66  return 0;
67  }
68 };
69 template<>
70 struct DoContour<1>
71 {
72  template<class InGridType,
73  class OutGridType,
74  typename ValueType,
75  class Container1,
76  class Adapter>
78  const InGridType &inDaxGrid,
79  vtkDataSet *inVTKGrid,
80  OutGridType &outDaxGeom,
81  vtkPolyData *outVTKGrid,
82  ValueType isoValue,
83  const dax::cont::ArrayHandle<ValueType,Container1,Adapter> &mcHandle,
84  bool computeScalars)
85  {
86  dax::Scalar isoValueT(isoValue);
88  dax::worklet::MarchingCubesCount countWorklet(isoValueT);
89  dax::worklet::MarchingCubesGenerate generateWorklet(isoValueT);
91  return this->DispatchWork(inDaxGrid,
92  inVTKGrid,
93  outDaxGeom,
94  outVTKGrid,
95  countWorklet,
96  generateWorklet,
97  mcHandle,
98  computeScalars);
99  }
101  template<class GridCellContainer,
102  class GridPointContainer,
103  class OutGridType,
104  typename ValueType,
105  class Container1,
106  class Adapter>
108  const dax::cont::UnstructuredGrid<
109  dax::CellTagTetrahedron,GridCellContainer,GridPointContainer,Adapter>
110  &inDaxGrid,
111  vtkDataSet *inVTKGrid,
112  OutGridType &outDaxGeom,
113  vtkPolyData *outVTKGrid,
114  ValueType isoValue,
115  const dax::cont::ArrayHandle<ValueType,Container1,Adapter> &mcHandle,
116  bool computeScalars)
117  {
118  dax::Scalar isoValueT(isoValue);
120  dax::worklet::MarchingTetrahedraCount countWorklet(isoValueT);
121  dax::worklet::MarchingTetrahedraGenerate generateWorklet(isoValueT);
123  return this->DispatchWork(inDaxGrid,
124  inVTKGrid,
125  outDaxGeom,
126  outVTKGrid,
127  countWorklet,
128  generateWorklet,
129  mcHandle,
130  computeScalars);
131  }
133  template<class InGridType,
134  class OutGridType,
135  typename ValueType,
136  class Container1,
137  class Adapter,
138  class CountWorkletType,
139  class GenerateWorkletType>
141  const InGridType &inDaxGrid,
142  vtkDataSet *inVTKGrid,
143  OutGridType &outDaxGeom,
144  vtkPolyData *outVTKGrid,
145  CountWorkletType &countWorklet,
146  GenerateWorkletType &generateWorklet,
147  const dax::cont::ArrayHandle<ValueType,Container1,Adapter> &mcHandle,
148  bool computeScalars)
149  {
150  int result=1;
152  try
153  {
155  typedef dax::cont::DispatcherGenerateInterpolatedCells<
156  GenerateWorkletType,
157  dax::cont::ArrayHandle< dax::Id >,
158  Adapter > DispatchIC;
160  typedef typename DispatchIC::CountHandleType CountHandleType;
162  dax::cont::DispatcherMapCell<CountWorkletType,Adapter>
163  dispatchCount( countWorklet );
165  CountHandleType count;
166  dispatchCount.Invoke(inDaxGrid, mcHandle, count);
169  DispatchIC generateSurface(count, generateWorklet);
170  generateSurface.SetRemoveDuplicatePoints(true);
171  generateSurface.Invoke(inDaxGrid,outDaxGeom,mcHandle);
173  // Convert output geometry to VTK.
174  daxToVtk::dataSetConverter(outDaxGeom, outVTKGrid);
176  // Interpolate arrays where possible.
177  if (computeScalars)
178  {
179  vtkToDax::CompactPointField<DispatchIC> compact(generateSurface,
180  outVTKGrid);
181  vtkDispatcher<vtkAbstractArray,int> compactDispatcher;
182  compactDispatcher.Add<vtkFloatArray>(compact);
183  compactDispatcher.Add<vtkDoubleArray>(compact);
185  vtkPointData *pd = inVTKGrid->GetPointData();
186  for (int arrayIndex = 0;
187  arrayIndex < pd->GetNumberOfArrays();
188  arrayIndex++)
189  {
190  vtkDataArray *array = pd->GetArray(arrayIndex);
191  if (array == NULL) { continue; }
193  compactDispatcher.Go(array);
194  }
196  // Pass information about attributes.
197  for (int attributeType = 0;
198  attributeType < vtkDataSetAttributes::NUM_ATTRIBUTES;
199  attributeType++)
200  {
201  vtkDataArray *attribute = pd->GetAttribute(attributeType);
202  if (attribute == NULL) { continue; }
203  outVTKGrid->GetPointData()->SetActiveAttribute(attribute->GetName(),
204  attributeType);
205  }
206  } //computeScalars
207  }
208  catch(const dax::cont::ErrorControlOutOfMemory& error)
209  {
210  std::cerr << "Ran out of memory trying to use the GPU" << std::endl;
211  std::cerr << error.GetMessage() << std::endl;
212  result = 0;
213  }
214  catch(const dax::cont::ErrorExecution& error)
215  {
216  std::cerr << "Got ErrorExecution from Dax." << std::endl;
217  std::cerr << error.GetMessage() << std::endl;
218  result = 0;
219  }
220  return result;
221  }
222 };
224  template<typename FieldType_>
225  struct Contour
226  {
227  public:
228  typedef FieldType_ FieldType;
229  //we expect FieldType_ to be an dax::cont::ArrayHandle
230  typedef typename FieldType::ValueType T;
232  Contour(const FieldType& f, T value, bool computeScalars):
233  Result(NULL),
234  Field(f),
235  Value(value),
236  ComputeScalars(computeScalars),
237  Name()
238  {
239  }
242  {
243  this->Result=grid;
244  }
246  void setFieldName(const char* name)
247  {
248  this->Name=std::string(name);
249  }
251  template<typename LHS, typename RHS>
252  int operator()(LHS &dataSet, const RHS&) const
253  {
254  typedef CellTypeToType<RHS> VTKCellTypeStruct;
255  typedef DataSetTypeToType<CellTypeToType<RHS>,LHS> DataSetTypeToTypeStruct;
257  //get the mapped output type of this operation(MarchingCubes)
258  //todo make this a typedef on the MarchingCubes
259  typedef typename MarchingCubesOuputType< typename VTKCellTypeStruct::DaxCellType >::type OutCellType;
261  //get the input dataset type
262  typedef typename DataSetTypeToTypeStruct::DaxDataSetType InputDataSetType;
264  //construct the output grid type to use the vtk containers
265  //as we know we are going back to vtk. In a more general framework
266  //we would want a tag to say what the destination container tag types
267  //are. We don't need the points container be
269  dax::cont::UnstructuredGrid<OutCellType,
271  vtkToDax::vtkPointsContainerTag > resultGrid;
273  InputDataSetType inputDaxData = vtkToDax::dataSetConverter(&dataSet,
274  DataSetTypeToTypeStruct());
277  int result = mc(inputDaxData,
278  &dataSet,
279  resultGrid,
280  this->Result,
281  this->Value,
282  this->Field,
283  this->ComputeScalars);
285  return result;
286  }
287  private:
288  vtkPolyData* Result;
289  FieldType Field;
290  T Value;
291  bool ComputeScalars;
292  std::string Name;
294  };
295 }
297 #endif //vtkToDax_Contour_h
Contour(const FieldType &f, T value, bool computeScalars)
Definition: Contour.h:232
FieldType_ FieldType
Definition: Contour.h:228
void dataSetConverter(const dax::cont::UniformGrid<> &grid, vtkImageData *output)
represent and manipulate point attribute data
Definition: vtkPointData.h:37
void Add(Functor fun)
Add in a functor that is mapped to the template SomeLhs parameter.
abstract class to specify dataset behavior
Definition: vtkDataSet.h:62
dynamic, self-adjusting array of float
Definition: vtkFloatArray.h:41
concrete dataset represents vertices, lines, polygons, and triangle strips
Definition: vtkPolyData.h:85
FieldType::ValueType T
Definition: Contour.h:230
Definition: vtkCellType.h:43
dynamic, self-adjusting array of double
vtkPointData * GetPointData()
Return a pointer to this dataset's point data.
Definition: vtkDataSet.h:256
void setFieldName(const char *name)
Definition: Contour.h:246
abstract superclass for arrays of numeric data
Definition: vtkDataArray.h:54
int DispatchWork(const InGridType &inDaxGrid, vtkDataSet *inVTKGrid, OutGridType &outDaxGeom, vtkPolyData *outVTKGrid, CountWorkletType &countWorklet, GenerateWorkletType &generateWorklet, const dax::cont::ArrayHandle< ValueType, Container1, Adapter > &mcHandle, bool computeScalars)
Definition: Contour.h:140
void setOutputGrid(vtkPolyData *grid)
Definition: Contour.h:241
virtual char * GetName()
Set/get array's name.
Dispatch to functor based on a pointer type.
Definition: vtkDispatcher.h:91
int operator()(LHS &dataSet, const RHS &) const
Definition: Contour.h:252
ReturnType Go(BaseLhs *lhs)
Given a pointer to an object that derives from the BaseLhs we find the matching functor that was adde...
int operator()(const InGridType &inDaxGrid, vtkDataSet *inVTKGrid, OutGridType &outDaxGeom, vtkPolyData *outVTKGrid, ValueType isoValue, const dax::cont::ArrayHandle< ValueType, Container1, Adapter > &mcHandle, bool computeScalars)
Definition: Contour.h:77
int SetActiveAttribute(const char *name, int attributeType)
Make the array with the given name the active attribute.
int operator()(const dax::cont::UnstructuredGrid< dax::CellTagTetrahedron, GridCellContainer, GridPointContainer, Adapter > &inDaxGrid, vtkDataSet *inVTKGrid, OutGridType &outDaxGeom, vtkPolyData *outVTKGrid, ValueType isoValue, const dax::cont::ArrayHandle< ValueType, Container1, Adapter > &mcHandle, bool computeScalars)
Definition: Contour.h:107
VTKDataSetType::DaxDataSetType dataSetConverter(vtkImageData *input, VTKDataSetType)
int operator()(const InGridType &, vtkDataSet *, OutGridType &, vtkPolyData *, ValueType, const dax::cont::ArrayHandle< ValueType, Container1, Adapter > &, bool)
Definition: Contour.h:56