thread-safe and efficient data attribute manipulation More...
#include <vtkArrayListTemplate.h>
thread-safe and efficient data attribute manipulation
vtkArrayListTemplate supplements the vtkDataSetAttributes class to provide threaded processing of data arrays. It is also more efficient for certain interpolation operations. The expectation is that it will be replaced one day once vtkPointData, vtkCellData, vtkDataSetAttributes, and vtkFieldData properly support multithreading and/or are redesigned. Note that this implementation does not support incremental operations (like InsertNext()).
Generally the way this helper class is used is to first invoke vtkDataSetAttributes::CopyInterpolate() or InterpolateAllocate() which performs the initial magic of constructing input and output arrays. Then the input attributes, and output attributes, are passed to initialize the internal structures. Essentially these internal structures are pairs of arrays of the same type, which can be efficently accessed and assigned. The operations on these array pairs (e.g., interpolation) occur using a typeless, virtual dispatch base class.