virtual void AssignSeedsToProcessors(double time, vtkDataSet *source, int sourceID, int ptId, vtkParticleTracerBaseNamespace::ParticleVector &localSeedPoints, int &localAssignedCount)
all the injection/seed points according to which processor they belong to.
std::vector< RemoteParticleInfo > RemoteParticleVector
virtual int RequestUpdateExtent(vtkInformation *request, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, vtkInformationVector *outputVector)
This is called by the superclass.
virtual void AssignUniqueIds(vtkParticleTracerBaseNamespace::ParticleVector &localSeedPoints)
give each one a uniqu ID.
vtkParticleTracerBaseNamespace::ParticleInformation Current
virtual vtkPolyData * Execute(vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
virtual bool SendParticleToAnotherProcess(vtkParticleTracerBaseNamespace::ParticleInformation &, vtkParticleTracerBaseNamespace::ParticleInformation &, vtkPointData *)
vtkParticleTracerBaseNamespace::ParticleInformation Previous
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointData > PreviousPD
vtkMultiProcessController * Controller
virtual bool IsPointDataValid(vtkDataObject *input)
Methods that check that the input arrays are ordered the same on all data sets.
RemoteParticleVector Tail
RemoteParticleVector MPISendList
std::vector< ParticleInformation > ParticleVector
virtual bool UpdateParticleListFromOtherProcesses()
this is used during classification of seed points and also between iterations of the main loop as par...
A particle tracer for vector fields.