This is the complete list of members for TreeInformation, including all inherited members.
AddGeometricError(vtkPolyData *representation) | TreeInformation | |
Compute() | TreeInformation | |
ComputeGeometricErrorNode(vtkIncrementalOctreeNode *node, void *aux) | TreeInformation | protected |
ComputeGeometricErrorNodeBuildings(vtkIncrementalOctreeNode *node, void *aux) | TreeInformation | protected |
ComputeGeometricErrorNodeMesh(vtkIncrementalOctreeNode *node, void *aux) | TreeInformation | protected |
ComputeGeometricErrorNodePoints(vtkIncrementalOctreeNode *node, void *aux) | TreeInformation | protected |
ComputeGeometricErrorTileset() | TreeInformation | protected |
ComputeGeometricErrorTilesetBuildings() | TreeInformation | protected |
ComputeGeometricErrorTilesetMesh() | TreeInformation | protected |
ComputeGeometricErrorTilesetPoints() | TreeInformation | protected |
ComputeTightBB(vtkIdList *tileBuildings) | TreeInformation | protected |
ContentTypeExtension() const | TreeInformation | protected |
ConvertDataSetCartesian(vtkPointSet *points) | TreeInformation | protected |
ConvertTileCartesianBuildings(vtkIncrementalOctreeNode *node) | TreeInformation | protected |
ExpandBounds(double *first, double *second) | TreeInformation | static |
ForEachBuilding(vtkIncrementalOctreeNode *node, std::function< bool(vtkPolyData *)> Execute) | TreeInformation | protected |
GenerateTileJson(vtkIncrementalOctreeNode *node) | TreeInformation | protected |
GetNodeTightBounds(int i) | TreeInformation | inline |
GetNodeTightBounds(int i, double *bounds) | TreeInformation | |
GetNodeTightBounds(void *data, vtkIncrementalOctreeNode *node, double *bounds) | TreeInformation | static |
GetRootLength2() | TreeInformation | protected |
Initialize() | TreeInformation | protected |
PostOrderTraversal(void(TreeInformation::*Visit)(vtkIncrementalOctreeNode *node, void *aux), vtkIncrementalOctreeNode *node, void *aux) | TreeInformation | protected |
PreOrderTraversal(void(TreeInformation::*Visit)(vtkIncrementalOctreeNode *node, void *aux), vtkIncrementalOctreeNode *node, void *aux) | TreeInformation | protected |
PrintBounds(const char *name, const double *bounds) | TreeInformation | static |
PrintBounds(const std::string &name, const double *bounds) | TreeInformation | inlinestatic |
PrintNode(vtkIncrementalOctreeNode *node) | TreeInformation | |
SaveTileBuildings(vtkIncrementalOctreeNode *node, void *auxData) | TreeInformation | protected |
SaveTileMesh(vtkIncrementalOctreeNode *node, void *auxData) | TreeInformation | protected |
SaveTilePoints(vtkIncrementalOctreeNode *node, void *auxData) | TreeInformation | protected |
SaveTilesBuildings(bool mergeTilePolyData, size_t mergedTextureWidth) | TreeInformation | |
SaveTileset(const std::string &output) | TreeInformation | |
SaveTileset(vtkIncrementalOctreeNode *root, const std::string &output) | TreeInformation | protected |
SaveTilesMesh() | TreeInformation | |
SaveTilesPoints() | TreeInformation | |
SplitTileTexture(vtkPolyData *tileMesh, vtkImageData *textureImage, vtkDataArray *tcoordsTile) | TreeInformation | protected |
TreeInformation(vtkIncrementalOctreeNode *root, int numberOfNodes, const std::vector< vtkSmartPointer< vtkCompositeDataSet > > *buildings, const std::string &textureBaseDirectory, const std::string &propertyTextureFile, bool saveTextures, bool contentGLTF, bool contentGLTFSaveGLB, const char *crs, const std::string &outputDir) | TreeInformation | |
TreeInformation(vtkIncrementalOctreeNode *root, int numberOfNodes, vtkPointSet *points, bool contentGLTF, bool contentGLTFSaveGLB, const char *crs, const std::string &output) | TreeInformation | |
TreeInformation(vtkIncrementalOctreeNode *root, int numberOfNodes, vtkPolyData *mesh, const std::string &textureBaseDirectory, const std::string &propertyTextureFile, bool saveTextures, bool contentGLTF, bool contentGLTFSaveGLB, const char *crs, const std::string &output) | TreeInformation | |
VisitCompute(vtkIncrementalOctreeNode *node, void *aux) | TreeInformation | protected |
VisitComputeGeometricError(vtkIncrementalOctreeNode *node, void *aux) | TreeInformation | protected |
WriteTileTexture(vtkIncrementalOctreeNode *node, const std::string &fileName, vtkImageData *tileImage) | TreeInformation | protected |