VTK  9.4.20250305
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678910]
 CvtkGLTFDocumentLoader::AccessorThis struct describes an accessor glTF object
 CActionFunction< TWidget >
 Cvtk::detail::AddNames< Container, StopAtType >
 CvtkCellGridEvaluator::AllocationsByCellTypeHold per-type input point assignment and an offset for output arrays
 CvtkGLTFDocumentLoader::AnimationThis struct describes a glTF animation object
 CvtkTypeList::Append< TList, T >Appends type T to TypeList TList and stores the result in Result
 Cfromvtkm::ArrayHandleHelperBase< T >
 Cfromvtkm::ArrayHandleHelperSwapper< T >
 CvtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::ArrayInfoTypeA struct to hold information about time-varying arrays
 CvtkMatrixUtilities::detail::ArrayOrPointerDepth< MatrixT, Depth >
 CvtkMatrixUtilities::detail::ArrayOrPointerDepth< MatrixT &, Depth >
 CvtkMatrixUtilities::detail::ArrayOrPointerDepth< MatrixT *, Depth >
 CvtkMatrixUtilities::detail::ArrayOrPointerDepth< MatrixT[], Depth >
 CvtkMatrixUtilities::detail::ArrayOrPointerDepth< MatrixT[N], Depth >
 CvtkStatisticsAlgorithm::AssessFunctorA base class for a functor that assesses data
 CvtkBlockSortHelper::BackToFront< T >Operator() for back-to-front sorting
 CvtkDIYGhostUtilities::Block< BlockStructureT, InformationT >Block structure to be used for diy communication
 CvtkUnstructuredGridFieldAnnotations::BlockAttributesKeyA key for indexing annotations
 CvtkUnstructuredGridFieldAnnotations::BlockAttributesValueConfiguration hints for a partitioned dataset collection entry
 CvtkGLTFDocumentLoader::BufferViewThis struct describes a glTF bufferView object
 CvtkTextureImageCache< Key >::CacheData
 CvtkDGRenderResponder::CacheEntryEntries for a cache of render-helpers
 CvtkCellGridResponders::CalculatorForTagSetA record of a registered calculator along with the tags it requires and values of those tags it will accept
 CvtkGLTFDocumentLoader::CameraThis struct describes a glTF camera object
 Cvtk::detail::can_close_trait< T, typename >An intermediate trait for exposing a unified trait interface
 Cvtk::detail::can_close_trait< T, void_t< typename is_closure_trait< T >::rtype > >
 Cvtk::detail::can_map_component_trait< T, typename >An intermediate trait for exposing a unified trait interface
 Cvtk::detail::can_map_component_trait< T, void_t< typename has_map_component_trait< T >::rtype > >
 Cvtk::detail::can_map_trait< T, typename >An intermediate trait for exposing a unified trait interface
 Cvtk::detail::can_map_trait< T, void_t< typename has_map_trait< T >::rtype > >
 Cvtk::detail::can_map_tuple_trait< T, typename >An intermediate trait for exposing a unified trait interface
 Cvtk::detail::can_map_tuple_trait< T, void_t< typename has_map_tuple_trait< T >::rtype > >
 CvtkTypeList::CanConvert< From, To >Sets member Result to true if a conversion exists to convert type From to type To
 CvtkCellArray_detail::GetCellAtIdImpl::CanShareConnPtr< CellStateT >
 CvtkIOSSUtilities::CaptureNonErrorMessagesA helper to instantiate on stack to temporarily redirect non-critical messages emanating from IOSS
 Cdetail::CellTree< T >
 Cdetail::CellTreeBuilder< T >
 CvtkUnstructuredGridToCellGrid::TranscribeQuery::ClaimA claim on input vtkCell types registered by an output vtkCellMetadata subclass
 Cvtk::detail::CollectionIterator< CollectionType >
 Cvtk::detail::CollectionRange< CollectionType >
 Cdetail::CollectValidCellSurfacePointsFunctor< VArrayType, WArrayType >
 Cvtk::detail::ComponentIterator< ArrayType, TupleSize >
 CvtkCellGridRangeQuery::ComponentRangeStore the finite/entire range for a single component of a cell-attribute
 Cvtk::detail::ComponentReference< ArrayType, TupleSize >
 CvtkSMPTools::ConfigStructure used to specify configuration for LocalScope() method
 Cvtk::detail::ConstComponentIterator< ArrayType, TupleSize >
 Cvtk::detail::ConstComponentReference< ArrayType, TupleSize >
 Cvtk::detail::ConstTupleIterator< ArrayType, TupleSize >
 Cvtk::detail::ConstTupleIterator< vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate< ValueType >, TupleSize >
 Cvtk::detail::ConstTupleReference< ArrayType, TupleSize >
 Cvtk::detail::ConstTupleReference< vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate, TupleSize >
 Cvtk::detail::ConstTupleReference< vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate< ValueType >, TupleSize >
 Cvtk::detail::ConstValueIterator< ArrayType, TupleSize, ForceValueTypeForVtkDataArray >
 Cvtk::detail::ConstValueReference< ArrayType, TupleSize, ForceValueTypeForVtkDataArray >
 CvtkWebGPUPointCloudMapperInternals::CopyDepthBufferRenderPipelineStructure that contains the wgpu objects necessary for the use of the render pipeline that copies the depth buffer of a point cloud mapper to the depth buffer of a render window (using a simple fragment shader that reads the depth from the point depth buffer and writes it to the depth buffer of the render window)
 CvtkDIYGhostUtilities::DataSetBlockStructureBase block structure for data sets
 CvtkDIYGhostUtilities::DataSetTypeToBlockTypeConverter< DataSetT >This helper structure owns a typedef to the block type of DataSetT used with diy to generate ghosts
 CvtkTypeList::DerivedToFront< TList >Sort the TypeList from most-derived to least-derived type, storing the sorted TypeList in Result
 CvtkArrayDispatch::Dispatch2ByArray< ArrayList1, ArrayList2 >Dispatch two arrays with the restriction that the type of the first array is in the ArrayList1 TypeList, and the second is in ArrayList2
 CvtkArrayDispatch::Dispatch2ByArrayWithSameValueType< ArrayList1, ArrayList2 >Dispatch two arrays, restricting the valid code paths to use only array types specified in the ArrayList TypeList, additionally enforcing that all arrays must have the same ValueType
 CvtkArrayDispatch::Dispatch2BySameValueType< ValueTypeList >
 CvtkArrayDispatch::Dispatch2BySameValueTypeUsingArrays< ArrayList, ValueTypeList >Dispatch two arrays, restricting the valid code paths to use only array types found in application-wide vtkArrayDispatch::Arrays TypeList that have a ValueType contained in the ValueTypeList TypeList
 CvtkArrayDispatch::Dispatch2ByValueType< ValueTypeList1, ValueTypeList2 >
 CvtkArrayDispatch::Dispatch2ByValueTypeUsingArrays< ArrayList, ValueTypeList1, ValueTypeList2 >Dispatch two arrays, restricting the valid code paths to use ValueType-filtered versions of the application-wide vtkArrayDispatch::Arrays TypeList
 CvtkArrayDispatch::Dispatch2SameValueTypeUsingArrays< ArrayList >Dispatch two arrays, restricting the valid code paths to use only arrays that have the same ValueType
 CvtkArrayDispatch::Dispatch3ByArray< ArrayList1, ArrayList2, ArrayList3 >Dispatch three arrays with the restriction that the type of the first array is in the ArrayList1 TypeList, the second is in ArrayList2, and the third is in ArrayList3
 CvtkArrayDispatch::Dispatch3ByArrayWithSameValueType< ArrayList1, ArrayList2, ArrayList3 >Dispatch three arrays, restricting the valid code paths to use only array types specified in the ArrayList TypeList, additionally enforcing that all arrays must have the same ValueType
 CvtkArrayDispatch::Dispatch3BySameValueType< ValueTypeList >
 CvtkArrayDispatch::Dispatch3BySameValueTypeUsingArrays< ArrayList, ValueTypeList >Dispatch three arrays, restricting the valid code paths to use only array types found in application-wide vtkArrayDispatch::Arrays TypeList that have a ValueType contained in the ValueTypeList TypeList
 CvtkArrayDispatch::Dispatch3ByValueType< ValueTypeList1, ValueTypeList2, ValueTypeList3 >
 CvtkArrayDispatch::Dispatch3ByValueTypeUsingArrays< ArrayList, ValueTypeList1, ValueTypeList2, ValueTypeList3 >Dispatch three arrays, restricting the valid code paths to use ValueType-filtered versions of the application-wide vtkArrayDispatch::Arrays TypeList
 CvtkArrayDispatch::Dispatch3SameValueTypeUsingArrays< ArrayList >Dispatch three arrays, restricting the valid code paths to use only arrays that have the same ValueType
 CvtkArrayDispatch::DispatchByArray< ArrayList >Dispatch a single array against all array types mentioned in the ArrayList template parameter
 CvtkArrayDispatch::DispatchByValueType< ValueTypeList >
 CvtkArrayDispatch::DispatchByValueTypeUsingArrays< ArrayList, ValueTypeList >Dispatch a single array against all array types in the application-wide vtkArrayDispatch::Arrays list with the added restriction that the array must have a type that appears the ValueTypeList TypeList
 Cboost::edge_bundle_type< vtkGraph * >
 Cboost::edge_property< vtkGraph * >
 Cboost::edge_property_type< vtkGraph * >
 CvtkSLACReader::EdgeEndpointsSimple class used internally to define an edge based on the endpoints
 CEdgeTuple< TId, TED >Definition of an edge tuple
 CvtkOStreamWrapper::EndlTypeType for a fake endl
 Censight_gold::EnSightDataSetHandles reading a full EnSight Gold dataset
 Censight_gold::EnSightFileEnSightFile performs processing on a single file, whether it's a case file, geometry, etc
 CvtkCellGridSidesCache::EntryEach hash entry corresponds to one or more sides of one or more cells
 CvtkTypeList::Erase< TList, T >Erase the first element of type T from TypeList TList, storing the new list in Result
 CvtkTypeList::EraseAll< TList, T >Erase all type T from TypeList TList, storing the new list in Result
 CvtkThreshold::EvaluateCellsFunctor< TScalarArray >
 CvtkRenderTimerLog::EventContainer for a single timed event
 CvtkGLTFDocumentLoader::ExtensionsThis struct contains extension metadata
 CvtkMatrixUtilities::detail::ExtractRawComponentType< MatrixT, class >
 CvtkMatrixUtilities::detail::ExtractRawComponentType< MatrixT, typename std::enable_if< MatrixIs2DArray< MatrixT >()>::type >
 CvtkMatrixUtilities::detail::ExtractRawComponentType< MatrixT, typename std::enable_if<!MatrixIs2DArray< MatrixT >()>::type >
 CvtkUnstructuredGridFieldAnnotations::FieldGlomGloms of multiple field names that represent vectors or tensors
 CvtkArrayDispatch::FilterArraysByValueType< ArrayList, ValueList >Filter the ArrayList to contain only arrays with ArrayType::ValueType that exist in ValueList
 CvtkRenderTimerLog::FrameContainer for a frame's events
 Cvtk::detail::GenericTupleSize< DynamicTupleSize >
 Cvtk::detail::GetAPITypeImpl< ArrayType, ForceValueTypeForVtkDataArray >
 Cvtk::detail::GetAPITypeImpl< vtkDataArray, ForceValueTypeForVtkDataArray >
 Cvtk::detail::GetCollectionItemType< CollectionType >
 CGLTFSamplerThis struct describes a glTF sampler object
 CvtkGLTFReader::GLTFTextureMaterials are not directly applied to this reader's output
 Cboost::graph_traits< vtkGraph * >
 CvtkDIYGhostUtilities::StructuredGridBlockStructure::Grid2DGrid interfacing with block's grid
 ChClass to read EnSight Gold files
 ChDistribute cell-centered finite element fields from the input dataset onto vtk cell points
 ChCollapses components with magnitude function
 ChComputes the portion of a dataset which is inside a selection
 Cvtk::detail::has_map_component_trait< R(ArgTupIdx, ArgCompIdx)>
 Cvtk::detail::has_map_trait< R(Arg)>
 Cvtk::detail::has_map_tuple_trait< void(ArgIdx, ArgTup *)>
 CvtkGenericDataArrayLookupHelper_detail::has_NaN< T, bool >
 CvtkGenericDataArrayLookupHelper_detail::has_NaN< T, false >
 CvtkGenericDataArrayLookupHelper_detail::has_NaN< T, true >
 Cstd::hash< vtkSmartPointer< T > >
 Cstd::hash< vtkStringToken >VtkStringTokens provide a specialization of std::hash so they can be used in unordered containers
 Cvtk::HasSuperclass< VTKObjectType >Determine whether the provided class (VTKObjectType ) has a parent class
 Cvtk::detail::IdStorage< TupleSize >
 CvtkGLTFDocumentLoader::ImageThis struct describes a glTF image object
 CvtkHDFReader::ImplementationImplementation for the vtkHDFReader
 Cvtk::detail::implicit_array_traits< T >A composite trait for handling all the different capabilities a "backend" to an implicit array can have
 CvtkTypeList::IndexOf< TList, T >Sets the enum value Result to the index of type T in the TypeList TList
 CvtkSMPMergePolyDataHelper::InputDataThis is the data structure needed by the MergePolyData function
 CvtkOpenXRManager::InstanceVersionStructure representing OpenXR instance version
 Cstd::integral_constant< bool,(Size > 0)>
 Cstd::integral_constant< bool,(Size > 0||Size==DynamicTupleSize)>
 Cvtk::detail::is_closure_trait< R(Arg)>
 CCGNSRead::detail::is_double< T >
 CCGNSRead::detail::is_double< double >
 CCGNSRead::detail::is_float< T >
 CCGNSRead::detail::is_float< float >
 Cvtk::detail::IsAOSDataArrayImpl< ArrayType >
 Cvtk::detail::IsComplete< T >
 Cvtk::detail::IterableTraits< Iterable >
 Cvtk::detail::smp::vtkSMPThreadLocalAPI< T >::iterator
 CvtkSMPThreadLocalObject< T >::iteratorSubset of the standard iterator API
 Cvtk::detail::smp::vtkSMPThreadLocalImplAbstract< T >::ItImpl
 CvtkMatrixUtilities::LayoutThis struct determines a prior transform to input matrices, changing the way they are indexed
 CvtkParallelTimer::LogBodyTypeType used to direct an output stream into the log's body
 CvtkParallelTimer::LogHeaderTypeType used to direct an output stream into the log's header
 Cvtk::detail::make_void< Ts >
 CvtkMatrixUtilities::detail::Mapper< RowsT, ColsT, LayoutT >
 CvtkMatrixUtilities::Mapper< RowsT, ColsT, LayoutT >This class is a helper class to compute at compile time the index of a matrix stored as a 1D array from its 2D coordinates
 CvtkMatrixUtilities::detail::Mapper< RowsT, ColsT, Layout::Identity >
 CvtkMatrixUtilities::detail::Mapper< RowsT, ColsT, Layout::Transpose >
 CvtkJoinTables::Maps< T >
 CvtkGLTFDocumentLoader::MaterialThis struct describes a glTF material object
 CvtkDenseArray< T >::MemoryBlockStrategy object that contains a block of memory to be used by vtkDenseArray for value storage
 CvtkGLTFDocumentLoader::MeshThis struct describes a glTF mesh object
 CvtkLogger::MessageThe message structure that is passed to custom callbacks registered using vtkLogger::AddCallback
 CvtkSLACReader::MidpointCoordinateMapManages a map from edges to midpoint coordinates
 CvtkSLACReader::MidpointCoordinatesSimple class used internally for holding midpoint information
 CvtkSLACReader::MidpointIdMapManages a map from edges to the point id of the midpoint
 CvtkGLTFDocumentLoader::ModelThis struct contains all data from a gltf asset
 CvtkGLTFDocumentLoader::MorphTargetThis struct describes a glTF Morph Target object
 CvtkTypeList::MostDerived< TList, T >Given a type T and a TypeList TList, store the most derived type of T in TList as Result
 CvtkChart::MouseActionsHold mouse action mappings
 Cvtk::detail::Name< ObjectType >
 CNativeToVTKType< T >Type traits for adios2 types(Native types) to vtk types
 CNativeToVTKType< char >
 CNativeToVTKType< double >
 CNativeToVTKType< float >
 CNativeToVTKType< int16_t >
 CNativeToVTKType< int32_t >
 CNativeToVTKType< int64_t >
 CNativeToVTKType< int8_t >
 CNativeToVTKType< uint16_t >
 CNativeToVTKType< uint32_t >
 CNativeToVTKType< uint64_t >
 CNativeToVTKType< uint8_t >
 Cnifti_1_headerData structure defining the fields in the nifti1 header. This binary header should be found at the beginning of a valid NIFTI-1 header file
 Cnifti_2_headerData structure defining the fields in the nifti2 header. This binary header should be found at the beginning of a valid NIFTI-2 header file
 CCIEDE2000::NodeNode of the color path
 CvtkGLTFDocumentLoader::NodeThis struct describes a glTF node object
 CvtkMultiThreshold::NormKeyA class with comparison operator used to index input array norms used in threshold rules
 CvtkTypeList::NullTypeUsed to terminate a TypeList
 CvtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::ObjectInfoTypeA struct to hold information about Exodus objects (blocks, sets, maps)
 COffsetsManagerHelper class due to PIMPL excess
 CvtkCommunicator::OperationA custom operation to use in a reduce command
 CvtkToImplicitStrategy::OptionalA helper structure for communicating a result with an optional double value
 CvtkDIYGhostUtilities::StructuredGridInformation::OuterPointLayersTypeThis structure represents the set of points and their corresponding extent of an external face of the structured grid
 CvtkCellGridToUnstructuredGrid::Query::OutputAllocationA placeholder for space to be occupied in a vtkCellArray
 CvtkTextCodec::OutputIteratorBase class that any output iterators need to derive from to use the first signature of to_unicode
 Cvtk::ParentClasses< VTKObjectType, IsDerived >Invoke a functor on the named type and each of its parent types
 Cvtk::ParentClasses< VTKObjectType, false >
 Cvtk::ParentClasses< VTKObjectType, true >
 CvtkPartitioningStrategy::PartitionInformationEncapsulation structure for describing the result of a partitioning calculation
 CPIO_DATAClass for reading PIO (Parallel Input Output) data files
 CPIOAdaptorClass for reading PIO (Parallel Input Output) data files
 CvtkHardwareSelector::PixelInformationStruct used to return information about a pixel location
 CvtkHDFWriter::Implementation::PolyDataToposStores a group name and the corresponding cell array
 CvtkGLTFDocumentLoader::PrimitiveThis struct describes a glTF primitive object
 Cboost::property_map< vtkGraph *, edge_index_t >
 Cboost::property_map< vtkGraph *, vertex_index_t >
 Cboost::property_traits< typename >
 Cboost::property_traits< vtkAbstractArray * >
 Cboost::property_traits< vtkDataArray * >
 Cboost::property_traits< vtkGraphEdgeMap >
 Cboost::property_traits< vtkGraphIndexMap >
 Cvtk::detail::smp::vtkSMPThreadPool::ProxyProxy class used to submit work to the thread pool
 CQVTKRenderWidgetGeneric QWidget for displaying a vtkRenderWindow in a Qt Application
 CvtkDGOperationBase::RangeKeyA range of cell IDs handled by a vtkDGCell::Source instance
 CvtkResourceParser::ReadToResult< It >Structure returned by Read*To functions
 CvtkOpenXRManager::RenderResources_tThis struct stores all needed information to render the images and send it to the user We can't make a vector of struct because OpenXR SDK needs an array of XrXXX for xrEnumerate functions
 CvtkTypeList::Replace< TList, Bad, Good >Replace the first instance of Bad with Good in the TypeList TList, storing the new list in Result
 CvtkTypeList::ReplaceAll< TList, Bad, Good >Replace all instances of Bad with Good in the TypeList TList, storing the new list in Result
 CvtkThreadedTaskQueueInternals::ResultQueue< R >
 CvtkMatrixUtilities::detail::ScalarTypeExtractor< ContainerTypeT, ContainerT >
 CvtkMatrixUtilities::ScalarTypeExtractor< ContainerT >This class extract the underlying value type of containers
 CvtkMatrixUtilities::detail::ScalarTypeExtractor< 1, ContainerT >
 CvtkGLTFDocumentLoader::SceneThis struct describes a glTF scene object
 CvtkRenderTimerLog::ScopedEventLoggerRAII struct for logging events
 CvtkMarshalContext::ScopedParentTrackerConvenient to push a parent as the 'active' identifier and add children to that parent when (de)serializing sub-states or sub-objects
 CvtkOpenGLState::ScopedValue< T >
 CvtkOpenGLState::ScopedValue< std::array< float, 4 > >
 CvtkOpenGLState::ScopedValue< std::array< int, 4 > >
 CvtkOpenGLState::ScopedValue< std::array< unsigned char, 4 > >
 CvtkOpenGLState::ScopedValue< std::array< unsigned int, 4 > >
 CvtkOpenGLState::ScopedValue< unsigned char >
 CvtkOpenGLState::ScopedValue< unsigned int >
 CvtkTypeList::Select< Exp, T, F >Sets Result to T if Exp is true, or F if Exp is false
 Cvtk::detail::SelectTupleRange< ArrayTypePtr, TupleSize >
 Cvtk::detail::SelectValueRange< ArrayTypePtr, TupleSize, ForceValueTypeForVtkDataArray >
 CSerialization< T >
 CSerialization< std::array< ElementType, N > >
 CSerialization< std::map< T1, T2 > >
 CSerialization< std::pair< T1, T2 > >
 CSerialization< std::set< ElementType > >
 CSerialization< std::vector< ElementType > >
 Cdiy::Serialization< vtkDataArray * >
 Cdiy::Serialization< vtkDataSet * >
 Cdiy::Serialization< vtkFieldData * >
 CvtkMultiThreshold::SetA base class for representing threshold sets
 CvtkCellGridSidesCache::SideRecords held by a hash-entry that represent the side of one cell
 CvtkCellGridSidesQuery::SideSetArrayA structure created by the GetSideSetArrays() method for responders to use
 CvtkGLTFDocumentLoader::SkinThis struct describes a glTF asset
 CvtkDGCell::SourceRecords describing the source arrays for cells or cell-sides
 CvtkGLTFDocumentLoader::Accessor::SparseThis struct describes an accessor.sparse glTF object
 CvtkDataObjectMeshCache::StatusStructure to handle the current cache status
 Cvtk::detail::StripPointers< T >
 Cvtk::detail::StripPointers< T * >
 Cvtk::detail::StripPointers< vtkNew< ArrayType > >
 Cvtk::detail::StripPointers< vtkSmartPointer< ArrayType > >
 Cvtk::detail::StripPointers< vtkWeakPointer< ArrayType > >
 CvtkOpenXRManager::Swapchain_tSwapchain structure storing information common to all rendering backend
 CvtkOpenXRManagerD3DGraphics::SwapchainImagesD3DD3D structure to store swapchain images
 CvtkOpenXRManagerOpenGLGraphics::SwapchainImagesOpenGLOpenGL structure to store swapchain images
 CvtkThreadedTaskQueueInternals::TaskQueue< R >
 CTestPipelineInterfaceInterface to provide a pipeline utility:
 CTextPropertyKey< StringType >
 CvtkGLTFDocumentLoader::TextureThis struct describes a glTF texture object
 CvtkGLTFDocumentLoader::TextureInfoThis struct describes a glTF textureInfo object, mostly used in material descriptions They contain two indexes, one to a texture object, and the second being used to construct a string with the format TEXCOORD_<index>, which references a key in mesh.primitives.attributes
 CvtkMultiThreader::ThreadInfoThis is the structure that is passed to the thread that is created from the SingleMethodExecute, MultipleMethodExecute or the SpawnThread method
 CvtkDIYGhostUtilities::UnstructuredGridBlockStructure::TopologyBufferTypeTopology information for cells to be exchanged
 CTreeInformationAdditional information and routines for 3D Tiles octree nodes
 CvtkDGArrayOutputAccessor::TupleExpose a tuple in a vtkDoubleArray as an object with a size() method to satisfy requirements of the output iterator API
 Cvtk::detail::TupleIterator< ArrayType, TupleSize >
 Cvtk::detail::TupleIterator< vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate< ValueType >, TupleSize >
 Cvtk::detail::TupleRange< ArrayTypeT, TupleSize >
 Cvtk::detail::TupleRange< vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate< ValueType >, TupleSize >
 Cvtk::detail::TupleReference< ArrayType, TupleSize >
 Cvtk::detail::TupleReference< vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate, TupleSize >
 Cvtk::detail::TupleReference< vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate< ValueType >, TupleSize >
 CvtkTypeList::TypeList< T, U >Generic implementation of TypeList
 CvtkTypeList::Unique< TList >Remove all duplicate types from TypeList TList, storing the new list in Result
 Cvtk::detail::ValueIterator< ArrayType, TupleSize, ForceValueTypeForVtkDataArray >
 Cvtk::detail::ValueRange< ArrayTypeT, TupleSize, ForceValueTypeForVtkDataArray >
 Cvtk::detail::ValueRange< ArrayTypeX, 1 >
 Cvtk::detail::ValueRange< ArrayTypeY, 1 >
 Cvtk::detail::ValueRange< ArrayTypeZ, 1 >
 Cvtk::detail::ValueRange< vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate< ValueTypeT >, TupleSize, ForceValueTypeForVtkDataArray >
 Cvtk::detail::ValueReference< ArrayType, TupleSize, ForceValueTypeForVtkDataArray >
 Cboost::vertex_bundle_type< vtkGraph * >
 Cboost::vertex_property< vtkGraph * >
 Cboost::vertex_property_type< vtkGraph * >
 CvtkView::ViewProgressEventCallDataA ptr to an instance of ViewProgressEventCallData is provided in the call data when vtkCommand::ViewProgressEvent is fired
 CvtkCellArray::VisitState< ArrayT >
 CvtkCellArray::VisitState< ArrayType32 >
 CvtkCellArray::VisitState< ArrayType64 >
 Cvtk2DHistogramItem2D histogram item
 Cvtk3DLinearGridInternalFast access and processing of 3D linear grids
 CVTK_ASSUMEProvide compiler hints for non-obvious conditions
 CvtkABIManage macros for exporting symbols in the binary interface
 CvtkAffineImplicitBackend< ValueType >A utility structure serving as a backend for affine (as a function of the index) implicit arrays
 CvtkAMRBoxEncloses a rectangular region of voxel like cells
 CvtkAMREnzoReaderInternalConsists of the low-level Enzo Reader used by the vtkAMREnzoReader
 CvtkAMReXGridReaderInternalConsists of the low-level AMReX Reader used by the vtkAMReXGridReader
 CvtkAMRFlashReaderInternalConsists of the low-level Flash Reader used by the vtkAMRFlashReader
 CvtkAMRVelodyneReaderInternalConsists of the low-level Velodyne Reader used by the vtkAMRVelodyneReader
 CvtkAnariProfilingAllows instrumenting of the VTK ANARI source code
 CvtkArrayCoordinatesStores coordinate into an N-way array
 CvtkArrayDispatchVtkDataArray code generator/dispatcher
 CvtkArrayDownCast_impl< ArrayT >Implementation of vtkArrayDownCast
 CvtkArrayExtentsStores the number of dimensions and valid coordinate ranges along each dimension for vtkArray
 CvtkArrayExtentsListStores a collection of vtkArrayExtents objects
 CvtkArrayInterpolateComputes the weighted sum of a collection of slices from a source array, and stores the results in a slice of a target array
 CvtkArrayIteratorIncludesCentralize array iterator type includes required when using the vtkArrayIteratorTemplateMacro
 CvtkArrayListTemplateThread-safe and efficient data attribute processing
 Ctovtkm::vtkArrayPortal< Type, VTKDataArrayType_ >
 CvtkArrayPrintPrint arrays in different formats
 CvtkArrayRangeStores a half-open range of array coordinates
 CvtkArraySortControls sorting of sparse array coordinates
 CvtkArrayWeightsStores a collection of weighting factors
 CvtkAtomConvenience proxy for vtkMolecule
 CvtkAtomicMutexMutual exclusion locking class using atomic operations
 CvtkBatch< TBatchData >VtkBatch is a simple structure that holds a begin and end id
 CvtkBatches< TBatchData >
 CvtkBilinearQuadIntersectionClass to perform non planar quad intersection
 CvtkBlockDistributionA helper class that manages a block distribution of N elements of data
 CvtkBondConvenience proxy for vtkMolecule
 CvtkBoundingBoxFast, simple class for representing and operating on 3D bounds
 CvtkBreakPointUtility function to debug with gdb and MPI
 CvtkCellTypeDefine types of cells
 CCGNSRead::vtkCGNSCache< CacheDataType >
 CvtkChart2DHistogramChart for 2D histograms
 CvtkChartBoxDataSmall struct used by InvokeEvent to send some information about the point that was clicked on
 CvtkChartPlotDataSmall struct used by InvokeEvent to send some information about the point that was clicked on
 CvtkCocoaMacOSXSDKCompatibilityCompatibility header
 CvtkColorTemplated type for storage of colors
 CvtkCommonInformationKeyManagerManages key types in vtkCommon
 CvtkCompositeImplicitBackend< ValueType >A utility structure serving as a backend for composite arrays: an array composed of multiple arrays concatenated together
 CvtkConduitToDataObjectConvert conduit node to VTK data objects
 CvtkConstantImplicitBackend< ValueType >A utility structure serving as a backend for constant implicit arrays
 CvtkContextKeyEventData structure to represent key events
 CvtkContextMouseEventData structure to represent mouse events
 CvtkContourHelperA utility class used by various contour filters
 CvtkCPExodusIIElementBlockUses an Exodus II element block as a vtkMappedUnstructuredGrid's implementation
 CvtkDataArrayAccessor< ArrayT >Efficient templated access to vtkDataArray
 CvtkDataArrayAccessor< vtkDataArray >
 CvtkDataObjectImplicitBackendInterface< ValueType >A utility structure that can be used as a base for implicit array backend that relies on a vtkDataObject
 CvtkDataObjectToConduitConvert VTK Data Object to Conduit Node
 CvtkDataSetAttributesFieldListHelps manage arrays from multiple vtkDataSetAttributes
 CvtkDebugLeaksManagerManages the vtkDebugLeaks singleton
 CvtkDGArrayOutputAccessorStore values interpolated from DG cells into a vtkDoubleArray instance
 CvtkDGArraysInputAccessorEvaluate DG cells whose indices and parameters are provided by vtkDataArray instances
 CvtkDGOperationBaseA base class for operator evaluators
 CvtkDGOperationStateEncapsulate the state required to evaluate DG cell-attributes
 CvtkDGOperationStateEntryBaseThis is a base class that exists so that vtkDGOperationState can provide a virtual CloneInto method that accepts any of the templated subclasses below
 CvtkDGOperatorEntryA record for a basis in a function space that is specific to one cell shape
 CvtkDijkstraGraphInternalsHelper class due to PIMPL excess
 CvtkDrawTexturedElementsA base class for mappers or render responders that need to draw primitives via vertex-pulling
 CvtkErrorCodeSuperclass for error codes
 CvtkExodusIIReaderVariableCheckAbstract base class for glomming arrays of variable names
 CvtkFilteringInformationKeyManagerManages key types in vtkFiltering
 CvtkFixedSizeHandleRepresentationA marker that has the same size in pixels
 CvtkFloatingPointExceptionsDeal with floating-point exceptions
 CvtkFourByteUnionOpenGL vertex buffer object
 CvtkGarbageCollectorManagerManages the vtkGarbageCollector singleton
 CvtkGenericDataArrayLookupHelper< ArrayTypeT >Internal class used by vtkGenericDataArray to support LookupValue
 CvtkGenericDataArrayLookupHelper< vtkGenericDataArray >
 CvtkGLSLModifierFactoryThis class empowers developers to write and use GLSL mods easily in VTK
 CvtkGLTFDocumentLoaderInternalsInternal class for vtkGLTFDocumentLoader
 CvtkGPUInfoListArrayInternal class vtkGPUInfoList
 Cboost::vtkGraphEdgePropertyMapHelper< PMap >
 Cboost::vtkGraphPropertyMapMultiplier< PMap >
 Cboost::vtkGraphVertexPropertyMapHelper< PMap >
 CvtkHashCombinerCombine 4- and 8-byte integers into a single hash value
 CvtkHDF5HelperHelper class used to read hdf5 file format
 CvtkHDFReaderImplementationImplementation class for vtkHDFReader
 CvtkHDFVersionVersion number for legacy readers/writers
 CvtkHDFWriterImplementationImplementation class for vtkHDFWriter
 CvtkHyperTreeGridEntryEntries are cache data for cursors
 CvtkHyperTreeGridGeometryEntryGeometryEntry is a cache data for cursors requiring coordinates
 CvtkHyperTreeGridGeometryImplInterface for all vtkHyperTreeGridGeometry internal classes
 CvtkHyperTreeGridGeometryLevelEntryCursor cache data with coordinates and level info
 CvtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedEntryGeometryUnlimitedEntry is a cache data for cursors requiring coordinates
 CvtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntryCursor cache data with coordinates and level info
 CvtkHyperTreeGridGhostCellsGeneratorInternalsInternal class for vtkHyperTreeGridGhostCellsGenerator
 CvtkHyperTreeGrid::vtkHyperTreeGridIteratorAn iterator object to iteratively access trees in the grid
 CvtkHyperTreeGridLevelEntryLevelEntry is a cache data for cursors requiring level info
 CvtkHyperTreeGridScalesA specifalized type of vtkHyperTreeGrid for the case when root cells have uniform sizes in each direction *
 CvtkImageBSplineInternalsBSpline code from P
 CvtkImageIterator< DType >Simple image iterator
 CvtkImagePointDataIteratorIterate over point data in an image
 CvtkImageStencilRasterThis is a helper class for stencil creation
 CvtkIndentSimple class to control print indentation
 CvtkIndexedImplicitBackend< ValueType >A backend for the vtkImplicitArray framework allowing one to use a subset of a given data array, by providing a vtkIdList or vtkDataArray of indexes as indirection, as another vtkDataArray without any excess memory consumption
 CvtkInformationInternalsInternal structure for vtkInformation
 CvtkInterpolatorInternalsInternals for vtkImageInterpolator
 CvtkIntersectionCounterFast simple class for dealing with ray intersections
 CvtkIOSSModelInternal class used by vtkIOSSWriter
 CvtkIOSSReaderInternalInternal methods and state for the IOSS reader
 CvtkIOStreamInclude C++ iostreams as used by VTK
 CvtkIOStreamFwdForward-declare C++ iostreams as used by VTK
 CvtkLabelMapLookup< T >Provide an efficient numeric label lookup
 CvtkLagrangianParticleBasis class for Lagrangian particles
 CvtkLagrangianThreadedDataStruct to hold a user data
 CvtkLargeIntegerClass for arbitrarily large ints
 CvtkLASRasterReaderReads LIDAR data saved using the LAS file format
 CvtkLegacyReaderVersionVersion number for legacy readers/writers
 CvtkLICNoiseHelperA small collection of noise routines for LIC
 CvtkLICRandomNoise2D2D Noise Generator
 CvtkLICRandomNumberGeneratorInterfaceAn interface to a random number generator
 CvtkMathPrivateInternal toolkit used in some vtkMath methods
 CvtkMathUtilitiesTemplated utility math functions intended for internal use in tests etc
 CvtkObjectBase::vtkMemkindRAIIA class to help modify and restore the global UsingMemkind state, like SetUsingMemkind(newValue), but safer
 CvtkmFilterOverridesA class with static methods to turn vtkm filter overrides on/off at runtime
 CvtkMPIPixelTT< T >
 CvtkMPIPixelViewMPI datatypes that describe a vtkPixelExtent
 CvtkMultiProcessStreamStream used to pass data across processes using vtkMultiProcessController
 CvtkNetCDFUGRIDeaderRead unstructured NetCDF UGRID files
 CvtkNew< T >Allocate and hold a VTK object
 CvtkNew< vtkAbstractInteractionDevice >
 CvtkNew< vtkAbstractRenderDevice >
 CvtkNew< vtkActor >
 CvtkNew< vtkActor2D >
 CvtkNew< vtkActorCollection >
 CvtkNew< vtkAnnulus >
 CvtkNew< vtkAppendPolyData >
 CvtkNew< vtkArcGridActorPrivate >
 CvtkNew< vtkArrowSource >
 CvtkNew< vtkAxis >
 CvtkNew< vtkAxisActor >
 CvtkNew< vtkAxisActor2D >
 CvtkNew< vtkAxisFollower >
 CvtkNew< vtkAxisGridActorPrivate >
 CvtkNew< vtkBezierCurve >
 CvtkNew< vtkBezierInterpolation >
 CvtkNew< vtkBezierQuadrilateral >
 CvtkNew< vtkBezierTriangle >
 CvtkNew< vtkBiQuadraticQuad >
 CvtkNew< vtkBiQuadraticTriangle >
 CvtkNew< vtkBitArray >
 CvtkNew< vtkBlueObeliskData >
 CvtkNew< vtkBox >
 CvtkNew< vtkBrush >
 CvtkNew< vtkCallbackCommand >
 CvtkNew< vtkCamera >
 CvtkNew< vtkCameraActor >
 CvtkNew< vtkCameraInterpolator >
 CvtkNew< vtkCameraPass >
 CvtkNew< vtkCategoryLegend >
 CvtkNew< vtkCellArray >
 CvtkNew< vtkCellAttribute >
 CvtkNew< vtkCellData >
 CvtkNew< vtkCellGridCellCenters::Query >
 CvtkNew< vtkCellGridCellSource::Query >
 CvtkNew< vtkCellGridElevationQuery >
 CvtkNew< vtkCellGridEvaluator >
 CvtkNew< vtkCellGridIOQuery >
 CvtkNew< vtkCellGridReader >
 CvtkNew< vtkCellGridSidesQuery >
 CvtkNew< vtkCellGridToUnstructuredGrid::Query >
 CvtkNew< vtkCellGridTransform::Query >
 CvtkNew< vtkCellGridWarp::Query >
 CvtkNew< vtkCellGridWriter >
 CvtkNew< vtkCellLocator >
 CvtkNew< vtkCellPicker >
 CvtkNew< vtkCGNSReader >
 CvtkNew< vtkCollection >
 CvtkNew< vtkColorLegend >
 CvtkNew< vtkCompositeDataProbeFilter >
 CvtkNew< vtkCone >
 CvtkNew< vtkConeSource >
 CvtkNew< vtkConsumerDataFilter >
 CvtkNew< vtkContext2D >
 CvtkNew< vtkContext3D >
 CvtkNew< vtkContextClip >
 CvtkNew< vtkContextTransform >
 CvtkNew< vtkContour3DLinearGrid >
 CvtkNew< vtkContourGrid >
 CvtkNew< vtkContourValues >
 CvtkNew< vtkControlPointsAddPointItem >
 CvtkNew< vtkCoordinate >
 CvtkNew< vtkCutter >
 CvtkNew< vtkCylinder >
 CvtkNew< vtkDataArraySelection >
 CvtkNew< vtkDataAssembly >
 CvtkNew< vtkDataObjectMeshCache >
 CvtkNew< vtkDataSetCollection >
 CvtkNew< vtkDeserializer >
 CvtkNew< vtkDiskSource >
 CvtkNew< vtkDoubleArray >
 CvtkNew< vtkEdgeTable >
 CvtkNew< vtkEllipseArcSource >
 CvtkNew< vtkEllipticalButtonSource >
 CvtkNew< vtkExtentTranslator >
 CvtkNew< vtkFeatureEdges >
 CvtkNew< vtkFileSeriesHelper >
 CvtkNew< vtkFlagpoleLabel >
 CvtkNew< vtkFloatArray >
 CvtkNew< vtkFlyingEdges2D >
 CvtkNew< vtkFlyingEdges3D >
 CvtkNew< vtkFrustum >
 CvtkNew< vtkGenericCell >
 CvtkNew< vtkGLTFReader >
 CvtkNew< vtkGlyph3DMapper >
 CvtkNew< vtkGraphLayout >
 CvtkNew< vtkGridSynchronizedTemplates3D >
 CvtkNew< vtkHardwarePicker >
 CvtkNew< vtkHexahedron >
 CvtkNew< vtkIdList >
 CvtkNew< vtkIdTypeArray >
 CvtkNew< vtkImageData >
 CvtkNew< vtkImageResize >
 CvtkNew< vtkImplicitArray< double > >
 CvtkNew< vtkImplicitBoolean >
 CvtkNew< vtkIncrementalForceLayout >
 CvtkNew< vtkIncrementalOctreePointLocator >
 CvtkNew< vtkInformation >
 CvtkNew< vtkIntArray >
 CvtkNew< vtkLagrangeCurve >
 CvtkNew< vtkLagrangeInterpolation >
 CvtkNew< vtkLagrangeQuadrilateral >
 CvtkNew< vtkLagrangeTriangle >
 CvtkNew< vtkLeaderActor2D >
 CvtkNew< vtkLightCollection >
 CvtkNew< vtkLine >
 CvtkNew< vtkLineSource >
 CvtkNew< vtkLookupTable >
 CvtkNew< vtkMatrix3x3 >
 CvtkNew< vtkMatrix4x4 >
 CvtkNew< vtkMinimalStandardRandomSequence >
 CvtkNew< vtkMultiBlockDataSet >
 CvtkNew< vtkOpenGLActor >
 CvtkNew< vtkOpenGLBufferObject >
 CvtkNew< vtkOpenGLCellToVTKCellMap >
 CvtkNew< vtkOpenGLFramebufferObject >
 CvtkNew< vtkOpenGLFXAAFilter >
 CvtkNew< vtkOpenGLInstanceCulling >
 CvtkNew< vtkOpenGLPolyDataMapper >
 CvtkNew< vtkOpenGLSphereMapper >
 CvtkNew< vtkOpenGLStickMapper >
 CvtkNew< vtkOpenGLTexture >
 CvtkNew< vtkOpenGLVertexArrayObject >
 CvtkNew< vtkOpenGLVertexBufferObjectGroup >
 CvtkNew< vtkOutlineFilter >
 CvtkNew< vtkParametricFunctionSource >
 CvtkNew< vtkPartitionedDataSetCollection >
 CvtkNew< vtkPen >
 CvtkNew< vtkPeriodicTable >
 CvtkNew< vtkPlane >
 CvtkNew< vtkPlaneCollection >
 CvtkNew< vtkPlaneCutter >
 CvtkNew< vtkPlotBar >
 CvtkNew< vtkPlotGrid >
 CvtkNew< vtkPlotLine >
 CvtkNew< vtkPointData >
 CvtkNew< vtkPoints >
 CvtkNew< vtkPoints2D >
 CvtkNew< vtkPolyData >
 CvtkNew< vtkPolyDataMapper >
 CvtkNew< vtkPolyDataMapper2D >
 CvtkNew< vtkPolygon >
 CvtkNew< vtkPolyLineSource >
 CvtkNew< vtkPriorityQueue >
 CvtkNew< vtkProp3DAxisFollower >
 CvtkNew< vtkPropCollection >
 CvtkNew< vtkProperty >
 CvtkNew< vtkProperty2D >
 CvtkNew< vtkPropPicker >
 CvtkNew< vtkPruneTreeFilter >
 CvtkNew< vtkPyramid >
 CvtkNew< vtkQuad >
 CvtkNew< vtkQuadraticEdge >
 CvtkNew< vtkRadialGridActor2D >
 CvtkNew< vtkRectilinearSynchronizedTemplates >
 CvtkNew< vtkRenderTimerLog >
 CvtkNew< vtkRuledSurfaceFilter >
 CvtkNew< vtkSerializer >
 CvtkNew< vtkSignedCharArray >
 CvtkNew< vtkSphereSource >
 CvtkNew< vtkStaticCompositeSource >
 CvtkNew< vtkStaticDataSource >
 CvtkNew< vtkStaticPointLocator >
 CvtkNew< vtkStereoCompositor >
 CvtkNew< vtkStreamSurface >
 CvtkNew< vtkStreamTracer >
 CvtkNew< vtkStringArray >
 CvtkNew< vtkSurfaceLICInterface >
 CvtkNew< vtkSynchronizedTemplates2D >
 CvtkNew< vtkSynchronizedTemplates3D >
 CvtkNew< vtkSynchronizedTemplatesCutter3D >
 CvtkNew< vtkTable >
 CvtkNew< vtkTensorPrincipalInvariants >
 CvtkNew< vtkTetra >
 CvtkNew< vtkTextActor >
 CvtkNew< vtkTextActor3D >
 CvtkNew< vtkTextMapper >
 CvtkNew< vtkTextProperty >
 CvtkNew< vtkTextRenderer >
 CvtkNew< vtkTexture >
 CvtkNew< vtkTextureObject >
 CvtkNew< vtkTimerLog >
 CvtkNew< vtkTooltipItem >
 CvtkNew< vtkTransform >
 CvtkNew< vtkTransform2D >
 CvtkNew< vtkTransformFilter >
 CvtkNew< vtkTransformPolyDataFilter >
 CvtkNew< vtkTriangle >
 CvtkNew< vtkTrivialProducer >
 CvtkNew< vtkTubeFilter >
 CvtkNew< vtkUniforms >
 CvtkNew< vtkUnsignedCharArray >
 CvtkNew< vtkUnsignedShortArray >
 CvtkNew< vtkUnstructuredGrid >
 CvtkNew< vtkUnstructuredGridFieldAnnotations >
 CvtkNew< vtkUnstructuredGridToCellGrid::TranscribeQuery >
 CvtkNew< vtkVariantArray >
 CvtkNew< vtkVectorText >
 CvtkNew< vtkVolumeTexture >
 CvtkNew< vtkVRHardwarePicker >
 CvtkNew< vtkVRMenuRepresentation >
 CvtkNew< vtkVRMenuWidget >
 CvtkNew< vtkVRRay >
 CvtkNew< vtkWebGPUCellToPrimitiveConverter >
 CvtkNew< vtkWebGPURenderPipelineCache >
 CvtkNew< vtkWebGPUShaderDatabase >
 CvtkNew< vtkWedge >
 CvtkNew< vtkZSpaceHardwarePicker >
 CvtkNumberToStringConvert floating and fixed point numbers to strings
 CvtkObjectBaseAbstract base class for most VTK objects
 CvtkODBCInternalsSimple class to hide ODBC structures
 CvtkOpenGL2ContextDevice2DCellArrayHelperPrivate class with storage and utility functions for the vtkOpenGLContextDevice2D
 CvtkOpenGL2ContextDevice2DPrivatePrivate class with storage and utility functions for the vtkOpenGLContextDevice2D
 CvtkOpenGLArrayTextureBufferAdapterInterfaces vtkDataArray to an OpenGL texture buffer
 CvtkOpenGLContextDeviceBufferObjectBuilderInternal buffer object builder that maintains a cache of VBO groups
 CvtkOpenGLLowMemoryCellTypeAgentHelps vtkOpenGLLowMemoryPolyDataMapper map and draw cell types from vtkPolyData as OpenGL graphics primitives
 CvtkOpenGLQuadHelperClass to make rendering a full screen quad easier
 CvtkOpenGLRenderTimerAsynchronously measures GPU execution time for a single event
 CvtkOpenXRManagerSingleton class that holds a collection of utility functions and member variables to communicate with the OpenXR runtime
 CvtkOSPRayCache< T >Temporal cache ospray structures to speed flipbooks
 CvtkOSPRayCache< vtkOSPRayCacheItemObject >
 CvtkOSPRayMaterialHelpersConvert vtk appearance controls to ospray materials
 CvtkOStreamWrapperWrapper for C++ ostream
 CvtkPainterCommunicatorA communicator that can safely be used inside a painter
 CvtkPixelExtentRepresentation of a cartesian pixel plane and common operations on it
 CvtkPixelExtentIOA small collection of I/O routines that can write vtkPixelExtent's or collections of them to disk for visualization as unstructured grids
 CvtkPixelTransferPixel extents
 CvtkPKMeansStatisitcsA class for parallel k means clustering
 Ctovtkm::vtkPointsPortal< Type >
 CvtkPolyDataInternalsStore mapping from vtkPolyData cell ids to internal cell array ids
 CvtkPolygonBuilderThe polygon output is the boundary of the union of the triangles
 CvtkPolyhedronUtilitiesVtkPolyhedron utilities
 Ctovtkm::vtkPortalTraits< T >
 Ctovtkm::vtkPortalTraits< const vtkm::Vec< T, N > >
 Ctovtkm::vtkPortalTraits< const vtkm::Vec< vtkm::Vec< T, N >, M > >
 Ctovtkm::vtkPortalTraits< vtkm::Vec< T, N > >
 Ctovtkm::vtkPortalTraits< vtkm::Vec< vtkm::Vec< T, N >, M > >
 CvtkPostgreSQLDatabasePrivateInternal details of a connection to a PostgreSQL database
 CvtkPOutlineFilterInternalsCreate wireframe outline (or corners) for arbitrary data set
 CvtkSynchronizedRenderers::vtkRawImageVtkRawImage can be used to make it easier to deal with images for compositing/communicating over client-server etc
 CvtkRayCastStructuresStructure definitions for ray casting
 CvtkRenderStateContext in which a vtkRenderPass will render
 CvtkReservoirSampler< IntegerType >Generate a monotonic sequence of integers that randomly kk-sample a range without substitution
 CvtkScalarBarActorInternalInternal state for the scalar bar actor shared with subclasses
 CvtkScalarBarBoxA structure to represent pixel coordinates for text or swatch bounds
 CvtkSDL2OpenGL2RenderWindowOpenGL rendering window
 CvtkSmartPointerBaseNon-templated superclass for vtkSmartPointer
 CvtkSMPMergePolyDataHelperUtility class for merging poly data in parallel This class is designed as a utility class to help merging of poly data generated by filters that generate multiple polydata outputs and the associated locators
 CvtkSMPThreadLocal< T >Thread local storage for VTK objects
 CvtkSMPThreadLocal< T * >
 CvtkSMPThreadLocal< vtkDGOperation< InputIterator, OutputIterator > >
 CvtkSMPThreadLocal< vtkGenericCell * >
 CvtkSMPThreadLocal< vtkIdList * >
 CvtkSMPThreadLocal< vtkProgressObserver * >
 Cvtk::detail::smp::vtkSMPThreadLocalAPI< T >
 Cvtk::detail::smp::vtkSMPThreadLocalAPI< T * >
 Cvtk::detail::smp::vtkSMPThreadLocalAPI< vtkDGOperation< InputIterator, OutputIterator > >
 Cvtk::detail::smp::vtkSMPThreadLocalAPI< vtkGenericCell * >
 Cvtk::detail::smp::vtkSMPThreadLocalAPI< vtkIdList * >
 Cvtk::detail::smp::vtkSMPThreadLocalAPI< vtkProgressObserver * >
 Cvtk::detail::smp::vtkSMPThreadLocalImplAbstract< T >
 CvtkSMPThreadLocalObject< T >Thread local storage for VTK objects
 CvtkSMPThreadLocalObject< vtkGenericCell >
 CvtkSMPThreadLocalObject< vtkIdList >
 CvtkSMPThreadLocalObject< vtkProgressObserver >
 Cvtk::detail::smp::vtkSMPThreadPoolInternal thread pool implementation used in SMP functions
 CvtkSMPToolsA set of parallel (multi-threaded) utility functions
 Cvtk::detail::smp::vtkSMPToolsImpl< Backend >
 CvtkStateStorageClass to make storing and comparing state quick and easy
 CvtkStaticCellLinksTemplate< TIds >Object represents upward pointers from points to list of cells using each point (template implementation)
 CvtkStaticCellLinksTemplate< vtkIdType >
 CvtkStaticEdgeLocatorTemplate< IDType, EdgeData >Templated on types of ids defining an edge, and any data associated with the edge
 CvtkStaticFaceHashLinksTemplate< TInputIdType, TFaceIdType >Templated on types of ids defining an edge
 CvtkStringTokenRepresent a string by its integer hash
 CvtkStructuredNeighborAn internal, light-weight class used to store neighbor information
 CvtkStructuredPointArrayAn structured point array used by structured datasets subclasses
 CvtkStructuredPointBackend< ValueType >A backend for the vtkImplicitArray to query structured points efficiently
 CvtkStructuredCellArray::vtkStructuredTCellBackend< DataDescription, UsePixelVoxelOrientation >
 CvtkSurfaceLICHelperA small collection of noise routines for LIC
 CvtkSystemIncludesTransition VTK to ANSI C++, centralize inclusion of system files
 CvtkTDxMotionEventInfoStore motion information from a 3DConnexion input device
 CvtkTemplateAliasMacroDispatch a scalar processing template
 CvtkTextureImageCache< Key >
 CvtkTextureImageCache< TextPropertyKey >
 CvtkTextureIOA small collection of I/O routines that write vtkTextureObject to disk for debugging
 CvtkThreadedTaskQueue< R, Args >Simple threaded task queue
 CvtkThreadedTaskQueue< void, Args... >
 CvtkTimerLogScopeHelper class to log time within scope
 CvtkTimeSourceCreates a simple time varying data set
 CvtkTimeStampRecord modification and/or execution time
 CvtkTkImageViewerWidgetTk Widget for viewing vtk images
 CvtkTkRenderWidgetTk Widget for vtk rendering
 CvtkTryDowncastHelper1< TargetT, FunctorT >
 CvtkTryDowncastHelper2< TargetT, FunctorT >
 CvtkTryDowncastHelper3< TargetT, FunctorT >
 CvtkTuple< T, Size >Templated base type for containers of constant size
 CvtkTuple< double, 3 >
 CvtkTuple< double, 4 >
 CvtkTuple< double, Size >
 CvtkTuple< float, 3 >
 CvtkTuple< float, 4 >
 CvtkTuple< float, Size >
 CvtkTuple< int, 2 >
 CvtkTuple< int, 3 >
 CvtkTuple< int, 4 >
 CvtkTuple< int, 6 >
 CvtkTuple< int, Size >
 CvtkTuple< T, 3 >
 CvtkTuple< T, 4 >
 CvtkTuple< unsigned char, 3 >
 CvtkTuple< unsigned char, 4 >
 CvtkTuple< vtkAxis *, 4 >
 CvtkTypedDataArrayIterator< Scalar >STL-style random access iterator for vtkTypedDataArrays
 CvtkTypeListTypeList implementation and utilities
 CvtkTypeTraits< T >Template defining traits of native types used by VTK
 CvtkUpdateCellsV8toV9Update cells from v8 node layout to v9 node layout
 CvtkURIComponentRepresent an URI component
 CvtkVariantA type representing the union of many types
 CvtkVariantBoostSerializationSerialization support for vtkVariant and vtkVariantArray using the Boost.Serialization library
 CvtkVariantCastConverts a vtkVariant to some other type
 CvtkVariantCreatePerforms an explicit conversion from an arbitrary type to a vtkVariant
 CvtkVariantExtractPerforms an explicit conversion from a vtkVariant to the type that it contains
 CvtkVolumeInputHelperConvenience container for internal structures specific to a volume input
 CvtkWeakPointerBaseNon-templated superclass for vtkWeakPointer
 CvtkWebAssemblyOpenGL2RenderWindowOpenGL rendering window
 CvtkWebGPUCommandEncoderDebugGroupConvenient class that inserts annotations around draw commands within a render pass/bundle
 CvtkWebGPUComputeBufferInternalsInternal utility class for manipulating vtkWebGPUComputeBuffers
 CvtkWebGPUPolyDataMapper2DInternalsInternal implementation details of vtkWebGPUPolyDataMapper2D
 CvtkWin32HeaderManage Windows system differences
 CvtkWin32OpenGL2RenderWindowOpenGL rendering window
 CvtkWrappingHintsHint macros for wrappers
 CvtkXdmf3DataSetDataset level translation between xdmf3 and vtk
 CvtkXdmf3HeavyDataHandlerInternal helper for vtkXdmf3Reader
 CvtkXdmf3LightDataHandlerInternal helper for vtkXdmf3Reader
 CvtkXdmf3SILBuilderHelper to allow block selection
 CvtkXMLReaderVersionVersion number for legacy readers/writers
 Cvtx::VTXSchemaAbstract common class to supported ADIOS2 schemas
 CvtkDGOperation< InputIterator, OutputIterator >::WorkerA vtkSMPTools worker class for evaluating an operation across a range of cells
 CvtkMatrixUtilities::detail::Wrapper< RowsT, ColsT, MatrixT, LayoutT, MatrixLayoutIs2DT >
 CvtkMatrixUtilities::Wrapper< RowsT, ColsT, MatrixT, LayoutT >Matrix wrapping class
 CvtkMatrixUtilities::detail::Wrapper< RowsT, ColsT, MatrixT, Layout::Diag, false >
 CvtkMatrixUtilities::detail::Wrapper< RowsT, ColsT, MatrixT, Layout::Identity, true >
 CvtkMatrixUtilities::detail::Wrapper< RowsT, ColsT, MatrixT, Layout::Transpose, true >
 CvtkMatrixUtilities::detail::Wrapper< RowsT, ColsT, MatrixT, LayoutT, false >
 CZSMatrix4Union representing 4x4 matrix (right-handed OpenGL column-major format). / This structure is used by both the Stereo Frustum and Coordinate Space APIs
 CzSpaceCoreCompatEntryPointsStructure holding the loaded zSpace Core Compatibility API entry point function pointers
 CZSVector3Union representing a vector of 3 floats