VTK  9.4.20250329
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NboostForward declaration required for Boost serialization
 NCGNSReadThis file defines functions used by vtkCGNSReader and vtkCGNSReaderInternal
 NCIEDE2000Private header used by vtkColorTransferFunction to support LAB/CIEDE2000 interpolation
 NvtkSpecialization of tuple ranges and iterators for vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate
 NvtkBlockSortHelperCollection of comparison functions for std::sort
 NvtkHDFUtilitiesCommon utility variables and functions for reader and writer of vtkHDF
 NvtkIOSSUtilitiesInternal utilities for vtkIOSSReader
 CArrayPair< vtkStdString >
 CEdgeTupleDefinition of an edge tuple
 CGLTFSamplerThis struct describes a glTF sampler object
 ChClass to read EnSight Gold files
 ChDistribute cell-centered finite element fields from the input dataset onto vtk cell points
 ChCollapses components with magnitude function
 ChComputes the portion of a dataset which is inside a selection
 CNativeToVTKTypeType traits for adios2 types(Native types) to vtk types
 CNativeToVTKType< char >
 CNativeToVTKType< double >
 CNativeToVTKType< float >
 CNativeToVTKType< int16_t >
 CNativeToVTKType< int32_t >
 CNativeToVTKType< int64_t >
 CNativeToVTKType< int8_t >
 CNativeToVTKType< uint16_t >
 CNativeToVTKType< uint32_t >
 CNativeToVTKType< uint64_t >
 CNativeToVTKType< uint8_t >
 Cnifti_1_headerData structure defining the fields in the nifti1 header. This binary header should be found at the beginning of a valid NIFTI-1 header file
 Cnifti_2_headerData structure defining the fields in the nifti2 header. This binary header should be found at the beginning of a valid NIFTI-2 header file
 COffsetsManagerHelper class due to PIMPL excess
 CPIO_DATAClass for reading PIO (Parallel Input Output) data files
 CPIO_DATA_HDF5Class for reading PIO (Parallel Input Output) files in HDF5 format
 CPIO_DATA_PIOClass for reading PIO (Parallel Input Output) data files
 CPIOAdaptorClass for reading PIO (Parallel Input Output) data files
 CQQuickVTKInteractorAdapterInteractor that handles relaying custom QML handler events to VTK
 CQQuickVTKItemQQuickItem that manages a VTK rendering in the QML scenegraph
 CQQuickVTKPinchEventCustom multitouch pinch event handler for QML PinchHandler
 CQVTKOpenGLNativeWidgetQOpenGLWidget subclass to house a vtkGenericOpenGLRenderWindow in a Qt application
 CQVTKOpenGLStereoWidgetQWidget for displaying a vtkRenderWindow in a Qt Application
 CQVTKOpenGLWindowDisplay a vtkGenericOpenGLRenderWindow in a Qt QOpenGLWindow
 CQVTKRenderWidgetGeneric QWidget for displaying a vtkRenderWindow in a Qt Application
 CQVTKRenderWindowAdapterHelper to manage Qt context and other OpenGL components
 CQVTKTableModelAdapterAn adapter to create a vtkTable from an QAbstractItemModel
 CQVTKTableModelAdapterTestClassClass required by TestQVTKTableModelAdapter to run Qt tests involving event loop
 CSerialization< std::array< ElementType, N > >
 CSerialization< std::map< T1, T2 > >
 CSerialization< std::pair< T1, T2 > >
 CSerialization< std::set< ElementType > >
 CSerialization< std::vector< ElementType > >
 CTestCompositePipelineImplement TestPipelineInterface
 CTestMeshPipelineImplement TestPipelineInterface
 CTestPipelineInterfaceInterface to provide a pipeline utility:
 CTreeInformationAdditional information and routines for 3D Tiles octree nodes
 Cvtk2DHistogramItem2D histogram item
 Cvtk3DCursorRepresentationRepresentation of the vtk3DCursorWidget
 Cvtk3DCursorWidgetWidget reprensenting a 3D cursor
 Cvtk3DLinearGridCrinkleExtractorFast extraction of cells intersected by a plane
 Cvtk3DLinearGridInternalFast access and processing of 3D linear grids
 Cvtk3DLinearGridPlaneCutterFast plane cutting of vtkUnstructuredGrid containing 3D linear cells
 Cvtk3DSImporterImports 3D Studio files
 Cvtk3DWidgetAbstract superclass for 3D widgets
 CVTK_ASSUMEProvide compiler hints for non-obvious conditions
 CvtkABIManage macros for exporting symbols in the binary interface
 CvtkAbstractArrayAbstract superclass for all arrays
 CvtkAbstractCellArrayAbstract object to represent cell connectivity
 CvtkAbstractCellLinksAbstract base class for classes that build topological links from points to cells
 CvtkAbstractCellLocatorAbstract base class for locators which find cells
 CvtkAbstractContextBufferId2D array of ids, used for picking
 CvtkAbstractContextItemBase class for items that are part of a vtkContextScene
 CvtkAbstractElectronicDataProvides access to and storage of chemical electronic data
 CvtkAbstractGridConnectivityA superclass that defines the interface to be implemented by all concrete grid connectivity classes
 CvtkAbstractHyperTreeGridMapperAbstract class for a HyperTreeGrid mapper
 CvtkAbstractImageInterpolatorInterpolate data values from images
 CvtkAbstractInterpolatedVelocityFieldAn abstract class for obtaining the interpolated velocity values at a point
 CvtkAbstractMapperAbstract class specifies interface to map data
 CvtkAbstractMapper3DAbstract class specifies interface to map 3D data
 CvtkAbstractParticleWriterAbstract class to write particle data to file
 CvtkAbstractPickerDefine API for picking subclasses
 CvtkAbstractPointLocatorAbstract class to quickly locate points in 3-space
 CvtkAbstractPolyDataReaderSuperclass for algorithms that read models from a file
 CvtkAbstractPolygonalHandleRepresentation3DRepresent a user defined handle geometry in 3D while maintaining a fixed orientation w.r.t the camera
 CvtkAbstractPropPickerAbstract API for pickers that can pick an instance of vtkProp
 CvtkAbstractSplineRepresentationAbstract representation for a spline
 CvtkAbstractTransformSuperclass for all geometric transformations
 CvtkAbstractVolumeMapperAbstract class for a volume mapper
 CvtkAbstractWidgetDefine the API for widget / widget representation
 CvtkActorObject (geometry & properties) in a rendered scene
 CvtkActor2DActor that draws 2D data
 CvtkActor2DCollectionList of 2D actors
 CvtkActorCollectionOrdered list of actors
 CvtkActorNodeVtkViewNode specialized for vtkActors
 CvtkAdaptiveDataSetSurfaceFilterAdaptively extract dataset surface
 CvtkAdaptiveResampleToImageSamples a dataset with adaptive refinements
 CvtkAdaptiveSubdivisionFilterSubdivide triangles based on edge and/or area metrics
 CvtkAdaptiveTemporalInterpolatorInterpolate datasets between time steps to produce a new dataset
 CvtkAddMembershipArrayAdd an array to the output indicating membership within an input selection
 CvtkADIOS2CoreImageReaderRead ADIOS2 bp files
 CvtkAdjacencyMatrixToEdgeTableTreats a dense 2-way array of doubles as an adacency matrix and converts it into a vtkTable suitable for use as an edge table with vtkTableToGraph
 CvtkAdjacentVertexIteratorIterates through adjacent vertices in a graph
 CvtkAffineImplicitBackendA utility structure serving as a backend for affine (as a function of the index) implicit arrays
 CvtkAffineRepresentationAbstract class for representing affine transformation widgets
 CvtkAffineRepresentation2DRepresent 2D affine transformations
 CvtkAffineWidgetPerform affine transformations
 CvtkAggregateDataSetFilterAggregates data sets to a reduced number of processes
 CvtkAggregateToPartitionedDataSetCollectionAggregate results in the vtkEndFor
 CvtkAlembicExporterExport a scene into Alembic format
 CvtkAlgorithmSuperclass for all sources, filters, and sinks in VTK
 CvtkAlgorithmOutputProxy object to connect input/output ports
 CvtkAlignImageDataSetFilterAlign collection of image datasets to use a global origin
 CvtkAmoebaMinimizerNonlinear optimization with a simplex
 CvtkAMRBaseParticlesReaderAn abstract base class that implements all the common functionality for all particle readers
 CvtkAMRBaseReaderAn abstract class that encapsulates common functionality for all AMR readers
 CvtkAMRBoxEncloses a rectangular region of voxel like cells
 CvtkAMRCutPlaneA concrete instance of vtkMultiBlockDataSet that provides functionality for cutting an AMR dataset (an instance of vtkOverlappingAMR) with user supplied implicit plane function defined by a normal and center
 CvtkAMRDataInternalsContainer of vtkUniformGrid for an AMR data set
 CvtkAMRDataSetCacheA concrete implementation of vtkObject that provides functionality for caching AMR blocks
 CvtkAMREnzoParticlesReaderA concrete instance of the vtkAMRBaseParticlesReader which provides functionality for loading ENZO AMR particle datasets from ENZO
 CvtkAMREnzoReaderA concrete instance of vtkAMRBaseReader that implements functionality for reading Enzo AMR datasets
 CvtkAMREnzoReaderInternalConsists of the low-level Enzo Reader used by the vtkAMREnzoReader
 CvtkAMReXGridReaderReader for AMReX plotfiles grid data
 CvtkAMReXGridReaderInternalConsists of the low-level AMReX Reader used by the vtkAMReXGridReader
 CvtkAMReXParticlesReaderReader for AMReX plotfiles particle data
 CvtkAMRFlashParticlesReaderA concrete instance of vtkAMRBaseParticlesReader that implements functionality for reading flash particle datasets
 CvtkAMRFlashReaderInternalConsists of the low-level Flash Reader used by the vtkAMRFlashReader
 CvtkAMRGaussianPulseSourceA source that generates sample AMR data with gaussian pulse field
 CvtkAMRInformationMeta data that describes the structure of an AMR data set
 CvtkAMRInterpolatedVelocityFieldA concrete class for obtaining the interpolated velocity values at a point in AMR data
 CvtkAMRResampleFilterThis filter is a concrete instance of vtkMultiBlockDataSetAlgorithm and provides functionality for extracting portion of the AMR dataset, specified by a bounding box, in a uniform grid of the desired level of resolution
 CvtkAMRSliceFilterA concrete instance of vtkOverlappingAMRAlgorithm which implements functionality for extracting slices from AMR data
 CvtkAMRToMultiBlockFilterA filter that accepts as input an AMR dataset and produces a corresponding vtkMultiBlockDataset as output
 CvtkAMRUtilitiesA concrete instance of vtkObject that employs a singleton design pattern and implements functionality for AMR specific operations
 CvtkAMRVelodyneReaderA concrete instance of vtkAMRBaseReader that implements functionality for reading Velodyne AMR datasets
 CvtkAMRVelodyneReaderInternalConsists of the low-level Velodyne Reader used by the vtkAMRVelodyneReader
 CvtkAMRVolumeMapperAMR class for a volume mapper
 CvtkAnariActorNodeLinks vtkActor and vtkMapper to ANARI
 CvtkAnariCameraNodeLinks vtkCamera to ANARI
 CvtkAnariCompositePolyDataMapperNodeLinks vtkActor and vtkMapper to ANARI
 CvtkAnariDeviceBase class to objects which create + manage a ANARI library + device
 CvtkAnariFollowerNodeLinks vtkFollower to ANARI
 CvtkAnariGlyph3DMapperNodeA Glyph mapper node for ANARI (ANAlytic Rendering Interface)
 CvtkAnariLightNodeLinks vtkLights to ANARI
 CvtkAnariPassRender pass that uses ANARI (ANAlytic Rendering Interface) instead of OpenGL
 CvtkAnariPolyDataMapperInheritInterfaceInterface for inheriting classes for overriding mapper functionality
 CvtkAnariPolyDataMapperNodeLinks vtkActor and vtkMapper to ANARI
 CvtkAnariProfilingAllows instrumenting of the VTK ANARI source code
 CvtkAnariRendererBase class to objects which create + manage an ANARI library, device, and renderer
 CvtkAnariSceneGraphLinks vtkRenderers to ANARI
 CvtkAnariViewNodeFactoryMatches vtk rendering classes to specific ANARI ViewNode classes
 CvtkAnariVolumeInterfaceRemoves link dependence on optional ANARI module
 CvtkAnariVolumeMapperStandalone ANARI VolumeMapper
 CvtkAnariVolumeMapperNodeLinks vtkVolumeMapper to ANARI
 CvtkAnariVolumeNodeLinks vtkVolume and vtkMapper to ANARI
 CvtkAndroidOutputWindowWin32 Specific output window class
 CvtkAndroidRenderWindowInteractorImplements Win32 specific functions required by vtkRenderWindowInteractor
 CvtkAngleRepresentationRepresent the vtkAngleWidget
 CvtkAngleRepresentation2DRepresent the vtkAngleWidget
 CvtkAngleRepresentation3DRepresent the vtkAngleWidget
 CvtkAngleWidgetMeasure the angle between two rays (defined by three points)
 CvtkAngularPeriodicDataArrayMap native an Array into an angulat periodic array
 CvtkAngularPeriodicFilterA filter to produce mapped angular periodic multiblock dataset from a single block, by rotation
 CvtkAnimateModesAnimate mode shapes
 CvtkAnimationCueSeqin an animation
 CvtkAnimationSceneAnimation scene manager
 CvtkAnnotatedCubeActor3D cube with face labels
 CvtkAnnotationStores a collection of annotation artifacts
 CvtkAnnotationLayersStores a ordered collection of annotation sets
 CvtkAnnotationLayersAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that produce only vtkAnnotationLayers as output
 CvtkAnnotationLinkAn algorithm for linking annotations among objects
 CvtkAnnulusImplicit function for a annulus
 CvtkAOSDataArrayTemplateArray-Of-Structs implementation of vtkGenericDataArray
 CvtkAppendArcLengthAppends Arc length for input poly lines
 CvtkAppendCompositeDataLeavesAppends one or more composite datasets with the same structure together into a single output composite dataset
 CvtkAppendDataSetsAppends one or more datasets together into a single output vtkPointSet
 CvtkAppendFilterAppends one or more datasets together into a single unstructured grid
 CvtkAppendLocationAttributesAdd point locations to point data and/or cell centers cell data, respectively
 CvtkAppendPartitionedDataSetCollectionAppend partitioned dataset collections
 CvtkAppendPointsAppends points of one or more vtkPolyData data sets
 CvtkAppendPolyDataAppends one or more polygonal datasets together
 CvtkAppendSelectionAppends one or more selections together
 CvtkApplyColorsApply colors to a data set
 CvtkApplyIconsApply icons to a data set
 CvtkApproximatingSubdivisionFilterGenerate a subdivision surface using an Approximating Scheme
 CvtkArcGridActorPrivateRenders a concentric list of arcs on overlay
 CvtkArchiverWrites an archive
 CvtkArcParallelEdgeStrategyRoutes parallel edges as arcs
 CvtkArcPlotterPlot data along an arbitrary polyline
 CvtkArcSourceCreate a circular arc
 CvtkAreaContourSpectrumFilterCompute an approximation of the area contour signature (evolution of the area of the input surface along an arc of the Reeb graph)
 CvtkAreaLayoutLayout a vtkTree into a tree map
 CvtkAreaLayoutStrategyAbstract superclass for all area layout strategies
 CvtkAreaPickerPicks props behind a selection rectangle on a viewport
 CvtkArrayAbstract interface for N-dimensional arrays
 CvtkArrayCalculatorPerform mathematical operations on data in field data arrays
 CvtkArrayCoordinatesStores coordinate into an N-way array
 CvtkArrayDataPipeline data object that contains multiple vtkArray objects
 CvtkArrayDataAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that produce vtkArrayDatas as output
 CvtkArrayDataReaderReads vtkArrayData written by vtkArrayDataWriter
 CvtkArrayDataWriterSerialize vtkArrayData to a file or stream
 CvtkArrayDispatchVtkDataArray code generator/dispatcher
 CvtkArrayDownCast_implImplementation of vtkArrayDownCast
 CvtkArrayExtentsStores the number of dimensions and valid coordinate ranges along each dimension for vtkArray
 CvtkArrayExtentsListStores a collection of vtkArrayExtents objects
 CvtkArrayInterpolateComputes the weighted sum of a collection of slices from a source array, and stores the results in a slice of a target array
 CvtkArrayIteratorAbstract superclass to iterate over elements in an vtkAbstractArray
 CvtkArrayIteratorIncludesCentralize array iterator type includes required when using the vtkArrayIteratorTemplateMacro
 CvtkArrayIteratorTemplateImplementation template for a array iterator
 CvtkArrayListTemplateThread-safe and efficient data attribute processing
 CvtkArrayNormComputes L-norms along one dimension of an array
 CvtkArrayPrintPrint arrays in different formats
 CvtkArrayRangeStores a half-open range of array coordinates
 CvtkArrayReaderReads sparse and dense vtkArray data written by vtkArrayWriter
 CvtkArrayRenameRename data arrays
 CvtkArrayRendererRender instanced elements textured with arrays from input data
 CvtkArraySortControls sorting of sparse array coordinates
 CvtkArrayToTableConverts one- and two-dimensional vtkArrayData objects to vtkTable
 CvtkArrayWeightsStores a collection of weighting factors
 CvtkArrayWriterSerialize sparse and dense arrays to a file or stream
 CvtkArrowSourceAppends a cylinder to a cone to form an arrow
 CvtkASCIITextCodecClass to read/write ascii text
 CvtkAssemblyCreate hierarchies of vtkProp3Ds (transformable props)
 CvtkAssemblyNodeRepresent a node in an assembly
 CvtkAssemblyPathList of nodes that form an assembly path
 CvtkAssemblyPathsList of lists of props representing an assembly hierarchy
 CvtkAssignAttributeLabels/marks a field as an attribute
 CvtkAssignCoordinatesGiven two(or three) arrays take the values in those arrays and simply assign them to the coordinates of the vertices
 CvtkAssignCoordinatesLayoutStrategyUses array values to set vertex locations
 CvtkAtomConvenience proxy for vtkMolecule
 CvtkAtomicMutexMutual exclusion locking class using atomic operations
 CvtkAttributeClustering2DLayoutStrategySimple fast 2D graph layout
 CvtkAttributeDataToFieldDataFilterMap attribute data to field data
 CvtkAttributeDataToTableFilterThis filter produces a vtkTable from the chosen attribute in the input data object
 CvtkAttributesErrorMetricObjects that compute attribute-based error during cell tessellation
 CvtkAttributeSmoothingFilterSmooth mesh point attribute data using distance weighted Laplacian kernel
 CvtkAutoCorrelativeStatisticsA class for univariate auto-correlative statistics
 CvtkAvatarRenders head and hands for a user in VR
 CvtkAVIWriterWrites Windows AVI files
 CvtkAVSucdReaderReads a dataset in AVS "UCD" format
 CvtkAxesCreate an x-y-z axes
 CvtkAxesActor3D axes representation
 CvtkAxesTransformRepresentationRepresent the vtkAxesTransformWidget
 CvtkAxesTransformWidget3D widget for performing 3D transformations around an axes
 CvtkAxisTakes care of drawing 2D axes
 CvtkAxisActorCreate an axis with tick marks and labels
 CvtkAxisActor2DCreate an axis with tick marks and labels
 CvtkAxisActor2DMockMock vtkAxisActor2D to access inner member for comparison
 CvtkAxisAlignedReflectionFilterReflects the input over an axis-aligned plane
 CvtkAxisExtendedExtended axis tick positioning
 CvtkAxisFollowerSubclass of vtkFollower that ensures that data is always parallel to the axis defined by a vtkAxisActor
 CvtkAxisGridActorPrivateRenders a 2D grid given pairs of point positions
 CvtkBackgroundColorMonitorTracks state of background color(s)
 CvtkBalloonRepresentationRepresent the vtkBalloonWidget
 CvtkBalloonWidgetPopup text balloons above instance of vtkProp when hovering occurs
 CvtkBandedPolyDataContourFilterGenerate filled contours for vtkPolyData
 CvtkBarChartActorCreate a bar chart from an array
 CvtkBase64InputStreamReads base64-encoded input from a stream
 CvtkBase64OutputStreamWrites base64-encoded output to a stream
 CvtkBase64UtilitiesBase64 encode and decode utilities
 CvtkBatchVtkBatch is a simple structure that holds a begin and end id
 CvtkBatchedSurfaceLICMapperImplements batched rendering of multiple vtkPolyData using LIC interface and OpenGL
 CvtkBezierContourLineInterpolatorInterpolates supplied nodes with bezier line segments
 CvtkBezierHexahedronA 3D cell that represents an arbitrary order Bezier hex
 CvtkBezierTetraA 3D cell that represents an arbitrary order Bezier tetrahedron
 CvtkBezierTriangleA 2D cell that represents an arbitrary order Bezier triangle
 CvtkBezierWedgeA 3D cell that represents an arbitrary order Bezier wedge
 CvtkBiDimensionalRepresentationRepresent the vtkBiDimensionalWidget
 CvtkBiDimensionalRepresentation2DRepresent the vtkBiDimensionalWidget
 CvtkBiDimensionalWidgetMeasure the bi-dimensional lengths of an object
 CvtkBilinearQuadIntersectionClass to perform non planar quad intersection
 CvtkBillboardTextActor3DRenders pixel-aligned text, facing the camera, anchored at a 3D point
 CvtkBinCellDataFilterBin source cell data into input cells
 CvtkBinnedDecimationReduce the number of triangles in a vtkPolyData mesh
 CvtkBiomTableReaderRead vtkTable from a .biom input file
 CvtkBiQuadraticQuadCell represents a parabolic, 9-node isoparametric quad
 CvtkBiQuadraticQuadraticHexahedronCell represents a biquadratic, 24-node isoparametric hexahedron
 CvtkBiQuadraticQuadraticWedgeCell represents a parabolic, 18-node isoparametric wedge
 CvtkBiQuadraticTriangleCell represents a parabolic, isoparametric triangle
 CvtkBitArrayDynamic, self-adjusting array of bits
 CvtkBitArrayIteratorIterator for vtkBitArray
 CvtkBivariateLinearTableThresholdPerforms line-based thresholding for vtkTable data
 CvtkBlankStructuredGridTranslate point attribute data into a blanking field
 CvtkBlankStructuredGridWithImageBlank a structured grid with an image
 CvtkBlockDistributionA helper class that manages a block distribution of N elements of data
 CvtkBlockIdScalarsGenerates scalars from blocks
 CvtkBlockItemVtkContextItem that draws a block (optional label)
 CvtkBlockSelectorSelector for blocks
 CvtkBlueObeliskDataContains chemical data from the Blue Obelisk Data Repository
 CvtkBlueObeliskDataParserFill a vtkBlueObeliskData container with data from the BODR XML dataset
 CvtkBMPReaderRead Windows BMP files
 CvtkBMPWriterWrites Windows BMP files
 CvtkBondConvenience proxy for vtkMolecule
 CvtkBooleanOperationPolyDataFilterComputes the boundary of the union, intersection, or difference volume computed from the volumes defined by two input surfaces
 CvtkBooleanTextureGenerate 2D texture map based on combinations of inside, outside, and on region boundary
 CvtkBoostBetweennessClusteringImplements graph clustering based on edge betweenness centrality
 CvtkBoostBiconnectedComponentsFind the biconnected components of a graph
 CvtkBoostBrandesCentralityCompute Brandes betweenness centrality on a vtkGraph
 CvtkBoostBreadthFirstSearchBoost breadth_first_search on a vtkGraph
 CvtkBoostBreadthFirstSearchTreeConstructs a BFS tree from a graph
 CvtkBoostConnectedComponentsFind the connected components of a graph
 CvtkBoostDividedEdgeBundlingLayout graph edges in directed edge bundles
 CvtkBoostExtractLargestComponentExtract the largest connected component of a graph
 CvtkBoostKruskalMinimumSpanningTreeConstructs a minimum spanning tree from a graph and the weighting array
 CvtkBoostLogWeightingGiven an arbitrary-dimension array of doubles, replaces each value x with one of:
 CvtkBoostPrimMinimumSpanningTreeConstructs a minimum spanning tree from a graph, start node, and the weighting array
 CvtkBoostRandomSparseArraySourceGenerates a sparse N-way array containing random values
 CvtkBoostSplitTableField"Splits" one-or-more table fields by duplicating rows containing delimited data
 CvtkBorderRepresentationRepresent a vtkBorderWidget
 CvtkBorderWidgetPlace a border around a 2D rectangular region
 CvtkBoundaryMeshQualityComputes metrics on the boundary faces of a mesh
 CvtkBoundedPlanePointPlacerPlacer that constrains a handle to a finite plane
 CvtkBoundedPointSourceCreate a random cloud of points within a specified bounding box
 CvtkBoundedWidgetRepresentationExtends the vtkWidgetRepresentation to help positioning widget in space and how it should be displayed regarding to input bounds
 CvtkBoundingBoxFast, simple class for representing and operating on 3D bounds
 CvtkBoxImplicit function for a bounding box
 CvtkBoxClipDataSetClip an unstructured grid
 CvtkBoxLayoutStrategyTree map layout that puts vertices in square-ish boxes
 CvtkBoxMuellerRandomSequenceGaussian sequence of pseudo random numbers implemented with the Box-Mueller transform
 CvtkBoxRepresentationClass defining the representation for the vtkBoxWidget2
 CvtkBoxWidgetOrthogonal hexahedron 3D widget
 CvtkBoxWidget23D widget for manipulating a box
 CvtkBreakPointUtility function to debug with gdb and MPI
 CvtkBrokenLineWidget3D widget for manipulating a broken line
 CvtkBrownianPointsAssign random vector to points
 CvtkBrushBrush that fills shapes drawn by vtkContext2D
 CvtkBSPCutsThis class represents an axis-aligned Binary Spatial Partitioning of a 3D space
 CvtkBSPIntersectionsPerform calculations (mostly intersection calculations) on regions of a 3D binary spatial partitioning
 CvtkBSplineTransformCubic b-spline deformation transformation
 CvtkBTSReaderClass to read bts files used by Engys software
 CvtkBufferInternal storage class used by vtkSOADataArrayTemplate, vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate, and others
 CvtkBufferedArchiverWrites an archive to a buffer for vtk-js datasets
 CvtkButterflySubdivisionFilterGenerate a subdivision surface using the Butterfly Scheme
 CvtkButtonRepresentationAbstract class defines the representation for a vtkButtonWidget
 CvtkButtonSourceAbstract class for creating various button types
 CvtkButtonWidgetActivate an n-state button
 CvtkByteSwapPerform machine dependent byte swapping
 CvtkBYUReaderRead MOVIE.BYU polygon files
 CvtkBYUWriterWrite MOVIE.BYU files
 CvtkCallbackCommandSupports function callbacks
 CvtkCameraVirtual camera for 3D rendering
 CvtkCamera3DRepresentationClass defining the representation for the vtkCamera3DWidget
 CvtkCamera3DWidget3D Widget for manipulating a vtkCamera
 CvtkCameraActorFrustum to represent a camera
 CvtkCameraHandleSourceHandle source used to represent one camera
 CvtkCameraInterpolatorInterpolate a series of cameras to update a new camera
 CvtkCameraNodeVtkViewNode specialized for vtkCameras
 CvtkCameraOrientationRepresentationA 3D representation for vtkCameraOrientationWidget
 CvtkCameraOrientationWidgetA widget to manipulate vtkCameraOrientationWidget
 CvtkCameraPassImplement the camera render pass
 CvtkCameraPathRepresentationRepresentation for a camera path
 CvtkCameraPathWidgetWidget for vtkCameraPathRepresentation
 CvtkCameraRepresentationRepresent the vtkCameraWidget
 CvtkCameraWidget2D widget for saving a series of camera views
 CvtkCaptionActor2DDraw text label associated with a point
 CvtkCaptionRepresentationVtkCaptionWidget in the scene
 CvtkCaptionWidgetWidget for placing a caption (text plus leader)
 CvtkCardinalSplineComputes an interpolating spline using a a Cardinal basis
 CvtkCastToConcreteWorks around type-checking limitations
 CvtkCategoryLegendLegend item to display categorical data
 CvtkCellAbstract class to specify cell behavior
 CvtkCell3DAbstract class to specify 3D cell interface
 CvtkCellArrayObject to represent cell connectivity
 CvtkCellArrayIteratorEncapsulate traversal logic for vtkCellArray
 CvtkCellAttributeA function defined over the physical domain of a vtkCellGrid
 CvtkCellAttributeCalculatorPerform a per-cell calculation on a vtkCellAttribute
 CvtkCellAttributeInformationProvide information about a cell attribute's basis functions on one cell type
 CvtkCellCenterDepthSortA simple implementation of vtkCellDepthSort
 CvtkCellCentersGenerate points at center of cells
 CvtkCellCentersPointPlacerSnaps points at the center of a cell
 CvtkCellDataRepresent and manipulate cell attribute data
 CvtkCellDataToPointDataMap cell data to point data
 CvtkCellDerivativesCompute derivatives of scalars and vectors
 CvtkCellDistanceSelectorGrows a selection, selecting neighbor cells, up to a user defined topological distance
 CvtkCellGraphicsPrimitiveMapMaps cell connectivity and offsets from VTK data model into primitives that graphics libraries expect (points, lines and triangles)
 CvtkCellGridVisualization data composed of cells of arbitrary type
 CvtkCellGridAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that produce only polydata as output
 CvtkCellGridBoundsQueryCompute the geometric bounds of a cell-grid
 CvtkCellGridCellCentersOutput a vertex cell at the center of each input cell
 CvtkCellGridCellSourceCreate a cell-grid with one or more cells of the requested type
 CvtkCellGridComputeSidesGenerate sides of input data (cells and/or sides) based on a strategy
 CvtkCellGridCopyQueryCopy the cell metadata and attribute(s) of one cell-grid into another
 CvtkCellGridElevationAdds a cell attribute representing elevation
 CvtkCellGridElevationQueryA cell-grid query for creating an "elevation" field
 CvtkCellGridEvaluatorEvaluate a field (vtkCellAttribute) at some points inside cells
 CvtkCellGridIOQuerySerialize/deserialize vtkCellMetadata records
 CvtkCellGridMapperMap a vtkCellGrid to graphics primitives
 CvtkCellGridPointProbeProbe a vtkCellGrid with points
 CvtkCellGridQueryPerform an operation on cells in a vtkCellMetadata instance
 CvtkCellGridRangeQueryCompute the range of a component of some vtkCellAttribute
 CvtkCellGridReaderRead a cell-grid file
 CvtkCellGridRenderRequestState used by vtkCellGridMapper during rendering
 CvtkCellGridResponderRespond to a query on one particular type of cell
 CvtkCellGridResponderBaseRespond to a query on one particular type of cell
 CvtkCellGridRespondersA container that holds objects able to respond to queries specialized for particular vtkCellMetadata types
 CvtkCellGridSidesCacheHold a map from hash-ids (representing sides of cells of multiple types) to details on the cells that claim the corresponding side
 CvtkCellGridSidesQueryA cell-grid query for enumerating sides of cells
 CvtkCellGridToUnstructuredGridCreate an unstructured grid that approximates a cell-grid
 CvtkCellGridTransformTransform points and associated normals and vectors
 CvtkCellGridWarpCreate a deformed copy of the input
 CvtkCellGridWriterWrite a cell-grid file
 CvtkCellIteratorEfficient cell iterator for vtkDataSet topologies
 CvtkCellLinksObject represents upward pointers from points to list of cells using each point
 CvtkCellLocatorOctree-based spatial search object to quickly locate cells
 CvtkCellLocatorStrategyImplement a specific vtkPointSet::FindCell() strategy based on using a cell locator
 CvtkCellMetadataMetadata for a particular type of cell (finite element)
 CvtkCellPickerRay-cast cell picker for all kinds of Prop3Ds
 CvtkCellQualityCalculate functions of quality of the elements of a mesh
 CvtkCellSizeFilterComputes cell sizes
 CvtkCellTreeLocatorThis class implements the data structures, construction algorithms for fast cell location
 CvtkCellTypeDefine types of cells
 CvtkCellTypesObject provides direct access to cells in vtkCellArray and type information
 CvtkCellTypeSourceCreate cells of a given type
 CvtkCellValidatorValidates cells in a dataset
 CvtkCenteredSliderRepresentationProvide the representation for a vtkCenteredSliderWidget
 CvtkCenteredSliderWidgetSet a value by manipulating a slider
 CvtkCenterOfMassFind the center of mass of a set of points
 CvtkCesium3DTilesReaderReads a Cesium 3D Tiles tileset
 CvtkCesium3DTilesWriterWrites a dataset into 3D Tiles format
 CvtkCesiumB3DMReaderRead a CesiumB3DM file
 CvtkCesiumPointCloudWriterExport a vtkPointSet into a Cesium Point Cloud (PNTS) tile format
 CvtkCGMWriterWrite polygonal data as a CGM file
 CvtkCGNSFileSeriesReaderAdds support for reading temporal or partitioned CGNS files
 CvtkCGNSReaderVtkCGNSReader creates a multi-block dataset and reads unstructured grids and structured meshes from binary files stored in CGNS file format, with data stored at the nodes, cells or faces
 CvtkChacoGraphReaderReads chaco graph files
 CvtkChacoReaderRead a Chaco file and create a vtkUnstructuredGrid
 CvtkCharArrayDynamic, self-adjusting array of char
 CvtkChartFactory class for drawing 2D charts
 CvtkChart2DHistogramChart for 2D histograms
 CvtkChartBoxFactory class for drawing box plot charts
 CvtkChartBoxDataSmall struct used by InvokeEvent to send some information about the point that was clicked on
 CvtkChartLegendDraw the chart legend
 CvtkChartMatrixContainer for a matrix of charts
 CvtkChartParallelCoordinatesFactory class for drawing 2D charts
 CvtkChartPieFactory class for drawing pie charts
 CvtkChartPlotDataSmall struct used by InvokeEvent to send some information about the point that was clicked on
 CvtkChartXYFactory class for drawing XY charts
 CvtkChartXYZFactory class for drawing 3D XYZ charts
 CvtkCheckerboardRepresentationRepresent the vtkCheckerboardWidget
 CvtkCheckerboardSplatterSplat points into a volume with an elliptical, Gaussian distribution
 CvtkCheckerboardWidgetInteractively set the number of divisions in 2D image checkerboard
 CvtkCirclePackFrontChainLayoutStrategyLayout a vtkTree into packed circles using the front chain algorithm
 CvtkCirclePackLayoutLayout a vtkTree as a circle packing
 CvtkCirclePackLayoutStrategyAbstract superclass for all circle packing layout strategies
 CvtkCirclePackToPolyDataConverts a tree to a polygonal data representing a circle packing of the hierarchy
 CvtkCircularLayoutStrategyPlaces vertices around a circle
 CvtkCityGMLReaderRead CityGML data file
 CvtkCleanArraysFilter used to remove partial arrays across processes
 CvtkCleanPolyDataMerge duplicate points, and/or remove unused points and/or remove degenerate cells
 CvtkCleanUnstructuredGridMerge duplicate points
 CvtkCleanUnstructuredGridCellsRemove duplicate/degenerate cells
 CvtkClearRGBPassPaint in the color buffer
 CvtkClearZPassClear the depth buffer with a given value
 CvtkClientServerCompositePassVtkClientServerCompositePass is a render-pass that can handle client-server image delivery
 CvtkClientServerSynchronizedRenderersVtkClientServerSynchronizedRenderers is a vtkSynchronizedRenderers subclass designed to be used in 2 processes, client-server mode
 CvtkClientSocketEncapsulates a client socket
 CvtkClipClosedSurfaceClip a closed surface with a plane collection
 CvtkClipConvexPolyDataClip any dataset with user-specified implicit function or input scalar data
 CvtkClipDataSetClip any dataset with user-specified implicit function or input scalar data
 CvtkClipPolyDataClip polygonal data with user-specified implicit function or input scalar data
 CvtkClipVolumeClip volume data with user-specified implicit function or input scalar data
 CvtkClosedSurfacePointPlacerPointPlacer to constrain validity within a set of convex planes
 CvtkClosestNPointsStrategyImplement a specific vtkPointSet::FindCell() strategy based on the N closest points
 CvtkClosestPointStrategyImplement a specific vtkPointSet::FindCell() strategy based on closest point
 CvtkClustering2DLayoutStrategySimple fast 2D graph layout
 CvtkCMLMoleculeReaderRead a CML file and output a vtkMolecule object
 CvtkCocoaGLViewCocoa OpenGL rendering context
 CvtkCocoaMacOSXSDKCompatibilityCompatibility header
 CvtkCocoaRenderWindowCocoa OpenGL rendering window
 CvtkCocoaRenderWindowInteractorImplements Cocoa specific functions required by vtkRenderWindowInteractor
 CvtkCocoaTkUtilitiesInternal Tk Routines for Cocoa
 CvtkCoincidentPointsOctree of labels
 CvtkCollapseGraph"Collapses" vertices onto their neighbors
 CvtkCollapseVerticesByArrayCollapse the graph given a vertex array
 CvtkCollectGraphCollect distributed graph
 CvtkCollectionCreate and manipulate ordered lists of objects
 CvtkCollectionIteratorIterator through a vtkCollection
 CvtkCollectPolyDataCollect distributed polydata
 CvtkCollectTableCollect distributed table
 CvtkCollisionDetectionFilterPerforms collision determination between two polyhedral surfaces
 CvtkColorTemplated type for storage of colors
 CvtkColor3ubSome derived classes for the different colors commonly used
 CvtkColorLegendLegend item to display vtkScalarsToColors
 CvtkColorSeriesStores a list of colors
 CvtkColorTransferControlPointsItemControl points for vtkColorTransferFunction
 CvtkColorTransferFunctionDefines a transfer function for mapping a property to an RGB color value
 CvtkCommandSuperclass for callback/observer methods
 CvtkCommonInformationKeyManagerManages key types in vtkCommon
 CvtkCommunicatorUsed to send/receive messages in a multiprocess environment
 CvtkCommunity2DLayoutStrategySimple fast 2D graph layout that looks for a community array on it's input and strengthens edges within a community and weakens edges not within the community
 CvtkCompassRepresentationProvide a compass and distance, tilt sliders
 CvtkCompassWidgetWidget to set distance, tilt and heading
 CvtkCompositeCellGridMapperClass that renders hierarchical cell-grid data
 CvtkCompositeCellGridReaderRead a cell-grid file
 CvtkCompositeControlPointsItemControl points for vtkCompositeFunction
 CvtkCompositeCutterCut composite data sets with user-specified implicit function
 CvtkCompositeDataDisplayAttributesRendering attributes for a multi-block dataset
 CvtkCompositeDataDisplayAttributesLegacyRendering attributes for a multi-block dataset
 CvtkCompositeDataGeometryFilterExtract geometry from multi-group data
 CvtkCompositeDataIteratorSuperclass for composite data iterators
 CvtkCompositeDataPipelineExecutive supporting composite datasets
 CvtkCompositeDataProbeFilterSubclass of vtkProbeFilter which supports composite datasets in the input
 CvtkCompositeDataReaderRead vtkCompositeDataSet data file
 CvtkCompositeDataSetAbstract superclass for composite (multi-block or AMR) datasets
 CvtkCompositeDataSetAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that produce only vtkCompositeDataSet as output
 CvtkCompositeDataWriterLegacy VTK file writer for vtkCompositeDataSet subclasses
 CvtkCompositedSynchronizedRenderersVtkCompositedSynchronizedRenderers is vtkSynchronizedRenderers that uses vtkCompositer to composite the images on the root node
 CvtkCompositeImplicitBackendA utility structure serving as a backend for composite arrays: an array composed of multiple arrays concatenated together
 CvtkCompositeInterpolatedVelocityFieldAn abstract class for obtaining the interpolated velocity values at a point
 CvtkCompositePolyDataMapperClass that renders hierarchical polygonal data
 CvtkCompositePolyDataMapperDelegatorDelegates rendering of multiple polydata that share similar signatures
 CvtkCompositerSuper class for composite algorithms
 CvtkCompositeRenderManagerAn object to control sort-last parallel rendering
 CvtkCompositeRGBAPassBlend RGBA buffers of processes
 CvtkCompositeSurfaceLICMapperMapper for composite dataset
 CvtkCompositeSurfaceLICMapperDelegatorDelegates rendering to vtkBatchedSurfaceLICMapper
 CvtkCompositeZPassMerge depth buffers of processes
 CvtkCompressCompositerImplements compressed tree based compositing
 CvtkComputeHistogram2DOutliersCompute the outliers in a set of 2D histograms and extract the corresponding row data
 CvtkComputeQuantilesExtract Ntiles and extremum values of all columns of a table or all fields of a dataset
 CvtkComputeQuartilesExtract quartiles and extremum values of all columns of a table or all fields of a dataset
 CvtkConduitArrayUtilitiesHelper to convert Conduit arrays to VTK arrays
 CvtkConduitArrayUtilitiesDeviceHelper to convert Conduit arrays stored on acceleration devices to VTKm arrays
 CvtkConduitSourceData source for Conduit Mesh Blueprint
 CvtkConduitToDataObjectConvert conduit node to VTK data objects
 CvtkConeImplicit function for a cone
 CvtkConeLayoutStrategyProduce a cone-tree layout for a forest
 CvtkConeSourceGenerate polygonal cone
 CvtkConnectedPointsFilterExtract / segment points based on geometric connectivity
 CvtkConnectivityFilterExtract data based on geometric connectivity
 CvtkConstantImplicitBackendA utility structure serving as a backend for constant implicit arrays
 CvtkConstrained2DLayoutStrategySimple fast 2D graph layout that looks for a 'constraint' array (vtkDoubleArray)
 CvtkConstrainedPointHandleRepresentationPoint representation constrained to a 2D plane
 CvtkConstrainedSmoothingFilterAdjust point positions using constrained smoothing
 CvtkConsumerDataFilterSimple filter that will be our cache consumer
 CvtkContext2DClass for drawing 2D primitives to a graphical context
 CvtkContext3DClass for drawing 3D primitives to a graphical context
 CvtkContextActorVtkProp derived object
 CvtkContextAreaClipped, transformed area with axes for context items
 CvtkContextClipAll children of this item are clipped by the specified area
 CvtkContextDevice2DAbstract class for drawing 2D primitives
 CvtkContextDevice3DAbstract class for drawing 3D primitives
 CvtkContextInteractorStyleAn interactor for chart views
 CvtkContextItemBase class for items that are part of a vtkContextScene
 CvtkContextKeyEventData structure to represent key events
 CvtkContextMapper2DAbstract class for 2D context mappers
 CvtkContextMouseEventData structure to represent mouse events
 CvtkContextSceneProvides a 2D scene for vtkContextItem objects
 CvtkContextScenePrivatePrivate implementation for scene/items
 CvtkContextTransformAll children of this item are transformed by the vtkTransform2D of this item
 CvtkContextViewView of the vtkContextScene
 CvtkContingencyStatisticsA class for bivariate correlation contigency tables, conditional probabilities, and information entropy
 CvtkContinuousScatterplotGiven a 3D domain space represented by an unstructured grid composed of tetrahedral cells with bivariate fields, this filter tessellates each cell in the domain to polyhedral fragments by intersecting the projection of the cell into 2-D range space against two sets of cutting planes, one set is defined along the first field, the second set is defined along the second field
 CvtkContinuousValueWidgetSet a value by manipulating something
 CvtkContinuousValueWidgetRepresentationProvide the representation for a continuous value
 CvtkContour3DLinearGridFast generation of isosurface from 3D linear cells
 CvtkContourFilterGenerate isosurfaces/isolines from scalar values
 CvtkContourGridGenerate isosurfaces/isolines from scalar values (specialized for unstructured grids)
 CvtkContourHelperA utility class used by various contour filters
 CvtkContourLineInterpolatorDefines API for interpolating/modifying nodes from a vtkContourRepresentation
 CvtkContourLoopExtractionExtract closed loops (polygons) from lines and polylines
 CvtkContourRepresentationRepresent the vtkContourWidget
 CvtkContourTriangulatorFill all 2D contours to create polygons
 CvtkContourValuesHelper object to manage setting and generating contour values
 CvtkContourWidgetCreate a contour with a set of points
 CvtkControlPointsItemAbstract class for control points items
 CvtkCONVERGECFDReaderReader for CONVERGE CFD post files
 CvtkConvertSelectionConvert a selection from one type to another
 CvtkConvertSelectionDomainConvert a selection from one domain to another
 CvtkConvertToMultiBlockDataSetConverts any data type into a vtkMultiBlockDataSet
 CvtkConvertToPartitionedDataSetCollectionConvert any dataset to vtkPartitionedDataSetCollection
 CvtkConvertToPointCloudConvert any dataset to a point cloud
 CvtkConvertToPolyhedraConvert 3D linear cells to vtkPolyhedra
 CvtkConvexHull2DProduce filled convex hulls around a set of points
 CvtkConvexPointSet3D cell defined by a set of convex points
 CvtkCookieCutterCut vtkPolyData defined on the 2D plane with one or more polygons
 CvtkCoordinatePerform coordinate transformation, and represent position, in a variety of vtk coordinate systems
 CvtkCoordinateFrameImplicit function for a right-handed coordinate system
 CvtkCoordinateFrameRepresentationClass defining the representation for a vtkCoordinateFrameWidget
 CvtkCoordinateFrameWidget3D widget for manipulating a display sized coordinate frame widget
 CvtkCornerAnnotationText annotation in four corners
 CvtkCorrelativeStatisticsA class for bivariate linear correlation
 CvtkCosmicTreeLayoutStrategyTree layout strategy reminiscent of astronomical systems
 CvtkCountFacesAdd a cell data array containing the number of faces per cell
 CvtkCountVerticesAdd a cell data array containing the number of vertices per cell
 CvtkCPExodusIIElementBlockUses an Exodus II element block as a vtkMappedUnstructuredGrid's implementation
 CvtkCPExodusIIElementBlockCellIteratorVtkCellIterator subclass specialized for vtkCPExodusIIElementBlock
 CvtkCPExodusIIInSituReaderRead an Exodus II file into data structures that map the raw arrays returned by the Exodus II library into a multi-block data set containing vtkUnstructuredGridBase subclasses
 CvtkCPExodusIINodalCoordinatesTemplateMap native Exodus II coordinate arrays into the vtkDataArray interface
 CvtkCPExodusIIResultsArrayTemplateMap native Exodus II results arrays into the vtkDataArray interface
 CvtkCriticalTimeCompute time step at which a threshold value has been reached
 CvtkCubeAxesActorCreate a plot of a bounding box edges - used for navigation
 CvtkCubeAxesActor2DCreate a 2D plot of a bounding box edges - used for navigation
 CvtkCubeSourceCreate a polygonal representation of a cube
 CvtkCubicLineCell represents a cubic , isoparametric 1D line
 CvtkCullerSuperclass for prop cullers
 CvtkCullerCollectionOrdered list of Cullers
 CvtkCursor2DGenerate a 2D cursor representation
 CvtkCursor3DGenerate a 3D cursor representation
 CvtkCurvaturesCompute curvatures (Gauss and mean) of a Polydata object
 CvtkCurveRepresentationBase class for a widget that represents a curve that connects control points
 CvtkCutMaterialAutomatically computes the cut plane for a material array pair
 CvtkCutterCut vtkDataSet with user-specified implicit function
 CvtkCylinderImplicit function for a cylinder
 CvtkCylinderSourceGenerate a polygonal cylinder centered at the origin
 CvtkCylindricalTransformCylindrical to rectangular coords and back
 CvtkDataArrayAbstract superclass for arrays of numeric data
 CvtkDataArrayAccessorEfficient templated access to vtkDataArray
 CvtkDataArrayAccessor< vtkDataArray >
 CvtkDataArrayCollectionMaintain an ordered list of dataarray objects
 CvtkDataArrayCollectionIteratorIterator through a vtkDataArrayCollection
 CvtkDataArraySelectionStore on/off settings for data arrays, etc
 CvtkDataAssemblyHierarchical representation to use with vtkPartitionedDataSetCollection
 CvtkDataAssemblyUtilitiesCollections of utilities for vtkDataAssembly
 CvtkDataAssemblyVisitorVisitor API for vtkDataAssembly
 CvtkDatabaseToTableReaderRead an SQL table as a vtkTable
 CvtkDataCompressorAbstract interface for data compression classes
 CvtkDataEncoderClass used to compress/encode images using threads
 CvtkDataObjectGeneral representation of visualization data
 CvtkDataObjectAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that produce only data object as output
 CvtkDataObjectCollectionMaintain an unordered list of data objects
 CvtkDataObjectGeneratorProduces simple (composite or atomic) data sets for testing
 CvtkDataObjectImplicitBackendInterfaceA utility structure that can be used as a base for implicit array backend that relies on a vtkDataObject
 CvtkDataObjectMeshCacheVtkDataObjectMeshCache is a class to store and reuse the mesh of a vtkDataSet, while forwarding data arrays from another dataset
 CvtkDataObjectReaderRead vtk field data file
 CvtkDataObjectToConduitConvert VTK Data Object to Conduit Node
 CvtkDataObjectToDataSetFilterMap field data to concrete dataset
 CvtkDataObjectTreeImplementation for most abstract methods in the superclass vtkCompositeDataSet
 CvtkDataObjectTreeIteratorSuperclass for composite data iterators
 CvtkDataObjectWriterWrite vtk field data
 CvtkDataReaderHelper superclass for objects that read vtk data files
 CvtkDataRepresentationThe superclass for all representations
 CvtkDataSetAbstract class to specify dataset behavior
 CvtkDataSetAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that produce output of the same type as input
 CvtkDataSetAttributesRepresent and manipulate attribute data in a dataset
 CvtkDataSetAttributesFieldListHelps manage arrays from multiple vtkDataSetAttributes
 CvtkDataSetCellIteratorImplementation of vtkCellIterator using vtkDataSet API
 CvtkDataSetCollectionMaintain an unordered list of dataset objects
 CvtkDataSetEdgeSubdivisionCriterionSubclass of vtkEdgeSubdivisionCriterion for vtkDataSet objects
 CvtkDataSetGradientComputes scalar field gradient
 CvtkDataSetGradientPrecomputeComputes a geometry based vector field that the DataSetGradient filter uses to accelerate gradient computation
 CvtkDataSetMapperMap vtkDataSet and derived classes to graphics primitives
 CvtkDataSetReaderClass to read any type of vtk dataset
 CvtkDataSetRegionSurfaceFilterExtract surface of materials
 CvtkDataSetSurfaceFilterExtracts outer surface (as vtkPolyData) of any dataset
 CvtkDataSetToDataObjectFilterMap dataset into data object (i.e., a field)
 CvtkDataSetTriangleFilterTriangulate any type of dataset
 CvtkDataSetWriterWrite any type of vtk dataset to file
 CvtkDataTransferHelperHelper class that aids in transferring data between CPU memory and GPU memory
 CvtkDataWriterHelper class for objects that write VTK data files
 CvtkDateToNumericConverts string dates to numeric values
 CvtkDebugLeaksIdentify memory leaks at program termination vtkDebugLeaks is used to report memory leaks at the exit of the program
 CvtkDebugLeaksManagerManages the vtkDebugLeaks singleton
 CvtkDecimatePolylineAngleStrategyDecimation strategy using the angle between 3 consecutive points as a metric
 CvtkDecimatePolylineCustomFieldStrategyDecimation strategy using a custom point data array to retrieve the data to be used a a metric
 CvtkDecimatePolylineDistanceStrategyDecimation strategy using distance between points as a metric
 CvtkDecimatePolylineFilterReduce the number of lines in a polyline
 CvtkDecimatePolylineStrategyAbstract class to define a decimation strategy for the vtkDecimatePolylineFilter
 CvtkDecimateProReduce the number of triangles in a mesh
 CvtkDefaultPassImplement the basic render passes
 CvtkDeflectNormalsDeflect normals using a 3 component vector field
 CvtkDeformPointSetUse a control polyhedron to deform an input vtkPointSet
 CvtkDelaunay2DCreate 2D Delaunay triangulation of input points
 CvtkDelaunay3DCreate 3D Delaunay triangulation of input points
 CvtkDelimitedTextCodecIteratorPrivateImplements vtkTextCodec::OutputIterator to fill a vtkTable from text input
 CvtkDelimitedTextReaderReads in delimited ascii or unicode text files and outputs a vtkTable data structure
 CvtkDelimitedTextWriterDelimited text writer for vtkTable Writes a vtkTable as a delimited text file (such as CSV)
 CvtkDemandDrivenPipelineExecutive supporting on-demand execution
 CvtkDEMReaderRead a digital elevation model (DEM) file
 CvtkDendrogramItemA 2D graphics item for rendering a tree as a dendrogram
 CvtkDenseArrayContiguous storage for N-way arrays
 CvtkDensifyPointCloudFilterAdd points to a point cloud to make it denser
 CvtkDensifyPolyDataDensify the input by adding points at the centroid
 CvtkDepthImageProcessingPassConvenient class for post-processing passes
 CvtkDepthImageToPointCloudConvert a depth image into a point cloud
 CvtkDepthOfFieldPassImplement a post-processing DOF blur pass
 CvtkDepthPeelingPassImplement Depth Peeling for use within a framebuffer pass
 CvtkDepthSortPolyDataSort poly data along camera view direction
 CvtkDeRhamCellBase class for cells that form 2-d or 3-d DeRham complexes
 CvtkDescriptiveStatisticsA class for univariate descriptive statistics
 CvtkDeserializerDeserialize VTK objects from JSON
 CvtkDGArrayOutputAccessorStore values interpolated from DG cells into a vtkDoubleArray instance
 CvtkDGArraysInputAccessorEvaluate DG cells whose indices and parameters are provided by vtkDataArray instances
 CvtkDGAttributeInformationProvide information about a cell attribute's basis functions on one cell type
 CvtkDGBoundsResponderRespond to a query on one particular type of cell
 CvtkDGCellBase class for a discontinuous Galerkin cells of all shapes
 CvtkDGCellCenterResponderRespond to a query on one particular type of cell
 CvtkDGCellSourceResponderRespond to a query on one particular type of cell
 CvtkDGCopyResponderCopy data from one vtkCellGrid to another
 CvtkDGEdgeMetadata for a discontinuous Galerkin triangle
 CvtkDGElevationResponderRespond to a query on one particular type of cell
 CvtkDGEvaluatorClassify world points, evaluate cell parameters, and interpolate attributes
 CvtkDGHexMetadata for a discontinuous Galerkin hexahedron
 CvtkDGInterpolateCalculatorCalculate field values at a point in a cell's parametric space
 CvtkDGIOResponderRead/write metadata specific to discontinuous Galerkin cells
 CvtkDGOperationInvoke an operator on DG cells/sides
 CvtkDGOperationBaseA base class for operator evaluators
 CvtkDGOperationEvaluatorEvaluate a vtkDGOperationEntry on a provided cell ID at provided parametric coordinates
 CvtkDGOperationStateEncapsulate the state required to evaluate DG cell-attributes
 CvtkDGOperationStateEntryEncapsulate the state required to evaluate DG cell-attributes
 CvtkDGOperationStateEntryBaseThis is a base class that exists so that vtkDGOperationState can provide a virtual CloneInto method that accepts any of the templated subclasses below
 CvtkDGOperatorEntryA record for a basis in a function space that is specific to one cell shape
 CvtkDGPyrMetadata for a discontinuous Galerkin pyramid
 CvtkDGQuadMetadata for a discontinuous Galerkin quadrilateral
 CvtkDGRangeResponderCompute the range of a cell-attribute over any vtkDGCell
 CvtkDGRenderResponderRendering simple DG cells (i.e., those with a fixed reference shape)
 CvtkDGSidesResponderCompute the sides on the outside surface of a collection of DG cells
 CvtkDGTetMetadata for a discontinuous Galerkin tetrahedron
 CvtkDGTranscribeCellGridCellsRespond to a query on one particular type of cell
 CvtkDGTranscribeUnstructuredCellsTranscribe unstructured-grid cells as vtkDGCell subclasses
 CvtkDGTransformResponderApply a transform to an attribute of a vtkDGCell
 CvtkDGTriMetadata for a discontinuous Galerkin triangle
 CvtkDGVertMetadata for a discontinuous Galerkin vertex
 CvtkDGWarpRespond to a "warp" query on one particular type of cell
 CvtkDGWdgMetadata for a discontinuous Galerkin wedge
 CvtkDiagonalMatrixSourceGenerates a sparse or dense square matrix with user-specified values for the diagonal, superdiagonal, and subdiagonal
 CvtkDicerAbstract superclass to divide dataset into pieces
 CvtkDICOMImageReaderReads some DICOM images
 CvtkDijkstraGraphGeodesicPathDijkstra algorithm to compute the graph geodesic
 CvtkDijkstraGraphInternalsHelper class due to PIMPL excess
 CvtkDijkstraImageContourLineInterpolatorContour interpolator for placing points on an image
 CvtkDijkstraImageGeodesicPathDijkstra algorithm to compute the graph geodesic
 CvtkDIMACSGraphReaderReads vtkGraph data from a DIMACS formatted file
 CvtkDIMACSGraphWriterWrite vtkGraph data to a DIMACS formatted file
 CvtkDirectedAcyclicGraphA rooted tree data structure
 CvtkDirectedGraphA directed graph
 CvtkDirectedGraphAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that produce only directed graph as output
 CvtkDirectionEncoderEncode a direction into a one or two byte value
 CvtkDirectoryOS independent class for access and manipulation of system directories
 CvtkDiscreteFlyingEdges2DGenerate isoline(s) from 2D image data
 CvtkDiscreteFlyingEdges3DGenerate isosurface from 3D image data (volume)
 CvtkDiscreteFlyingEdgesClipper2DGenerate filled regions from segmented 2D image data
 CvtkDiscreteMarchingCubesGenerate object boundaries from labelled volumes
 CvtkDiscretizableColorTransferFunctionCombination of vtkColorTransferFunction and vtkLookupTable
 CvtkDiskSourceCreate a disk with hole in center
 CvtkDisplaySizedImplicitPlaneRepresentationClass defining the representation for a vtkDisplaySizedImplicitPlaneWidget
 CvtkDisplaySizedImplicitPlaneWidget3D widget for manipulating a display sized plane
 CvtkDistancePolyDataFilterComputes the signed distance from one vtkPolyData to another
 CvtkDistanceRepresentationRepresent the vtkDistanceWidget
 CvtkDistanceRepresentation2DRepresent the vtkDistanceWidget
 CvtkDistanceRepresentation3DRepresent the vtkDistanceWidget
 CvtkDistanceToCameraCalculates distance from points to the camera
 CvtkDistanceWidgetMeasure the distance between two points
 CvtkDistributedDataFilterSerial stand-in for parallel filter that distributes data among processors
 CvtkDistributedGraphHelperHelper for the vtkGraph class that allows the graph to be distributed across multiple memory spaces
 CvtkDistributedPointCloudFilterDistributes points among MPI processors
 CvtkDIYAggregateDataSetFilterAggregates data sets to a reduced number of processes
 CvtkDIYDataExchangerExchange data-object among ranks
 CvtkDIYExplicitAssignerAssigner for use with DIY
 CvtkDIYGhostUtilitiesUtilities to produce ghost cells between a collection of data sets of same type
 CvtkDIYKdTreeUtilitiesCollection of utility functions for DIY-based KdTree algorithm
 CvtkDIYUtilitiesCollection of helper functions for working with DIY
 CvtkDotProductSimilarityCompute dot-product similarity metrics
 CvtkDoubleArrayDynamic, self-adjusting array of double
 CvtkDrawTexturedElementsA base class for mappers or render responders that need to draw primitives via vertex-pulling
 CvtkDSPFilterDefinitionUsed by the Exodus readers
 CvtkDSPFilterGroupUsed by the Exodus readers
 CvtkDualDepthPeelingPassImplements the dual depth peeling algorithm
 CvtkDummyCommunicatorDummy controller for single process applications
 CvtkDummyControllerDummy controller for single process applications
 CvtkDummyGPUInfoListDo thing during Probe()
 CvtkDuplicatePolyDataFor distributed tiled displays
 CvtkDynamic2DLabelMapperDraw text labels at 2D dataset points
 CvtkDynamicLoaderClass interface to system dynamic libraries
 CvtkEarthSourceCreate the continents of the Earth as a sphere
 CvtkEdgeCentersGenerate points at center of edges
 CvtkEdgeLayoutLayout graph edges
 CvtkEdgeLayoutStrategyAbstract superclass for all edge layout strategies
 CvtkEdgeListIteratorIterates through all edges in a graph
 CvtkEdgePointsGenerate points on isosurface
 CvtkEdgeSubdivisionCriterionHow to decide whether a linear approximation to nonlinear geometry or field should be subdivided
 CvtkEdgeTableKeep track of edges (edge is pair of integer id's)
 CvtkEDLShadingImplement an EDL offscreen shading
 CvtkEGLRenderWindowOpenGL rendering window
 CvtkElevationFilterGenerate scalars along a specified direction
 CvtkEllipseArcSourceCreate an elliptical arc
 CvtkEllipsoidalGaussianKernelEllipsoidal Gaussian interpolation kernel
 CvtkEllipsoidTensorProbeRepresentationA concrete implementation of vtkTensorProbeRepresentation that renders tensors as ellipoids
 CvtkEllipticalButtonSourceCreate a ellipsoidal-shaped button
 CvtkEmptyCellEmpty cell used as a place-holder during processing
 CvtkEncodedGradientEstimatorSuperclass for gradient estimation
 CvtkEncodedGradientShaderCompute shading tables for encoded normals
 CvtkEndForVtkEndFor define the end of the sub-pipeline to loop
 CvtkEnsembleSourceSource that manages dataset ensembles
 CvtkEnSight6BinaryReaderClass to read binary EnSight6 files
 CvtkEnSight6ReaderClass to read EnSight6 files
 CvtkEnSightGoldBinaryReaderClass to read binary EnSight Gold files
 CvtkEnSightGoldReaderClass to read EnSight Gold files
 CvtkEnSightMasterServerReaderReader for compound EnSight files
 CvtkEnSightReaderSuperclass for EnSight file readers
 CvtkEnSightSOSGoldReaderReader for EnSight SOS gold files
 CvtkEnSightWriterWrite vtk unstructured grid data as an EnSight file
 CvtkEqualizerContextItemDraws a interactive polyline
 CvtkEqualizerFilterImplements an algorithm for digital signal processing
 CvtkEquirectangularToCubeMapTextureCompute a cubemap texture based on a standard equirectangular projection
 CvtkERFReaderRead ERF-HDF5 files
 CvtkErrorCodeSuperclass for error codes
 CvtkEuclideanClusterExtractionPerform segmentation based on geometric proximity and optional scalar threshold
 CvtkEvenlySpacedStreamlines2DEvenly spaced streamline generator for 2D
 CvtkEventComplete specification of a VTK event including all modifiers
 CvtkEventForwarderCommandSimple event forwarder command
 CvtkEventQtSlotConnectManage connections between VTK events and Qt slots
 CvtkExecutableRunnerLaunch a process on the current machine and get its output
 CvtkExecutionAggregatorAggregate the results of the sub-pipeline in vtkEndFor
 CvtkExecutionRangeDefine a range for the vtkForEach
 CvtkExecutionTimerTime filter execution
 CvtkExecutiveSuperclass for all pipeline executives in VTK
 CvtkExodusIIReaderRead exodus 2 files .ex2
 CvtkExodusIIReaderIntPointCheckThis looks for integration-point variables whose names contain an element shape and digits specifying an integration point
 CvtkExodusIIReaderParserInternal parser used by vtkExodusIIReader
 CvtkExodusIIReaderPrivateThis class holds metadata for an Exodus file
 CvtkExodusIIReaderScalarCheckThis always accepts a single array name as a scalar. It is the fallback for all other checkers
 CvtkExodusIIReaderTensorCheckThis looks for symmetric tensors of a given rank and dimension
 CvtkExodusIIReaderVariableCheckAbstract base class for glomming arrays of variable names
 CvtkExodusIIReaderVectorCheckThis looks for n-D vectors whose names are identical except for a single final character
 CvtkExodusIIWriterWrite Exodus II files
 CvtkExpandMarkedElementsExpands marked elements to including adjacent elements
 CvtkExpandSelectedGraphExpands a selection set of a vtkGraph
 CvtkExplicitStructuredGridStructured grid with explicit topology and geometry
 CvtkExplicitStructuredGridAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that produce only explicit structured grid as output
 CvtkExplicitStructuredGridCropFilter which extracts a piece of explicit structured grid changing its extents
 CvtkExplicitStructuredGridSurfaceFilterFilter which creates a surface (polydata) from an explicit structured grid
 CvtkExplicitStructuredGridToUnstructuredGridFilter which converts an explicit structured grid into an unstructured grid
 CvtkExplodeDataSetExplode input dataset according to a cell scalar isovalue criteria
 CvtkExporterAbstract class to write a scene to a file
 CvtkExprTkFunctionParserParse and evaluate a mathematical expression
 CvtkExtentRCBPartitionerThis method partitions a global extent to N partitions where N is a user supplied parameter
 CvtkExtentSplitterSplit an extent across other extents
 CvtkExtentTranslatorGenerates a structured extent from unstructured
 CvtkExternalLightVirtual light object for tweaking existing lights in an external 3D rendering context
 CvtkExternalOpenGLCameraOpenGL camera
 CvtkExternalOpenGLRendererOpenGL renderer
 CvtkExternalOpenGLRenderWindowOpenGL render window that allows using an external window to render vtk objects
 CvtkExtractArrayGiven a vtkArrayData object containing one-or-more vtkArray instances, produces a vtkArrayData containing just one vtkArray, identified by index
 CvtkExtractBlockExtracts blocks from a vtkDataObjectTree subclass
 CvtkExtractBlockUsingDataAssemblyExtract blocks from certain composite datasets
 CvtkExtractCellsSubset a vtkDataSet to create a vtkUnstructuredGrid
 CvtkExtractCellsAlongPolyLineExtracts input cells that are intersected by a list of input lines or poly lines
 CvtkExtractCellsByTypeExtract cells of a specified type
 CvtkExtractCTHPartGenerates surface of a CTH volume fraction
 CvtkExtractDataArraysOverTimeExtracts array from input dataset over time
 CvtkExtractDataOverTimeExtract point data from a time sequence for a specified point id
 CvtkExtractDataSetsExtracts a number of datasets
 CvtkExtractEdgesExtract cell edges from any type of dataset
 CvtkExtractEnclosedPointsExtract points inside of a closed polygonal surface
 CvtkExtractExodusGlobalTemporalVariablesExtract global temporal arrays or suitable field data arrays
 CvtkExtractFunctionalBagPlotFrom an input table containing series on port 0 and another table describing densities on port 1 (for instance obtained by applying filter vtkHighestDensityRegionsStatistics, this filter generates a table containing all the columns of the input port 0 plus two 2 components columns containing the bag series to be used by vtkFunctionalBagPlot
 CvtkExtractGeometryExtract cells that lie either entirely inside or outside of a specified implicit function
 CvtkExtractGhostCellsExtracts ghost cells from the input and untag them (they become visible)
 CvtkExtractGridSelect piece (e.g., volume of interest) and/or subsample structured grid dataset
 CvtkExtractHierarchicalBinsManipulate the output of vtkHierarchicalBinningFilter
 CvtkExtractHistogramExtract histogram data (binned values) from any dataset
 CvtkExtractHistogram2DCompute a 2D histogram between two columns of an input vtkTable
 CvtkExtractLevelExtract levels between min and max from a hierarchical box dataset
 CvtkExtractParticlesOverTimeExtract particles that goes through a given volumic data set
 CvtkExtractPieceVtkExtractPiece returns the appropriate piece of each sub-dataset in the vtkCompositeDataSet
 CvtkExtractPointCloudPieceReturn a piece of a point cloud
 CvtkExtractPointsExtract points within an implicit function
 CvtkExtractPolyDataGeometryExtract vtkPolyData cells that lies either entirely inside or outside of a specified implicit function
 CvtkExtractPolyDataPieceReturn specified piece, including specified number of ghost levels
 CvtkExtractRectilinearGridExtract a sub grid (VOI) from the structured rectilinear dataset
 CvtkExtractSelectedArraysOverTimeExtracts a selection over time
 CvtkExtractSelectedFrustumReturns the portion of the input dataset that lies within a selection frustum
 CvtkExtractSelectedGraphReturn a subgraph of a vtkGraph
 CvtkExtractSelectedRowsReturn selected rows of a table
 CvtkExtractSelectedTreeReturn a subtree from a vtkTree
 CvtkExtractSelectionExtract a subset from a vtkDataSet
 CvtkExtractSelectionBaseAbstract base class for all extract selection filters
 CvtkExtractStructuredGridHelperHelper for extracting/sub-sampling structured datasets
 CvtkExtractSubsetWithSeedExtract a line or plane in the ijk space starting with a seed
 CvtkExtractSurfaceGenerate zero-crossing isosurface from truncated signed distance volume
 CvtkExtractTensorComponentsExtract parts of tensor and create a scalar, vector, normal, or texture coordinates
 CvtkExtractTimeStepsExtract specific time-steps from dataset
 CvtkExtractUnstructuredGridExtract subset of unstructured grid geometry
 CvtkExtractUnstructuredGridPieceReturn specified piece, including specified number of ghost levels
 CvtkExtractUserDefinedPieceReturn user specified piece with ghost cells
 CvtkExtractVectorComponentsExtract components of vector as separate scalars
 CvtkExtractVOISelect piece (e.g., volume of interest) and/or subsample structured points dataset
 CvtkFacetReaderReads a dataset in Facet format
 CvtkFacetWriterReads a dataset in Facet format
 CvtkFast2DLayoutStrategySimple fast 2D graph layout
 CvtkFastLabeledDataMapperDraw text labels at dataset points
 CvtkFastSplatterA splatter optimized for splatting single kernels
 CvtkFDSReaderA reader for the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) output data
 CvtkFeatureEdgesExtract interior, boundary, non-manifold, and/or sharp edges from polygonal data
 CvtkFFMPEGVideoSourceReader for ffmpeg supported formats
 CvtkFFMPEGWriterUses the FFMPEG library to write video files
 CvtkFFTPerform Discrete Fourier Transforms
 CvtkFiberSurfaceGiven a fiber surface control polygon (FSCP) and an unstructured grid composed of tetrahedral cells with two scalar arrays, this filter computes the corresponding fiber surfaces
 CvtkFidesReaderRead ADIOS2 streams using Fides data model
 CvtkFieldDataRepresent and manipulate fields of data
 CvtkFieldDataSerializerA concrete instance of vtkObject which provides functionality for serializing and de-serializing field data, primarily used for the purpose of preparing the data for transfer over MPI or other communication mechanism
 CvtkFieldDataToAttributeDataFilterMap field data to dataset attribute data
 CvtkFieldDataToDataSetAttributeMap field data to other attribute data
 CvtkFileOutputWindowFile Specific output window class
 CvtkFileResourceStreamVtkResourceStream implementation for file input
 CvtkFileSeriesHelperHelper class to process file series
 CvtkFillHolesFilterIdentify and fill holes in meshes
 CvtkFilteringInformationKeyManagerManages key types in vtkFiltering
 CvtkFiltersCellGridA registrar for cell types contained in this module
 CvtkFindCellStrategyHelper class to manage the vtkPointSet::FindCell() method
 CvtkFiniteDifferenceGradientEstimatorUse finite differences to estimate gradient
 CvtkFinitePlaneRepresentationRepresent the vtkFinitePlaneWidget
 CvtkFinitePlaneWidget3D widget for manipulating a finite plane
 CvtkFitImplicitFunctionExtract points on the surface of an implicit function
 CvtkFitToHeightMapFilterAdjust polydata to fit image height map
 CvtkFixedPointRayCastImageHelper class for a ray cast image
 CvtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastCompositeGOHelperA helper that generates composite images for the volume ray cast mapper
 CvtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastCompositeGOShadeHelperA helper that generates composite images for the volume ray cast mapper
 CvtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastCompositeHelperA helper that generates composite images for the volume ray cast mapper
 CvtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastCompositeShadeHelperA helper that generates composite images for the volume ray cast mapper
 CvtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastHelperAn abstract helper that generates images for the volume ray cast mapper
 CvtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapperA fixed point mapper for volumes
 CvtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMIPHelperA helper that generates MIP images for the volume ray cast mapper
 CvtkFixedSizeHandleRepresentationA marker that has the same size in pixels
 CvtkFixedWidthTextReaderReader for pulling in text files with fixed-width fields
 CvtkFlagpoleLabelRenders a flagpole (line) with a label at the top that faces the camera
 CvtkFloatArrayDynamic, self-adjusting array of float
 CvtkFloatingPointExceptionsDeal with floating-point exceptions
 CvtkFLUENTCFFReaderReads a dataset in Fluent CFF file format
 CvtkFLUENTReaderReads a dataset in Fluent file format
 CvtkFlyingEdges2DGenerate isoline(s) from a structured points (image) dataset
 CvtkFlyingEdges3DGenerate isosurface from 3D image data (volume)
 CvtkFlyingEdgesPlaneCutterCut a volume with a plane and generate a polygonal cut surface
 CvtkFocalPlaneContourRepresentationRepresent a contour drawn on the focal plane
 CvtkFollowerSubclass of actor that always faces the camera
 CvtkFontConfigFreeTypeToolsSubclass of vtkFreeTypeTools that uses system installed fonts
 CvtkForceDirectedLayoutStrategyForce directed graph layout algorithm
 CvtkForceStaticMeshTakes in input as a cache the first time it is executed then use it as a static mesh
 CvtkForEachAlgorithm allowing to implement a for loop using the VTK pipeline and a sister filter vtkEndFor
 CvtkFourByteUnionOpenGL vertex buffer object
 CvtkFrameBufferObjectBaseAbstract interface to OpenGL FBOs
 CvtkFramebufferPassRender into a FO
 CvtkFreeTypeLabelRenderStrategyRenders labels with freetype
 CvtkFreeTypeStringToImageRender the supplied text to an image
 CvtkFreeTypeToolsFreeType library support
 CvtkFrustumImplicit function for a frustum
 CvtkFrustumCoverageCullerCull props based on frustum coverage
 CvtkFrustumSelectorVtkFrustumSelector is a vtkSelector that selects elements based on whether they are inside or intersect a frustum of interest
 CvtkFrustumSourceCreate a polygonal representation of a frustum
 CvtkFunctionParserParse and evaluate a mathematical expression
 CvtkFunctionSetAbstract interface for sets of functions
 CvtkFXAAOptionsConfiguration for FXAA implementations
 CvtkGAMBITReaderReads a dataset in Fluent GAMBIT neutral file format
 CvtkGarbageCollectorDetect and break reference loops
 CvtkGarbageCollectorManagerManages the vtkGarbageCollector singleton
 CvtkGaussianBlurPassImplement a post-processing Gaussian blur render pass
 CvtkGaussianCubeReaderRead ASCII Gaussian Cube Data files
 CvtkGaussianCubeReader2Read a Gaussian Cube file and output a vtkMolecule object and a vtkImageData
 CvtkGaussianKernelSpherical Gaussian interpolation kernel
 CvtkGaussianRandomSequenceGaussian sequence of pseudo random numbers
 CvtkGaussianSplatterSplat points into a volume with an elliptical, Gaussian distribution
 CvtkGDALShared data for GDAL classes
 CvtkGDALRasterConverterConvert between VTK image representation and GDAL datasets
 CvtkGDALRasterReaderRead raster file formats using GDAL
 CvtkGDALVectorReaderRead vector file formats using GDAL
 CvtkGeneralizedKernelFlexible, general interpolation kernels
 CvtkGeneralTransformAllows operations on any transforms
 CvtkGenerateGlobalIdsGenerates global point and cell ids
 CvtkGenerateIdsGenerate scalars or field data from point and cell ids
 CvtkGenerateIndexArrayGenerates a new vtkIdTypeArray containing zero-base indices
 CvtkGenerateProcessIdsSets ProcessIds attribute for PointData and/or CellData
 CvtkGenerateRegionIdsGenerate cell array containing the region id
 CvtkGenerateTimeStepsGenerate timesteps on any input
 CvtkGenericAdaptorCellDefines cell interface
 CvtkGenericAttributeAbstract class defined API for attribute data
 CvtkGenericAttributeCollectionCollection of attributes
 CvtkGenericCellThread-safe access to cells
 CvtkGenericCellIteratorIterator used to traverse cells
 CvtkGenericCellTessellatorHelper class to perform cell tessellation
 CvtkGenericClipClip any dataset with an implicit function or scalar data
 CvtkGenericContourFilterGenerate isocontours from input dataset
 CvtkGenericCutterCut a vtkGenericDataSet with an implicit function or scalar data
 CvtkGenericDataArrayBase interface for all typed vtkDataArray subclasses
 CvtkGenericDataArrayLookupHelperInternal class used by vtkGenericDataArray to support LookupValue
 CvtkGenericDataObjectReaderClass to read any type of vtk data object
 CvtkGenericDataObjectWriterWrites any type of vtk data object to file
 CvtkGenericDataSetDefines dataset interface
 CvtkGenericDataSetTessellatorTessellates generic, higher-order datasets into linear cells
 CvtkGenericEdgeTableKeep track of edges (defined by pair of integer id's)
 CvtkGenericEnSightReaderClass to read any type of EnSight files
 CvtkGenericGeometryFilterExtract geometry from data (or convert data to polygonal type)
 CvtkGenericGlyph3DFilterCopy oriented and scaled glyph geometry to every input point
 CvtkGenericImageInterpolatorInterpolate data values from images using vtkGenericDataArray API
 CvtkGenericInterpolatedVelocityFieldInterface for obtaining interpolated velocity values
 CvtkGenericMovieWriterAbstract movie writer class
 CvtkGenericOpenGLRenderWindowPlatform independent render window
 CvtkGenericOutlineFilterCreate wireframe outline for arbitrary generic data set
 CvtkGenericPointIteratorIterator used to traverse points
 CvtkGenericProbeFilterSample data values at specified point locations
 CvtkGenericRenderWindowInteractorPlatform-independent programmable render window interactor
 CvtkGenericStreamTracerStreamline generator
 CvtkGenericSubdivisionErrorMetricObjects that compute error during cell tessellation
 CvtkGenericVertexAttributeMappingStores mapping for data arrays to generic vertex attributes
 CvtkGeodesicPathAbstract base for classes that generate a geodesic path
 CvtkGeoEdgeStrategyLayout graph edges on a globe as arcs
 CvtkGeoJSONFeatureRepresents GeoJSON feature geometry & properties
 CvtkGeoJSONReaderConvert Geo JSON format to vtkPolyData
 CvtkGeoJSONWriterConvert vtkPolyData to Geo JSON format
 CvtkGeoMathUseful geographic calculations
 CvtkGeometricErrorMetricObjects that compute geometry-based error during cell tessellation
 CvtkGeometryFilterExtract boundary geometry from dataset (or convert data to polygonal type)
 CvtkGeoProjectionRepresent a projection from a sphere to a plane
 CvtkGeoTransformA transformation between two geographic coordinate systems
 CvtkGESignaReaderRead GE Signa ximg files
 CvtkGhostCellsGeneratorComputes ghost cells on vtkCompositeDataSet inputs
 CvtkGL2PSExporterExport a scene as a PostScript file using GL2PS
 CvtkGlobFileNamesFind files that match a wildcard pattern
 CvtkGLSLModCameraImplement model-view-projection transforms in the OpenGL renderer
 CvtkGLSLModCoincidentTopologyHandle coincident topology
 CvtkGLSLModifierBaseAbstract class that helps you develop modifier for VTK GLSL shaders
 CvtkGLSLModifierFactoryThis class empowers developers to write and use GLSL mods easily in VTK
 CvtkGLSLModLightImplement light kit support in the OpenGL renderer for vtkCellGrid
 CvtkGLSLModPixelDebuggerAllow live pixel debugging by overwriting gl_FragData[0] output
 CvtkGLTFDocumentLoaderDeserialize a GLTF model file
 CvtkGLTFDocumentLoaderInternalsInternal class for vtkGLTFDocumentLoader
 CvtkGLTFExporterExport a scene into GLTF 2.0 format
 CvtkGLTFImporterImport a GLTF file
 CvtkGLTFReaderRead a GLTF file
 CvtkGLTFWriterExport a scene into GLTF 2.0 format
 CvtkGlyph2DCopy oriented and scaled glyph geometry to every input point (2D specialization)
 CvtkGlyph3DCopy oriented and scaled glyph geometry to every input point
 CvtkGlyph3DMapperVtkGlyph3D on the GPU
 CvtkGlyphSource2DCreate 2D glyphs represented by vtkPolyData
 CvtkGoldenBallSourceCreate a faceted approximation to a ball (i.e., a solid sphere)
 CvtkGPUInfoStores GPU VRAM information
 CvtkGPUInfoListStores the list of GPUs VRAM information
 CvtkGPUInfoListArrayInternal class vtkGPUInfoList
 CvtkGPUVolumeRayCastMapperRay casting performed on the GPU
 CvtkGradientFilterA general filter for gradient estimation
 CvtkGraphBase class for graph data types
 CvtkGraphAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that produce only graph as output
 CvtkGraphAnnotationLayersFilterProduce filled convex hulls around subsets of vertices in a vtkGraph
 CvtkGraphEdgeRepresentation of a single graph edge
 CvtkGraphGeodesicPathAbstract base for classes that generate a geodesic path on a graph (mesh)
 CvtkGraphHierarchicalBundleEdgesLayout graph arcs in bundles
 CvtkGraphInternalsInternal representation of vtkGraph
 CvtkGraphItemA 2D graphics item for rendering a graph
 CvtkGraphLayoutLayout a graph in 2 or 3 dimensions
 CvtkGraphLayoutFilterNice layout of undirected graphs in 3D
 CvtkGraphLayoutStrategyAbstract superclass for all graph layout strategies
 CvtkGraphLayoutViewLays out and displays a graph
 CvtkGraphMapperMap vtkGraph and derived classes to graphics primitives
 CvtkGraphReaderRead vtkGraph data file
 CvtkGraphToGlyphsCreate glyphs for graph vertices
 CvtkGraphToPointsConvert a vtkGraph a set of points
 CvtkGraphToPolyDataConvert a vtkGraph to vtkPolyData
 CvtkGraphWeightEuclideanDistanceFilterWeights the edges of a graph based on the Euclidean distance between the points
 CvtkGraphWeightFilterBase class for filters that weight graph edges
 CvtkGraphWriterWrite vtkGraph data to a file
 CvtkGreedyTerrainDecimationReduce height field (represented as image) to reduced TIN
 CvtkGridSynchronizedTemplates3DGenerate isosurface from structured grids
 CvtkGridTransformNonlinear warp transformation
 CvtkGroupDataSetsFilterGroups inputs into a chosen composite dataset
 CvtkGroupLeafVerticesFilter that expands a tree, categorizing leaf vertices
 CvtkGroupTimeStepsFilterConverts a temporal dataset into non-temporal dataset
 CvtkH5PartReaderRead H5Part particle files
 CvtkH5RageReaderClass for reading Rage HDF data files
 CvtkHandleRepresentationAbstract class for representing widget handles
 CvtkHandleSourceInterface that can be inherited to define handler sources for any kind of interaction
 CvtkHandleWidgetGeneral widget for moving handles
 CvtkHardwarePickerPick a point or snap to point of an actor/prop using graphics hardware
 CvtkHardwareWindowCreate a window for renderers to draw into
 CvtkHashCombinerCombine 4- and 8-byte integers into a single hash value
 CvtkHausdorffDistancePointSetFilterCompute Hausdorff distance between two point sets
 CvtkHDF5HelperHelper class used to read hdf5 file format
 CvtkHDFReaderReads data saved using the VTK HDF format which supports all vtkDataSet types (image data, poly data, unstructured grid, overlapping AMR, partitioned dataset collection and multiblock are currently implemented) and serial as well as parallel processing
 CvtkHDFReaderImplementationImplementation class for vtkHDFReader
 CvtkHDFVersionVersion number for legacy readers/writers
 CvtkHDFWriterWrites input dataset to a VTKHDF file
 CvtkHDFWriterImplementationImplementation class for vtkHDFWriter
 CvtkHDRReaderRead Radiance HDR files
 CvtkHeapReplacement for malloc/free and new/delete
 CvtkHeatmapItemA 2D graphics item for rendering a heatmap
 CvtkHedgeHogCreate oriented lines from vector data
 CvtkHexagonalPrism3D cell that represents a prism with hexagonal base
 CvtkHexahedronCell that represents a linear 3D hexahedron
 CvtkHiddenLineRemovalPassRenderPass for HLR
 CvtkHierarchicalBinningFilterUniform binning of points into a hierarchical structure
 CvtkHierarchicalBoxDataSetBackwards compatibility class
 CvtkHierarchicalBoxDataSetAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that produce vtkHierarchicalBoxDataSet as output
 CvtkHierarchicalDataExtractDataSetsExtract a number of datasets
 CvtkHierarchicalDataExtractLevelExtract levels between min and max
 CvtkHierarchicalDataLevelFilterGenerate scalars from levels
 CvtkHierarchicalDataSetGeometryFilterExtract geometry from hierarchical data
 CvtkHierarchicalGraphPipelineHelper class for rendering graphs superimposed on a tree
 CvtkHierarchicalGraphViewAccepts a graph and a hierarchy - currently a tree - and provides a hierarchy-aware display
 CvtkHierarchicalPolyDataMapperClass that renders hierarchical polygonal data
 CvtkHigherOrderHexahedronA 3D cell that represents an arbitrary order HigherOrder hex
 CvtkHigherOrderTetraA 3D cell that represents an arbitrary order HigherOrder tetrahedron
 CvtkHigherOrderTriangleA 2D cell that represents an arbitrary order HigherOrder triangle
 CvtkHigherOrderWedgeA 3D cell that represents an arbitrary order HigherOrder wedge
 CvtkHighestDensityRegionsStatisticsCompute a random vector of density f from input observations points
 CvtkHomogeneousTransformSuperclass for homogeneous transformations
 CvtkHoudiniPolyDataWriterWrite vtk polygonal data to Houdini file
 CvtkHoverWidgetInvoke a vtkTimerEvent when hovering
 CvtkHullProduce an n-sided convex hull
 CvtkHyperStreamlineGenerate hyperstreamline in arbitrary dataset
 CvtkHyperTreeA data object structured as a tree
 CvtkHyperTreeGridA dataset containing a grid of vtkHyperTree instances arranged as a rectilinear grid
 CvtkHyperTreeGridAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that produce a hyper tree grid as output
 CvtkHyperTreeGridAxisClipAxis aligned hyper tree grid clip
 CvtkHyperTreeGridAxisCutAxis aligned hyper tree grid cut
 CvtkHyperTreeGridAxisReflectionReflect a hyper tree grid
 CvtkHyperTreeGridCellCentersGenerate points at center of hyper tree grid leaf cell centers
 CvtkHyperTreeGridCellCenterStrategyDefine the CellCenter field used in vtkHyperTreeGridGenerateFields
 CvtkHyperTreeGridCellSizeStrategyDefine the CellSize field used in vtkHyperTreeGridGenerateFields
 CvtkHyperTreeGridContourExtract cells from a hyper tree grid where selected scalar value is within given range
 CvtkHyperTreeGridDepthLimiterHyper tree grid level extraction
 CvtkHyperTreeGridEntryEntries are cache data for cursors
 CvtkHyperTreeGridEvaluateCoarseThe value of the parent cell is determined from an operation defined on the values of the child cells
 CvtkHyperTreeGridExtractGhostCellsExtract ghost cells from the input HTG and untag them as ghost
 CvtkHyperTreeGridFeatureEdgesGenerates feature edges from an Hyper Tree Grid
 CvtkHyperTreeGridGenerateFieldsGenerate cell fields for a HTG
 CvtkHyperTreeGridGenerateFieldStrategyAbstract class for field definition used by vtkHyperTreeGridGenerateFields
 CvtkHyperTreeGridGenerateGlobalIdsGenerate global IDs of input HyperTee Grid(s)
 CvtkHyperTreeGridGenerateProcessIdsSets ProcessIds attribute for CellData
 CvtkHyperTreeGridGeometricLocatorClass that implements accelerated searches through HyperTree Grids (HTGs) using geometric information
 CvtkHyperTreeGridGeometryGenerate vtkHyperTreeGrid external surface
 CvtkHyperTreeGridGeometry1DImplVtkHyperTreeGridGeometry internal classes for 1D vtkHyperTreeGrid
 CvtkHyperTreeGridGeometry2DImplVtkHyperTreeGridGeometry internal classes for 2D vtkHyperTreeGrid
 CvtkHyperTreeGridGeometry3DImplVtkHyperTreeGridGeometry internal classes for 3D vtkHyperTreeGrid
 CvtkHyperTreeGridGeometryEntryGeometryEntry is a cache data for cursors requiring coordinates
 CvtkHyperTreeGridGeometryImplInterface for all vtkHyperTreeGridGeometry internal classes
 CvtkHyperTreeGridGeometryLevelEntryCursor cache data with coordinates and level info
 CvtkHyperTreeGridGeometrySmallDimensionsImplCommon interface for 1D and 2D vtkHyperTreeGridGeometry internal classes
 CvtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedEntryGeometryUnlimitedEntry is a cache data for cursors requiring coordinates
 CvtkHyperTreeGridGeometryUnlimitedLevelEntryCursor cache data with coordinates and level info
 CvtkHyperTreeGridGhostCellsGeneratorGenerate ghost cells for distributed vtkHyperTreeGrids
 CvtkHyperTreeGridGhostCellsGeneratorInternalsInternal class for vtkHyperTreeGridGhostCellsGenerator
 CvtkHyperTreeGridGradientCompute the gradient of a scalar field on a Hyper Tree Grid
 CvtkHyperTreeGridLevelEntryLevelEntry is a cache data for cursors requiring level info
 CvtkHyperTreeGridLocatorAbstract base class for objects that implement accelerated searches through HyperTree Grids (HTGs)
 CvtkHyperTreeGridMapperMap vtkHyperTreeGrid to graphics primitives
 CvtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedCursorObjects for traversal a HyperTreeGrid
 CvtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedGeometryCursorObjects for traversal a HyperTreeGrid
 CvtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedMooreSuperCursorObjects for traversal a HyperTreeGrid
 CvtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedMooreSuperCursorLightObjects for traversal a HyperTreeGrid
 CvtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedSuperCursorObjects for traversal a HyperTreeGrid
 CvtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedSuperCursorLightObjects for traversal a HyperTreeGrid
 CvtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedUnlimitedGeometryCursorObjects for traversal a HyperTreeGrid
 CvtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedUnlimitedMooreSuperCursorSpecific Moore super cursor that can subdivied neighborhood
 CvtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedUnlimitedSuperCursorObjects for traversal a HyperTreeGrid
 CvtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedVonNeumannSuperCursorObjects for traversal a HyperTreeGrid
 CvtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedVonNeumannSuperCursorLightObjects for traversal a HyperTreeGrid
 CvtkHyperTreeGridOrientedCursorObjects for traversal a HyperTreeGrid
 CvtkHyperTreeGridOrientedGeometryCursorObjects for traversal a HyperTreeGrid
 CvtkHyperTreeGridOutlineFilterCreate wireframe outline for arbitrary data set
 CvtkHyperTreeGridPlaneCutterCut an hyper tree grid volume with a plane and generate a polygonal cut surface
 CvtkHyperTreeGridPreConfiguredSourceHelper class for generating a curated set of HyperTree Grids (HTGs) for testing purposes
 CvtkHyperTreeGridProbeFilterProbe a vtkHyperTreeGrid
 CvtkHyperTreeGridRemoveGhostCellsRemove ghost cells and ghost array from the input HTG
 CvtkHyperTreeGridScalesA specifalized type of vtkHyperTreeGrid for the case when root cells have uniform sizes in each direction *
 CvtkHyperTreeGridSourceCreate a synthetic grid of hypertrees
 CvtkHyperTreeGridThresholdExtract cells from a hyper tree grid where selected scalar value is within given range
 CvtkHyperTreeGridToDualGridConvert hyper tree grid to the dual unstructured grid
 CvtkHyperTreeGridTotalVisibleVolumeStrategyDefine the TotalVisibleVolume field data used in vtkHyperTreeGridGenerateFields
 CvtkHyperTreeGridToUnstructuredGridConvert hyper tree grid to unstructured grid
 CvtkHyperTreeGridValidCellStrategyDefine the ValidCell field used in vtkHyperTreeGridGenerateFields
 CvtkHyperTreeGridVisibleLeavesSizeThis class is deprecated
 CvtkIcicleViewDisplays a tree in a stacked "icicle" view
 CvtkIconGlyphFilterFilter that generates a polydata consisting of quads with texture coordinates referring to a set of icons within a sheet of icons
 CvtkIdentityTransformTransform that doesn't do anything
 CvtkIdFilterGenerate scalars or field data from point and cell ids
 CvtkIdListList of point or cell ids
 CvtkIdListCollectionMaintain an ordered list of IdList objects
 CvtkIdTypeArrayDynamic, self-adjusting array of vtkIdType
 CvtkImageAccumulateGeneralized histograms up to 3 dimensions
 CvtkImageActorDraw an image in a rendered 3D scene
 CvtkImageActorPointPlacerConverts 2D display positions to world positions such that they lie on an ImageActor
 CvtkImageAlgorithmGeneric algorithm superclass for image algs
 CvtkImageAnisotropicDiffusion2DEdge preserving smoothing
 CvtkImageAnisotropicDiffusion3DEdge preserving smoothing
 CvtkImageAppendCollects data from multiple inputs into one image
 CvtkImageAppendComponentsCollects components from two inputs into one output
 CvtkImageBlendBlend images together using alpha or opacity
 CvtkImageBSplineCoefficientsConvert image to b-spline knots
 CvtkImageBSplineInternalsBSpline code from P
 CvtkImageBSplineInterpolatorPerform b-spline interpolation on images
 CvtkImageButterworthHighPassFrequency domain high pass
 CvtkImageButterworthLowPassFrequency domain Low pass
 CvtkImageCacheFilterCaches multiple vtkImageData objects
 CvtkImageCanvasSource2DPaints on a canvas
 CvtkImageCastImage Data type Casting Filter
 CvtkImageChangeInformationModify spacing, origin and extent
 CvtkImageCheckerboardShow two images at once using a checkboard pattern
 CvtkImageCityBlockDistance1,2 or 3D distance map
 CvtkImageClipReduces the image extent of the input
 CvtkImageConnectivityFilterLabel an image by connectivity
 CvtkImageConnectorCreate a binary image of a sphere
 CvtkImageConstantPadMakes image larger by padding with constant
 CvtkImageContinuousDilate3DDilate implemented as a maximum
 CvtkImageContinuousErode3DErosion implemented as a minimum
 CvtkImageConvolveConvolution of an image with a kernel
 CvtkImageCorrelationCorrelation imageof the two inputs
 CvtkImageCroppingRegionsWidgetWidget for cropping an image
 CvtkImageCursor3DPaints a cursor on top of an image or volume
 CvtkImageDataTopologically and geometrically regular array of data
 CvtkImageDataGeometryFilterExtract geometry for structured points
 CvtkImageDataLIC2DGPU implementation of a Line Integral Convolution, a technique for imaging vector fields
 CvtkImageDataOutlineFilterCreate wireframe outline for a possibly oriented vtkImageData
 CvtkImageDataStreamerInitiates streaming on image data
 CvtkImageDataToExplicitStructuredGridFilter which converts a 3D image data into an explicit structured grid
 CvtkImageDataToPointSetConverts a vtkImageData to a vtkPointSet
 CvtkImageDataToUniformGridConvert vtkImageData to vtkUniformGrid
 CvtkImageDecomposeFilterFilters that execute axes in series
 CvtkImageDifferenceCompares images for regression tests
 CvtkImageDilateErode3DDilates one value and erodes another
 CvtkImageDivergenceDivergence of a vector field
 CvtkImageDotProductDot product of two vector images
 CvtkImageEllipsoidSourceCreate a binary image of an ellipsoid
 CvtkImageEuclideanDistanceComputes 3D Euclidean DT
 CvtkImageEuclideanToPolarConverts 2D Euclidean coordinates to polar
 CvtkImageExportExport VTK images to third-party systems
 CvtkImageExtractComponentsOutputs a single component
 CvtkImageFFTFast Fourier Transform
 CvtkImageFlipThis flips an axis of an image
 CvtkImageFourierCenterShifts constant frequency to center for display
 CvtkImageFourierFilterSuperclass that implements complex numbers
 CvtkImageGaussianSmoothPerforms a gaussian convolution
 CvtkImageGaussianSourceCreate an image with Gaussian pixel values
 CvtkImageGradientComputes the gradient vector
 CvtkImageGradientMagnitudeComputes magnitude of the gradient
 CvtkImageGridSourceCreate an image of a grid
 CvtkImageHistogramCompute the histogram for an image
 CvtkImageHistogramStatisticsCompute statistics for an image
 CvtkImageHSIToRGBConverts HSI components to RGB
 CvtkImageHSVToRGBConverts HSV components to RGB
 CvtkImageHybridMedian2DMedian filter that preserves lines and corners
 CvtkImageIdealHighPassSimple frequency domain band pass
 CvtkImageIdealLowPassSimple frequency domain band pass
 CvtkImageImportImport data from a C array
 CvtkImageInPlaceFilterFilter that operates in place
 CvtkImageInterpolatorInterpolate data values from images
 CvtkImageIslandRemoval2DRemoves small clusters in masks
 CvtkImageItemVtkContextItem that draws a supplied image in the scene
 CvtkImageIterateFilterMultiple executes per update
 CvtkImageIteratorSimple image iterator
 CvtkImageLaplacianComputes divergence of gradient
 CvtkImageLogarithmicScalePasses each pixel through log function
 CvtkImageLogicAnd, or, xor, nand, nor, not
 CvtkImageLuminanceComputes the luminance of the input
 CvtkImageMagnifyMagnify an image by an integer value
 CvtkImageMandelbrotSourceMandelbrot image
 CvtkImageMapper2D image display
 CvtkImageMapper3DAbstract class for mapping images to the screen
 CvtkImageMapToColorsMap the input image through a lookup table
 CvtkImageMapToRGBAMap the input image through a lookup table
 CvtkImageMapToWindowLevelColorsMap an image through a lookup table and/or a window/level
 CvtkImageMarchingCubesGenerate isosurface(s) from volume/images
 CvtkImageMaskCombines a mask and an image
 CvtkImageMaskBitsApplies a bit-mask pattern to each component
 CvtkImageMathematicsAdd, subtract, multiply, divide, invert, sin, cos, exp, log
 CvtkImageMedian3DMedian Filter
 CvtkImageMirrorPadExtra pixels are filled by mirror images
 CvtkImageNoiseSourceCreate an image filled with noise
 CvtkImageNonMaximumSuppressionPerforms non-maximum suppression
 CvtkImageNormalizeNormalizes that scalar components for each point
 CvtkImageOpenClose3DWill perform opening or closing
 CvtkImageOrthoPlanesConnect three vtkImagePlaneWidgets together
 CvtkImagePadFilterSuper class for filters that fill in extra pixels
 CvtkImagePermutePermutes axes of input
 CvtkImagePlaneWidget3D widget for reslicing image data
 CvtkImagePointDataIteratorIterate over point data in an image
 CvtkImagePointIteratorIterate over all data points in an image
 CvtkImageProbeFilterSample image values at specified point positions
 CvtkImageProcessingPassConvenient class for post-processing passes
 CvtkImageProgressIteratorSimple image iterator with progress
 CvtkImagePropertyImage display properties
 CvtkImageQuantizeRGBToIndexGeneralized histograms up to 4 dimensions
 CvtkImageRange3DMax - min of a circular neighborhood
 CvtkImageReaderSuperclass of transformable binary file readers
 CvtkImageReader2Superclass of binary file readers
 CvtkImageReader2CollectionMaintain a list of image readers
 CvtkImageReader2FactorySuperclass of binary file readers
 CvtkImageRectilinearWipeMake a rectilinear combination of two images
 CvtkImageRenderManagerAn object to control sort-first parallel rendering
 CvtkImageResampleResamples an image to be larger or smaller
 CvtkImageResizeHigh-quality image resizing filter
 CvtkImageResliceReslices a volume along a new set of axes
 CvtkImageResliceMapperMap a slice of a vtkImageData to the screen
 CvtkImageResliceToColorsReslice and produce color scalars
 CvtkImageRFFTReverse Fast Fourier Transform
 CvtkImageRGBToHSIConverts RGB components to HSI
 CvtkImageRGBToHSVConverts RGB components to HSV
 CvtkImageRGBToXYZConverts XYZ components to LAB
 CvtkImageRGBToYIQConverts RGB components to YIQ
 CvtkImageSeedConnectivitySeedConnectivity with user defined seeds
 CvtkImageSeparableConvolution3 1D convolutions on an image
 CvtkImageShiftScaleShift and scale an input image
 CvtkImageShrink3DSubsamples an image
 CvtkImageSincInterpolatorPerform sinc interpolation on images
 CvtkImageSinusoidSourceCreate an image with sinusoidal pixel values
 CvtkImageSkeleton2DSkeleton of 2D images
 CvtkImageSlabCombine image slices to form a slab image
 CvtkImageSlabResliceThick slab reformat through data
 CvtkImageSliceImage in a 3D scene
 CvtkImageSliceCollectionSorted list of image slice objects
 CvtkImageSliceMapperMap a slice of a vtkImageData to the screen
 CvtkImageSobel2DComputes a vector field using sobel functions
 CvtkImageSobel3DComputes a vector field using sobel functions
 CvtkImageSpatialAlgorithmFilters that operate on pixel neighborhoods
 CvtkImageSSIMThis filter implements an algorithm based on SSIM for image comparison
 CvtkImageStackManages a stack of composited images
 CvtkImageStencilCombine images via a cookie-cutter operation
 CvtkImageStencilAlgorithmProducer of vtkImageStencilData
 CvtkImageStencilDataEfficient description of an image stencil
 CvtkImageStencilIteratorImage region iterator
 CvtkImageStencilRasterThis is a helper class for stencil creation
 CvtkImageStencilSourceGenerate an image stencil
 CvtkImageStencilToImageConvert an image stencil into an image
 CvtkImageThresholdFlexible threshold
 CvtkImageThresholdConnectivityFlood fill an image region
 CvtkImageToAMRFilter to convert any vtkImageData to a vtkOverlappingAMR
 CvtkImageToImageStencilClip an image with a mask image
 CvtkImageToPointsExtract all image voxels as points
 CvtkImageToPolyDataFilterGenerate linear primitives (vtkPolyData) from an image
 CvtkImageToStructuredGridStructured grid instance
 CvtkImageToStructuredPointsAttaches image pipeline to VTK
 CvtkImageTracerWidget3D widget for tracing on planar props
 CvtkImageTransformHelper class to transform output of non-axis-aligned images
 CvtkImageTranslateExtentChanges extent, nothing else
 CvtkImageVariance3DVariance in a neighborhood
 CvtkImageViewerDisplay a 2d image
 CvtkImageViewer2Display a 2D image
 CvtkImageWeightedSumAdds any number of images, weighting each according to the weight set using this->SetWeights(i,w)
 CvtkImageWrapPadMakes an image larger by wrapping existing data
 CvtkImageWriterWrites images to files
 CvtkImageXYZToLABConverts XYZ components to LAB
 CvtkImplicitAnnulusRepresentationDefining the representation for a vtkImplicitAnnulusWidget
 CvtkImplicitAnnulusWidget3D widget for manipulating an infinite annulus
 CvtkImplicitArrayA read only array class that wraps an implicit function from integers to any value type supported by VTK
 CvtkImplicitBooleanImplicit function consisting of boolean combinations of implicit functions
 CvtkImplicitConeRepresentationDefining the representation for a vtkImplicitConeWidget
 CvtkImplicitConeWidget3D widget for manipulating an infinite cone
 CvtkImplicitCylinderRepresentationDefining the representation for a vtkImplicitCylinderWidget
 CvtkImplicitCylinderWidget3D widget for manipulating an infinite cylinder
 CvtkImplicitDataSetTreat a dataset as if it were an implicit function
 CvtkImplicitFrustumRepresentationThe representation for a vtkImplicitFrustumWidget
 CvtkImplicitFrustumWidget3D widget for manipulating an infinite frustum
 CvtkImplicitFunctionAbstract interface for implicit functions
 CvtkImplicitFunctionCollectionMaintain a list of implicit functions
 CvtkImplicitFunctionToImageStencilClip an image with a function
 CvtkImplicitHaloImplicit function for an halo
 CvtkImplicitImageRepresentationRepresentation for a vtkImplicitPlaneWidget2 which reslices a volume
 CvtkImplicitModellerCompute distance from input geometry on structured point dataset
 CvtkImplicitPlaneRepresentationClass defining the representation for a vtkImplicitPlaneWidget2
 CvtkImplicitPlaneWidget3D widget for manipulating an infinite plane
 CvtkImplicitPlaneWidget23D widget for manipulating an infinite plane
 CvtkImplicitPolyDataDistanceImplicit function that computes the distance from a point x to the nearest point p on an input vtkPolyData
 CvtkImplicitProjectOnPlaneDistanceThis class receive a plannar polygon as input
 CvtkImplicitSelectionLoopImplicit function for a selection loop
 CvtkImplicitSumImplicit sum of other implicit functions
 CvtkImplicitTextureCoordsGenerate 1D, 2D, or 3D texture coordinates based on implicit function(s)
 CvtkImplicitVolumeTreat a volume as if it were an implicit function
 CvtkImplicitWindowFunctionImplicit function maps another implicit function to lie within a specified range
 CvtkImporterImporter abstract class
 CvtkImprintFilterImprint the contact surface of one object onto another surface
 CvtkIncrementalForceLayoutIncremental force-directed layout
 CvtkIncrementalOctreeNodeOctree node constituting incremental octree (in support of both point location and point insertion)
 CvtkIncrementalOctreePointLocatorIncremental octree in support of both point location and point insertion
 CvtkIncrementalPointLocatorAbstract class in support of both point location and point insertion
 CvtkIndentSimple class to control print indentation
 CvtkIndexedImplicitBackendA backend for the vtkImplicitArray framework allowing one to use a subset of a given data array, by providing a vtkIdList or vtkDataArray of indexes as indirection, as another vtkDataArray without any excess memory consumption
 CvtkInEdgeIteratorIterates through all incoming edges to a vertex
 CvtkInformationStore vtkAlgorithm input/output information
 CvtkInformationDataObjectKeyKey for vtkDataObject values
 CvtkInformationDataObjectMetaDataKeyKey used to define meta-data of type vtkDataObject vtkInformationDataObjectMetaDataKey is a vtkInformationDataObjectKey that (shallow) copies itself downstream during the REQUEST_INFORMATION pass
 CvtkInformationDoubleKeyKey for double values in vtkInformation
 CvtkInformationDoubleVectorKeyKey for double vector values
 CvtkInformationExecutivePortKeyKey for vtkExecutive/Port value pairs
 CvtkInformationExecutivePortVectorKeyKey for vtkExecutive/Port value pair vectors
 CvtkInformationIdTypeKeyKey for vtkIdType values in vtkInformation
 CvtkInformationInformationKeyKey for vtkInformation values
 CvtkInformationInformationVectorKeyKey for vtkInformation vectors
 CvtkInformationIntegerKeyKey for integer values in vtkInformation
 CvtkInformationIntegerPointerKeyKey for pointer to integer
 CvtkInformationIntegerRequestKeyKey that can used to request integer values from the pipeline vtkInformationIntegerRequestKey is a vtkInformationIntegerKey that can used to request integer values from upstream
 CvtkInformationIntegerVectorKeyKey for integer vector values
 CvtkInformationInternalsInternal structure for vtkInformation
 CvtkInformationIteratorIterates over keys of an information object
 CvtkInformationKeySuperclass for vtkInformation keys
 CvtkInformationKeyLookupFind vtkInformationKeys from name and location strings
 CvtkInformationKeyVectorKeyKey for vector-of-keys values
 CvtkInformationObjectBaseKeyKey for vtkObjectBase values
 CvtkInformationObjectBaseVectorKeyKey for vtkObjectBase vector values
 CvtkInformationQuadratureSchemeDefinitionVectorKeyKey for vtkQuadratureSchemeDefinition vector values
 CvtkInformationRequestKeyKey for pointer to pointer
 CvtkInformationStringKeyKey for string values in vtkInformation
 CvtkInformationStringVectorKeyKey for String vector values
 CvtkInformationUnsignedLongKeyKey for unsigned long values in vtkInformation
 CvtkInformationVariantKeyKey for variant values in vtkInformation
 CvtkInformationVariantVectorKeyKey for variant vector values
 CvtkInformationVectorStore zero or more vtkInformation instances
 CvtkInitialValueProblemSolverIntegrate a set of ordinary differential equations (initial value problem) in time
 CvtkInputStreamWraps a binary input stream with a VTK interface
 CvtkIntArrayDynamic, self-adjusting array of int
 CvtkIntegrateAttributesIntegrates lines, surfaces and volume
 CvtkInteractiveAreaImplements zooming and panning in a vtkContextArea
 CvtkInteractorEventRecorderRecord and play VTK events passing through a vtkRenderWindowInteractor
 CvtkInteractorObserverAbstract superclass for classes observing events invoked by vtkRenderWindowInteractor
 CvtkInteractorStyleProvide event-driven interface to the rendering window (defines trackball mode)
 CvtkInteractorStyle3DExtends interaction to support 3D input
 CvtkInteractorStyleAreaSelectHoverAn interactor style for an area tree view
 CvtkInteractorStyleDrawPolygonDraw polygon during mouse move
 CvtkInteractorStyleFlightFlight motion routines
 CvtkInteractorStyleImageInteractive manipulation of the camera specialized for images
 CvtkInteractorStyleJoystickActorManipulate objects in the scene independently of one another
 CvtkInteractorStyleJoystickCameraInteractive manipulation of the camera
 CvtkInteractorStyleMultiTouchCameraMultitouch manipulation of the camera
 CvtkInteractorStyleRubberBand2DA rubber band interactor for a 2D view
 CvtkInteractorStyleRubberBand3DA rubber band interactor for a 3D view
 CvtkInteractorStyleRubberBandPickLike TrackBallCamera, but this can pick props underneath a rubber band selection rectangle
 CvtkInteractorStyleRubberBandZoomZoom in by amount indicated by rubber band box
 CvtkInteractorStyleSwitchClass to swap between interactory styles
 CvtkInteractorStyleSwitchBaseDummy interface class
 CvtkInteractorStyleTerrainManipulate camera in scene with natural view up (e.g., terrain)
 CvtkInteractorStyleTrackballTrackball motion control
 CvtkInteractorStyleTrackballActorManipulate objects in the scene independent of each other
 CvtkInteractorStyleTrackballCameraInteractive manipulation of the camera
 CvtkInteractorStyleTreeMapHoverAn interactor style for a tree map view
 CvtkInteractorStyleUnicamUnicam navigation style
 CvtkInteractorStyleUserCustomizable interaction routines
 CvtkInterpolateCalculatorCalculate field values at a point in a cell's parametric space
 CvtkInterpolateDataSetAttributesInterpolate scalars, vectors, etc
 CvtkInterpolatingSubdivisionFilterGenerate a subdivision surface using an Interpolating Scheme
 CvtkInterpolationKernelBase class for interpolation kernels
 CvtkInterpolatorInternalsInternals for vtkImageInterpolator
 CvtkIntersectionCounterFast simple class for dealing with ray intersections
 CvtkIntersectionPolyDataFilterVtkIntersectionPolyDataFilter computes the intersection between two vtkPolyData objects
 CvtkInvokerDeserialize VTK objects from JSON
 CvtkIOCellGridA registrar for cell types contained in this module
 CvtkIOSRenderWindowIOS OpenGL rendering window
 CvtkIOSRenderWindowInteractorImplements IOS specific functions required by vtkRenderWindowInteractor
 CvtkIOSSCellGridReaderReader for IOSS (Sierra IO System) that produces cell-grid data
 CvtkIOSSCellGridReaderInternalInternal methods for the cell-grid version of the IOSS reader
 CvtkIOSSFilesScannerHelper to scan files
 CvtkIOSSModelInternal class used by vtkIOSSWriter
 CvtkIOSSReaderReader for IOSS (Sierra IO System)
 CvtkIOSSReaderInternalInternal methods and state for the IOSS reader
 CvtkIOSSWriterWriter for IOSS (Sierra IO System)
 CvtkIOStreamInclude C++ iostreams as used by VTK
 CvtkIOStreamFwdForward-declare C++ iostreams as used by VTK
 CvtkISIReaderReader for ISI files
 CvtkIterativeClosestPointTransformImplementation of the ICP algorithm
 CvtkIVExporterExport a scene into OpenInventor 2.0 format
 CvtkIVWriterExport polydata into OpenInventor 2.0 format
 CvtkJavaScriptDataWriterA Javascript data writer for vtkTable Writes a vtkTable into a Javascript data format
 CvtkJoinTablesSQL-style Join operation on two tables
 CvtkJPEGReaderRead JPEG files
 CvtkJPEGWriterWrites JPEG files
 CvtkJSONDataSetWriterWrite vtkDataSet using a vtkArchiver with a JSON meta file along with all the binary arrays written as standalone binary files
 CvtkJSONImageWriterWrites vtkImageData to a JSON file
 CvtkJSONRenderWindowExporterExports a render window for vtk-js
 CvtkJSONSceneExporterExport the content of a vtkRenderWindow into a directory with a JSON meta file describing the scene along with the http datasets
 CvtkKCoreDecompositionCompute the k-core decomposition of the input graph
 CvtkKCoreLayoutProduces a layout for a graph labeled with K-Core information
 CvtkKdNodeThis class represents a single spatial region in an 3D axis aligned binary spatial partitioning
 CvtkKdTreeKd-tree spatial decomposition of a set of points
 CvtkKdTreePointLocatorClass to quickly locate points in 3-space
 CvtkKdTreeSelectorSelects point ids using a kd-tree
 CvtkKMeansDistanceFunctorMeasure distance from k-means cluster centers
 CvtkKMeansDistanceFunctorCalculatorMeasure distance from k-means cluster centers using a user-specified expression
 CvtkKMeansStatisticsA class for KMeans clustering
 CvtkKochanekSplineComputes an interpolating spline using a Kochanek basis
 CvtkLabeledContourMapperDraw labeled isolines
 CvtkLabeledContourPolyDataItemFilter that translate a vtkPolyData 2D mesh into vtkContextItems
 CvtkLabeledDataMapperDraw text labels at dataset points
 CvtkLabeledTreeMapDataMapperDraw text labels on a tree map
 CvtkLabelHierarchyOctree of labels
 CvtkLabelHierarchyAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that produce only label hierarchies as output
 CvtkLabelHierarchyCompositeIteratorIterator over sub-iterators
 CvtkLabelHierarchyIteratorIterator over vtkLabelHierarchy
 CvtkLabelMapLookupProvide an efficient numeric label lookup
 CvtkLabelPlacementMapperPlaces and renders non-overlapping labels
 CvtkLabelPlacerPlace a prioritized hierarchy of labels in screen space
 CvtkLabelRenderStrategySuperclass for label rendering implementations
 CvtkLabelSizeCalculatorThis filter takes an input dataset, an array to process (which must be a string array), and a text property
 CvtkLagrangeHexahedronA 3D cell that represents an arbitrary order Lagrange hex
 CvtkLagrangeTetraA 3D cell that represents an arbitrary order Lagrange tetrahedron
 CvtkLagrangeTriangleA 2D cell that represents an arbitrary order Lagrange triangle
 CvtkLagrangeWedgeA 3D cell that represents an arbitrary order Lagrange wedge
 CvtkLagrangianBasicIntegrationModelVtkFunctionSet abstract implementation to be used in the vtkLagrangianParticleTracker integrator
 CvtkLagrangianMatidaIntegrationModelVtkLagrangianBasicIntegrationModel implementation
 CvtkLagrangianParticleBasis class for Lagrangian particles
 CvtkLagrangianParticleTrackerFilter to inject and track particles in a flow
 CvtkLagrangianThreadedDataStruct to hold a user data
 CvtkLandmarkTransformLinear transform specified by two corresponding point sets
 CvtkLANLX3DReaderClass for reading LANL X3D format files
 CvtkLargeIntegerClass for arbitrarily large ints
 CvtkLASRasterReaderReads LIDAR data saved using the LAS file format
 CvtkLassoStencilSourceCreate a stencil from a contour
 CvtkLeaderActor2DCreate a leader with optional label and arrows
 CvtkLegacyCellGridReaderRead vtk unstructured grid data file
 CvtkLegacyCellGridWriterWrite VTK cell-grid data to a file
 CvtkLegacyReaderVersionVersion number for legacy readers/writers
 CvtkLegendBoxActorDraw symbols with text
 CvtkLegendScaleActorAnnotate the render window with scale and distance information
 CvtkLengthDistributionSample the distribution of representative "cell lengths" of a mesh
 CvtkLevelIdScalarsEmpty class for backwards compatibility
 CvtkLICNoiseHelperA small collection of noise routines for LIC
 CvtkLICRandomNoise2D2D Noise Generator
 CvtkLICRandomNumberGeneratorInterfaceAn interface to a random number generator
 CvtkLightVirtual light for 3D rendering
 CvtkLightActorCone and a frustum to represent a spotlight
 CvtkLightCollectionOrdered list of lights
 CvtkLightingMapPassTO DO
 CvtkLightKitSimple but quality lighting kit
 CvtkLightNodeVtkViewNode specialized for vtkLights
 CvtkLightRepresentationRepresent a vtkLight
 CvtkLightsPassImplement the lights render pass
 CvtkLightWidget3D widget for showing a LightRepresentation
 CvtkLineCell represents a 1D line
 CvtkLinearCellExtrusionFilterExtrude polygonal data to create 3D cells from 2D cells
 CvtkLinearContourLineInterpolatorInterpolates supplied nodes with line segments
 CvtkLinearExtrusionFilterSweep polygonal data creating a "skirt" from free edges and lines, and lines from vertices
 CvtkLinearKernelLinear interpolation kernel
 CvtkLinearSelectorSelect cells intersecting a line (possibly broken)
 CvtkLinearSubdivisionFilterGenerate a subdivision surface using the Linear Scheme
 CvtkLinearToQuadraticCellsFilterDegree elevate the cells of a linear unstructured grid
 CvtkLinearTransformAbstract superclass for linear transformations
 CvtkLinearTransformCellLocatorCell locator adaptor to perform cell Location on datasets that are a linear transformation of the original dataset
 CvtkLineIntegralConvolution2DGPU-based implementation of Line Integral Convolution (LIC)
 CvtkLineRepresentationClass defining the representation for a vtkLineWidget2
 CvtkLineSourceCreate a line defined by two end points
 CvtkLineWidget3D widget for manipulating a line
 CvtkLineWidget23D widget for manipulating a finite, straight line
 CvtkLinkEdgelsLinks edgels together to form digital curves
 CvtkLocationSelectorSelects cells containing or points near chosen point locations
 CvtkLocatorAbstract base class for objects that accelerate spatial searches
 CvtkLODActorActor that supports multiple levels of detail
 CvtkLODProp3DLevel of detail 3D prop
 CvtkLoggerLogging framework for use in VTK and in applications based on VTK
 CvtkLogLookupTableMap scalars into colors using log (base 10) scale
 CvtkLogoRepresentationRepresent the vtkLogoWidget
 CvtkLogoWidget2D widget for placing and manipulating a logo
 CvtkLongArrayDynamic, self-adjusting array of long
 CvtkLongLongArrayDynamic, self-adjusting array of long long
 CvtkLookupTableMap scalar values into colors via a lookup table
 CvtkLookupTableWithEnablingA lookup table that allows for an optional array to be provided that specifies which scalars to "enable" and which to "disable"
 CvtkLoopBooleanPolyDataFilterFilter to perform boolean operations
 CvtkLoopSubdivisionFilterGenerate a subdivision surface using the Loop Scheme
 CvtkLSDynaReaderRead LS-Dyna databases (d3plot)
 CvtkLSDynaSummaryParserThis is a helper class used by vtkLSDynaReader to read XML files
 CvtkLZ4DataCompressorData compression using LZ4
 CvtkLZMADataCompressorData compression using LZMA Utils
 CvtkMagnifierRepresentationRepresent a vtkBorderWidget
 CvtkMagnifierWidgetCreate a moving, magnifying renderer that can inspect the contents of an encapsulating renderer
 CvtkMapArrayValuesMap values in an input array to different values in an output array of (possibly) different type
 CvtkMappedDataArrayMap non-contiguous data structures into the vtkDataArray API
 CvtkMappedUnstructuredGridAllows datasets with arbitrary storage layouts to be used with VTK
 CvtkMappedUnstructuredGridCellIteratorDefault cell iterator for vtkMappedUnstructuredGrid
 CvtkMapperAbstract class specifies interface to map data to graphics primitives
 CvtkMapper2DAbstract class specifies interface for objects which render 2D actors
 CvtkMapperCollectionOrdered list of mappers
 CvtkMapperNodeVtkViewNode specialized for vtkMappers
 CvtkMarchingContourFilterGenerate isosurfaces/isolines from scalar values
 CvtkMarchingCubesGenerate isosurface(s) from volume
 CvtkMarchingSquaresGenerate isoline(s) from structured points set
 CvtkMarkBoundaryFilterMark points and cells that lie on the boundary of a dataset
 CvtkMarkerUtilitiesUtilities for generating marker images
 CvtkMarshalContextShared context used by vtkSerializer and vtkDeserializer
 CvtkMaskFieldsAllow control of which fields get passed to the output
 CvtkMaskPointsSelectively filter points
 CvtkMaskPointsFilterExtract points within an image/volume mask
 CvtkMaskPolyDataSample subset of input polygonal data cells
 CvtkMassPropertiesEstimate volume, area, shape index of triangle mesh
 CvtkMathPerforms common math operations
 CvtkMathPrivateInternal toolkit used in some vtkMath methods
 CvtkMathTextFreeTypeTextRendererDefault implementation of vtkTextRenderer
 CvtkMathTextUtilitiesAbstract interface to equation rendering
 CvtkMathUtilitiesTemplated utility math functions intended for internal use in tests etc
 CvtkMatplotlibMathTextUtilitiesAccess to MatPlotLib MathText rendering
 CvtkMatricizeArrayConvert an array of arbitrary dimensions to a matrix
 CvtkMatrix3x3Represent and manipulate 3x3 transformation matrices
 CvtkMatrix4x4Represent and manipulate 4x4 transformation matrices
 CvtkMatrixMathFilterCalculate functions of quality of the elements of a mesh
 CvtkMatrixToHomogeneousTransformConvert a matrix to a transform
 CvtkMatrixToLinearTransformConvert a matrix to a transform
 CvtkmAverageToPointsAccelerated point to cell interpolation filter
 CvtkmCleanGridRemoves redundant or unused cells and/or points
 CvtkmClipClip a dataset using the accelerated vtk-m Clip filter
 CvtkmContourGenerate isosurface(s) from volume
 CvtkmCoordinateSystemTransformTransform a coordinate system between Cartesian&Cylindrical and Cartesian&Spherical
 CvtkMCubesReaderRead binary marching cubes file
 CvtkMCubesWriterWrite binary marching cubes file
 CvtkmDataArrayWraps a VTK-m ArrayHandle inside a sub-class of vtkGenericDataArray
 CvtkMeanValueCoordinatesInterpolatorCompute interpolation computes for closed triangular mesh
 CvtkMeasurementCubeHandleRepresentation3DRepresent a unit cube for measuring/comparing to data
 CvtkMedicalImagePropertiesSome medical image properties
 CvtkMedicalImageReader2VtkImageReader2 with medical meta data
 CvtkMemoryLimitImageDataStreamerInitiates streaming on image data
 CvtkMemoryResourceStreamvtkResourceStream implementation for memory input
 CvtkMergeArraysMultiple inputs with one output
 CvtkMergeBlocksMerges blocks in a composite dataset to a dataset
 CvtkMergeCellsMerges any number of vtkDataSets back into a single vtkUnstructuredGrid
 CvtkMergeColumnsMerge two columns into a single column
 CvtkMergeDataObjectFilterMerge dataset and data object field to create dataset with attribute data
 CvtkMergeFieldsMerge multiple fields into one
 CvtkMergeFilterExtract separate components of data from different datasets
 CvtkMergeGraphsCombines two graphs
 CvtkMergePointsMerge exactly coincident points
 CvtkMergeTablesCombine two tables
 CvtkMergeTimeFilterCreate a multiblock containing one block per input, with unified timestep list
 CvtkMergeVectorComponentsMerge components of many single-component arrays into one vector
 CvtkMersenneTwisterGenerator for Mersenne Twister pseudorandom numbers
 CvtkMeshQualityCalculate functions of quality of the elements of a mesh
 CvtkMetaImageReaderRead binary UNC meta image data
 CvtkMetaImageWriterWrite a binary UNC meta image data
 CvtkmExternalFacesGenerate External Faces of a DataSet
 CvtkmExtractVOISelect piece (e.g., volume of interest) and/or subsample structured points dataset
 CvtkMFCWindowClass to display a VTK window in an MFC window
 CvtkmFilterOverridesA class with static methods to turn vtkm filter overrides on/off at runtime
 CvtkMFIXReaderReads a dataset in MFIX file format
 CvtkmGradientA general filter for gradient estimation
 CvtkmHistogramGenerate a histogram out of a scalar data
 CvtkmImageConnectivityLabel regions inside an image by connectivity
 CvtkMINCImageAttributesA container for a MINC image header
 CvtkMINCImageReaderA reader for MINC files
 CvtkMINCImageWriterA writer for MINC files
 CvtkMinimalStandardRandomSequencePark and Miller Sequence of pseudo random numbers
 CvtkmLevelOfDetailReduce the number of triangles in a mesh
 CvtkmNDHistogramGenerate a n dimensional histogram field from input fields
 CvtkMNIObjectReaderA reader for MNI surface mesh files
 CvtkMNIObjectWriterA writer for MNI surface mesh files
 CvtkMNITagPointReaderA reader for MNI tag files
 CvtkMNITagPointWriterA writer for MNI tag point files
 CvtkMNITransformReaderA reader for MNI transformation files
 CvtkMNITransformWriterA writer for MNI transformation files
 CvtkModelMetadataThis class encapsulates the metadata that appear in mesh-based file formats but do not appear in vtkUnstructuredGrid
 CvtkModifiedBSPTreeGenerate axis aligned BBox tree for ray-casting and other Locator based searches
 CvtkMoleculeClass describing a molecule
 CvtkMoleculeAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that operate on vtkMolecules
 CvtkMoleculeAppendAppends one or more molecules into a single molecule
 CvtkMoleculeMapperMapper that draws vtkMolecule objects
 CvtkMoleculeReaderBaseRead molecular data files
 CvtkMoleculeToAtomBallFilterGenerate polydata with spheres representing atoms
 CvtkMoleculeToBondStickFilterGenerate polydata with cylinders representing bonds
 CvtkMoleculeToLinesFilterConvert a molecule into a simple polydata with lines
 CvtkMoleculeToPolyDataFilterAbstract filter class
 CvtkMotionFXCFGReaderReader for MotionFX motion definitions cfg files
 CvtkMP4WriterWrites Windows MP4 files on Windows platforms
 CvtkMPASReaderRead an MPAS netCDF file
 CvtkMPI4PyCommunicatorClass for bridging MPI4Py with vtkMPICommunicator
 CvtkMPICommunicatorClass for creating user defined MPI communicators
 CvtkMPIControllerProcess communication using MPI
 CvtkMPIEventLogClass for logging and timing
 CvtkMPIImageReaderVtkMPIImageReader provides the mechanism to read a brick of bytes (or shorts, or ints, or floats, or doubles, ...) from a file or series of files
 CvtkMPIMultiBlockPLOT3DReaderVtkMultiBlockPLOT3DReader subclass that uses MPI-IO to efficiently read binary files for 3D domains in parallel using MPI-IO
 CvtkMPIPixelViewMPI datatypes that describe a vtkPixelExtent
 CvtkmPointElevationGenerate a scalar field along a specified direction
 CvtkmPointTransformTransform points via vtkm PointTransform filter
 CvtkmPolyDataNormalsCompute normals for polygonal mesh
 CvtkmProbeSample data at specified point locations
 CvtkMRCReaderRead MRC image files
 CvtkmThresholdExtracts cells where scalar value in cell satisfies threshold criterion
 CvtkmTriangleMeshPointNormalsCompute point normals for triangle mesh
 CvtkMultiBlockDataGroupFilterCollects multiple inputs into one multi-group dataset
 CvtkMultiBlockDataSetComposite dataset that organizes datasets into blocks
 CvtkMultiBlockDataSetAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that produce only vtkMultiBlockDataSet as output
 CvtkMultiBlockMergeFilterMerges multiblock inputs into a single multiblock output
 CvtkMultiBlockPLOT3DReaderRead PLOT3D data files
 CvtkMultiBlockUnstructuredGridVolumeMapperMapper to render volumes defined as vtkMultiBlockDataSet
 CvtkMultiBlockVolumeMapperMapper to render volumes defined as vtkMultiBlockDataSet
 CvtkMultiCorrelativeStatisticsA class for multivariate linear correlation
 CvtkMultiNewickTreeReaderRead multiple vtkTrees from Newick formatted file
 CvtkMultiObjectMassPropertiesCompute volume and area of objects in a polygonal mesh
 CvtkMultiPieceDataSetComposite dataset to encapsulates pieces of dataset
 CvtkMultiProcessControllerMultiprocessing communication superclass
 CvtkMultiProcessControllerHelperCollection of assorted helper routines dealing with communication
 CvtkMultiProcessStreamStream used to pass data across processes using vtkMultiProcessController
 CvtkMultiThreaderA class for performing multithreaded execution
 CvtkMultiThresholdThreshold cells within multiple intervals
 CvtkMultiTimeStepAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that would like to make multiple time requests
 CvtkMultiVolumeRepresents a world axis-aligned bounding-box containing a set of volumes in a rendered scene
 CvtkMutableDirectedGraphAn editable directed graph
 CvtkMutableGraphHelperHelper class for building a directed or directed graph
 CvtkMutableUndirectedGraphAn editable undirected graph
 CvtkmWarpScalarDeform geometry with scalar data
 CvtkmWarpVectorDeform geometry with vector data
 CvtkMySQLDatabaseMaintain a connection to a MySQL database
 CvtkMySQLQueryVtkSQLQuery implementation for MySQL databases
 CvtkMySQLToTableReaderRead a MySQL table as a vtkTable
 CvtkNamedColorsA class holding colors and their names
 CvtkNativePartitioningStrategyA partitioning strategy based on load balancing geometric bounding boxes as cuts of a data set
 CvtkNek5000ReaderReads Nek5000 format data files
 CvtkNetCDFCAMReaderRead unstructured NetCDF CAM files
 CvtkNetCDFCFReaderReads netCDF files that follow the CF convention
 CvtkNetCDFCFWriterWrites netCDF files that follow the CF convention
 CvtkNetCDFPOPReaderRead NetCDF files .Author Joshua Wu 09.15.2009
 CvtkNetCDFReaderA superclass for reading netCDF files
 CvtkNetCDFUGRIDeaderRead unstructured NetCDF UGRID files
 CvtkNetworkHierarchyFilter that takes a graph and makes a tree out of the network ip addresses in that graph
 CvtkNewAllocate and hold a VTK object
 CvtkNewickTreeReaderRead vtkTree from Newick formatted file
 CvtkNewickTreeWriterWrite vtkTree data to Newick format
 CvtkNIFTIImageHeaderStore NIfTI header information
 CvtkNIFTIImageReaderRead NIfTI-1 and NIfTI-2 medical image files
 CvtkNIFTIImageWriterWrite NIfTI-1 and NIfTI-2 medical image files
 CvtkNonLinearCellAbstract superclass for non-linear cells
 CvtkNonMergingPointLocatorDirect / check-free point insertion
 CvtkNonOverlappingAMRA concrete instance of vtkUniformGridAMR to store uniform grids at different levels of resolution that do not overlap with each other
 CvtkNonOverlappingAMRAlgorithmProduce vtkNonOverlappingAMR as output
 CvtkNonOverlappingAMRLevelIdScalarsGenerate scalars from levels
 CvtkNormalizeMatrixVectorsGiven a sparse input matrix, produces a sparse output matrix with each vector normalized to unit length with respect to a p-norm (default p=2)
 CvtkNrrdReaderRead nrrd files file system
 CvtkNumberToStringConvert floating and fixed point numbers to strings
 CvtkOBBDicerDivide dataset into spatially aggregated pieces
 CvtkOBBTreeGenerate oriented bounding box (OBB) tree
 CvtkObjectAbstract base class for most VTK objects
 CvtkObjectBaseAbstract base class for most VTK objects
 CvtkObjectFactoryAbstract base class for vtkObjectFactories
 CvtkObjectFactoryCollectionMaintain a list of object factories
 CvtkObjectIdMapClass used to assign Id to any VTK object and be able to retrieve it base on its id
 CvtkObjectManagerVtkObjectManager maintains internal instances of vtkSerializer and a vtkDeserializer to serialize and deserialize VTK objects respectively
 CvtkOBJExporterExport a scene into Wavefront format
 CvtkOBJImporterImport from .obj wavefront files
 CvtkOBJReaderRead Wavefront .obj files
 CvtkOBJWriterWrite wavefront obj file
 CvtkObserverMediatorManage contention for cursors and other resources
 CvtkOCCTReaderVTK Reader for STEP and IGES files using OpenCASCADE
 CvtkOctreeImageToPointSetFilterConvert an octree image to point set
 CvtkOctreePointLocatorOctree spatial decomposition of a set of points
 CvtkOctreePointLocatorNodeOctree node that has 8 children each of equal size
 CvtkODBCDatabaseMaintain an ODBC connection to a SQL database
 CvtkODBCInternalsSimple class to hide ODBC structures
 CvtkODBCQueryVtkSQLQuery implementation for ODBC connections to databases
 CvtkOFFReaderRead Geomview .off files
 CvtkOggTheoraWriterUses the ogg and theora libraries to write video files
 CvtkOldStyleCallbackCommandSupports legacy function callbacks for VTK
 CvtkOMETIFFReaderReader for OME TIFF files
 CvtkOMFReaderRead Open Mining Format files
 CvtkOOGLExporterExport a scene into Geomview OOGL format
 CvtkOpaquePassRender the opaque geometry with property key filtering
 CvtkOpenFOAMReaderReads a dataset in OpenFOAM format
 CvtkOpenGL2ContextDevice2DCellArrayHelperPrivate class with storage and utility functions for the vtkOpenGLContextDevice2D
 CvtkOpenGL2ContextDevice2DPrivatePrivate class with storage and utility functions for the vtkOpenGLContextDevice2D
 CvtkOpenGLActorOpenGL actor
 CvtkOpenGLArrayTextureBufferAdapterInterfaces vtkDataArray to an OpenGL texture buffer
 CvtkOpenGLAvatarOpenGL Avatar
 CvtkOpenGLBatchedPolyDataMapperAn OpenGL mapper for batched rendering of vtkPolyData
 CvtkOpenGLBillboardTextActor3DHandles GL2PS capture of billboard text
 CvtkOpenGLBufferObjectOpenGL buffer object
 CvtkOpenGLCameraOpenGL camera
 CvtkOpenGLCellGridMapperCellGrid mapper using OpenGL to render exotic finite element fields and cells
 CvtkOpenGLCellToVTKCellMapOpenGL rendering utility functions
 CvtkOpenGLCompositePolyDataMapperDelegatorAn OpenGL delegator for batched rendering of multiple polydata with similar structure
 CvtkOpenGLContextActorVtkProp derived object
 CvtkOpenGLContextBufferId2D array of ids stored in VRAM
 CvtkOpenGLContextDevice2DClass for drawing 2D primitives using OpenGL 1.1+
 CvtkOpenGLContextDevice3DOpenGL class drawing 3D primitives
 CvtkOpenGLContextDeviceBufferObjectBuilderInternal buffer object builder that maintains a cache of VBO groups
 CvtkOpenGLES30PolyDataMapper2D2D PolyData support for OpenGL ES 3.0
 CvtkOpenGLFluidMapperRender fluid from position data (and color, if available)
 CvtkOpenGLFramebufferObjectInternal class which encapsulates OpenGL FramebufferObject
 CvtkOpenGLFXAAFilterPerform FXAA antialiasing on the current framebuffer
 CvtkOpenGLFXAAPassRender pass calling the FXAA filter
 CvtkOpenGLGL2PSExporterOpenGL2 implementation of GL2PS exporter
 CvtkOpenGLGL2PSHelperAccess GL2PS functionality
 CvtkOpenGLGL2PSHelperImplVtkOpenGLGL2PSHelper override implementation
 CvtkOpenGLGlyph3DHelperPolyDataMapper using OpenGL to render
 CvtkOpenGLGlyph3DMapperVtkOpenGLGlyph3D on the GPU
 CvtkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapperOpenGL implementation of volume rendering through ray-casting
 CvtkOpenGLHardwareSelectorImplements the device specific code of vtkOpenGLHardwareSelector
 CvtkOpenGLHyperTreeGridMapperMap vtkHyperTreeGrid to graphics primitives
 CvtkOpenGLImageAlgorithmHelperHelp image algorithms use the GPU
 CvtkOpenGLImageGradientCompute Gradient using the GPU
 CvtkOpenGLImageMapper2D image display support for OpenGL
 CvtkOpenGLImageSliceMapperOpenGL mapper for image slice display
 CvtkOpenGLIndexBufferObjectOpenGL vertex buffer object
 CvtkOpenGLInstanceCullingFrustum culling and LOD management
 CvtkOpenGLLabeledContourMapperVtkOpenGLLabeledContourMapper is an override for vtkLabeledContourMapper that implements stenciling using the OpenGL2 API
 CvtkOpenGLLightOpenGL light
 CvtkOpenGLLowMemoryBatchedPolyDataMapperAn OpenGL mapper for batched rendering of vtkPolyData
 CvtkOpenGLLowMemoryCellTypeAgentHelps vtkOpenGLLowMemoryPolyDataMapper map and draw cell types from vtkPolyData as OpenGL graphics primitives
 CvtkOpenGLLowMemoryLinesAgentMaps VTK_LINE and VTK_POLY_LINE into GL_LINES and draws GL_LINES or GL_POINTS
 CvtkOpenGLLowMemoryPolyDataMapperPolyDataMapper using OpenGL to render surface meshes
 CvtkOpenGLLowMemoryVerticesAgentMaps VTK_VERTEX and VTK_POLY_VERTEX into GL_POINTS and draws GL_POINTS
 CvtkOpenGLMoleculeMapperAn accelerated class for rendering molecules
 CvtkOpenGLMovieSphereOpenGL MovieSphere, an optimized VR sphere for movies
 CvtkOpenGLPointGaussianMapperDraw PointGaussians using imposters
 CvtkOpenGLPolyDataMapperPolyDataMapper using OpenGL to render
 CvtkOpenGLPolyDataMapper2D2D PolyData support for OpenGL
 CvtkOpenGLProjectedTetrahedraMapperOpenGL implementation of PT
 CvtkOpenGLPropertyOpenGL property
 CvtkOpenGLPropItemSync Context2D state with vtk camera
 CvtkOpenGLQuadHelperClass to make rendering a full screen quad easier
 CvtkOpenGLRayCastImageDisplayHelperOpenGL subclass that draws the image to the screen
 CvtkOpenGLRendererOpenGL renderer
 CvtkOpenGLRenderPassAbstract render pass with shader modifications
 CvtkOpenGLRenderTimerAsynchronously measures GPU execution time for a single event
 CvtkOpenGLRenderTimerLogOpenGL2 override for vtkRenderTimerLog
 CvtkOpenGLRenderUtilitiesOpenGL rendering utility functions
 CvtkOpenGLRenderWindowOpenGL rendering window
 CvtkOpenGLShaderCacheManage Shader Programs within a context
 CvtkOpenGLShaderPropertyRepresent GPU shader properties
 CvtkOpenGLSkyboxOpenGL Skybox
 CvtkOpenGLSphereMapperDraw spheres using imposters
 CvtkOpenGLStateOpenGL state storage
 CvtkOpenGLStickMapperUse imposters to draw cylinders
 CvtkOpenGLSurfaceProbeVolumeMapperPolyDataMapper colored with probed volume data
 CvtkOpenGLTextActorVtkTextActor override
 CvtkOpenGLTextActor3DOpenGL2 override for vtkTextActor3D
 CvtkOpenGLTextMapperVtkTextMapper override for OpenGL2
 CvtkOpenGLTextureOpenGL texture map
 CvtkOpenGLUniformsHelper class to set custom uniform variables in GLSL shaders
 CvtkOpenGLVertexArrayObjectThe VertexArrayObject class uses, or emulates, vertex array objects
 CvtkOpenGLVertexBufferObjectCacheManage vertex buffer objects shared within a context
 CvtkOpenGLVertexBufferObjectGroupManage vertex buffer objects shared within a mapper
 CvtkOpenGLVolumeLookupTableBase class for OpenGL texture management of scalar color, opacity and gradient opacity lookup tables
 CvtkOpenGLVolumeLookupTablesInternal class that manages multiple lookup tables
 CvtkOpenGLVolumeMaskGradientOpacityTransferFunction2D2D Transfer function container for label map mask gradient opacity
 CvtkOpenGLVolumeMaskTransferFunction2D2D Transfer function container
 CvtkOpenGLVolumeTransferFunction2D2D Transfer function container
 CvtkOpenQubeElectronicDataProvides access to and storage of electronic data calculated by OpenQube
 CvtkOpenQubeMoleculeSourceRead a OpenQube readable file and output a vtkMolecule object
 CvtkOpenSlideReaderRead digital whole slide images supported by openslide library
 CvtkOpenVDBReaderOpenVDB reader Reader for OpenVDB files
 CvtkOpenVDBWriterOpenVDB writer for vtkImageData or vtkPointSet Writes a vtkImageData or vtkPointSet as a VDB file
 CvtkOpenVRCameraOpenVR camera
 CvtkOpenVRControlsHelperTooltip helper explaining controls Helper class to draw one tooltip per button around the controller
 CvtkOpenVRDefaultOverlayOpenVR overlay
 CvtkOpenVRInteractorStyleImplements OpenVR specific functions required by vtkVRInteractorStyle
 CvtkOpenVRModelOpenVR device model
 CvtkOpenVROverlayOpenVR overlay
 CvtkOpenVRRendererOpenVR renderer
 CvtkOpenVRRenderWindowOpenVR rendering window
 CvtkOpenVRRenderWindowInteractorImplements OpenVR specific functions required by vtkVRRenderWindowInteractor
 CvtkOpenXRCameraOpenXR camera
 CvtkOpenXRControlsHelperTooltip helper explaining controls Helper class to draw one tooltip per button around the controller
 CvtkOpenXRInteractorStyleExtended from vtkInteractorStyle3D to override command methods
 CvtkOpenXRManagerSingleton class that holds a collection of utility functions and member variables to communicate with the OpenXR runtime
 CvtkOpenXRManagerConnectionOpenXR manager connection no-op implementation
 CvtkOpenXRManagerD3DGraphicsOpenXR manager D3D graphics implementation
 CvtkOpenXRManagerGraphicsOpenXR manager graphics implementation
 CvtkOpenXRManagerOpenGLGraphicsOpenXR manager OpenGL graphics implementation
 CvtkOpenXRManagerRemoteConnectionOpenXR remoting connection strategy
 CvtkOpenXRModelOpenXR device model
 CvtkOpenXRRemotingRenderWindowOpenXR remoting rendering window
 CvtkOpenXRRendererOpenXR renderer
 CvtkOpenXRRenderWindowOpenXR rendering window
 CvtkOpenXRRenderWindowInteractorImplements OpenXR specific functions required by vtkRenderWindowInteractor
 CvtkOpenXRUtilitiesHeader file that contains utility functions for OpenXR
 CvtkOrderedTriangulatorHelper class to generate triangulations
 CvtkOrderIndependentTranslucentPassImplement OIT rendering using average color
 CvtkOrderStatisticsA class for univariate order statistics
 CvtkOrientationMarkerWidget2D widget for manipulating a marker prop
 CvtkOrientationRepresentationClass defining the representation for the vtkOrientationWidget
 CvtkOrientationWidget3D Widget for manipulating a vtkCamera
 CvtkOrientedGlyphContourRepresentationDefault representation for the contour widget
 CvtkOrientedGlyphFocalPlaneContourRepresentationContours constrained to a focal plane
 CvtkOrientedPolygonalHandleRepresentation3DRepresent a user defined handle geometry in 3D while maintaining a fixed orientation w.r.t the camera
 CvtkOrientPolyDataAuto detect correct normal orientation and/or enforce consistent polygon ordering
 CvtkOSOpenGLRenderWindowOffScreen Mesa rendering window
 CvtkOSPRayActorNodeLinks vtkActor and vtkMapper to OSPRay
 CvtkOSPRayAMRVolumeMapperNodeLinks vtkVolumeMapper to OSPRay
 CvtkOSPRayCacheTemporal cache ospray structures to speed flipbooks
 CvtkOSPRayCameraNodeLinks vtkCamera to OSPRay
 CvtkOSPRayCompositePolyDataMapperNodeLinks vtkActor and vtkMapper to OSPRay
 CvtkOSPRayLightNodeLinks vtkLights to OSPRay
 CvtkOSPRayMaterialHelpersConvert vtk appearance controls to ospray materials
 CvtkOSPRayMaterialLibraryCollection of materials for vtk apps to draw from
 CvtkOSPRayMoleculeMapperNodeLinks vtkMoleculeMapper to OSPRay
 CvtkOSPRayPassRender pass that uses OSPRay instead of GL
 CvtkOSPRayPointGaussianMapperNodeLinks vtkActor and vtkMapper to OSPRay
 CvtkOSPRayPolyDataMapperNodeLinks vtkActor and vtkMapper to OSPRay
 CvtkOSPRayRendererNodeLinks vtkRenderers to OSPRay
 CvtkOSPRayUnstructuredVolumeMapperNodeUnstructured grid volume renderer
 CvtkOSPRayViewNodeFactoryMatches vtk rendering classes to specific ospray ViewNode classes
 CvtkOSPRayVolumeInterfaceRemoves link dependence on optional ospray module
 CvtkOSPRayVolumeMapperStandalone OSPRayVolumeMapper
 CvtkOSPRayVolumeMapperNodeLinks vtkVolumeMapper to OSPRay
 CvtkOSPRayVolumeNodeLinks vtkVolume and vtkMapper to OSPRay
 CvtkOSPRayWindowNodeLinks vtkRendererWindows to OSPRay
 CvtkOStreamWrapperWrapper for C++ ostream
 CvtkOStrStreamWrapperWrapper for ostrstream
 CvtkOTDensityMapA VTK Filter to compute density map on any pair of numeric data arrays with the same number of tuples, using OpenTURNS
 CvtkOTFilterA generic VTK Filter to process vtkTable using openturns algorithm
 CvtkOTKernelSmoothingA VTK Filter to compute Kernel Smoothing using PDF computation from openturns
 CvtkOTScatterPlotMatrixContainer for a matrix of charts
 CvtkOutEdgeIteratorIterates through all outgoing edges from a vertex
 CvtkOutlineCornerFilterCreate wireframe outline corners for arbitrary data set
 CvtkOutlineCornerSourceCreate wireframe outline corners around bounding box
 CvtkOutlineFilterCreate wireframe outline for an arbitrary data set or composite dataset
 CvtkOutlineGlowPassRenders a glowing outline using a image processing pass
 CvtkOutlineSourceCreate wireframe outline around bounding box
 CvtkOutputStreamWraps a binary output stream with a VTK interface
 CvtkOutputWindowBase class for writing debug output to a console
 CvtkOverlappingAMRMulti-resolution dataset based on vtkUniformGrid allowing overlaps
 CvtkOverlappingAMRAlgorithmA base class for all algorithms that take as input vtkOverlappingAMR and produce vtkOverlappingAMR
 CvtkOverlappingAMRLevelIdScalarsGenerate scalars from levels
 CvtkOverlappingCellsDetectorExposes how many cells each cell of the input collide
 CvtkOverlayPassRender the overlay geometry with property key filtering
 CvtkOverrideInformationFactory object override information
 CvtkOverrideInformationCollectionMaintain a list of override information objects
 CvtkPackLabelsRenumber segmentation labels into contiguous runs of (potentially) smaller type
 CvtkPainterCommunicatorA communicator that can safely be used inside a painter
 CvtkPairwiseExtractHistogram2DCompute a 2D histogram between all adjacent columns of an input vtkTable
 CvtkPanoramicProjectionPassRender pass that render the scene in a cubemap and project these six renderings to a single quad
 CvtkParallelAMRUtilitiesA concrete instance of vtkObject that employs a singleton design pattern and implements functionality for AMR specific operations
 CvtkParallelCoordinatesActorCreate parallel coordinate display from input field
 CvtkParallelCoordinatesHistogramRepresentationData representation that takes generic multivariate data and produces a parallel coordinates plot
 CvtkParallelCoordinatesInteractorStyleInteractive manipulation of the camera specialized for parallel coordinates
 CvtkParallelCoordinatesRepresentationData representation that takes generic multivariate data and produces a parallel coordinates plot
 CvtkParallelCoordinatesViewView to be used with vtkParallelCoordinatesRepresentation
 CvtkParallelopipedRepresentationDefault representation for vtkParallelopipedWidget
 CvtkParallelopipedWidgetWidget to manipulate 3D parallelopipeds
 CvtkParallelReaderSuperclass for algorithms that are parallel aware
 CvtkParallelRenderManagerAn object to control parallel rendering
 CvtkParallelTimerProvides distributed log functionality
 CvtkParallelVectorsCompute polylines corresponding to locations where two vector fields are parallel
 CvtkParametricBohemianDomeGenerate a Bohemian dome
 CvtkParametricBourGenerate Bour's minimal surface
 CvtkParametricBoyGenerate Boy's surface
 CvtkParametricCatalanMinimalGenerate Catalan's minimal surface
 CvtkParametricConicSpiralGenerate conic spiral surfaces that resemble sea-shells
 CvtkParametricCrossCapGenerate a cross-cap
 CvtkParametricDiniGenerate Dini's surface
 CvtkParametricEllipsoidGenerate an ellipsoid
 CvtkParametricEnneperGenerate Enneper's surface
 CvtkParametricFigure8KleinGenerate a figure-8 Klein bottle
 CvtkParametricFunctionAbstract interface for parametric functions
 CvtkParametricFunctionSourceTessellate parametric functions
 CvtkParametricHennebergGenerate Henneberg's minimal surface
 CvtkParametricKleinGenerates a "classical" representation of a Klein bottle
 CvtkParametricKuenGenerate Kuens' surface
 CvtkParametricMobiusGenerate a Mobius strip
 CvtkParametricPluckerConoidGenerate Plucker's conoid surface
 CvtkParametricPseudosphereGenerate a pseudosphere
 CvtkParametricRandomHillsGenerate a surface covered with randomly placed hills
 CvtkParametricRomanGenerate Steiner's Roman Surface
 CvtkParametricSplineParametric function for 1D interpolating splines
 CvtkParametricSuperEllipsoidGenerate a superellipsoid
 CvtkParametricSuperToroidGenerate a supertoroid
 CvtkParametricTorusGenerate a torus
 CvtkParticlePathFilterA Parallel Particle tracer for unsteady vector fields
 CvtkParticleReaderRead ASCII or binary particle data and (optionally) one scalar value associated with each particle
 CvtkParticleTracerA Parallel Particle tracer for unsteady vector fields
 CvtkParticleTracerBaseA particle tracer for vector fields
 CvtkPartitionBalancerBalances input partitioned data sets so each rank has the same number of data sets
 CvtkPartitionedArchiverWrites an archive to several buffers
 CvtkPartitionedDataSetComposite dataset to encapsulates a dataset consisting of partitions
 CvtkPartitionedDataSetAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that produce vtkPartitionedDataSetAlgorithm
 CvtkPartitionedDataSetCollectionComposite dataset that groups datasets as a collection
 CvtkPartitionedDataSetCollectionAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that produce vtkPartitionedDataSetCollectionAlgorithm
 CvtkPartitionedDataSetCollectionSourceSource that produces a vtkPartitionedDataSetCollection
 CvtkPartitionedDataSetSourceSource that produces a vtkPartitionedDataSet
 CvtkPartitioningStrategyA strategy interface for partitioning meshes
 CvtkPassArraysPasses a subset of arrays to the output
 CvtkPassInputTypeAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that produce output of the same type as input
 CvtkPassSelectedArraysPass through chosen arrays
 CvtkPassThroughPass input input data through to the output
 CvtkPassThroughEdgeStrategyPasses edge routing information through
 CvtkPassThroughLayoutStrategyLayout strategy that does absolutely nothing
 CvtkPathConcrete dataset representing a path defined by Bezier curves
 CvtkPAutoCorrelativeStatisticsA class for parallel auto-correlative statistics
 CvtkPAxisAlignedReflectionFilterDistributed version of vtkAxisAlignedReflectionFilter
 CvtkPBivariateLinearTableThresholdPerforms line-based thresholding for vtkTable data in parallel
 CvtkPBRIrradianceTexturePrecompute irradiance texture used in physically based rendering
 CvtkPBRLUTTexturePrecompute BRDF look-up table texture used in physically based rendering
 CvtkPBRPrefilterTexturePrecompute prefilter texture used in physically based rendering
 CvtkPCAAnalysisFilterPerforms principal component analysis of a set of aligned pointsets
 CvtkPCACurvatureEstimationGenerate curvature estimates using principal component analysis
 CvtkPCANormalEstimationGenerate point normals using local tangent planes
 CvtkPCAStatisticsA class for multivariate principal component analysis
 CvtkPCellSizeFilterComputes cell sizes in parallel
 CvtkPChacoReaderRead Chaco files
 CvtkPComputeHistogram2DOutliersExtract outlier rows from a vtkTable based on input 2D histograms, in parallel
 CvtkPComputeQuantilesA class for parallel univariate order statistics
 CvtkPComputeQuartilesA class for parallel univariate order statistics
 CvtkPConnectivityFilterParallel version of vtkConnectivityFilter
 CvtkPContingencyStatisticsA class for parallel bivariate contingency statistics
 CvtkPConvertToMultiBlockDataSetParallel version of vtkConvertToMultiBlockDataSet
 CvtkPCorrelativeStatisticsA class for parallel bivariate correlative statistics
 CvtkPDALReaderReads LIDAR data using the PDAL library
 CvtkPDataSetReaderManages reading pieces of a data set
 CvtkPDataSetWriterManages writing pieces of a data set
 CvtkPDBReaderRead Molecular Data files
 CvtkPDescriptiveStatisticsA class for parallel univariate descriptive statistics
 CvtkPDFContextDevice2DVtkContextDevice2D implementation for use with vtkPDFExporter
 CvtkPDFExporterExports vtkContext2D scenes to PDF
 CvtkPDirectoryVtkPDirectory provides a portable way of finding the names of the files in a system directory where process 0 finds the information and broadcasts it to other processes
 CvtkPDistributedDataFilterDistribute data among processors
 CvtkPenPen that draws the outlines of shapes drawn by vtkContext2D
 CvtkPentagonalPrism3D cell that represents a convex prism with pentagonal base
 CvtkPeriodicDataArrayMap native an Array into an angulat periodic array
 CvtkPeriodicFilterA filter to produce mapped periodic multiblock dataset from a single block
 CvtkPeriodicTableAccess to information about the elements
 CvtkPerlinNoiseImplicit function that implements Perlin noise
 CvtkPerspectiveTransformDescribes a 4x4 matrix transformation
 CvtkPerturbCoincidentVerticesPerturbs vertices that are coincident
 CvtkPExodusIIReaderRead Exodus II files (.exii)
 CvtkPExodusIIWriterWrite Exodus II files
 CvtkPExtractDataArraysOverTimeParallel version of vtkExtractDataArraysOverTime
 CvtkPExtractExodusGlobalTemporalVariablesParallel version of vtkExtractExodusGlobalTemporalVariables
 CvtkPExtractGridExtract VOI and/or sub-sample a distributed structured dataset
 CvtkPExtractHistogram2DCompute a 2D histogram between two columns of an input vtkTable in parallel
 CvtkPExtractRectilinearGridExtract VOI and/or sub-sample a distributed rectilinear grid dataset
 CvtkPExtractSelectedArraysOverTimeExtracts a selection over time
 CvtkPHardwareSelectorVtkHardwareSelector useful for parallel rendering
 CvtkPhyloXMLTreeReaderRead vtkTree from PhyloXML formatted file
 CvtkPhyloXMLTreeWriterWrite vtkTree data to PhyloXML format
 CvtkPHyperTreeGridProbeFilterProbe a vtkHyperTreeGrid in parallel
 CvtkPickerSuperclass for 3D geometric pickers (uses ray cast)
 CvtkPickingManagerClass defines API to manage the picking process
 CvtkPieceRequestFilterSets the piece request for upstream filters
 CvtkPieceScalarsSets all cell scalars from the update piece
 CvtkPiecewiseControlPointsItemControl points for vtkPiecewiseFunction
 CvtkPiecewiseFunctionDefines a 1D piecewise function
 CvtkPiecewiseFunctionAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that produce only piecewise function as output
 CvtkPiecewiseFunctionItemVtkPiecewiseFunctionItem internal uses vtkPlot::Color, white by default
 CvtkPiecewisePointHandleItemVtkContextItem that draws handles around a point of a piecewise function
 CvtkPieChartActorCreate a pie chart from an array
 CvtkPImageWriterWrites images to files
 CvtkPIOReaderClass for reading PIO (Parallel Input Output) data files
 CvtkPipelineGraphSourceGraph constructed from a VTK pipeline
 CvtkPipelineSizeCompute the memory required by a pipeline
 CvtkPixelCell that represents an orthogonal quadrilateral
 CvtkPixelBufferObjectAbstracts an OpenGL pixel buffer object
 CvtkPixelExtentRepresentation of a cartesian pixel plane and common operations on it
 CvtkPixelExtentIOA small collection of I/O routines that can write vtkPixelExtent's or collections of them to disk for visualization as unstructured grids
 CvtkPixelTransferPixel extents
 CvtkPKdTreeBuild a k-d tree decomposition of a list of points
 CvtkPKMeansStatisitcsA class for parallel k means clustering
 CvtkPLagrangianParticleTrackerParallel Lagrangian particle tracker
 CvtkPlanePerform various plane computations
 CvtkPlaneCollectionMaintain a list of planes
 CvtkPlaneCutterCut any dataset with a plane and generate a polygonal cut surface
 CvtkPlanesImplicit function for convex set of planes
 CvtkPlanesIntersectionA vtkPlanesIntersection object is a vtkPlanes object that can compute whether the arbitrary convex region bounded by it's planes intersects an axis-aligned box
 CvtkPlaneSourceCreate an array of quadrilaterals located in a plane
 CvtkPlaneWidget3D widget for manipulating a finite plane
 CvtkPlatonicSolidSourceProduce polygonal Platonic solids
 CvtkPlaybackRepresentationRepresent the vtkPlaybackWidget
 CvtkPlaybackWidget2D widget for controlling a playback stream
 CvtkPLinearExtrusionFilterSubclass that handles piece invariance
 CvtkPLineIntegralConvolution2DParallel part of GPU-based implementation of Line Integral Convolution (LIC)
 CvtkPlotAbstract class for 2D plots
 CvtkPlot3DAbstract class for 3D plots
 CvtkPlot3DMetaReaderReads meta-files points to PLOT3D files
 CvtkPlotAreaDraws an area plot
 CvtkPlotBagClass for drawing an a bagplot
 CvtkPlotBarClass for drawing an XY plot given two columns from a vtkTable
 CvtkPlotBarRangeHandlesItemShow and control the range of a vtkAxis used with a vtkPlotBar
 CvtkPlotBoxClass for drawing box plots
 CvtkPlotFunctionalBagClass for drawing an XY line plot or bag given two columns from a vtkTable
 CvtkPlotGridTakes care of drawing the plot grid
 CvtkPlotLineClass for drawing an XY line plot given two columns from a vtkTable
 CvtkPlotLine3DClass for drawing an XYZ line plot given three columns from a vtkTable
 CvtkPlotParallelCoordinatesClass for drawing a parallel coordinate plot given columns from a vtkTable
 CvtkPlotPieClass for drawing a Pie diagram
 CvtkPlotPointsClass for drawing an points given two columns from a vtkTable
 CvtkPlotPoints3D3D scatter plot
 CvtkPlotRangeHandlesItemItem to show and control a range on vtkAxis
 CvtkPlotStackedClass for drawing an stacked polygon plot given an X, Ybase, Yextent in a vtkTable
 CvtkPlotSurface3D surface plot
 CvtkPLSDynaReaderRead LS-Dyna databases (d3plot) in parallel
 CvtkPLYReaderRead Stanford University PLY polygonal file format
 CvtkPLYWriterWrite Stanford PLY file format
 CvtkPMaskPointsParallel Mask Points
 CvtkPMergeArraysMultiple inputs with one output, parallel version
 CvtkPMultiCorrelativeStatisticsA class for parallel bivariate correlative statistics
 CvtkPNetCDFPOPReaderRead NetCDF files in parallel with MPI .Author Ross Miller 03.14.2011
 CvtkPNGReaderRead PNG files
 CvtkPNGWriterWrites PNG files
 CvtkPNMReaderRead pnm (i.e., portable anymap) files
 CvtkPNMWriterWrites PNM (portable any map) files
 CvtkPNrrdReaderRead nrrd files efficiently from parallel file systems (and reasonably well elsewhere)
 CvtkPointCloudFilterAbstract class for filtering a point cloud
 CvtkPointCloudRepresentationRepresent the vtkPointCloudWidget
 CvtkPointCloudWidgetSelect and manipulate a point from a point cloud
 CvtkPointConnectivityFilterOutput a scalar field indicating point connectivity
 CvtkPointDataRepresent and manipulate point attribute data
 CvtkPointDataToCellDataMap point data to cell data
 CvtkPointDensityFilterProduce density field from input point cloud
 CvtkPointFillPassImplement a post-processing fillpass
 CvtkPointGaussianMapperDraw PointGaussians using imposters
 CvtkPointHandleRepresentation2DRepresent the position of a point in display coordinates
 CvtkPointHandleRepresentation3DRepresent the position of a point in 3D space
 CvtkPointHandleSourceHandle source used to represent points
 CvtkPointInterpolatorInterpolate over point cloud using various kernels
 CvtkPointInterpolator2DInterpolate point cloud attribute data onto x-y plane using various kernels
 CvtkPointLoadCompute stress tensors given point load on semi-infinite domain
 CvtkPointLocatorQuickly locate points in 3-space
 CvtkPointOccupancyFilterProduce occupancy bit mask from input point cloud
 CvtkPointPickerSelect a point by shooting a ray into a graphics window
 CvtkPointPlacerAbstract interface to translate 2D display positions to world coordinates
 CvtkPointsRepresent and manipulate 3D points
 CvtkPoints2DRepresent and manipulate 2D points
 CvtkPointSetConcrete class for storing a set of points
 CvtkPointSetAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that produce output of the same type as input
 CvtkPointSetCellIteratorImplementation of vtkCellIterator using vtkPointSet API
 CvtkPointSetStreamerStream points as buckets
 CvtkPointSetToLabelHierarchyBuild a label hierarchy for a graph or point set
 CvtkPointSetToOctreeImageFilterConvert a point set to an octree image
 CvtkPointSmoothingFilterAdjust point positions to form a pleasing, packed arrangement
 CvtkPointSourceCreate a random cloud of points
 CvtkPointsProjectedHullConvex hull of the orthogonal projection of the vtkPoints in the 3 coordinate directions
 CvtkPointWidgetPosition a point in 3D space
 CvtkPoissonDiskSamplerGenerate point normals using local tangent planes
 CvtkPolarAxesActorCreate an actor of a polar axes -
 CvtkPolarAxesActor2DDisplay polar axes in Viewport 2D space
 CvtkPolyDataConcrete dataset represents vertices, lines, polygons, and triangle strips
 CvtkPolyDataAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that produce only polydata as output
 CvtkPolyDataCollectionMaintain a list of polygonal data objects
 CvtkPolyDataConnectivityFilterExtract polygonal data based on geometric connectivity
 CvtkPolyDataContourLineInterpolatorContour interpolator for polygonal data
 CvtkPolyDataEdgeConnectivityFilterSegment polygonal mesh based on shared edge connectivity
 CvtkPolyDataInternalsStore mapping from vtkPolyData cell ids to internal cell array ids
 CvtkPolyDataItemFilter that translate a vtkPolyData 2D mesh into vtkContextItems
 CvtkPolyDataMapperMap vtkPolyData to graphics primitives
 CvtkPolyDataMapper2DDraw vtkPolyData onto the image plane
 CvtkPolyDataMapperNodeVtkViewNode specialized for vtkPolyDataMappers
 CvtkPolyDataNormalsCompute normals for polygonal mesh
 CvtkPolyDataPlaneClipperClip a vtkPolyData with a plane and optionally cap it
 CvtkPolyDataPlaneCutterThreaded (high-performance) cutting of a vtkPolyData with a plane
 CvtkPolyDataPointPlacerBase class to place points given constraints on polygonal data
 CvtkPolyDataPointSamplerGenerate points from vtkPolyData
 CvtkPolyDataReaderRead vtk polygonal data file
 CvtkPolyDataSilhouetteSort polydata along camera view direction
 CvtkPolyDataSourceWidgetAbstract PolyDataSource-based 3D widget
 CvtkPolyDataStreamerStreamer appends input pieces to the output
 CvtkPolyDataTangentsCompute tangents for triangulated polydata
 CvtkPolyDataToImageStencilUse polydata to mask an image
 CvtkPolyDataToReebGraphFilterGenerate a Reeb graph from a scalar field defined on a vtkPolyData
 CvtkPolyDataToUnstructuredGridFilter which converts a polydata to unstructured grid
 CvtkPolyDataWriterWrite vtk polygonal data
 CvtkPolygonCell that represents an n-sided polygon
 CvtkPolygonalHandleRepresentation3DRepresent a user defined handle geometry in 3D space
 CvtkPolygonalSurfaceContourLineInterpolatorContour interpolator for to place points on polygonal surfaces
 CvtkPolygonalSurfacePointPlacerPlace points on the surface of polygonal data
 CvtkPolygonBuilderThe polygon output is the boundary of the union of the triangles
 CvtkPolyhedronA 3D cell defined by a set of polygonal faces
 CvtkPolyhedronUtilitiesVtkPolyhedron utilities
 CvtkPolyLineCell represents a set of 1D lines
 CvtkPolyLineRepresentationVtkWidgetRepresentation for a poly line
 CvtkPolyLineSourceCreate a poly line from a list of input points
 CvtkPolyLineWidgetWidget for vtkPolyLineRepresentation
 CvtkPolynomialSolversUnivariatePolynomial solvers
 CvtkPolyPlaneImplicit function that is generated by extrusion of a polyline along the Z axis
 CvtkPolyPointSourceCreate points from a list of input points
 CvtkPolyVertexCell represents a set of 0D vertices
 CvtkPOpenFOAMReaderReads a decomposed dataset in OpenFOAM format
 CvtkPOrderStatisticsA class for parallel univariate order statistics
 CvtkPostgreSQLDatabaseMaintain a connection to a PostgreSQL database
 CvtkPostgreSQLDatabasePrivateInternal details of a connection to a PostgreSQL database
 CvtkPostgreSQLQueryVtkSQLQuery implementation for PostgreSQL databases
 CvtkPostgreSQLToTableReaderRead a PostgreSQL table as a vtkTable
 CvtkPostScriptWriterWrites an image as a PostScript file
 CvtkPOutlineCornerFilterCreate wireframe outline corners for arbitrary data set
 CvtkPOutlineFilterCreate wireframe outline for arbitrary data set
 CvtkPOutlineFilterInternalsCreate wireframe outline (or corners) for arbitrary data set
 CvtkPOVExporterExport scene into povray format
 CvtkPPairwiseExtractHistogram2DCompute a 2D histogram between all adjacent columns of an input vtkTable in parallel
 CvtkPParticlePathFilterA Parallel Particle tracer for unsteady vector fields
 CvtkPParticleTracerA Parallel Particle tracer for unsteady vector fields
 CvtkPPCAStatisticsA class for parallel principal component analysis
 CvtkPPixelTransferClass to handle inter-process communication of pixel data from non-contiguous regions of a shared index space
 CvtkPPolyDataNormalsCompute normals for polygonal mesh
 CvtkPProbeFilterProbe dataset in distributed parallel computation
 CvtkPProjectSphereFilterA filter to 'unroll' a sphere
 CvtkPReflectionFilterParallel version of vtkReflectionFilter
 CvtkPResampleFilterProbe dataset in parallel using a vtkImageData
 CvtkPResampleToImageSample dataset on a uniform grid in parallel
 CvtkPResampleWithDataSetPoints from another dataset
 CvtkPriorityQueueList of ids arranged in priority order
 CvtkProbabilisticVoronoiKernelInterpolate from the weighted closest point
 CvtkProbeFilterSample data values at specified point locations
 CvtkProbeLineFilterProbe dataset along a line in parallel
 CvtkProbePolyhedronProbe/interpolate data values in the interior, exterior or of the surface of a closed, manifold polyhedron
 CvtkProbeSelectedLocationsSimilar to vtkExtractSelection except that it interpolates the point attributes at the probe locations
 CvtkProcessProcess that can be launched by a vtkMultiProcessController
 CvtkProcessGroupA subgroup of processes from a communicator
 CvtkProcrustesAlignmentFilterAligns a set of pointsets together
 CvtkProgrammableAttributeDataFilterManipulate attribute (cell and point) data via a user-specified function
 CvtkProgrammableDataObjectSourceGenerate source data object via a user-specified function
 CvtkProgrammableElectronicDataProvides access to and storage of user-generated vtkImageData that describes electrons
 CvtkProgrammableFilterUser-programmable filter
 CvtkProgrammableGlyphFilterControl the generation and placement of glyphs at input points
 CvtkProgrammableSourceGenerate source dataset via a user-specified function
 CvtkProgressBarRepresentationRepresent a vtkProgressBarWidget
 CvtkProgressBarWidget2D widget for placing and manipulating a progress bar
 CvtkProgressObserverBasic class to optionally replace vtkAlgorithm progress functionality
 CvtkProjectedTerrainPathProject a polyline onto a terrain
 CvtkProjectedTetrahedraMapperUnstructured grid volume renderer
 CvtkProjectedTextureAssign texture coordinates for a projected texture
 CvtkProjectPointsToPlaneProject all input points to a plane
 CvtkProjectSphereFilterA filter to 'unroll' a sphere
 CvtkPropAbstract superclass for all actors, volumes and annotations
 CvtkProp3D3D object for placement in a rendered scene
 CvtkProp3DAxisFollowerSubclass of vtkProp3DFollower that ensures that data is always parallel to the axis defined by a vtkAxisActor
 CvtkProp3DButtonRepresentationDefines a representation for a vtkButtonWidget
 CvtkProp3DCollectionOrdered list of 3D props
 CvtkProp3DFollowerVtkProp3D that always faces the camera
 CvtkPropAssemblyCreate hierarchies of props
 CvtkPropCollectionOrdered list of Props
 CvtkPropertyRepresent surface properties of a geometric object
 CvtkProperty2DRepresent surface properties of a 2D image
 CvtkPropItemEmbed a vtkProp in a vtkContextScene
 CvtkPropPickerPick an actor/prop using graphics hardware
 CvtkProStarReaderReads geometry in proSTAR (STARCD) file format
 CvtkProteinRibbonFilterGenerates protein ribbons
 CvtkPruneTreeFilterPrune a subtree out of a vtkTree
 CvtkPSimpleBondPerceiverCreate a simple guess of a molecule's topology
 CvtkPSLACReaderExtends the vtkSLACReader to read in partitioned pieces
 CvtkPSphereSourceSphere source that supports pieces
 CvtkPStreaklineFilterA Parallel Particle tracer for unsteady vector fields
 CvtkPStreamTracerParallel streamline generators
 CvtkPStructuredGridConnectivityVtkPStructuredGridConnectivity inherits from vtkStructuredGridConnectivity and implements functionality to compute the neighboring topology within a single, partitioned and distributed structured grid dataset
 CvtkPSurfaceLICCompositeThis class decomposes the image space and shuffles image space data onto the new decomposition with the necessary guard cells to prevent artifacts at the decomposition boundaries
 CvtkPSurfaceLICInterfaceParallel parts of the vtkSurfaceLICInterface
 CvtkPSystemToolsSystem tools for file system introspection
 CvtkPTextureMapToSphereGenerate texture coordinates by mapping points to sphere
 CvtkPTSReaderRead ASCII PTS Files
 CvtkPWindBladeReaderClass for reading WindBlade data files
 CvtkPXdmf3WriterMpi parallel writer for XDMF/HDF5 files
 CvtkPYoungsMaterialInterfaceParallel reconstruction of material interfaces
 CvtkPyramid3D cell that represents a linear pyramid
 CvtkPythonAlgorithmAlgorithm that can be implemented in Python
 CvtkPythonArchiverA version of vtkArchiver that can be implemented in Python
 CvtkPythonItemA vtkContextItem that can be implemented in Python
 CvtkQImageToImageSourceCreate image data from a QImage
 CvtkQtAbstractModelAdapterSuperclass for Qt model adapters
 CvtkQtAnnotationLayersModelAdapterAdapts annotations to a Qt item model
 CvtkQtAnnotationViewA VTK view that displays the annotations on its annotation link
 CvtkQtDebugLeaksModelModel class that observes the vtkDebugLeaks singleton
 CvtkQtDebugLeaksViewView class to display contents of vtkQtDebugLeaksModel
 CvtkQtInitializationInitializes a Qt application
 CvtkQtLabelRenderStrategyRenders labels with Qt
 CvtkQtListViewA VTK view based on a Qt List view
 CvtkQtRecordViewSuperclass for QAbstractItemView-based views
 CvtkQtSQLDatabaseMaintains a connection to an sql database
 CvtkQtSQLQueryQuery class associated with vtkQtSQLDatabase
 CvtkQtStringToImageUses Qt to render the supplied text to an image
 CvtkQtTableModelAdapterAdapts a table to a Qt item model
 CvtkQtTableRepresentationSet up a vtkTable in a Qt model
 CvtkQtTableViewA VTK view based on a Qt Table view
 CvtkQtTimePointUtilityPerforms common time operations
 CvtkQtTreeModelAdapterAdapts a tree to a Qt item model
 CvtkQtTreeRingLabelMapperDraw text labels on a tree map
 CvtkQtTreeViewA VTK view based on a Qt tree view
 CvtkQtViewSuperclass for Qt widget-based views
 CvtkQuadCell that represents a 2D quadrilateral
 CvtkQuadraticEdgeCell represents a parabolic, isoparametric edge
 CvtkQuadraticHexahedronCell represents a parabolic, 20-node isoparametric hexahedron
 CvtkQuadraticLinearQuadCell represents a quadratic-linear, 6-node isoparametric quad
 CvtkQuadraticLinearWedgeCell represents a, 12-node isoparametric wedge
 CvtkQuadraticPolygonCell that represents a parabolic n-sided polygon
 CvtkQuadraticPyramidCell represents a parabolic, 13-node isoparametric pyramid
 CvtkQuadraticQuadCell represents a parabolic, 8-node isoparametric quad
 CvtkQuadraticTetraCell represents a parabolic, 10-node isoparametric tetrahedron
 CvtkQuadraticTriangleCell represents a parabolic, isoparametric triangle
 CvtkQuadraticWedgeCell represents a parabolic, 15-node isoparametric wedge
 CvtkQuadraturePointInterpolatorInterpolates each scalar/vector field in a vtkDataSet on its input to a specific set of quadrature points
 CvtkQuadraturePointsGeneratorCreate a vtkPolyData on its output containing the vertices for the quadrature points for one of the vtkDataArrays present on its input vtkUnstructuredGrid
 CvtkQuadratureSchemeDefinitionAn Elemental data type that holds a definition of a numerical quadrature scheme
 CvtkQuadratureSchemeDictionaryGeneratorGiven an unstructured grid on its input this filter generates for each data array in point data dictionary (ie an instance of vtkInformationQuadratureSchemeDefinitionVectorKey)
 CvtkQuadricEvaluate implicit quadric function
 CvtkQuadricClusteringReduce the number of triangles in a mesh
 CvtkQuadricDecimationReduce the number of triangles in a mesh
 CvtkQuadricLODActorSpecific level-of-detail strategy using the quadric clustering decimation algorithm
 CvtkQuadRotationalExtrusionFilterSweep polygonal data creating "skirt" from free edges and lines, and lines from vertices
 CvtkQuantizePolyDataPointsQuantizes x,y,z coordinates of points
 CvtkQuaternionTemplated base type for storage of quaternions
 CvtkQuaternionInterpolatorInterpolate a quaternion
 CvtkQWidgetRepresentationClass defining the representation for a vtkQWidgetWidget
 CvtkQWidgetTextureAllows a QWidget to be used as a texture in VTK with OpenGL
 CvtkQWidgetWidget3D VTK widget for a QWidget
 CvtkRadialGridActor2DVtkRadialGridActor2D displays in overlay a list of vtkAxisActor2D sharing a same origin and rotating around it
 CvtkRadiusOutlierRemovalRemove isolated points
 CvtkRandomAttributeGeneratorGenerate and create random data attributes
 CvtkRandomGraphSourceGraph with random edges
 CvtkRandomHyperTreeGridSourceBuilds a randomized but reproducible vtkHyperTreeGrid
 CvtkRandomLayoutStrategyRandomly places vertices in 2 or 3 dimensions
 CvtkRandomPoolConvenience class to quickly generate a pool of random numbers
 CvtkRandomSequenceGenerate a sequence of random numbers
 CvtkRangeHandlesItemItem to show and control the range of a vtkColorTransferFunction
 CvtkRasterReprojectionFilterTransform a VTK image data to a different projection
 CvtkRayCastImageDisplayHelperHelper class that draws the image to the screen
 CvtkRayCastStructuresStructure definitions for ray casting
 CvtkReaderAlgorithmSuperclass for readers that implement a simplified API
 CvtkRearrangeFieldsMove/copy fields between field data, point data and cell data
 CvtkRecoverGeometryWireframeGet corrected wireframe from tessellated facets
 CvtkRectTemplated base type for storage of 2D rectangles
 CvtkRectangularButtonSourceCreate a rectangular button
 CvtkRectilinearGridDataset that is topologically regular with variable spacing in the three coordinate directions
 CvtkRectilinearGridAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that produce only rectilinear grid as output
 CvtkRectilinearGridClipReduces the image extent of the input
 CvtkRectilinearGridGeometryFilterExtract geometry for a rectilinear grid
 CvtkRectilinearGridOutlineFilterCreate wireframe outline for a rectilinear grid
 CvtkRectilinearGridPartitionerA concrete implementation of vtkMultiBlockDataSetAlgorithm that provides functionality for partitioning a VTK rectilinear dataset
 CvtkRectilinearGridReaderRead vtk rectilinear grid data file
 CvtkRectilinearGridToPointSetConverts a vtkRectilinearGrid to a vtkPointSet
 CvtkRectilinearGridToTetrahedraCreate a Tetrahedral mesh from a RectilinearGrid
 CvtkRectilinearGridWriterWrite vtk rectilinear grid data file
 CvtkRectilinearSynchronizedTemplatesGenerate isosurface from rectilinear grid
 CvtkRectilinearWipeRepresentationRepresent a vtkRectilinearWipeWidget
 CvtkRectilinearWipeWidgetInteractively control an instance of vtkImageRectilinearWipe filter
 CvtkRecursiveDividingCubesCreate points laying on isosurface (using recursive approach)
 CvtkRecursiveSphereDirectionEncoderA direction encoder based on the recursive subdivision of an octahedron
 CvtkRedistributeDataSetFilterRedistributes input dataset into requested number of partitions
 CvtkReduceTableCombine some of the rows of a table
 CvtkReebGraphReeb graph computation for PL scalar fields
 CvtkReebGraphSimplificationFilterSimplify an input Reeb graph
 CvtkReebGraphSimplificationMetricAbstract class for custom Reeb graph simplification metric design
 CvtkReebGraphSurfaceSkeletonFilterCompute a skeletal embedding of the Reeb graph of a scalar field defined on a triangulated surface (vtkPolyData)
 CvtkReebGraphToJoinSplitTreeFilterConverts a given Reeb graph either to a join tree or a split tree (respectively the connectivity of the sub- and sur- level sets)
 CvtkReebGraphVolumeSkeletonFilterCompute a skeletal embedding of the Reeb graph of a scalar field defined on a tetrahedral mesh (vtkUnstructuredGrid)
 CvtkReferenceCountObsolete / empty subclass of object
 CvtkReflectionFilterReflects a data set across a plane
 CvtkRegularPolygonSourceCreate a regular, n-sided polygon and/or polyline
 CvtkRemoteInteractionAdapterMap vtk-js interaction events to native VTK events
 CvtkRemoveDuplicatePolysRemove duplicate/degenerate polygons
 CvtkRemoveGhostsRemove ghost points, cells and arrays
 CvtkRemoveHiddenDataRemoves the rows/edges/vertices of input data flagged by ann
 CvtkRemoveIsolatedVerticesRemove vertices of a vtkGraph with degree zero
 CvtkRemovePolyDataRemoves vtkPolyData cells from an input vtkPolyData
 CvtkRemoveUnusedPointsRemove points not used by any cell
 CvtkRenderbufferStorage for FBO's
 CvtkRenderedAreaPickerUses graphics hardware to picks props behind a selection rectangle on a viewport
 CvtkRenderedSurfaceRepresentationDisplays a geometric dataset as a surface
 CvtkRendererAbstract specification for renderers
 CvtkRendererCollectionOrdered list of renderers
 CvtkRendererDelegateRender the props of a vtkRenderer
 CvtkRendererNodeVtkViewNode specialized for vtkRenderers
 CvtkRendererSourceTake a renderer's image and/or depth map into the pipeline
 CvtkRenderingCellGridA registrar for cell types contained in this module
 CvtkRenderLargeImageUse tiling to generate a large rendering
 CvtkRenderPassPerform part of the rendering of a vtkRenderer
 CvtkRenderPassCollectionOrdered list of RenderPasses
 CvtkRenderStateContext in which a vtkRenderPass will render
 CvtkRenderStepsPassExecute render passes sequentially
 CvtkRenderTimerLogAsynchronously measures GPU execution times for a series of events
 CvtkRenderViewA view containing a renderer
 CvtkRenderViewBaseA base view containing a renderer
 CvtkRenderWindowCreate a window for renderers to draw into
 CvtkRenderWindowCollectionOrdered list of RenderWindows
 CvtkRenderWindowInteractorPlatform-independent render window interaction including picking and frame rate control
 CvtkRenderWindowInteractor3DAdds support for 3D events to vtkRenderWindowInteractor
 CvtkResampleToImageSample dataset on a uniform grid
 CvtkResampleWithDataSetSample point and cell data of a dataset on points from another dataset
 CvtkReservoirSampler< IntegerType >Generate a monotonic sequence of integers that randomly kk-sample a range without substitution
 CvtkResizingWindowToImageFilterUse a vtkWindow as input to image pipeline
 CvtkResliceCursorGeometry for a reslice cursor
 CvtkResliceCursorActorRepresent a reslice cursor
 CvtkResliceCursorLineRepresentationRepresent the vtkResliceCursorWidget
 CvtkResliceCursorPickerRay-cast cell picker for the reslice cursor
 CvtkResliceCursorPolyDataAlgorithmGenerates a 2D reslice cursor polydata
 CvtkResliceCursorRepresentationRepresent the vtkResliceCursorWidget
 CvtkResliceCursorThickLineRepresentationThick slab of the reslice cursor widget
 CvtkResliceCursorWidgetRepresent a reslice cursor
 CvtkResliceImageViewerDisplay an image along with a reslice cursor
 CvtkResliceImageViewerMeasurementsManage measurements on a resliced image
 CvtkResourceFileLocatorUtility to locate resource files
 CvtkResourceParserHelper class to perform formatted input from vtkResourceStream
 CvtkResourceStreamAbstract class used for custom streams
 CvtkReverseSenseReverse the ordering of polygonal cells and/or vertex normals
 CvtkRibbonFilterCreate oriented ribbons from lines defined in polygonal dataset
 CvtkRIBExporterExport a scene into RenderMan RIB format
 CvtkRIBLightRIP Light
 CvtkRIBPropertyRIP Property
 CvtkRISReaderReader for RIS files
 CvtkROIStencilSourceCreate simple mask shapes
 CvtkRotationalExtrusionFilterSweep polygonal data creating "skirt" from free edges and lines, and lines from vertices
 CvtkRotationFilterDuplicates a data set by rotation about an axis
 CvtkRowQueryAbstract interface for queries that return row-oriented results
 CvtkRowQueryToTableExecutes an sql query and retrieves results into a table
 CvtkRTAnalyticSourceCreate an image for regression testing
 CvtkRTXMLPolyDataReaderRead RealTime VTK XML PolyData files
 CvtkRuledSurfaceFilterGenerates a surface from a set of lines
 CvtkRungeKutta2Integrate an initial value problem using 2nd order Runge-Kutta method
 CvtkRungeKutta4Integrate an initial value problem using 4th order Runge-Kutta method
 CvtkRungeKutta45Integrate an initial value problem using 5th order Runge-Kutta method with adaptive stepsize control
 CvtkSampleFunctionSample an implicit function over a structured point set
 CvtkSampleImplicitFunctionFilterSample an implicit function over a dataset, generating scalar values and optional gradient vectors
 CvtkScalarBarActorCreate a scalar bar with labels
 CvtkScalarBarActorInternalInternal state for the scalar bar actor shared with subclasses
 CvtkScalarBarBoxA structure to represent pixel coordinates for text or swatch bounds
 CvtkScalarBarRepresentationRepresent scalar bar for vtkScalarBarWidget
 CvtkScalarBarWidget2D widget for manipulating a scalar bar
 CvtkScalarsToColorsSuperclass for mapping scalar values to colors
 CvtkScalarsToColorsItemAbstract class for ScalarsToColors items
 CvtkScalarsToTextureFilterGenerate texture coordinates and a texture image based on a scalar field
 CvtkScalarTreeOrganize data according to scalar values (used to accelerate contouring operations)
 CvtkScaledSOADataArrayTemplateStruct-Of-Arrays implementation of vtkGenericDataArray with a scaling factor
 CvtkScaledTextActorCreate text that will scale as needed
 CvtkScatterPlotMatrixContainer for a matrix of charts
 CvtkScenePickerPicks an entire viewport at one shot
 CvtkSCurveSplineComputes an interpolating spline using a a SCurve basis
 CvtkSDL2OpenGL2RenderWindowOpenGL rendering window
 CvtkSDL2WebGPURenderWindowOpenGL rendering window
 CvtkSectorSourceCreate a sector of a disk
 CvtkSeedRepresentationRepresent the vtkSeedWidget
 CvtkSeedWidgetPlace multiple seed points
 CvtkSegYReaderReads SegY data files
 CvtkSelectEnclosedPointsMark points as to whether they are inside a closed surface
 CvtkSelectionData object that represents a "selection" in VTK
 CvtkSelectionAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that produce only Selection as output
 CvtkSelectionNodeNode in a vtkSelection the defines the selection criteria
 CvtkSelectionSourceGenerate selection from given set of ids
 CvtkSelectPolyDataSelect portion of polygonal mesh; generate selection scalars
 CvtkSelectVisiblePointsExtract points that are visible (based on z-buffer calculation)
 CvtkSEPReaderStanford Exploration Project files reader
 CvtkSequencePassExecute render passes sequentially
 CvtkSerializerSerialize VTK objects to JSON
 CvtkServerSocketEncapsulate a socket that accepts connections
 CvtkShaderVertex or Fragment shader, combined into a ShaderProgram
 CvtkShaderProgramThe ShaderProgram uses one or more Shader objects
 CvtkShaderPropertyRepresent GPU shader properties
 CvtkShadowMapBakerPassImplement a builder of shadow map pass
 CvtkShadowMapPassImplement a shadow mapping render pass
 CvtkShepardKernelShepard method interpolation kernel
 CvtkShepardMethodInterpolate points and associated scalars onto volume using the method of Shepard
 CvtkShortArrayDynamic, self-adjusting array of short
 CvtkShrinkFilterShrink cells composing an arbitrary data set
 CvtkShrinkPolyDataShrink cells composing PolyData
 CvtkSignedCharArrayDynamic, self-adjusting array of signed char
 CvtkSignedDistanceCompute signed distances from an input point cloud
 CvtkSILBuilderHelper class to build a SIL i.e
 CvtkSimple2DLayoutStrategySimple 2D graph layout
 CvtkSimple3DCirclesStrategyPlaces vertices on circles in 3D
 CvtkSimpleBondPerceiverCreate a simple guess of a molecule's topology
 CvtkSimpleCellTessellatorHelper class to perform cell tessellation
 CvtkSimpleElevationFilterGenerate scalars along a specified direction
 CvtkSimpleImageToImageFilterGeneric image filter with one input
 CvtkSimpleMotionBlurPassAvergae frames to simulate motion blur
 CvtkSimplePointsReaderRead a list of points from a file
 CvtkSimplePointsWriterWrite a file of xyz coordinates
 CvtkSimpleReaderSuperclass for algorithms that are not time or parallel aware
 CvtkSimpleScalarTreeOrganize data according to scalar values (used to accelerate contouring operations)
 CvtkSingleVTPExporterExport a scene into a single vtp file and png texture
 CvtkSkyboxRenders a skybox environment
 CvtkSLACParticleReaderA reader for a data format used by Omega3p, Tau3p, and several other tools used at the Standford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC)
 CvtkSLACReaderA reader for a data format used by Omega3p, Tau3p, and several other tools used at the Standford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC)
 CvtkSLCReaderRead an SLC volume file
 CvtkSliceAndDiceLayoutStrategyHorizontal and vertical slicing tree map layout
 CvtkSliceCubesGenerate isosurface(s) from volume four slices at a time
 CvtkSliderRepresentationAbstract class defines the representation for a vtkSliderWidget
 CvtkSliderRepresentation2DProvide the representation for a vtkSliderWidget with a 3D skin
 CvtkSliderRepresentation3DProvide the representation for a vtkSliderWidget with a 3D skin
 CvtkSliderWidgetSet a value by manipulating a slider
 CvtkSmartPointerHold a reference to a vtkObjectBase instance
 CvtkSmartPointerBaseNon-templated superclass for vtkSmartPointer
 CvtkSmartVectorA vector of smart pointers
 CvtkSmartVolumeMapperAdaptive volume mapper
 CvtkSmoothErrorMetricObjects that compute geometry-based error during cell tessellation according to some max angle
 CvtkSmoothPolyDataFilterAdjust point positions using Laplacian smoothing
 CvtkSMPContourGridSubclass of vtkContourGrid that works in parallel vtkSMPContourGrid performs the same functionality as vtkContourGrid but does it using multiple threads
 CvtkSMPMergePointsClass designed to help with merging of points in parallel
 CvtkSMPMergePolyDataHelperUtility class for merging poly data in parallel This class is designed as a utility class to help merging of poly data generated by filters that generate multiple polydata outputs and the associated locators
 CvtkSMPProgressObserverProgress observer that is thread safe
 CvtkSMPThreadLocalThread local storage for VTK objects
 CvtkSMPThreadLocalObjectThread local storage for VTK objects
 CvtkSMPToolsA set of parallel (multi-threaded) utility functions
 CvtkSOADataArrayTemplateStruct-Of-Arrays implementation of vtkGenericDataArray
 CvtkSobelGradientMagnitudePassImplement a post-processing edge detection with a Sobel gradient magnitude render pass
 CvtkSocketBSD socket encapsulation
 CvtkSocketCollectionCollection for sockets
 CvtkSocketCommunicatorProcess communication using Sockets
 CvtkSocketControllerProcess communication using Sockets
 CvtkSortDataArraySeveral methods for sorting VTK arrays
 CvtkSortFieldDataMethod for sorting field data
 CvtkSortFileNamesGroup and sort a set of filenames
 CvtkSpanSpaceOrganize data according to scalar span space
 CvtkSpanTreeLayoutStrategyVtkSpanTreeLayout is a strategy for drawing directed graphs that works by first extracting a spanning tree (more accurately, a spanning forest), and using this both to position graph vertices and to plan the placement of non-tree edges
 CvtkSparseArraySparse, independent coordinate storage for N-way arrays
 CvtkSparseArrayToTableConverts a sparse array to a vtkTable
 CvtkSpatialRepresentationFilterGenerate polygonal model of spatial search object (i.e., a vtkLocator)
 CvtkSpatioTemporalHarmonicsAttributeComputes spatio-temporal harmonics on each point
 CvtkSpatioTemporalHarmonicsSourceCreates a vtkImageData with harmonics data
 CvtkSPHCubicKernelCubic SPH interpolation kernel
 CvtkSphereImplicit function for a sphere
 CvtkSphereHandleRepresentationA spherical rendition of point in 3D space
 CvtkSpherePuzzleCreate a polygonal sphere centered at the origin
 CvtkSpherePuzzleArrowsVisualize permutation of the sphere puzzle
 CvtkSphereRepresentationClass defining the representation for the vtkSphereWidget2
 CvtkSpheresImplicit function for a set of spheres
 CvtkSphereSourceCreate a polygonal sphere centered at the origin
 CvtkSphereTreeClass to build and traverse sphere trees
 CvtkSphereTreeFilterRepresent a sphere tree as vtkPolyData
 CvtkSphereWidget3D widget for manipulating a sphere
 CvtkSphereWidget23D widget for manipulating a point on a sphere
 CvtkSphericalDirectionEncoderA direction encoder based on spherical coordinates
 CvtkSphericalHarmonicsCompute spherical harmonics of an equirectangular projection image
 CvtkSphericalPointIteratorTraverse a collection of points in spherical ordering
 CvtkSphericalTransformSpherical to rectangular coords and back
 CvtkSPHInterpolatorInterpolate over point cloud using SPH kernels
 CvtkSPHKernelFamily of SPH interpolation kernels
 CvtkSPHQuarticKernelQuartic SPH interpolation kernel
 CvtkSPHQuinticKernelQuintic SPH interpolation kernel
 CvtkSpiderPlotActorCreate a spider plot from input field
 CvtkSplineSpline abstract class for interpolating splines
 CvtkSplineFilterGenerate uniformly subdivided polylines from a set of input polyline using a vtkSpline
 CvtkSplineGraphEdgesSubsample graph edges to make smooth curves
 CvtkSplineRepresentationRepresentation for a spline
 CvtkSplineWidget3D widget for manipulating a spline
 CvtkSplineWidget2Widget for vtkSplineRepresentation
 CvtkSplitByCellScalarFilterSplits input dataset according an integer cell scalar array
 CvtkSplitColumnComponentsSplit multicomponent table columns
 CvtkSplitFieldSplit a field into single component fields
 CvtkSplitSharpEdgesPolyDataSplit sharp edges in a polygonal mesh
 CvtkSQLDatabaseMaintain a connection to an sql database
 CvtkSQLDatabaseGraphSourceGenerates a vtkGraph based on an SQL query
 CvtkSQLDatabaseSchemaRepresent an SQL database schema
 CvtkSQLDatabaseTableSourceGenerates a vtkTable based on an SQL query
 CvtkSQLGraphReaderRead a vtkGraph from a database
 CvtkSQLiteDatabaseMaintain a connection to an SQLite database
 CvtkSQLiteQueryVtkSQLQuery implementation for SQLite databases
 CvtkSQLiteToTableReaderRead an SQLite table as a vtkTable
 CvtkSQLQueryExecutes an sql query and retrieves results
 CvtkSquarifyLayoutStrategyUses the squarify tree map layout algorithm
 CvtkSSAAPassImplement Screen Space Anti Aliasing pass
 CvtkSSAOPassImplement a screen-space ambient occlusion pass
 CvtkStackedTreeLayoutStrategyLays out tree in stacked boxes or rings
 CvtkStateStorageClass to make storing and comparing state quick and easy
 CvtkStaticCellLinksObject represents upward pointers from points to list of cells using each point
 CvtkStaticCellLinksTemplateObject represents upward pointers from points to list of cells using each point (template implementation)
 CvtkStaticCellLocatorPerform fast cell location operations
 CvtkStaticCleanPolyDataMerge duplicate points, and/or remove unused points and/or remove degenerate cells
 CvtkStaticCleanUnstructuredGridMerge duplicate points, removed unused points, in an vtkUnstructuredGrid
 CvtkStaticCompositeSourceSimple source that create a composite (PartitionedDataSetCollection) of 2 polydata
 CvtkStaticDataSourceSimple source that create a polydata (triangle) with point data arrays:
 CvtkStaticEdgeLocatorTemplateTemplated on types of ids defining an edge, and any data associated with the edge
 CvtkStaticFaceHashLinksTemplateTemplated on types of ids defining an edge
 CvtkStaticPointLocatorQuickly locate points in 3-space
 CvtkStaticPointLocator2DQuickly locate points in 2-space
 CvtkStatisticalOutlierRemovalRemove sparse outlier points
 CvtkStatisticsAlgorithmBase class for statistics algorithms
 CvtkStdStringWrapper around std::string to keep symbols short
 CvtkStereoCompositorHelper class to generate composited stereo images
 CvtkStitchImageDataWithGhostsStitches vtkImageData that are one voxel away
 CvtkSTLReaderRead ASCII or binary stereo lithography files
 CvtkSTLWriterWrite stereo lithography files
 CvtkStrahlerMetricCompute Strahler metric for a tree
 CvtkStreaklineFilterA Parallel Particle tracer for unsteady vector fields
 CvtkStreamerBaseSuperclass for filters that stream input pipeline
 CvtkStreamGraphCombines two graphs
 CvtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipelineExecutive supporting partial updates
 CvtkStreamingStatisticsA class for using the statistics filters in a streaming mode
 CvtkStreamingTessellatorAn algorithm that refines an initial simplicial tessellation using edge subdivision
 CvtkStreamSurfaceAdvect a stream surface in a vector field
 CvtkStreamTracerStreamline generator
 CvtkStringArrayVtkAbstractArray subclass for strings
 CvtkStringOutputWindowFile Specific output window class
 CvtkStringToCategoryCreates a category array from a string array
 CvtkStringToImageBase class for classes that render supplied text to an image
 CvtkStringTokenRepresent a string by its integer hash
 CvtkStringToNumericConverts string arrays to numeric arrays
 CvtkStripperCreate triangle strips and/or poly-lines
 CvtkStructuredAMRGridConnectivityGrid connectivity
 CvtkStructuredAMRNeighborAn internal, light-weight object used to store neighbor information for AMR grids
 CvtkStructuredCellArrayImplicit object to represent cell connectivity
 CvtkStructuredDataSingleton class for topologically regular data
 CvtkStructuredDataPlaneCutterFast plane cutting of vtkImageData/vtkRectilinearGrid/vtkStructuredGrid
 CvtkStructuredExtentHelper class to aid working with structured extents
 CvtkStructuredGridTopologically regular array of data
 CvtkStructuredGridAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that produce only structured grid as output
 CvtkStructuredGridAppendCollects data from multiple inputs into one structured grid
 CvtkStructuredGridClipReduces the image extent of the input
 CvtkStructuredGridConnectivityVtkStructuredGridConnectivity is a concrete instance of vtkObject that implements functionality for computing the neighboring topology within a single partitioned structured grid dataset
 CvtkStructuredGridGeometryFilterExtract geometry for structured grid
 CvtkStructuredGridLIC2DGPU implementation of a Line Integral Convolution, a technique for imaging vector fields
 CvtkStructuredGridOutlineFilterCreate wireframe outline for structured grid
 CvtkStructuredGridPartitionerA concrete implementation of vtkMultiBlockDataSetAlgorithm that provides functionality for partitioning a VTK structured grid dataset
 CvtkStructuredGridReaderRead vtk structured grid data file
 CvtkStructuredGridWriterWrite vtk structured grid data file
 CvtkStructuredImplicitConnectivityDistributed structured dataset that is implicitly connected among partitions without abutting
 CvtkStructuredNeighborAn internal, light-weight class used to store neighbor information
 CvtkStructuredPointArrayAn structured point array used by structured datasets subclasses
 CvtkStructuredPointBackendA backend for the vtkImplicitArray to query structured points efficiently
 CvtkStructuredPointsA subclass of ImageData
 CvtkStructuredPointsCollectionMaintain a list of structured points data objects
 CvtkStructuredPointsGeometryFilterObsolete class
 CvtkStructuredPointsReaderRead vtk structured points data file
 CvtkStructuredPointsWriterWrite vtk structured points data file
 CvtkSubCommunicatorProvides communication on a process group
 CvtkSubdivideTetraSubdivide one tetrahedron into twelve for every tetra
 CvtkSubdivisionFilterBase class for subvision filters
 CvtkSubGroupScalable collective communication for a subset of members of a parallel VTK application
 CvtkSubPixelPositionEdgelsAdjust edgel locations based on gradients
 CvtkSuperquadricImplicit function for a Superquadric
 CvtkSuperquadricSourceCreate a polygonal superquadric centered at the origin
 CvtkSurfaceLICCompositeThis class decomposes the image space and shuffles image space data onto the new decomposition with the necessary guard cells to prevent artifacts at the decomposition boundaries
 CvtkSurfaceLICHelperA small collection of noise routines for LIC
 CvtkSurfaceLICInterfacePublic API for surface lic parameters arbitrary geometry
 CvtkSurfaceLICMapperMapper that performs LIC on the surface of arbitrary geometry
 CvtkSurfaceNets2DGenerate smoothed constours from segmented 2D image data (i.e., "label maps")
 CvtkSurfaceNets3DGenerate smoothed isocontours from segmented 3D image data (i.e., "label maps")
 CvtkSurfaceReconstructionFilterReconstructs a surface from unorganized points
 CvtkSVGContextDevice2DVtkContextDevice2D implementation for use with vtkSVGExporter
 CvtkSVGExporterExports vtkContext2D scenes to SVG
 CvtkSynchronizableActorsAbstract base class for synchronizing a collection of actors
 CvtkSynchronizableAvatarsSerialize/deserialize collection of vtkOpenGLAvatars among renderers
 CvtkSynchronizedRenderersSynchronizes renderers across processes
 CvtkSynchronizedRenderWindowsSynchronizes render windows across processes
 CvtkSynchronizedTemplates2DGenerate isoline(s) from a structured points set
 CvtkSynchronizedTemplates3DGenerate isosurface from structured points
 CvtkSynchronizedTemplatesCutter3DGenerate cut surface from structured points
 CvtkSynchronizeTimeFilterSet "close" time step values from the second input to the first
 CvtkSystemIncludesTransition VTK to ANSI C++, centralize inclusion of system files
 CvtkTableA table, which contains similar-typed columns of data
 CvtkTableAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that produce only vtkTables as output
 CvtkTableBasedClipCases< false >
 CvtkTableBasedClipCases< true >
 CvtkTableBasedClipDataSetClip any dataset with a user-specified implicit function or an input scalar point data array
 CvtkTableFFTFFT for table columns
 CvtkTableReaderRead vtkTable data file
 CvtkTableToArrayConverts a vtkTable to a matrix
 CvtkTableToDatabaseWriterIn a SQL database
 CvtkTableToGraphConvert a vtkTable into a vtkGraph
 CvtkTableToMySQLWriterStore a vtkTable in a MySQL database
 CvtkTableToPolyDataFilter used to convert a vtkTable to a vtkPolyData consisting of vertices
 CvtkTableToPostgreSQLWriterStore a vtkTable in a PostgreSQL database
 CvtkTableToSparseArrayConverts a vtkTable into a sparse array
 CvtkTableToSQLiteWriterStore a vtkTable in an SQLite database
 CvtkTableToStructuredGridConverts vtkTable to a vtkStructuredGrid
 CvtkTableToTreeFilterFilter that converts a vtkTable to a vtkTree
 CvtkTableWriterWrite vtkTable to a file
 CvtkTanglegramItemDisplay two related trees
 CvtkTDxInteractorStyleProvide 3DConnexion device event-driven interface to the rendering window
 CvtkTDxInteractorStyleCameraInteractive manipulation of the camera with a 3DConnexion device
 CvtkTDxInteractorStyleSettings3DConnexion device settings
 CvtkTDxMotionEventInfoStore motion information from a 3DConnexion input device
 CvtkTDxQtUnixDevicesManage a list vtkTDXUnixDevice(s)
 CvtkTecplotReaderA concrete class to read an ASCII Tecplot file
 CvtkTecplotTableReaderReads in Tecplot tabular data and outputs a vtkTable data structure
 CvtkTemplateAliasMacroDispatch a scalar processing template
 CvtkTemporalAlgorithmBase class for temporal algorithms
 CvtkTemporalArrayOperatorFilterPerform simple mathematical operation on a data array at different time
 CvtkTemporalDataSetCacheCache time steps
 CvtkTemporalDelimitedTextReaderReads a delimited ascii or unicode text files and and output a temporal vtkTable
 CvtkTemporalFractalA source to test AMR data object
 CvtkTemporalInterpolatedVelocityFieldA helper class for interpolating between times during particle tracing
 CvtkTemporalInterpolatorInterpolate datasets between time steps to produce a new dataset
 CvtkTemporalPathLineFilterGenerate a Polydata Pointset from any Dataset
 CvtkTemporalShiftScaleModify the time range/steps of temporal data
 CvtkTemporalSmoothingSmooth point or cell data over a sliding time window
 CvtkTemporalSnapToTimeStepModify the time range/steps of temporal data
 CvtkTemporalStatisticsCompute statistics of point or cell data as it changes over time
 CvtkTensorGlyphScale and orient glyph(s) according to eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetrical part of tensor
 CvtkTensorPrincipalInvariantsCompute principal values and directions from symmetric tensor
 CvtkTensorProbeRepresentationAbstract class that serves as a representation for vtkTensorProbeWidget
 CvtkTensorProbeWidgetWidget to probe tensors on a polyline
 CvtkTensorRepresentationClass defining a representation for the vtkTensorWidget
 CvtkTensorWidget3D widget for manipulating a tensor glyph
 CvtkTerrainContourLineInterpolatorContour interpolator for DEM data
 CvtkTerrainDataPointPlacerPlace points on terrain data
 CvtkTessellatedBoxSourceCreate a polygonal representation of a box with a given level of subdivision
 CvtkTessellatorFilterApproximate nonlinear FEM elements with simplices
 CvtkTestDataArrayAn implementation of vtkGenericDataArray for testing fallback algorithms
 CvtkTestNewVarTests instantiations of the vtkNew class template
 CvtkTetra3D cell that represents a tetrahedron
 CvtkTextActorAn actor that displays text
 CvtkTextActor3DAn actor that displays text
 CvtkTextCodecVirtual class to act as an interface for all text codecs
 CvtkTextCodecFactoryMaintain a list of text codecs and return instances
 CvtkTextMapper2D text annotation
 CvtkTextPropertyRepresent text properties
 CvtkTextPropertyCollectionOrdered list of vtkTextProperty objects
 CvtkTextRendererInterface for generating images and path data from string data, using multiple backends
 CvtkTextRendererStringToImageUses vtkTextRenderer to render the supplied text to an image
 CvtkTextRepresentationRepresent text for vtkTextWidget
 CvtkTextSourceCreate polygonal text
 CvtkTextureHandles properties associated with a texture map
 CvtkTexturedActor2DActor that draws 2D data with texture support
 CvtkTexturedButtonRepresentationDefines a representation for a vtkButtonWidget
 CvtkTexturedButtonRepresentation2DDefines a representation for a vtkButtonWidget
 CvtkTexturedSphereSourceCreate a sphere centered at the origin
 CvtkTextureIOA small collection of I/O routines that write vtkTextureObject to disk for debugging
 CvtkTextureMapToCylinderGenerate texture coordinates by mapping points to cylinder
 CvtkTextureMapToPlaneGenerate texture coordinates by mapping points to plane
 CvtkTextureMapToSphereGenerate texture coordinates by mapping points to sphere
 CvtkTextureObjectAbstracts an OpenGL texture object
 CvtkTextureUnitManagerAllocate/free texture units
 CvtkTextWidgetWidget for placing text on overlay plane
 CvtkTGAReaderRead PNG files
 CvtkThinPlateSplineTransformNonlinear warp transformation
 CvtkThreadedCallbackQueueSimple threaded callback queue
 CvtkThreadedCompositeDataPipelineExecutive that works in parallel
 CvtkThreadedImageAlgorithmGeneric filter that has one input
 CvtkThreadedImageWriterClass used to compress/write images using threads to prevent locking while encoding data
 CvtkThreadedTaskQueueSimple threaded task queue
 CvtkThreadedTaskQueue< void, Args... >
 CvtkThresholdExtracts cells where scalar value in cell satisfies threshold criterion
 CvtkThresholdGraphReturns a subgraph of a vtkGraph
 CvtkThresholdPointsExtracts points whose scalar value satisfies threshold criterion
 CvtkThresholdTableThresholds table rows
 CvtkThresholdTextureCoordsCompute 1D, 2D, or 3D texture coordinates based on scalar threshold
 CvtkTIFFReaderRead TIFF files
 CvtkTIFFWriterWrite out image data as a TIFF file
 CvtkTimePointUtilityPerforms common time operations
 CvtkTimeRangeVtkExecutionRange using time to dispatch in a vtkForEach sub-pipeline
 CvtkTimerLogTimer support and logging
 CvtkTimerLogScopeHelper class to log time within scope
 CvtkTimeSourceCreates a simple time varying data set
 CvtkTimeStampRecord modification and/or execution time
 CvtkTkImageViewerWidgetTk Widget for viewing vtk images
 CvtkTkRenderWidgetTk Widget for vtk rendering
 CvtkToAffineArrayStrategyStrategy to transform an explicit array into a vtkAffineArray
 CvtkToConstantArrayStrategyStrategy to be used in conjunction with vtkToImplicitArrayFilter to identify and compress constant arrays
 CvtkToImplicitArrayFilterA VTK filter for compressing explicit memory arrays into implicit arrays
 CvtkToImplicitRamerDouglasPeuckerStrategyA strategy for creating constant or affine by parts implicit arrays from explicit memory arrays based on the Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm(*)
 CvtkToImplicitStrategyPure interface for strategies to transform explicit arrays into implicit arrays
 CvtkToImplicitTypeErasureStrategyA strategy for compressing arrays by type when applicable (int -> unsigned char for example) and wrapping them behind a vtkImplicitArray to furnish the same interface
 CvtkToneMappingPassImplement a post-processing Tone Mapping
 CvtkTooltipItemTakes care of drawing 2D axes
 CvtkTransferAttributesTransfer data from a graph representation to a tree representation using direct mapping or pedigree ids
 CvtkTransformDescribes linear transformations via a 4x4 matrix
 CvtkTransform2DDescribes linear transformations via a 3x3 matrix
 CvtkTransformCollectionMaintain a list of transforms
 CvtkTransformCoordinateSystemsTransform points into different coordinate systems
 CvtkTransformFeedbackManages a TransformFeedback buffer
 CvtkTransformFilterTransform points and associated normals and vectors
 CvtkTransformInterpolatorInterpolate a series of transformation matrices
 CvtkTransformPolyDataFilterTransform points and associated normals and vectors for polygonal dataset
 CvtkTransformTextureCoordsTransform (scale, rotate, translate) texture coordinates
 CvtkTransformToGridCreate a grid for a vtkGridTransform
 CvtkTranslucentPassRender the translucent polygonal geometry with property key filtering
 CvtkTransmitRectilinearGridPieceRedistributes data produced by serial readers
 CvtkTransposeMatrixComputes the transpose of an input matrix
 CvtkTransposeTableTranspose an input table
 CvtkTreeA rooted tree data structure
 CvtkTreeAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that produce only Tree as output
 CvtkTreeAreaViewAccepts a graph and a hierarchy - currently a tree - and provides a hierarchy-aware display
 CvtkTreeBFSIteratorBreadth first search iterator through a vtkTree
 CvtkTreeCompositerImplements tree based compositing
 CvtkTreeDFSIteratorDepth first iterator through a vtkGraph
 CvtkTreeDifferenceFilterCompare two trees
 CvtkTreeFieldAggregatorAggregate field values from the leaves up the tree
 CvtkTreeHeatmapItemA 2D graphics item for rendering a tree and an associated heatmap
 CvtkTreeIteratorAbstract class for iterator over a vtkTree
 CvtkTreeLayoutStrategyHierarchical layout
 CvtkTreeLevelsFilterAdds level and leaf fields to a vtkTree
 CvtkTreeMapLayoutLayout a vtkTree into a tree map
 CvtkTreeMapLayoutStrategyAbstract superclass for all tree map layout strategies
 CvtkTreeMapToPolyDataConverts a tree to a polygonal data representing a tree map
 CvtkTreeMapViewDisplays a tree as a tree map
 CvtkTreeOrbitLayoutStrategyHierarchical orbital layout
 CvtkTreeReaderRead vtkTree data file
 CvtkTreeRingToPolyDataConverts a tree to a polygonal data representing radial space filling tree
 CvtkTreeRingViewDisplays a tree in concentric rings
 CvtkTreeWriterWrite vtkTree data to a file
 CvtkTriangleCell that represents a triangle
 CvtkTriangleFilterConvert input polygons and strips to triangles
 CvtkTriangleMeshPointNormalsCompute point normals for triangle mesh
 CvtkTriangleStripCell that represents a triangle strip
 CvtkTriangularTCoords2D texture coordinates based for triangles
 CvtkTriangularTextureGenerate 2D triangular texture map
 CvtkTrimmedExtrusionFilterExtrude polygonal data trimmed by a second input surface
 CvtkTriQuadraticHexahedronCell represents a parabolic, 27-node isoparametric hexahedron
 CvtkTriQuadraticPyramidCell represents a parabolic, 19-node isoparametric pyramid
 CvtkTrivialConsumerConsumer to consume data off of a pipeline
 CvtkTrivialProducerProducer for stand-alone data objects
 CvtkTRUCHASReaderRead GE TRUCHAS format HDF5 files
 CvtkTubeBenderRounds corners on lines for better tubes
 CvtkTubeFilterFilter that generates tubes around lines
 CvtkTulipReaderReads tulip graph files
 CvtkTupleTemplated base type for containers of constant size
 CvtkTupleInterpolatorInterpolate a tuple of arbitrary size
 CvtkTypedArrayProvides a type-specific interface to N-way arrays
 CvtkTypedDataArrayExtend vtkDataArray with abstract type-specific API
 CvtkTypedDataArrayIteratorSTL-style random access iterator for vtkTypedDataArrays
 CvtkTypeListTypeList implementation and utilities
 CvtkTypeTraitsTemplate defining traits of native types used by VTK
 CvtkUncertaintyTubeFilterGenerate uncertainty tubes along a polyline
 CvtkUndirectedGraphAn undirected graph
 CvtkUndirectedGraphAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that produce undirected graph as output
 CvtkUniformGridImage data with blanking
 CvtkUniformGridAMRMulti-resolution dataset based on vtkUniformGrid
 CvtkUniformGridAMRAlgorithmVtkUniformGridAMR as output
 CvtkUniformGridAMRDataIteratorSubclass of vtkCompositeDataIterator with API to get current level and dataset index
 CvtkUniformGridPartitionerA concrete implementation of vtkMultiBlockDataSetAlgorithm that provides functionality for partitioning a uniform grid
 CvtkUniformHyperTreeGridA specifalized type of vtkHyperTreeGrid for the case when root cells have uniform sizes in each direction
 CvtkUniformHyperTreeGridSourceCreate a synthetic grid of uniform hypertrees
 CvtkUniformsHelper class to set custom uniform variables in GPU shaders
 CvtkUnsignedCharArrayDynamic, self-adjusting array of unsigned char
 CvtkUnsignedDistanceCompute unsigned (i.e., non-negative) distances from an input point cloud
 CvtkUnsignedIntArrayDynamic, self-adjusting array of unsigned int
 CvtkUnsignedLongArrayDynamic, self-adjusting array of unsigned long
 CvtkUnsignedLongLongArrayDynamic, self-adjusting array of unsigned long long
 CvtkUnsignedShortArrayDynamic, self-adjusting array of unsigned short
 CvtkUnstructuredGridDataset represents arbitrary combinations of all possible cell types
 CvtkUnstructuredGridAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that produce only unstructured grid as output
 CvtkUnstructuredGridBaseDataset represents arbitrary combinations of all possible cell types
 CvtkUnstructuredGridBaseAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that produce only vtkUnstructureGridBase subclasses as output
 CvtkUnstructuredGridBunykRayCastFunctionSuperclass for ray casting functions
 CvtkUnstructuredGridCellIteratorImplementation of vtkCellIterator specialized for vtkUnstructuredGrid
 CvtkUnstructuredGridFieldAnnotationsFetch/add field annotations from/to an unstructured grid's field data
 CvtkUnstructuredGridGeometryFilterExtract geometry from an unstructured grid
 CvtkUnstructuredGridHomogeneousRayIntegratorPerforms piecewise constant ray integration
 CvtkUnstructuredGridLinearRayIntegratorPerforms piecewise linear ray integration
 CvtkUnstructuredGridPartialPreIntegrationPerforms piecewise linear ray integration
 CvtkUnstructuredGridPreIntegrationPerforms ray integration with pre-integration tables
 CvtkUnstructuredGridQuadricDecimationReduce the number of tetrahedra in a mesh
 CvtkUnstructuredGridReaderRead vtk unstructured grid data file
 CvtkUnstructuredGridToCellGridCreate a cell-grid that approximates a collection of vtkUnstructuredGrids
 CvtkUnstructuredGridToExplicitStructuredGridFilter which converts an unstructured grid data into an explicit structured grid
 CvtkUnstructuredGridToReebGraphFilterGenerate a Reeb graph from a scalar field defined on a vtkUnstructuredGrid
 CvtkUnstructuredGridVolumeMapperAbstract class for an unstructured grid volume mapper
 CvtkUnstructuredGridVolumeRayCastFunctionSuperclass for ray casting functions
 CvtkUnstructuredGridVolumeRayCastIteratorVtkUnstructuredGridVolumeRayCastIterator is a superclass for iterating over the intersections of a viewing ray with a group of unstructured cells
 CvtkUnstructuredGridVolumeRayCastMapperA software mapper for unstructured volumes
 CvtkUnstructuredGridVolumeRayIntegratorSuperclass for volume ray integration functions
 CvtkUnstructuredGridVolumeZSweepMapperUnstructured grid volume mapper based the ZSweep Algorithm
 CvtkUnstructuredGridWriterWrite vtk unstructured grid data file
 CvtkUpdateCellsV8toV9Update cells from v8 node layout to v9 node layout
 CvtkURIURI representation
 CvtkURIComponentRepresent an URI component
 CvtkURILoaderHelper class for readers and importer that need to load more than one resource
 CvtkUTF16TextCodecClass to read/write ascii text
 CvtkUTF8TextCodecClass to read/write UTF-8 text
 CvtkValuePassRenders geometry using the values of a field array as fragment colors
 CvtkValueSelectorSelects elements matching chosen values
 CvtkVariantA type representing the union of many types
 CvtkVariantArrayAn array holding vtkVariants
 CvtkVariantBoostSerializationSerialization support for vtkVariant and vtkVariantArray using the Boost.Serialization library
 CvtkVariantCastConverts a vtkVariant to some other type
 CvtkVariantCreatePerforms an explicit conversion from an arbitrary type to a vtkVariant
 CvtkVariantExtractPerforms an explicit conversion from a vtkVariant to the type that it contains
 CvtkVASPAnimationReaderReader for VASP animation files
 CvtkVASPTessellationReaderRead NPT_Z_TESSELLATE.out files
 CvtkVectorTemplated base type for storage of vectors
 CvtkVector2iSome derived classes for the different vectors commonly used
 CvtkVectorDotGenerate scalars from dot product of vectors and normals (e.g., show displacement plot)
 CvtkVectorFieldTopologyExtract the topological skeleton as output datasets
 CvtkVectorNormGenerate scalars from Euclidean norm of vectors
 CvtkVectorTextCreate polygonal text
 CvtkVersionVersioning class for vtk
 CvtkVertexCell that represents a 3D point
 CvtkVertexDegreeAdds an attribute array with the degree of each vertex
 CvtkVertexGlyphFilterMake a vtkPolyData with a vertex on each point
 CvtkVertexListIteratorIterates all vertices in a graph
 CvtkVideoSourceSuperclass of video input devices for VTK
 CvtkViewThe superclass for all views
 CvtkViewDependentErrorMetricObjects that compute a screen-based error during cell tessellation
 CvtkViewNodeNode within a VTK scene graph
 CvtkViewNodeFactoryFactory that chooses vtkViewNodes to create
 CvtkViewportAbstract specification for Viewports
 CvtkViewThemeSets theme colors for a graphical view
 CvtkViewUpdaterUpdates views automatically
 CvtkVisibilitySortAbstract class that can sort cell data along a viewpoint
 CvtkVoidArrayDynamic, self-adjusting array of void* pointers
 CvtkVolumeVolume (data & properties) in a rendered scene
 CvtkVolume16ReaderRead 16 bit image files
 CvtkVolumeCollectionOrdered list of volumes
 CvtkVolumeContourSpectrumFilterCompute an approximation of the volume contour signature (evolution of the volume of the input tet-mesh along an arc of the Reeb graph)
 CvtkVolumeInputHelperConvenience container for internal structures specific to a volume input
 CvtkVolumeMapperAbstract class for a volume mapper
 CvtkVolumeMapperNodeVtkViewNode specialized for vtkVolumeMappers
 CvtkVolumeNodeVtkViewNode specialized for vtkActors
 CvtkVolumeOfRevolutionFilterSweep data about a line to create a volume
 CvtkVolumeOutlineSourceOutline of volume cropping region
 CvtkVolumePickerRay-cast picker enhanced for volumes
 CvtkVolumePropertyCommon properties for rendering a volume
 CvtkVolumeRayCastSpaceLeapingImageFilterBuilds the space leaping data structure
 CvtkVolumeReaderRead image files
 CvtkVolumeTextureCreates and manages the volume texture rendered by vtkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper
 CvtkVolumetricPassRender the volumetric geometry with property key filtering
 CvtkVoronoi2DCreate 2D Voronoi convex tiling of input points
 CvtkVoronoiKernelVoronoi interpolation kernel
 CvtkVortexCoreCompute vortex core lines using the parallel vectors method
 CvtkVoxelCell that represents a 3D orthogonal parallelepiped
 CvtkVoxelContoursToSurfaceFilterCreate surface from contours
 CvtkVoxelGridSubsample points using uniform binning
 CvtkVoxelModellerConvert an arbitrary dataset to a voxel representation
 CvtkVPICReaderClass for reading VPIC data files
 CvtkVRCameraVR camera
 CvtkVRControlsHelperTooltip helper explaining controls Helper class to draw one tooltip per button around the controller
 CvtkVRFollowerVR Follower
 CvtkVRHardwarePickerPick an actor/prop given a controller position and orientation
 CvtkVRHMDCameraA superclass for HMD style cameras
 CvtkVRInteractorStyleExtended from vtkInteractorStyle3D to override command methods
 CvtkVRMenuRepresentationWidget representation for vtkVRMenuWidget Implementation of the popup panel representation for the vtkVRMenuWidget
 CvtkVRMenuWidget3D widget to display a menu in VR
 CvtkVRMLExporterExport a scene into VRML 2.0 format
 CvtkVRMLImporterImports VRML 2.0 files
 CvtkVRModelVR device model
 CvtkVRPanelRepresentationWidget representation for vtkVRPanelWidget Implementation of the popup panel representation for the vtkVRPanelWidget
 CvtkVRPanelWidget3D widget to display a panel/billboard
 CvtkVRRayVR device model
 CvtkVRRendererRenderer class for VR/AR context
 CvtkVRRenderWindowVR rendering window
 CvtkVRRenderWindowInteractorImplements VR specific functions required by vtkRenderWindowInteractor
 CvtkVtkJSSceneGraphSerializerConverts elements of a VTK scene graph into vtk-js elements
 CvtkVtkJSViewNodeFactoryConstructs view nodes for traversing a scene for vtk-js
 CvtkWarpLensDeform geometry by applying lens distortion
 CvtkWarpScalarDeform geometry with scalar data
 CvtkWarpToDeform geometry by warping towards a point
 CvtkWarpTransformSuperclass for nonlinear geometric transformations
 CvtkWarpVectorDeform geometry with vector data
 CvtkWasmSceneManagerVtkWasmSceneManager provides additional functionality that relates to a vtkRenderWindow and user interaction
 CvtkWeakPointerWeak reference to a vtkObject
 CvtkWeakPointerBaseNon-templated superclass for vtkWeakPointer
 CvtkWeakReferenceUtility class to hold a weak reference to a vtkObject
 CvtkWebApplicationDefines ParaViewWeb application interface
 CvtkWebAssemblyOpenGL2RenderWindowOpenGL rendering window
 CvtkWebAssemblyRenderWindowInteractorHandles user interaction in web browsers
 CvtkWebAssemblyWebGPURenderWindowOpenGL rendering window
 CvtkWebGLDataSetVtkWebGLDataSet represent vertices, lines, polygons, and triangles
 CvtkWebGLExporterVtkWebGLExporter export the data of the scene to be used in the WebGL
 CvtkWebGLObjectVtkWebGLObject represent and manipulate an WebGL object and its data
 CvtkWebGLPolyDataPolyData representation for WebGL
 CvtkWebGLWidgetWidget representation for WebGL
 CvtkWebGPUBatchedPolyDataMapperA WebGPU mapper for batched rendering of vtkPolyData
 CvtkWebGPUCellToPrimitiveConverterConverts VTK cell connectivity arrays into webgpu primitives using compute shaders
 CvtkWebGPUCommandEncoderDebugGroupConvenient class that inserts annotations around draw commands within a render pass/bundle
 CvtkWebGPUCompositePolyDataMapperDelegatorAn OpenGL delegator for batched rendering of multiple polydata with similar structure
 CvtkWebGPUComputeBufferRepresents the set of parameters that will be used to create a compute shader buffer on the device when it will be added to a compute pass using vtkWebGPUComputePass::AddBuffer()
 CvtkWebGPUComputeBufferInternalsInternal utility class for manipulating vtkWebGPUComputeBuffers
 CvtkWebGPUComputeFrustumCullerThis culler culls props to the camera view frustum using WebGPU compute shaders
 CvtkWebGPUComputeOcclusionCullerThis culler does both frustum culling and occlusion culling
 CvtkWebGPUComputePassA compute pass is an abstraction for offloading computation from the CPU onto the GPU using WebGPU compute shaders
 CvtkWebGPUComputePassBufferStorageInternalsThis class manages the creation/deletion/recreation/resizing/updating of compute buffers used by a compute pass
 CvtkWebGPUComputePassInternalsInternals of the vtkWebGPUComputePass
 CvtkWebGPUComputePassTextureStorageInternalsThis class manages the creation/deletion/recreation/ of compute textures used by a compute pass
 CvtkWebGPUComputePipelineA compute pipeline is the orchestrator of a collection of compute passes
 CvtkWebGPUComputePointCloudMapperThe point cloud renderer uses WebGPU compute shaders to render the point cells of a polydata onto the framebuffer of a given WebGPURenderer
 CvtkWebGPUComputeRenderBufferRender buffers are returned by calls to vtkWebGPUPolyDataMapper::AcquirePointAttributeComputeRenderBuffer() (or CellAttribute equivalent) and represent a buffer that is used by the rendering pipeline and that can also be added to a compute pipeline
 CvtkWebGPUComputeRenderTextureRender textures are returned by calls to vtkWebGPUPolyDataMapper::AcquireXXXXRenderTexture() and represent a buffer that is used by the rendering pipeline and that can also be added to a compute pipeline
 CvtkWebGPUComputeTextureRepresents the set of parameters that will be used to create a compute shader texture on the device when it will be added to a pipeline using vtkWebGPUComputePipeline::AddTexture()
 CvtkWebGPUConfigurationCreate a webgpu device for use in rendering and compute pipelines
 CvtkWebGPUGlyph3DMapperGenerate 3D glyphs at points in input dataset using webgpu
 CvtkWebGPUHardwareSelectorImplements the device specific code of vtkWebGPUHardwareSelector
 CvtkWebGPULightOpenGL light
 CvtkWebGPUPointCloudMapperInternalsInternal implementation details of vtkWebGPUPointCloudMapper
 CvtkWebGPUPolyDataMapper2D2D PolyData support for WebGPU
 CvtkWebGPUPolyDataMapper2DInternalsInternal implementation details of vtkWebGPUPolyDataMapper2D
 CvtkWebGPUPropertyWebGPU property
 CvtkWebGPURenderPipelineCacheClass to create and retrieve render pipelines based on a given key
 CvtkWebGPURenderWindowWebGPU rendering window
 CvtkWebGPUShaderDatabaseClass to add and retrieve source code for shader files for a specified key
 CvtkWebGPUShaderPropertyRepresent GPU shader properties
 CvtkWebGPUTextureAbstraction class for WebGPU textures
 CvtkWebGPUTextureViewAbstraction class for WebGPU texture views
 CvtkWebUtilitiesCollection of utility functions for ParaView Web
 CvtkWedge3D cell that represents a linear wedge
 CvtkWeightedTransformFilterTransform based on per-point or per-cell weighting functions
 CvtkWendlandQuinticKernelQuintic SPH interpolation kernel
 CvtkWidgetCallbackMapperMap widget events into callbacks
 CvtkWidgetEventDefine widget events
 CvtkWidgetEventTranslatorMap VTK events into widget events
 CvtkWidgetRepresentationAbstract class defines interface between the widget and widget representation classes
 CvtkWidgetSetSynchronize a collection on vtkWidgets drawn on different renderwindows using the Callback - Dispatch Action mechanism
 CvtkWin32HardwareWindowWindow in a windows GUI
 CvtkWin32HeaderManage Windows system differences
 CvtkWin32OpenGL2RenderWindowOpenGL rendering window
 CvtkWin32OpenGLDXRenderWindowVTK render window providing OpenGL-DirectX interop
 CvtkWin32OutputWindowWin32 Specific output window class
 CvtkWin32ProcessOutputWindowWin32-specific output window class
 CvtkWin32RenderWindowInteractorImplements Win32 specific functions required by vtkRenderWindowInteractor
 CvtkWin32VideoSourceVideo-for-Windows video digitizer
 CvtkWindBladeReaderClass for reading WindBlade data files
 CvtkWindowWindow superclass for vtkRenderWindow
 CvtkWindowedSincPolyDataFilterAdjust point positions using a windowed sinc function interpolation kernel
 CvtkWindowLevelLookupTableMap scalar values into colors or colors to scalars; generate color table
 CvtkWindowNodeVtkViewNode specialized for vtkRenderWindows
 CvtkWindowToImageFilterUse a vtkWindow as input to image pipeline
 CvtkWordCloudGenerate a word cloud visualization of a text document
 CvtkWorldPointPickerFind world x,y,z corresponding to display x,y,z
 CvtkWrappingHintsHint macros for wrappers
 CvtkWriterAbstract class to write data to file(s)
 CvtkX3DExporterCreate an x3d file
 CvtkX3DExporterWriterX3D Exporter Writer
 CvtkX3DExporterXMLWriterX3D Exporter XML Writer
 CvtkXdmf3ArrayKeeperLRU cache of XDMF Arrays
 CvtkXdmf3ArraySelectionHelper to identify requested arrays with
 CvtkXdmf3DataSetDataset level translation between xdmf3 and vtk
 CvtkXdmf3HeavyDataHandlerInternal helper for vtkXdmf3Reader
 CvtkXdmf3LightDataHandlerInternal helper for vtkXdmf3Reader
 CvtkXdmf3ReaderReads eXtensible Data Model and Format files
 CvtkXdmf3SILBuilderHelper to allow block selection
 CvtkXdmf3WriterWrite eXtensible Data Model and Format files
 CvtkXdmfReaderReads eXtensible Data Model and Format files
 CvtkXdmfWriterWrite eXtensible Data Model and Format files
 CvtkXGMLReaderReads XGML graph files
 CvtkXMLCompositeDataReaderReader for multi-group datasets
 CvtkXMLCompositeDataSetWriterHelperHelper class used by vtkXMLWriter2 subclasses that write composite datasets
 CvtkXMLCompositeDataWriterWriter for multi-group datasets
 CvtkXMLDataElementRepresents an XML element and those nested inside
 CvtkXMLDataObjectWriterWrite any type of VTK XML file
 CvtkXMLDataParserUsed by vtkXMLReader to parse VTK XML files
 CvtkXMLDataReaderSuperclass for VTK XML file readers
 CvtkXMLDataSetWriterWrite any type of VTK XML file
 CvtkXMLDataWriterHelperHelper for vtkXMLWriter2 and subclasses
 CvtkXMLFileOutputWindowXML File Specific output window class
 CvtkXMLFileReadTesterUtility class for vtkXMLReader and subclasses
 CvtkXMLGenericDataObjectReaderRead any type of vtk data object
 CvtkXMLHierarchicalBoxDataFileConverterConverts older *.vth, *.vthb files to newer format
 CvtkXMLHierarchicalBoxDataReaderReader for hierarchical datasets (for backwards compatibility)
 CvtkXMLHierarchicalBoxDataWriterWriter for vtkHierarchicalBoxDataSet for backwards compatibility
 CvtkXMLHierarchicalDataReaderReader for hierarchical datasets
 CvtkXMLHyperTreeGridReaderRead VTK XML HyperTreeGrid files
 CvtkXMLHyperTreeGridWriterWrite VTK XML HyperTreeGrid files
 CvtkXMLImageDataReaderRead VTK XML ImageData files
 CvtkXMLImageDataWriterWrite VTK XML ImageData files
 CvtkXMLMultiBlockDataReaderReader for multi-block datasets
 CvtkXMLMultiBlockDataWriterWriter for vtkMultiBlockDataSet
 CvtkXMLMultiGroupDataReaderReader for multi-block datasets
 CvtkXMLParserParse XML to handle element tags and attributes
 CvtkXMLPartitionedDataSetCollectionReaderReader for partitioned dataset collections
 CvtkXMLPartitionedDataSetCollectionWriterWriter for vtkPartitionedDataSetCollection
 CvtkXMLPartitionedDataSetReaderReader for partitioned datasets
 CvtkXMLPartitionedDataSetWriterXML writer for vtkPartitionedDataSet
 CvtkXMLPDataObjectReaderSuperclass for PVTK XML file readers
 CvtkXMLPDataObjectWriterWrite data in a parallel XML format
 CvtkXMLPDataReaderSuperclass for PVTK XML file readers that read vtkDataSets
 CvtkXMLPDataSetWriterWrite any type of PVTK XML file
 CvtkXMLPDataWriterWrite data in a parallel XML format
 CvtkXMLPHierarchicalBoxDataWriterParallel writer for vtkHierarchicalBoxDataSet for backwards compatibility
 CvtkXMLPHyperTreeGridReaderRead PVTK XML HyperTreeGrid files
 CvtkXMLPHyperTreeGridWriterWrite PVTK XML HyperTreeGrid files
 CvtkXMLPImageDataReaderRead PVTK XML ImageData files
 CvtkXMLPImageDataWriterWrite PVTK XML ImageData files
 CvtkXMLPMultiBlockDataWriterParallel writer for vtkMultiBlockDataSet
 CvtkXMLPolyDataReaderRead VTK XML PolyData files
 CvtkXMLPolyDataWriterWrite VTK XML PolyData files
 CvtkXMLPPolyDataReaderRead PVTK XML PolyData files
 CvtkXMLPPolyDataWriterWrite PVTK XML PolyData files
 CvtkXMLPRectilinearGridReaderRead PVTK XML RectilinearGrid files
 CvtkXMLPRectilinearGridWriterWrite PVTK XML RectilinearGrid files
 CvtkXMLPStructuredDataReaderSuperclass for parallel structured data XML readers
 CvtkXMLPStructuredDataWriterSuperclass for PVTK XML structured data writers
 CvtkXMLPStructuredGridReaderRead PVTK XML StructuredGrid files
 CvtkXMLPStructuredGridWriterWrite PVTK XML StructuredGrid files
 CvtkXMLPTableReaderRead PVTK XML Table files
 CvtkXMLPTableWriterWrite PVTK XML UnstructuredGrid files
 CvtkXMLPUniformGridAMRWriterParallel writer for vtkUniformGridAMR and subclasses
 CvtkXMLPUnstructuredDataReaderSuperclass for parallel unstructured data XML readers
 CvtkXMLPUnstructuredDataWriterSuperclass for PVTK XML unstructured data writers
 CvtkXMLPUnstructuredGridReaderRead PVTK XML UnstructuredGrid files
 CvtkXMLPUnstructuredGridWriterWrite PVTK XML UnstructuredGrid files
 CvtkXMLReaderSuperclass for VTK's XML format readers
 CvtkXMLReaderVersionVersion number for legacy readers/writers
 CvtkXMLRectilinearGridReaderRead VTK XML RectilinearGrid files
 CvtkXMLRectilinearGridWriterWrite VTK XML RectilinearGrid files
 CvtkXMLStructuredDataReaderSuperclass for structured data XML readers
 CvtkXMLStructuredDataWriterSuperclass for VTK XML structured data writers
 CvtkXMLStructuredGridReaderRead VTK XML StructuredGrid files
 CvtkXMLStructuredGridWriterWrite VTK XML StructuredGrid files
 CvtkXMLTableReaderRead VTK XML Table files
 CvtkXMLTableWriterWrite VTK XML Table files
 CvtkXMLTreeReaderReads an XML file into a vtkTree
 CvtkXMLUniformGridAMRReaderReader for amr datasets (vtkOverlappingAMR or vtkNonOverlappingAMR)
 CvtkXMLUniformGridAMRWriterWriter for vtkUniformGridAMR
 CvtkXMLUnstructuredDataReaderSuperclass for unstructured data XML readers
 CvtkXMLUnstructuredDataWriterSuperclass for VTK XML unstructured data writers
 CvtkXMLUnstructuredGridReaderRead VTK XML UnstructuredGrid files
 CvtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriterWrite VTK XML UnstructuredGrid files
 CvtkXMLUtilitiesXML utilities
 CvtkXMLWriterSuperclass for VTK's XML file writers
 CvtkXMLWriter2Base class for new-style XML Writers
 CvtkXMLWriterBaseAbstract base class for VTK-XML writers
 CvtkXOpenGLRenderWindowOpenGL rendering window
 CvtkXRenderWindowInteractorX event driven interface for a RenderWindow
 CvtkXWebGPURenderWindowWebGPU rendering window for the X Window system
 CvtkXYPlotActorGenerate an x-y plot from input dataset(s) or field data
 CvtkXYPlotRepresentationRepresent XY plot for vtkXYPlotWidget
 CvtkXYPlotWidget2D widget for manipulating a XY plot
 CvtkXYZMolReaderRead Molecular Data files
 CvtkXYZMolReader2Read Molecular Data files
 CvtkYieldCriteriaCompute principal stress and yield criteria from symmetric tensor
 CvtkYoungsMaterialInterfaceReconstructs material interfaces
 CvtkZLibDataCompressorData compression using zlib
 CvtkZSpaceCameraExtends vtkOpenGLCamera to use custom view and projection matrix given by zSpace SDK
 CvtkZSpaceCoreCompatibilitySDKManagerZSpace Core Compatibility SDK manager class
 CvtkZSpaceCoreSDKManagerZSpace Core SDK manager class
 CvtkZSpaceGenericRenderWindowGeneric render window for stereo rendering on ZSpace Inspire
 CvtkZSpaceHardwarePickerPick an actor/prop given the stylus position and orientation
 CvtkZSpaceInteractorStyleVtkZSpaceInteractorStyle extends vtkInteractorStyle3D to override command methods
 CvtkZSpaceRayActorAn actor for displaying a ray
 CvtkZSpaceRendererVR renderer
 CvtkZSpaceRenderWindowInteractorHandle zSpace specific interactions
 CvtkZSpaceSDKManagerAbstract zSpace SDK manager class
 CvtkZSpaceWin32RenderWindowOpenGL render window for stereo rendering on ZSpace Inspire
 CZSMatrix4Union representing 4x4 matrix (right-handed OpenGL column-major format). / This structure is used by both the Stereo Frustum and Coordinate Space APIs
 CzSpaceCoreCompatEntryPointsStructure holding the loaded zSpace Core Compatibility API entry point function pointers
 CZSVector3Union representing a vector of 3 floats