This is the complete list of members for vtkBoundingBox, including all inherited members.
AddBounds(const double bounds[6]) | vtkBoundingBox | |
AddBox(const vtkBoundingBox &bbox) | vtkBoundingBox | |
AddPoint(double p[3]) | vtkBoundingBox | |
AddPoint(double px, double py, double pz) | vtkBoundingBox | |
ClampDivisions(vtkIdType targetBins, int divs[3]) | vtkBoundingBox | static |
ClampPoint(double point[3]) | vtkBoundingBox | |
ComputeBounds(vtkPoints *pts, double bounds[6]) | vtkBoundingBox | static |
ComputeBounds(vtkPoints *pts, const unsigned char *ptUses, double bounds[6]) | vtkBoundingBox | static |
ComputeBounds(vtkPoints *pts, const std::atomic< unsigned char > *ptUses, double bounds[6]) | vtkBoundingBox | static |
ComputeBounds(vtkPoints *pts, const long long *ptIds, long long numPointIds, double bounds[6]) | vtkBoundingBox | static |
ComputeBounds(vtkPoints *pts, const long *ptIds, long numPointIds, double bounds[6]) | vtkBoundingBox | static |
ComputeBounds(vtkPoints *pts, const int *ptIds, int numPointIds, double bounds[6]) | vtkBoundingBox | static |
ComputeBounds(vtkPoints *pts) | vtkBoundingBox | inline |
ComputeBounds(vtkPoints *pts, unsigned char *ptUses) | vtkBoundingBox | inline |
ComputeDivisions(vtkIdType totalBins, double bounds[6], int divs[3]) const | vtkBoundingBox | |
ComputeInnerDimension() const | vtkBoundingBox | |
ComputeLocalBounds(vtkPoints *points, double u[3], double v[3], double w[3], double outputBounds[6]) | vtkBoundingBox | static |
Contains(const vtkBoundingBox &bbox) const | vtkBoundingBox | |
ContainsLine(const double x[3], const double s[3], const double lineEnd[3], double &t, double xInt[3], int &plane) | vtkBoundingBox | static |
ContainsPoint(const double p[3]) const | vtkBoundingBox | inline |
ContainsPoint(double px, double py, double pz) const | vtkBoundingBox | inline |
ContainsPoint(const PointT &p) const | vtkBoundingBox | inline |
GetBound(int i) const | vtkBoundingBox | inline |
GetBounds(double bounds[6]) const | vtkBoundingBox | inline |
GetBounds(double &xMin, double &xMax, double &yMin, double &yMax, double &zMin, double &zMax) const | vtkBoundingBox | inline |
GetCenter(double center[3]) const | vtkBoundingBox | inline |
GetCorner(int corner, double p[3]) const | vtkBoundingBox | inline |
GetDiagonalLength() const | vtkBoundingBox | |
GetDiagonalLength2() const | vtkBoundingBox | |
GetDistance(double point[3], double distance[3]) | vtkBoundingBox | |
GetLength(int i) const | vtkBoundingBox | inline |
GetLengths(double lengths[3]) const | vtkBoundingBox | inline |
GetMaxLength() const | vtkBoundingBox | |
GetMaxPoint() const | vtkBoundingBox | inline |
GetMaxPoint(double &x, double &y, double &z) const | vtkBoundingBox | inline |
GetMaxPoint(double x[3]) const | vtkBoundingBox | inline |
GetMinPoint() const | vtkBoundingBox | inline |
GetMinPoint(double &x, double &y, double &z) const | vtkBoundingBox | inline |
GetMinPoint(double x[3]) const | vtkBoundingBox | inline |
Inflate(double delta) | vtkBoundingBox | |
Inflate(double deltaX, double deltaY, double deltaZ) | vtkBoundingBox | |
Inflate() | vtkBoundingBox | |
InflateSlice(double delta) | vtkBoundingBox | |
IntersectBox(const vtkBoundingBox &bbox) | vtkBoundingBox | |
IntersectPlane(double origin[3], double normal[3]) | vtkBoundingBox | |
Intersects(const vtkBoundingBox &bbox) const | vtkBoundingBox | |
IntersectsLine(const double p1[3], const double p2[3]) const | vtkBoundingBox | |
IntersectsSphere(double center[3], double squaredRadius) const | vtkBoundingBox | |
IsSubsetOf(const vtkBoundingBox &bbox) const | vtkBoundingBox | inline |
IsValid() const | vtkBoundingBox | inline |
IsValid(const double bounds[6]) | vtkBoundingBox | inlinestatic |
MaxPnt | vtkBoundingBox | protected |
MinPnt | vtkBoundingBox | protected |
operator!=(const vtkBoundingBox &bbox) const | vtkBoundingBox | inline |
operator=(const vtkBoundingBox &bbox) | vtkBoundingBox | inline |
operator==(const vtkBoundingBox &bbox) const | vtkBoundingBox | inline |
Reset() | vtkBoundingBox | inline |
Scale(double s[3]) | vtkBoundingBox | |
Scale(double sx, double sy, double sz) | vtkBoundingBox | |
ScaleAboutCenter(double s) | vtkBoundingBox | |
ScaleAboutCenter(double s[3]) | vtkBoundingBox | |
ScaleAboutCenter(double sx, double sy, double sz) | vtkBoundingBox | |
SetBounds(const double bounds[6]) | vtkBoundingBox | inline |
SetBounds(double xMin, double xMax, double yMin, double yMax, double zMin, double zMax) | vtkBoundingBox | |
SetMaxPoint(double x, double y, double z) | vtkBoundingBox | |
SetMaxPoint(double p[3]) | vtkBoundingBox | inline |
SetMinPoint(double x, double y, double z) | vtkBoundingBox | |
SetMinPoint(double p[3]) | vtkBoundingBox | inline |
Translate(double motion[3]) | vtkBoundingBox | |
vtkBoundingBox() | vtkBoundingBox | inline |
vtkBoundingBox(const double bounds[6]) | vtkBoundingBox | inline |
vtkBoundingBox(double xMin, double xMax, double yMin, double yMax, double zMin, double zMax) | vtkBoundingBox | inline |
vtkBoundingBox(double center[3], double delta) | vtkBoundingBox | inline |
vtkBoundingBox(const vtkBoundingBox &bbox) | vtkBoundingBox | inline |