This is the complete list of members for vtkOBBTree, including all inherited members.
AddObserver(unsigned long event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f) | vtkObject | |
AddObserver(const char *event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f) | vtkObject | |
AddObserver(unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(), float priority=0.0f) | vtkObject | inline |
AddObserver(unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f) | vtkObject | inline |
AddObserver(unsigned long event, U observer, bool(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f) | vtkObject | inline |
Automatic | vtkLocator | protected |
AutomaticOff() | vtkLocator | virtual |
AutomaticOn() | vtkLocator | virtual |
BreakOnError() | vtkObject | static |
BuildLocator() override | vtkOBBTree | virtual |
BuildLocatorInternal() override | vtkOBBTree | protectedvirtual |
BuildTime | vtkLocator | protected |
BuildTree(vtkIdList *cells, vtkOBBNode *parent, int level) | vtkOBBTree | protected |
CacheCellBounds | vtkAbstractCellLocator | protected |
CacheCellBoundsOff() | vtkAbstractCellLocator | virtual |
CacheCellBoundsOn() | vtkAbstractCellLocator | virtual |
CellBounds | vtkAbstractCellLocator | protected |
CellBoundsSharedPtr | vtkAbstractCellLocator | protected |
ComputeCellBounds() | vtkAbstractCellLocator | |
ComputeOBB(vtkPoints *pts, double corner[3], double max[3], double mid[3], double min[3], double size[3]) | vtkOBBTree | static |
ComputeOBB(vtkDataSet *input, double corner[3], double max[3], double mid[3], double min[3], double size[3]) | vtkOBBTree | |
ComputeOBB(vtkIdList *cells, double corner[3], double max[3], double mid[3], double min[3], double size[3]) | vtkOBBTree | protected |
DataSet | vtkLocator | protected |
Debug | vtkObject | protected |
DebugOff() | vtkObject | virtual |
DebugOn() | vtkObject | virtual |
Delete() | vtkObjectBase | virtual |
DeleteTree(vtkOBBNode *OBBptr) | vtkOBBTree | protected |
DisjointOBBNodes(vtkOBBNode *nodeA, vtkOBBNode *nodeB, vtkMatrix4x4 *XformBtoA) | vtkOBBTree | |
FastDelete() | vtkObjectBase | virtual |
FindCell(double x[3]) | vtkAbstractCellLocator | virtual |
FindCell(double x[3], double tol2, vtkGenericCell *GenCell, double pcoords[3], double *weights) | vtkAbstractCellLocator | virtual |
FindCell(double x[3], double tol2, vtkGenericCell *GenCell, int &subId, double pcoords[3], double *weights) | vtkAbstractCellLocator | virtual |
FindCellsAlongLine(const double p1[3], const double p2[3], double tolerance, vtkIdList *cells) | vtkAbstractCellLocator | virtual |
FindCellsAlongPlane(const double o[3], const double n[3], double tolerance, vtkIdList *cells) | vtkAbstractCellLocator | virtual |
FindCellsWithinBounds(double *bbox, vtkIdList *cells) | vtkAbstractCellLocator | virtual |
FindClosestPoint(const double x[3], double closestPoint[3], vtkIdType &cellId, int &subId, double &dist2) | vtkAbstractCellLocator | virtual |
FindClosestPoint(const double x[3], double closestPoint[3], vtkGenericCell *cell, vtkIdType &cellId, int &subId, double &dist2) | vtkAbstractCellLocator | virtual |
FindClosestPointWithinRadius(double x[3], double radius, double closestPoint[3], vtkIdType &cellId, int &subId, double &dist2) | vtkAbstractCellLocator | virtual |
FindClosestPointWithinRadius(double x[3], double radius, double closestPoint[3], vtkGenericCell *cell, vtkIdType &cellId, int &subId, double &dist2) | vtkAbstractCellLocator | virtual |
FindClosestPointWithinRadius(double x[3], double radius, double closestPoint[3], vtkGenericCell *cell, vtkIdType &cellId, int &subId, double &dist2, int &inside) | vtkAbstractCellLocator | virtual |
ForceBuildLocator() override | vtkOBBTree | virtual |
FreeCellBounds() | vtkAbstractCellLocator | protectedvirtual |
FreeSearchStructure() override | vtkOBBTree | virtual |
GeneratePolygons(vtkOBBNode *OBBptr, int level, int repLevel, vtkPoints *pts, vtkCellArray *polys) | vtkOBBTree | protected |
GenerateRepresentation(int level, vtkPolyData *pd) override | vtkOBBTree | virtual |
GenericCell | vtkAbstractCellLocator | protected |
GetAlternateFreeFunction() | vtkObjectBase | protectedstatic |
GetAutomatic() | vtkLocator | virtual |
GetBuildTime() | vtkLocator | virtual |
GetCacheCellBounds() | vtkAbstractCellLocator | virtual |
GetCellBounds(vtkIdType cellId, double *&cellBoundsPtr) | vtkAbstractCellLocator | protected |
GetClassName() const | vtkObjectBase | |
GetCommand(unsigned long tag) | vtkObject | |
GetCurrentFreeFunction() | vtkObjectBase | protectedstatic |
GetCurrentMallocFunction() | vtkObjectBase | protectedstatic |
GetCurrentReallocFunction() | vtkObjectBase | protectedstatic |
GetDataSet() | vtkLocator | virtual |
GetDebug() | vtkObject | |
GetGlobalWarningDisplay() | vtkObject | static |
GetIsInMemkind() const | vtkObjectBase | |
GetLevel() | vtkLocator | virtual |
GetMaxLevel() | vtkLocator | virtual |
GetMTime() | vtkObject | virtual |
GetNumberOfCellsPerNode() | vtkAbstractCellLocator | virtual |
GetNumberOfGenerationsFromBase(const char *name) | vtkObjectBase | virtual |
GetNumberOfGenerationsFromBaseType(const char *name) | vtkObjectBase | static |
GetObjectDescription() const override | vtkObject | virtual |
GetObjectName() const | vtkObject | virtual |
GetReferenceCount() | vtkObjectBase | inline |
GetRetainCellLists() | vtkAbstractCellLocator | virtual |
GetTolerance() | vtkLocator | virtual |
GetUseExistingSearchStructure() | vtkLocator | virtual |
GetUsingMemkind() | vtkObjectBase | static |
GlobalWarningDisplayOff() | vtkObject | inlinestatic |
GlobalWarningDisplayOn() | vtkObject | inlinestatic |
HasObserver(unsigned long event, vtkCommand *) | vtkObject | |
HasObserver(const char *event, vtkCommand *) | vtkObject | |
HasObserver(unsigned long event) | vtkObject | |
HasObserver(const char *event) | vtkObject | |
Initialize() | vtkLocator | virtual |
InitializeObjectBase() | vtkObjectBase | |
InsertedPoints | vtkOBBTree | protected |
InsideCellBounds(double x[3], vtkIdType cell_ID) | vtkAbstractCellLocator | virtual |
InsideOrOutside(const double point[3]) | vtkOBBTree | |
InternalGrabFocus(vtkCommand *mouseEvents, vtkCommand *keypressEvents=nullptr) | vtkObject | protected |
InternalReleaseFocus() | vtkObject | protected |
IntersectWithLine(const double a0[3], const double a1[3], double tol, double &t, double x[3], double pcoords[3], int &subId, vtkIdType &cellId, vtkGenericCell *cell) override | vtkOBBTree | virtual |
IntersectWithLine(const double a0[3], const double a1[3], vtkPoints *points, vtkIdList *cellIds) override | vtkOBBTree | virtual |
IntersectWithLine(const double p1[3], const double p2[3], double tol, double &t, double x[3], double pcoords[3], int &subId) | vtkOBBTree | virtual |
IntersectWithLine(const double p1[3], const double p2[3], double tol, double &t, double x[3], double pcoords[3], int &subId, vtkIdType &cellId) | vtkOBBTree | virtual |
IntersectWithLine(const double p1[3], const double p2[3], double tol, double &t, double x[3], double pcoords[3], int &subId, vtkIdType &cellId, vtkGenericCell *cell) | vtkOBBTree | virtual |
IntersectWithLine(const double p1[3], const double p2[3], vtkPoints *points, vtkIdList *cellIds) | vtkOBBTree | virtual |
IntersectWithLine(const double p1[3], const double p2[3], double tol, vtkPoints *points, vtkIdList *cellIds) | vtkOBBTree | virtual |
IntersectWithLine(const double p1[3], const double p2[3], double tol, vtkPoints *points, vtkIdList *cellIds, vtkGenericCell *cell) | vtkOBBTree | virtual |
IntersectWithOBBTree(vtkOBBTree *OBBTreeB, vtkMatrix4x4 *XformBtoA, int(*function)(vtkOBBNode *nodeA, vtkOBBNode *nodeB, vtkMatrix4x4 *Xform, void *arg), void *data_arg) | vtkOBBTree | |
InvokeEvent(unsigned long event, void *callData) | vtkObject | |
InvokeEvent(const char *event, void *callData) | vtkObject | |
InvokeEvent(unsigned long event) | vtkObject | inline |
InvokeEvent(const char *event) | vtkObject | inline |
IsA(const char *type) | vtkOBBTree | virtual |
IsInBounds(const double bounds[6], const double x[3], double tol=0.0) | vtkAbstractCellLocator | protectedstatic |
IsTypeOf(const char *type) | vtkOBBTree | static |
Level | vtkLocator | protected |
LineIntersectsNode(vtkOBBNode *pA, const double b0[3], const double b1[3]) | vtkOBBTree | |
MaxLevel | vtkLocator | protected |
Modified() | vtkObject | virtual |
MTime | vtkObject | protected |
New() | vtkOBBTree | static |
NewInstance() const | vtkOBBTree | |
NewInstanceInternal() const | vtkOBBTree | protectedvirtual |
NumberOfCellsPerNode | vtkAbstractCellLocator | protected |
OBBCount | vtkOBBTree | protected |
ObjectName | vtkObject | protected |
vtkObjectBase::operator=(const vtkObjectBase &) | vtkObjectBase | inlineprotected |
PointsList | vtkOBBTree | protected |
Print(ostream &os) | vtkObjectBase | |
PrintHeader(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) | vtkObjectBase | virtual |
PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override | vtkOBBTree | virtual |
PrintTrailer(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) | vtkObjectBase | virtual |
ReferenceCount | vtkObjectBase | protected |
Register(vtkObjectBase *o) | vtkObjectBase | |
RegisterInternal(vtkObjectBase *, vtkTypeBool check) override | vtkObject | protectedvirtual |
RemoveAllObservers() | vtkObject | |
RemoveObserver(vtkCommand *) | vtkObject | |
RemoveObserver(unsigned long tag) | vtkObject | |
RemoveObservers(unsigned long event, vtkCommand *) | vtkObject | |
RemoveObservers(const char *event, vtkCommand *) | vtkObject | |
RemoveObservers(unsigned long event) | vtkObject | |
RemoveObservers(const char *event) | vtkObject | |
ReportReferences(vtkGarbageCollector *) override | vtkLocator | protectedvirtual |
RetainCellLists | vtkAbstractCellLocator | protected |
RetainCellListsOff() | vtkAbstractCellLocator | virtual |
RetainCellListsOn() | vtkAbstractCellLocator | virtual |
SafeDownCast(vtkObjectBase *o) | vtkOBBTree | static |
SetAutomatic(vtkTypeBool) | vtkLocator | virtual |
SetCacheCellBounds(vtkTypeBool) | vtkAbstractCellLocator | virtual |
SetDataSet(vtkDataSet *) | vtkLocator | virtual |
SetDebug(bool debugFlag) | vtkObject | |
SetGlobalWarningDisplay(vtkTypeBool val) | vtkObject | static |
SetMaxLevel(int) | vtkLocator | virtual |
SetMemkindDirectory(const char *directoryname) | vtkObjectBase | static |
SetNumberOfCellsPerNode(int) | vtkAbstractCellLocator | virtual |
SetObjectName(const std::string &objectName) | vtkObject | virtual |
SetReferenceCount(int) | vtkObjectBase | |
SetRetainCellLists(vtkTypeBool) | vtkAbstractCellLocator | virtual |
SetTolerance(double) | vtkLocator | virtual |
SetUseExistingSearchStructure(vtkTypeBool) | vtkLocator | virtual |
ShallowCopy(vtkAbstractCellLocator *) | vtkAbstractCellLocator | inlinevirtual |
StoreCellBounds() | vtkAbstractCellLocator | protectedvirtual |
SubjectHelper | vtkObject | protected |
Superclass typedef | vtkOBBTree | |
Tolerance | vtkLocator | protected |
Tree | vtkOBBTree | protected |
TriangleIntersectsNode(vtkOBBNode *pA, double p0[3], double p1[3], double p2[3], vtkMatrix4x4 *XformBtoA) | vtkOBBTree | |
UnRegister(vtkObjectBase *o) | vtkObjectBase | virtual |
UnRegisterInternal(vtkObjectBase *, vtkTypeBool check) override | vtkObject | protectedvirtual |
Update() | vtkLocator | virtual |
UpdateInternalWeights() | vtkAbstractCellLocator | protected |
UseExistingSearchStructure | vtkLocator | protected |
UseExistingSearchStructureOff() | vtkLocator | virtual |
UseExistingSearchStructureOn() | vtkLocator | virtual |
UsesGarbageCollector() const override | vtkLocator | inlinevirtual |
vtkAbstractCellLocator() | vtkAbstractCellLocator | protected |
vtkBaseTypeMacro(vtkObject, vtkObjectBase) | vtkObject | |
vtkLocator() | vtkLocator | protected |
vtkOBBTree() | vtkOBBTree | protected |
vtkObject() | vtkObject | protected |
vtkObjectBase() | vtkObjectBase | protected |
vtkObjectBase(const vtkObjectBase &) | vtkObjectBase | inlineprotected |
WeakPointers | vtkObjectBase | protected |
Weights | vtkAbstractCellLocator | protected |
WeightsTime | vtkAbstractCellLocator | protected |
~vtkAbstractCellLocator() override | vtkAbstractCellLocator | protected |
~vtkLocator() override | vtkLocator | protected |
~vtkOBBTree() override | vtkOBBTree | protected |
~vtkObject() override | vtkObject | protected |
~vtkObjectBase() | vtkObjectBase | protectedvirtual |