VTK  9.4.20250323
Todo List
Member vtk::DataArrayTupleRange (const ArrayTypePtr &array, TupleIdType start=-1, TupleIdType end=-1) -> typename detail::SelectTupleRange< ArrayTypePtr, TupleSize >::type
Just like the DataArrayValueRange, the tuple range can also accept a forced value type for generic vtkDataArray.
Member vtkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper::TransformInput (int port)
This is the workaround to deal with GPUVolumeRayCastMapper not able to handle extents starting from non zero values. There is not a easy fix in the GPU volume ray cast mapper hence this fix has been introduced.
Class vtkParallelRenderManager

Synchronization/barrier primitives.

Query ranges of scalar values of objects in addition to the boundary in three-space

Class vtkPolyPlane
Generalize to extrusions along arbitrary directions.
Class vtkTemporalInterpolator
Higher order interpolation schemes will require changes to the API as most calls assume only two timesteps are used.