An abstract base class that implements all the common functionality for all particle readers.
A concrete instance of the vtkAMRBaseParticlesReader which provides functionality for loading ENZO AM...
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
vtkPolyData * ReadParticles(int blkidx) override
Reads the particles.
vtkEnzoReaderInternal * Internal
static vtkAMREnzoParticlesReader * New()
~vtkAMREnzoParticlesReader() override
void ReadMetaData() override
See vtkAMRBaseParticlesReader::ReadMetaData()
void SetupParticleDataSelections() override
See vtkAMRBaseParticlesReader::SetupParticleDataSelections.
vtkDataArray * GetParticlesTypeArray(int blockIdx)
Returns the ParticlesType Array.
int GetTotalNumberOfParticles() override
See vtkAMRBaseParticlesReader::GetTotalNumberOfParticles.
bool CheckParticleType(int pIdx, vtkIntArray *ptypes)
Filter's by particle type, iff particle_type is included in the given file.
vtkPolyData * GetParticles(const char *file, int blockIdx)
Read the particles from the given particles file for the block corresponding to the given block index...