17#ifndef vtkArrayIteratorTemplate_h
18#define vtkArrayIteratorTemplate_h
21#include "vtkCommonCoreModule.h"
112#ifndef vtkArrayIteratorTemplateInstantiate_cxx
117#pragma warning(disable : 4910)
Abstract superclass for all arrays.
Implementation template for a array iterator.
T ValueType
This is the data type for the value.
int GetNumberOfComponents() const
Must be called only after Initialize.
vtkIdType GetNumberOfTuples() const
Must be called only after Initialize.
void Initialize(vtkAbstractArray *array) override
Set the array this iterator will iterate over.
static vtkArrayIteratorTemplate< T > * New()
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
vtkAbstractArray * GetArray()
Get the array.
~vtkArrayIteratorTemplate() override
int GetDataType() const override
Get the data type from the underlying array.
void SetValue(vtkIdType id, T value)
Sets the value at the index.
T & GetValue(vtkIdType id)
Must be called only after Initialize.
T * GetTuple(vtkIdType id)
Must be called only after Initialize.
vtkIdType GetNumberOfValues() const
Must be called only after Initialize.
int GetDataTypeSize() const
Get the data type size from the underlying array.
vtkTemplateTypeMacro(vtkArrayIteratorTemplate< T >, vtkArrayIterator)
Abstract superclass to iterate over elements in an vtkAbstractArray.
a simple class to control print indentation
#define vtkInstantiateTemplateMacro(decl)
A macro to instantiate a template over all numerical types.