VTK  9.4.20241016
Classes | Enumerations
vtkDGOperationEvaluator.h File Reference
#include "vtkCompiler.h"
#include "vtkDGOperationState.h"
#include "vtkDGOperationStateEntry.h"
#include "vtkDoubleArray.h"
#include "vtkMatrix3x3.h"
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class  vtkDGOperationEvaluator< InputIterator, OutputIterator, DOFSharing, SourceType, Modifier, ShapeSharing >
 Evaluate a vtkDGOperationEntry on a provided cell ID at provided parametric coordinates. More...


enum  vtkDGSharingType { SharedDOF , Discontinuous }
 Whether degrees of freedom (DOF) are shared between cells. More...
enum  vtkDGSideType { Cells , Sides }
 Whether cells are stand-alone or sides of other cells. More...
enum  vtkDGShapeModifier { InverseJacobian , None , ScaledJacobian }
 Which type of shape-function post-processing is required. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ vtkDGSharingType

Whether degrees of freedom (DOF) are shared between cells.

This enumeration is used as a template parameter to methods that evaluate operators on cells to determine how to fetch degrees-of-freedom from the provided arrays: SharedDOF indicates that a connectivity array is used so that multiple cells can reference the same DOF. Discontinuous indicates that no connectivity array exists and each tuple in the "values" array holds DOF for every basis function for one entire cell.


Degrees of freedom (DOF) are shared.


Degrees of freedom are not shared.

Definition at line 20 of file vtkDGOperationEvaluator.h.

◆ vtkDGSideType

Whether cells are stand-alone or sides of other cells.


A cell specified by degrees of freedom held in arrays.


A side specified by a cell ID and an integer index into sides.

Definition at line 27 of file vtkDGOperationEvaluator.h.

◆ vtkDGShapeModifier

Which type of shape-function post-processing is required.

Some interpolation techniques require the shape attribute (i.e., vtkCellGrid::GetShapeAttribute) to be evaluated and used to transform an operator's values into world coordinates. This enumeration indicates which (if any) scaling technique should be used.


!< For HCURL


!< For HGRAD

!< For HDIV

Definition at line 40 of file vtkDGOperationEvaluator.h.