vtkFeatureDictionary Class Reference

#include <vtkFeatureDictionary.h>

Detailed Description

Generates a dictionary of unique terms.

vtkFeatureDictionary reorganizes a table containing (potentially duplicated) terms into a dictionary where every term appears exactly once.

Inputs: Input port 0: (required) A vtkTable containing "type" and "text" columns.

Outputs: Output port 0: A vtkTable containing "type" and "text" columns where each input term appears exactly once.

Use SetInputArrayToProcess(0, ...) to specify the input "type" array. Use SetInputArrayToProcess(1, ...) to specify the input "text" array.

See also:
Developed by Timothy M. Shead (tshead@sandia.gov) at Sandia National Laboratories.
vtkFeatureDictionary (Tests)

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