vtkStructuredData Class Reference

#include <vtkStructuredData.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkStructuredData:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for vtkStructuredData:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

abstract class for topologically regular data

vtkStructuredData is an abstract class that specifies an interface for topologically regular data. Regular data is data that can be accessed in rectangular fashion using an i-j-k index. A finite difference grid, a volume, or a pixmap are all considered regular.

See also:
vtkStructuredGrid vtkUniformGrid vtkRectilinearGrid vtkRectilinearGrid

Definition at line 44 of file vtkStructuredData.h.

Public Types

typedef vtkObject Superclass

Public Member Functions

virtual const char * GetClassName ()
virtual int IsA (const char *type)

Static Public Member Functions

static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkStructuredDataSafeDownCast (vtkObject *o)
static int GetDataDescription (int dims[3])
static int GetDataDimension (int dataDescription)
static void GetPointCells (vtkIdType ptId, vtkIdList *cellIds, int dim[3])
static int SetDimensions (int inDim[3], int dim[3])
static int SetExtent (int inExt[6], int ext[6])
static void GetCellPoints (vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdList *ptIds, int dataDescription, int dim[3])
static void GetCellNeighbors (vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdList *ptIds, vtkIdList *cellIds, int dim[3])
static vtkIdType ComputePointIdForExtent (int extent[6], int ijk[3])
static vtkIdType ComputeCellIdForExtent (int extent[6], int ijk[3])
static vtkIdType ComputePointId (int dim[3], int ijk[3])
static vtkIdType ComputeCellId (int dim[3], int ijk[3])

Protected Member Functions

 vtkStructuredData ()
 ~vtkStructuredData ()

Member Typedef Documentation

Reimplemented from vtkObject.

Definition at line 47 of file vtkStructuredData.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

vtkStructuredData::vtkStructuredData (  )  [inline, protected]

Definition at line 121 of file vtkStructuredData.h.

vtkStructuredData::~vtkStructuredData (  )  [inline, protected]

Definition at line 122 of file vtkStructuredData.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual const char* vtkStructuredData::GetClassName (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from vtkObject.

static int vtkStructuredData::IsTypeOf ( const char *  name  )  [static]

Return 1 if this class type is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. Returns 0 otherwise. This method works in combination with vtkTypeMacro found in vtkSetGet.h.

Reimplemented from vtkObject.

virtual int vtkStructuredData::IsA ( const char *  name  )  [virtual]

Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. Returns 0 otherwise. This method works in combination with vtkTypeMacro found in vtkSetGet.h.

Reimplemented from vtkObject.

static vtkStructuredData* vtkStructuredData::SafeDownCast ( vtkObject o  )  [static]

Reimplemented from vtkObject.

static int vtkStructuredData::SetDimensions ( int  inDim[3],
int  dim[3] 
) [static]

Specify the dimensions of a regular, rectangular dataset. The input is the new dimensions (inDim) and the current dimensions (dim). The function returns the dimension of the dataset (0-3D). If the dimensions are improperly specified a -1 is returned. If the dimensions are unchanged, a value of 100 is returned.

static int vtkStructuredData::SetExtent ( int  inExt[6],
int  ext[6] 
) [static]

Specify the dimensions of a regular, rectangular dataset. The input is the new dimensions (inDim) and the current dimensions (dim). The function returns the dimension of the dataset (0-3D). If the dimensions are improperly specified a -1 is returned. If the dimensions are unchanged, a value of 100 is returned.

static int vtkStructuredData::GetDataDescription ( int  dims[3]  )  [static]

Returns the data description given the dimensions (eg. VTK_SINGLE_POINT, VTK_X_LINE, VTK_XY_PLANE etc.)

static int vtkStructuredData::GetDataDimension ( int  dataDescription  )  [static]

Return the topological dimension of the data (e.g., 0, 1, 2, or 3D).

static void vtkStructuredData::GetCellPoints ( vtkIdType  cellId,
vtkIdList ptIds,
int  dataDescription,
int  dim[3] 
) [static]

Get the points defining a cell. (See vtkDataSet for more info.)

static void vtkStructuredData::GetPointCells ( vtkIdType  ptId,
vtkIdList cellIds,
int  dim[3] 
) [static]

Get the cells using a point. (See vtkDataSet for more info.)

static void vtkStructuredData::GetCellNeighbors ( vtkIdType  cellId,
vtkIdList ptIds,
vtkIdList cellIds,
int  dim[3] 
) [static]

Get the cells using the points ptIds, exclusive of the cell cellId. (See vtkDataSet for more info.)

static vtkIdType vtkStructuredData::ComputePointIdForExtent ( int  extent[6],
int  ijk[3] 
) [inline, static]

Given a location in structured coordinates (i-j-k), and the extent of the structured dataset, return the point id.

Definition at line 85 of file vtkStructuredData.h.

static vtkIdType vtkStructuredData::ComputeCellIdForExtent ( int  extent[6],
int  ijk[3] 
) [inline, static]

Given a location in structured coordinates (i-j-k), and the extent of the structured dataset, return the point id.

Definition at line 95 of file vtkStructuredData.h.

static vtkIdType vtkStructuredData::ComputePointId ( int  dim[3],
int  ijk[3] 
) [inline, static]

Given a location in structured coordinates (i-j-k), and the dimensions of the structured dataset, return the point id. This method does not adjust for the beginning of the extent.

Definition at line 108 of file vtkStructuredData.h.

static vtkIdType vtkStructuredData::ComputeCellId ( int  dim[3],
int  ijk[3] 
) [inline, static]

Given a location in structured coordinates (i-j-k), and the dimensions of the structured dataset, return the cell id. This method does not adjust for the beginning of the extent.

Definition at line 116 of file vtkStructuredData.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Wed Aug 24 12:09:30 2011 for VTK by  doxygen 1.5.6