virtual int | IsA (const char *type) |
vtkGESignaReader * | NewInstance () const |
virtual void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
virtual int | CanReadFile (const char *fname) |
virtual const char * | GetFileExtensions () |
virtual const char * | GetDescriptiveName () |
vtkMedicalImageReader2 * | NewInstance () const |
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
virtual vtkMedicalImageProperties * | GetMedicalImageProperties () |
virtual void | SetPatientName (const char *) |
virtual const char * | GetPatientName () |
virtual void | SetPatientID (const char *) |
virtual const char * | GetPatientID () |
virtual void | SetDate (const char *) |
virtual const char * | GetDate () |
virtual void | SetSeries (const char *) |
virtual const char * | GetSeries () |
virtual void | SetStudy (const char *) |
virtual const char * | GetStudy () |
virtual void | SetImageNumber (const char *) |
virtual const char * | GetImageNumber () |
virtual void | SetModality (const char *) |
virtual const char * | GetModality () |
vtkImageReader2 * | NewInstance () const |
virtual void | SetHeaderSize (unsigned long size) |
ifstream * | GetFile () |
virtual unsigned long * | GetDataIncrements () |
virtual void | GetDataIncrements (unsigned long data[4]) |
virtual int | OpenFile () |
virtual void | SeekFile (int i, int j, int k) |
virtual void | SetFileName (const char *) |
virtual char * | GetFileName () |
virtual void | SetFileNames (vtkStringArray *) |
virtual vtkStringArray * | GetFileNames () |
virtual void | SetFilePrefix (const char *) |
virtual char * | GetFilePrefix () |
virtual void | SetFilePattern (const char *) |
virtual char * | GetFilePattern () |
virtual void | SetMemoryBuffer (void *) |
virtual void * | GetMemoryBuffer () |
virtual void | SetMemoryBufferLength (vtkIdType buflen) |
vtkIdType | GetMemoryBufferLength () |
virtual void | SetDataScalarType (int type) |
virtual void | SetDataScalarTypeToFloat () |
virtual void | SetDataScalarTypeToDouble () |
virtual void | SetDataScalarTypeToInt () |
virtual void | SetDataScalarTypeToUnsignedInt () |
virtual void | SetDataScalarTypeToShort () |
virtual void | SetDataScalarTypeToUnsignedShort () |
virtual void | SetDataScalarTypeToChar () |
virtual void | SetDataScalarTypeToSignedChar () |
virtual void | SetDataScalarTypeToUnsignedChar () |
virtual int | GetDataScalarType () |
virtual void | SetNumberOfScalarComponents (int) |
virtual int | GetNumberOfScalarComponents () |
virtual void | SetDataExtent (int, int, int, int, int, int) |
virtual void | SetDataExtent (int[6]) |
virtual int * | GetDataExtent () |
virtual void | GetDataExtent (int &, int &, int &, int &, int &, int &) |
virtual void | GetDataExtent (int[6]) |
virtual void | SetFileDimensionality (int) |
int | GetFileDimensionality () |
virtual void | SetDataSpacing (double, double, double) |
virtual void | SetDataSpacing (double[3]) |
virtual double * | GetDataSpacing () |
virtual void | GetDataSpacing (double &, double &, double &) |
virtual void | GetDataSpacing (double[3]) |
virtual void | SetDataOrigin (double, double, double) |
virtual void | SetDataOrigin (double[3]) |
virtual double * | GetDataOrigin () |
virtual void | GetDataOrigin (double &, double &, double &) |
virtual void | GetDataOrigin (double[3]) |
unsigned long | GetHeaderSize () |
unsigned long | GetHeaderSize (unsigned long slice) |
virtual void | SetDataByteOrderToBigEndian () |
virtual void | SetDataByteOrderToLittleEndian () |
virtual int | GetDataByteOrder () |
virtual void | SetDataByteOrder (int) |
virtual const char * | GetDataByteOrderAsString () |
virtual void | SetFileNameSliceOffset (int) |
virtual int | GetFileNameSliceOffset () |
virtual void | SetFileNameSliceSpacing (int) |
virtual int | GetFileNameSliceSpacing () |
virtual void | SetSwapBytes (int) |
virtual int | GetSwapBytes () |
virtual void | SwapBytesOn () |
virtual void | SwapBytesOff () |
virtual void | FileLowerLeftOn () |
virtual void | FileLowerLeftOff () |
virtual int | GetFileLowerLeft () |
virtual void | SetFileLowerLeft (int) |
virtual void | ComputeInternalFileName (int slice) |
virtual char * | GetInternalFileName () |
virtual int | CanReadFile (const char *vtkNotUsed(fname)) |
vtkImageAlgorithm * | NewInstance () const |
vtkImageData * | GetOutput () |
vtkImageData * | GetOutput (int) |
virtual void | SetOutput (vtkDataObject *d) |
virtual int | ProcessRequest (vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *) |
void | SetInputData (vtkDataObject *) |
void | SetInputData (int, vtkDataObject *) |
vtkDataObject * | GetInput (int port) |
vtkDataObject * | GetInput () |
vtkImageData * | GetImageDataInput (int port) |
virtual void | AddInputData (vtkDataObject *) |
virtual void | AddInputData (int, vtkDataObject *) |
vtkAlgorithm * | NewInstance () const |
int | HasExecutive () |
vtkExecutive * | GetExecutive () |
virtual void | SetExecutive (vtkExecutive *executive) |
virtual int | ModifyRequest (vtkInformation *request, int when) |
vtkInformation * | GetInputPortInformation (int port) |
vtkInformation * | GetOutputPortInformation (int port) |
int | GetNumberOfInputPorts () |
int | GetNumberOfOutputPorts () |
void | UpdateProgress (double amount) |
vtkInformation * | GetInputArrayInformation (int idx) |
void | RemoveAllInputs () |
vtkDataObject * | GetOutputDataObject (int port) |
virtual void | RemoveInputConnection (int port, vtkAlgorithmOutput *input) |
virtual void | RemoveInputConnection (int port, int idx) |
virtual void | RemoveAllInputConnections (int port) |
int | GetNumberOfInputConnections (int port) |
int | GetTotalNumberOfInputConnections () |
vtkAlgorithmOutput * | GetInputConnection (int port, int index) |
vtkAlgorithm * | GetInputAlgorithm (int port, int index, int &algPort) |
vtkAlgorithm * | GetInputAlgorithm (int port, int index) |
vtkExecutive * | GetInputExecutive (int port, int index) |
vtkInformation * | GetInputInformation (int port, int index) |
vtkInformation * | GetOutputInformation (int port) |
virtual void | UpdateInformation () |
virtual void | UpdateDataObject () |
virtual void | PropagateUpdateExtent () |
virtual void | UpdateWholeExtent () |
void | ConvertTotalInputToPortConnection (int ind, int &port, int &conn) |
int | SetUpdateExtentToWholeExtent (int port) |
int | SetUpdateExtentToWholeExtent () |
void | SetUpdateExtent (int port, int extent[6]) |
int | ProcessRequest (vtkInformation *request, vtkCollection *inInfo, vtkInformationVector *outInfo) |
virtual int | ComputePipelineMTime (vtkInformation *request, vtkInformationVector **inInfoVec, vtkInformationVector *outInfoVec, int requestFromOutputPort, unsigned long *mtime) |
virtual vtkInformation * | GetInformation () |
virtual void | SetInformation (vtkInformation *) |
virtual void | Register (vtkObjectBase *o) |
virtual void | UnRegister (vtkObjectBase *o) |
virtual void | SetAbortExecute (int) |
virtual int | GetAbortExecute () |
virtual void | AbortExecuteOn () |
virtual void | AbortExecuteOff () |
virtual void | SetProgress (double) |
virtual double | GetProgress () |
void | SetProgressText (const char *ptext) |
virtual char * | GetProgressText () |
virtual unsigned long | GetErrorCode () |
virtual void | SetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int port, int connection, int fieldAssociation, const char *name) |
virtual void | SetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int port, int connection, int fieldAssociation, int fieldAttributeType) |
virtual void | SetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkInformation *info) |
virtual void | SetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int port, int connection, const char *fieldAssociation, const char *attributeTypeorName) |
vtkDataObject * | GetInputDataObject (int port, int connection) |
virtual void | SetInputConnection (int port, vtkAlgorithmOutput *input) |
virtual void | SetInputConnection (vtkAlgorithmOutput *input) |
virtual void | AddInputConnection (int port, vtkAlgorithmOutput *input) |
virtual void | AddInputConnection (vtkAlgorithmOutput *input) |
virtual void | SetInputDataObject (int port, vtkDataObject *data) |
virtual void | SetInputDataObject (vtkDataObject *data) |
virtual void | AddInputDataObject (int port, vtkDataObject *data) |
virtual void | AddInputDataObject (vtkDataObject *data) |
vtkAlgorithmOutput * | GetOutputPort (int index) |
vtkAlgorithmOutput * | GetOutputPort () |
vtkAlgorithm * | GetInputAlgorithm () |
vtkExecutive * | GetInputExecutive () |
vtkInformation * | GetInputInformation () |
virtual void | Update (int port) |
virtual void | Update () |
virtual void | SetReleaseDataFlag (int) |
virtual int | GetReleaseDataFlag () |
void | ReleaseDataFlagOn () |
void | ReleaseDataFlagOff () |
int | UpdateExtentIsEmpty (vtkInformation *pinfo, vtkDataObject *output) |
int | UpdateExtentIsEmpty (vtkInformation *pinfo, int extentType) |
void | SetUpdateExtent (int port, int piece, int numPieces, int ghostLevel) |
void | SetUpdateExtent (int piece, int numPieces, int ghostLevel) |
void | SetUpdateExtent (int extent[6]) |
int * | GetUpdateExtent () |
int * | GetUpdateExtent (int port) |
void | GetUpdateExtent (int &x0, int &x1, int &y0, int &y1, int &z0, int &z1) |
void | GetUpdateExtent (int port, int &x0, int &x1, int &y0, int &y1, int &z0, int &z1) |
void | GetUpdateExtent (int extent[6]) |
void | GetUpdateExtent (int port, int extent[6]) |
int | GetUpdatePiece () |
int | GetUpdatePiece (int port) |
int | GetUpdateNumberOfPieces () |
int | GetUpdateNumberOfPieces (int port) |
int | GetUpdateGhostLevel () |
int | GetUpdateGhostLevel (int port) |
void | SetProgressObserver (vtkProgressObserver *) |
virtual vtkProgressObserver * | GetProgressObserver () |
vtkObject * | NewInstance () const |
virtual void | DebugOn () |
virtual void | DebugOff () |
bool | GetDebug () |
void | SetDebug (bool debugFlag) |
virtual void | Modified () |
virtual unsigned long | GetMTime () |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f) |
unsigned long | AddObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f) |
vtkCommand * | GetCommand (unsigned long tag) |
void | RemoveObserver (vtkCommand *) |
void | RemoveObservers (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *) |
void | RemoveObservers (const char *event, vtkCommand *) |
int | HasObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *) |
int | HasObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *) |
void | RemoveObserver (unsigned long tag) |
void | RemoveObservers (unsigned long event) |
void | RemoveObservers (const char *event) |
void | RemoveAllObservers () |
int | HasObserver (unsigned long event) |
int | HasObserver (const char *event) |
template<class U , class T > |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(), float priority=0.0f) |
template<class U , class T > |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f) |
template<class U , class T > |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, bool(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f) |
int | InvokeEvent (unsigned long event, void *callData) |
int | InvokeEvent (const char *event, void *callData) |
int | InvokeEvent (unsigned long event) |
int | InvokeEvent (const char *event) |
const char * | GetClassName () const |
virtual void | Delete () |
virtual void | FastDelete () |
void | Print (ostream &os) |
void | SetReferenceCount (int) |
void | PrintRevisions (ostream &) |
virtual void | PrintHeader (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
virtual void | PrintTrailer (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
int | GetReferenceCount () |
virtual vtkObjectBase * | NewInstanceInternal () const |
| vtkGESignaReader () |
| ~vtkGESignaReader () |
virtual void | ExecuteInformation () |
virtual void | ExecuteDataWithInformation (vtkDataObject *out, vtkInformation *outInfo) |
| vtkMedicalImageReader2 () |
| ~vtkMedicalImageReader2 () |
virtual int | RequestInformation (vtkInformation *request, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, vtkInformationVector *outputVector) |
virtual void | ComputeDataIncrements () |
| vtkImageReader2 () |
| ~vtkImageReader2 () |
| vtkImageAlgorithm () |
| ~vtkImageAlgorithm () |
virtual int | RequestUpdateExtent (vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *) |
virtual void | CopyInputArrayAttributesToOutput (vtkInformation *request, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, vtkInformationVector *outputVector) |
virtual int | RequestData (vtkInformation *request, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, vtkInformationVector *outputVector) |
virtual void | ExecuteData (vtkDataObject *output) |
virtual void | Execute () |
virtual void | AllocateOutputData (vtkImageData *out, vtkInformation *outInfo, int *uExtent) |
virtual vtkImageData * | AllocateOutputData (vtkDataObject *out, vtkInformation *outInfo) |
virtual void | CopyAttributeData (vtkImageData *in, vtkImageData *out, vtkInformationVector **inputVector) |
virtual int | FillOutputPortInformation (int port, vtkInformation *info) |
virtual int | FillInputPortInformation (int port, vtkInformation *info) |
| vtkAlgorithm () |
| ~vtkAlgorithm () |
virtual void | SetNumberOfInputPorts (int n) |
virtual void | SetNumberOfOutputPorts (int n) |
int | InputPortIndexInRange (int index, const char *action) |
int | OutputPortIndexInRange (int index, const char *action) |
int | GetInputArrayAssociation (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector) |
virtual vtkExecutive * | CreateDefaultExecutive () |
virtual void | ReportReferences (vtkGarbageCollector *) |
virtual void | SetNumberOfInputConnections (int port, int n) |
int | GetInputArrayAssociation (int idx, int connection, vtkInformationVector **inputVector) |
int | GetInputArrayAssociation (int idx, vtkDataObject *input) |
vtkDataArray * | GetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector) |
vtkDataArray * | GetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, int &association) |
vtkDataArray * | GetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int connection, vtkInformationVector **inputVector) |
vtkDataArray * | GetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int connection, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, int &association) |
vtkDataArray * | GetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkDataObject *input) |
vtkDataArray * | GetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkDataObject *input, int &association) |
vtkAbstractArray * | GetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector) |
vtkAbstractArray * | GetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, int &association) |
vtkAbstractArray * | GetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, int connection, vtkInformationVector **inputVector) |
vtkAbstractArray * | GetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, int connection, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, int &association) |
vtkAbstractArray * | GetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkDataObject *input) |
vtkAbstractArray * | GetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkDataObject *input, int &association) |
vtkInformation * | GetInputArrayFieldInformation (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector) |
virtual void | SetNthInputConnection (int port, int index, vtkAlgorithmOutput *input) |
void | SetInputDataInternal (int port, vtkDataObject *input) |
void | AddInputDataInternal (int port, vtkDataObject *input) |
virtual void | SetErrorCode (unsigned long) |
| vtkObject () |
virtual | ~vtkObject () |
virtual void | RegisterInternal (vtkObjectBase *, int check) |
virtual void | UnRegisterInternal (vtkObjectBase *, int check) |
void | InternalGrabFocus (vtkCommand *mouseEvents, vtkCommand *keypressEvents=NULL) |
void | InternalReleaseFocus () |
| vtkObjectBase () |
virtual | ~vtkObjectBase () |
virtual void | CollectRevisions (ostream &) |
| vtkObjectBase (const vtkObjectBase &) |
void | operator= (const vtkObjectBase &) |
read GE Signa ximg files
vtkGESignaReader is a source object that reads some GE Signa ximg files It does support reading in pixel spacing, slice spacing and it computes an origin for the image in millimeters. It always produces greyscale unsigned short data and it supports reading in rectangular, packed, compressed, and packed&compressed. It does not read in slice orientation, or position right now. To use it you just need to specify a filename or a file prefix and pattern.
- See also
- vtkImageReader2
- Tests:
- vtkGESignaReader (Tests)
Definition at line 40 of file vtkGESignaReader.h.