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vtkImageFlip Class Reference

This flips an axis of an image. Right becomes left ... More...

#include <vtkImageFlip.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkImageFlip:
Collaboration diagram for vtkImageFlip:

Public Types

typedef vtkImageReslice Superclass
- Public Types inherited from vtkImageReslice
typedef vtkThreadedImageAlgorithm Superclass
- Public Types inherited from vtkThreadedImageAlgorithm
typedef vtkImageAlgorithm Superclass
- Public Types inherited from vtkImageAlgorithm
typedef vtkAlgorithm Superclass
- Public Types inherited from vtkAlgorithm
typedef vtkObject Superclass
- Public Types inherited from vtkObject
typedef vtkObjectBase Superclass

Public Member Functions

virtual int IsA (const char *type)
vtkImageFlipNewInstance () const
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
virtual void SetFilteredAxis (int)
virtual int GetFilteredAxis ()
virtual void SetFlipAboutOrigin (int)
virtual int GetFlipAboutOrigin ()
virtual void FlipAboutOriginOn ()
virtual void FlipAboutOriginOff ()
void SetFilteredAxes (int axis)
int GetFilteredAxes ()
virtual void SetPreserveImageExtent (int)
virtual int GetPreserveImageExtent ()
virtual void PreserveImageExtentOn ()
virtual void PreserveImageExtentOff ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkImageReslice
vtkImageResliceNewInstance () const
unsigned long int GetMTime ()
virtual void ReportReferences (vtkGarbageCollector *)
virtual void SetResliceAxes (vtkMatrix4x4 *)
virtual vtkMatrix4x4GetResliceAxes ()
void SetResliceAxesDirectionCosines (double x0, double x1, double x2, double y0, double y1, double y2, double z0, double z1, double z2)
void SetResliceAxesDirectionCosines (const double x[3], const double y[3], const double z[3])
void SetResliceAxesDirectionCosines (const double xyz[9])
void GetResliceAxesDirectionCosines (double x[3], double y[3], double z[3])
void GetResliceAxesDirectionCosines (double xyz[9])
doubleGetResliceAxesDirectionCosines ()
void SetResliceAxesOrigin (double x, double y, double z)
void SetResliceAxesOrigin (const double xyz[3])
void GetResliceAxesOrigin (double xyz[3])
doubleGetResliceAxesOrigin ()
virtual void SetResliceTransform (vtkAbstractTransform *)
virtual vtkAbstractTransformGetResliceTransform ()
virtual void SetInformationInput (vtkImageData *)
virtual vtkImageDataGetInformationInput ()
virtual void SetTransformInputSampling (int)
virtual void TransformInputSamplingOn ()
virtual void TransformInputSamplingOff ()
virtual int GetTransformInputSampling ()
virtual void SetAutoCropOutput (int)
virtual void AutoCropOutputOn ()
virtual void AutoCropOutputOff ()
virtual int GetAutoCropOutput ()
virtual void SetWrap (int)
virtual int GetWrap ()
virtual void WrapOn ()
virtual void WrapOff ()
virtual void SetMirror (int)
virtual int GetMirror ()
virtual void MirrorOn ()
virtual void MirrorOff ()
virtual void SetBorder (int)
virtual int GetBorder ()
virtual void BorderOn ()
virtual void BorderOff ()
virtual void SetInterpolationMode (int)
virtual int GetInterpolationMode ()
void SetInterpolationModeToNearestNeighbor ()
void SetInterpolationModeToLinear ()
void SetInterpolationModeToCubic ()
virtual const char * GetInterpolationModeAsString ()
virtual void SetInterpolator (vtkAbstractImageInterpolator *sampler)
virtual vtkAbstractImageInterpolatorGetInterpolator ()
virtual void SetSlabMode (int)
virtual int GetSlabMode ()
void SetSlabModeToMin ()
void SetSlabModeToMax ()
void SetSlabModeToMean ()
void SetSlabModeToSum ()
virtual const char * GetSlabModeAsString ()
virtual void SetSlabNumberOfSlices (int)
virtual int GetSlabNumberOfSlices ()
virtual void SetSlabTrapezoidIntegration (int)
virtual void SlabTrapezoidIntegrationOn ()
virtual void SlabTrapezoidIntegrationOff ()
virtual int GetSlabTrapezoidIntegration ()
virtual void SetSlabSliceSpacingFraction (double)
virtual double GetSlabSliceSpacingFraction ()
virtual void SetOptimization (int)
virtual int GetOptimization ()
virtual void OptimizationOn ()
virtual void OptimizationOff ()
virtual void SetScalarShift (double)
virtual double GetScalarShift ()
virtual void SetScalarScale (double)
virtual double GetScalarScale ()
virtual void SetOutputScalarType (int)
virtual int GetOutputScalarType ()
virtual void SetBackgroundColor (double, double, double, double)
virtual void SetBackgroundColor (double[4])
virtual doubleGetBackgroundColor ()
virtual void GetBackgroundColor (double &, double &, double &, double &)
virtual void GetBackgroundColor (double[4])
void SetBackgroundLevel (double v)
double GetBackgroundLevel ()
virtual void SetOutputSpacing (double x, double y, double z)
virtual void SetOutputSpacing (const double a[3])
virtual doubleGetOutputSpacing ()
virtual void GetOutputSpacing (double &, double &, double &)
virtual void GetOutputSpacing (double[3])
void SetOutputSpacingToDefault ()
virtual void SetOutputOrigin (double x, double y, double z)
virtual void SetOutputOrigin (const double a[3])
virtual doubleGetOutputOrigin ()
virtual void GetOutputOrigin (double &, double &, double &)
virtual void GetOutputOrigin (double[3])
void SetOutputOriginToDefault ()
virtual void SetOutputExtent (int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f)
virtual void SetOutputExtent (const int a[6])
virtual intGetOutputExtent ()
virtual void GetOutputExtent (int &, int &, int &, int &, int &, int &)
virtual void GetOutputExtent (int[6])
void SetOutputExtentToDefault ()
virtual void SetOutputDimensionality (int)
virtual int GetOutputDimensionality ()
void SetInterpolate (int t)
void InterpolateOn ()
void InterpolateOff ()
int GetInterpolate ()
void SetStencilData (vtkImageStencilData *stencil)
vtkImageStencilDataGetStencil ()
virtual void SetGenerateStencilOutput (int)
virtual int GetGenerateStencilOutput ()
virtual void GenerateStencilOutputOn ()
virtual void GenerateStencilOutputOff ()
vtkAlgorithmOutputGetStencilOutputPort ()
vtkImageStencilDataGetStencilOutput ()
void SetStencilOutput (vtkImageStencilData *stencil)
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkThreadedImageAlgorithm
vtkThreadedImageAlgorithmNewInstance () const
virtual void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int threadId)
virtual void SetNumberOfThreads (int)
virtual int GetNumberOfThreads ()
virtual int SplitExtent (int splitExt[6], int startExt[6], int num, int total)
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkImageAlgorithm
vtkImageAlgorithmNewInstance () const
vtkImageDataGetOutput ()
vtkImageDataGetOutput (int)
virtual void SetOutput (vtkDataObject *d)
virtual int ProcessRequest (vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *)
void SetInputData (vtkDataObject *)
void SetInputData (int, vtkDataObject *)
vtkDataObjectGetInput (int port)
vtkDataObjectGetInput ()
vtkImageDataGetImageDataInput (int port)
virtual void AddInputData (vtkDataObject *)
virtual void AddInputData (int, vtkDataObject *)
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkAlgorithm
vtkAlgorithmNewInstance () const
int HasExecutive ()
vtkExecutiveGetExecutive ()
virtual void SetExecutive (vtkExecutive *executive)
virtual int ModifyRequest (vtkInformation *request, int when)
vtkInformationGetInputPortInformation (int port)
vtkInformationGetOutputPortInformation (int port)
int GetNumberOfInputPorts ()
int GetNumberOfOutputPorts ()
void UpdateProgress (double amount)
vtkInformationGetInputArrayInformation (int idx)
void RemoveAllInputs ()
vtkDataObjectGetOutputDataObject (int port)
virtual void RemoveInputConnection (int port, vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
virtual void RemoveInputConnection (int port, int idx)
virtual void RemoveAllInputConnections (int port)
int GetNumberOfInputConnections (int port)
int GetTotalNumberOfInputConnections ()
vtkAlgorithmOutputGetInputConnection (int port, int index)
vtkAlgorithmGetInputAlgorithm (int port, int index, int &algPort)
vtkAlgorithmGetInputAlgorithm (int port, int index)
vtkExecutiveGetInputExecutive (int port, int index)
vtkInformationGetInputInformation (int port, int index)
vtkInformationGetOutputInformation (int port)
virtual void UpdateInformation ()
virtual void UpdateDataObject ()
virtual void PropagateUpdateExtent ()
virtual void UpdateWholeExtent ()
void ConvertTotalInputToPortConnection (int ind, int &port, int &conn)
int SetUpdateExtentToWholeExtent (int port)
int SetUpdateExtentToWholeExtent ()
void SetUpdateExtent (int port, int extent[6])
int ProcessRequest (vtkInformation *request, vtkCollection *inInfo, vtkInformationVector *outInfo)
virtual int ComputePipelineMTime (vtkInformation *request, vtkInformationVector **inInfoVec, vtkInformationVector *outInfoVec, int requestFromOutputPort, unsigned long *mtime)
virtual vtkInformationGetInformation ()
virtual void SetInformation (vtkInformation *)
virtual void Register (vtkObjectBase *o)
virtual void UnRegister (vtkObjectBase *o)
virtual void SetAbortExecute (int)
virtual int GetAbortExecute ()
virtual void AbortExecuteOn ()
virtual void AbortExecuteOff ()
virtual void SetProgress (double)
virtual double GetProgress ()
void SetProgressText (const char *ptext)
virtual char * GetProgressText ()
virtual unsigned long GetErrorCode ()
virtual void SetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int port, int connection, int fieldAssociation, const char *name)
virtual void SetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int port, int connection, int fieldAssociation, int fieldAttributeType)
virtual void SetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkInformation *info)
virtual void SetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int port, int connection, const char *fieldAssociation, const char *attributeTypeorName)
vtkDataObjectGetInputDataObject (int port, int connection)
virtual void SetInputConnection (int port, vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
virtual void SetInputConnection (vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
virtual void AddInputConnection (int port, vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
virtual void AddInputConnection (vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
virtual void SetInputDataObject (int port, vtkDataObject *data)
virtual void SetInputDataObject (vtkDataObject *data)
virtual void AddInputDataObject (int port, vtkDataObject *data)
virtual void AddInputDataObject (vtkDataObject *data)
vtkAlgorithmOutputGetOutputPort (int index)
vtkAlgorithmOutputGetOutputPort ()
vtkAlgorithmGetInputAlgorithm ()
vtkExecutiveGetInputExecutive ()
vtkInformationGetInputInformation ()
virtual void Update (int port)
virtual void Update ()
virtual void SetReleaseDataFlag (int)
virtual int GetReleaseDataFlag ()
void ReleaseDataFlagOn ()
void ReleaseDataFlagOff ()
int UpdateExtentIsEmpty (vtkInformation *pinfo, vtkDataObject *output)
int UpdateExtentIsEmpty (vtkInformation *pinfo, int extentType)
void SetUpdateExtent (int port, int piece, int numPieces, int ghostLevel)
void SetUpdateExtent (int piece, int numPieces, int ghostLevel)
void SetUpdateExtent (int extent[6])
intGetUpdateExtent ()
intGetUpdateExtent (int port)
void GetUpdateExtent (int &x0, int &x1, int &y0, int &y1, int &z0, int &z1)
void GetUpdateExtent (int port, int &x0, int &x1, int &y0, int &y1, int &z0, int &z1)
void GetUpdateExtent (int extent[6])
void GetUpdateExtent (int port, int extent[6])
int GetUpdatePiece ()
int GetUpdatePiece (int port)
int GetUpdateNumberOfPieces ()
int GetUpdateNumberOfPieces (int port)
int GetUpdateGhostLevel ()
int GetUpdateGhostLevel (int port)
void SetProgressObserver (vtkProgressObserver *)
virtual vtkProgressObserverGetProgressObserver ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObject
vtkObjectNewInstance () const
virtual void DebugOn ()
virtual void DebugOff ()
bool GetDebug ()
void SetDebug (bool debugFlag)
virtual void Modified ()
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f)
unsigned long AddObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f)
vtkCommandGetCommand (unsigned long tag)
void RemoveObserver (vtkCommand *)
void RemoveObservers (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *)
void RemoveObservers (const char *event, vtkCommand *)
int HasObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *)
int HasObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *)
void RemoveObserver (unsigned long tag)
void RemoveObservers (unsigned long event)
void RemoveObservers (const char *event)
void RemoveAllObservers ()
int HasObserver (unsigned long event)
int HasObserver (const char *event)
template<class U , class T >
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(), float priority=0.0f)
template<class U , class T >
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f)
template<class U , class T >
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, bool(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f)
int InvokeEvent (unsigned long event, void *callData)
int InvokeEvent (const char *event, void *callData)
int InvokeEvent (unsigned long event)
int InvokeEvent (const char *event)
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObjectBase
const char * GetClassName () const
virtual void Delete ()
virtual void FastDelete ()
void Print (ostream &os)
void SetReferenceCount (int)
void PrintRevisions (ostream &)
virtual void PrintHeader (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
virtual void PrintTrailer (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
int GetReferenceCount ()

Static Public Member Functions

static vtkImageFlipNew ()
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkImageFlipSafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkImageReslice
static vtkImageResliceNew ()
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkImageResliceSafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkThreadedImageAlgorithm
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkThreadedImageAlgorithmSafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkImageAlgorithm
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkImageAlgorithmSafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkAlgorithm
static vtkAlgorithmNew ()
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkAlgorithmSafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o)
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyINPUT_IS_OPTIONAL ()
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyINPUT_IS_REPEATABLE ()
static vtkInformationInformationVectorKeyINPUT_REQUIRED_FIELDS ()
static vtkInformationStringVectorKeyINPUT_REQUIRED_DATA_TYPE ()
static vtkInformationInformationVectorKeyINPUT_ARRAYS_TO_PROCESS ()
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyINPUT_PORT ()
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyINPUT_CONNECTION ()
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyCAN_PRODUCE_SUB_EXTENT ()
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyCAN_HANDLE_PIECE_REQUEST ()
static void SetDefaultExecutivePrototype (vtkExecutive *proto)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObject
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkObjectSafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o)
static vtkObjectNew ()
static void BreakOnError ()
static void SetGlobalWarningDisplay (int val)
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOn ()
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOff ()
static int GetGlobalWarningDisplay ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObjectBase
static int IsTypeOf (const char *name)
static vtkObjectBaseNew ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual vtkObjectBaseNewInstanceInternal () const
 vtkImageFlip ()
 ~vtkImageFlip ()
virtual int RequestInformation (vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkImageReslice
 vtkImageReslice ()
 ~vtkImageReslice ()
virtual int ConvertScalarInfo (int &scalarType, int &numComponents)
void ConvertScalarsBase (void *inPtr, void *outPtr, int inputType, int inputNumComponents, int count, int idX, int idY, int idZ, int threadId)
void GetAutoCroppedOutputBounds (vtkInformation *inInfo, double bounds[6])
virtual void AllocateOutputData (vtkImageData *output, vtkInformation *outInfo, int *uExtent)
virtual vtkImageDataAllocateOutputData (vtkDataObject *, vtkInformation *)
virtual int RequestUpdateExtent (vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *)
virtual int RequestData (vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *)
virtual void ThreadedRequestData (vtkInformation *request, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, vtkInformationVector *outputVector, vtkImageData ***inData, vtkImageData **outData, int ext[6], int id)
virtual int FillInputPortInformation (int port, vtkInformation *info)
virtual int FillOutputPortInformation (int port, vtkInformation *info)
vtkMatrix4x4GetIndexMatrix (vtkInformation *inInfo, vtkInformation *outInfo)
vtkAbstractTransformGetOptimizedTransform ()
virtual void ConvertScalars (void *inPtr, void *outPtr, int inputType, int inputNumComponents, int count, int idX, int idY, int idZ, int threadId)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkThreadedImageAlgorithm
 vtkThreadedImageAlgorithm ()
 ~vtkThreadedImageAlgorithm ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkImageAlgorithm
 vtkImageAlgorithm ()
 ~vtkImageAlgorithm ()
virtual void CopyInputArrayAttributesToOutput (vtkInformation *request, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, vtkInformationVector *outputVector)
virtual void ExecuteDataWithInformation (vtkDataObject *output, vtkInformation *outInfo)
virtual void ExecuteData (vtkDataObject *output)
virtual void Execute ()
virtual void CopyAttributeData (vtkImageData *in, vtkImageData *out, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkAlgorithm
 vtkAlgorithm ()
 ~vtkAlgorithm ()
virtual void SetNumberOfInputPorts (int n)
virtual void SetNumberOfOutputPorts (int n)
int InputPortIndexInRange (int index, const char *action)
int OutputPortIndexInRange (int index, const char *action)
int GetInputArrayAssociation (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
virtual vtkExecutiveCreateDefaultExecutive ()
virtual void SetNumberOfInputConnections (int port, int n)
int GetInputArrayAssociation (int idx, int connection, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
int GetInputArrayAssociation (int idx, vtkDataObject *input)
vtkDataArrayGetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
vtkDataArrayGetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, int &association)
vtkDataArrayGetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int connection, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
vtkDataArrayGetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int connection, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, int &association)
vtkDataArrayGetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkDataObject *input)
vtkDataArrayGetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkDataObject *input, int &association)
vtkAbstractArrayGetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
vtkAbstractArrayGetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, int &association)
vtkAbstractArrayGetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, int connection, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
vtkAbstractArrayGetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, int connection, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, int &association)
vtkAbstractArrayGetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkDataObject *input)
vtkAbstractArrayGetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkDataObject *input, int &association)
vtkInformationGetInputArrayFieldInformation (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
virtual void SetNthInputConnection (int port, int index, vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
void SetInputDataInternal (int port, vtkDataObject *input)
void AddInputDataInternal (int port, vtkDataObject *input)
virtual void SetErrorCode (unsigned long)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkObject
 vtkObject ()
virtual ~vtkObject ()
virtual void RegisterInternal (vtkObjectBase *, int check)
virtual void UnRegisterInternal (vtkObjectBase *, int check)
void InternalGrabFocus (vtkCommand *mouseEvents, vtkCommand *keypressEvents=NULL)
void InternalReleaseFocus ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkObjectBase
 vtkObjectBase ()
virtual ~vtkObjectBase ()
virtual void CollectRevisions (ostream &)
 vtkObjectBase (const vtkObjectBase &)
void operator= (const vtkObjectBase &)

Protected Attributes

int FilteredAxis
int FlipAboutOrigin
int PreserveImageExtent
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkImageReslice
double ResliceAxesDirectionCosines [9]
double ResliceAxesOrigin [3]
int Wrap
int Mirror
int Border
int InterpolationMode
int Optimization
int SlabMode
int SlabNumberOfSlices
int SlabTrapezoidIntegration
double SlabSliceSpacingFraction
double ScalarShift
double ScalarScale
double BackgroundColor [4]
double OutputOrigin [3]
double OutputSpacing [3]
int OutputExtent [6]
int OutputScalarType
int OutputDimensionality
int TransformInputSampling
int AutoCropOutput
int HitInputExtent
int UsePermuteExecute
int ComputeOutputSpacing
int ComputeOutputOrigin
int ComputeOutputExtent
int GenerateStencilOutput
int HasConvertScalars
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkThreadedImageAlgorithm
int NumberOfThreads
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkAlgorithm
double Progress
char * ProgressText
unsigned long ErrorCode
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkObject
bool Debug
vtkTimeStamp MTime
vtkSubjectHelper * SubjectHelper
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkObjectBase
vtkAtomicInt32 ReferenceCount
vtkWeakPointerBase ** WeakPointers

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from vtkAlgorithm
int AbortExecute
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkAlgorithm
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyPORT_REQUIREMENTS_FILLED ()
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from vtkAlgorithm
static vtkExecutiveDefaultExecutivePrototype

Detailed Description

This flips an axis of an image. Right becomes left ...

vtkImageFlip will reflect the data along the filtered axis. This filter is actually a thin wrapper around vtkImageReslice.

vtkImageFlip (Tests)

Definition at line 32 of file vtkImageFlip.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 37 of file vtkImageFlip.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

vtkImageFlip::vtkImageFlip ( )
vtkImageFlip::~vtkImageFlip ( )

Definition at line 84 of file vtkImageFlip.h.

Member Function Documentation

static vtkImageFlip* vtkImageFlip::New ( )
static int vtkImageFlip::IsTypeOf ( const char *  type)
virtual int vtkImageFlip::IsA ( const char *  name)

Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. Returns 0 otherwise. This method works in combination with vtkTypeMacro found in vtkSetGet.h.

Reimplemented from vtkImageReslice.

static vtkImageFlip* vtkImageFlip::SafeDownCast ( vtkObjectBase o)
virtual vtkObjectBase* vtkImageFlip::NewInstanceInternal ( ) const

Reimplemented from vtkImageReslice.

vtkImageFlip* vtkImageFlip::NewInstance ( ) const
void vtkImageFlip::PrintSelf ( ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent 

Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. Typically not called by the user (use Print() instead) but used in the hierarchical print process to combine the output of several classes.

Reimplemented from vtkImageReslice.

virtual void vtkImageFlip::SetFilteredAxis ( int  )

Specify which axis will be flipped. This must be an integer between 0 (for x) and 2 (for z). Initial value is 0.

virtual int vtkImageFlip::GetFilteredAxis ( )

Specify which axis will be flipped. This must be an integer between 0 (for x) and 2 (for z). Initial value is 0.

virtual void vtkImageFlip::SetFlipAboutOrigin ( int  )

By default the image will be flipped about its center, and the Origin, Spacing and Extent of the output will be identical to the input. However, if you have a coordinate system associated with the image and you want to use the flip to convert +ve values along one axis to -ve values (and vice versa) then you actually want to flip the image about coordinate (0,0,0) instead of about the center of the image. This method will adjust the Origin of the output such that the flip occurs about (0,0,0). Note that this method only changes the Origin (and hence the coordinate system) the output data: the actual pixel values are the same whether or not this method is used. Also note that the Origin in this method name refers to (0,0,0) in the coordinate system associated with the image, it does not refer to the Origin ivar that is associated with a vtkImageData.

virtual int vtkImageFlip::GetFlipAboutOrigin ( )

By default the image will be flipped about its center, and the Origin, Spacing and Extent of the output will be identical to the input. However, if you have a coordinate system associated with the image and you want to use the flip to convert +ve values along one axis to -ve values (and vice versa) then you actually want to flip the image about coordinate (0,0,0) instead of about the center of the image. This method will adjust the Origin of the output such that the flip occurs about (0,0,0). Note that this method only changes the Origin (and hence the coordinate system) the output data: the actual pixel values are the same whether or not this method is used. Also note that the Origin in this method name refers to (0,0,0) in the coordinate system associated with the image, it does not refer to the Origin ivar that is associated with a vtkImageData.

virtual void vtkImageFlip::FlipAboutOriginOn ( )

By default the image will be flipped about its center, and the Origin, Spacing and Extent of the output will be identical to the input. However, if you have a coordinate system associated with the image and you want to use the flip to convert +ve values along one axis to -ve values (and vice versa) then you actually want to flip the image about coordinate (0,0,0) instead of about the center of the image. This method will adjust the Origin of the output such that the flip occurs about (0,0,0). Note that this method only changes the Origin (and hence the coordinate system) the output data: the actual pixel values are the same whether or not this method is used. Also note that the Origin in this method name refers to (0,0,0) in the coordinate system associated with the image, it does not refer to the Origin ivar that is associated with a vtkImageData.

virtual void vtkImageFlip::FlipAboutOriginOff ( )

By default the image will be flipped about its center, and the Origin, Spacing and Extent of the output will be identical to the input. However, if you have a coordinate system associated with the image and you want to use the flip to convert +ve values along one axis to -ve values (and vice versa) then you actually want to flip the image about coordinate (0,0,0) instead of about the center of the image. This method will adjust the Origin of the output such that the flip occurs about (0,0,0). Note that this method only changes the Origin (and hence the coordinate system) the output data: the actual pixel values are the same whether or not this method is used. Also note that the Origin in this method name refers to (0,0,0) in the coordinate system associated with the image, it does not refer to the Origin ivar that is associated with a vtkImageData.

void vtkImageFlip::SetFilteredAxes ( int  axis)

Keep the mis-named Axes variations around for compatibility with old scripts. Axis is singular, not plural...

Definition at line 69 of file vtkImageFlip.h.

int vtkImageFlip::GetFilteredAxes ( )

Keep the mis-named Axes variations around for compatibility with old scripts. Axis is singular, not plural...

Definition at line 70 of file vtkImageFlip.h.

virtual void vtkImageFlip::SetPreserveImageExtent ( int  )

PreserveImageExtentOff wasn't covered by test scripts and its implementation was broken. It is deprecated now and it has no effect (i.e. the ImageExtent is always preserved).

virtual int vtkImageFlip::GetPreserveImageExtent ( )

PreserveImageExtentOff wasn't covered by test scripts and its implementation was broken. It is deprecated now and it has no effect (i.e. the ImageExtent is always preserved).

virtual void vtkImageFlip::PreserveImageExtentOn ( )

PreserveImageExtentOff wasn't covered by test scripts and its implementation was broken. It is deprecated now and it has no effect (i.e. the ImageExtent is always preserved).

virtual void vtkImageFlip::PreserveImageExtentOff ( )

PreserveImageExtentOff wasn't covered by test scripts and its implementation was broken. It is deprecated now and it has no effect (i.e. the ImageExtent is always preserved).

virtual int vtkImageFlip::RequestInformation ( vtkInformation request,
vtkInformationVector **  inputVector,
vtkInformationVector outputVector 

Subclasses can reimplement this method to collect information from their inputs and set information for their outputs.

Reimplemented from vtkImageReslice.

Member Data Documentation

int vtkImageFlip::FilteredAxis

Definition at line 88 of file vtkImageFlip.h.

int vtkImageFlip::FlipAboutOrigin

Definition at line 89 of file vtkImageFlip.h.

int vtkImageFlip::PreserveImageExtent

Definition at line 90 of file vtkImageFlip.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: