Extend vtkDataArray with abstract type-specific API. More...
#include <vtkTypedDataArray.h>
Public Types | |
enum | { VTK_DATA_TYPE = vtkTypeTraits<ValueType>::VTK_TYPE_ID } |
typedef Scalar | ValueType |
typedef vtkTypedDataArrayIterator< ValueType > | Iterator |
Public Types inherited from vtkTypeTemplate< vtkTypedDataArray< Scalar >, vtkDataArray > | |
typedef vtkDataArray | Superclass |
Public Types inherited from vtkDataArray | |
typedef vtkAbstractArray | Superclass |
Public Types inherited from vtkAbstractArray | |
enum | { MAX_DISCRETE_VALUES = 32 } |
enum | { AbstractArray = 0, DataArray, TypedDataArray, DataArrayTemplate, MappedDataArray } |
typedef vtkObject | Superclass |
Public Types inherited from vtkObject | |
typedef vtkObjectBase | Superclass |
Public Member Functions | |
Iterator | Begin () |
Iterator | End () |
int | GetDataType () |
int | GetDataTypeSize () |
virtual void | SetNumberOfValues (vtkIdType num) |
virtual void | SetTupleValue (vtkIdType i, const ValueType *t)=0 |
virtual void | InsertTupleValue (vtkIdType i, const ValueType *t)=0 |
virtual vtkIdType | InsertNextTupleValue (const ValueType *t)=0 |
virtual ValueType | GetValue (vtkIdType idx)=0 |
virtual ValueType & | GetValueReference (vtkIdType idx)=0 |
virtual void | SetValue (vtkIdType idx, ValueType value)=0 |
virtual void | GetTupleValue (vtkIdType idx, ValueType *t)=0 |
virtual vtkIdType | InsertNextValue (ValueType v)=0 |
virtual void | InsertValue (vtkIdType idx, ValueType v)=0 |
virtual int | GetArrayType () |
virtual vtkIdType | LookupTypedValue (ValueType value)=0 |
virtual void | LookupTypedValue (ValueType value, vtkIdList *ids)=0 |
Public Member Functions inherited from vtkTypeTemplate< vtkTypedDataArray< Scalar >, vtkDataArray > | |
vtkTypedDataArray< Scalar > * | NewInstance () const |
Public Member Functions inherited from vtkDataArray | |
vtkDataArray * | NewInstance () const |
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
virtual void | SetTuple (vtkIdType i, vtkIdType j, vtkAbstractArray *source)=0 |
virtual void | InsertTuple (vtkIdType i, vtkIdType j, vtkAbstractArray *source)=0 |
virtual vtkIdType | InsertNextTuple (vtkIdType j, vtkAbstractArray *source)=0 |
virtual void | GetTuples (vtkIdList *ptIds, vtkAbstractArray *output) |
virtual void | GetTuples (vtkIdType p1, vtkIdType p2, vtkAbstractArray *output) |
virtual double * | GetTuple (vtkIdType i)=0 |
virtual void | GetTuple (vtkIdType i, double *tuple)=0 |
virtual double | GetComponent (vtkIdType i, int j) |
virtual void | SetComponent (vtkIdType i, int j, double c) |
virtual void | InsertComponent (vtkIdType i, int j, double c) |
virtual void | FillComponent (int j, double c) |
virtual void * | WriteVoidPointer (vtkIdType id, vtkIdType number)=0 |
virtual unsigned long | GetActualMemorySize () |
void | CreateDefaultLookupTable () |
virtual double | GetMaxNorm () |
virtual int | CopyInformation (vtkInformation *infoFrom, int deep=1) |
virtual int | IsNumeric () |
virtual int | GetElementComponentSize () |
virtual void | InterpolateTuple (vtkIdType i, vtkIdList *ptIndices, vtkAbstractArray *source, double *weights) |
virtual void | InterpolateTuple (vtkIdType i, vtkIdType id1, vtkAbstractArray *source1, vtkIdType id2, vtkAbstractArray *source2, double t) |
double | GetTuple1 (vtkIdType i) |
double * | GetTuple2 (vtkIdType i) |
double * | GetTuple3 (vtkIdType i) |
double * | GetTuple4 (vtkIdType i) |
double * | GetTuple6 (vtkIdType i) |
double * | GetTuple9 (vtkIdType i) |
virtual void | SetTuple (vtkIdType i, const float *tuple)=0 |
virtual void | SetTuple (vtkIdType i, const double *tuple)=0 |
void | SetTuple1 (vtkIdType i, double value) |
void | SetTuple2 (vtkIdType i, double val0, double val1) |
void | SetTuple3 (vtkIdType i, double val0, double val1, double val2) |
void | SetTuple4 (vtkIdType i, double val0, double val1, double val2, double val3) |
void | SetTuple6 (vtkIdType i, double val0, double val1, double val2, double val3, double val4, double val5) |
void | SetTuple9 (vtkIdType i, double val0, double val1, double val2, double val3, double val4, double val5, double val6, double val7, double val8) |
virtual void | InsertTuple (vtkIdType i, const float *tuple)=0 |
virtual void | InsertTuple (vtkIdType i, const double *tuple)=0 |
void | InsertTuple1 (vtkIdType i, double value) |
void | InsertTuple2 (vtkIdType i, double val0, double val1) |
void | InsertTuple3 (vtkIdType i, double val0, double val1, double val2) |
void | InsertTuple4 (vtkIdType i, double val0, double val1, double val2, double val3) |
void | InsertTuple9 (vtkIdType i, double val0, double val1, double val2, double val3, double val4, double val5, double val6, double val7, double val8) |
virtual vtkIdType | InsertNextTuple (const float *tuple)=0 |
virtual vtkIdType | InsertNextTuple (const double *tuple)=0 |
void | InsertNextTuple1 (double value) |
void | InsertNextTuple2 (double val0, double val1) |
void | InsertNextTuple3 (double val0, double val1, double val2) |
void | InsertNextTuple4 (double val0, double val1, double val2, double val3) |
void | InsertNextTuple9 (double val0, double val1, double val2, double val3, double val4, double val5, double val6, double val7, double val8) |
virtual void | RemoveTuple (vtkIdType id)=0 |
virtual void | RemoveFirstTuple ()=0 |
virtual void | RemoveLastTuple ()=0 |
virtual void | GetData (vtkIdType tupleMin, vtkIdType tupleMax, int compMin, int compMax, vtkDoubleArray *data) |
virtual void | DeepCopy (vtkAbstractArray *aa) |
virtual void | DeepCopy (vtkDataArray *da) |
virtual void | CopyComponent (int j, vtkDataArray *from, int fromComponent) |
void | SetLookupTable (vtkLookupTable *lut) |
virtual vtkLookupTable * | GetLookupTable () |
void | GetRange (double range[2], int comp) |
double * | GetRange (int comp) |
double * | GetRange () |
void | GetRange (double range[2]) |
void | GetDataTypeRange (double range[2]) |
double | GetDataTypeMin () |
double | GetDataTypeMax () |
Public Member Functions inherited from vtkAbstractArray | |
vtkAbstractArray * | NewInstance () const |
virtual int | Allocate (vtkIdType sz, vtkIdType ext=1000)=0 |
virtual void | Initialize ()=0 |
void | SetComponentName (vtkIdType component, const char *name) |
const char * | GetComponentName (vtkIdType component) |
bool | HasAComponentName () |
int | CopyComponentNames (vtkAbstractArray *da) |
virtual void | SetNumberOfTuples (vtkIdType number)=0 |
virtual bool | HasStandardMemoryLayout () |
virtual void * | GetVoidPointer (vtkIdType id)=0 |
virtual void | Squeeze ()=0 |
virtual int | Resize (vtkIdType numTuples)=0 |
virtual void | ExportToVoidPointer (void *vtkNotUsed(out_ptr)) |
virtual vtkArrayIterator * | NewIterator ()=0 |
virtual vtkVariant | GetVariantValue (vtkIdType idx) |
virtual void | InsertVariantValue (vtkIdType idx, vtkVariant value) |
virtual void | SetVariantValue (vtkIdType idx, vtkVariant value)=0 |
virtual void | DataChanged ()=0 |
virtual void | ClearLookup ()=0 |
vtkInformation * | GetInformation () |
virtual void | SetNumberOfComponents (int) |
int | GetNumberOfComponents () |
vtkIdType | GetNumberOfTuples () |
virtual void | InsertTuples (vtkIdList *dstIds, vtkIdList *srcIds, vtkAbstractArray *source)=0 |
virtual void | InsertTuples (vtkIdType dstStart, vtkIdType n, vtkIdType srcStart, vtkAbstractArray *source)=0 |
void | Reset () |
vtkIdType | GetSize () |
vtkIdType | GetMaxId () |
virtual void | SetVoidArray (void *vtkNotUsed(array), vtkIdType vtkNotUsed(size), int vtkNotUsed(save))=0 |
virtual void | SetName (const char *) |
virtual char * | GetName () |
virtual const char * | GetDataTypeAsString (void) |
virtual vtkIdType | GetDataSize () |
virtual vtkIdType | LookupValue (vtkVariant value)=0 |
virtual void | LookupValue (vtkVariant value, vtkIdList *ids)=0 |
virtual void | GetProminentComponentValues (int comp, vtkVariantArray *values, double uncertainty=1.e-6, double minimumProminence=1.e-3) |
bool | HasInformation () |
virtual unsigned int | GetMaxDiscreteValues () |
virtual void | SetMaxDiscreteValues (unsigned int) |
Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObject | |
vtkObject * | NewInstance () const |
virtual void | DebugOn () |
virtual void | DebugOff () |
bool | GetDebug () |
void | SetDebug (bool debugFlag) |
virtual void | Modified () |
virtual unsigned long | GetMTime () |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f) |
unsigned long | AddObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f) |
vtkCommand * | GetCommand (unsigned long tag) |
void | RemoveObserver (vtkCommand *) |
void | RemoveObservers (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *) |
void | RemoveObservers (const char *event, vtkCommand *) |
int | HasObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *) |
int | HasObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *) |
void | RemoveObserver (unsigned long tag) |
void | RemoveObservers (unsigned long event) |
void | RemoveObservers (const char *event) |
void | RemoveAllObservers () |
int | HasObserver (unsigned long event) |
int | HasObserver (const char *event) |
template<class U , class T > | |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(), float priority=0.0f) |
template<class U , class T > | |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f) |
template<class U , class T > | |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, bool(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f) |
int | InvokeEvent (unsigned long event, void *callData) |
int | InvokeEvent (const char *event, void *callData) |
int | InvokeEvent (unsigned long event) |
int | InvokeEvent (const char *event) |
Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObjectBase | |
const char * | GetClassName () const |
virtual void | Delete () |
virtual void | FastDelete () |
void | Print (ostream &os) |
virtual void | Register (vtkObjectBase *o) |
virtual void | UnRegister (vtkObjectBase *o) |
void | SetReferenceCount (int) |
void | PrintRevisions (ostream &) |
virtual void | PrintHeader (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
virtual void | PrintTrailer (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
int | GetReferenceCount () |
Protected Member Functions | |
vtkTypedDataArray () | |
~vtkTypedDataArray () | |
Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkTypeTemplate< vtkTypedDataArray< Scalar >, vtkDataArray > | |
virtual vtkObjectBase * | NewInstanceInternal () const |
virtual int | IsA (const char *type) |
vtkTypeTemplate () | |
Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkDataArray | |
virtual void | ComputeRange (double range[2], int comp) |
virtual bool | ComputeScalarRange (double *ranges) |
virtual bool | ComputeVectorRange (double range[2]) |
vtkDataArray () | |
~vtkDataArray () | |
Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkAbstractArray | |
vtkAbstractArray () | |
~vtkAbstractArray () | |
virtual void | SetInformation (vtkInformation *) |
virtual void | UpdateDiscreteValueSet (double uncertainty, double minProminence) |
Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkObject | |
vtkObject () | |
virtual | ~vtkObject () |
virtual void | RegisterInternal (vtkObjectBase *, int check) |
virtual void | UnRegisterInternal (vtkObjectBase *, int check) |
void | InternalGrabFocus (vtkCommand *mouseEvents, vtkCommand *keypressEvents=NULL) |
void | InternalReleaseFocus () |
Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkObjectBase | |
vtkObjectBase () | |
virtual | ~vtkObjectBase () |
virtual void | CollectRevisions (ostream &) |
virtual void | ReportReferences (vtkGarbageCollector *) |
vtkObjectBase (const vtkObjectBase &) | |
void | operator= (const vtkObjectBase &) |
Additional Inherited Members | |
Static Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkTypeTemplate< vtkTypedDataArray< Scalar >, vtkDataArray > | |
static int | IsTypeOf (const char *type) |
Protected Attributes inherited from vtkDataArray | |
vtkLookupTable * | LookupTable |
double | Range [2] |
Protected Attributes inherited from vtkAbstractArray | |
vtkIdType | Size |
vtkIdType | MaxId |
int | NumberOfComponents |
unsigned int | MaxDiscreteValues |
char * | Name |
bool | RebuildArray |
vtkInformation * | Information |
vtkInternalComponentNames * | ComponentNames |
Protected Attributes inherited from vtkObject | |
bool | Debug |
vtkTimeStamp | MTime |
vtkSubjectHelper * | SubjectHelper |
Protected Attributes inherited from vtkObjectBase | |
vtkAtomicInt32 | ReferenceCount |
vtkWeakPointerBase ** | WeakPointers |
Extend vtkDataArray with abstract type-specific API.
This templated class decorates vtkDataArray with additional type-specific methods that can be used to interact with the data.
Definition at line 45 of file vtkTypedDataArray.h.
typedef Scalar vtkTypedDataArray< Scalar >::ValueType |
Typedef to get the type of value stored in the array.
Definition at line 50 of file vtkTypedDataArray.h.
typedef vtkTypedDataArrayIterator<ValueType> vtkTypedDataArray< Scalar >::Iterator |
Typedef to a suitable iterator class. Rather than using this member directly, consider using vtkDataArrayIteratorMacro for safety and efficiency.
Definition at line 55 of file vtkTypedDataArray.h.
anonymous enum |
Compile time access to the VTK type identifier.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 68 of file vtkTypedDataArray.h.
protected |
protected |
inline |
Return an iterator initialized to the first element of the data. Rather than using this member directly, consider using vtkDataArrayIteratorMacro for safety and efficiency.
Definition at line 142 of file vtkTypedDataArray.h.
inline |
Return an iterator initialized to first element past the end of the data. Rather than using this member directly, consider using vtkDataArrayIteratorMacro for safety and efficiency.
Definition at line 148 of file vtkTypedDataArray.h.
static |
Perform a fast, safe cast from a vtkAbstractArray to a vtkTypedDataArray. This method checks if: - source->GetArrayType() is appropriate, and - source->GetDataType() matches the Scalar template argument if these conditions are met, the method performs a static_cast to return source as a vtkTypedDataArray pointer. Otherwise, NULL is returned.
virtual |
Return the VTK data type held by this array.
Implements vtkAbstractArray.
virtual |
Return the size of the element type in bytes.
Implements vtkAbstractArray.
Reimplemented in vtkDataArrayTemplate< Scalar >.
virtual |
Specify the number of values for this object to hold. Does an allocation as well as setting the MaxId ivar. Used in conjunction with SetValue() method for fast insertion.
Reimplemented in vtkDataArrayTemplate< T >, and vtkDataArrayTemplate< Scalar >.
pure virtual |
Set the tuple value at the ith location in the array.
Implemented in vtkPeriodicDataArray< Scalar >, vtkDataArrayTemplate< T >, vtkDataArrayTemplate< Scalar >, vtkCPExodusIIResultsArrayTemplate< Scalar >, and vtkCPExodusIINodalCoordinatesTemplate< Scalar >.
pure virtual |
Insert (memory allocation performed) the tuple into the ith location in the array.
Implemented in vtkPeriodicDataArray< Scalar >, vtkDataArrayTemplate< T >, vtkDataArrayTemplate< Scalar >, vtkCPExodusIIResultsArrayTemplate< Scalar >, and vtkCPExodusIINodalCoordinatesTemplate< Scalar >.
pure virtual |
Insert (memory allocation performed) the tuple onto the end of the array.
Implemented in vtkPeriodicDataArray< Scalar >, vtkDataArrayTemplate< T >, vtkDataArrayTemplate< Scalar >, vtkCPExodusIIResultsArrayTemplate< Scalar >, and vtkCPExodusIINodalCoordinatesTemplate< Scalar >.
pure virtual |
Return the indices where a specific value appears.
Implemented in vtkDataArrayTemplate< T >, vtkDataArrayTemplate< Scalar >, vtkPeriodicDataArray< Scalar >, vtkCPExodusIIResultsArrayTemplate< Scalar >, and vtkCPExodusIINodalCoordinatesTemplate< Scalar >.
pure virtual |
Return the indices where a specific value appears.
Implemented in vtkDataArrayTemplate< T >, vtkDataArrayTemplate< Scalar >, vtkPeriodicDataArray< Scalar >, vtkCPExodusIIResultsArrayTemplate< Scalar >, and vtkCPExodusIINodalCoordinatesTemplate< Scalar >.
pure virtual |
Get the data at a particular index.
Implemented in vtkDataArrayTemplate< T >, vtkDataArrayTemplate< Scalar >, vtkPeriodicDataArray< Scalar >, vtkCPExodusIIResultsArrayTemplate< Scalar >, and vtkCPExodusIINodalCoordinatesTemplate< Scalar >.
pure virtual |
Get a reference to the scalar value at a particular index.
Implemented in vtkDataArrayTemplate< T >, vtkDataArrayTemplate< Scalar >, vtkPeriodicDataArray< Scalar >, vtkCPExodusIIResultsArrayTemplate< Scalar >, and vtkCPExodusIINodalCoordinatesTemplate< Scalar >.
pure virtual |
Set the data at a particular index. Does not do range checking. Make sure you use the method SetNumberOfValues() before inserting data.
Implemented in vtkDataArrayTemplate< T >, vtkDataArrayTemplate< Scalar >, vtkPeriodicDataArray< Scalar >, vtkCPExodusIIResultsArrayTemplate< Scalar >, and vtkCPExodusIINodalCoordinatesTemplate< Scalar >.
pure virtual |
Copy the tuple value into a user-provided array.
Implemented in vtkDataArrayTemplate< T >, vtkDataArrayTemplate< Scalar >, vtkPeriodicDataArray< Scalar >, vtkCPExodusIIResultsArrayTemplate< Scalar >, and vtkCPExodusIINodalCoordinatesTemplate< Scalar >.
pure virtual |
Insert data at the end of the array. Return its location in the array.
Implemented in vtkDataArrayTemplate< T >, vtkDataArrayTemplate< Scalar >, vtkPeriodicDataArray< Scalar >, vtkCPExodusIIResultsArrayTemplate< Scalar >, and vtkCPExodusIINodalCoordinatesTemplate< Scalar >.
pure virtual |
Insert data at a specified position in the array.
Implemented in vtkDataArrayTemplate< T >, vtkDataArrayTemplate< Scalar >, vtkPeriodicDataArray< Scalar >, vtkCPExodusIIResultsArrayTemplate< Scalar >, and vtkCPExodusIINodalCoordinatesTemplate< Scalar >.
inlinevirtual |
Method for type-checking in FastDownCast implementations.
Reimplemented from vtkDataArray.
Reimplemented in vtkDataArrayTemplate< T >, vtkDataArrayTemplate< Scalar >, and vtkMappedDataArray< Scalar >.
Definition at line 127 of file vtkTypedDataArray.h.