59 void SetGeometry(
const vtkRectf &bounds);
62 void SetAngle(
double angle);
65 void SetAroundX(
bool isX);
81 void SetAutoRotate(
bool b);
85 void SetDecorateAxes(
bool b);
89 void SetFitToScene(
bool b);
107 void RecalculateBounds();
112 void RecalculateTransform();
143 virtual void CalculateTransforms();
191 bool CheckForSceneResize();
200 void ScaleDownAxes();
203 void ZoomAxes(
int delta);
208 void InitializeAxesBoundaryPoints();
217 void InitializeFutureBox();
220 void ComputeDataBounds();
227 void DetermineWhichAxesToLabel();
238 void GetOffsetForAxisLabel(
int axis,
float *bounds,
float *
243 double CalculateNiceMinMax(
double &min,
double &
int axis);
246 void GetClippingPlaneEquation(
int i,
double *planeEquation);
252 std::vector< vtkSmartPointer<vtkAxis> >
336 float AxesBoundaryPoints[14][3];
340 float TickLabelOffset[3][2];
356 int DirectionToData[3];
359 double DataBounds[4];
std::vector< vtkSmartPointer< vtkAxis > > Axes
data structure to represent key events.
vtkNew< vtkTransform > PlotTransform
base class for items that are part of a vtkContextScene.
virtual bool MouseButtonPressEvent(const vtkContextMouseEvent &mouse)
vtkNew< vtkTransform > Scale
virtual bool Paint(vtkContext2D *painter)
maintain a list of planes
vtkNew< vtkTransform > Rotation
Class for drawing 2D primitives to a graphical context.
virtual bool MouseWheelEvent(const vtkContextMouseEvent &mouse, int delta)
takes care of drawing 2D axes
data structure to represent mouse events.
a simple class to control print indentation
provides a pen that draws the outlines of shapes drawn by vtkContext2D.
vtkNew< vtkTransform > Translation
vtkSmartPointer< vtkAnnotationLink > Link
virtual bool KeyPressEvent(const vtkContextKeyEvent &key)
dynamic, self-adjusting array of unsigned char
A table, which contains similar-typed columns of data.
virtual bool MouseMoveEvent(const vtkContextMouseEvent &mouse)
vtkNew< vtkTransform > ContextTransform
virtual bool Hit(const vtkContextMouseEvent &mouse)
Abstract class for 3D plots.
virtual void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
vtkNew< vtkPlaneCollection > BoundingCube
vtkNew< vtkTransform > BoxScale
std::vector< vtkPlot3D * > Plots
Factory class for drawing 3D XYZ charts.
vtkNew< vtkTransform > FutureBox
An algorithm for linking annotations among objects.
vtkNew< vtkTransform > FutureBoxScale
vtkNew< vtkTransform > Box
Class for drawing 3D primitives to a graphical context.