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vtkCursor2D Class Reference

generate a 2D cursor representation More...

#include <vtkCursor2D.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkCursor2D:
Collaboration diagram for vtkCursor2D:

Public Types

typedef vtkPolyDataAlgorithm Superclass
- Public Types inherited from vtkPolyDataAlgorithm
typedef vtkAlgorithm Superclass
- Public Types inherited from vtkAlgorithm
typedef vtkObject Superclass
- Public Types inherited from vtkObject
typedef vtkObjectBase Superclass

Public Member Functions

virtual int IsA (const char *type)
vtkCursor2DNewInstance () const
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
void SetModelBounds (double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax, double zmin, double zmax)
void SetModelBounds (const double bounds[6])
virtual doubleGetModelBounds ()
virtual void GetModelBounds (double data[6])
void SetFocalPoint (double x[3])
void SetFocalPoint (double x, double y, double z)
virtual doubleGetFocalPoint ()
virtual void GetFocalPoint (double data[3])
virtual void SetOutline (int)
virtual int GetOutline ()
virtual void OutlineOn ()
virtual void OutlineOff ()
virtual void SetAxes (int)
virtual int GetAxes ()
virtual void AxesOn ()
virtual void AxesOff ()
virtual void SetRadius (double)
virtual double GetRadius ()
virtual void SetPoint (int)
virtual int GetPoint ()
virtual void PointOn ()
virtual void PointOff ()
virtual void SetTranslationMode (int)
virtual int GetTranslationMode ()
virtual void TranslationModeOn ()
virtual void TranslationModeOff ()
virtual void SetWrap (int)
virtual int GetWrap ()
virtual void WrapOn ()
virtual void WrapOff ()
void AllOn ()
void AllOff ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkPolyDataAlgorithm
vtkPolyDataAlgorithmNewInstance () const
vtkDataObjectGetInput ()
vtkDataObjectGetInput (int port)
vtkPolyDataGetPolyDataInput (int port)
vtkPolyDataGetOutput ()
vtkPolyDataGetOutput (int)
virtual void SetOutput (vtkDataObject *d)
virtual int ProcessRequest (vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *)
void SetInputData (vtkDataObject *)
void SetInputData (int, vtkDataObject *)
void AddInputData (vtkDataObject *)
void AddInputData (int, vtkDataObject *)
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkAlgorithm
vtkAlgorithmNewInstance () const
int HasExecutive ()
vtkExecutiveGetExecutive ()
virtual void SetExecutive (vtkExecutive *executive)
virtual int ModifyRequest (vtkInformation *request, int when)
vtkInformationGetInputPortInformation (int port)
vtkInformationGetOutputPortInformation (int port)
int GetNumberOfInputPorts ()
int GetNumberOfOutputPorts ()
void UpdateProgress (double amount)
vtkInformationGetInputArrayInformation (int idx)
void RemoveAllInputs ()
vtkDataObjectGetOutputDataObject (int port)
virtual void RemoveInputConnection (int port, vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
virtual void RemoveInputConnection (int port, int idx)
virtual void RemoveAllInputConnections (int port)
int GetNumberOfInputConnections (int port)
int GetTotalNumberOfInputConnections ()
vtkAlgorithmOutputGetInputConnection (int port, int index)
vtkAlgorithmGetInputAlgorithm (int port, int index, int &algPort)
vtkAlgorithmGetInputAlgorithm (int port, int index)
vtkExecutiveGetInputExecutive (int port, int index)
vtkInformationGetInputInformation (int port, int index)
vtkInformationGetOutputInformation (int port)
virtual void UpdateInformation ()
virtual void UpdateDataObject ()
virtual void PropagateUpdateExtent ()
virtual void UpdateWholeExtent ()
void ConvertTotalInputToPortConnection (int ind, int &port, int &conn)
int SetUpdateExtentToWholeExtent (int port)
int SetUpdateExtentToWholeExtent ()
void SetUpdateExtent (int port, int extent[6])
int ProcessRequest (vtkInformation *request, vtkCollection *inInfo, vtkInformationVector *outInfo)
virtual int ComputePipelineMTime (vtkInformation *request, vtkInformationVector **inInfoVec, vtkInformationVector *outInfoVec, int requestFromOutputPort, unsigned long *mtime)
virtual vtkInformationGetInformation ()
virtual void SetInformation (vtkInformation *)
virtual void Register (vtkObjectBase *o)
virtual void UnRegister (vtkObjectBase *o)
virtual void SetAbortExecute (int)
virtual int GetAbortExecute ()
virtual void AbortExecuteOn ()
virtual void AbortExecuteOff ()
virtual void SetProgress (double)
virtual double GetProgress ()
void SetProgressText (const char *ptext)
virtual char * GetProgressText ()
virtual unsigned long GetErrorCode ()
virtual void SetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int port, int connection, int fieldAssociation, const char *name)
virtual void SetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int port, int connection, int fieldAssociation, int fieldAttributeType)
virtual void SetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkInformation *info)
virtual void SetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int port, int connection, const char *fieldAssociation, const char *attributeTypeorName)
vtkDataObjectGetInputDataObject (int port, int connection)
virtual void SetInputConnection (int port, vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
virtual void SetInputConnection (vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
virtual void AddInputConnection (int port, vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
virtual void AddInputConnection (vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
virtual void SetInputDataObject (int port, vtkDataObject *data)
virtual void SetInputDataObject (vtkDataObject *data)
virtual void AddInputDataObject (int port, vtkDataObject *data)
virtual void AddInputDataObject (vtkDataObject *data)
vtkAlgorithmOutputGetOutputPort (int index)
vtkAlgorithmOutputGetOutputPort ()
vtkAlgorithmGetInputAlgorithm ()
vtkExecutiveGetInputExecutive ()
vtkInformationGetInputInformation ()
virtual void Update (int port)
virtual void Update ()
virtual void SetReleaseDataFlag (int)
virtual int GetReleaseDataFlag ()
void ReleaseDataFlagOn ()
void ReleaseDataFlagOff ()
int UpdateExtentIsEmpty (vtkInformation *pinfo, vtkDataObject *output)
int UpdateExtentIsEmpty (vtkInformation *pinfo, int extentType)
void SetUpdateExtent (int port, int piece, int numPieces, int ghostLevel)
void SetUpdateExtent (int piece, int numPieces, int ghostLevel)
void SetUpdateExtent (int extent[6])
intGetUpdateExtent ()
intGetUpdateExtent (int port)
void GetUpdateExtent (int &x0, int &x1, int &y0, int &y1, int &z0, int &z1)
void GetUpdateExtent (int port, int &x0, int &x1, int &y0, int &y1, int &z0, int &z1)
void GetUpdateExtent (int extent[6])
void GetUpdateExtent (int port, int extent[6])
int GetUpdatePiece ()
int GetUpdatePiece (int port)
int GetUpdateNumberOfPieces ()
int GetUpdateNumberOfPieces (int port)
int GetUpdateGhostLevel ()
int GetUpdateGhostLevel (int port)
void SetProgressObserver (vtkProgressObserver *)
virtual vtkProgressObserverGetProgressObserver ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObject
vtkObjectNewInstance () const
virtual void DebugOn ()
virtual void DebugOff ()
bool GetDebug ()
void SetDebug (bool debugFlag)
virtual void Modified ()
virtual unsigned long GetMTime ()
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f)
unsigned long AddObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f)
vtkCommandGetCommand (unsigned long tag)
void RemoveObserver (vtkCommand *)
void RemoveObservers (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *)
void RemoveObservers (const char *event, vtkCommand *)
int HasObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *)
int HasObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *)
void RemoveObserver (unsigned long tag)
void RemoveObservers (unsigned long event)
void RemoveObservers (const char *event)
void RemoveAllObservers ()
int HasObserver (unsigned long event)
int HasObserver (const char *event)
template<class U , class T >
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(), float priority=0.0f)
template<class U , class T >
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f)
template<class U , class T >
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, bool(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f)
int InvokeEvent (unsigned long event, void *callData)
int InvokeEvent (const char *event, void *callData)
int InvokeEvent (unsigned long event)
int InvokeEvent (const char *event)
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObjectBase
const char * GetClassName () const
virtual void Delete ()
virtual void FastDelete ()
void Print (ostream &os)
void SetReferenceCount (int)
void PrintRevisions (ostream &)
virtual void PrintHeader (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
virtual void PrintTrailer (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
int GetReferenceCount ()

Static Public Member Functions

static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkCursor2DSafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o)
static vtkCursor2DNew ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkPolyDataAlgorithm
static vtkPolyDataAlgorithmNew ()
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkPolyDataAlgorithmSafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkAlgorithm
static vtkAlgorithmNew ()
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkAlgorithmSafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o)
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyINPUT_IS_OPTIONAL ()
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyINPUT_IS_REPEATABLE ()
static vtkInformationInformationVectorKeyINPUT_REQUIRED_FIELDS ()
static vtkInformationStringVectorKeyINPUT_REQUIRED_DATA_TYPE ()
static vtkInformationInformationVectorKeyINPUT_ARRAYS_TO_PROCESS ()
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyINPUT_PORT ()
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyINPUT_CONNECTION ()
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyCAN_PRODUCE_SUB_EXTENT ()
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyCAN_HANDLE_PIECE_REQUEST ()
static void SetDefaultExecutivePrototype (vtkExecutive *proto)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObject
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkObjectSafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o)
static vtkObjectNew ()
static void BreakOnError ()
static void SetGlobalWarningDisplay (int val)
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOn ()
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOff ()
static int GetGlobalWarningDisplay ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObjectBase
static int IsTypeOf (const char *name)
static vtkObjectBaseNew ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual vtkObjectBaseNewInstanceInternal () const
 vtkCursor2D ()
 ~vtkCursor2D ()
int RequestData (vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkPolyDataAlgorithm
 vtkPolyDataAlgorithm ()
 ~vtkPolyDataAlgorithm ()
virtual int RequestInformation (vtkInformation *request, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, vtkInformationVector *outputVector)
virtual int FillOutputPortInformation (int port, vtkInformation *info)
virtual int FillInputPortInformation (int port, vtkInformation *info)
virtual int RequestUpdateExtent (vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkAlgorithm
 vtkAlgorithm ()
 ~vtkAlgorithm ()
virtual void SetNumberOfInputPorts (int n)
virtual void SetNumberOfOutputPorts (int n)
int InputPortIndexInRange (int index, const char *action)
int OutputPortIndexInRange (int index, const char *action)
int GetInputArrayAssociation (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
virtual vtkExecutiveCreateDefaultExecutive ()
virtual void ReportReferences (vtkGarbageCollector *)
virtual void SetNumberOfInputConnections (int port, int n)
int GetInputArrayAssociation (int idx, int connection, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
int GetInputArrayAssociation (int idx, vtkDataObject *input)
vtkDataArrayGetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
vtkDataArrayGetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, int &association)
vtkDataArrayGetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int connection, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
vtkDataArrayGetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int connection, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, int &association)
vtkDataArrayGetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkDataObject *input)
vtkDataArrayGetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkDataObject *input, int &association)
vtkAbstractArrayGetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
vtkAbstractArrayGetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, int &association)
vtkAbstractArrayGetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, int connection, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
vtkAbstractArrayGetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, int connection, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, int &association)
vtkAbstractArrayGetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkDataObject *input)
vtkAbstractArrayGetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkDataObject *input, int &association)
vtkInformationGetInputArrayFieldInformation (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
virtual void SetNthInputConnection (int port, int index, vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
void SetInputDataInternal (int port, vtkDataObject *input)
void AddInputDataInternal (int port, vtkDataObject *input)
virtual void SetErrorCode (unsigned long)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkObject
 vtkObject ()
virtual ~vtkObject ()
virtual void RegisterInternal (vtkObjectBase *, int check)
virtual void UnRegisterInternal (vtkObjectBase *, int check)
void InternalGrabFocus (vtkCommand *mouseEvents, vtkCommand *keypressEvents=NULL)
void InternalReleaseFocus ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkObjectBase
 vtkObjectBase ()
virtual ~vtkObjectBase ()
virtual void CollectRevisions (ostream &)
 vtkObjectBase (const vtkObjectBase &)
void operator= (const vtkObjectBase &)

Protected Attributes

double ModelBounds [6]
double FocalPoint [3]
int Outline
int Axes
int Point
double Radius
int TranslationMode
int Wrap
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkAlgorithm
double Progress
char * ProgressText
unsigned long ErrorCode
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkObject
bool Debug
vtkTimeStamp MTime
vtkSubjectHelper * SubjectHelper
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkObjectBase
vtkAtomicInt32 ReferenceCount
vtkWeakPointerBase ** WeakPointers

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from vtkAlgorithm
int AbortExecute
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkAlgorithm
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyPORT_REQUIREMENTS_FILLED ()
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from vtkAlgorithm
static vtkExecutiveDefaultExecutivePrototype

Detailed Description

generate a 2D cursor representation

vtkCursor2D is a class that generates a 2D cursor representation. The cursor consists of two intersection axes lines that meet at the cursor focus. Several optional features are available as well. An optional 2D bounding box may be enabled. An inner radius, centered at the focal point, can be set that erases the intersecting lines (e.g., it leaves a clear area under the focal point so you can see what you are selecting). And finally, an optional point can be enabled located at the focal point. All of these features can be turned on and off independently.

vtkCursor2D (Tests)

Definition at line 39 of file vtkCursor2D.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 42 of file vtkCursor2D.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

vtkCursor2D::vtkCursor2D ( )
vtkCursor2D::~vtkCursor2D ( )

Definition at line 129 of file vtkCursor2D.h.

Member Function Documentation

static int vtkCursor2D::IsTypeOf ( const char *  type)
virtual int vtkCursor2D::IsA ( const char *  name)

Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the named class. Returns 0 otherwise. This method works in combination with vtkTypeMacro found in vtkSetGet.h.

Reimplemented from vtkPolyDataAlgorithm.

static vtkCursor2D* vtkCursor2D::SafeDownCast ( vtkObjectBase o)
virtual vtkObjectBase* vtkCursor2D::NewInstanceInternal ( ) const

Reimplemented from vtkPolyDataAlgorithm.

vtkCursor2D* vtkCursor2D::NewInstance ( ) const
void vtkCursor2D::PrintSelf ( ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent 

Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses. Typically not called by the user (use Print() instead) but used in the hierarchical print process to combine the output of several classes.

Reimplemented from vtkPolyDataAlgorithm.

static vtkCursor2D* vtkCursor2D::New ( )

Construct with model bounds = (-10,10,-10,10), focal point = (0,0), radius=2, all parts of cursor visible, and wrapping off.

void vtkCursor2D::SetModelBounds ( double  xmin,
double  xmax,
double  ymin,
double  ymax,
double  zmin,
double  zmax 

Set / get the bounding box of the 2D cursor. This defines the outline of the cursor, and where the focal point should lie.

void vtkCursor2D::SetModelBounds ( const double  bounds[6])

Set / get the bounding box of the 2D cursor. This defines the outline of the cursor, and where the focal point should lie.

virtual double* vtkCursor2D::GetModelBounds ( )

Set / get the bounding box of the 2D cursor. This defines the outline of the cursor, and where the focal point should lie.

virtual void vtkCursor2D::GetModelBounds ( double  data[6])

Set / get the bounding box of the 2D cursor. This defines the outline of the cursor, and where the focal point should lie.

void vtkCursor2D::SetFocalPoint ( double  x[3])

Set/Get the position of cursor focus. If translation mode is on, then the entire cursor (including bounding box, cursor, and shadows) is translated. Otherwise, the focal point will either be clamped to the bounding box, or wrapped, if Wrap is on. (Note: this behavior requires that the bounding box is set prior to the focal point.) Note that the method takes a 3D point but ignores the z-coordinate value.

void vtkCursor2D::SetFocalPoint ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z 

Set/Get the position of cursor focus. If translation mode is on, then the entire cursor (including bounding box, cursor, and shadows) is translated. Otherwise, the focal point will either be clamped to the bounding box, or wrapped, if Wrap is on. (Note: this behavior requires that the bounding box is set prior to the focal point.) Note that the method takes a 3D point but ignores the z-coordinate value.

Definition at line 66 of file vtkCursor2D.h.

virtual double* vtkCursor2D::GetFocalPoint ( )

Set/Get the position of cursor focus. If translation mode is on, then the entire cursor (including bounding box, cursor, and shadows) is translated. Otherwise, the focal point will either be clamped to the bounding box, or wrapped, if Wrap is on. (Note: this behavior requires that the bounding box is set prior to the focal point.) Note that the method takes a 3D point but ignores the z-coordinate value.

virtual void vtkCursor2D::GetFocalPoint ( double  data[3])

Set/Get the position of cursor focus. If translation mode is on, then the entire cursor (including bounding box, cursor, and shadows) is translated. Otherwise, the focal point will either be clamped to the bounding box, or wrapped, if Wrap is on. (Note: this behavior requires that the bounding box is set prior to the focal point.) Note that the method takes a 3D point but ignores the z-coordinate value.

virtual void vtkCursor2D::SetOutline ( int  )

Turn on/off the wireframe bounding box.

virtual int vtkCursor2D::GetOutline ( )

Turn on/off the wireframe bounding box.

virtual void vtkCursor2D::OutlineOn ( )

Turn on/off the wireframe bounding box.

virtual void vtkCursor2D::OutlineOff ( )

Turn on/off the wireframe bounding box.

virtual void vtkCursor2D::SetAxes ( int  )

Turn on/off the wireframe axes.

virtual int vtkCursor2D::GetAxes ( )

Turn on/off the wireframe axes.

virtual void vtkCursor2D::AxesOn ( )

Turn on/off the wireframe axes.

virtual void vtkCursor2D::AxesOff ( )

Turn on/off the wireframe axes.

virtual void vtkCursor2D::SetRadius ( double  )

Specify a radius for a circle. This erases the cursor lines around the focal point.

virtual double vtkCursor2D::GetRadius ( )

Specify a radius for a circle. This erases the cursor lines around the focal point.

virtual void vtkCursor2D::SetPoint ( int  )

Turn on/off the point located at the cursor focus.

virtual int vtkCursor2D::GetPoint ( )

Turn on/off the point located at the cursor focus.

virtual void vtkCursor2D::PointOn ( )

Turn on/off the point located at the cursor focus.

virtual void vtkCursor2D::PointOff ( )

Turn on/off the point located at the cursor focus.

virtual void vtkCursor2D::SetTranslationMode ( int  )

Enable/disable the translation mode. If on, changes in cursor position cause the entire widget to translate along with the cursor. By default, translation mode is off.

virtual int vtkCursor2D::GetTranslationMode ( )

Enable/disable the translation mode. If on, changes in cursor position cause the entire widget to translate along with the cursor. By default, translation mode is off.

virtual void vtkCursor2D::TranslationModeOn ( )

Enable/disable the translation mode. If on, changes in cursor position cause the entire widget to translate along with the cursor. By default, translation mode is off.

virtual void vtkCursor2D::TranslationModeOff ( )

Enable/disable the translation mode. If on, changes in cursor position cause the entire widget to translate along with the cursor. By default, translation mode is off.

virtual void vtkCursor2D::SetWrap ( int  )

Turn on/off cursor wrapping. If the cursor focus moves outside the specified bounds, the cursor will either be restrained against the nearest "wall" (Wrap=off), or it will wrap around (Wrap=on).

virtual int vtkCursor2D::GetWrap ( )

Turn on/off cursor wrapping. If the cursor focus moves outside the specified bounds, the cursor will either be restrained against the nearest "wall" (Wrap=off), or it will wrap around (Wrap=on).

virtual void vtkCursor2D::WrapOn ( )

Turn on/off cursor wrapping. If the cursor focus moves outside the specified bounds, the cursor will either be restrained against the nearest "wall" (Wrap=off), or it will wrap around (Wrap=on).

virtual void vtkCursor2D::WrapOff ( )

Turn on/off cursor wrapping. If the cursor focus moves outside the specified bounds, the cursor will either be restrained against the nearest "wall" (Wrap=off), or it will wrap around (Wrap=on).

void vtkCursor2D::AllOn ( )

Turn every part of the cursor on or off.

void vtkCursor2D::AllOff ( )

Turn every part of the cursor on or off.

int vtkCursor2D::RequestData ( vtkInformation request,
vtkInformationVector **  inputVector,
vtkInformationVector outputVector 

This is called by the superclass. This is the method you should override.

Reimplemented from vtkPolyDataAlgorithm.

Member Data Documentation

double vtkCursor2D::ModelBounds[6]

Definition at line 133 of file vtkCursor2D.h.

double vtkCursor2D::FocalPoint[3]

Definition at line 134 of file vtkCursor2D.h.

int vtkCursor2D::Outline

Definition at line 135 of file vtkCursor2D.h.

int vtkCursor2D::Axes

Definition at line 136 of file vtkCursor2D.h.

int vtkCursor2D::Point

Definition at line 137 of file vtkCursor2D.h.

double vtkCursor2D::Radius

Definition at line 138 of file vtkCursor2D.h.

int vtkCursor2D::TranslationMode

Definition at line 139 of file vtkCursor2D.h.

int vtkCursor2D::Wrap

Definition at line 140 of file vtkCursor2D.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: